D. Angle-Recession Glaucoma

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Seorang laki-laki berusia 40 tahun datang ke poli mata dengan keluhan penglihatan
mata kirinya kabur dialami sejak 2 minggu terakhir. Riwayat trauma mata kiri 1
tahun yang lalu. VOD: 20/30, VOS: 20/20. TOD: 28 mHg, TOS: 18 mmHg.
Gonioscopy OD: widening of the ciliary body band, white, glistening scleral spur;
OS: open angle. FOS: CDR: 0,4 , IR<SR. Diagnosis pasien di atas adalah?
a. Traumatic hyphema
b. Hemolytic glaucoma
c. Ghost cell glaucoma
d. Angle-recession glaucoma
e. Schwartz-Matsuo Syndrome
2. Seorang laki-laki berusia 40 tahun datang ke poli mata dengan keluhan penglihatan
mata kirinya kabur dialami sejak 2 minggu terakhir. Riwayat trauma mata kiri 1
tahun yang lalu. VOD: 20/30, VOS: 20/20. TOD: 28 mHg, TOS: 18 mmHg.
Gonioscopy OD: widening of the ciliary body band, glistening scleral spur; OS: open
angle. FOS: CDR: 0,4 , IR<SR. Penatalaksanaan awal yang tepat pasien di atas,
a. Observation, routine evaluation
b. Aqueous suppressants
c. Laser trabeculoplasty
d. Incisional glaucoma surgery
3. Seorang wanita berusia 25 tahun datang dengan keluhan penglihatan kabur mata
kanan disertai rasa nyeri minimal sejak 3 bulan terakhir. Dari pemeriksaan
oftalmologi didapatkan VOD:20/40; VOS: 20/20. TOD: 28 mmHg, TOS: 20 mmHg.
SLOD: a “beaten bronze” appearance, essential iris atrophy. Gonioskopi OD:
PAS extend anterior to the Schwalbe line. FOD: CDR: 0.4, IR<SR. Apakah
diagnosis pasien di atas?
a. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
b. Pigment dispersion syndrome
c. Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome
d. Epithelilal and fibrous ingrowtg
e. Schwartz-Matsuo Syndrome
4. Seorang wanita berusia 25 tahun datang dengan keluhan penglihatan kabur mata
kanan disertai rasa nyeri minimal sejak 3 bulan terakhir. Dari pemeriksaan
oftalmologi didapatkan VOD: 20/40; VOS: 20/20. TOD: 25 mmHg, TOS: 20 mmHg.
SLOD: a “beaten bronze” appearance, essential iris atrophy. Gonioskopi OD:
PAS extend anterior to the Schwalbe line. FOD: CDR: 0.4, IR<SR. Apakah
penatalaksanan pasien di atas?
a. Aqueous suppressants
b. Miotics
c. Laser trabeculoplasty
d. Tube shunt
e. Trabeculectomy
5. a woman 65 yo come with chief complain in the left eye are history of poor vision
and sudden of pain. In examination in the left eye founded hypermature cataract with
IOP 35mmHg, corneal edema, cell and flare without keratic precipitates and open
anterior chamber angle. What the diagnosis of the patient?
a. lens practical glaucoma
b. phacolitic glaucoma
c. phaconaaphylaxis glaucoma
d. Phacomorphic glaucoma
e. exfoliation syndrome
6. A woman 45 yo come to RSMH with chief complain in LE: ocular pain, headache,
blurred vision, and rainbow color the light with nausea and vomiting. From the
examination founded TIOS 45mmHg, the gonioscopy ODS closure angle, the cornea
edema (+), shallow COA (+) and the pupil dilated. What the diagnosis the case
a. acute primary angle closure
b. chronic angle closure
c. intermittent angle closure
d. primary open angle
e. normal tension glaucoma
7. A 60 yo man came to RSMH with chief complain pain and blurred vision in RE,
recurrent end eye (+). History of cataract surgery 1 year ago, in RE. VOD 1/300
TIOD 30,4mmHg from slitlamp examination foud malpositioned anterior chamber
IOL, hypemas and secondary iris neovascularization. What diagnose from this
a. Neovascular glaucoma
b. Phacoantary glaucoma
c. Pigmentary Glaucoma
d. exfoliation syndrome
e. Uveitis- Glaucoma- hyphema
8. A 55 yo man come to RSMH with chief complain worsening vision, pain and red in
RE since 5 days ago, VOD 1/300 TIOD 35.8mmHg. From slitlamp examination
found conjungtival hyperemia, microcystic corneal, cell flare without keratic
precipitate, wrinkle and intact lens capsule. From gonioscopy examination open
anterior chamber angle. If this patient do trabeculectomy, what is the late
complication of filtering surgery?
a. hyphema
b. Hipotony
c. Cystoid macular edema
d. persistent uveitis
e. Belbitis
9. A woman 48 yo came to eye policlinic with main complain headache and sometime
