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Instruksi Manual


EarthImager 1D
Versi 2.0.4
1D Tahanan Pembalikan Software
Copyright 2006-2009 oleh
Advanced Geosciences, Inc. 2121 Geoscience drive Austin, Texas 78726 Telepon
(512) 335-3338 Fax (512) 258-9958 Email: sales @ agiusa .com website:

Instruksi manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

1. SELAMAT DATANG ................................................. ..................................................
............................. 4
1.1 EarthImager Sekilas ............... .................................................. ................................................ 4
1.2 dimana Mendapatkan Bantuan .............................................. ..................................................
............................ 4 2. INSTALASI .................. ..................................................
.................................................. . 6
2.1 Persyaratan Sistem ............................................. .................................................. ........................ 6
2.2 Instalasi ....................... .................................................. .................................................. .............. 6 2.2.1 Instalasi
EarthImager ............................. .................................................. ........................................... 6 2.2.2 instalasi driver
Dongle .................................................. .................................................. ........................ 6 2.2.3 Dukungan untuk
64-bit Windows ................ .................................................. .................................................. .... 7

2.3 Perlindungan Software dengan dongle atau tombol hardware .....................................

................................ 8
2.4 EarthImager Tingkatkan .............. ..................................................
.................................................. .... 8 3. MEMULAI DENGAN EarthImager .......................................
..................................... 10
3.1 Pertama Lihatlah EarthImager ....... .................................................. ..................................................
. 10
3.2 Membaca data file ........................................... .................................................. .................................
3.3 Jenis Array dan data Format .......... .................................................. .......................................... 13
3.4 Mulai Model .... .................................................. .................................................. ........................ 15
3.5 Tahanan Pembalikan Pengaturan ..................... .................................................. .................................. 17 3.5.1
metode Inversi .......... .................................................. .................................................. ......................... 17 3.5.2
Berhenti Kriteria ................... .................................................. .................................................. ....................... 17 3.5.3
Jumlah iterasi .................... .................................................. .................................................. ......... 17 3.5.4
maksimum RMS error .................................. .................................................. ............................................
.................................................. .................................................. .............................. 18 3.5.8 rata kopling ..............
.................................................. .................................................. ........................ 19

3.6 Manajemen file dan Ekstensi file ................... .................................................. ....................... 19

3.7 Run Pembalikan ....................... .................................................. .................................................. .......
3.8 Masukan Graphics Judul ...................................... ..................................................

............................... 21
3.9 View Diukur data .............. .................................................. .................................................. .... 21
3.10 View Inverted Tahanan Model ........................................ .................................................. ....... 21
3.11 Tampilkan Informasi Proyek Tabel ..................................... .................................................. ..........
3.12 Copy Gambar ke Clipboard .................................. .................................................. .........................
3.13 Simpan Gambar ..................... .................................................. ..................................................
............ 22
3.14 bintang STG data ................................. .................................................. ...........................................
3.15 Cetak Gambar ... .................................................. .................................................. .............................
3.16 Inversi dengan Topografi ................ .................................................. ....................................... 23

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Instruksi manual AGI EarthImager 1D , 2009/03/25

4. TEORI INVERSI ............................................... .................................................. .... 25
4.1 Apa Pembalikan? .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 25
4.2 Teruskan Modeling ......................... .................................................. ............................................... 26
4.3 teredam setidaknya Kuadrat Pembalikan ...............................................
.................................................. . 26

4.4 Halus Model Inversi ............................................ ..................................................

.................. 27 5. ALAT ............................ ..................................................
.................................................. ...... 28
5.1 Teruskan Simulasi ........................................ .................................................. ............................. 28
5.2 Menggabungkan 1D data mentah File .............. ..................................................
.......................................... 28
5.3 Menggabungkan 1D Inverted Tahanan Model. ..................................................
.................................. 29 6. DUKUNGAN MULTILINGUAL ........... ..................................................
.................................... 31
6.1 Pendahuluan ........... .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 31

6.2 Tambahkan Bahasa Anda ke EarthImager ...................... ..................................................

................... 32 7. BANTUAN ........................... ..................................................
.................................................. ......... 34
7.1 Instruksi manual di PDF ................................... .................................................. ....................... 34
7.2 AGI Halaman ...................... .................................................. .................................................. .... 34
7.3 EarthImager User Group ......................................... .................................................. ................... 34
7.4 Peningkatan ............................ .................................................. ..................................................
........... 34
7.5 Tentang EarthImager 1D .................................. ..................................................
7.6 EarthImager 1D Catatan Rilis.............. .................................................. ......................................
34 DISARANKAN PEMBACAAN ......... .................................................. ..............................................

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Instruksi manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

Kami, kita semua di Lanjutan Geosciences Inc (AGI), terima kasih banyak untuk membeli
perangkat lunak EarthImager 1D kami. Resistivitas Data inversi dengan EarthImager 1D lebih
mudah, lebih menyenangkan dan lebih produktif daripada sebelumnya. Kami berharap untuk
mendengar kisah sukses Anda melalui penggunaan produk kami.
1.1 EarthImager Sekilas
AGI EarthImager 1D adalah 32-bit berbasis platform program komputer Windows yang
menafsirkan satu-dimensi (1D) resistivitas listrik terdengar data dan menghasilkan resistivitas
berlapis Model yang mengungkapkan geologi bawah permukaanarray..
EarthImager 1D proses vertikal terdengar listrik (VES) data yang dikumpulkan dengan
Schlumberger, Wenner, dipol-dipol, tiang dipol dan tiang-tiang
Kami akan mendukung format resistivitas data yang selain file STG AGI jika sampel data file
1.2 Dimana Mendapatkan Bantuan
instruksi ini pengguna adalah sumber daya utama untuk segala sesuatu tentang EarthImager.
Panduan ini dapat ditemukan dalam folder instalasi sebagai file PDF Adobe Acrobat. Situs AGI
akan memiliki update terbaru tentang EarthImager dan download gratis dengan perbaikan dan
perbaikan bug. Anda dianjurkan untuk pergi melalui pembacaan disarankan pada akhir manual
ini untuk pemahaman mendalam inversi data resistivitas.
Kepuasan Anda adalah prioritas utama kami. Jika Anda menemukan fitur apa saja yang hilang
dalam EarthImager kami, silakan beritahu kami. Kami akan menambahkan untuk Anda sesegera
mungkin jika kita berpikir bahwa fitur menyarankan Anda akan menguntungkan pengguna lain
EarthImager. Versi EarthImager akan membaca file data STG AGI. Jika Anda memiliki
resistivitas Data format file selain format STG, silahkan kirim contoh file data. Kami akan
membiarkan EarthImager mendukung format data Anda.
Klien EarthImager akan memiliki akses ke EarthImager User Group secara online. Download
link untuk versi terbaru dari EarthImager dan dokumen yang tersedia di User Group. Untuk
memasukkan User Group, pergi website AGI di dan memilih
EarthImager User Group di bawah Area File, atau pergi ke halaman earthimageruser.shtml langsung. Anda akan diminta untuk
mengetikkan nama pengguna dan password yang diberikan kepada Anda pada saat pembelian.
Di dalam EarthImager, Anda dapat memilih item menu Help | EarthImager User Group untuk
memasuki User Group. Nama pengguna dan password harus ditampilkan. Jika EarthImager
Anda adalah lebih dari enam (6) bulan, ini merupakan indikasi bahwa Anda telah melewatkan

