Domestic workers at the International Labour Conference (ILO)

IDWF actively participates in the International Labor Conference (ILC) held at the headquarters of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland. The ILC brings together workers, employers, and governments to negotiate international policy as the United Nations body responsible for crafting, adopting and supervising the application of international labour standards in the form of Conventions and Recommendations.
To celebrate the historic achievement of C189, the date on which it was adopted at the International Labour Conference in Geneva is now celebrated as International Domestic Workers Day.
IDWF participation at the ILC
Since 2008, when the Convention for Domestic Workers was put in the ILC agenda, IDWF efforts began to represent the sector and work with partner organizations to influence and defend the labour rights of domestic workers and other workers in informal employment.
IDWF has been progressing each year, building the capacity of its Affiliates and leaders to participate and raise their voices to gain recognition in this international forum.
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