Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Wajib Ganjil 20162017

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Panitia UlanganTengah Semester Ganjil T.P. 2016/2017

MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)
HARI/TANGGAL : Sabtu/ 15 Oktober 2016
Waktu : 9.30 - 10. 45 WIB
Petunjuk Umum
1. Isikan identitas dengan lengkap dan benar pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan .
2. Periksa dan baca soal dengan teliti sebelum menjawabnya.
3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang dianggap mudah.

Petunjuk Khusus
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan bulatan salah satu huruf A, B, C, D, E pada lembar
jawaban !

1. David : “Hi….how do you do?” 6. Mr. Watson is teacher. She teaches in (famous - a –
Martin : “………” school – big) the good arrangement for the words
a. How do you do b. I’m fine, and you? in the bracket is ….
c. a and b are correct d. Nice to meet you
e. not bad a. a school big famous b. a famous big school
c. famous a school big d. a big famous school
2. pete : “How about having dinner with me e. a big school favorite
Kate : “Thanks you, I’d love to. 7. Ramzy : wow! That’s a lovely “banana”, it
From the dialogue above we conclude that ….. new?
Tami : yes it is. Thank’s a lot
a. kate declines the the invitation Ramzy : The color and the model look nice on you.
b. pete invites kate to have dinner together Tami : oh, I am. I am really love this banana.
c. pete want to hve dinner Ramzy : Did you buy it your self? It must be
d. pete make a date with kate expensive!
e. kate love pete Tami : Certainly not. Iyus . My lovely brother
bought it for me as a gift.
3. The boy : “……, madam. May I ask Ramzy : Did he? What a generous brother you
you few questions ?” have!
The old lady : “ By all means.”
What is the gambit (idea) of the dialogue above..?
a. Hi b. Hello a. leave taking b. asking informatione.
c. Nice to meet you d. Excuse me c. breking in d. giving compliment
e. How do you do e. guessing

4. April : “ my brother has got a scholarship to The chairman and director of general mercantile ltd
continue his study in one of
prominent university in America.” Request the presence of
Ivone : “ ……………..” Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackso

a. I’m glad to hear that b. it’s common To the opening ceremony of the branch office of
c. I’m not satisfied d. I’m sorry to know tha general mercantile at 300, Victoria strees, London
e. I’m not surprise E.C. at 7.Pm.
On Thusrday, 1 st April 2008.
5. Directure : “Type and report the meeting Evening Dress
conclusion immediately!” RSVP Secretary
Secretary : “ All right, sir!”
The underlined words express …….. 8. What is the invitation about ?
a. Request of presence
a. demand b. instruction b. General mercantile ltd.
c. comment d. request c. The opening ceremony of new branch office
e. command d. RSVP to the Secretary
e. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson
9. Who were invited to the opening ceremony ?
a. The chairman b. Generel mercantile things and more home to you each month; to help you
c. The secretary d. The Director rediscover the joys of life in Asia.
e. Mr and Mrs. Frank Jackson
Sincerely yours,
10. Where was the opening ceremony held ? Hans
a. 3000, Victoria street, London BC. Editor in Chief
b. 300, Victoria street, London EC (Source: Reader’s Digest, January 2006 Edition)
c. 30, Victoria street, London EC Answer with suitable verb!
d. 30, Victoria street, London AC 16. Who is the sender of this letter?
e. 30, Victoria street, London BC a. Han’s b. Hans c. Han
d. Har e. Hars
11. When the opening ceremony was held ?
a. In the moning 17. Who is the letter dedicated to?
b. At mid day time a. writers b. Singers
c. At the beginning afternoon c. audiences d. listeners
d. At the beginning evening e. readers
e. At mid night
18. When did he officially become editor-in-chief?
Choose the best pronoun ! a. six months ago b. eight months ago
12. Julie fell off her bicycle and broke ….. arm c. ten months ago d. seven month ago
a. hers b. His c. He d. her e. him e. nine month ago

13. adam and Amanda are married …… in an 19. Where is the editorial office located?
apartment buiding. a. Australia b. Shanghai c. Singapore
a. They b. Theirs c. They are d. Them e. Their d. Asia e. Jakarta

