Notice of Petition to Administer Estate (Probate) - $250
Published once a week for 3 weeks, proof is mailed to the courthouse.
Change of Name - $150
Publishes once a week for 4 weeks, proof is mailed to court upon completion.
Summons, Family Law (Divorce) or Judicial - $230
Publishes once a week for 4 weeks, proof is mailed to court and customer upon completion.
Trustee Sales and Public Notices
Rates vary based on length of ad and number of runs. Please email [email protected] to request a quote.
Fictitious Business Name - $45
Publishes once a week for 4 weeks; proof is mailed to County of San Bernardino.
Fictitious Business Name
When you start a new business
Abandonment of Name
When you switch owners or close your business