banyak fitur baru

Halaman 4 dari 35

Untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut, Anda dapat menghubungi tim dukungan teknis kami melalui
telepon atau email yang tercantum di bawahEmail..:
Tech Support
[email protected] Telepon: +1 512 335-3338 ext. 1023 direktori AGI terdaftar di sini
Snail Lanjutan Geosciences, Inc. 2121 Geoscience drive Austin, Texas 78726 USA Website:
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Instruksi manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

Instruksi manual AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

Persyaratan 2.1 Sistem
EarthImager akan berjalan pada IBM PC dan model yang kompatibel pada setiap 32-bit sistem
operasi Windows yang mencakup Windows NT / ME / 2000 / XP. Kinerja EarthImager pada
platform Windows 98 tidak stabil karena dukungan OpenGL nya miskin. EarthImager 1D
TIDAK memerlukan banyak memori. Berikut adalah direkomendasikan persyaratan sistem
minimum kami.
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
Intel Pentium IV atau naik
10 MB atau ruang disk lebih tersedia pada hard drive
20 MB atau (gratis) RAM lebih tersedia
2.2 Instalasi
2.2.1 Instalasi EarthImager
Kami menciptakan program setup Windows standar untuk kemudahan instalasi. Masukkan CD
dengan program setup EarthImager ke dalam CD ROM drive dan wizard instalasi harus pop up
secara otomatis. Satu juga dapat memulai instalasi dengan mengklik ganda xxxxxx.exe
AGIEarthImager1D- pada CD ROM (x menunjukkan nomor versi variabel). Sebelum
pemasangan EarthImager, pastikan bahwa dongle dicabut dan tidak terhubung ke komputer
Anda. Ikuti petunjuk pada layar sampai instalasi selesai dengan sukses. Baca perjanjian lisensi
EarthImager hati-hati selama instalasi. Disarankan bahwa Anda menginstal semua program
komputer AGI di bawah C:. \ Program Files \ AGI \
Jika instalasi dimulai dengan kesalahan dan tidak dapat menyelesaikan berhasil, Anda mungkin
perlu menginstal "dongle driver" sebelum instalasi Anda EarthImager. Driver dongle dapat
ditemukan pada CD EarthImager atau di-download dari EarthImager User Group di situs AGI di
2.2.2 Dongle instalasi driver
tersebut dongle driver, yaitu , Sentinel Sistem driver, secara otomatis diinstal ke komputer Anda
ketika menginstal EarthImager. Jika Anda mengamati salah satu pesan kesalahan berikut ketika
Anda peluncuran (mulai) EarthImager, ini menunjukkan bahwa driver dongle TIDAK terpasang
dengan benar. Untuk memperbaiki masalah driver dongle, ikuti langkah berikut:
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3) Mulai EarthImager lagi dan melihat apakah masalah adalah tetap. 4) Jika instalasi ini tidak
memecahkan masalah, Anda harus menghapus semuaSentinel-dongle
programterkait, jika ada, yang meliputi EarthImager 1D, EarthImager 2D, EarthImager 3D, AGI
Kelautan Log Manager, dan program pihak ketiga lainnya. Pada akhirnya, uninstall Sentinel
Driver Sistem. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan pergi ke Control Panel | Tambah atau Hapus Program.
5) Download Sentinel Sistem Driver Pembersihan versi Utilitas 1.xx dari website di atas
di Menginstal dan menjalankan program
driver pembersihan ini. 6) Instal ulang EarthImager. Berhenti di sini jika EarthImager berjalan
OK. 7) Jika masalah terus berlanjut, instal Sentinel Driver Sistem 5.xx.x -. Versi MSI Installer
2.2.3 Dukungan untuk 64-bit Windows
Menurut pengujian kami yang terbatas, EarthImager akan berjalan di Windows XP 64-bit,
Windows Vista 64- bit, dan Windows Server 2003 x64. Untuk sistem operasi 64-bit (OS), salah
satu harus menginstal driver dongle Sentinel SuperPro manual. Sopir, Perlindungan Sentinel
Installer 7.3.2.exe, dapat ditemukan pada CD instalasi atau dari AGI EarthImager User Group.
Ini bisa di-download dari situs SafeNet
AGI EarthImager adalah aplikasi 32-bit Windows yang tidak dapat mengambil keuntungan dari
diperluas 64-bit ruang alamat memori. . EarthImager masih akan berjalan dalam mode 32-bit
dengan ruang memori maksimum 2GB
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Instruksi Manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25
1) Pergi ke situs vender dongle di http: //www.safenet
untuk men-download versi terbaru dari driver dongle: Sentinel driver Sistem 5.xx.x - versi MSI
Installer. 2) Instal driver download. Jika Anda mengamati pesan peringatan berikut, itu harus
aman untuk klik "Continue Anyway" karena driver dongle adalah langsung dari produsen

