Abstract: Patient Handling, Low Back Pain. Objective. This research is aimed to find out the effe... more Abstract: Patient Handling, Low Back Pain. Objective. This research is aimed to find out the effect of patient handling training to release low back pain caused by works on midwives. Location and time of study. Research is done in Puskesmas Colomadu I Karanganyar on July until September 2012. Design of the study is quasi experimental research with one group pre and post test design. Subject is n=15 midwives who have low back pain because of their works. They got training on patient handling and applied it to their patients for 3 weeks under the supervision of professional trainers. Result. During Wilcoxon test with level of confidence 0,05 were found p=0.001 shows the difference of pain rate before and after treatment. Conclusion By analysing the difference of pain rate before and after treatment, we conclude that patient handling training can decrease the rate of low back pain because of works on midwives. Key words: Patient Handling, Low Back Pain. Abstrak: Patient Handling, Nyeri...
Revitalizing Family Planning Program and Women’s Empowerment for the Improvement of Population Well-being and Economic Development, 2018
Background: The quality of life of the elderly is of major concern in Indonesia and worldwide as ... more Background: The quality of life of the elderly is of major concern in Indonesia and worldwide as the aging population is increasing. Little is known about the association between biopsychosocial factors and the quality of life of the elderly in Indonesia. This study aimed to determine the association between biopsychosocial factors including dementia, family support, peer support, type of residence, marital status, and the quality of life of the elderly in Surakarta, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Surakarta, Central Java. A total sample of 218 elderly people in Surakarta, was selected for this study by fixed exposure sampling, with 1:3 ratio consisting of 50 elderly people living in Dharma Bakti nursing home and 168 elderly people living with their families in the community. The dependent variable was health-related quality of life. The independent variables were dementia, family support, peer support, type of residence, and marital status. The data on the quality of life was measured by WHO-BREF. The data on the other variables were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by path analysis. Results: Better quality of life of the elderly showed a positive and direct association with strong peer support (b= 0.25, p<0.001), strong family support (b= 0.59, p= 0.002), mild dementia (b= 1.79, p<0.001), and being married (b= 12.73, p= 0.039). Better quality of life showed a positive but indirect association with strong peer support (b= 0.67, p= 0.012) and living with families (b= 22.93, p<0.001), through family support. Conclusion: Better quality of life of the elderly is directly associated with strong peer support, strong family support, mild dementia, and being married. It is indirectly associated with strong peer support and living with families.
Background: The aging population is increasing in Indonesia and worldwide. Indonesia is one of th... more Background: The aging population is increasing in Indonesia and worldwide. Indonesia is one of the countries that has high aging population structure. As such, the quality of life of the elderly is of major concern. This study aimed to determine the effect of dementia, family support, peer support, type of residence, and marital status on quality of life of the elderly in Surakarta, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was an analytical observational study with cross-sectional design. A total sample of 218 elderly people in Surakarta, Central Java, was selected for this study by fixed exposure sampling, with 1:3 ratio consisting of 50 elderly people living in Dharma Bakti nursing home and 168 elderly people living with their families in the community. The dependent variable was health-related quality of life. The independent variables were dementia, family support, peer support, type of residence, and marital status. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis. Results: Better quality of life of the elderly was directly increased by strong peer support (b= 0.25, p<0.001), strong family support (b= 0.59, p= 0.002), mild dementia (b= 1.79, p<0.001), and being married (b= 12.73, p= 0.039). Better quality of life was also increased indirectly by strong peer support (b= 0.67, p= 0.012) and living with families (b= 22.93, p<0.001), through family support. Conclusion: Better quality of life of the elderly is directly increased by strong peer support, strong family support, mild dementia, and being married. It is indirectly increase by strong peer support and living with families.
