As an effort to optimize the use of smart farming technology aimed at increasing efficiency in agriculture, a study was carried out at Agro-Innovation Park (Tagrinov), a place for education and learning of innovative home yard utilization concept. The smart farming applied in Tagrinov were irrigation control systems, pH and nutrition control systems of hydroponic plant, and temperature and humidity control in aeroponic systems. Those three monitoring and controlling systems were integrated in the mobile apps called Tagrinov 4.0. The deployment of control mechanism involved some systems, namely communication testing of android application using firebase server for irrigation; the Arduino Mega 2560 for pH level and nutrition control of hydroponic plant, and the Arduino Uno, DHT22 and DS18B20 sensors for temperature and humidity control of the aeroponic system. The test results showed some advantages of smart farming application in Tagrinov. Irrigation control system using internet network can be easily carried out by users. Arduino makes the system automatic, the pH sensor works as pH meter, the nutrients turn on and off when the pH value and nutrients are appropriate. The aeroponic sensor system read the temperature and humidity in the parent seed nursery, to activate the sprayer and makes the water become mist. All smart farming technologies were operated through mobile apps making these systems more efficient.
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