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TUGAS MATA KULIAH Evidence-Based Nursing

Disusun Oleh Kelompok 2:

1. Cintya Narulita Maharani (201911005)

2. Daniela Johana. P (201911007)
3. Derryanto Pratomo (201911008)

Semester 5
Jln. Raya PKP Kelapa Dua Wetan Kelurahan Kelapa Dua Kecamatan Ciracas Jakarta Timur
13730 Telp. & Fax 021 22852216
Email: [email protected]
 Nama Penulis:
Totok Hernawan, Fahrun Nur Rosyid
 Judul Jurnal:
 Nama Jurnal:
 Nama Penerbit Jurnal:
Universitas Muhammadiyah
 Tahun Terbit:
 Latar Belakang:
Masalah kesehatan yang terjadi pada lansia umumnya adalah penurunan fungsi organ
yang memicu terjadinya berbagai penyakit degeneratif termasuk hipertensi. Penyakit
degeneratif pada lansia jika tidak ditangani dengan baik maka menurunkan kualitas
hidup lansia. Hipertensi merupakan suatu gejala penyakit degeneratif kardiovaskuler
yang paling banyak di alami oleh lansia dan belum dapat diketahui dengan pasti
penyebabnya. Penatalaksanaan hipertensi pada lansia selain dengan farmakologi dapat
pula dilakukan dengan non farmakologi seperti senam hipertensi.
 Tujuan Penelitian:
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam hipertensi lansia terhadap
penurunan tekanan darah lansia dengan hipertensi di Panti Wredha Darma Bhakti
Kelurahan Pajang Surakarta.
 Metode dan Populasi Penelitian:
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan pre experiment
design One Group Pre test-post test dimana pada desain ini peneliti membandingkan
nilai pre test yaitu sebelum dilakukan intevensi dan nilai post test yaitu setelah
dilakukan intervensi
Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh lansia yang tinggal di Panti Wredha Kelurahan
Pajang Surakarta berjumlah 82 orang dan sample sebanyak 28 lansia yang mengalami
hipertensi dengan teknik sampling jenuh.
 Nama Penulis:
Wenhao Li, Hongmei Liu, Congcong Huo, Gongcheng Xu, Tengyu Zhang, Zengyong
 Judul Jurnal:
Effects of acupuncture on the relationship between cerebral hemodynamics and
arterial blood pressure in patients with hypertension
 Nama Jurnal:
Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices
 Nama Penerbit Jurnal:
Elsevier B.V
 Tahun Terbit:
 Latar Belakang:
Hypertension is considered a crucial risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Thus, it is
of great significance to find effective and sustainable treatment regimens for patients.
At present, recommendations for the control of hypertension include pharmacological
therapy and lifestyle modification [1]. Pharmacological therapy is the chief treatment
option for mild hypertension [2]. However, the need for lifelong management and
poor compliance with or adverse effects of antihypertensive drugs often lead to poor
blood pressure control, especially in elderly individuals [3]. Lifestyle interventions,
including salt intake restriction, regular physical activity, smoking cessation, and the
moderation of alcohol intake can also lower blood pressure, but they are difficult to
sustain [4]. With the advantages of being relatively safe with rare adverse re-actions,
complementary medicine interventions such as acupuncture, have increased in
popularity, in recent years [5]. To date, the efficacy of acupuncture in lowering blood
pressure has been investigated and discussed in many case reports and clinical trials
with small sample sizes [6]. At the same time, there is increasing mechanistic research
on acupuncture in modulating blood pressure, but further investigation is warranted
[7]. The healthy brain is protected by mechanisms of cerebral autoregulation (CA),
which ensures steady cerebral blood flow over a wide range of arterial blood pressure
(ABP) [8]. Once blood pressure increases or decreases beyond the range of CA
control, cerebral blood flow becomes unstable, resulting in an increased risk of
secondary injury. CA is often impaired in hypertensive and aging individuals and
contributes to the development of stroke [9]. Thus, it is of great significance to use
CA incators to assess cerebrovascular health or guide treatment strategies.
Acupuncture intervention in migraine patients have shown a positive influence on CA
function [10]
 Tujuan Penelitian:
The present study aimed to investigate the effect of an auricular acupuncture
intervention on the relationship between changes in oxyhemoglobin concentration (Δ
[O2Hb]) and arterial blood pressure (ABP).

 Metode dan Populasi Penelitian:

2.1. Participants
Hypertensive participants were recruited through the outpatient Department of
Rehabilitation Hospital of the National Research Center for Rehabilitation Technical
Aids, China.
2.2. Protocol
In the present study, an intradermal needle was applied to eight acupointints,
including the ear apex point (HX6, 7i), shen men point (TF4), heart point (CO15),
liver point (CO12), kidney point (CO10), subcortex (AT4), and two acupoints in
hypertension groove (Ps). Acupoints were identified based on the standardization
document for auricular acupuncture points [22]. These acupoints were selected for
this study because they are commonly used in the treatment of hypertension [20,
22]. Intradermal needles (Pyonex, Seirin Corporation, Shizuoka, Japan) with
specification of 0.20 mm 0.9 mm were employed in the intervention. The participants
were instructed not to alter their regular lifestyle habits during the study period
(verified through food/physical activity logs). All auricular acupuncture interventions
were performed twice a week for 4 weeks by an experienced and licensed
acupuncturist: twice a week, for 4 weeks. Before every intervention, the auricle of the
participant was massaged to make it congested and then cleaned and
disinfected with 75% alcohol preparation pads. The intradermal needles were used on
one ear within a session and alternated between ears across sessions.

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