Kelompok 1 - Naskah Akademik 2

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D o s e n P e n g a m p u : D r. D e s s y A r t i n a , S . H . ,

Mata Kuliah: Perancangan Peraturan


1. M. Firdaus Eriyan (Ketua)

2. Geraldine Patricia Julianti Sipayung
3. Moses Ngaro Hirohito
4. Michelle Tamana
5. Uswatul Azizah
6. Anisa Bulqis Zahra

Pengertian Naskah Akademik Naskah Akademik harus

Naskah Akademik adalah naskah hasil penelitian atau Dasar Filosofis: memuat cita-cita hukum sesuai dengan
pengkajian hukum dan hasil penelitian lainnya terhadap Pancasila dan Konstitusi UUD NRI 1945 (tujuan agar
suatu masalah tertentu yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan suatu perundang-undangan mempunyai visi dan dapat
secara ilmiah mengenai pengaturan masalah tersebut dalam berlaku dalam waktu yang panjang).
suatu Rancangan Undang-Undang, Raperda Provinsi, atau Dasar Sosiologis: memuat kondisi praktik di masyarakat
Raperda Kab/Kota sebagai solusi terhadap permasalahan yang ada (tujuan agar peraturan dapat berlaku efektif
dan kebutuhan masyarakat. (Pasal 1 UU No. 12 Tahun karena diterima masyarakat secara wajar).
2011) Dasar Yuridis: perundang-undangan memiliki kaidah yang
sah secara hukum/mempertimbangkan alasan
hukum/menjamin kepastian hukum.
Fungsi Naskah Akademik
Sebagai dokumen Sebagai dokumen Sebagai bahan bagi
pembahasan kebijakan harmonisasi rancangan
peraturan perundang-
• Naskah Akademik akan • Naskah Akademik merupakan undangan dengan
memberi arah kepada para potret atau peta tentang berbagai hukum positif
pemangku kepentingan hal terkait dengan peraturan
• Memudahkan pada saat perundang-undangan • Bagi perancang akan berfungsi
pembahasan • Pemangku kepentingan,
sebagai acuan materi yang akan
terutama yang menduduki posisi
diatur dan untuk selanjutnya
sebagai pengambil kebijakan
diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa
akan mendapat informasi yang
peraturan perundang-undangan.
memadai dalam pengambilan • PUU yang disusun tidak
tumpang tindih
BAB I Pendahuluan
A. Latar Belakang
B. Identifikasi Masalah
C. Maksud dan Tujuan
D. Metode
BAB IIKajian Teoritis dan Praktik Empiris
E. Kajian Teoretis
F. Kajian Terhadap Asas/Prinsip
G. Kajian Terhadap Praktik Penyelenggaraan, Kondisi yang Ada, serta Permasalahan yang Dihadapi
H. Kajian Terhadap Implikasi Pengaturan
BAB III Evaluasi dan Analisis Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Terkait
BAB IV Landasan Filosofis, Sosiologis, dan Yuridis
BAB V Jangkauan, Arah Pengaturan, dan Ruang Lingkup
BAB VI Penutup
I. Simpulan
J. Saran
Daftar Pustaka
Lampiran: Rancangan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
Penyusunan Bab I:

• Latar Belakang
• Identifikasi Masalah
• Tujuan dan Kegunaan
• Metode Penelitian
Penyusunan Bab II:
K a j i a n Te o r i t i s d a n
Praktik Empiris

• Kajian Teoretis
• Kajian Terhadap Asas/Prinsip
• Kajian Terhadap Praktik Penyelenggaraan,
Kondisi yang Ada, serta Permasalahan yang
• Kajian Terhadap Implikasi Pengaturan
• Kajian Teoretis
Kajian teoritis memuat berbagai teori dan kerangka
konsepsional terkait dengan substansi atau materi muatan yang
akan diatur dalam suatu UU. Kerangka teori dan konsepsional
tersebut akan menjadi benchmark atau acuan bagi system baru
yang akan dituangkan dalam UU. Teori (pendapat ahli) dan
kerangka konsepsional ditempatkan sebagai sumber hukum baru
yang akan dituangkan dalam UU.

