After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, everyone has gotten a little cautious of the information they put out on Facebook. And I think it's time you guys also take it seriously. If you want to know ways in which you can keep your Facebook data safe and sound, you should have a clue of what all information should not be shared.
Information like your birthday, phone number, location, photographs of your family, child(ren) in particular, holiday plans, and boarding pass pictures are some of the many personal information that you post on your Facebook feed. However, in doing so, you might not only end up risking your life, but also people/ children you apparently connect with.
Your personal details can get hackers to access your bank details and increase creepy stalkers. Also, posting information with kids may attract sexual offenders. Yeah, it's possible. The moment you post your vacation plans - "travelling to" - you end up inviting a bunch of burglars in to your place. Oh, you didn't think that was practible, yeah?
Boarding passes? What about that? Well, the barcode on your boarding passes is called unique for a reason. Why would you want to set a trap for yourself? There are intelligent people out there who can replicate it if you didn't know about that.
Keep in mind all the above mentioned things and you're pretty good to go.