FIELD FORCE - Innovex Advertising


Motivational Campaigns

Motivational Campaigns

Motivational Campaigns are story driven methods of advertising and publicity that communicate a meaningful message while inspiring a positive and encouraging idea for the brand. This involves various forms of advertising that build an impacting image for the company’s products and establish a quality standard.


Newsletters involve communicating various updates, messages and news pieces to all the respective stakeholders and building a long lasting engagement with all the members. Various designs can be used to convey different kinds of messages to the readers and highlighting any specific goal.

Innovexad Newsletters
Incentive Schemes

Incentive Schemes

Incentive Schemes are morale boosting advertising packages that motivate the customers to make a change for the better and urge them to make a certain buying decision that will provide them the best value. These schemes help elevate the growth plateau scenario by speeding up the adoption rate and boosting the sales of the products.

Management Games

Management Games are team building activities that inspire confidence, trust and understanding among the members of the same organization. Inter-departmental interaction and communication facilitates the overall growth of the organization and maintains a harmonious flow in the business process by keeping every employee motivated and charged up.

Management Games