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Google launches online platform to map Digital India growth

Google has announced the launch of '', which is a dedicated platform to capture the growth of digital revolution in India

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Google, Google digital india, google digital india vision, google Internet vision, Google free cloud service, Google SBM, google plans for startups, India Internet, India online, Indians online, technology, technology news Google has announced the launch of ‘’, which is a dedicated platform to capture the growth of digital revolution in India. The Digital India vision showcases what that vision will translate into, by sharing the development and growth powered by SMBs, Indian Startups, entrepreneurs and publishers.

India presently has over 300 million Internet users and another 200 million are expected to come online by 2017, said a IAMAI report. It further said that the country has third-largest number of tech startups at over 1,400 enterprises and will reach several thousands by 2020. The rise in the number of Internet users will lead to an explosion in the tech sector and Small and Medium businesses (SMBs).

Google’s digital platform will also showcase real stories of entrepreneurs and small and medium businesses; and how they’re achieving their dreams, goals and aspirations. The IAMAI report further said that connecting Indians online will generate new opportunities for education and help businesses grow resulting in the growth of Indian economy.

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Google recently made an attempt to empower companies by announcing an investment of $20,000 of cloud credits for 1000 startups in 2016. According to Google, this is the single largest investment the company has made anywhere in the world for Google Cloud Services.

Also Read: Google offers free cloud credits to jump-start startup businesses

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India has over 51 million small and medium businesses but only a few have an internet presence, the report highlights. Google launched an initiative to build Internet presence for 20 million SMBs in India. These SBMs can be accessed by anyone, anywhere on their mobile phones.

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