Drafts by Robert J. Konczyk
The Light of Truth vs. the Darkness of Oppression, 2024
God made a Covenant with Noah, setting the bow in the sky for all future generations. He made a t... more God made a Covenant with Noah, setting the bow in the sky for all future generations. He made a twopart Covenant with Abraham that a line of kings and a multitude of nations would come from him. He made a Covenant with David that his throne would endure forever. God also gave us the Greater and Lesser Covenants-the Greater Covenant was that He would forever send a Divine Educator to humankind to assist in our spiritual growth. The Lesser Covenant are the laws and teachings given by His Divine Educators for an ever advancing civilization. Other covenants have been given. The three-part Covenant of Moses, the blessing, the curse, and the regathering. Jesus made a Covenant that he would return. Baha'u'llah made a Covenant appointing his successors. These covenants are all part of the same Covenant-the Everlasting Covenant-the Tree of Life, which if man eats from this tree he will have eternal life. This Everlasting Covenant begins in Genesis. "Then God covenanted, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness'…. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him." 1 This Covenant comes to fruition in the Book of Revelation. Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the city; also on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." 2 Scripture is the story of humankind's triumphs and failures, the arise and fall of empires and kingdoms, prophetic utterances, and a final judgment and redemption. God's Covenant unto David explicitly shows that his throne would endure forever and that David would never lack a man to sit upon that throne.
Young Lion, Couched Lion and Old Lion, 2024
Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom of God the Father, after destroying every rule a... more Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom of God the Father, after destroying every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all enemies under his feet. For the last enemy to be destroyed is death.
Among the teaching of the Jews, the Temple must always be awaited. “The rebuilding of the temple must always be awaited (Sab.12b and other passages). God will erect the future Temple even before the kingdom of David has been reestablished and his descendants restored to office (Yer. M.S. 5:2,56a).” This shows that the Temple must be restored prior to the kingdom being established and the descendants of David being restored to office. This means that the "Christ" and Jesus the Lamb, high priest after the order of Melchizedek, must return before the Kingdom of God is made manifest on earth.
A Government of Peace and Justice That Has No End, 2024
It is paramount for the peaceful co-existence of humanity to put differences aside and search for... more It is paramount for the peaceful co-existence of humanity to put differences aside and search for that which will unify all peoples and nations in an age of peace and justice. Our current order is comprised of a political, secular nature that lacks the essential spirit for the unification of all humankind. People lament under the corruption of a political order, the decay of morals, increasing intolerance of others' views and opinions, the perversion of religion, selfishness, greed, starvation, and war.
An honest view of the current conflict shows that it is a religious war between Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
The perversions of religion have contributed greatly to the confusion of society and thus religion has been dismissed as having any relevant meaning in our current age. A promise was given long ago that in the fulness of time, a Chosen One of God as mentioned in all the Holy Books, would appear at the close of the age to bring the message of Universal peace and justice to all peoples and nations of the world.
Target Israel What It Means For Our Global Future, 2024
There is no indication that the conflict in the Middle East will end anytime soon. There is no re... more There is no indication that the conflict in the Middle East will end anytime soon. There is no realistic plan to end the conflict or what a post-war Middle East would look like. At its core, the conflict is between Jews, Christians, and Muslims and the situation is increasingly becoming more volatile. Diplomatic efforts in the past to bring a lasting peace to the region have all failed and still, leaders and politicians continue their same attempts expecting a different result.
The conflict in the Middle East is leading us toward the "one hour" as mentioned in scripture. New York City is once again a target for extremists. Understanding events transpiring in the Middle East are of tremendous importance, not just for Israel and the Palestinians.
As a woman who is in travail, the earth is pregnant with
suffering and pain that is soon to be replaced by God's earthly
Kingdom. From out of the oncoming fiery ordeal, which is at
once a visitation from God and a cleansing process for all
mankind. All that the Prophets wrote will soon come to pass.
Follow Up TARGET: Israel, 2023
As to a link between yesterday and today. I had numerous thoughts floating around in my head for ... more As to a link between yesterday and today. I had numerous thoughts floating around in my head for days as to what I would write. Events transpiring in the Middle East are of such tremendous importance, not just for Israel and the Palestinians. The ”link” that connects yesterday and today relates to prophecies regarding the latter days. I sometimes wonder if people consider “prophecy” as having any relevance in our modern world.