Instruksi Manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

AGI menawarkan baris perintah yang benar 64-bit EarthImager 3D CL tanpa GUI apapun.
EarthImager 3D CL akan berjalan pada 64-bit Windows, mengakses lebih dari ruang memori
2GB, dan melaksanakan pemrosesan paralel terukur pada multi-core dan / atau multiprosesor PC.
2.3 Perlindungan Software dengan dongle atau tombol hardware
Kami menggunakan kunci hardware Sentinel, yaitu, dongle, untuk melindungi EarthImager.
Dongle tersedia untuk port printer paralel dan port USB. Silakan tentukan jenis port ketika
Peringatan:.Untuk menghubungkan kedua tombol hardware (dongle) dan printer ke port paralel
yang sama, Anda harus mematikan komputer dan printer pertama. Kemudian menghubungkan
dongle dan printer ke port paralel. Pastikan kedua dongle dan printer yang tersambung.
Akhirnya, Anda dapat mengaktifkan komputer dan printer. Berikut adalah apa dongle tampak
Dari Bantuan item | Tentang EarthImager 1D, Anda dapat menemukan nomor seri dongle Anda,
nomor unik untuk mengidentifikasi dongle Anda. Nomor Pilihan menceritakan apa EarthImager
1D modul telah Anda beli. Pilihan 0 menunjukkan versi dasar dengan sebagian besar fitur
2.4 EarthImager Tingkatkan
Kami memiliki definisi yang berbeda untuk pembaruan EarthImager dan upgrade. Pembaruan
berarti perubahan dari versi lama EarthImager ke versi EarthImager baru. AGI memberikan jauh
gratis pembaruan EarthImager sepanjang tahun. Silakan pergi ke AGI EarthImager User Group untuk men-download versi terbaru.
Upgrade EarthImager berarti untuk menambah satu atau lebih modul software tujuan khusus
untuk EarthImager. Misalnya, EarthImager 2D memiliki tiga modul:. Selang Waktu Pembalikan,
CRP, dan Survei IP Planner
Selain itu, salah satu dapat menambahkan lisensi EarthImager 2D dan 3D yang ada EarthImager
1D dongle. Download software bebas dari EarthImager User Group. Setelah pembelian
EarthImager 2D dan / atau 3D, kami akan email Anda kode upgrade ke mengaktifkan dongle
Anda untuk kedua EarthImager 2D dan / atau 3D.
AGI biaya biaya upgrade untuk menambahkan modul baru. Sangat mudah dan nyaman untuk
meng-upgrade EarthImager Anda. Anda tidak perlu mengirim dongle (key hardware) kembali ke
AGI. Sebaliknya, AGI akan
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Instruksi Manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

mengirimkan kode peningkatan dongle saat diterimanya pembayaran Anda. Untuk mengaktifkan
opsi baru (s) yang Anda beli, silakan ikuti langkah-langkah
1) Hubungkan dongle ke komputer Anda 2) Mulai EarthImager 1D 3) Pergi ke Bantuan item
menu | Upgrade 4) Copy dan paste (atau jenis) update kode untuk bidang kode lisensi.
5) Klik tombol OK untuk menyelesaikan upgrade dongle. Salah satu kotak pesan di bawah akan
muncul untuk menunjukkan keberhasilan atau kegagalan upgrade.
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Instruksi Manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25


3.1 Pertama Lihatlah EarthImager
ini adalah Jendela Utama EarthImager 1D yang didasarkan pada platform Windows 32-bit.
Antarmuka pengguna grafis yang user-friendly (GUI) terdiri dari tujuh menu utama dan satu
toolbar dengan tombol 14 alat.
Fungsi tombol alat ditampilkan saat kursor mouse melayang di atas tombol. Berikut adalah
fungsi dari semua tombol
alat.,Untuk mengubah jarak (panjang) unit gambar atau menunjukkan jumlah elektroda
pada sumbu horisontal untuk satu set data permukaan.
Baca file data mentah. The AGI File STG adalahdefault.
Settings Buka inversi JendelaSehingga pengguna dapat mengatur pengaturan yang diinginkan.
Mulai inversi.
Berhenti inversi.
Simpan saja di layar gambar sebagai file bitmap / JPEG.
Mencetak apapun pada layar gambar.
Buka saat ini folder sidang di Microsoft Windows Explorer. Hal ini membantu menemukansaat
folder percobaandan isi / memeriksa file di dalamnya.
Untuk mengatur jenis font yang benar Window untuk keterangan dan label dari sebuah gambar
pada layar.
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Untuk menggabungkan lapisan tetangga dengan nilai tahanan seperti atau menghapus lapisan
urutan menu utama pada dasarnya adalah bahwa langkah-langkah inversi. Resistivitas Data
inversi dengan EarthImager umumnya terdiri dari langkah-langkah:
1) Baca file data. 2) Ubah inversi atau membaca file pengaturan (* .ini). 3) Mulai inversi. 4)
Meningkatkan model awal berdasarkan hasil inversi oleh Kombinasikan-Layers atau
manual memodifikasi model. 5) Jalankan inversi lagi. Langkah 4 dan 5 dapat diulang
beberapa kali. 6) Lihat hasil inversi. 7) Simpan dan mencetak baku data dan inversi hasil.
Ada tiga set data pada grafik kiri. Titik-titik hitam pengukuran lapangan (data mentah).
Titik-titik merah dan garis diperkirakan (dimodelkan, dihitung) data. Kurva biru tebal model
resistivitas yang terbalik yang dapat diseret untuk mengubah lapisan resistivitas dan ketebalan.
3.2 Membaca Data File
Untuk memuat file data, Anda juga dapat memilih item menu Baca Data dari menu File atau klik
tombol alat pertama
. Tombol alat yang digunakan untuk akses cepat dan mudah untuk
beberapa item menu yang sering digunakan. Anda akan diminta untuk memilih file data untuk
EarthImager 1D berbunyi AGI Sting, MiniSting dan file SuperSting data (* .stg). Ada dua set
data sintetik dalam folder demo: Schlum1D.stg dan Wenner1D.stg. Silakan berkonsultasi AGI
instrumen manual untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang format data AGI Sting.
EarthImager 1D juga membaca format file DAT AGI-didefinisikan yang mendukung
Schlumberger, Wenner, dipol-dipol, tiang dipol dan tiang array pole pada saat ini. Merujuk ke
bagian berikutnya untuk deskripsi format ini.
Kami akan meng-upgrade program kami untuk mendukung setiap ASCII format data dari para
pelanggan kami. Jika Anda tertarik dengan program kami untuk membaca data non-STG Anda,
silahkan kirim contoh file data. Untuk mengetahui apakah EarthImager 1D mendukung format
data Anda, pilih Baca Data, dan memeriksa Files of Type kotak di bagian bawah dialog Open
Kami menciptakan Universal Tahanan (data) Berkas (urf) format untuk memfasilitasi
pengolahan data resistivitas dikumpulkan dengan instrumen non-AGI. Berikut ini adalah contoh
file urf (Schlum1D.urf).
-------------------------------------- - Sebuah sampel 1D Universal Tahanan Data file (urf) Top dua
garis komentar dan baris ketiga mendefinisikan satuan panjang. Unit: meter
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Untuk menampilkan atau menyembunyikan perbatasan grafik dan tabel informasi proyek di
sudut kanan bawah2009/03/25;.
Instruksi Manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

