Book Order: Scythe, Thunderhead, The Toll
Author: Neal Shusterman
Genre: Science Fiction
Target Audience: Teen and Young Adult
Publisher: Walker Books Ltd
Published: 2018, 2018, 2019 (Paperback format)
A Quick Summary:
This trilogy is set in a world where the now practically immortal human race has its population controlled by the select few known as 'Scythes'. The book follows several characters and how their lives are shaped and transformed not only by the Scythedom but by the sentient AI which rules the world - making it appear on the surface that this is an ideal world.
I enjoyed this trilogy - the concept captured my interest (plus the covers are beautifully designed, I find them very striking) What I found particularly interesting was that the main focus of the trilogy was to focus on the question of the morality of having the select few be able to choose who lives and who dies. Exploring the consequences of corruption and complicity in a supposedly perfect world.
Like most young adult books this does contain hints of romance between characters - but what I found refreshing was that it didn’t become the focus or even the driving force for all the characters. While the conclusion of the trilogy took a direction I didn’t quite expect - I found it to be a rather fitting and firm conclusion.
I would recommend this trilogy to any dystopian fan, especially as the typography and format make it an easy read. (As a severe dyslexic I find this to be extremely helpful) I sometimes recommend it to reluctant and dyslexic readers if I can corner anyone about it at work!

I enjoyed this trilogy and I am sure I will be rereading these books in the future.