If you would like to financially support the further development of IMPERIUM ROMANUM – even with a smaller amount – I will be very grateful.
Below, for your convenience, different methods of payment.
Payment to bank account – in EUR: PL79249010570000990264676678
Payment to bank account – in USD: PL35249010570000990164676678
Payment to bank account – in GBP: PL70249010570000990464676678
Payment to bank account – in PLN: PL88249010570000990064676678
Payment with card and other options (in EUR)
Payment with card and other options (in USD)
Payment with card and other options (in GBP)
Support IMPERIUM ROMANUM through buymeacoffee.com
Support IMPERIUM ROMANUM through Patreon
Even the smallest amounts will allow me to make further corrections, improvements on the website, pay for the server and translate the website into English.
Thank you all for your payments!
Jakub Jasiński