14. we live in the same building …… apartment has 20. What is Reader’s Digest magazine all about?
one bedroom. a. important things b. basic things
a. Ours b. Our c. Us d. We e. We are c. unimportant d. cruel things
e. tyranny things
15. Diery : Hello, I’m Diery. I’m a new here.
Anggi : _____, Diery. I’m Anggi. Diary of a student name Tyra
a. Come here please b.. Thank you June 3rd, 2006
c. . How do you do d. How are you Dear diary,
e. I’m fine Today is my first day as a college student at UNCLA. I
Singapore feel really excited, it seems like just yesterday I started
April 29, 2005 my high school, but now is my time to begin my new
Dear Readers, life in college. I really hope that everything will be
Ever since I became Editor-in-Chief of the Asian okay today, because I don’t expect something bad will
Reader’s Digest six months ago, I’ve been dying to happen and ruin my day. Oh, I really hope NOT…
share some exciting news with you. After being based
in Australia for almost a decade, our editorial office June 4th, 2006
has moved to Singapore, bringing it back to Asia in Yesterday wasn’t a good start for me. Something came
these exciting and important times. up and ruined my entire mood for that day. I wasn’t
pleased with my new beginning of college’s life.
Over the coming months you’ll see the difference our Honestly, I doubted whether I could survive in dealing
move makes in a hundred little ways. We’ll still deliver with people in this college. But, Hey, I have to survive,
the window on the world you’ve come to expect, but right? Although they are cruel and ignorant, but I can
being in the heart of Asia will allow us to make our do this!
local content more … well … local. The magazine will P.S: I really miss my hometown buddies… wish they
continue to be an engaging mix of inspirational and were here…
informative stories, but the local stories will be more
chicken rice than spaghetti and meatballs. June 7th, 2006
Dear diary,
Starting with this month’s poll on the things that irritate Sorry I skipped telling stories these few days. It’s
us – we traveled all the way to Shanghai to get a truly because I have a bunch of assignments to do. Well, I
pan-Asia view point – we plan to put more Asian guess the old saying is right; college is fun and also
voices into the magazine in 2007. My personal new tiring. Yeah right… now I know why they said so. But,
year’s resolution is to meet as many of you, our the good news is… I have made some friends. Thank
readers, as possible this year to hear what type of goodness they’re nice and friendly.
magazine you’d like to see each month.
21. Where is Tyra studying at?
Reader’s Digest is all about the basic things that make a. Oxford b. Yale
us human – our thirst of knowledge, our emotions, our c. UNCLA d. UI
desire to make a better life for ourselves and our loved e. UNJ
ones. I am excited about being able to bring all these
22. When did Tyra started her first day as a college
a. June 3rd, 2006 b. July 3rd, 2006
c. June 4 , 2006 d. June 1st, 2006
e. July 1 , 2006

23. How did Tyra feel about her first day at college?
a. pleasant b. annoying
c. great d. unpleasant
e. awful

24. What was Tyra hoping at her first day in college?

a. something terrible
b. something ruin
c. something nice
d. something unpleasant
e. . something pathetic

25. According to Tyra’s opinion on June 4th, what

kind of people that she’s dealing with in the
a. ignorant and cruel
b. ignorant and calm
c. ignorant and charismatic
d. ignorant and cute
e. ignorant and charming

26. When did Tyra miss her hometown best friends?

a. June 4th, 2007 b. June 5th, 2006
c. June 7 , 2006 d. June 5th, 2007
e. June 4th, 2006

27. How did Tyra feel about her college life lately?
a. cute and friendly
b. charismatic and friendly
c. nice and friendly
d. charming and friendly
e. nice and cruel

28. What’s the good news that Tyra shared to her

diary on June 7th?
a. She had made some friends
b. She had avoided some friends
c. She disliked some friends
d. She hated some friends
e. She worked with some friends

29. Fei :”Let me introduce you to my twin,

Irfan :”How do you do, Vemas”.
Vemas :”How do you do? it’s nice to meet
Irfan :”…………………….”
a. Me too
b. I should be nice
c. Do you?
d. Am I nice ?
e. I am dissapointed

30.Ray :”Hello, I’m Ray. I’m a new student at

SMAN 3 Batusangkar “
Granty :”Good, so now you !”
a. a lazy boy
b. a big man
c. a young boy
d. an adult
e. a teenager

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