Throughout the year at GHS, each and every student was encouraged to find their purpose, their reason for doing what they do, their "why 11 This year, Golden faculty and students dedicated themselves to ma1ng the school a un1f1ed, cohesive environment, so that our Demons could stand together and help one another find their 11 why II Your "why" as a Golden student 1s your purpose, cause or belief that 1nsp1res you. Our "why" 1n creating this yearbook 1s to celebrate our differences while f1nd1ng common ground across the school. This yearbook 1s meant to be a sort of timepiece for you to look back on and remember what your 11 why 11 was at this point 1n your life. No maner whether you are a freshman or a senior, each of us had experiences this year that will shape our reasons "why" for years to come As a un1f1ed student body, we will always have GHS to thank for the fond memories and future moments that shape our high school and future careers, and give us our "why. 11
C. Hoppe, Editor 1n ChiefIts been a long time coming, twelve years of school and we have finally made nto the end. The Dream Team of 2018 1s a class like no other. They are supportive, caring, and daring. This class has stuck together throughout their four years of high school. They always have school spirit and show up loud and proud at every game. With college ahead, this class 1s truly ready for anything. After four years of self-discovery, confidence building, and independence ga1n1ng at GHS, the seniors are finally ready to take on the world. The hardships of high school have nothing on the class of 2018. We wish the class of 2018 the best of luck 1n their future endeavors as they branch out into a world of endless poss1b1l1ties.
"Just because someone is different, doesn't mean they're not human."
"Forget what's gone. appreciate what remains, and look forward to what's coming next."
"The goal in life is not to live ____, forever. but to create something that will."
"Say what you will about my height; at least I can still order off the kids menu "
"Light travels faster than sound. that's why people always look sman before they talk."
Elaina Bonner r;,a(,L I l~Jc.L)'-- Hailey BuesserI "Sometimes I have to tell myself it's just not wonh the jail time."
"Only dead fish go with the flow. 11
"Fool me once? Strike one. Fool me twice? Strike three."
"There's always money 1n the banana stand ."
11 lt's the only li fe you got so you gotta live It big umell - 819 Time Rush
"You were brought into this world to do something amazing, believe in yourself."
"Real strength is being kind, loving and a force to be reckomed with." - Unknown
11 l1mnot great at advice, but can I inrerest you in a sarcastic comment?"
"You have three choices
Give up, give in, or give it your all."
"Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway."
- Jim Morrison
11 No one ever acomplished anything great until they l ii'. stepped out of their comfort :,:al zone."
11 You can catch flies with honey, but you catch more honeys bein 1 fly ."
"Well. that's four years I'll never get back. 11
"Saturdays are for the boys."
11 A bit of madness 1s key to give us new colors to see .
11 1won't say I did It, but I will give myself credit for being close. Even though others may not know."
"Half the time you're rJ thinking, you are actually ' listening "
"Been bamboozled since I was born."
"I'm not here for a long time just a good time."
-Alexis Cooke
"Don't give up just because of what people said. Use that as motivation to push harder."
-Terence McKennaMalmgren eyenne ayo
"Every man should have a mullet once in his life .
"The early bird gets the worm. but the second mouse gets the cheese."
"Right there with Whitney and Bobby Just loungin'."
perfect. but here I am."
"If you're already late, you might as well get Starbucks too."
"Everything wrong with America is Ronald Regan's fault. Every single thing."
"I would like to apologize to those who won't be the 2018 graduating class due to being distracted by my shoulders, back. midriff, and cleavage."
Ian Vaughn ~Ll,. • 11 r<,~"They say cheaters never win, but I just graduated "
11 1f you scream. all of your problems will go away."
"Success is not final. failure is not fatal : it is the courage to continue that counts."
11 W1k1ped1a 1s the best thing ever. Anyone 1n the world can wnte anything they want about any subJect. So you know you are getting the best possible
11 - Michael Scott
11 1f you wanna dazzle , you gotta take razzles . That's
- Bob's Burgers
- Winston Churchill
Junior year was considered to be one of the toughest for any high schooler. It was not only time for students to prove their academic skills by taking the SAT and ACT, but it was also the point 1n life where individuals began seriously thinking about their future goals after graduation. A lot was learned about one's self during junior year. Students begin asking the tough questions: Do I want to dedicate my college career to sports? Do I want to go to community college? Is trade school the right move ?Great dreams were 1n the making, but hard work, lots of support and alinle luck would be necessary in everyone's life . Way to keep pushing towards graduation, Class of 2019!
Danny Acree
Sarah Adzema
Wilham Aichholz
Cameron Anderson
Rachel Anderson
Edgar Antuna Parga
Nicholas Arner
Molly Bab1tz
Analyse Baker
Samantha Barnard
Arthur Battaglin
Isabella Baud1en
Zakary Bayer
Yosehn Baylon
Alexander Bazew1cz
Ansley Beck
Douglass Beeman
Jarod Beilman
Hailey Bemis
Patrick Benfield Kinsey Berkman
Ben1am1n Berube
Jayce Billman
Ryan Blackmon
Adam Blacks1ock
Carla Blankenship
Jacob Bobair
Dltv1a Bohl
11 1would say I am mostly right brained because I am very creative and wild someumes. but I enJoy science more than any other sub1ect even though 11 is kind of hard 11
Makenna Haley 111~)
"I am a good mixture between both I think. I don't I have any super strong attributes of either."
Emily Herren 111)
Ashley Ficco 1111
Mayzee Collins (11 )
BenJamin Brock
Joseph Brock
Lucia Bro t herton
Noah Brown
Lucas Brunel
Ilia Bubukm
Tanner Buesser
Brodenck Calley
Cheyenne Cavender
Zachary Chorny
Davis Chnstensen
Cam ille Clarke
Ben1amm Cohen
Mayzee Collins
McKennah Coonts-lyons
Hailey Cross
Miles Oalebroux
Noah Dalrymple
Grant Davidson
Kylee Davis
Nicholas Deitz
Trent Del Gnppo
Diego OelReal
Braden desGarennes
Jacy Dille
Patrick Dolan
Maya Douglas
Ad 1son Douglass
Bnan Dove
Alyssa Drake
Katherine Dunson
Eryn Oyer
Stewart Eastep
Tnsten Emory
An t hony Estrada Galarza
Kenna Farnworth
Emily Feasel
Jordan Fehrn
Ashley Ficco
Jenna Ficco
Aidan Fletcher
Fehpe Flores
11 1am definitely more left brained Numbers come ea sy to me and history 1s my least favorite sub1ect."
I Jason Small 111)
"I took a test once to determine 1f I am left or nght brained. Turns out I am a lot more left brained."
