Understanding the Mammogram Paradox (Video)

Related info:

Surgeons Admit Mammography is Outdated, Harmful at Best

Largest, Longest And Most Meticulous Study Of Mammography Ever Done Finds NO Benefit

Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis Skyrocketing As Women Everywhere Receive Dangerous And Unnecessary Mammograms

Shock Study: Mammograms A Medical Hoax, Over 1 Million American Women Maimed By Unnecessary ‘Treatment’ For Cancer They Never Had

CAD Mammography Useless

Mammograms produce more false positives than legitimate tumor detections in young women

Mammograms cause breast cancer, groundbreaking new research declares


H/t reader kevin a.

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Beets, Water Cress And Distilled Water For Longevity

“Organic raw beets and celery have the highest amounts of organic sodium. We eat them almost daily raw in salads and our fresh juices.

My father made several expeditions to primitive Russia and found people who lived amazingly long lives – some way over 120 years! Beets were an important part of their daily diet.”

“They got water cress from fresh mountain streams which they mixed with raw grated beets for a healthy salad!”
“Dad found areas where the main sources of water for drinking were rain and snow waters (distilled by Mother Nature) which helps reduce chances of having hardening of the arteries from inorganic minerals and chemical buildups. Many of these rural, ageless Russians had never tasted common table salt. Their arteries were healthy, flexible, youthful and free from the artery cloggers – inorganic minerals and chemical encrustations!”
Source: Water: The Shocking Truth That Can Save Your Life”


Water cress has one of the highest contents of monoatomic gold!…

… and beet juice does help to cure cancer…

Beet juice has been mentioned in Galina Schatalova’s books.

Read moreBeets, Water Cress And Distilled Water For Longevity

The chemical death of cancer cells creates inflammation, which feeds cancer growth: Yet another study links chemotherapy to the SPREAD of cancer

Related info:

Healthy lifestyle could prevent half of all cancer deaths:

If people in the U.S. adopted a healthy lifestyle—not smoking, drinking in moderation, maintaining a healthy body weight and exercising regularly—half of all cancer deaths and close to half of all cancer diagnoses could potentially be prevented, according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Half??? More like 99%!!!

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
– Hippocrates

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”
– Hippocrates

“It’s far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”
– Hippocrates


The chemical death of cancer cells creates inflammation, which feeds cancer growth: Yet another study links chemotherapy to the SPREAD of cancer:

Chemotherapy is no walk in the park, yet many people subject themselves to its unpleasant effects in hopes of healing their cancer. Unfortunately, it could all be in vain as yet another concerning study has shown that chemotherapy can actually spread the very disease it is intended to stop.

In a study by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, radiation and chemotherapy treatments that kill tumor cells were found to cause cancerous tumors to grow bigger and more prolific. In fact, the dying cancer cells that chemotherapy set into motion actually trigger the inflammation that causes tumors to grow more aggressively.

Read moreThe chemical death of cancer cells creates inflammation, which feeds cancer growth: Yet another study links chemotherapy to the SPREAD of cancer

Home-based silent killer: Radon gas, known to be the leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoke, is found in surprising number of homes

Home-based silent killer: Radon gas, known to be the leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoke, is found in surprising number of homes:

Have you tested your home for radon gas? If you haven’t, you may want to get it tested as soon as possible as this gas is a silent killer that may be lurking in your home. A study found that one in every eight homes in Alberta, Canada surpassed the acceptable radon level by the government. Radon gas is known to be the leading cause of cancer next to cigarette smoking. (Related: Radon in Homes is the Second Leading Cause of Lung Cancer.)

“As a society, we have a well-recognized problem with environmentally-induced cancers. Testing your home for radon gas is an effective prevention strategy and radon is one of the most easily eradicated causes of lung cancer. The problem is most people do not know this,” said Aaron Goodarzi, an assistant professor, cancer researcher, and a radiation biologist at the University of Calgary.

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WHO cancer rate data show’s Australia has worst in the world

Could it also have to do with all the uranium dust (which also does affect New Zealand)?


WHO cancer rate data show’s Australia has worst in the world:

AUSTRALIA has become the cancer capital of the world and experts say we must beat the obesity bulge to tackle the deadly disease.

AUSTRALIA has become the cancer capital of the world and experts say we must beat the obesity bulge to tackle the deadly disease.

An international comparison has puts us ahead of New Zealand, North America and Western Europe in terms of cancer rates, and nearly double the global average.

We have the highest rate of melanoma and prostate cancer in the world and the third-highest breast cancer rates.

Read moreWHO cancer rate data show’s Australia has worst in the world

Traditional cancer treatments cause inflammation, promoting aggressive tumor growth, according to study

Traditional cancer treatments cause inflammation, promoting aggressive tumor growth, according to study:

Independent media leaders like Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and editor of Natural News, have long been vilified by the mainstream media for daring to insist that chemotherapy actually causes cancer. Time and again, Natural News has published articles based on scientific studies that prove the inefficiency and downright danger of conventional cancer treatments. Now, yet another study has been published confirming that link.