Age, Dementia, Functional Ability, The Elderly. Increased life expectancy figures and the high co... more Age, Dementia, Functional Ability, The Elderly. Increased life expectancy figures and the high cost of care for the elderly with dementia was associated with decreased functional ability to know how dependent elderly people in their daily activities. To determine the relationship of age, dementia and functional ability in the elderly. The study design was a descriptive study with observational analytic method with cross sectional study, done in parlors Wredha Dharma Bhakti Surakarta with 32 elderly subjects who met the inclusion criteria, age range 61-85 years. Dementia is measured using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and functional ability with Groningen Activity Restriction Scale (GARS). The results of statistical tests test the relationship (1) between age and dementia, p = 0.099 and r = -0.297, meaning no meaningful relationship, negative and weak between the two variables. ( ) between age and functional abilities, p = 0.000 and r = 0.699, which means that there is a meaningful relationship, positive and strong between the two variables. ( ) between dementia with functional ability, p = 0.002 and r = -0.535, meaning that there is a meaningful relationship, negative and strong between the two variables. there is no relationship of age on dementia but there is a strong relationship between age and functional ability and dementia of the functional ability of the elderly. Mean age was not linear with the increase in the incidence of dementia, but age and dementia are the root causes deterioration of functional ability in the elderly. Physiotherapy with various modalities that exist, can play a role to help maintain the functional capability of the elderly so that the slogan of healthy aging can be realized.
Background: Piriformis syndrome causes a decrease in mobility thereby reducing productivity. Obje... more Background: Piriformis syndrome causes a decrease in mobility thereby reducing productivity. Objective to find out the difference between giving TENS therapy with stretching and LLLT with stretching to reduce the comfort of cases of Piriformis syndrome. Subjects were 30 piriformis syndrome patients Methods:. Experimental with two pre and post test designs. ANALYSIS: normality test with saphiro wilk obtained VAS score data with normal distribution with p > 0.05 for the first group and LLLT postal group with abnormal distribution data p < 0.05, parametric test with paired sample test in group I get the results sought with significance value p = 0,000 and non parametric Wilcoxon test for group II with p = 0.001. Post and post different tests of the two groups with the mann whitney test obtained p = 0.028. Result: providing TENS therapy with stretching and LLLT with stretching respectively in reducing pain in the case of Piriformis syndrome. Conclusion: Provision of TENS therapy w...
Abstract: Patient Handling, Low Back Pain. Objective. This research is aimed to find out the effe... more Abstract: Patient Handling, Low Back Pain. Objective. This research is aimed to find out the effect of patient handling training to release low back pain caused by works on midwives. Location and time of study. Research is done in Puskesmas Colomadu I Karanganyar on July until September 2012. Design of the study is quasi experimental research with one group pre and post test design. Subject is n=15 midwives who have low back pain because of their works. They got training on patient handling and applied it to their patients for 3 weeks under the supervision of professional trainers. Result. During Wilcoxon test with level of confidence 0,05 were found p=0.001 shows the difference of pain rate before and after treatment. Conclusion By analysing the difference of pain rate before and after treatment, we conclude that patient handling training can decrease the rate of low back pain because of works on midwives. Key words: Patient Handling, Low Back Pain. Abstrak: Patient Handling, Nyeri...
Revitalizing Family Planning Program and Women’s Empowerment for the Improvement of Population Well-being and Economic Development, 2018
Background: The quality of life of the elderly is of major concern in Indonesia and worldwide as ... more Background: The quality of life of the elderly is of major concern in Indonesia and worldwide as the aging population is increasing. Little is known about the association between biopsychosocial factors and the quality of life of the elderly in Indonesia. This study aimed to determine the association between biopsychosocial factors including dementia, family support, peer support, type of residence, marital status, and the quality of life of the elderly in Surakarta, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Surakarta, Central Java. A total sample of 218 elderly people in Surakarta, was selected for this study by fixed exposure sampling, with 1:3 ratio consisting of 50 elderly people living in Dharma Bakti nursing home and 168 elderly people living with their families in the community. The dependent variable was health-related quality of life. The independent variables were dementia, family support, peer support, type of residence, and marital status. The data on the quality of life was measured by WHO-BREF. The data on the other variables were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by path analysis. Results: Better quality of life of the elderly showed a positive and direct association with strong peer support (b= 0.25, p<0.001), strong family support (b= 0.59, p= 0.002), mild dementia (b= 1.79, p<0.001), and being married (b= 12.73, p= 0.039). Better quality of life showed a positive but indirect association with strong peer support (b= 0.67, p= 0.012) and living with families (b= 22.93, p<0.001), through family support. Conclusion: Better quality of life of the elderly is directly associated with strong peer support, strong family support, mild dementia, and being married. It is indirectly associated with strong peer support and living with families.