TARGET: Israel, 2023
It is interesting to note that no demands by the Jews themselves had ever been raised in the cour... more It is interesting to note that no demands by the Jews themselves had ever been raised in the course of history for a Jewish homeland in spite of the religious prejudice and persecutions towards them.
In Palestine there was no such thing as a Jewish problem as was the case in Europe. No one seemed to mind that Jerusalem during the second half of the nineteenth century had a Jewish majority. However, the Jewish immigration after 1881 and more so after the establishment of the World Zionist Organization in 1897, was more political in nature. Now, the immigrants were going to Palestine to establish a state of their own and at the exclusion of the Arabs inhabiting the land. Palestinian Jews rejected the Zionist movement and thus it remained a marginal movement as in Europe. This would all change after the National Socialists arose in 1933 when a significant rise in Jewish immigration to Palestine began.
Divine Revelation, 2023
During the course of this cycle, commonly referred to as the Adamic Cycle, God has provided nine ... more During the course of this cycle, commonly referred to as the Adamic Cycle, God has provided nine (9) Revelations for the spiritual education of humanity. Each of these revelations have an establisher or promoter. The circumstance that we were created in the image of God imposes upon us the duty of ordering our lives entirely according to the Will of God: and in doing so attain the highest perfection and fulfil our purpose. In order to act according to the Will of God it is necessary that we should know what God wills of us. Through our God-given intellect we are enabled, in many cases, to recognize the Will of God; but, in order to understand it fully, we need a direct communication from God: that is, a Divine Revelation.
The Covenant of God, 2021
God’s intended course for human affairs, from its infancy to
adulthood, is contained in the writi... more God’s intended course for human affairs, from its infancy to
adulthood, is contained in the writings of all the major religions
of the world. The Essence of Oneness does not bring forth a
revelation that is contrary to it. All that is given to humanity
confirms the oneness and progressive nature of all Divine
revelations. All across the earth, at different times, to various
peoples, races and nations, the One True Invisible God has
manifested His Divine Messengers to humankind with a plan—at
the "end of days"—to unite all humankind.
This Divine Plan, for the unification of humankind, unfolds
within the pages of all the Holy Texts. It is the story of God's
Covenant and humankind's struggle and suffering. God made an
everlasting Covenant unto all people and in His Infinite Wisdom
and Mercy, let the end be known from the beginning. What was
intended originally for the unification of humankind, however,
has become the cause of disunity. Insecure religious leaders have
indoctrinated the minds of believers with a mirage of ill-founded
hopes and oppression. Vain imaginings and false hopes will not
stand against the Divine truth that is substantiated with
irrefutable proofs and evidence. Throughout history, religious
leaders have tenaciously held to their own opinions, thus denying
the people any chance of recognizing and accepting any past or
future revelation.
Humanity is currently standing at the threshold of the
Kingdom of God on earth that Jesus the Christ taught us to pray
for. As a woman who is in travail, the earth is pregnant with
suffering and pain that is soon to be replaced by God's earthly
Kingdom. From out of the oncoming fiery ordeal, which is at
once a "visitation from God and a cleansing process for all
mankind," humanity will arise from the ashes as one family. The
Covenant of God will fill the earth and the Kingdom of God will
be firmly established. Humankind will then fulfill its' purpose to
know and love God and become in His image.
The Morrisite War, 2023
During the 15 th century, it was common practice to place Jerusalem at the center of world maps a... more During the 15 th century, it was common practice to place Jerusalem at the center of world maps and that somewhere, far to the east lay the Paradisus Terrestris, the "Earthly Paradise." In fact, Columbus set sail on his voyage in 1492 to find this Earthly Paradise. At the time of Columbus, a book titled Navigatio Sancti Brendani, was widely circulated throughout Western Europe, and before the end of the 15 th century, Gutenberg made several printed editions-a best seller in medieval literature. The book centered on the voyage of Saint Brendan, a humble monk, who set sail from Ireland to the American Continent between the years 563 and 570 AD. It was readily "available in not fewer than 120 Latin manuscripts, with a provenance extending from Ireland to Austria, and from Scandinavia to Spain." History does not record whether Columbus had access to or read the Navigatio, nor whether the Navigatio itself inspired him in his own search of the Earthly Paradise. He believed himself to have possessed a prophetic sense, "a tendency to find a hint of things to come in all he read," a firm belief that he was a man chosen by God.
