Indopipe Price List - Hdpe Pipe Pe100

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No. Ref. 18

SDR 26 21 17 13.6 11
CLASS PE 100 PE 100 PE 100 PE 100 PE 100
PN 6 BAR 8 BAR 10 BAR 12.5 BAR 16 BAR

(MM) (INCH) (MM) (IDR) (MM) (IDR) (MM) (IDR) (MM) (IDR) (MM) (IDR)
20 1/2" - - - - - - - - 2.00 7,900
25 3/4" - - - - - - 2.00 10,500 2.30 11,800
32 1" - - - - 2.00 13,700 2.40 16,300 3.00 18,900
40 1 1/4" - - 2.00 17,000 2.40 20,200 3.00 25,400 3.70 29,300
50 1 1/2" 2.00 21,500 2.40 26,100 3.00 31,300 3.70 37,800 4.60 45,600
63 2" 2.50 34,500 3.00 39,700 3.80 49,500 4.70 59,900 5.80 72,200
75 2 1/2" 2.90 46,200 3.60 57,300 4.50 69,600 5.60 84,600 6.80 100,200
90 3" 3.50 67,700 4.30 82,000 5.40 100,200 6.70 121,600 8.20 145,700
110 4" 4.20 98,900 5.30 122,300 6.60 148,900 8.10 180,100 10.00 215,200
125 5" 4.80 119,700 6.00 147,600 7.40 180,100 9.20 220,400 11.40 266,600
140 5 1/2" 5.40 151,500 6.70 184,700 8.30 226,300 10.30 275,700 12.70 332,200
160 6" 6.20 198,300 7.70 242,500 9.50 295,200 11.80 360,200 14.60 436,200
180 7" 6.90 247,100 8.60 304,900 10.70 373,800 13.30 457,000 16.40 551,300
200 8" 7.70 306,200 9.60 377,700 11.90 460,900 14.70 560,400 18.20 680,000
225 9" 8.60 384,900 10.80 477,200 13.40 584,400 16.60 711,800 20.50 860,700
250 10" 9.60 477,200 11.90 583,800 14.80 716,400 18.40 876,900 22.70 1,058,900
280 11" 10.70 594,800 13.40 737,200 16.60 900,300 20.60 1,098,600 25.40 1,327,400
315 12" 12.10 758,000 15.00 926,300 18.70 1,140,200 23.20 1,391,700 28.60 1,680,300
355 14" 13.60 958,200 16.90 1,175,900 21.10 1,450,900 26.10 1,764,800 32.20 2,132,700
400 16" 15.30 1,214,900 19.10 1,499,600 23.70 1,833,700 29.40 2,238,000 36.30 2,708,000
450 18" 17.20 1,536,000 21.50 1,896,800 26.70 2,323,200 33.10 2,834,700 40.90 3,429,500
500 20" 19.10 1,894,800 23.90 2,340,100 29.70 2,870,500 36.80 3,497,700 45.40 4,231,600
560 22" 21.40 2,374,500 26.70 2,928,300 33.20 3,595,900 41.20 4,388,200 50.80 5,300,800
630 24" 24.10 3,008,900 30.00 3,699,900 37.40 4,554,000 46.30 5,547,200 57.20 6,715,900
710 28" 27.20 3,824,700 33.90 4,710,600 42.10 5,778,600 52.20 7,046,700 - -
800 32" 30.60 4,844,500 38.10 5,970,300 47.40 7,326,900 58.80 8,938,900 - -
900 36" 34.40 6,127,000 42.90 7,554,400 53.30 9,268,400 - - - -
1000 40" 38.20 7,560,200 47.70 9,333,400 59.30 11,455,000 - - - -

Syarat & Kondisi :

1. Harga Ex Work (Pabrik Indopipe Gresik - Jawa Timur), belum termasuk PPN 10 %.
2. Panjang pipa diameter 110 mm ke atas standar per batang 6 meter dan 12 meter.
3. Panjang pipa diameter 110 mm ke bawah dapat digulung sampai 100 meter.
4. Tebal diatas PN 16 (PN 20 & PN 25) dapat diproduksi sesuai kebutuhan (OD 110 sd. OD 400mm).
5. Berlaku mulai 02 Januari 2021 dan harga sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu
6. Standard Produk ISO 4427 Pipa Polyethylene untuk supply air minum
7. Standard Produk ISO 12162 Material (bahan baku) thermoplastic untuk pipa dan fitting bertekanan

Telah Mendapatkan :
1. Sertifikat SNI 4829.2:2015 - Sistem Perpipaan Plastik-Pipa Polyethylene (PE) & Fitting untuk Penyediaan Air Minum
2. Sertifikat ISO 4427.2:2007 - Polyethylene (PE) Pipes and Fittings for Water Supply
3. Sertifikat NSF - Standar Food Grade dari National Sanitation Foundation (Amerika Serikat)
4. Sertifikat RisTI Telkom STEL L-039-2008 Ver.2.2 - For Cable Protection
5. Sertifikat LEMIGAS No. 388/PE-S/1832 s.d 1836/9.2/III/2020
6. Sertifikat ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System
7. Sertifikat ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management System
8. Sertifikat ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System
9. Sertifikat SMK3 - dari Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia

- SO : Gedung AD Premier Lt. 19, Jl. TB. Simatupang No. 5, Ragunan - Jakarta Selatan 12550 Indonesia | Tel. +62 21 22708987
- HO : Kawasan Industri Gresik, Jl. Gresik Raya Selatan Blok D 12A - 26, Gresik, Jawa Timur 61121 Indonesia | Tel. +62 31 3990550

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