To be frank, I'm not much of a bird hunter but I will try and give you the gist of it.shooter wrote:just out of interest, there must be a lot of duck there too. hows the waterfowling?
Pheasants and Partridge in the fall, Turkey in the spring.
Waterfowling starts in the fall.
Southern MN is mostly prairie and there are quite a few potholes which won't show up on the map below. In the fall, they will be full of waterfowl.
MN Lakes and Waterways Map:

more detailed Lakes Map
Below is a video that talks about Prairie Duck hunting. (some ads in the beginning).
The first half talks about Duck hunting.
The previous one was in a conrfield. This one is in a soybean field.
You might want to watch it full-screen
Waterfowling dates (from DNR booklet):
• The regular waterfowl season will open Sept. 24.
• Shooting hours for ducks, sandhill crane, rail and snipe will be one-half hour
before sunrise until 4 p .m . from Sept . 24 through Oct . 8 and until sunset
thereafter .
• Duck hunting in the north duck zone will be open through Nov. 22 (page
20) .
• Duck hunting in the south zone will be open Sept 24 and 25, then close from
Sept . 26-30, resuming Oct . 1 through Nov . 27 (page 20) .
• The daily bag limit has increased to two hen mallards and three wood ducks
(page 20) .
• Goose hunting in the north duck zone will be open Sept. 24 through Dec. 17
(page 21) .
• Except in the Rochester goose zone, goose hunting in the south duck zone
will be open Sept . 24 and 25 then close Sept . 26-30, resuming Oct . 1
through Dec . 22 (page 21) .
• Goose hunting in the Rochester goose zone will be open Sept. 24 and 25
then close Sept . 26-30, resuming Oct . 1 through Nov . 27 then close Nov .
28-Dec . 7, resuming Dec . 8 through Jan . 1 (page 21) .
• Other geese (White-fronted, light geese and Brant) may be taken only when
and where the Canada goose season is open
MN DNR Waterfowl booklet
MN Duck and Goose hunting forums
The legend of the Black Hole story from the site above
MN Waterfowl photo gallery