"I would say I have strong attributes of both left and right brained I can be both Iun and creauve. but also serious."
lzabelle Frye
Matthew Funston
Klaud1a Fus1arz
Michael Gallegos
Carmen Garcia De Castro
Madelynn Gerrrtsen
Ashley Gerwmg
Robert Gibbs
Heather G1dd1ns
Mana G1uhanelh Cone
Elena Goodspeed
Angelica Goodwin
Spencer Graf
Sierra Greeley
Chance Grotewohl
Grace Guerra
Preston Guest
John Gutierrez
Makenna Haley
Bryce Hannam
Elizabeth Harp
Paige Harns
Miranda Hayes
Elizabeth Henshaw
Emily Herren
Eh1ah Herring
James Hickenbottom
James Hickman
With junior year being one of the most academically-challenging years of high school. students like Elena Goodspeed (11) pushed themselves further by taking the PSAT Although she was nervous to take the exam, she 1s thankful she did Now, she 1s looking forward to taking the SAT 1n the Spring Elena believes that she will get a high score due to her practice
95% of students in the 1unior class like Mac Lopez 111) write wnh their right hand 65% of swdents like Alex Bazew1cz (11) pref er doing assignments by hand versus on a laptop.60% of students like Sophia Rodnguez 111 J prefer using a Mac when doing assignments on alaptop.
55 %of students like Ayden Provencio (111 prefer using a pencil over a pen
Zachary Higgins
Samuel Hilfer
Tori Hinds
Sophia Hoefler Schoneman
Aidan Hohmann
Zachary Horsman
Connor Howe
Renne Huffman
Avane Hunt
Tnstan Huskie
Alexander Huston
Makenna Hynds
Peyton James
John Jansen
Alexis Johannes
Max Johnson
Duncan Jones
Zia Kaeding
Regina Kelble
Raymond Kennah
Gracie Kersting
Molly Kirkham
Megan Klane
Johnny Klis
Cheyenne Knapp
Blake Komoras
Ryan Kowitz
Anthony La
Geetah Lal
Joshua Lambert
Haven Lang
Lesly Lara Camacho
Madison Larson
Cory Leidich
Stefan Leo
Anneliese Leonhardt
Saman tha Lewan
Colhn LJedtke
Alice LJn
Maci LJndsey
Isiah Longhair
Hector Lopez Jaime
70 %of stud ents like Max Miller ( 111 prefer using bl ack mk over blue mk
Max1m1hano Lopez Jaime
Katelyn Ludford
AhJah Makley
Adnan Marquez
Tatum Marshall
David Martinez
Dhv1a McCandless
Manna McCann
McCoy Miles McGaugh Ruby McGrath Jack McGuire Dylan Melcher
Tnnady Menzor
Gabnel Messa Cornnne Metcalfe Chnstin Metcalf
Shanae Metcalf Justin Meyer
Kathenne Moore Kage Morrell
Troy Mossberger
Alyssa Mulligan
Ceara Munoz Mackenzie Murray Nattahe Nankerv1s Kalyn Neal Mazie Neill Jesse Nelson Samuel Newell Emma Newson Amanda Norvell
David O'Connell Brennan Oakhef Mercedes Ohlen
Cedric Ohhger
Anastas ia Outekhine
95% of students like Elena Goodspeed 1111 see themselves attending • college.
60% of students like Maureen Ridley (11) see themselves anending acollege that 1s out of state.
Mackenna Overholt
Cassidy Paulson
Asa Peterson
Ella Posk1e
Ohv1a Powell
Charles Progar
Aydan Provencio
Joseph Quintana
Trevor Reed
Carly Reeves
Grant Repine
Juha Reynolds
Stephanie Richards
Oantel Ridley
Maureen Ridley
Janae Riffle
Alea Roberts
Emma Roberts
Foxton Robie
Jacob Romero
Angelee Rose
Jonathan Rosener
Aydan Roth
Madelyn Rouzaud
Jason Sadowski
Sierra Saltus
Jenna Samuelson
Ouynn Sander-Olhoeft
While studying most students hke Sierra Greeley 111) prefer salty snacks such as popcorn. chtps. and Cheese-Its.
Students like Shanae Metchlf 111) favorite places to study are coffee shops and their bedrooms.
75% of students like Mayzee Collins (11) do not prefer the "flipped classroom" method j of teaching
Kaya Sandlow
Donan Scardello
Maxlyn Schaefer
Dylan Scherer
Blake Schram
Grace Schumacher
Jamie Schumann
Gabnelle Schwinger
Zachary Seigneur
Elisabeth Sellinger
Nicholas Shemesh
Troy Sherman
Hannah Sherry
An issa Shull
Jason Small
Dylan Smith
Faith Smith
He1d1 Smith
Nathaniel Smith
Bailey Sosinavage
Malachi Sparks
Brady Stark
Jaime Strain-Reyna
Jack Swanson
Diego Tabuyo
All Tahmouras1
Joshua Thoemke
Faith Thompson
Ethan Toon
Alexander Townsend
Hunter Twitty
Anana Valiente
Skylar Valhn-Serwinowsk1
Leah Van No t e
Alexa VanSchaardenburg
Harrison Vickers
Alexandra Wagner
Jack Walters
Kasey Ward
Andrew Warner
MadeJah Watson
50% of students like Sarah Adzema 111) find listening 10 music while studying is beneficial.
Students like Klaud1a Fus1arz 111) will listen to the music genre of classical and variety while studying.
Amanda Williams
65% of students like Mackenna Overholt 11 1) don' t start their homework until after seven at night.
Sebastian Varno
Thale Yderstad
Hannah Zavalsky Noah Zhao
Skye Ziegler
Madison Zucca
Who said Chemistry Can't be Sodium Good?
Science fanatic Sierra Saltus (11) decided to take a road less traveled She decided to double up on science classes for her 1un1or year AP level science classes no less · AP Biology and AP Chemistry Sierra said that although the classes were challenging at ttmes, the challenge prepared her for her future career 1n science Sierra's love for science stemmed from being able to witness how the world works and how different elements interact with one another
80% of students like Linus Woodward 111) wished they procrastinated less
55%of students like Gabe Messa 111) wish teachers assigned less homework
The sophomore class will be graduating in two years Still underclassmen, they have plenty leh to look forward to 1n high school. Between Joining clubs, anend1ng dances and games, and continuing their academic careers, these students are Just beg1nn1ng to wnte their stones Sophomore year 1s the year of second chances Students learn the importance of school work, to balance their time wisely, and most importantly, to have fun! Though they are yet to be upperclassmen. sophomores are 1n a unique position to help mentor 1ncom1ng freshmen, as they were so recently freshmen themselves This provides them with the added responsibility of being role models to their younger peers Although It can still sometimes be tough, the Class of 2020 knows how to thrive when faced with a challenge With that said, we can't wan to see where they end up!
