Papers by Domenico Cosentino
First results from the CROP-11 deep seismic profile, central Apennines, Italy: evidence of mid-crustal folding
Journal of the Geological Society, 2006
... Apennines, Italy: evidence of mid-crustal folding. A. Billi 1 , MM Tiberti 2 , GP Cavinato 3 ... more ... Apennines, Italy: evidence of mid-crustal folding. A. Billi 1 , MM Tiberti 2 , GP Cavinato 3 , D. Cosentino 1 , E. Di Luzio 3 , JVA Keller 4 , C. Kluth 5 , L. Orlando 6 , M. Parotto 1 , A. Praturlon 1 , M. Romanelli 7 , F. Storti 1 & N. Wardell 7. ...
Integrated stratigraphy of the Tortonian/Messinian boundary: The Pietrasecca composite section (central Apennines, Italy)
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae
La paleogeografia neogenica del Mediterraneo centrale: vincoli geologici dall’Appennino centro-settentrionale
Structural geological setting of the Fara in Sabina Mountains, Lazio, central Apennines [Assetto geologico-strutturale dei Monti di Fara in Sabina)]
Geological setting and geodynamical evolution of the central Apennines (Italy)
In the peninsula of Italy, new and revised data allow recognition of geodynamic, units: (1) a def... more In the peninsula of Italy, new and revised data allow recognition of geodynamic, units: (1) a deformed intraorogenic foreland (Apulia) made up of several blocks with differing sense and amounts of rotation since the Late Cretaceous; (2) a thrust belt (Apennines) that developed from the late Miocene to at least the middle Pliocene; (3) a deformed foredeep (Bradanic trough) that
Geomorphic signal of active faulting at the northern edge Of Lut Block: Insights on the kinematic scenario of Central Iran
Tectonics, 2015
Late Piacenzian–Gelasian freshwater ostracods (Crustacea) from the L'Aquila Basin (central Apennines, Italy)
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 2015
Tsunami hazard in the Eastern Mediterranean: geological evidence from the Anatolian coastal area (Silifke, southern Turkey)
Natural Hazards
Sedimentary evidence for late Messinian uplift of the SE margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau: Adana Basin, southern Turkey
Basin Research

Constraining uplift of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau from biostratigraphy and 87Sr/86Sr stratigraphy on the highest marine sediments of the Mut Basin (Southern Turkey)
At the northern margin of the Mut-Ermenek Basin (Southern Turkey), well exposed, undeformed Mioc ... more At the northern margin of the Mut-Ermenek Basin (Southern Turkey), well exposed, undeformed Mioc ene marine deposits cap the basement rocks of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP). From the Başyayla section, whic h ranges from 1781 m a.s.l. at the base to 1839 m a.s.l. at the top, we collec ted 24 samples, for a total thic kness of about 40 m of the Köselerli Fm. Mic ropaleontologic al analyses were performed on c alc areous nannofossil, ostrac od, bryozoa, benthonic and planktonic foraminifera, and mac roforaminifera assemblages to discern paleoec ologic al characteristics of the marine paleoenvironment in the Başyayla area and to define the age of the Başyayla section. Also for this latter purpose, Sr ratios (87 Sr/ 86 Sr) were measured on tests of benthonic and planktonic foraminifera as well as on benthonic planar mac roforaminifera (Heterostegina gr. costata and H. papyracea). The different ostracod assemblages rec ognized along the Başyayla sec tion rec o...
Tsunami hazard in the Eastern Mediterranean: geological evidence from the Anatolian coastal area (Silifke, southern Turkey)
Natural Hazards, 2015
RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana, è un periodico quadrimestrale della Società Geologica Italiana. Esce nei mesi di Dicembre, Aprile ed Agosto. The RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana is a journal of the Italian Geological Society. It is published every four months...
La Società Geologica Italiana è affiliate alla European Geosciences Union (EGU). The Società Geologica Italiana is affiliated to the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
The subsurface record of hydrocarbon-charged fluids migrating through the Messinian sedimentary column (Maiella Basin, Central Italy)
TC2005-Surface expression of eastern Mediterranean slab dynamics: Neogene topographic and structural evolution of the southwest margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau, Turkey (doi 10.1029/2011TC003021)
Linked uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateaus through slab break-off and upper mantle flow
Paleoclimatic implications from fluid inclusion data in Messinian halite of Italian sites
Uplift of the se Margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau: Temporal Constraints from the Adana Basin, Southern Turkey

L'Aquila-Scoppito Basin (ASB) is part of the wider L'Aquila Basin, one of the most tectonically a... more L'Aquila-Scoppito Basin (ASB) is part of the wider L'Aquila Basin, one of the most tectonically active intermontane basins of central Apennines (Italy). ASB is a semi-enclosed intermontane sedimentary basin of morphotectonic origin, W-E trending and approximately 20 km2 wide, with mean elevations ranging between 850 and 650 m a.s.l. and it is crossed by two main water courses: the Aterno River and the Raio Creek. Structurally, the ASB may be considered as an half-graben, bordered northerly by the south-dipping Scoppito-Preturo normal Fault and easterly by the southwest dipping Pettino Fault. In the L'Aquila-Scoppito Basin a series of erosional and depositional post Middle Pleistocene events generated three order of fluvial terraces, generally not completely preserved. The first order of fluvial terrace, the Vetoio Synthem (T1), is a fill terrace carved into both the L'Aquila Breccia Synthem (Middle Pleistocene) and the Madonna della Strada Synthem (Lower Pleistocene), whose top is preserved near the L'Aquila airport and the S. Salvatore hospital, approximately at 20-25 m above the present thalweg of the Aterno River. The second order of terrace, the Pile Synthem (T2), is a strath terrace embedded into T1 and carved into both the Lower Pleistocene deposits and the pre-Quaternary bedrock. The top of T2 is located at 10-13 m above the present thalweg of the Raio Creek. Charcoaled plant remains founded within the sandy layers of T2 give a 14C 2σ age of 41854-40464 BP (MIS 3). This age is in agreement with traces of lithic industry of Mousterian age (late Middle Paleolithic) inside the gravels. The youngest order of terrace, Ponte Peschio Synthem (T3), lies 5-7 m above both the Raio and the Aterno thalwegs. T3 is embedded into T1 and carved in the L'Aquila Breccia Synthem, near the S. Salvatore hospital, while at Ponte Peschio it is embedded into T2 and is carved directly into the pre-Quaternary bedrock. Then, also T3 may be interpreted as a strath terrace. River incision rate for L'Aquila-Scoppito Basin was determined starting from the second order of terraces by using 14C age. In addition, assuming a constant river incision rate for the the L'Aquila Basin, during late Quaternary, the obtained incision rate was used to evaluate a possible age for the Vetoio and Ponte Peschio synthemes. On the basis of the collected data we calculated a river incision rate for T2 ranging between 0,24 and 0,32 mm/yr. These rates are similar to estimates of sediment yield (0.12-0.44 mm/yr), river incision (0.35 mm/yr), and uplift (0.01-1.0 mm/yr) rates inferred from other methods, for the northern and central Apennines since the Early Pleistocene (Cyr and Granger, 2008). Assuming for the L'Aquila Basin a constant incision rate from Late Pleistocene to Present, we estimated an age of 71-89 ka (MIS 5a) and 18-25 ka (MIS 2) for T1 and T3, respectively.
Papers by Domenico Cosentino