• Kajian terhadap Asas/Prinsip yang Berkaitan dengan

Penyusunan Norma
Kajian ini menganalisis terhadap penentuan asas dengan
memperhatikan berbagai aspek kehidupan yang berkaitan dengan
UU yang akan dibentuk. Asas/prinsip yang terkandung dan
tertuang dalam NA merupakan nilai dasar dalam ruang lingkup
pengaturan. Selain itu, asas/prinsip bersifat universal dan relevan
dengan isu dalam UU yang akan dibentuk, seperti prinsip
perlindungan terhadap Hak Asasi Manusia yang berlandaskan
pada sila ke-2 Pancasila, yaitu “kemanusian yang adil dan
• Kajian terhadap praktik Penyelenggaraan, kondisi yang ada,
serta permasalahan yang dihadapi
Kajian terhadap praktik penyelenggaraan, kondisi yang
ada, permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat merupakan
gambaran fakta empiris mengenai perkembangan masalah dan
kebutuhan yang terjadi di masyarakat. Fakta empiris dapat
diperoleh antara lain dari data primer melalui pengumpulan
data lapangan. Kajian ini menjadi penting terkait dengan
landasan sosiologis pembentukan UU. Selain itu dalam sub bab
ini, dapat diuraikan pula perbandingan dengan praktik empiris
di negara lain yang didasarkan pada ketentuan peraturan
perundang-undangan yang berlaku di negara tersebut untuk
menjadi sumber referensi yang dapat diadopsi sesuai dengan
aspek sosial dan budaya masyarakat.
• Kajian terhadap implikasi penerapan sistem baru yang akan diatur dalam
undang-undang terhadap aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan dampaknya
terhadap keuangan negara
Kajian terhadap implikasi penerapan sistem baru dapat
dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen Regulatory Impact
Assessment. Instrumen ini digunakan untuk menganalisis dampak
dari sebuah regulasi serta membantu pembuat kebijakan
menentukan alternatif terbaik dengan memperkirakan biaya yang
harus dikeluarkan dan manfaat yang diperoleh (Cost and Benefits
Analysis) jika suatu regulasi diterapkan. Pada bagian ini dipetakan
aspek positif dan aspek negatif yang mungkin timbul.
Kajian dan pemetaan juga dapat dilakukan lebih jauh dengan
memperhitungkan aspek beban keuangan negara terkait dengan
pengaturan yang akan dibuat dalam undang-undang (UU). Kajian ini
dapat berupa simulasi dari aspek keuangan negara jika peraturan
diimplementasikan. Sebagai contoh jika suatu UU mengamanatkan
pembentukan suatu lembaga atau badan baru yang dibiayai
APBN/APBD maka kajian tersebut harus bisa memaparkan biaya yang
dibutuhkan untuk membentuk lembaga tersebut agar lembaga
tersebut bekerja dengan baik. Sebaliknya kajian yang sama juga
menggambarkan apa yang akan didapatkan oleh negara dengan
biaya yang dikeluarkan tersebut.
Penyusunan Bab III:
Evaluasi dan Analisis
Peraturan Perundang-
U n d a n g a n y a n g Te r k a i t
P e n y u s u n a n B a b I V:
Landasan Filosofis,
S o s i o l o g i s , d a n Yu r i d i s

• Landasan Filosofis
• Landasan Sosiologis
• Landasan Yuridis
P e n y u s u n a n B a b V:
Jangkauan, Arah
Pengaturan, dan Ruang
Penyusunan Bab VI:
Penutup dan Daftar
Pustaka serta
Penyelarasan Format dan
Naskah Akademik

• Simpulan
• Saran
• Daftar Pustaka
• Lampiran
Simpulan Saran Lampiran
Simpulan memuat 1. Perlunya pemilihan substansi Rancangan
rangkuman pokok naskah akademik dalam suatu Daftar Pustaka Peraturan
pikiran yang berkaitan PUU atau PUU di bawahnya. memuat buku, Perundang-
dengan praktik 2. Rekomendasi tentang skala perundang- Undangan.
penyelenggaraan, prioritas penyusunan undangan, dan
pokok elaborasi teori, RUU/Raperda dalam program jurnal yang
dan asas yang telah legislasi nasional/program menjadi sumber
diuraikan. legislasi daerah. bahan
3. Kegiatan lain yang diperlukan penyusunan
untuk mendukung naskah
penyempurnaan naskah akademik akademik.
lebih lanjut.


Arguments are a part of every day life and they can be used for many purposes - to change someone's point of view, to promote
social action, or to ask an audience to accept the writer’s stance on a concept, issue or problem.

Argumentative texts, also referred to as persuasive texts, are intended to express an argument in order to support or refute an
idea. The writer or speaker's purpose is to convince or persuade their audience to agree with their opinion, position or belief
and they do this in a reasoned, logical way that proves their validity.

Argument in its most basic form consists of four parts:

3. 4.
1. 2.
Reasons to Evidence to
Claims Counter Claims
support claims support reasons
Argumentative essays look at an idea or issue, consider each side and make a case for one side
in particular. There are four main types of argumentative essays and each takes a different
approach to their structure and content. These are:

Persuasive Analytical Research Personal

For the purpose of understanding how to structure an argument, we're going to focus on the persuasive essay form, but note that
this structure can easily be adapted to the conventions of other text types.

Persuasive essays present an argument and try to persuade the audience that one side of the argument is better than the others.
They clearly state the writer's viewpoint and use reasoning and evidence to support it. As different sides of the argument are
discussed, the writer should refute these views in order to persuade the reader that their argument is the right one.
Planning an
V ETe x t
• Step 1 - Choose your Topic • Step 4 - Consider Counterclaims
• Step 2 - Make a Claim • Step 5 - Look for Evidence
• Step 3 - Develop your Reasons • Step 6 - Conclude

This part will depend on the parameters of your assignment or


Sometimes you will have a topic assigned to you.