Resurrection, 2023
Throughout the spiritual evolution of humankind, there have always been those who would establish... more Throughout the spiritual evolution of humankind, there have always been those who would establish the message given through the mouths of the Prophets of God, the seven Spirits or Manifestations. Enoch established the teachings of Adam throughout the eastern and western hemispheres. Joshua established the laws of Moses whereby Israel became a great nation under the kingship of Solomon. Paul spread the message of the gospel brought by Jesus the Christ to the Gentiles. 'Ali established the message of Muhammad. The establisher of the new Covenant is the return of Jesus, the high priest after the order of Melchizedek, who teaches Jesus' gospel on the Kingdom of God as given by the return of Christ, Messiah ben David. The words that Jesus of Nazareth spoke gave humankind the gospel, which was the good news of the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Few people understand the manner in which the Kingdom of God on earth will be established. Curren... more Few people understand the manner in which the Kingdom of God on earth will be established. Current theological theory tells us that Jesus the Christ will appear in the sky where the saints (Christians) will meet him in the air (rapture) and thus remain until the seven years of tribulation on earth will be over. Then Jesus and the saints will come down to Mount Zion and Jesus will rule the world for a thousand years. This is a very shallow understanding misleading the people into believing they (Christians) will not have to endure the tribulation and only they will partake in the kingdom of God. God promised an earthly kingdom, a world of peace, unity, and justice for all peoples and nations. It is difficult to imagine such a world for we have never been at peace, nor has there been unity among all nations. The world we currently live in is divisive. Our political system is divisive, our judicial system is divisive, and most important of all, our religious system is divisive. It is no wonder that more and more people shy away from the church. "Religion" is meant to unify. What we witness is the opposite. There can be no kingdom without a king. The word "kingdom" means a king over a domain. Was Jesus a king? Jesus was a descendant of David, however, it was not through the direct line of kings, rather, through Nathan, the brother of Solomon. This is why Jesus stated that his kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36). The gospel of Jesus was of the coming of the kingdom of God, which Jesus said we should pray for (Matt. 6:10). Jesus fulfilled the prophesies for the coming of the "suffering Messiah" (Is. 53:1-12) who would atone for iniquity, to cleanse the sanctuary in heaven with his death on the cross. Jesus was a flesh and blood descendant of King David through his father Joseph. "the gospel concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and designated Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness [Holy Spirit]." 1 It was not his mission to bring the kingdom of God on earth. This would be the mission of the second advent of Messiah ben David, the Christ, to bring the kingdom of God on earth. God made a Covenant unto David that his line or seed would last forever. "I will establish his line for ever...I will not violate my covenant, or alter the word that went forth from my lips. Once for all I have sworn by my holiness: I will not lie to David. His line shall endure for ever..." 2 "David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel." 3 As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me. 4 Today, the one who is to be seated upon the throne of David is titled the "guardian." Baha'u'llah, the glory of the father (Mark 8:38), second advent of Messiah ben David, was a direct male-line lineal descendant of King David. He was a descendant of David through the male line and also a descendant of the Zoroastrian, Sasanian kings through the female line.
Antichrist, 2023
Antichrist-a word that brings fear to the mind and hearts of most Christians. Why? It is related ... more Antichrist-a word that brings fear to the mind and hearts of most Christians. Why? It is related that this individual will be able to get people to worship Satan and cause all manner of chaos during the later days and the return of Jesus Christ. It has become synonymous with the "Beast" in Revelation, chapter thirteen and to the number 666. It has also become associated with the book of Daniel. Examining more closely we notice that the word "antichrist" is only mentioned four times in the first and second book of John. Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come; therefore we know that it is the last hour (I John 2:18). Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son (I John 2:22).
Divine Timetable: Pyramidology Revisited, 2022
This is a draft for an upcoming book on the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. As other ancient wonders of t... more This is a draft for an upcoming book on the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. As other ancient wonders of the world succumbed to the march of civilization and nature, the Great Pyramid still stands through all the storms of the centuries even when stripped of its outer beauty. Various theories have been presented in an attempt to show who built it and why. Now, for the first time, the truth of the meaning of this greatest structure ever built can be known.
The Hope Fire Clan Tablet & the Baha'i Faith, 2022
Native American prophecies coincide with prophecies given within scripture related to the latter ... more Native American prophecies coincide with prophecies given within scripture related to the latter days. They do not speak of the end of the world, rather, a change of worlds. In the West, time is viewed as history; a past, present and future, beginning, middle and end, similar to a stick. Native peoples see time as cyclic, similar to a hoop, like unto the four seasons, each season a preparation for the next. Western prophets see the future as the end of the world, Armageddon. When Native Americans look down the same path, they see the completion of a great cycle, a change of worlds or the dawning of a new age.