Instruksi Manual AGI EarthImager 1D,

setiap baris dimulai dengan tanda titik koma (;) adalah baris komentar; sebuah garis dimulai
dengan titik dua (:) mendefinisikan header bagian. ; Sebuah header bagian yang diperlukan dan
harus dieja dengan benar. ; A baris kosong akan diabaikan; entri data yang dipisahkan koma. ;
Lokasi Elektroda didefinisikan dengan koordinat XYZ. ; X koordinat menentukan lokasi
elektroda. ; Kedua Y dan Z adalah opsional dan selalu diatur ke
0:Geometri; ID, X, Y, Z 1, -500, 0 2, -300, 0 .... 13, -5, 0 14, -3, 0 15, -2, 0 16, -1, 0 17, -0.5, 0
18, 0,5, 0 .... 31, 120, 0 32, 200, 0 33, 300, 0 34, 500,
0:Pengukuran ; A, B, M, N, V / I (ohm), I (mA), Kesalahan (%) 15,20,17,18,1.70787E + 01
14,21,17,18,7.38018E + 00 13 , 22,16,19,5.30200E + 00 12,23,16,19,2.03070E + 00 .....
---------------------- -----------------------------untuk membaca file data urf, buka file | Membaca menu Data atau klik tombol tool
BacaData.Kemudian pilih "Universal Tahanan Files" dari "Files of Type" kotak (lihat di bawah).
Anda mungkin menemukan format file resistivitas data lain yang didukung di EarthImager 1D.
Data mentah ditampilkan sebagai profil pada log-log sistem koordinat. Sumbu horisontal adalah
rentang array yang logaritmik dan sumbu vertikal adalah tahanan jenis semu logaritmik. Rentang
array didefinisikan sebagai AB / 2 untuk Schlumberger array, sebagai-spasi untuk Wenner array,
dan sebagai AN / 2 untuk dipole-dipole array yang. Juga ditampilkan di sebelah kanan adalah
model mulai dianjurkan untuk inversi otomatis. Garis putih dalam model berlapis menunjukkan
nilai logaritmik resistivitas relatif dari semua lapisan.
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Ada dua cara untuk mengedit data mentah. Pendekatan pertama adalah untuk menyeret sebuah
titik data atas atau bawah dengan tombol kiri mouse setelah membaca file data mentah. Namun,
salah satu tidak dapat menambah atau menghapus titik data dengan cara ini. Dalam pendekatan
kedua, pengguna secara manual dapat memodifikasi nilai-nilai data dalam spreadsheet. Setelah
membuka file data, buka menu Edit | Edit Data untuk meluncurkan spread sheet. Setelah semua
perubahan yang diperlukan, klik tombol "Update Data" untuk memperbarui plot data
3,3 Jenis Array dan Data Format
EarthImager 1D mendukung lima jenis array yang Schlumberger, Wenner, dipol-dipol, dipol
pole-, dan tiang-tiang array . AGI didefinisikan sederhana baku format data (* dat) untuk
pengguna EarthImager 1D untuk input data mentah secara manual. Buka menu File | Input Data
mentah dan membawa interface ini.
Schlumberger Array Wenner Array

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Instruksi Manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

Untuk input data mentah Anda pada jendela ini secara manual, pilih jenis array, unit jarak, dan
jumlah titik data. Nilai tahanan jenis semu yang tidak diperlukan dan tidak disimpan dalam file
data dan mereka dihitung / diperbarui dengan mengklik tombol Update atau mengklik dua kali
tombol kiri mouse di spreadsheet. Hanya satu dari tahanan jenis semu dan V / I kolom yang
diperlukan. Kolom lainnya dapat "diperbarui". Berikut adalah header kolom lima array:
- Schlumberger: Data #, AB / 2, MN / 2, V / I - Wenner Array: Data #, a-jarak, V / I - Dipole
dipole array yang: Data #, a- spasi, n, V / I - Pole dipole array yang: data #, a-jarak, n, V / I
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- Pole pole Array: data #, AM, . V / I

Berikut adalah dua file contoh DAT untuk array Schlumberger dan Wenner berbagai
Schlumberger array Wenner array Satuan = meter Satuan = # AB / 2 MN / 2 V / I; # AV / I 1, 2, 1 , 17,0787 1, 0,3,
52,7267 2, 3, 1, 7,38018 2, 0.46, 35,953 3, 5, 2, 5,302 3, 0,76, 21,2928 4, 8, 2, 2,0307 4, 1, 16,0521 5, 10, 2, 1,27373
5, 1.5, 10,4878 6, 12, 4, 1,81631 6, 2,26, 7,05041 7, 20, 4, 0,668214 7, 3, 5,3731 8, 25, 4, 0,441833 8, 4,5, 3,60188
9, 30, 6, 0,485544 9, 9, 1,90944 10, 50, 6, 0,207408 10, 15, 1,31389 11, 80, 6, 0,099555 11, 21, 1,17109 12, 120, 10,
0,086385 12, 30, 1,10146 13, 200, 10, 0,027763 13, 45, 1,08453 14, 300, 10, 0,008765 14, 60, 1,03488 15, 500, 16,
0,003118 15, 75, 0,944382 16, 90, 0,876246 17, 125, 0,732803

