Russia Designates Floyd George “Incident” Psyop Operation—Warns CIA Is Main Target
A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the announced intention of President Donald Trump to designate the radical socialist group ANTIFA as a terrorist organization, says that prior to this announcement being made yesterday, FBI Office-Moscow, in early March-2020, made an urgent request to meet with senior SVR officers—a meeting the SVR assumed the FBI wanted to discuss the movement of ANTIFA terrorists from Canada into the United States, where in both countries they were derailing trains—whom the SVR knew both US military and intelligence assets were tracking since they discovered ANTIFA terrorists were training in Venezuela in August-2017—but were surprised during this meeting when FBI officers, along with US Department of Justice and US State Department investigators, began asking about a rather small and insignificant organization named the Russian Imperial Movement—that’s never committed an act of terrorism, though some of its members have been “linked” to terrorist activities in Europe, though never in America—but when revealed to the FBI by the SVR that a few US citizens had visited this organization’s website, which the Americans already knew and had the files on, saw this being enough “evidence” needed for the US State Department to brand the Russian Imperial Movement and members of its leadership as “Specially Designated Global Terrorists” a few weeks later on 7 April 2020. […]