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Please write to us at [email protected] about what you feel about IORG and where we should head in future

The Indian Orthopaedic Research Group was started in 2007, however 2011 was the year that established IORG as a cohesive group with a definite direction and aim. It was the year that IORG became one of the fore front organisation of Indian Orthopaedics with a unique agenda of Research and Collaboration. We became one of the largest online communities in Orthopaedics and our Case discussion forum had more than 500 cases being discussed every month and more than 20 thousand Comments every month. We started the IORG Associate membership which had a good response along with the IORG website. IORG website has become a unique portal for all Orthopods, where they can showcase their presentations, find information and also get information about the work of IORG.

Our Latest venture OrthoTV has received great response and our whtasapp and telegram forums have solidified into essential portals for any orthopod in the country. However we think we have not even started in our Journey of making India leader in Orthopaedic Research in the world. We would need support from all of you to realise this core dream of ours. In next one week we will announce some more ventures and portals that will help us further our goal of Improving Research Scenario in the Country. With expansion of our various ventures there is immense strain on our resources and we would request the orthopaedic community to help us by donating to IORG. We assure you that all money will be used for betterment of Orthopaedic research in India and also invested in various ventures like OrthoTV and Journals. Use the link below to Donate:

Donate to IORG

With our commitment to improve Academic Research in the country we have taken following initiatives

  1. Starting open access Journals: We believe journal serve many purposes. They provide a platform for our researchers to publish and online publishing will help the work reach wide audience. Our journals are open access so Free Literature is available to all. ‘Training through publication’ is another motto of all our journals and focus in on technical articles and videos. We also believe journals are important tools to train academicians in art of publication and research which is essential in our country. With this in mind we started our first Journal in 2011 and are now starting some more new speciality journals [list provided below]
  1. Special training programs.

We are conducting training programs for Research methodology and computer skills too. Special workshops on thesis writing are conducted regularly

  1. Case Discussion forum: Our online case discussion forum has almost 15,000 orthopaedic surgeons around the world. Visit the link below to join the forum.

4. OrthoTV our latest venture in the academic field.

OrthoTV is Here!!. Dear Colleagues, Use the link below to Join OrthoTV, the Orthopaedic Video Channel and enter a world of new kind of learning and knowledge sharing experience. This is latest offering from IORG and is an exclusive telegram only group - Ashok Shyam, Neeraj Bijlani, Pradip Nemade
You can also send request to Add on my whatsapp/ telegram number - 9833110366 or click on the link below ( you may have to download telegram app, which is like whatsapp but allows large video files to be shared.)

5. Trauma Registry:

This is one of the most ambitious project of iorg and is designed as a multicentre research project. Please enroll and contribute your cases and be part of this multicentric Research Collaboration. Every Surgeon Contributing Cases will be acknowledged in the Research Papers. Trauma Registry is a Mobile App for collecting Epidemiological Data on incidence and prevalence of various types of fractures. The process is very simple and requires hardly 30 seconds for one case to be uploaded. Please download the apps from Google Playstore or itunes. Links for both are provided below

Android App:…

iOS App:

We need active support from the Orthopaedic community. Please join us in our endeavors.

Become an iorg member NOW: Click Here

Our Journals

Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports

Our flagship journal which is also indexed with Pubmed


Click here to Submit article

Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

In collaboration with NÆON-Hospital, de Julho-SP-Brazil

A journal supported by the Indian and Brazilian Shoulder Surgeons

Click Here for More Details

Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors

One of the only Journals in the world to be exclusively dedicated to Bone and soft tissues tumors


Click here to Visit the Journal

International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics


Click here to visit Journal's website

Trauma International 

Unique Journal of Trauma and Injury



Trauma International is a unique journal of Trauma and Injury and is published quarterly. For more details on format of the articles and to read full text free visit


Asian Journal Arthroscopy

aja cover snip


The Team of the Asian Journal of Arthroplasty is Proud to present the First Anniversary issue of the Asian Journal of  Arthroscopy (AAA). Please visit the website for complete details:


International Journal of Spine 


The International Journal of Spine is a quarterly (4 issues per year) print and online journal. The online version will be an open access source and the print version will be made available on subscription. The journal publishes original articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, instructional lectures, case reports, technical notes and letters to the editor. For more details visit


Journal of Orthopaedic Complications

This is a new Journal from IORG which will focus on complications and complicated cases.