Instruksi manual AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

dipole-dipole atau tiang-dipol array yang Pole-pole berbagai
3.4 Memulai Model
A 1D inversi membangun model resistivitas berlapis dari pengukuran lapangan. Namun, jumlah
lapisan umumnya tidak diketahui. The non-keunikan inversi semakin merumitkan inversi 1D.
Algoritma inversi di EarthImager 1D menyelesaikan lapisan resistivitas dan nilai-nilai ketebalan
berdasarkan sejumlah diketahui lapisan, yang tetap tidak berubah selama proses inversi.
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Sebuah spreadsheet dari model awal terdiri dari lima kolom. Kolom pertama adalah nomor urut
yang menunjukkan jumlah lapisan. Kolom kedua menunjukkan bawah kedalaman setiap lapisan.
Kedalaman lapisan bawah, yang harus terbatas, menunjukkan kedalaman maksimum investigasi
untuk kumpulan data saat ini atau tata letak elektroda. Dua kolom pertama hanya-baca. Kolom
ketiga adalah ketebalan lapisan yang Unit ditentukan oleh tombol / Kaki alat meter pada jendela
utama. Kolom keempat "resis (Ohm-m) adalah nilai resistivitas setiap lapisan. Unit resistivitas
tergantung pada "Tahanan Unit" pengaturan ke kanan dan dapat Ohm-m atau Ohm-kaki atau
Ohm-cm. Kolom terakhir "Perbaiki" membatasi lapisan resistivitas konstan selama inversi jika
ikon kunci ditampilkan.
Tombol reset Layers mengembalikan model awal sebelumnya dan membuang setiap perubahan
dalam spreadsheet. Mengklik tombol OK akan mengubah model awal dan proses ini tidak
Setelah membaca data, EarthImager 1D merekomendasikan model berlapis dengan banyak
lapisan, misalnya 12, untuk inversi otomatis. Pada akhir inversi otomatis, Model awal ini akan
diganti dengan model terbalik. Pada titik ini, pengguna telah opsi untuk memperbarui model
awal berikut.
1) Campurkan Layers. Ini akan menggabungkan lapisan tetangga berdasarkan ambang kontras
logaritmik resistivitas yang ditetapkan pengguna. Ambang default adalah 10%. "Menggabungkan
Layers" juga menghapus lapisan tipis jika lapisan tetangga adalah 20 kali lebih tebal.
"Menggabungkan Layers" dapat dieksekusi / diklik beberapa kali. Ada dua jalur akses dari
Combine Layers: tombol alat
ini pada tool bar dan "Combine" tombol lain pada jendela Pengaturan.
2) Update Manual pada spreadsheet dari Mulai Model. Seorang pengguna dapat membangun
sebuah model awal baru secara manual berdasarkan model resistivitas terbalik dari inversi
otomatis dan setiap a-priori informasi di situs survei. Satu dapat mengubah jumlah lapisan,
ketebalan lapisan dan nilai-nilai resistivitas, menghapus lapisan tertentu. 3) Update Manual
model mulai dengan menyeret kurva model yang terbalik biru pada jendela utama. Ini menyeret
utilitas update tidak akan mengubah jumlah lapisan, tetapi berguna untuk mengubah lapisan
resistivitas dan ketebalan. Kemudian menggabungkan lapisan
untuk hasil yang lebih baik.
Sekejap maju pemodelan dilakukan setelah menyeret dan kurva resistivitas jelas yang
dimodelkan diperbarui segera.
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Instruksi Manual dari AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

Double-klik sel dalam kolom "Perbaiki" akan berubah ikon
nlock.Nilai resistivitas lapisan terkunci tetap tidak berubah selama inversi.
3.5Tahanan Pembalikan Pengaturan
Metode3.5.1 Pembalikan
Maju modeling atau maju simulasi menghasilkan data sintetik set dari model sintetis dan
konfigurasi elektroda yang ditetapkan pengguna. Kuadrat terkecil metode inversi teredam
dibangun bawah permukaan berlapis Model tahanan dari data resistivitas diukur.
3.5.2 Berhenti Kriteria
Tahanan Data inversi adalah proses berulang nonlinier. Kelompok ini parameter memberitahu
kapan harus berhenti iterasi. Tiga faktor dalam kelompok ini memiliki logika OR hubungan,
yaitu, jika salah satu kriteria terpenuhi, inversi akan berhenti. Untuk mengaktifkan atau
mengaktifkan aturan, centang kotak di depan parameter.
3.5.3 Jumlah iterasi
ini menetapkan jumlah maksimum iterasi untuk berulang nonlinear inversi berhenti. Jika inversi
menyimpang, itu akan berhenti setelah jumlah maksimum yang ditentukan iterasi. Jadi loop tak
terbatas dapat dihindari. Inversi biasanya menyatu di 3 ~ 5 iterasi.
3.5.4 RMS maksimum error
Tujuan utama dari inversi adalah untuk mengurangi data ketidakcocokan antara pengukuran
lapangan dan data dihitung dari model direkonstruksi. Kesalahan pengukuran biasanya berkisar
dari 1% menjadi 5%. Tapi jangan lupa tentang kesalahan numerik dan kesalahan pembulatan.
Jumlah ini harus sama dengan atau lebih besar dari persentase perkiraan kebisingan. 3% adalah
pengaturan default.
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ManualInstruksi AGI EarthImager 1D, 2009/03/25

Salah satu tujuan dari inversi resistivitas adalah untuk menemukan model resistivitas yang
respon (data diprediksi) paling sesuai dengan Data diukur. Goodness of fit yang dapat dicirikan
oleh root mean squared (RMS) kesalahan dalam persen (%) didefinisikan di bawah

1i =


i edPr


i Meas

di mana N adalah jumlah total dari pengukuran, dPred adalah data prediksi dan dMeas adalah
data yang diukur. Hal ini jelas bahwa kesalahan RMS tergantung pada jumlah titik data buruk
dan seberapa buruk setiap titik data buruk adalah.
Perhatikan bahwa kesalahan RMS adalah ketidakcocokan data yang rata-rata semua titik data.
Sebuah titik data tunggal yang salah bisa menyebabkan kesalahan RMS besar. A large RMS
error is the result of
1) Data noise, 2) Numerical modeling error, 3) Inability to model 2D and 3D objects with a 1D
modeling program, and 4) Poor inversion settings.

