So RFK Jr. blackmail allegations have surfaced – Shocker – This is him admitting he was on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet two times and his wife had a relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell (Video)

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“The WEF have now turned their evil agenda to food.” Australian senator Malcolm Roberts exposes the World Economic Forum’s war on humanity. “Who controls the food supply controls the people. Who controls the energy can control whole continents. Who controls money can control the world. The World Economic Forum—and the predatory billionaires they represent—are currently trying to do all three.”

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LABOUR – They will attempt to guarantee ‘equality’ of wealth by any means. Ai will value your house and tax you accordingly. “When they said you will own nothing” they meant they would tax you, until there was no point owning anything.

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AND NOW…UK health officials warn that several viruses already circulating could trigger a pandemic worse than COVID. Some may be unstoppable even with strict lockdowns—the next wave might already be here.

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Bill Gates says a 2-day work week is coming in just 10 years, thanks to AI replacing humans ‘for most things’

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I love Britain. But I hate what has happened to Britain. Britain is broken…

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This is what it’s like to be an old person in Germany. You fall prey to migrant thugs while the government uses your taxes to import even more of them.

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David Icke: “People who lie this easily and constantly are very, very, dangerous and the Trump regime (from the top) is absolutely awash with them. Arrogant beyond belief, heartless and callous beyond belief, and empathy deleted. Every trait ticks the boxes that constitute psychopaths. Dictionary definition of Psychopath: ‘A person who has no feeling for other people … and does not feel bad about anything they have done in the past.'”

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Dutch farmer Mark Rood peacefully protested against the Dutch government’s plans to expropriate farmers. Now he’s behind bars being robbed of his freedom, while actual criminals walk free. If that doesn’t sum up the state of The Netherlands in 2025, I don’t know what does.

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JUST IN: The police finally confirmed that the knifeman is a 30 y/o Ukrainian man who’s enjoying Dutch social benefits and asylum, of course. And the same day that this guy went on a stabbing spree, our PM sent over another 2 bilion euros to Ukraine.

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TAX – As demanded under the UN Agenda 30 the WEF explains. All nature that is easy to quantify should be charged for! “let’s start by adding tax to water” – All of nature will be owned & taxed… even the air you breathe

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Jim Rickards: “If the U.S. Treasury plans to revalue U.S. gold on the Fed’s books to pull $800 billion of cash out of thin air with no debt issuance, it might be convenient to have the price of gold go much higher to increase their cash haul. Just sayin'”

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