INNSpub | Call for Paper


The International Network for Natural Sciences | INNSpub invites all honorable research scholars to submit their original quality manuscripts for quick publication of research papers, review papers, short communications, research reports, technical reports, intellectual articles, conceptual papers, and the latest research & findings on Life sciences, Environmental sciences, Agricultural sciences, Health sciences, and Bio-medicinal science which are not under review or under consideration for publishing in any other international academic journal.

Manuscript submission (Submit Here)

Associates Journals

Paper presentation/format
Authors are requested to go through the author’s instructions before submitting their papers to publish research their papers with the criteria

  • The manuscript should include a title page; the author’s name(s), affiliation(s) with complete addresses, and the corresponding author’s email address. Paper presentation must be with individual Journal standards. Please visit the bellows link for Author instructions.
  • Submissions should be made electronically in MS Word via the electronic submission gateway (INNSpub Research Journal Manager) or via individual journal email.

All submitted papers must:
Authors are requested to read and strictly follow the submission guidelines mentioned below, before submitting papers.

  • Be written in English and be submitted in Microsoft Word format
  • Contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses
  • Be formatted according to the INNSpubs format proceedings template.
  • Indicate up to six keywords for characterization of the paper at the end of the abstract
  • Not exceed 25 pages for full papers and 12 pages for short ones, (including all text, figures, references & appendices).

Manuscripts Submission process
Manuscripts should be submitted to the EDITOR of desired journals by Electronically Submission Gateway (INNSpub Research Journal Manager) or via email attachment according to AUTHOR GUIDELINE with COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT form to [[email protected]]. The Editor will confirm the corresponding author after receiving the manuscript and the editorial board will constitute that with well-qualified experts of different disciplines in different universities/institutions around the world.

The whole process of submission to publication usually takes around 5-7 days (Depending upon the formatting and errors in the paper). The INNSpub Network publishes both print and online versions after a peer review process based on open access policy.

Authors benefit

  • High-impact factor journals
  • Rapid/Fast track publication
  • Open access to all published articles
  • High quality of the publication
  • Low article processing charges
  • Online articles tracking facilities
  • Publication certificate to each author
  • Google Scholar indexing

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Journals  Author Guideline  Submission