3.5.5 Error reduction

It is generally expected that data misfit, eg RMS error, be reduced from iteration to iteration. The
first several iterations have a larger RMS error reduction than later iterations. When RMS error
reduction is very small or RMS error increases, the inversion should be terminated. This
parameter sets a threshold for this purpose. It is recommended that the inversion stop when error
reduction is smaller than 5%. Sometimes it is normal that the convergence of inversion is not
monotonic. This error reduction factor may cause termination of the inversion prematurely. This
is why the box in front of this setting is unchecked by default.
3.5.6 Damping factor
This factor suppresses the effect of small eigenvalues of the inversion kernel matrix at earlier
iterations so that it stabilizes the inversion process. The default value is 100.
3.5.7 Depth factor
EarthImager 1D defines the depth of penetration based on the median depth values defined by
Edwards (1977). The median depth ranges from 15% to 25% of the array span depending on the
array type for any four-electrode array. However, these median depth values seem
underestimating the depth of investigation for 1D VES. We also considered the depth suggested
by Zohdy (1989) to set the layer depth values in EarthImager 1D.
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We added this depth factor so that a user can adjust the penetration depth to reflect the geoelectrical characteristics of the survey area. The penetrating depth is defined as the product of the
median depth and the depth factor.
3.5.8 Average clutch
For a vertical electrical sounding with Schlumberger array, the potential electrode spacing is
increased as the signal strength become very small. As a standard practice, two measurements
are made at the same AB but different MN during the transition. These two apparent resistivity
values differ due to 2D and 3D effect of subsurface media, creating a clutch on the 1D apparent
resistivity vs. AB/2 curve. Average Clutch will reset both measurements to the average of two
different apparent resistivity values.
3.6 File Management and File Extension
A resistivity survey project has a project name such as DEMO. The project name may be used as
the top-level folder name for data processing. All data files for this project should be stored in
this project folder. Each data file would correspond to a sounding point. Under the project folder,
a subfolder will be created for each data file automatically when you open a data file. This
subfolder will be named after the data file name without extension. Schlum1D, for example, will
be the subfolder name for data file Schlum1D.stg. For every inversion trial, a trial subfolder is
created automatically under the sounding folder with a folder name of trial plus a trial
sequential number. The folder hierarchy will look like the figure below.
In a trial folder, these files are saved with the default names. The INI file is the inversion settings
file and may be read back into the EarthImager for inversion of other data sets. The OUT file is
an inversion log file containing inversion settings, raw data, mesh definition, inverted results of
all iterations. The STG file or DAT file contains the raw data used in the inversion and it may
also be saved optionally by the user from the menu File | Save STG Data. The JPG file is an
image file. The MOD file is an ASCII text file of inverted resistivity model.
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3.7 Run Inversion

One may start inversion by either clicking the green tool button
or choosing the menu
Inversion | Start Inversion. Two files will be created and saved automatically in the current trial
folder. The INI file contains the settings for current inversion. OUT files are inversion log files
with inversion settings and results for all iterations. At the end of inversion, you may use the
mouse wheel to navigate through inverted results at all iterations.
1D inversion is an interactive process in which a user improves the layered resistivity model
iteratively from one inversion to the next. Obtaining a small RMS error is generally not a
difficult task in a 1D inversion because of nonuniqueness of 1D inversion. However, searching
for a geologically-sensible resistivity model can be very challenging.
At the end of one inversion, a user often changes the number of layers and layer resistivity value
based on the previous inversion results, and starts a new inversion with an improved model. This
process can go on and on. The Iterative Processing in EarthImager 1D automates this iterative
process by
1) Starting the inversion with many layers, eg, 12 layers. 2) Combining neighboring layers with a
small resistivity contrast based on a user-specified
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3) Repeating the last two steps until no layers can be combined.
3.8 Input Graphics Title
Choose View | Graphics Settings | General Settings. Type the desired titles in the box below.
3.9 View Measured Data
This will show measured apparent resistivity data in a spreadsheet. The data shown in the
spreadsheet may be saved as an ASCII text file and printed as a hard copy. Note that the column
header may vary depending on the measurement array configuration. The distance unit can be
changed from the control in the toolbar. The resistivity unit may be changed from a setting at the
bottom of this spreadsheet.
3.10 View Inverted Resistivity Model
This option lists the inverted resistivity model in a spreadsheet. The layered model shown in the
spreadsheet may be saved as an ASCII text file and printed as a hard copy.
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3.11 Show Project Information Table
Click this tool button
to show or hide a project information table placed at the lower right
corner of the main window. To change the project information, go to the menu View | Project
Information. You must check Show Project Info to view the project information at the lower
right corner of the screen. Please note that the text field has a fixed length, so you should keep
your input short. To fit more characters in the table, you will have to reduce the font size.
There are two flavors of the project information table. The new Custom Project Information
Table gives the user more options to define his or her own project information table. Most fields
except data file name and processing software name are editable. This would be valuable for
users whose language is not English.
3.12 Copy Image to Clipboard
You may copy an on-screen image to the Windows clipboard by choosing Copy Image to
Clipboard menu item from the Edit menu or from this button
on the toolbar. Then the image
on the clipboard may be pasted to any Windows program such as MS Word, Powerpoint, Paint,
and Photo Editor.
3.13 Save Image
The onscreen image may be saved as a bitmap, JPEG or Windows metafile file at any of three
resolution levels. To save an onscreen image, you may either click Save Image tool button
choose Save Image menu item from File menu. In the Save as type box at the bottom, choose
your desired image file type and resolution. You have three graphics file types to choose from. A
suggested image file name may look like this: Schlum1D_trial3_DataFitInvModel5.jpg.
Schlum1D is the prefix of the STG file name (Schlum1D.stg). The current trial is trial 5.
3.14 Save STG Data
Choose Save STG Data from the File menu. A saved STG data file will be in the 3D (x, y, z)
STG format. When one reads in a non-STG data file, this feature may be used to convert a nonSTG file into an STG file.
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3.15 Print Image
To print an onscreen image, you may either click Print Image tool button
or choose Print
Image menu item from File men. For custom printing, choose Page Setup from File menu. You
are given options for page orientation, margins, and output resolution. High resolution is the
highest DPI (dots per inch) of the printer. Medium resolution is one half of printer's DPI. Low
resolution is one quarter of printer's DPI. The printed image will be stretched to fit the settings in
Page Setup, but the orientation, aspect ratio, and size may differ from the onscreen image.
3.16 Inversion with Topography
EarthImager 1D (version 1.xx) can invert a data set collected on an uneven ground surface. You
have two ways to tell EarthImager your electrode geometry. First, you may use horizontal
projected distance that is equivalent to the horizontal coordinate. Second, you may use tape
measure or slope distance. In this case, the distance measure in the raw data file and the
command is also defined by the tape measure or slope distance. The second option is much
easier to implement and used more commonly. Here is a sample terrain file (Wenner1D.trn).
; TRN File // Mandatory header - TRN or trn is required in this line unit= Meters // Unit of
distance measure 2 // 1 = horizontal distance, 2 = tape measure or slope distance -500, 101 // X,
Elevation (positive upward) -200, 100 -190, 108 -165, 110 -148, 113 -120, 105 -87, 103 -46, 98
-14, 95 0, 97 22, 100 56, 99 72, 101 133, 106 150. 102 169, 99 194, 101 234, 102 1000, 101
The terrain file (*.trn) is a two-column comma separated text file that may be created in any text
editor such as the NotePad. To process a data with topography, follow these steps:
1) Read Data. 2) Read a terrain file from the menu File | Read Terrain File.
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3) Set a starting model. 4) Start inversion or Start Iterative Processing. 5) Repeat Steps 3 and 4
for a geologically-sensible model.
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4.1 What Is Inversion?
Resistivity surveys measure injected current (I) through transmitting electrodes and potential
difference (voltage V) between two receiving electrodes. Measured current and voltage together
with electrode geometry (K) may be converted into apparent resistivity (