The study, conducted by a research team from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, found that the dead and dying cancer cells created by chemotherapy trigger inflammation which in turn promotes “aggressive tumor growth.”

“In this study we demonstrate that chemotherapy-generated debris from dead and dying tumor cells can stimulate tumor growth, which has pivotal implications for the treatment of cancer patients,” said Dipak Panigrahy, MD, the study’s lead author and an assistant professor at BIDMC’s Department of Pathology. “Conventional cancer therapy designed to kill tumor cells is inherently a double-edged sword.” [Emphasis added]

Read moreTraditional cancer treatments cause inflammation, promoting aggressive tumor growth, according to study

Chemotherapy found to increase the number of tumor cells circulating in the blood, spreading it to previously unaffected areas

Study Published In The Journal Of Clinical Oncology Shows That The ‘Success’ Rate Of Chemotherapy To 5-Year Survival Is Only 2.1% … But Wait It Gets Worse


Chemotherapy found to increase the number of tumor cells circulating in the blood, spreading it to previously unaffected areas:

Chemotherapy is a pretty scary prospect, but a lot of people are convinced by their doctors that its potential benefits are worth enduring the very unpleasant side effects. Unfortunately, a new study shows that getting chemotherapy before surgery can actually increase the tumor cells in your blood and spread the cancer to other areas. This adds to the growing body of evidence that chemotherapy isn’t as solid of a cancer treatment as many doctors make it seem.

According to the study, which was published in Science Translational Medicine, several common breast cancer chemotherapy drugs that are used for treating localized as well as advanced breast cancer actually caused the number of microscopic structures found in breast tumors to grow. This is known as tumor microenvironment of metastasis (TMEM), and it helps invasive cancer cells to break out of the tumor and circulate into the body at large.

Read moreChemotherapy found to increase the number of tumor cells circulating in the blood, spreading it to previously unaffected areas

Dr. Stephanie Seneff (MIT, Senior Research Scientist) Presents Roundup MMR and Autism A Toxic Connection (Video)


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Dr. Thierry Vrain, Former Pro-GMO Scientist, Speaks Up Against Glyphosate (Video)

Dr. Thierry Vrain, former genetic engineer and soil biologist with Agriculture Canada, spoke with us today about his concerns with genetically engineered crops (GMOs) and more importantly, the use of Glyphosate (RoundUp). Dr. Vrain’s background in the field of genetic engineering (for 30 years), makes him an expert on this gene technology. He explained how a cell is genetically engineered and what happens after this random insertion process through a gene gun and how it can have unknown effects.

Since leaving Agriculture Canada 12 years ago, he has learned much more about the process of genetic engineering and the BT process (insect resistant) and the HT (herbicide resistant) crops that make up about 500 million acres. His primary concern at this time is the widespread use of Glyphosate which is a powerful herbicide, mineral chelator and a patented antibiotic. Dr. Vrain stated when speaking about Glyphosate:

“It’s almost as if the entire population of North American is on a low-grade antibiotic diet day in day out from birth, everyday, so this is the reality.”

H/t reader squodgy.

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Fukushima Cover-Up: “Keep cancers a secret” say doctors — “We’re getting leukemia and cataracts and we die suddenly” — “Students having sudden heart attacks” — Officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death

Fukushima Cover-Up: “Keep cancers a secret” say doctors — “We’re getting leukemia and cataracts and we die suddenly” — “Students having sudden heart attacks” — Officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death

H/t reader squodgy.

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New Study Reveals Sugar Doesn’t Just Feed Cancer, It CAUSES Cancer

New Study Reveals Sugar Doesn’t Just Feed Cancer, It CAUSES Cancer:

Research Reveals How Sugar Causes Cancer

The average American consumes their body weight annually in this cancer-causing substance, and yet hospitals freely feed it to their cancer patients, oblivious to the harm it does.

Hospitals feed cancer patients sugar and high carbohydrate diets for a reason: they are abysmally ignorant of the role of nutrition in health and disease — hence their burgeoning growth and packed rooms.

Even though the science itself shows (at least since the mid-20’s with Otto Warburg’s cancer hypothesis) that tumors prefer to utilize sugar fermentation to produce energy rather than the much more efficient oxygen-based phosphorylation*, hospitals have actually invited corporations like McDonald’s to move into their facilities  to “enhance” their patient’s gustatory experience, presumably to provide comfort and take the edge off of the painful surgery, radiation and chemo treatments erroneously proffered to them as the only reasonable “standard of care.”

