Bog goblins assemble!
Nigg, the little questing knight, has been joined by some fellow bog goblins to support the wyvern, Clachtoll, in whatever mischief he's about.
The new goblins - all on foot - are lovely little 3D sculpts from Highlands Miniatures. As someone with mild-middling severity red-green colour blindness, it was both a challenge and a bit of fun painting up a party whose palette is almost entirely reddy browns and different greens.
Dingwall the shaman is the only named character of the group. This little seer is pretty hardcore, having stappled a horn or tusk to his right shoulder, and wearing a prosthetic chin... The wee crystal hanging from his staff is the first time I have attempted a yellow gem. It, sort of, worked and could be a topaz perhaps, or maybe amber? The goo bubbling in the little cauldron and spilt all over the nearby mushrooms is a lovely little feature.
These two minions have wicked little shortbows and frogs. I love the frogs. In-game they will be treated as having poisoned missile weapons which should help to counter weakness in the shortbow's draw strength,
The two minions with nets are also great little sculpts. For shield devices I wanted something to tie them in with Clacktoll, so they have stylised wyvern faces with wide horns at the top, and tusks below.
Catching up with JB and Brett (after waaay too long), we had a three-player playtest of Fantastic Scuffles wherein itinerant adventurers (me), kobold scavengers (Brett) and bog goblins (JB) each found two other parties in the way of getting their own objectives achieved.
Over five turns there was much fleeing of kobolds, and killing of professional heroes...