JOC cover

Click Here for More Details

Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

In collaboration with NÆON-Hospital, de Julho-SP-Brazil

A journal supported by the Indian and Brazilian Shoulder Surgeons

Click Here for More Details


 Allied Journals from Academic Research Group


Journal of Medical Thesis

The only journal in the world that publishes Medical Thesis. JMT Completes 5 year of publication


Click here to submit your article 


Journal of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Case Reports

Click here to submit your articles

Associate Journals run in Collaboration with various Societies and Associations

  • Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery 
    Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association

Click Here to Visit the Website

  • Journal of Karnataka Orthopaedic Association

Click Here to Visit the Website

  • Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics 
    Journal of Bombay Orthopaedic Society

Click Here to Visit the Website

  • Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases 
    Journal of Kerala Orthopaedic Association  

  • International Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery
    West Bengal Orthopaedic Association 

  • Journal of Punjab Orthopaedic Association - Coming Soon......


IORG Online Surveys

Orthopaedic Journals: Need to Change?

Dear IORG Members,

We thank all members for your continued support and participation in developing IORG into what it is now. This has encouraged us to strive to further improve our services to you and to meet our principle goal of promoting quality research. However, we would like to do much better and in this direction want to conduct an online survey for all IORG members. The idea is to help you members to co-create and co-design our various services especially our flagship journals so as to improve their scientific content and make them more reader friendly. We request you spend a few minutes and complete this survey and help us give our best.


Take This Survey



The Indian Orthopaedic Research Group (IORG) is dedicated to promoting evidence based clinical orthopaedic research in India. IORG advocates for garnering more resources for research, and increasing awareness in the Indian orthopaedic community of the impact of orthopaedic research. The specialty of Orthopaedic Surgery has developed in the recent past in leaps and bounds because of new challenges and avenues opened by active research. India in particular and Indian sub-continent as a whole has lagged behind in this field of basic and evidence based clinical orthopaedic research. IORG is a humble attempt to further the cause and promote orthopaedic research in  our country .

Indian Orthopaedic Research Group is registered organisation with Govt of India.  IORG currently runs on financial support by its members and from Donations and Sponsorship. Support provided by the members is used to maintain the infrastructure, website and also to develop new services and resources. In due course with further development and expansion of IORG we should be able to provide better service and to hold conferences and workshops to promote Orthopaedic Academic Research in India.

Indian Orthopaedic Research Group is first of its kind organisation that is purely initiated, developed and expanded by independent Orthopaedic surgeons with a common passion for Indian Orthopaedics and an intense wish to increase quantity and quality of Publications from country. What started as few sprinkles has now grown into a stream and eventually with help of our well wishers IORG will grow into a huge force.

As respect to all individuals. seniors and colleagues, who have supported us by there words, deeds and encouragements, we solemnly pledge to do our best to achieve the common goal of elevating further that stature of Indian Orthopaedics on the stage of World Orthopaedic Literature.

IORG Core Committee


Creative Commons License

The Information on the website is property of Indian Orthopaedic Research Group and the Contributing Authors. The content is protected by Indian and International copyright. Any reproduction requires written permission from IORG and contributing authors, which can be obtained by sending requirements to [email protected].

However IORG is committed to provide most information on the website free of charge to everyone. To ensure non-commercial use of the contents, Indian Orthopaedic Research Group by Indian Orthopaedic Research Group is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License as below.

Details of the Creative Commons License for IORG is as below.
Creative Commons License
An acknowledgment to the Indian Orthopaedic Research Group is essential for such Use.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at



