Uretra Rupture
Uretra Rupture
Uretra Rupture
Pars Prostatica Mulai dari basis prostat
(3-4 cm) sampai pada apeks prostat
Posterior urethral injuries are most commonly associated with pelvic fracture, with an
incidence of 5%-10%. With an annual rate of 20 pelvic fractures per 100,000 population,
these injuries are not uncommon.
Anterior urethral injuries are less commonly diagnosed emergently; thus, the actual incidence
is difficult to determine. However, many men with bulbar urethral strictures recall an
antecedent perineal blunt injury or straddle injury, making the true frequency of anterior
urethral injury much higher.
Penetrating injury to the urethra is rare, with major trauma centers reporting only a few per
As with many traumatic events, the Etiology of a urethral injury can be classified as
o Blunt
Blunt injuries are almost always related to massive deceleration events such as falls from
some distance or vehicular collisions. These patients most often have a pelvic fracture
involving the anterior pelvis.
o Penetrating
Penetrating trauma most often occurs to the penile urethra. Etiologies include gunshot and
stab wounds.
Iatrogenic injuries to the urethra occur when difficult urethral catheterization leads to mucosal injury with
subsequent scarring and stricture formation. Transurethral procedures such as prostate and tumor resections
and ureteroscopy can also lead to urethral injury.
Blunt injuries Trauma uretra dapat disebabkan trauma
Terpukul, tendangan tumpul, trauma tajam, atau trauma iatrogenik.
Pada 20% kasus fraktur penis juga dapat
ditemukan ruptur uretra, terutama uretra
Penetrating injuries bagian pendulosa.
Luka tembak, luka tusuk
Trauma tajam paling sering disebabkan oleh
luka tembak dan luka tusuk. Tercatat 75%
Cedera iatrogenik kasus fraktur pelvis disertai ruptur uretra.
Pemasangan kateter Trauma iatrogenik tersering pada instrumentasi
Tindakan operasi transuretra endoskopi dan pemasangan kateter uretra.
Penyebab trauma uretra lainnya adalah
perilaku seksual, fraktur penis, dan stimulasi
intralumen uretra
Colapinto and McCallum classified posterior
urethral injuries into three categories based on
KLASIFIKASI radiological findings from retrograde urethrography
Sandler et al. reported type 1 and 2 injuries 15% of cases, and type 3 in 85% of cases.
Another point is that in type 3 (more common) the injury extends into the bulbous urethra,
which is a part of the anterior urethra.
The most common classification system currently in use for blunt posterior urethral
injuries was described by Colapinto and McCallum in 1977.
Goldman and colleagues recently modified the system to include all common
KLASIFIKASI types of blunt urethral injuries.
This classification uses radiographic findings to sort blunt urethral injuries by type
(A) Type 1
Membranous urethra is
stretched without rupture.
Note the ‘‘pear shaped’’
bladder as a result of
compression by perivesical
Type II urethral trauma is the classically
described posterior urethral injury in which the
urethra is torn superior to the urogenital
In such an injury, contrast-agent extravasation
is seen within the extraperitoneal pelvis, but
contrast material is not present within the
Here, the urogenital diaphragm is intact,
preventing the spread of contrast material
This type exists in approximately 15% of Urethra, trauma. Retrograde urethrogram demonstrates a less
urethral trauma cases resulting from pelvic common type II urethral disruption. Extravasation of contrast
crush injuries. material (solid arrow) from the posterior urethra is seen
superior to an intact urogenital diaphragm (dashed arrow).
Prostatomembranous urethral
disruption injuries.
(B) Type 2
(C) Type 3
TATA LAKSANA method for treating traumatic urethral injuries. Our long-term
follow up provides additional support for the use of this
technique by demonstrating that urethral continuity can be
established without an increased incidence of impotence,
stricture formation or incontinence.
AKUT : Sistostomi
Primary endoscopic realigment -> 1 mgg pasca ruptur
Urethroplasty -> 3 bulan pasca ruptur
Uretroplasty adalah perbaikan cedera atau cacat di dinding uretra.