Make a personal learning plan, and manage your career. Gracey can barely believe that her probationary period is almost over, and she’s really enjoying her management role at a small software development company. But she has a nagging worry. She really appreciated the support and direction that she received from Myles, her line manager during her probation. He previously set clear goals and goals and acquired given her regular feedback.

Myles has managed to get clear that, while his door is always open up, he desires Gracey to make her own way now. However, she isn’t ready to sit back and wait for training opportunities to just appear, and she wants to take control of her own professional development. In this specific article, we’ll examine how you can have a proactive method of your development by creating an individual learning plan. Let’s walk through some useful steps that you may take to control your own professional development. People who have a fixed attitude tend to suppose that they’re blessed with a particular group of skills that they can’t change.

However, people with a growth mindset to think that talent and intelligence are just the starting point, which success comes through attitude, effort, and learning. With a growth mindset, you’ll respond to setbacks or challenges with hope and confidence. And you may get ready by working to understand your development needs.

This involves a process of self-reflection and self-auditing, a determination to most probably and interested in your weaknesses and talents, and a dedication to improving your individual situation and working life. For instance, performing a personal SWOT analysis can be very helpful in evaluating your talents (for example, clear communication) and weaknesses (saying, handling pressure badly). Additionally, it may help you to identify any opportunities (such as networking events), and possible dangers (technological changes) that might be coming. Cultivating a rise state of mind is also about spotting that you’ll require to take possession of your own career progression, if your organization supports a learning culture. Your present skills. Are they adequate for your present role?

Do they align sufficiently with your team or organization’s priorities, mission and vision? It might be useful to revisit your job description to clarify your key duties. What exactly are the targets that you’ve agreed with your manager? Consider, honestly, what you could you be doing better. Your past skills. This might sound counterintuitive, but look back again, too.

Are there skills you have used in days gone by that could help you now? Are those skills a little rusty, or are your working practices outdated? Your own future skills. What skills or knowledge spaces do you need to bridge? It may be beneficial to test yourself with some self-assessment quizzes, or even to sound out someone you trust (perhaps a mentor) for a few honest feedback. Think about how you compare with your peers in conditions of knowledge, skills, experience, attitude, and behavior. What does your team need that you would like to offer?

Put yourself into the shoes of a customer, colleague, or supplier. What would he or you be wanted by her to learn or to have the ability to do? If you need a “dilemna” strategy, you may use a PEST Analysis to recognize structural opportunities (such as new financing streams) and dangers (for example, deregulation, and more intense competition) in your business environment.

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Once you’ve carried out a thorough self-audit and discovered your targets for growth, it’s time to work out how to attain them. That’s where an individual learning plan (PLP) can really help. A PLP is an instrument commonly used in schools and institutions to help students to focus their learning, achieve goals (such as exam revision), and consider their wider learning objectives. But it can be very effective in the workplace as well.

PLPs are an important and popular feature of your brain Tools website, as you can see, here. You can include and remove resources as and when you will need them, to create your own training curriculum. What you prioritize within your PLP will vary depending on your aspirations and needs. Ideally, a PLP should work to a good model (Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant, and Time-bound), to help you develop the motivation you need to achieve them.