
Wildlife Photographer

Oliver Wright

Oliver Wright is a Yorkshire based professional photographer specialising in Wildlife, Macro and Adventure Photography.

Oliver’s photographed wildlife in diverse demanding environments from the extreme cold of Scandinavia to the hot and humid jungles of Costa Rica and Ecuador.

Oliver’s been leading photography groups for several years in northern Sweden and other destinations. He also frequently shares his experience and knowledge through talks at Canon events across the UK.

Oliver’s wildlife photography has had ten ‘highly commended’ images in the British Wildlife Photography Awards from 2013 to 2018. In 2019, Oliver joined BBC Countryfile to judge for the calendar competition and featured on the show. He has developed his own style by using focus stacking in many genres.

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Our Accommodation Ratings

Opulent: Exceptional, unashamedly the best of sheer luxury. (£££££)

Luxury: Outstanding levels of 5* comfort, hospitality and facilities. (££££)

Premium: Excellent levels of comfort and hospitality and a wide range of facilities. (£££)

Mid-Range: Good levels of comfort and hospitality, with a reasonable range of facilities. (££)

Simple: Clean and simple, no frills. Often in areas of natural beauty or near wildlife reserves. (£)