Background: The aging population is increasing in Indonesia and worldwide. Indonesia is one of th... more Background: The aging population is increasing in Indonesia and worldwide. Indonesia is one of the countries that has high aging population structure. As such, the quality of life of the elderly is of major concern. This study aimed to determine the effect of dementia, family support, peer support, type of residence, and marital status on quality of life of the elderly in Surakarta, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was an analytical observational study with cross-sectional design. A total sample of 218 elderly people in Surakarta, Central Java, was selected for this study by fixed exposure sampling, with 1:3 ratio consisting of 50 elderly people living in Dharma Bakti nursing home and 168 elderly people living with their families in the community. The dependent variable was health-related quality of life. The independent variables were dementia, family support, peer support, type of residence, and marital status. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis. Results: Better quality of life of the elderly was directly increased by strong peer support (b= 0.25, p<0.001), strong family support (b= 0.59, p= 0.002), mild dementia (b= 1.79, p<0.001), and being married (b= 12.73, p= 0.039). Better quality of life was also increased indirectly by strong peer support (b= 0.67, p= 0.012) and living with families (b= 22.93, p<0.001), through family support. Conclusion: Better quality of life of the elderly is directly increased by strong peer support, strong family support, mild dementia, and being married. It is indirectly increase by strong peer support and living with families.
Age, Dementia, Functional Ability, The Elderly. Increased life expectancy figures and the high co... more Age, Dementia, Functional Ability, The Elderly. Increased life expectancy figures and the high cost of care for the elderly with dementia was associated with decreased functional ability to know how dependent elderly people in their daily activities. To determine the relationship of age, dementia and functional ability in the elderly. The study design was a descriptive study with observational analytic method with cross sectional study, done in parlors Wredha Dharma Bhakti Surakarta with 32 elderly subjects who met the inclusion criteria, age range 61-85 years. Dementia is measured using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and functional ability with Groningen Activity Restriction Scale (GARS). The results of statistical tests test the relationship (1) between age and dementia, p = 0.099 and r = -0.297, meaning no meaningful relationship, negative and weak between the two variables. ( ) between age and functional abilities, p = 0.000 and r = 0.699, which means that there is a meaningful relationship, positive and strong between the two variables. ( ) between dementia with functional ability, p = 0.002 and r = -0.535, meaning that there is a meaningful relationship, negative and strong between the two variables. there is no relationship of age on dementia but there is a strong relationship between age and functional ability and dementia of the functional ability of the elderly. Mean age was not linear with the increase in the incidence of dementia, but age and dementia are the root causes deterioration of functional ability in the elderly. Physiotherapy with various modalities that exist, can play a role to help maintain the functional capability of the elderly so that the slogan of healthy aging can be realized.
Background: Piriformis syndrome causes a decrease in mobility thereby reducing productivity. Obje... more Background: Piriformis syndrome causes a decrease in mobility thereby reducing productivity. Objective to find out the difference between giving TENS therapy with stretching and LLLT with stretching to reduce the comfort of cases of Piriformis syndrome. Subjects were 30 piriformis syndrome patients Methods:. Experimental with two pre and post test designs. ANALYSIS: normality test with saphiro wilk obtained VAS score data with normal distribution with p > 0.05 for the first group and LLLT postal group with abnormal distribution data p < 0.05, parametric test with paired sample test in group I get the results sought with significance value p = 0,000 and non parametric Wilcoxon test for group II with p = 0.001. Post and post different tests of the two groups with the mann whitney test obtained p = 0.028. Result: providing TENS therapy with stretching and LLLT with stretching respectively in reducing pain in the case of Piriformis syndrome. Conclusion: Provision of TENS therapy w...
Papers by sri suwarni