seen like the rainbow sonce 3 months ago. The examination found VOD 6/12 ph (-)
VOS 6/6 TIOS 25,8mmHg and TIOS 15.6mmHg. radius curvature cornea and
diameter cornea is small USG: axial length 20.20mm,COA depth 2.0mm Visual field
loss, glaucomatous optic nerve damage and PAS are present. The possible
diagnosis from this patient is:
a. Primary open angle glaucoma
b. Primary congenital glaucoma
c. Primary angle closure glaucoma
d. Pigmentary glaucoma
e. Secondary angle closure glaucoma
10. A 30 yo white male with myopia in both eye. The examination reveal an IOP of 19
with krukenberg spindle and mid peripheral iris translumination defect. The most
likely diagnosis is:
a. Extoliation syndrome
b. Pigmentary glaucoma
c. Phacoanaphylaxis
d. ICE syndrome
e. Phacolytic glaucoma
11. A 45-year-old woman came with a blurry vision and pain on both eyes. From the
visual acuity examination LE 3/60, IOP RE 39 mmHg, LE 36 mmHg. Anterior
segment examination show shallow chamber, 360 iridotrabecular-contact. Posterior
segment examination show no damage of optic nerve. What is most possible
diagnosis of this patient?
a. Primary angle closure
b. Primary angle closure suspect
c. Primary angle closure glaucoma
d. Pupillary block
12. A 45-year-old woman came with a blurry vision and pain on both eyes. From the
visual acuity examination LE 3/60, IOP RE 19 mmHg, LE 16 mmHg. Anterior
segment examination show shallow chamber, 360 iridotrabecular-contact. Posterior
segment examination show no damage of optic nerve. What is most possible
diagnosis of this patient?
a. Primary angle closure
b. Primary angle closure suspect
c. Primary angle closure glaucoma
d. Pupillary block
13. A 70-year-old man came with gradually blurred vision on the right eye for 6
month ago. No red eye or pain, no trauma, no systemic disease, no surgery
history. VOD 1/300 and VOS 0.6 IOP were 36 mmHg and 16 mmHg in the right and
left eye. Anterior segment examination after dilattion showed bulls eye pattern on
the light eye and lens opacity on both eyes. Funduscopy showed c/d rasio were 0.9
and 0.3 on the right and left eye. Gonioscopy showed heavily pigmented trabecular
meshwork in 4 quadrants.
What is the diagnosis of the patient?
a. Phacolytic glaucoma
b. Pigmentary glaucoma
c. Glaucomallocyctic crisis
d. Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
14. A 50 years old man came with chronc red eye and gradually blurred vision since
6 month ago. No pain or eye dischange. He had history of head trauma 1 year ago.
VOD 0.3 and anterior segment showed episcleral injection. Gonioscopy showed c/d
ratio 0.7- 0.8. What is the LEAST LIKELY medication that could be given to the
a. Betaxolol
b. Latanoprost
c. Acetazolamide
d. Timolol maleat
15. A 50 year old man came with chronic red eye and gradually blurred vision since
6 month ago. No pain or eye dischange. He had history of head trauma 1 year ago.
VOD 0.3 and anterior segment showed episcleral injection. Gonioscopy showed
blood in Schlemm canal. Funduscopy showed c/d ratio 0.7-0.8
What is the MOST LIKELY cause of that patient condition?
a. Thyroid eye disease
b. Sturge weber syndrome
c. Carotid cavernous fistule
d. Superior vena ceva syndrome
16. A 25-year-old woman came to check her eyes. No red eye or pain, no trauma no
surgery. She was pregnant in second trimester. VODS were 0.8 and IOP 30 and 26
mmHg in the right and left eye. Anterior segment was within normal limits.
Funduscopy showed c/d ratio 0.6-0.7 in both eyes.
What is the SAFEST medication that could be given t the patient?
a. Brimonidine
b. Latianoprost
c. Brinzilamide
d. Timololmaleat
17. Seorang laki-laki berusia 75 tahun datang ke poli mata dengan keluhan penglihatan
kabur pada kedua mata dialami perlahan-lahan sejak 1 tahun terakhir. Dari
pemeriksaan oftalmologis didapatkan: BCVA: VOD: 20/40, VOS: 20/25, GAT: TOD:
26 mmHg, TOS: 18 mmHg, SLOD: tampak: Krukenberg spindles, SLOS: “bull’s-eye”
pattern pada lensa,dan deposit fibrillar pada pupil ODS. gonioskopi OD: SL pada 3
kuadran dan TM anterior pada 1 kuadran, OS: TM 4 kuadran dan tampak