C.G/ass, B. O'Ne1/I"Our class has a lot of school spirit through the year, but especially around Homecoming week. We're really excited to be more involved this year and go to all the school events and cheer on our peers and school teams Most of us hope to be Rowdy's our senior year. and we can't wan to carry on school traditions and build hype for our school, 11 said Elizabeth Carlson (10).
what;tbtk&d;f-UV!; a1J&d; dDltoot ~? IN YOUR OPINION
"Having music played that we as students actually enioy listening to."
Kaia Redmond 110)
"Getting dolled up and ready wnh my girlfriends before we go."
Charlotte Favre (10)
"Def mently have to say the dancing!"
Parker Murphy (1OJ
11 1hke getung to dress up and going to dinner wnh all of my friends."
Claire Chandler ( 10)
Justin Berry
Nikolaus Boileau
Ka, Bokinsk1e
Trent Bonczynslo
Katnna Bonner
Jordan Borgeson
Fiorella Borja
Dylan Brabander
Hannah Brandon
Taylor Buckendahl
Natsum1 Burde
Kristin Burget
Zachary Butler
Nathan Campanelli
Natale Campbell
Jaymie Carlock
Elizabe th Carlson
Codey Carr
Ices Carter
Katarina Chaffee
Cla ire Chandler
Zachary Chapman
Skylar Chase
Juhha Chitwood
Jenna Chrisman
Kyle Christensen
Emma Church
Brandon Coca
Joshua Colin NaJera
Sienna Colucci
Justin Combes
Michael Connally
Michael Connell
Emma Conroy
Dev1 lyn Cordova
Max1mus Cory
Thomas Cotton
Zane Covey
Ka tie Dalrymple
Kayla Darling
Carmen Davies
Chris topher Denbow
"I en1oy the dancing , and genmg dressed up and ready wnh my fnends before we go 11
Sara Barbato 110)
Corey Denison
Jesse Denk
Aaltyah 01G1acomo
Andrea Doyle
Miranda Duarte
Matthew Oyer
Braden Edwards
Ohv1a Elkins
Elisha Elliott
Matthew Elliott
Lindsey Ellison
Oameon Engele
Carson Engesser
Violet Emstberger
M1eke Esparza
Ab1ga1I Es1es
Christopher Faber
Kainoa Fannas
Charlotte Favre-Trosson
Zachanah Fehm
Sydnie Ferguson
Jack Ferne
Trenton Field
Maxwell Fisher
Noemy Flores-Cruz
Alexandra Ford
Bryan Fortney
BenJamm Foster
Taylor Frost
Galvan Cordero
Ella Ganter
Jade Garcia
Oskar Gardner
Joaquin Garfias
Elli Garnett
Aurelius Gatzwe1ler
Zane Ge1be-Bonde
Alexandna Genson
01yya Ghafour
Te19han Given
Lucy Goldman
Rachel Goodrich
"Hoco 1s our favor1te because we can't go to prom yet 11
Grace Gossard 110) and Sydney Hammer 110)
"It's fun to dance with all 1he beauuful ladies al golden 11 Mason Lord 110)
In Ms. Kastele1n 1 s 6th period class. her students celebrate rhe holiday season with ugly sweaters and arts & crahs 11 Ms K 1s one of the best teachers I have ever had. she's so fun and outgoing, but also pushes us to be the best students we can n's hard not to learn from her II Charlotte Favre (10) Since Ms Kastele1n stresses the importance of hard work and taking advanced learning to the next level. students are able to interact 1n the fun, ye t challenging AP UShistory class
Allyson Goodwin
Gabnel Good win
Grace Gossard
Alden Greco
Cydney Green
Samantha Grimm
Ryan Grosch
Lucy Gryhck,
Madeline Gustafson
Kod, Guy
Kathenne Hageman
Forrest Hall
LIi y Halpin
Marcus Hals trom
Sydney Hammer
Harmony Hamp
Evan Hanley
Drew Hansen
Em,he Hansen
Haley Hard
Bra yden Harmon
"homecoming 1s fun, but sadie's 1s bener because there isn't any pressure of asking agirl
Ben Mclaughlin 11 OJ
"I wish I could go to prom, but homecoming 1s def innely the dance I have the most fun at."
Liam Telgener 11 OJ
The stan of sophomore year wasn' t as exciting for Raleigh Paulson (10) as he had expected . But as the semes ter went on. and he got his drive r's license. things began looking up for him . "Now that I can fin ally drive myself to my friends' house. or out to lunch. I have so much more freedom and actually enjoy coming to school."
Raleigh takes his studies seriously and is preparing himse lf for the demanding hard work in his ne xt two years of high school.
Alys sa Haro
Rania Hart
Emily Ha ss
Ja ck Ha thway
Daniel Havlat
Chloe Henry Ethan Hensley
Tyler Hierholzer
Patience Hilton
Kltff Hoang
Galen Hohenegger
Kaylee Hollenbe ck
Conrad Holmes
Molly Hord
Katelyn Huff
Ab1ga1I Hunt
Ian Hunt
Amy Ibarra
Nataly Ibarra
BenJamm Idler
Lee Jackson
"Gelling ready. buying a dress and doing your hairl
It's all so much fun."
Elizabeth Carlson 110)
"Spmt week 1s always hype."
Nate Campanelli 110)
Kenna Mollendor 110)
"Jamming out with my girls while we get ready 11 Sam Grimm 110)
Ryan Jacobs
Troy Jarvis
Hawken Jerome
Enn Johnson
Madison Johnson
Maia Johnson
Noah Johnson
Camden Jones
Edie Jones
Margaret Jones
Meredith Jones
Natasha Kachersky
Seth Keener
Cameron Kelly
Aden Kepler
Defne Kihnch
Nicholas Kim
Will Kimball
Elizabeth Kluherz
David Koury
Jake Knngel
Sarah Krohn
Raleigh Kroschel-Paulson
Carl Landa
Garren Landmark
Blake Lawson
Peyton Lauaro
Ra ine Lee-Findling
An t onio Lopez
Mason Lord
Justin Loving1er
Justtina Low
J1ngyi Lu
Unel Lugo
Rebecca Mac Kay
Rebecca Mac Kay
Connor Mackell
Dylan Maddox
Luke Maestas
Mara Manera
Amanda Manguso
Samuel Markovich
"Being with my fnends " Will Samudio 110)
"Get dinner before with your friends."