). Normalized voltage
by current (V/I) and apparent resistivity

are data in the inversion. V/I and


data are
equivalent quantities that can be transformed back and forth with the help of a geometric factor
The goal of resistivity survey is to image a subsurface resistivity distribution which is closely
correlated with subsurface geology. The subsurface resistivity distribution (or its reciprocal
electrical conductivity) is the model parameter in the inversion.
The model is the partial differential equation that governs the relationship between data and
model parameters.
Forward modeling is defined as the process of predicting the data on the basis of the known
distribution of model parameter, electrode configuration and model. It is a mapping from the
model space to the data space. Forward modeling creates synthetic data sets. Forward modeling
is also known as forward simulation, forward problem, and forward solution.
Inversion is defined as the process of determining the estimates of the model parameter on the
basis of the data and the model. Inversion is a mapping from data space to model space, and it
reconstructs the subsurface resistivity distribution from measured voltage and current data.
Inversion is also known as inverse modeling, inverse simulation, and inverse problem.
The resistivity data inversion proceeds as follows.
1) A starting resistivity model is constructed based on either the average apparent resistivity,
or apparent resistivity distribution, or user assumption, or a-priori knowledge of subsurface
resistivity distribution. 2) A virtual survey (forward modeling) is carried out for a predicted data
set over the
starting model. The initial root mean squared (RMS) error at the zero-th iteration may be

calculated at this step. 3) Solve a linearized inverse problem based on the current model and data
misfit for a
model update (m). 4) Update the resistivity model using a formula like this: m


+ m. The model parameter m

consists of electrical conductivity of all model blocks in the finite difference or finite element
mesh. The symbol i is the iteration number. 5) Run a forward modeling (virtual survey) based on
the updated model for an updated
predicted data set. 6) Calculate a new RMS error between the predicted data and the
measured data.
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7) If any of inversion stop criteria is satisfied, stop the inversion. Otherwise, repeat the Steps
(3) to (7).
For a thorough understanding of inversion theory, the user is encouraged to go through the
suggested readings at the end of this manual.
4.2 Forward Modeling
EarthImager 1D (version 1.xx) is a simplified version of EarthImager 2D for 1D layered earth
models. We are dealing with a 2.5D or 2D/3D problem here, that is, a 2D earth model but a 3D
electrical field due to a point source. It has become a standard practice to solve 2.5D resistivity
forward modeling problem using numerical methods by discretization of the domain of
The governing 3D partial differential equation is Fourier-transformed into a 2D equation to
reduce computing time. The forward solution can be obtained by solving the 2D partial
differential equation in the Fourier transform domain:


zxIVk 2 )()(
where V is the scalar electrical potential in the Fourier transform domain, and I is the electric
current source. k is the wave-number in the transform domain. is electrical conductivity as a
function of (x, z). We implemented both finite difference and finite element methods.
The newer version 2.xx of EarthImager 1D conducts its forward modeling through an analytical
solution by digital filtering.
4.3 Damped Least Squares Inversion

For a nonlinear inverse problem, the data vector, d, is a nonlinear function of the model
parameter vector, m, that is, d = g(m). The objective of least squares inversion is to minimize a
weighted data misfit,
dmS ()( =

))( dWm T
d ( obs g ))( md

is the observed data, g(m) is the calculated data. W


is a data weighting matrix. The

nonlinear inverse problem is solved iteratively. At each iteration, a model update vector m is
obtained by solving the following linearized system of equations.
( dWJmIJWJ T d + ) = T

( obs )(g
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is Jacobian (sensitivity) matrix. is a damping factor whose effect is to ensure
that the inversion resolves primary features at the early iterations. Our damped least squares
inversion algorithm was adapted from Rijo et al. (1977).
4.4 Smooth Model Inversion
The resistivity inverse problem is inherently nonunique. Additional constraints, or regularization,
must be imposed on the model to single out one optimal solution. The smooth model inversion,
also known as Occam's inversion, finds the smoothest possible model whose response fits the
data to an a-priori Chi-squared statistic. The true model must be at least as, but never less
complex than, the smooth model obtained through smooth model inversion. Smooth model
inversion is based on the assumption of Gaussian distribution of data errors. The objective
function of smooth model inversion is given by
dmS ()(
= obs

g ))( dWm T

( obs g ))( m + Rmm T

is a Lagrange multiplier and a stabilizing factor. It determines the amount of model roughness
imposed on the model during the inversion. R is a roughness operator.
The smooth model inversion algorithm is not available anymore in EarthImager 1D.
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5.1 Forward Simulation
This is a forward modeling tool which generates a synthetic data set from a layered resistivity
model built by the user. Follow these steps to run Forward Simulation.
1) Read Command File from the menu File. 2) Build a layered resistivity model from the menu
Settings | Starting Model 3) Start the Forward Simulation from the menu Tools. The synthetic
model (*.mod) and
data (*.stg) are saved in the current trial folder.
5.2 Combine 1D Raw Data Files
This utility helps combine 1D raw data files to form a 2D data set for 2D inversion in
EarthImager 2D. The inversion result of a combined 2D data set in this way will be probably
disappointing due to limited data coverage. A 2D resistivity imaging survey is recommended for
a high resolution 2D cross-section image.
Raw data files may be in different formats such as STG, URF and DAT. The combined 2D data
set will be in the AGI STG format only. Here are the procedures to combine multiple 1D
sounding data files to form a 2D data set.
1) Start EarthImager 1D and choose the menu Tools | Combine 1D Raw Data Files. 2) Click the
button Add Files to add raw data files. One may add one or more files at a time and add files
multiple times. One may also add files of different formats (STG, DAT) by
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5.3 Combine 1D Inverted Resistivity Models

