These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. Check out my other content on the DMsGuild! Class & Character Options: They will strive to understand their surroundings, just like their primal nature, they will consume every new experience to grow further than their mindless cousins.
From there, they seek to follow their destiny or heed the call of their inner natures.
Whether as a part of some demonic design from their namesake, the demon lord Juiblex, or some great evolutionary design, the juiblexians gained sentience.
Mnemonic - inspired by the oblex and other similar sentient slimes, these consume personalities and minds & mimic humanoids the best. Blasphemy - inspired by living spells (which are oozes) from Eberron, these elementally charged oozes seek to devour all energy in the cosmos. Corrosive - inspired by gelatinous cubes, this juiblexian is cursed to dissolve matter. You get three subraces and four racial feats: Behold the Juiblexian, a race of sentient oozes inspired your favorite oozes and slimes such as gelatinous cubes, black puddings, the oblex ( Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes), and even living spells from Eberron.