Lamp 1-Alat Pelindung Diri (APD)

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Departemen Health & Safety Environment

Alat Pelindung Diri (APD)
Pengelola Properti: PT. Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia



CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The pages accompanying this procedures contain information which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for
the use of internal Property Management only. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of
this information is prohibited.
Departemen Health & Safety Environment
Alat Pelindung Diri (APD)
Pengelola Properti: PT. Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia

Adalah seperangkat alat yang digunakan oleh tenaga kerja untuk melindungi seluruh/ sebagian
tubuhnya terhadap kemungkinan adanya potensi bahaya/ kecelakaan kerja.


A. Pengendalian Teknis (Engineering Control)
1. Eliminasi
2. Substitusi
3. Isolasi
4. Perubahan Proses
5. Ventilasi

B. Pengendalian Administratif
1. Pengurangan waktu kerja
2. Rotasi, Mutasi

C. Alat Pelindung Diri

1. Identifikasi & evaluasi potensi bahaya
2. Pemilihan yang tepat & kesesuaian
3. Diklat
4. Pemeliharaan
5. Kesadaran Manajemen & pekerja


1. Undang-undang No.1 tahun 1970.

a. Pasal 3 ayat (1) butir f:
Dengan peraturan perundangan ditetapkan syarat-syarat untuk memberikan APD.
b.  Pasal 9 ayat (1) butir c :
Pengurus diwajibkan menunjukkan dan menjelaskan pada tiap tenaga kerja baru
tentang APD.
c.  Pasal 12 butir b :
Dengan peraturan perundangan diatur kewajiban dan atau hak tenaga kerja untuk
memakai APD.
d. Pasal 14 butir c :
Pengurus diwajibkan menyediakan APD secara cuma-cuma.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The pages accompanying this procedures contain information which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for
the use of internal Property Management only. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of
this information is prohibited.
Departemen Health & Safety Environment
Alat Pelindung Diri (APD)
Pengelola Properti: PT. Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia

2. Permenakertrans No.Per-01 / MEN / 1981

Pasal 4 ayat (3) menyebutkan kewajiban pengurus menyediakan alat pelindung diri dan
wajib bagi tenaga kerja untuk menggunakannya untuk pencegahan penyakit akibat kerja.
3. Permenakertrans No.Per.03 / Men / 1982
Pasal 2 butir I menyebutkan memberikan nasehat mengenai perencanaan dan pembuatan
tempat kerja, pemilihan alat pelindung diri yang diperlukan dan gizi serta penyelenggaraan
makanan di tempat kerja.


1. Alat Pelindung Kepala

2. Alat Pelindung Muka dan Mata
3. Alat Pelindung Telinga
4. Alat Pelindung Pernafasan
5. Alat Pelindung Tangan
6. Alat Pelindung Kaki
7. Pakaian Pelindung
8. Safety Belt

Alat Pelindung Kepala

1. Topi Pelindung
Melindungi kepala dari benda keras, pukulan dan benturan, terjatuh dan terkena arus listrik.

2. Tutup Kepala
Melindungi kepala dari kebakaran, korosi, panas/dingin

3. Hats/cap
Melindungi kepala dari kotoran debu atau tangkapan mesin-mesin

Alat Pelindung Muka dan Mata

Jenis Pekerjaan Hazards

Acetylene welding Sparks, harmful rays, molten metals/flying aerosols

Handling of chemicals Chemical burns resulting from splash of chemicals

Cutting Flying particle

Arc welding Sparks, intense rays, molten metals

Furnace work Glare, heat, molten metals

Light grinding work Flying aerosols

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The pages accompanying this procedures contain information which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for
the use of internal Property Management only. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of
this information is prohibited.
Departemen Health & Safety Environment
Alat Pelindung Diri (APD)
Pengelola Properti: PT. Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia

Heavy grinding work Flying aerosols

For use at laboratories Splash of chemicals or broken glasses

Machine operation Flying aerosols

Metal welding Heat, glare, sparks and flying aerosols

Spot welding Flying aerosols and sparks

Alat Pelindung Telinga

1. Sumbat telinga ( ear plug )

Dapat mengurangi intensitas suara 10 s/d 15 dB.

2. Tutup telinga ( ear muff )

Dapat mengurangi intensitas suara 20 s/d 30 dB.

Alat Pelindung Pernapasan

Respiratory protectors’ untuk bernafas:

a. Air purifying respirators:
- Power filter type:
* Mutual use for gas, vapor and aerosols
* For gas and vapor
* For aerosols

- Non powered filter type:

* Mutual use for gas, vapor and aerosols
* For gas and vapor (chemical cartridge)
* For aerosols (dust respirator)

b. Compound type 1

c. Supplied air respirators:

- Self contained respirator:
* Circulation type respirator
* Semi enclosed respirator
* Semi open respirator
* Open respirator

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The pages accompanying this procedures contain information which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for
the use of internal Property Management only. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of
this information is prohibited.
Departemen Health & Safety Environment
Alat Pelindung Diri (APD)
Pengelola Properti: PT. Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia

- Air mask

Alat Pelindung Tangan

a. Cotton:
- Cotton : Very common
- Synthetic fiber : Often used for work in the winter gloves
- Coated : For better handling
b. Leather:
- For handling : For general purpose and heavy work
- For welding : For gas and electric welding

c. Rubber:
- For handling : For general purpose and heavy work
For light work, cooking and housekeeping
- For chemicals : Chemical resistant
Oil resistant
Solvent resistant
d. For special purposes: Vibration, heat resistant, cut-proof, insulated, others.

Alat Pelindung Kaki

a. Pada industri ringan/ tempat kerja biasa:

Cukup dengan sepatu yang baik.
b. Sepatu pelindung ( safety shoes):
Dapat terbuat dari kulit, karet, sintetik atau plastik.
c. Untuk mencegah tergelincir :
Dipakai sol anti slip.
d. Untuk mencegah tusukan:
Dipakai sol dari logam.
e. Terhadap bahaya listrik:
Sepatu seluruhnya harus di jahit atau direkat tak boleh memakai paku.

Pakaian Pelindung

Contoh Dermal Hazard Categories

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The pages accompanying this procedures contain information which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for
the use of internal Property Management only. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of
this information is prohibited.
Departemen Health & Safety Environment
Alat Pelindung Diri (APD)
Pengelola Properti: PT. Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia

Hazard Contoh

Chemical Dermal toxins Systemic toxins

Corrosives Allergens

Physical Thermal hazards (hot/cold)

Vibration Radiation
Trauma producing

Biological Human pathogens

Animal pathogens
Environmental pathogens

Safety Belt

a. Berguna untuk melindungi tubuh dari kemungkinan terjatuh, biasanya digunakan pada
pekerjaan konstruksi dan memanjat serta tempat tertutup atau boiler.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The pages accompanying this procedures contain information which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for
the use of internal Property Management only. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of
this information is prohibited.
Departemen Health & Safety Environment
Alat Pelindung Diri (APD)
Pengelola Properti: PT. Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia

b. Harus dapat menahan beban sebesar 80 Kg.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The pages accompanying this procedures contain information which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for
the use of internal Property Management only. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of
this information is prohibited.

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