Saturday, May 28, 2011

Shell Gas Station

Shell Gas Station

Gas stations in Florida are self-service. Unlike in the Philippines where a gas attendant fills up your tank, in Florida you have to do everything by yourself from swiping your card to pumping the gas.

I actually have a funny story about this and it happened when we first migrated in the US. One day my Dad's car needed gas so he stopped by the nearest gas station and waited for someone to assist him. He was sitting in his car for several minutes when he realized that he actually has to do it himself. :D

this is where you swipe your card to pay for gas 
or you can go inside the store to pay cash
gas pump

That must be the beauty of moving to a new area, you get to learn new things and eventually you become accustomed to their norm.

gas prices as of May 28, 2011

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