Blackboard Collaborate™ Mobile
iPad Collaborate for iPad.
iPad Collaborate for iPad.
This is a terrific App for remotely viewing content on the projector from your iPad. It is also very easy to record and then post to YouTube/NEO.
iPad Stylus that may be useful
The Padagogy Wheel takes an expanded approach Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy and offers 62 iPad apps that fit into the organized chaos that is Bloom’s.
Some interesting thoughts on iPad integration in this online article titled “Integrate iPads Into Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy With This ‘Pedagogy Wheel”.
In your email, you will have been sent a Licensing Key for AirServer. This software allows you to display what is on your iPad, on your computer. This means that you can walk around the classroom with your iPad and display its contents on the projector when your computer is connected in the normal fashion, You DO NOT need to download an App on the iPad for this to work.
I you have a PC…
If you have a MAC…
Log in to the windows image on your machine and follow the same procedure.
Available for collection is a $50 iTunes voucher for use with your school iPad.
This money is primarily for the exploration of Apps which are relevant for your Subject Area. More generic Apps that are for all subjects (such as Word Processors, Spread Sheets, Adobe Readers, Drawing Tools, etc.) can be purchased centrally and pushed out to staff and students via our management software, and so do not need to be purchased with these funds.
Once a purchase is made, you will need to forward a copy of the receipt you receive from iTunes to [email protected].
When we receive a copy of the receipt, we will add the details to a Google SpreadSheet which will contain the details of all purchases made. In this way, you will be able to see who has bought particular Apps and get some feedback from them regarding its appropriateness for your situation before buying it yourself.
Please drop by the IT Support Office to pick up your $50 which can be added to your private iTunes account. And don’t forget to forward the receipt sent from iTunes to [email protected].
There are a couple of options available, but the simplest, cheapest and most effective appears to be AirServer. It is available from and can be downloaded for free for 7 days.
We will be using this software approach rather than dealing with the expense of installing AppleTVs in every location where there is a projector. We will be purchasing this software for you in somehow, and will let you know how this will take palace shortly.