Dylan Marlow
Shawn Marshall
Skylar Mason
Dylan Mathias
Pablo Matos- Eymar
Ryan Matsuo
Cah McCarron
Antoinette McCurdy
Caitlin McDonough
Mia McEnroe
Ben McLaughlin
Amara Megargee
Maura Mequ i
Jaden Merriman
Eleanor Messerli
Genevieve Meza-Coons
Cameron M1chael1s
Makayla Middleton
Makenz1e Middleton
Addie Miller
Lukas Miller
Audrey Mitchell
Kenna Mollendor
James Moore
Parker Murphy
Tab 1th a Nabers
Emma Nelson
Obs1d1an Nichols
Kendal N1ckna1r
Oanrel N1ew1arowicz
Elizabeth Ninke
Bnttany Novak
Isabelle O'Neill
Cassandra Oberholtzer
Jackson Page-Roth
Reed Pennell
K1eran Perman
Vincenzo Perri
Ian Persky
Charlyn Pieper
Audrey Pino
Alicia Pitman I
I d-,
Skylar Chase 110) often eats homemade lasagna with friends rhe nigh1 ot aschool dance.
Mieke Esparza 1101 will eat a delicious meal at a friend's house before going to the dance.
Dino Pohw
Logan Pomeroy
Travis Poole
Calista Poulos
Devin Prehn
Aldan Prentice
Jade Preston
Haley Prey
Trevor Purta
Joseph Raths
Madison Ratway
Kaia Redmond
Miranda Reich
Natalie Reimers
Ca1tria Remington
Rylee Reynolds
Seth Rhoten
Katelyn Ricketson
Angelica Rivera
Emma Roark
Yazm1ne Rodnguez-Leon
Q & A with Olivia Skeen (10) on Theatre Club
0: How would you describe Theatre Club?
A. I would describe It as a club that very much supports a family It's crazy, it's difficult. but no one's left out, everyone's doing their part, and no one 1s more important than the other.
0: How many shows do you do 1n a year? Is there anything spec1f1c for each year?
A· In one year we have two shows per semester, so four altogether and we always do one musical 1n the spring.
O· Why should people Join Theatre Club?
A. People should 101n Theatre Club because It gives you a lot of experience talking in front of people. 1t gives you a lot of experience with memorization, and working as a team
the dance.
Kaue Hageman 11 OJ often goes down to Denver for a quick bite with her date before heading to Madi Weber 110) dresses up for the dance and then enjoys a home cooked meal w11h her closest friends.Alec Roman
Manhew Romero
Colorado Rose
Madigan Rumley
Oliver Rupp
Wyan Sabadosh
Samuel Salazar
Adam Sahndeho
Nathan Sam
Guillermo Samudio
Rean Savi
Stella Schneider
Annalise Schroeder
Grace Searls
Ava Segur
Chnst1an Sekavec
Herlen Shara1d
Blake Sharpe
Kelsey Shonenkirk
Wes Simcox
Oh111a Skeen
Bailey Sm11h
Justin Smith
Aliyah Snow
Maia Songer
Emma Sprue1il
Enn Stampka
Emily Stec
Kiley St erling
Corban St ewart
Kev10 Stroy
Graham Sudwee ks
Alea Swanson
Cullen Sytner
Alexis Taney
Tristan Tate
l.Jam Telgener
Jacquelyn Te t ens
Carter Thompson
Nathan Thompson
Tadash1 Thom pson
Shelby Tra ylor
After the dance Max Fisher (101 eniovs going to an after party iust to chill and hangout.
When the dance ends. Ma,a Songer 1101 goes straight to bed, tired after a night of dancing.
Brynne Trembath
Ka den Truj1ll0
Isabella Valenti
Kelsey Vasquez
Rosie Vega Lazaro
Robert Vermeulen
Andrea Vigil
Trevor Vigil
Samuel Vogl
Sela Ward
Tate Warner
Jackson Waterman
Kaitlyn Waugh
Delaney Webb
Madison Weber
Taha Wehner
Cale Weigel
Roger Wells
Kendall Wetch
Reed Whitson
Tru Wilkins
Matthew Williams
Emily Wise
Marryah W1tuck1
Willow Wofsey
Jayven Woodward
Gunnar Wouters
Mitchell Wullstem
Mi chael Zamora
Aher the end of the dance. Jackie Allen (10) goes to a fnend's house to relax.
When the dance ends, Emma Conroy (1OJ heads home and falls fast asleep.
Andrea Doyle (10) hkes to go back to a fnend's house to binge-watch TV and eat lots of snacks.
Starting fresh in a new school. with new people could be scary. but freshman year of high school was also the start of some of the best years for making memories Full of excitement and energy, the class of 2021 had so much to look forward to 1n the coming years: a first Homecoming dance, countless football games. and many, many more memories Looking back on high-school careers, n was not only the countless late-night study sessions and stress that students remembered, but the friendships and long-lasting memories of freshman through senior year New experiences and big mile stones like gening a date, or falling a final exam were coming, and freshman year was only a step 1n life where students began to grow as 1nd1v1duals Welcome to Golden Class of 20211
C. Chandler, T. DowellShayne Abrams
Mara Addams
Shahin Ahmad
Joseph Aigner
Frnn,as Alig
Bnanna Allen
Margaret Andersen
Max Anderson
Samuel Aranda
Jacob Archer
Ethan Ardourel
Kar Aune
Jacob Bab1tz
Audrey Bain
Dominic Baker
Colby Bartosh
Samuel Bauer
Yanell Baylon Regalado
Jakob Bazew,cz
Blaise Beaudetle
Emily Becker
Kyle Beckford
Ivy Behr
Sydney Benson
Evan Berg
Lucas Berg-Fisher
Shawn Berg-fisher
Alden Berk
Ruby Berkenkamp
Claramarre Bermanrs
Andrew Berube
Kaler Bokrnskre
Ethan Bontrager
Joseph Borer
Gnffen Bowman
Lucy Bowman
Rebekah Branham
Veona Braunschwerg
Sophia Brewster
BenJamrn Brinkmann
Geb1n Brizuela Lemus
Keyshawn Doris 19)
"Creative. because I like art, and I like to come up wtth different ways to create things. 11
"Goofy. because I like to make Jokes."
