Sridevi is no more with us. The shock of her sudden death has hit her fans quite hard, as just hours before we were praising the Mom actor and her daughter for looking ravishing as always at Mohit Marwah's wedding celebrations in Dubai. The 54-year-old veteran was not just a legendary actor but also an accomplished dancer and an enviable fashionista. Besides being hailed as the first female superstar of Bollywood, after making a solid comeback with English Vinglish, we have seen the timeless beauty evolve into a modern-day fashionista, showing us time and again that age is just a number and giving the current crop of actors a run for their money. The actor, who was particularly fond of ethnic wear, chose to don some of the most sought-after designers like Manish Malhotra (who was also her favourite), Sabyasachi and Falguni and Shane Peacock. Days before her sudden demise, we saw her clad in a lovely red-salmon organza sari from Malhotra and some beautiful white ethnic numbers from the same, while attending Marwah's wedding in Dubai.
As we still reel from the shock that the iconic Chandni will no longer grace the silver screen or make our hearts stop at the next red carpet event, we pay tribute to the veteran actor and style icon with a look at the way her style quotient has evolved through the decades. (Source: Varinder Chawla, Express Archives)