

Here are lists of Awards and Distinctions IMPACT Silver has won or been nominated for over the years.

Business in Vancouver Top 100 Public Companies 2021-2023.
Sorted by revenues - BIV provides a list of top growing public companies by revenue size each year. 2022 IMPACT was #87.

Toronto Stock Venture Exchange Top 50 Companies 2017.
description - awarding the top companies each year for best performances on share price returns, trading volume, and market capitalization growth, the Venture 50 program selects 10 companies in each sector as the top investor choices for the year. IMPACT was selected for the Mining category in 2016-2017.

Business in Vancouver Top 100 Public Companies
Sorted by revenues - BIV provides a list of top growing public companies by revenue size each year. 2017 IMPACT was #100.

Awards of Excellent in Health & Safety
Secretary of Labour & Social Welfare in Mexico awards this selective award to only the best companies in country with a longstanding record of excellent HSE policies. Other winners include Goldcorp, Grupo Mexico, and major Mexican mining operations.

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