Catherme Messerli 19)
Ben1am1n Brown
Rachel Brunel
Dale Brunker
Chnstopher Burnett
Skylar Byrd
Emily Calvert
Dawn Campbell
Jazmond Candelane
Esau Capuchino
Samuel Carr
Jayden Carnthers
Matthew Caudill
Ian Cavanaugh
Kate Chapman
Olivia Chevalier
Eva Chnst1anson
Bnan Chu
Christina Clayden
Ashley Cohn Na1era
Jax Collins
Dominic Connell
Ekatenna Coopnder
Taylor Copeland
Alfonso Cortes Lopez
Ethan Cox
Mason Cramer
Maximus Cross
Stephen Crowfoot-Beyette
Zachary Crowfoot-Beyene
Brenna Cude
Joshua Darling
Ella Davenpon
Sophia Davis
Maryn OeGraff
Alexa De1temeyer
Tea Del Gnppo
Ta mas Delmonico
Gavmo DelReal
Enn Dempsey
Kyle desGarennes
Brandon Dills
Braden Dobbs
''Unique. because I find different ways of expressing myself."
Ava Gardner 191
''Happy, because I'm positive all the time "
Scarlett Garsombke (91
"Ac[lve. because I play sports "
Kaedyn Woodard (91
Jonathan Dodson Brynna Donohoe Keyshawn Dons Adnana Douglas Daniel Douglas James Douthit Enka Dowell
Max English Daniel Erger Connor Ernst
Kaela FaJardo
Kayley Farr Adam Feasel Lillian Fell
Jack Feller Serenity Ferguson
Molly Fickes
Grayson Flambures
I.Jam Fletcher
Samantha Flores Coastas Fly
Miles Forsyth-Simon
Jessie Foster
Kylie Franklin
Brandon Frary
Kathenne Freeman
Tnsta Freeman Kiya Fritzler
McKenzie Gallagher
Gabriel Ga ll egos
Ava Gardner
Grace Gardner
Gre t a Gardner
Dylan Garrison
Scarlett Garsombke
11 Tall. because
"Outgoing. because I like to meet new people and make new fnends "
Finnia s
I'm like 6' 1"." Brianna
11lnteres11ng, because of many different aspects."
Griffin Sanders (9)
Freshman Year with Dylan O'Neil
Dylan O'Neil (9) says that one thing he 1s really en1oy1ng about being in high school so far 1s that. 11There are a lot of really nice people. and I feel like I've met a lot of both good and bad people Plus. the freedom 1s really nice Especially being able to leave campus for lunch That 1s a real perk 11
T DowellBrady Glass
Kasey Goldstein
Joshua Gomez
Rey Gonzales
Jadyn Goodrich
Marla Goodspeed
Gunnar Gorman
Willie Gould
Andrianna Graham
Seryn Grant
Wilham Graves-VanG1lder
Eze kiel Gray
Joseph Gray
Michael Gree ley
Jason Greene
Sa rah Greene
Garrett Gremer
Ehiah Gnce
Camden Grover
Van Guelzow
Gage Gunn
"Happy, because I'm happy all f the time. You'll never see me frownl 11
Ace Wieland (9)
''Amazing, because I'm awesome at everything I' oby Hassen (9)
Ida Gurevich
Rayan Haloul
Finn Hanson
Justin Hanssen
Kyhe Hard
Taylor Hardegger
Heather Hardman
John Hargadon
Toby Hassett
Ava Helm
Angel Helms
Bella Hernandez
Esmeralda Hernandez
Beau Higgins
Ava Hines
Destiny Hoen,ghausen
Ohv1a Hoff
Landon Hohmann
Jillian Holbrook
Frank Holow,tz
Joseph Homer
Sophia Hook
Ana Hopper
Tyler Howe
McCormick Hoyt
Ella Hummels
Isabella Hunt
Cole Hunter
Jordyn Hyland
Kaylens Ibarra
Constantine lskal1s
Hamilton Johns
Garrett Jones
Isabella Jones Mac, Jones
Madison Juarez
Bradley Kabler
Lars Kain
Truman Karsten
Gentry Keener
Ja,lee Kennedy
Lydia Kern
Brock Oldfather 191
Landree McClure (9)
Studious. because I try to work hard at stuff."
"Positive, because I'm a happy person almost all of the time."
"Hardworking, because I try my best."
Greta Gardner (9)
"Athletic, because I play basketball and soccer. 11
Erica Dowell 19)
Joshua Kim
Corey King-Cobb
Beniamin Kirschner
Roshan Klein-Seetharaman
Charlotte Klinger
Zuzu Kotula
Jules Kremer
Scott Lagge
Jayda Lamberth
Wilham Lancaster
Hannah Larson
Pans Larson
Samantha lalltrup
Sylvia Lenz
Dylan Leonhardt
Liam Lettsch
Jakob l.Jedtke
Connor Logan
Analisa Lorquet
Jimmy Loya
Joseph Lucero
Kyle ludford
Antoine Lundgren
Isabella Macarelh
Tnsttn Macleod
Joseph Mancuso
Riley Mann
Haleigh Marshall
He1d1 MartJn
Jocelyn MartJnez
Tanner Mason
Alycia Mausser
Justtn McCall
Finn McCandless
Landree McClure
Connor McCormick
Cole McCnnck
Riley McGovern
Kayla Mcilroy
Delaney Mclaughlin
Harmony McMulhn
Kaylea Mendoza
"Baller, because I'm awesome at everything "
Gunnar Gorman 19)
Fitting in at Golden High School
A big pan of freshman year was about learning who you are and who you want to be For most, it was a time to discover hidden talents and new hobbies that can help students fit in and find their niche One of Golden's freshmen, Allee Sweeney (9) said, "It was really easy for me to find where I fit in at GHS because everyone here 1s really nice and there is a lot of pos1t1ve energy II Allee loved to sing. swim and play lacrosse because for her, discovering who she 1s wasn't Just about f1nd1ng where she fns in. It was about being well rounded and trying new things.
"Oflgmal. because there's only one me."
Maryn OeGraff (9)
11Exce/lenl because I have a pos1t1ve outlook on life.11
A1den Berk (9)
Maggie O'Connell
Dylan O'Neill
Heaven Oberg
Eleanor Ogden
Owen Ogden
Henry Ohlen
Brock Oldfather
Sofie Olson
Rhiannon Parks
Brandon Perry
Jackson Ph1lleo
Ehn Phillips
Haley Pierson
Deegan Pike
Gadge Pittsley
Anna Plotmck
Ashlie Polvogt
Gage Posey
Brianna Powell
Lacy Powell
Dal t on Prokosch
Cameron Pruett
James Oualten
Samuel Rank
Em1he Reh
Cohn Ridley
Lucas Rios
Grace Roberts
Mark Robinson
Noah Rodnguez
Veronica Rogers
Charles Rol l
Ella Roman
Jaden Rose
Enn Royer
Ryan Rubenstein
Branden Rueda
Maxwell Ryan
Raul Salazar
Nicole Samuelson
AleJandro Sanchez
Alec Sanders
11 Happy, because my family 1s really good, and I Just traveled to the United States."
Alfonso Cortes Lopez (9)
"funny. because I make people laugh."
