Business Unlimited Phone Plans. I currently own a business and am providing 6 lines for my employees. I am paying for a family plan with 5 lines and another individual plan. 4phones have data plans.. Verizon Plan for Business. texting if you have a wireless business plan with verizon? also, can you just have two lines on a business plan...? whats the difference between a business plan and a family plan?. Verizon Wireless. 539.677.721.3.. Can I switch into verizon wireless's Business Plan. (Nationwide Email for Buisness). Flexible Business Wireless Plans On verizon wireless business plans, is there any plan with unlimited texting.. or how could you get unlimited. Verizon Wireless Business.I want to get a phone but my mom's paying for like 6 phones in the house will you tell me about the family plan?. Last time I had gotten one of those wireless internet devices for my computer and they said that I could only use a certain amo