I see our church pews full of people with a passion for the hurting and the disenfranchised and no idea what to do about it!! IMPACTful Faith Coaching is here to take you to that place of action!
Hi! I'm Karen!
I believe in you--I know you can do it!
Together you will be inspired to invest in yourself and others, thereby igniting a life-changing ministry to Love People as Jesus did.

More About Karen
IMPACTful Faith Coaching and Consulting is My Calling
I am passionate about making an Impact in the world in Jesus’ name. My personal and abiding relationship with Jesus calls me to Impactful Faith Coaching and Consulting. This relationship and my own lived experience uniquely gifts me to walk alongside other Christians as they find their calling. An IMPACTFUL life is bold and courageous for the Kingdom of God. I see Impactful Faith coaching, consulting, coach training and leadership development as perfect tools for helping others discover their worth in God’s Kingdom. Tools for revealing God’s vision for their own Kingdom Impact, and thus most resembling a Christ-like Faith.

Inspiring is My Gift
IMPACTful Faith Coaching & Consulting is inspiring others through shared stories. My own wilderness experiences of depression, low self-esteem, marriage struggles, co-dependency, bankruptcy, losing a home, infertility, and finally divorce give me empathy for the struggles of others. God’s faithful love has been a source of stability and strength every step of the way. Out of struggle, God called me to a place of healing and hope. A place of identity and purpose. God has equipped me for an Impactful life and I can do the same for you. Our work together will reveal your passions, gifts, and talents. Together, we will illuminate your identity and purpose in Jesus Christ. Let’s be inspired together as you share your story and grow in knowledge of who God created you to be!
Igniting is My Love
IMPACTful Faith Coaching & Consulting is about igniting your passion and discerning God’s next courageous steps for you. With God’s healing and faithfulness, my identity and purpose was stretched and shaped. The more God stretched, the more my eyes were open to the hurts and needs in the world. God ignited my love for people who are on the margins of society; those struggling with no safety net and often no relationship with Jesus Christ that offers unconditional love. This ignited the boldness to say yes to prison ministry and say yes to being the Program Director, for nearly a decade, of a Single Mom’s ministry called The Caring People. I learned what it means to be in authentic and loving relationships with people who have different life experiences than myself. Together, we will align your heartbreak for others with the courage to say yes to God. Let’s ignite your love for those outside the church walls together!

Investing is My Joy
IMPACTful Faith Coaching & Consulting is investing in your vision for ministry for those outside the walls of the church. With five levels of coaching certification through Life Purpose Coaching Centers; 20+ years of Special Education teacher; 32 years of serving in churches; and almost a decade in non-profits I will invest in you with invaluable experience. We will pray, dream, recruit and train leaders, and launch a sustainable ministry that will powerfully impact people in need in your community. It is my great joy to see disciples of Jesus Christ going out beyond the walls of churches and making a long-term difference in the lives of the struggling. Then inviting them back into a truly welcoming church to experience the beauty of being part of the body of Christ. Together, we can joyfully launch a truly relational ministry. Let’s make a long-term investment in you, your ministry team and the people who are longing for someone to hear their cries and bring God’s hope and joy to share!