North American Indian Prophecies: The Hopi Fire Clan Tablet and the Baha'i Faith, 2022
North American Indian Prophecies all point to a time in which the earth would be renewed and peac... more North American Indian Prophecies all point to a time in which the earth would be renewed and peace and harmony would come to all peoples and nations. They also speak of the time of "purification." Their prophecies are the same as within all the Holy Books of other religious faiths.
What Happened After Shoghi Effendi Died?, 2016
For those unfamiliar with the term, Baha’i, it means one who is a follower of the latest revelati... more For those unfamiliar with the term, Baha’i, it means one who is a follower of the latest revelation given by God through the words of Baha’u’llah, which means, “Glory of the father.” He is the Universal Manifestation prophesied in all the Holy books who would appear in the latter days ushering in an age of Peace and Justice – the kingdom of God on earth. In order for there to be a KINGDOM there must be a KING. God provided for this King when He made His Covenant with David.
Thou hast said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant: ‘I will establish your descendants for ever, and build your throne for all generations….’”
I will not violate my covenant, or alter the word that went forth from my lips. I will not lie to David. His line shall endure for ever; his throne as long as the sun before me. Like the moon it shall be established for ever; it shall stand firm while the skies endure” (Psalms 89:3,4; 34-36) .
In the book of Jeremiah, it is written:
“For thus says the LORD: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel…” (Jer. 33:17).
The kingdom of Israel was unified through the divinely appointed anointing procedure of King David and was the focal point of unity for the kingdom of Israel.
Babylon, Mother of Harlots, 2022
A widely accepted concept presently adhered to within Christian doctrine is that since Adam ate o... more A widely accepted concept presently adhered to within Christian doctrine is that since Adam ate of the forbidden tree he sinned, and the disastrous consequence of this disobedience has been transmitted as a heritage and thus remained among his descendants. Billy Graham stated in his book World Aflame that sin is a revolt against God due to one man Adam. He continues by stating, "Thus in the first chapter of Genesis we read the story of man's potential glory as a creature made in God's image and the effects of man's yielding to temptation with its ensuing tragedy and degradation." 1 The book of Genesis opens with, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep…." The phrase, "waste and void" from the original Hebrew, Tohu va vohu, translates as formless and empty, or "chaos and desolation." Tohu suggests the result of an active destruction. The second part of the phrase, vohu or bohu, suggests "an indistinguishable ruin." The phrase thus represents the aftermath of a destructive event and not a primeval, original chaos. Man, male and female, have always been a distinct "species" that has evolved.
The Book of Revelation, 2016
Chapter 18
1 “After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority; and... more Chapter 18
1 “After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority; and the earth was made bright with his splendor.” This "angel" comes "down from heaven" meaning that he comes from the heaven of prophecy, or the heaven of God's Will. He was prophesied by name as "the land." He was prophesied by address. He was prophesied by date by Daniel. His mission is to establish the Kingdom of his Father, Baha'u'llah. This gives him "great authority." There is a Greater and Lesser Covenant. The Lesser Covenant is the Covenant the Manifestations make, designating their successors. In the Baha'i faith, it is the Covenant (Kitab-i-'Ahd) that Baha'u'llah made concerning his successors. The Greater Covenant is the one God makes concerning the coming of a Promised One of God. The return of Jesus as the Lamb was prophesied by name. He was also prophesied by the date he would come. That date is April 21, 1963. Daniel gave four dates for the coming of Jesus. The first was 490 days/years (each day is a year: Numbers 14:34). This is figured from the order to restore and rebuild Jerusalem in 457 BC. Counting 490 years from 457 BC brings us to 34 AD, the date of the crucifixion of Jesus. The second date is 1260. This was for the Bab who made his proclamation in 1260 AH (After the Hejira of Muhammad). The Bab set up the Baha'i calendar starting on March 21, 1844 (which is the same year as 1260 AH). The third is 1290. This is 1290 lunar years from the proclamation of Muhammad to the proclamation of Baha'u'llah. The fourth date is in Daniel 12:12 where is says: "Blessed is he who comes to the 1335 days/years," which is the year 1963.