Other times you will have a choice from a selection of prompts.

You also might have free range to select your own topic or issue
of interest.

Either way, you should ensure you can generate a question worthy
of discussion between opposing sides. To be able to prove your
argument effectively, you will need to consider both sides of the
A claim is a position or stance that the writer takes on a topic, concept or issue. In persuasive essay structure, this is
known as the thesis statement and it will be found in your introduction. If your topic is a statement, consider whether you
agree or disagree. You will then need to state your viewpoint as a clear, specific and defensible statement that can be used
to guide your argument in your essay.

Ask yourself:
• Is the claim stated clearly and specifically? I.e. is it easy to understand (and not too vague or broad)?
• Is it debatable? And would someone be interested in debating it?
• Can you support it?

Standardized testing is an ineffective and unfair way of evaluating student achievement.

Often a writer will break down their overall claim, or thesis, into smaller claims. These are usually
stated as reasons or justifications for the writer's argument - in other words, they are the 'why' behind
the claim.

Using your critical thinking skills, identify as many reasons you can think of in support of your claim.
Then, pick your best ones and rank them in order of strength or relevance.

• It is unfair to certain types of learners e.g. low-income, ESL and students with special needs.
• It can be disruptive to student learning and restrict teachers' abilities to teach effectively and creatively.
• It places unnecessary amounts of stress on students, resulting in successful students losing confidence if they don't
perform well under test conditions.
Part of writing an effective argument is anticipating opposing viewpoints so that you can disprove or
discredit them in order to strengthen your own argument. A counterclaim is an argument that works to
disagree with and disprove the writer's claim. The main purpose of including a counterclaim is to
address the opposite side of the argument and provide a rebuttal. A rebuttal is when a writer disproves
an argument.

This means you'll not only work on proving your claim, but on disproving the counterclaim or the
opposition's argument.

• Standardized testing is fair and objective, creating a universal standard of education.
• It provides an inclusive opportunity, giving students from diverse backgrounds a chance to prove they have mastered
academic material despite their circumstances.

Evidence is information and examples from other sources that

support a writer's reasoning.

It is important because it helps to build credibility and gain the

reader's trust.

If writers cannot support their claims with any evidence, they

could appear to be just opinions, which are not as convincing.

To effectively use evidence to support each of your reasons,

make sure it comes from credible, trustworthy, sources and try
to identify a range of different types to make your writing
Evidence can be split into hard and soft.

Hard Evidence Soft Evidence

This includes things such as: This includes things like:

• facts and statistics • personal anecdotes
• scientific data • word-of-mouth information (things heard from
• carefully controlled observations another person)
• measurements • appeals to false authority (quoting from sources
• surveys that are not experts on the topic)
• case studies • Other direct quotes from literary texts or media
• information and opinions from experts in particular texts
fields (i.e. quotes from doctors, psychologists,
scientists or academics).

Once you've found your evidence, you'll want to rank it in order of strength and relevance. Make sure you can
effectively link each piece of evidence to your claim through reasoning.

A good conclusion for an argumentative text shouldn't sound too

repetitive. Instead, emphasise your strongest points, state your
argument in a slightly different way and finish on a powerful note.

You might use a thought-provoking rhetorical question or appeal to

your specific audiences values or emotions.

If you feel you've successfully convinced the audience to agree with

your claims, you might end with a call to action. These are specific
steps you'd like your audience to take in order to promote social
action and support your cause.
The Language of
V E Te x t s
• Style and Tone
• Rhetorical Devices
• Transitions
For most argumentative persuasive essays you want to write in a
clear, concise and objective manner with a mildly persuasive tone.
If your tone is too strident or inflammatory, you risk alienating
your audience by sounding unreasonable.

Relying on facts rather than subjective opinions will make your

essay sound more convincing and professional, enhancing the
legitimacy of your argument.

However, this does not mean there's no room for creativity with
language features. In fact, mixing up the writing style in an essay
can be more engaging for your reader and can often make an
argument more convincing.
In argumentative essay, it's best to stick to rhetorical devices
that appeal to ethos and logos. While you can still include some
techniques that appeal to pathos, these should be limited so that
you still sound measured and reasonable.

Consider language features such as:

• Tricolon and tetracolon
• Jargon
• Direct address
• Inclusive language
• Repetition
• Rhetorical Question
• Descriptive language
• Parallel sentence structure
Transition words are used to link phrases, sentences or paragraphs within your essay. They help the reader to progress
from one idea to the next creating coherent relationships between your claims, reasons and evidence. Different transition
words can be used for different purposes. For example:

Adding Ideas Comparisons Examples Concessions

Also Similarly For example Some people think

In addition Like / unlike For instance It has been argued
Furthermore In comparison to Specifically Some may say
One point that shows In contrast to To illustrate While it’s true that
Another way However To be specific Many people assume
Moreover On the other hand This is clearly shown The problem with that

It's a good idea to build up a word bank of transition words so you don't end up relying on the same ones. Varying your
language can make your writing more engaging.

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