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Men and Body Image: What do the Stats Say?

"Prospective Associations"). The interval of time is significant, since the years from 1999 to 2010 represent a period of increasing body-

Is body image exclusively a women 's issue? An affirmative answer to this question is generally commonplace; most people assume, based on the long and learned cultural experience of living in the United States, that body image does not affl;lct men . Even if the individual considering that culturally introspective question is indeed a man, his answer may still very likely be "no," whether out of indifference, ignorance, or simply the assumption that the culture he's grown up in is correct in its arbitrary judgments on what

image pressure on young adult men through advertising . This development is evident in other, more personal works like Quentin Vennie's Huffington Post article, "Why Men Never Discuss Body Image Issues." Vennie remembers that "growing up, I was always the short skinny kid . I like to think I was a popular child , but that didn't stop me from being singled out and castigated . Kids would jump in front of me in the line for recess and make fun of me because I was short" (Vennie, "Body Image Issues"). He makes

constitute masculine and feminine struggles. But a recent study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics in January 2014 and led by Alison E. Field reveals that men do suffer from the pressures of popular body image , but in different ways when compared to women. For instance, "high concerns with muscularity but no bulimic

frequent reference to exercise dependency and steroid use as rising problems among American male youth , a claim supported by the statistics of the JAMA Pediatrics study, which recorded 2.4% of its participants as using steroids or hormone supplements, a remarkable figure given the small sample size (Field et al.,

behaviors" were observed in "9.2% of respondents" out of a total of

Prospective Associations").

5,527, who were surveyed "from 1999 through 2010" (Field et al. ,

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~ Images like these used to be difficult to find, and women could justifiably claim that body image in fash ion was overwhelmingly a women 's issue. But the rise of the digital age has seen the





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Why Body Image Matters to Me: A Man's Perspective On a less formal and more personal note, body image as a

correspondent rise of objectification of the male body both in advertising and in popular culture, along with the increasingly widespread sexualizing of models of all types. And the worst part is that the rise of body-image concerns among young boys and young adult men is just making the problem worse. While the sexualizing of women remains common , the psychological injuries that can result

lauded ideal is something that affects all of us. Although women do

from such exploitation are only becoming more widespread through

bear the brunt of the scrutiny, to say that men have the privilege of

the more inclusive incorporation of men into this troubling picture. As

not being affected by it at all, in light of the evidence previously

a man , I've seen the effects of these new cultural developments in

discussed, would be ignorant in the extreme. Over the past decade,

my own life. A few years ago, my brother started taking hormone

the media's objectification of the masculine body has arguably

supplements on a very regular basis and developed an intense

become exponentially more prominent than it's ever been . Pick up a

obsession with working out that's now resulted in physical therapy

popular magazine, scroll through fashion and clothing websites, or

and knee braces for his strained and damaged kneecaps. To me, it's

walk through a nearby mall, and you're almost guaranteed to come

painfully clear that idealistic images of physical "perfection" are, for

across hairless six-packs, muscular arms, and a just barely

worse, expanding their gender audiences instead of reducing their

concealed crotch ; and often, these eroticized bodies even lack faces.

already heavy influence on women .


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