Wilham Smiley (9)
Gryffin Sanders
Damon Savage
Devyn Schaefer
Kyle Scherer
Dale Schnackenberg
Myles Schreiber
Gabriel Schumacher
Maxwell Schutt
Kimberly Searcy
Natahe Searls
Anna Seibert
Kaitlin Selvid10
lerton Seward
Madelyn Shea
Ethan Sherrod
Ryan Sherry
Bryan Shuler
Brandon Shull
Madelyn Shull
Ethan Silver
Audrey Singer
Kellen Sisco
Antonia Sloan
Chandler Slowik
Wilham Smiley
Annika Smith
Macy Sparks
Kolton Spencer
Leo Stafford
Tegan Stanek
Corey Stark
Mason Stobbe
Isabella Stockham
Elizabeth Stocking
Jenna Stroup
Nathan Swanson
Alice Sweeney
Alonso Tabuyo
Dalton Talty
Hailey Tate
Colin Taylor
Isaac Theis
Mason Stobbe 19)
Ezekiel Gray 191
"Dedicated. because I work hard in school."
"Go-Geaer. because I'm always down to do anything."
"Dope, because why not?"
Emily Reh (9)
Anthony Thomas
Cambell Thompson
Tucker Tingley
Andor Toth
Ryan Toy
Viet Tran
Codi Trev1th1ck
Jaden Tru11ll0
Emily TuZJnovi c
Carter Vah
Anika VanSchaardenburg
Taylor Volek
Ryan Walker
Luke Wal12
Luke Waltz
Madison Warner
Mana-Irene Waterman
Dayna Weber
Raya Wehner
Vivian Weigel
Trannette Westwood
Wilham Wheaton
Carson White
Ace Wieland
Nathan Wiggins
Mason Wiles
Curtis Wilkes
Allie Wilson
Ruben Wilson
Taylor Wilson
Michelle Witucki
Kaedyn Woodard
Cole Young
Ella Young
Zachary Zapata
"Short. because I'm only 5'2" and I feel like everyone is taller than me
"Theatrical. because I love to sing, act. and I don't have stage fright."l.Ja Zavalsky Christopher Ziemann
helms 19)
Teaching was a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an 1nd1v1dual. There was no doubt that teachers played an important role 1n student's lives . They were always there to lend a helping hand. A good teacher was understanding of student needs and challenged students to be the best they could be . Teachers provided tools to help students succeed 1n any endeavor. High school was like an independent universe, and 1t wouldn't function without the dedicated staff and faculty
H. Aquino, N Nankerv1sVera Aaron
Tish Agos
Kimberly Aksami t
John Anderson
Oness1a Anderson
Scott Aurand
Tanya Baalman
Luis Badilla-Viveros
Marcus Bailado
Rory Best
Jeremy Blincoe
Adria Brown
Anna Bruegmann
Jan Bryson
Erik Buehler
Jennifer Byrne
Milo Carpen ter
Gretchen Carter
Jon Christians
Heidi Kyler 112) is in love with both her astronomy class and her astronomy club. She claims that she has Mr. Christians to thank for her love of space and science Heidi says that, "Mr Christians has supported both me as an individual and as a member of the astronomy club He inspires me to do great things and to be the best I can be ."
Elena Goodspeed, 111) feels supported by her teachers 1n school. but she knows that she has their support outside of school as well. She said that one of her favorite teachers, Mrs. Clark, "Ha shelped me through many tough times and has been no th ing but supportive of me. She has also encouraged me to do my best with learning as much as I possibly can in four years II Thank you , Mrs Clark, and all oth er GHS sta ff for your guidance and support.
Dominique Johnston (12) loves the fall because her favorne holiday, Halloween. comes around
Samantha Barnard (11) loves the English department and all of the dedicated teachers there because they inspire her to work hard every day One of her favorite teachers, who inspires her to push herself and her boundaries 1s Mr. Carpenter Samantha says that, "Carpenter 1s probably my favorite because he pushes his students to do their best, and his class 1s fun and enterta1n1ng. 11
Kaela Faiardo (9) had a blast 1n world language this year The teacher that she feels helps her the most when It comes to doing better 1n school 1s Ms. Morales "She 1s very patient and helps me a lot Also , she makes class fun, and she 1s super ch1ll II Kaela also said that, 11 She pushes me to be better 1n Spanish than I ever thought I could be . 11
Heather Clark
Chns Colucci
Bnan Conroy
Chris Cousineau
Kevan Dalton
Stephanie Davis
Lisa Deal
Christ.me Demeyer
ca~~ld) D1nJ'e~
Julie Dre,cher
Knsten Dunson
A,hle) Ferraro
Bob Field~ ~1eJp;,a Fine
Be th Fulton
Shannon Garvin
James Gibson
Robin Gill
Andrew G1tner
Wilham Graves
James Grisham
Amen ca Paisley (12) loves saying hello to the new year wuh her favonte holiday. New Years.
Marla Goodspeed (9) loves Thanksgiving because her family gets to travel the world around that time.
Ana Burget's (10) favorite holiday Is Christmas because she loves seeing the Joy in people, the presents are great too
Debra Guerrero
nm Hammond
Loana·Amber Hayes
Chad Herbers
Mansa Holmes
Dana Homecker
Lon Hutchen
Sanuel Irving
Julie Jatvis
Chnsta Jessen
Sarah Juhas
Rachel Kas1elem
Sydney Keating
Knstm Kottcamp
Matthew Kowalsky
Lon Lacy
Alisha Lawhorn
Madison Lopp
PattJ Low
Paul Mendoza
Jeanann Meneses
Mike Metz
Patnc,a Miller
nm Miller
Adam Mitchell
Kathryn Montgomery
Gabriela Morales
Oswald Morales
Enc Morgenstern
lngnd Moxham
Diane Nickell
Michael N1sh1oka
Kurt Ohlen
Charles Oreskovich
Savannah Ortiz
Mike Osborne
Raymond Paquene
Katharine Parker
Tamm ie Peters
Cns t1an Polo
Enc Ponicsan
Todd Rago
Freshman Taylor Volek
enJoyed watching the hit F II TV show: "The asters.
Sophomore Katrina Bonner passes the time with good old "Sponge Bob."
Senior Rachel Fawcen likes to catch the occasional 11 R1verdale 11 episode.