Book of Revelation, 2016
In the beginning of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation of St. John it is said: "And there wa... more In the beginning of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation of St. John it is said: "And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. "But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months." This reed is a Perfect Man Who is likened to a reed, and the manner of its likeness is this: when the interior of a reed is empty and free from all matter, it will produce beautiful melodies; and as the sound and melodies do not come from the reed, but from the flute player who blows upon it, so the sanctified heart of that blessed Being is free and emptied from all save God, pure and exempt from the attachments of all human conditions, and is the companion of the Divine Spirit. Whatever He utters is not from Himself, but from the real flute player, and it is a divine inspiration. That is why He is likened to a reed; and that reed is like a rod─that is to say, it is the helper of every impotent one, and the support of human beings. It is the rod of the Divine Shepherd by which He guards His flock and leads them about the pastures of the Kingdom.
Book of Revelation, 2016
The book of Revelation is the greatest book in the entire Bible, it is also the most misunderstoo... more The book of Revelation is the greatest book in the entire Bible, it is also the most misunderstood. It was not intended to be understood until the return of Jesus, the Lamb. The book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus, the Christ, the gospel of the coming of the kingdom that Jesus said we should pray for. It is written in symbols, allegories, and style that make it impossible to understand its meaning. Since it is the revelation of Jesus, then only Jesus upon his return can explain the true meaning of the book.
Drafts by Robert J. Konczyk
Among the teaching of the Jews, the Temple must always be awaited. “The rebuilding of the temple must always be awaited (Sab.12b and other passages). God will erect the future Temple even before the kingdom of David has been reestablished and his descendants restored to office (Yer. M.S. 5:2,56a).” This shows that the Temple must be restored prior to the kingdom being established and the descendants of David being restored to office. This means that the "Christ" and Jesus the Lamb, high priest after the order of Melchizedek, must return before the Kingdom of God is made manifest on earth.
An honest view of the current conflict shows that it is a religious war between Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
The perversions of religion have contributed greatly to the confusion of society and thus religion has been dismissed as having any relevant meaning in our current age. A promise was given long ago that in the fulness of time, a Chosen One of God as mentioned in all the Holy Books, would appear at the close of the age to bring the message of Universal peace and justice to all peoples and nations of the world.
The conflict in the Middle East is leading us toward the "one hour" as mentioned in scripture. New York City is once again a target for extremists. Understanding events transpiring in the Middle East are of tremendous importance, not just for Israel and the Palestinians.
As a woman who is in travail, the earth is pregnant with
suffering and pain that is soon to be replaced by God's earthly
Kingdom. From out of the oncoming fiery ordeal, which is at
once a visitation from God and a cleansing process for all
mankind. All that the Prophets wrote will soon come to pass.
In Palestine there was no such thing as a Jewish problem as was the case in Europe. No one seemed to mind that Jerusalem during the second half of the nineteenth century had a Jewish majority. However, the Jewish immigration after 1881 and more so after the establishment of the World Zionist Organization in 1897, was more political in nature. Now, the immigrants were going to Palestine to establish a state of their own and at the exclusion of the Arabs inhabiting the land. Palestinian Jews rejected the Zionist movement and thus it remained a marginal movement as in Europe. This would all change after the National Socialists arose in 1933 when a significant rise in Jewish immigration to Palestine began.
adulthood, is contained in the writings of all the major religions
of the world. The Essence of Oneness does not bring forth a
revelation that is contrary to it. All that is given to humanity
confirms the oneness and progressive nature of all Divine
revelations. All across the earth, at different times, to various
peoples, races and nations, the One True Invisible God has
manifested His Divine Messengers to humankind with a plan—at
the "end of days"—to unite all humankind.
This Divine Plan, for the unification of humankind, unfolds
within the pages of all the Holy Texts. It is the story of God's
Covenant and humankind's struggle and suffering. God made an
everlasting Covenant unto all people and in His Infinite Wisdom
and Mercy, let the end be known from the beginning. What was
intended originally for the unification of humankind, however,
has become the cause of disunity. Insecure religious leaders have
indoctrinated the minds of believers with a mirage of ill-founded
hopes and oppression. Vain imaginings and false hopes will not
stand against the Divine truth that is substantiated with
irrefutable proofs and evidence. Throughout history, religious
leaders have tenaciously held to their own opinions, thus denying
the people any chance of recognizing and accepting any past or
future revelation.