But the times are changing, with new research requiring these medical institutions to reform their dietary strategies, at least if they wish to claim that their interventions are in fact evidence-based…

New Study Reveals Sugar Doesn’t Just Feed But Causes Cancer

A groundbreaking new study, uncovered by one of the volunteer researchers at Greenmedinfo – Jonathan Middleton – is the first of its kind to identify sugar, not only as a fuel source for an already existing cancer, but as a primary driver in oncogenesis – i.e. the initiation of cancerous characteristics (phenotype) within previously healthy cells.

Published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation and titled Increased sugar uptake promotes oncogenesis via EPAC/RAP1 and O-GlcNAc pathways, researchers addressed a common perception (or misperception) in the cancer research community regarding sugar’s relationship to cancer: namely, that “increased glycolysis [sugar based metabolism] is frequently viewed as a consequence of oncogenic events that drive malignant cell growth and survival.”

Read moreNew Study Reveals Sugar Doesn’t Just Feed Cancer, It CAUSES Cancer

Fukushima Cover-Up: “Keep cancers a secret” say doctors — “We’re getting leukemia and cataracts and we die suddenly” — “Students having sudden heart attacks” — Officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death

Fukushima Cover-Up: “Keep cancers a secret” say doctors — “We’re getting leukemia and cataracts and we die suddenly” — “Students having sudden heart attacks” — Officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death

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Study: Sugar Industry Shut Down Research Over Cancer Link

Sugar industry shut down research over cancer link – study:

A newly discovered cache of documents has revealed an alleged decades-long effort by the sugar industry to conceal the detrimental effects of the commodity on consumers’ health.

In a study published Tuesday in the journal PLOS Biology, scientists from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) claim the industry manipulated science, influenced regulations and even shut down its own research when it indicated a link between sugar and heart disease almost 50 years ago.

“The Sugar Association proved to itself that calories from sugar had different metabolic effects than calories from starch,” lead author Cristin E. Kearns, who discovered the industry documents, told UCSF. “This is in stark contrast to its public position, then and now, that all calories are created equal.”

The study claims that a Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) scheme, entitled Project 259, which had been set up to investigate the effects of sugar in animals in 1969, deliberately withheld evidence that sugar consumption creates high levels of triglyceride, a type of fat that travels through the blood – an issue that can lead to poor bladder and cardiovascular health.

Read moreStudy: Sugar Industry Shut Down Research Over Cancer Link

Chromium-6 in Tap Water: Why the ‘Erin Brockovich’ Chemical Is Dangerous

Chromium-6 in Tap Water: Why the ‘Erin Brockovich’ Chemical Is Dangerous:

Nearly 200 million Americans across all 50 states have been exposed through their tap water to higher-than-recommended levels of chromium-6, a cancer-causing chemical, according to a new report. Chromium-6 was made famous in the 2000 biographical film “Erin Brockovich,” starring Julia Roberts as the titular activist. But what is it, and why is it a concern?

An odorless and tasteless metallic element, chromium occurs naturally in the environment and can be found in things like rocks, plants and soil. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the two most common forms of chromium found in water are trivalent chromium (chromium-3) and hexavalent chromium (chromium-6).

Read moreChromium-6 in Tap Water: Why the ‘Erin Brockovich’ Chemical Is Dangerous

Cancer industry profits ‘locked in’ by nagalase molecule injected into humans via vaccines… spurs tumor growth… explains aggressive vaccine push

Related info:

Holistic Doctor Death Series: Over 50 Dead on 1 Year Anniversary of Father’s Day

Nagalase The Secret Enzyme Being Used For Mass Culling Of The Population (Videos)

Murdered Holistic Doctors Update (Video)

Doctors Who Discovered Nagalase Cancer Enzyme In Vaccines All Found Murdered (Video)

Vaccines Used To Inject People With Nagalase Molecule That Causes Cancer


World’s Leading Vaccine Pioneer Dr. Maurice Hilleman Admits: HIV And Cancer Come From Vaccines (Video)


Cancer industry profits ‘locked in’ by nagalase molecule injected into humans via vaccines… spurs tumor growth… explains aggressive vaccine push:

(NaturalNews) One of the world’s most lucrative industries, spending on cancer drugs reached an all-time high last year, as it was valued at more than $100 billion. Spending on cancer drugs increased 6.5 percent annually over the past five years and is expected to continue growing at a rate of 8 percent each year through 2018, according to figures provided by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics.

That spending is highly concentrated, as the US and five of Europe’s largest countries account for nearly two-thirds of the entire market.

This means that billions and billions of dollars are secured by Americans being diagnosed with cancer.

That’s one profitable industry; however, it could all be completely dismantled by one thing: a cure.

Read moreCancer industry profits ‘locked in’ by nagalase molecule injected into humans via vaccines… spurs tumor growth… explains aggressive vaccine push