STEP 1: This form is required to schedule shop drawings and must be completely filled out. (Indicate N/A if Not Applicable)

STEP 2: Mail all supporting information that cannot be emailed or faxed. All information must be received to prevent delaying start of shop drawings. Scheduling Confirmation notices will be emailed to the Sales Representative.

Information required to process request: 
- This form filled out with complete information
- Architectural Drawings marked with included areas
- Specifications
- Wind Uplift & Snow Load results calculated for this project
- Photo’s of existing buildings for retro-fit projects
- Tax Exemption Certificate (if applicable)
Project Setup

Project Information
Please describe the general scope of the project.  Define any areas of the plans that are not to be included.



Customer Service Information

Product Selections


Please define the pattern with Hole Size, Spacing (centers), Staggered (most common) or Straight, and Percent Open.
Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.


Straight panels are available in custom widths from 10" to 34.5"

Please define the pattern with Hole Size, Spacing (centers), Staggered (most common) or Straight, and Percent Open.
Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

Series 300

Please define the pattern with Hole Size, Spacing (centers), Staggered (most common) or Straight, and Percent Open.
Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.


Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.


Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

SS Panel

Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

7.2 Rib

Please define the pattern with Hole Size, Spacing (centers), Staggered (most common) or Straight, and Percent Open.
Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.


Please define the pattern with Hole Size, Spacing (centers), Staggered (most common) or Straight, and Percent Open.
Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

Element panel sizes are determined by architectural drawings.  Please include any specific instructions in the comment box below.

Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

FW Series

Please define the pattern with Hole Size, Spacing (centers), Staggered (most common) or Straight, and Percent Open.
Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.


Please define the pattern with Hole Size, Spacing (centers), Staggered (most common) or Straight, and Percent Open.
Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.


Maximum dimensions are 24" x 96".  Best matl efficiency at 21.5" wide.

Maximum square dimensions are 24" x 24".  Best matl efficiency at 21.5" wide.

For square panel turned 45 degrees, use "Square" Panel Shape. Area of one diamond = 1/2 x B x H

Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

PermWall 1.0

Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.


Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

SP 120

Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

RainScreen Options

If "Other", note in comments section below.

Sloped Coping
Sloped Coping
Peaked Coping
Peaked Coping
Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

Fascia - Standard
Fascia Standard
Fascia - with Vee
Fascia with Vee
Fascia - Extender
Fascia Extender
Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

Round Gutter
Internal Gutter
Please detail in comments and provide drawing separately if possible

Material Selection
Please refer to the IMETCO Material Availability Chart.  Minimum quantities and extended lead times apply to some selections.

Custom Products
If you need a custom modification to an IMETCO panel, please select that panel in Product Selection and explain the customization in that panel's comment field.

The following documents are required to begin shop drawings:
- Valid Quote
- Architectural Drawings
- Specifications
- Signed Purchase Order
Tax Exemption Certificate (if applicable)

Total size of attachments can not exceed 20MB. Please email large files to [email protected] or provide link to cloud drive (Google, Dropbox, etc)

If file exceeds 20MB please email to [email protected].

If file exceeds 20MB please email to [email protected].

If file exceeds 20MB please email to [email protected].

If file exceeds 20MB please email to [email protected].
Paint Color
Name to be shown on Shop Drawings, "TBD" if unknown

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