Humanity is currently standing at the threshold of the
Kingdom of God on earth that Jesus the Christ taught us to pray
for. As a woman who is in travail, the earth is pregnant with
suffering and pain that is soon to be replaced by God's earthly
Kingdom. From out of the oncoming fiery ordeal, which is at
once a "visitation from God and a cleansing process for all
mankind," humanity will arise from the ashes as one family. The
Covenant of God will fill the earth and the Kingdom of God will
be firmly established. Humankind will then fulfill its' purpose to
know and love God and become in His image.
Thou hast said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant: ‘I will establish your descendants for ever, and build your throne for all generations….’”
I will not violate my covenant, or alter the word that went forth from my lips. I will not lie to David. His line shall endure for ever; his throne as long as the sun before me. Like the moon it shall be established for ever; it shall stand firm while the skies endure” (Psalms 89:3,4; 34-36) .
In the book of Jeremiah, it is written:
“For thus says the LORD: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel…” (Jer. 33:17).
The kingdom of Israel was unified through the divinely appointed anointing procedure of King David and was the focal point of unity for the kingdom of Israel.
1 “After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority; and the earth was made bright with his splendor.” This "angel" comes "down from heaven" meaning that he comes from the heaven of prophecy, or the heaven of God's Will. He was prophesied by name as "the land." He was prophesied by address. He was prophesied by date by Daniel. His mission is to establish the Kingdom of his Father, Baha'u'llah. This gives him "great authority." There is a Greater and Lesser Covenant. The Lesser Covenant is the Covenant the Manifestations make, designating their successors. In the Baha'i faith, it is the Covenant (Kitab-i-'Ahd) that Baha'u'llah made concerning his successors. The Greater Covenant is the one God makes concerning the coming of a Promised One of God. The return of Jesus as the Lamb was prophesied by name. He was also prophesied by the date he would come. That date is April 21, 1963. Daniel gave four dates for the coming of Jesus. The first was 490 days/years (each day is a year: Numbers 14:34). This is figured from the order to restore and rebuild Jerusalem in 457 BC. Counting 490 years from 457 BC brings us to 34 AD, the date of the crucifixion of Jesus. The second date is 1260. This was for the Bab who made his proclamation in 1260 AH (After the Hejira of Muhammad). The Bab set up the Baha'i calendar starting on March 21, 1844 (which is the same year as 1260 AH). The third is 1290. This is 1290 lunar years from the proclamation of Muhammad to the proclamation of Baha'u'llah. The fourth date is in Daniel 12:12 where is says: "Blessed is he who comes to the 1335 days/years," which is the year 1963.
Among the teaching of the Jews, the Temple must always be awaited. “The rebuilding of the temple must always be awaited (Sab.12b and other passages). God will erect the future Temple even before the kingdom of David has been reestablished and his descendants restored to office (Yer. M.S. 5:2,56a).” This shows that the Temple must be restored prior to the kingdom being established and the descendants of David being restored to office. This means that the "Christ" and Jesus the Lamb, high priest after the order of Melchizedek, must return before the Kingdom of God is made manifest on earth.
An honest view of the current conflict shows that it is a religious war between Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
The perversions of religion have contributed greatly to the confusion of society and thus religion has been dismissed as having any relevant meaning in our current age. A promise was given long ago that in the fulness of time, a Chosen One of God as mentioned in all the Holy Books, would appear at the close of the age to bring the message of Universal peace and justice to all peoples and nations of the world.
The conflict in the Middle East is leading us toward the "one hour" as mentioned in scripture. New York City is once again a target for extremists. Understanding events transpiring in the Middle East are of tremendous importance, not just for Israel and the Palestinians.
As a woman who is in travail, the earth is pregnant with
suffering and pain that is soon to be replaced by God's earthly
Kingdom. From out of the oncoming fiery ordeal, which is at
once a visitation from God and a cleansing process for all
mankind. All that the Prophets wrote will soon come to pass.