This utility combines 1D inverted resistivity model files together to form a data set which may be
used to generate a 2D cross section image in a graphics program such as Surfer by Golden
Software. The combined file will have three columns in X, depth and resistivity value format.
At the end of 1D inversion with EarthImager 1D, an inverted resistivity model file (*.mod) is
saved in the current trial folder. A model file consists of three columns. The first column is a
layer number, the second column is the bottom depth of each layer, and the last column is the
resistivity value of a layered earth. A mid depth of each layer is calculated and saved in a
combined file. The coordinate of the mid point of each sounding is typed in by the user. Here are
the procedures to combine 1D inverted resistivity models.
1) Start EarthImager 1D and choose the menu Tools | Combine 1D Inverted Resistivity
Models. 2) Click the button Add Files to add model files (*.mod). One may add one or more
files at a time and add files multiple times from different folders.
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selecting different file extension. On the screenshot below, two STG files (Test1.stg and
Schlum1D.stg) were added first. Wenner1D.dat was added later by choosing a new file extension
DAT. 3) All raw data files may have the same sounding location (Mid-X) in the files. To
them together, we must transform them to the same global coordinate system by reassigning a
new Mid-X to each sounding. 4) Choose a distance unit for Mid-X which is the mid point of 1D
sounding. However, the
combined 2D data file will always use the meter unit. 5) Input Mid-X coordinates for each
1D sounding. 6) Combine all raw data files together to form a 2D data set by clicking the
Combine button.

Instruction Manual of AGI EarthImager 1D, 3/25/2009

3) All model files have no information about the sounding location, ie, mid point of
sounding (Mid-X). To combine model files together, one must input these Mid-X coordinates
manually at the Step (5) below. 4) Choose a distance unit for Mid-X which is the mid point of
1D sounding. The Mid-X
coordinate and mid depth of each layer in a combined 2D file will bear the distance unit
specified here. 5) Input Mid-X coordinates for each 1D sounding. 6) Combine all model files to
form a single data set by clicking the Combine button. The
combined file will have three columns. The first column is the x coordinate of a sounding
location, the second column is the mid depth of each layer and the last column is the resistivity
value of each layer.
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6.1 Introduction
We added multilingual support to our data processing software such as AGI SuperSting
Administrator, EarthImager 1D, EarthImager 2D and EarthImager 3D. To change the language
of labels and captions on EarthImager GUI, choose your language option from the Language
menu if available. However, if your language is not supported, you can translate EarthImager
GUI into your own language by yourself. To add support for a new language, all you need to do
is to translate the language file ENGLISH.LNG into your language.
A Language menu was added on the main menu of EarthImager. Supported languages are
listed under the language menu. In the screenshots above, both English and Chinese are
supported. More languages will be added soon. The language files are installed, by default, in the
folder: C:\Program Files\AGI\EarthImager2D\lang. All supported languages would have a
language file listed in this folder.
To display EarthImager user interface in a different language, one needs either a local-language
version of Windows or appropriate setups for the local language. These settings are located in
Control Panels | Regional and Language Options. Two screen shots below show the Englishversion Windows setups for display of the EarthImager user interface in Chinese.
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6.2 Add Your Language to EarthImager

To turn EarthImager GUI in your language, simply make a copy of ENGLISH.LNG as
MYLANGUAGE.LNG, for example, FRENCH.LNG, and translate the key words in the new
language file into your language. Your language will be automatically added to EarthImager
without any change inside EarthImager. Please do not delete or modify the English language file
ENGLISH.LNG. Here are first few lines of ENGLISH.LNG:
1) [Info] 2) Language=English 3) [Font] 4) Name=MS Sans Serif 5) Charset=1 6) [TfrmMain]
7) Caption="AGI EarthImager 1D" 8) tbSettings.Caption="Settings Window" 9)
tbSettings.Hint="Settings Window" 10) tbPrintImage.Caption="Print On-screen Images"
The line numbers from 1 to 10 are not part of the language file and they are added for illustration
purpose only. On the second line Language=English, change the word English into your
language name. This name will be the menu item name under the Language menu. On Line 4,
choose a font name of your native language. Finally, translate all quoted text on the right hand
side of = sign from Line 7. That is, you should translate "AGI EarthImager 1D", "Settings
Window", etc. into your own language. The double quotation signs should be kept and your
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translation should be kept inside the double quotations. Here is a sample translated Chinese
language file (CHINESE.LNG):
[Info] Language=Chinese [Font] Name=MS SONG Charset=1 [TfrmMain] Caption="AGI
EarthImager 1D" tbSettings.Caption="" tbSettings.Hint=""
Once you complete the translation of English language file into your language, please email us a
copy of your new language file ([email protected]). If you find any inappropriate translation in
any language file, please inform us or email us the corrected language file.
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7.1 Instruction Manual in PDF
This menu item brings up a PDF help file in Acrobat Reader.
7.2 AGI Home Page
This will lead to the website of Advanced Geosciences, Inc. at
7.3 EarthImager User Group
This is an AGI EarthImager support page with software updates for users to download. The
website address is Refer to the
Section 1.2 for more detail.
7.4 Upgrade
The menu item Help | Upgrade brings up a dialog box for user to enter an upgrade license code.
An EarthImager upgrade means to add one or more special-purpose software modules to
EarthImager and AGI charges an upgrade fee to add a new module. Refer to the Section 2.4 for
more detail. The license code below is invalid and it is for illustration only.
7.5 About EarthImager 1D
This will display a message box showing program name and copyright information. The AGI
logo is also a link to the AGI website.
7.6 EarthImager 1D Release Notes
This menu item under the Help menu brings up the EarthImager 1D release notes to the default
internet browser.
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Constable, S., Parker, RL, and Constable, CG, 1987, Occam's inversion: A practical algorithm
for generating smooth models from electromagnetic sounding data, Geophysics, 52, 289- 300.
DeGroot-Hedlin, D. and Constable, S., 1990, Occam's inversion to generate smooth, twodimensional models from magnetotelluric data, Geophysics, 55, 1613-1624. Dey, A., Morrison,
HF, 1979, Resistivity modeling for arbitrarily shaped two-dimensional
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