Leaf Crowns
Okay, so there’s only one strip of paper involved in this “paper project,” but we love these Leaf Crowns anyway! They get you outdoors to hunt pretty leaves, which you artfully curate…to wear atop your head! This would be the perfect project for a Fall Equinox Party (it’s September 22, 2022, FYI)! Happy Fall, y’all!

Leaf Crowns Supplies

Go on a hike or walk around your neighborhood, collecting pretty leaves as potentials for your crown.

Pick out what color you want your crown headband base to be. Roxie picked purple (I picked brown). Fold your sheet in half lengthwise, and lengthwise again.

Cut along the fold to take one strip, then cut a second strip (so it will be long enough to fit your head). We managed with two strips for both of our heads, but you may need a third.

Staple your strips together end-to-end (again, two or three depending on your head size).

Size the headband to your head size and hold the position for stapling.

Staple the headband together so it forms the base of the crown.

Try it out on your head – it will be most comfortable with the staples at the sides. Mark where the center is, and build your crown from there.

Staple your leaves to the crown, working your way from the middle, around to the back.

Then wear your leaf crowns loud and proud! (But don’t let the dog eat it!) Happy fall!