In Palestine there was no such thing as a Jewish problem as was the case in Europe. No one seemed to mind that Jerusalem during the second half of the nineteenth century had a Jewish majority. However, the Jewish immigration after 1881 and more so after the establishment of the World Zionist Organization in 1897, was more political in nature. Now, the immigrants were going to Palestine to establish a state of their own and at the exclusion of the Arabs inhabiting the land. Palestinian Jews rejected the Zionist movement and thus it remained a marginal movement as in Europe. This would all change after the National Socialists arose in 1933 when a significant rise in Jewish immigration to Palestine began.
adulthood, is contained in the writings of all the major religions
of the world. The Essence of Oneness does not bring forth a
revelation that is contrary to it. All that is given to humanity
confirms the oneness and progressive nature of all Divine
revelations. All across the earth, at different times, to various
peoples, races and nations, the One True Invisible God has
manifested His Divine Messengers to humankind with a plan—at
the "end of days"—to unite all humankind.
This Divine Plan, for the unification of humankind, unfolds
within the pages of all the Holy Texts. It is the story of God's
Covenant and humankind's struggle and suffering. God made an
everlasting Covenant unto all people and in His Infinite Wisdom
and Mercy, let the end be known from the beginning. What was
intended originally for the unification of humankind, however,
has become the cause of disunity. Insecure religious leaders have
indoctrinated the minds of believers with a mirage of ill-founded
hopes and oppression. Vain imaginings and false hopes will not
stand against the Divine truth that is substantiated with
irrefutable proofs and evidence. Throughout history, religious
leaders have tenaciously held to their own opinions, thus denying
the people any chance of recognizing and accepting any past or
future revelation.
Humanity is currently standing at the threshold of the
Kingdom of God on earth that Jesus the Christ taught us to pray
for. As a woman who is in travail, the earth is pregnant with
suffering and pain that is soon to be replaced by God's earthly
Kingdom. From out of the oncoming fiery ordeal, which is at
once a "visitation from God and a cleansing process for all
mankind," humanity will arise from the ashes as one family. The
Covenant of God will fill the earth and the Kingdom of God will
be firmly established. Humankind will then fulfill its' purpose to
know and love God and become in His image.
Thou hast said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant: ‘I will establish your descendants for ever, and build your throne for all generations….’”
I will not violate my covenant, or alter the word that went forth from my lips. I will not lie to David. His line shall endure for ever; his throne as long as the sun before me. Like the moon it shall be established for ever; it shall stand firm while the skies endure” (Psalms 89:3,4; 34-36) .
In the book of Jeremiah, it is written:
“For thus says the LORD: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel…” (Jer. 33:17).
The kingdom of Israel was unified through the divinely appointed anointing procedure of King David and was the focal point of unity for the kingdom of Israel.
1 “After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority; and the earth was made bright with his splendor.” This "angel" comes "down from heaven" meaning that he comes from the heaven of prophecy, or the heaven of God's Will. He was prophesied by name as "the land." He was prophesied by address. He was prophesied by date by Daniel. His mission is to establish the Kingdom of his Father, Baha'u'llah. This gives him "great authority." There is a Greater and Lesser Covenant. The Lesser Covenant is the Covenant the Manifestations make, designating their successors. In the Baha'i faith, it is the Covenant (Kitab-i-'Ahd) that Baha'u'llah made concerning his successors. The Greater Covenant is the one God makes concerning the coming of a Promised One of God. The return of Jesus as the Lamb was prophesied by name. He was also prophesied by the date he would come. That date is April 21, 1963. Daniel gave four dates for the coming of Jesus. The first was 490 days/years (each day is a year: Numbers 14:34). This is figured from the order to restore and rebuild Jerusalem in 457 BC. Counting 490 years from 457 BC brings us to 34 AD, the date of the crucifixion of Jesus. The second date is 1260. This was for the Bab who made his proclamation in 1260 AH (After the Hejira of Muhammad). The Bab set up the Baha'i calendar starting on March 21, 1844 (which is the same year as 1260 AH). The third is 1290. This is 1290 lunar years from the proclamation of Muhammad to the proclamation of Baha'u'llah. The fourth date is in Daniel 12:12 where is says: "Blessed is he who comes to the 1335 days/years," which is the year 1963.
The eternal Cause of God is for all nations and people, of every faith, to comprise the kingdom of God on earth centered around King David's throne, which could only be established with the appearance of the King Messiah who fulfills the prophesies of all the Holy books for the coming of a Universal Manifestation to unite the peoples and nations of the world. It is the Throne of God on earth forever according to the Covenant given unto David.
Baha’u’llah, the glory of the father (Mark 8:38), second advent of Messiah ben David, was a direct male-line lineal descendant of King David. He was a descendant of David through the male line and also a descendant of the Zoroastrian, Sasanian kings through the female line.