Junior Nanahe Nankerv1s spends her free ume getting down wnh the doctors of 11 Grey1s Anatomy 11
Lorraine Ramirez
Lorraine Ramirez
Bnttany Ramsay
Donna Reagan
Christopher Reed
Chad Reid
Wendy Roberts
Randon Rodarte
LJsa Rudin
Jason Shackett
Daren Sower
Kathenne Spaulding
Tamsen Stokes
James Summers
Jesse Swrft
Stephanie Thomson
Michael Thum1m
Janna Tnpp
Janet Tyrrell-Ead
Danny Vais
Molly Verleger
Denmsse Vigil
Tracy Walkow1cz
Katie Wheatley
Roger Winn
Samuel Wood
Jared Yannac1to
Michael Zinant,
Senior Dom1n1que Pern 1s always on the edge of her seat while she watches season two of 11 Stranger Things
Fall is full of fun and exciting events here at GHS I From the T1k1 T1k1 Luau to the Fall comedic play. there 1s never a dull moment. Fall always creates fun memories for every student. including Homecoming and all of the rowdy sporting events Here at GHS. our 11 why 11 for fall is to gear up the school sp1nt after a long summer break.
One lap to go She conquered three laps and was finally ready to sprint to the f1n1sh line Senior year 1s full of applications and last times Finding the time to flt everything into her schedule was the toughest part Friends, family, college, homework. and being on time are all pan of the struggle. This was her last year of high school. "I am excited that n's senior year and even though I'm eager to go to college, I'm also looking forward to all the memories I'll make this year" says Natalie Capaul (12) Four years of high school is a great accomplishment and she celebrated it on May 19th at graduation . Before she graduated, Natalie still had to go to class and pass the classes she chose She hoped that senior year would be the easiest year yet, but did It end up being true? She sprinted to the f1n1sh, hopefully she didn't trip 1n her last few steps A. Pa/Jeri
Tll(I Tll(I
Everyone there enJoyed games of volleyball. corn hole, and had a great time sl1d1ng through the slip and slide. They had a blast 1n the inflatable bouncy castle, getting henna tanoos. or enJoyed the snacks, burgers. and snow cones! Until next year!
I. OWetll The T1k1 T1k1 Luau was a hit!"Gen1ng n done 1n the morning means we don't have to run 1n the ahernoon and we get donuts." We all know the struggle of gen1ng out of bed and hustling to school on time However. the cross country team takes It an extra mile, literally Once a week. the team rises early to get a quick practice 1n before school starts. Although not everyone 1s always happy about morning practices. they all show up with a posn1ve attitude and a goal 1n mind. Claire Chandler (10), believes that, "coming together as a team 1s very important." and that the best way to do that 1s through "early morning bonding II Plus. who wouldn't run for donuts?
C. ChandlerMercedes Ohlen (11) made her Golden theatre debut as a chorus member 1n 'The Addams Family' as a freshman. Now, a1un1or, she has recently been given the lead 1n the upcoming comedic play 'The Madwoman of Cha1llot 1 Her feelings about this big change range from excitement to nervousness, with a bit of stress. "It's very exc1t1ng thoughl" Everyone handles their stress a l1nle differently, but Mercedes loves to be goofy and loud during acting warmups to get rid of her butterflies. She hopes to channel that nervousness into fuel so she can be the best that she can be. Aher a two year long break from the spotlight. Mercedes hopes that this will spark a permanent return to the Stage Right family. "It really 1s such a family environment. Everyone 1s so close and friendly that nobody feels left out." I think I speak for everyone when I say, "break a leg, Mercedesl"
Gening involved in school is always a great way to meet new people. Joining a new club is one of the best ways to get connected and make long lasting friendships. This year GHS held their first Club Rush during Homecoming week where students were able to get to know each club during lunch. Carissa Chandler (12), Joined Interact Club this year, "I think it's really imponant that everyone tries something new at least once throughout high school. Not only does it allow you to make new friends. but It makes your experience more memorable." Joining a new club can give you different opponunmes in high school that you wouldn't get otherwise. so why wouldn't you join? T.
1 1 1 1 1 1 s ta: c.. Cf.)
The first day of homecoming spirit week was Band T-Shin Day "Ir was cool to see everyone dressed in their favonte band's shin Ir was agood 1urnou1 " Ari Bandock I121.
Dowell"I went all out. I love spirit week and was excited that Band T-Sh1rt day was a part of sp1rn week!"
Alexander Bazew1cz I11 ).
"I decided to do a pun on Red Carpel Day because i'm not a serious person I got alot of laughs which 1s what I was going forl" Ashlie Polvog1 (9)
"Homecoming week was one of my Iavorite weeks of school. It was so fun dressing up and going to all the event Being part of the GHS sp1nt week will be a memory I will never forget"
Madelyn Shull (91.
"My f1rst spmt week at GHS was enioyable It was fun dressing up and connecting with my friends GHS has a lot of sp1nt"
Analisa Lorquet (91
''My favorne sp1nt day this year was Class Colors. This was my firll! homecoming week and seeing all the events that went on was so cool. I can't wan for next \'ears homecoming" Eleanor Ogden (9).
Every year it's a tradition s that the classes compete - · Q) against each other in a s lip sync banle. The C"') rn students get to cheer on ::, -, their peers in a fun and 0 ct)compettttve way.
Mia McEnroe 11 OJ won this year's hp sync banle Starting this year the classes can earn points for compeuuons and when Mia won she earned points for the sophomore class. boosting their pos111on in the overall class competition that lasts throughout the entire year.
C: ('0 E Cl) Cl) co c.,, c.,, ('00, ::, 0 Cl
"Decade Day was so fun and a good way to connect with our classes. I was happy I got to dress up as a greaser and get in the 60's sp1nt 11 Joey Borer 19).
"As a sophomore I dressed up as if I was mthe 70's. It was super fun to dress up and express myself through what I wore. My sister and I always try to beat each other's outf1ts11
Vincenzo Perri 11 OJ.
"My last homecoming compared to the rest was amazing. I loved spint week. especially Demon Day It was fun seeing everyone dressed up throughout the week"
Adyson Prange (12J.
"Homecoming week was bmer sweet because It was our last game and we went all out with our outfits and our spnt"
Grace Chevalier (12J.