sampoalesi line. RAPD: negative, FOD: papil N. II batas tegas, medium size, CDR
0,6, IR<SR, NFLD + di inferior, difus. FOS: papil N. II batas tegas, medium size,
CDR 0,3 IR>SR, HNRR, RNFL kesan normal. HVF OD: GHT: outside normal limit
dengan defek arcuata di superior dengan VFI 86%. GHT OS: with in normal
limit.Apakah patomekanisme kondisi Sudut BMD dari Gonioskopi pada mata kanan
kasus di atas?
a. Iris movement that scrapes the pseudoexfoliative material from the lens,
causing a clear Infiltration of fibrillar material into the iris stroma.
b. Intermediate area in between a central and peripheral zone of the material
c. Weak zonular fibers cause an anterior movement of the lens iris interface
d. Deposits of fibrillar material in trabecular meshwork that impede the
outflow of aqueous through the trabecular meshwork or uveoscleral
e. Elastin is an important component of the lamina cribrosa may increase the
susceptibility of the optic nerve to injury
18. Liberation of photoreceptor outer segments, which migrate through the retinal
tear into the anterior chamber and impede aqueous outflow through the
trabecular meshwork is postulated mechanism of IOP elevation in ….
a. Schwartz-Matsuo Syndrome
b. Pigmentary Dispersion syndrome
c. Chandler syndrome
d. Cogan Reese syndrome
e. ICE syndrome
19. Seorang lelaki berumur 48 tahun, penderita glaukoma. Saat ini dia sedang
menderita batuk dan pilek dan datang ke tempat praktek sodara dengan perahu
karena kotanya di landa kebanjiran. Kedatangannya untuk kosultasi, karena dia
membaca di label obat batuk-pilek yang dia minum ada bacaan kontra indikasi
bagi penderita glaukoma. Adapun komposisi obat tsb adl sbb:
a. Dextromethorpan HBr 10 mg
b. Alkohol 5%
c. Ephedrin HCL 10 mg
d. Pct 250 mg
e. Guaifenesin 100 mg
20. Male, 75 years old came to the opthalmologis with blurred vision on his right eye.
From examination visus OD 6/30, IOP 30 mmHg. From gonioscopy, there is a
Sampaolesi line with narrow chamber angle and distinctive fibrillar material in the
lens capsule and pupillary margin. What is the best treatment for this patient ?
a. Laser trabeculoplasty
b. Lens extraction
c. Laser peripheral iridectomy
d. Systemic carbonic anhidrase
e. Topical prostaglandin analogue
21. A 70 years old man came with complain of blurring of right eye, headache with
nausea and vomiting. Eye examination shown IOP 62 mmHg, hyperemic
conjunctiva, corneal edema, narrow anterior chamber. Left eye was normal, with
narrow anterior chamber. Most common mechanism of etiology:
a. Lens luxation
b. Pupillary block
c. PAS
d. Aqueous misdirection
e. Anteriorly iris caused by tumor
22. A 30 year old white male with myopia in both eye. The examination reveal an
IOP 20 mmHg with krukenberg spindle and mid peripheral iris transillumination
defect. The most likely diagnosis is :
a. Exfoliation Syndrome
b. Pigmentary Glaucoma
c. Phacoanaphylaxis
d. ICE Syndrome
e. Phacolytic Glaucoma
23. Wanita, 40 th datang ke poliklinik karena kabur jika membaca. Tidak didapatkan
keluhan lainnya. Riwayat hipertensi (+). Pada pemeriksaan visus OD 20/20, TIO
26 mmHg. Gonioskopi sudut BMD terbuka dan segmen anterior dalam batas
normal. GON -, HFA dalam batas normal. Diagnosa kerja pada kasus di atas
a. Primary open angle glaucoma
b. Plateau iris syndrome
c. Hipertensi okuli
d. Normotensi glaucoma
e. Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome

24. Pasien wanita 50 tahun datang dengan keluhan mata kanan buram, tanpa
disertai rasa nyeri ataupun mata merah. Pemeriksaan oftalmologi didapatkan
VOD 5/60, VOS 6/10. TIO OD 40 mmHg, TIO OS 19 mmHg. Segmen anterior
kedua mata normal, COA VH gr. II, lensa keruh tak rata. Funduskopi OD papil
N.II CDR vertikal 0.8, cupping glaucomatosa +, funduskopi OS CDR vertikal 0.3.
Gonisokopi ODS SL di empat kuadran dengan indentasi PAS +. Diagnosis yang
tepat pada kasus di atas adalah...
25. Bila pasca trabekulektomi hari pertama didapat COA yang dangkal, maka
kemungkinannya adalah:

a. Failed bleb

b. Aquos misdirection

c. Iridotomi terlalu besar

d. Flap sclera terlalu tebal

e. Terjadi iridodialisis

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