The annual bonfire here at GHS is always a fun time Following the Powder Puff game. students walk from the football f1eld to the parking lot where our amazing staff has set up astage for live music from the students and of course. the bonf tre in all its glory The bonfire off ers aplace for everyone to come together in anticipation of the upcoming football game and dance
N CapaulSusan OiMinno 112) is a new student at Golden 1n her senior year of high school. Being an outgoing and social person. she immediately decided to join a Powder Puff team She states. 11 1 figured it would be a great way to meet new people and make some good friends. I wanted to go out of my comfort zone. and I've always wanted to do itl" Suzy transferred from Evergreen High so she could have a "k1ller11 senior year Evergreen didn't offer Powder Puff so when she saw Golden had It she couldn't pass It up. "I'm so glad I did 1t! 11
Homecoming, one of the most anticipated traditions at many schools. ,s one of the best ways for kids at GHS IO get involved and show ott their school spmt. A GHS senior, Taya Dowell I121, says that 11 Spmt week. the parade and the dance are three of [her] favorite ways to get involved during Homecoming " C. Chandler
Brooklyn Atencio (12) cherished her last high school English classes Her enJoyment for English was sparked when she connected with the lessons being taught and witnessed the purpose behind them With classroom assignments such as making resumes and wnt1ng college essays, Brooklyn was given a chance to perfect them These tasks all prepaid Brooklyn for her next big step college A Taylor
Through all enghsh classes. teachers attempt to connect their lessons and lnerature to real hf esitua tions
''With teachers targeting our struggles and working with us individually we are able to improve drastically"
Nattalie NankervisStudents in AP Li t and Comp working on composing essays. These essays are based on a critical response and will be graded based on the rigorous AP Rubric Opposed to working with 1ust pen and paper. teachers encourage the use of lapwps and other forrns of techno log y
Mnchell Kelley 112) was originally attracted to Orumlme for the possibility to branch out and make fnends as a freshman. Now asenmr, he will miss bonding wtth his peers, but the memories made in Orumhne will last him a lire time.
With only one year of Drumhne under his belt, Duncan Jones (11) has made drastic smves musically end soc1aHy lhat have made him 1nto awell rounded person 'I love doing Drumhne." ha says, •my only regret 1s not 101mng my freshman year•
Beginning Drumline his freshman year, Luke Brunel ( 11) .thrived m percussion and can not wait till next year to be able to guide the underclassmen as a senior.
\c; aunderclassman, many are inclined to join Drumhne or tile guidance 1hey receive from juniors and seniors.
Drumline performs at many assemblies and athletic events Here they made their debut at the homecoming assembly
Drumline performing at halhime during the 2017 Homecoming football game.This years fall play, 'The Madwoman of Cha1llot1 was a very 1mpress1ve and hilarious performance. Kaya Sandlow 111 ). who played Madame Constance, says that "[she] really en1oyed the togetherness of the play and the overall energy that all of the crew showed on stage." This was a very memorable experience for her as well as the rest of GHS.
Whether it's acting, doing community service. playing a sport. or something else. GHS has many unique opportunities for students to get involved. One such way to get involved 1s through our school's drama club. Mitchell Kelley (12). who played the Baron. says that Stage Right Productions at Golden High School has altered his life so much that "if [he] were to quit acting. [his] entire being would be incomplete."
C. ChandlerInteract Club was involved in many community service activities this year including the Walk for Freshwater and the Neighborhood Rehab Project. Both of these proJects exceeded expectations from previous years and hopefully will continue to be traditions at Golden High School in years to come. Interact was also fonunate enough to decorated a float for the 2017 Homecoming Parade (bonom left corner).
Clubs are one of the best ways 10 get involved at Golden High School. Community Service groups such as Interact Club are not only making a difference at our school. but mour community. One of lnteract's dedicated board members, Catrina Cohn (12), says that "[she] loves being able to have a big impact on the community and being able to help others as much as she can." -
T. DowellFCA, short for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, is a club that allows Golden students to connect their sports life to their Christian life . Student enjoy a yummy lunch and gening advice from Mines college students FCA leader Isaac Wetch (12) says. 11 1love gening to have a safe place for my love of spans and God ...Having the Mines students come and share experiences and advice." "When kids have a safe place to express their true selves they feel better about life and do better in school." Mr. Grisham From football. cheer. basketball. lacrosse and more FCA 1s welcoming to all students who participate in any sport
High school brings a lot of new and exciting aspects to life, such as clubs. a variety of sports. a new social environment and plenty of homework It's easy for students to struggle with balancing each branch and keeping up with academics. Dominique Perr, (12) was a model student as she worked on her grades. participated m FCCLA. and was pan of the cheer team. Things weren't always so easy, Dominique experienced what most involved students do when they have a lot on their plate, a
drop in her grades "It was a very hard choice to make, to leave the cheer team, but
I know that I had to do what was best for me and my future, taking a year oH was the best personal choice. because I was able to
take the year to re-center myself " Aher
ref ocus1ng, Dominique was able to become a state officer for FCCLA but during her senior year she re101ned the cheer team. When asked what advice she would give fellow students she said. "I don't blame anyone or anything except myself for my lack of time management Do what makes you happy but remember high school is only four years and your grades and test scores matter more than the little things in high school from drama to sports to whatever comes your way Good luck and have fun."
Izzy Frye (11) was new to Golden's Link program. She remembered the transition from middle to high school and how 1t was a linle d1ff1cult, and decided to become a link leader to help the freshmen make a smooth transition. Her favorite part about working with the freshmen was the impact. "Freshmen, although they don't like to show It, really appreciate and look up to upperclassmen," says Izzy, "I think n's cool to know I could be making a difference 1n their lives." As far as advice for 1ncom1ng classes Izzy stated, "High school can be scary, but try to come 1n knowing 1t will be okay. Everything will turn out alright and that's what the Link Leaders are here for, to make sure everything 1s alright."
Logan Murphy (12). Coner Howe (12) and Trinady Menzor (11) and Makenna Haley, (11) work hard to have mastered past tense in Spanish 3. While 1n Spanish 2 Mr Pollo works to make his classes comfortable and 1s always helping his student flunsh Now. travel 5706 miles from Mexico to Pans, France where Alec Roman (10) learns how to spell 11 Very Well" in French class
Izzy Stockham was a freshman this year, new to Golden's choir program She loved being in choir because of her passion for singing and the ans "I love being in a class where I can share my passion with other students". says Izzy, "and the music that Mrs Nickell chooses for us is beautiful!" In the 2017 Fall Concert. Izzy had her first solo in the piece. "Every Time I Feel the Spirit". Izzy was thrilled that she got the chance to have a solo. and she was very grateful that she was chosen. To prepare for her solo. she practiced with her friends aher class and also listened to recordings of the song online. "I wasn't nervous to perform the solo because I really enjoy being in front of an audience." Izzy s advice to anyone looking to land themselves a solo is to practice , practice. practice! 1 ry singing in front of someone and gening their feedback." says Izzy, "when you audition. audition like it is the real performance and go from there." Congratulations on your first solo, Izzy, you did amazing!
As a senior. Caitlyn Talty had been performing in the instrumental music program her entire high school career She played cello in the full orchestra. as well as the electric guitar in a rock band! Caitlyn said that while she felt more com! ortable playing the cello. the transition from playing the cello to the electric guitar during the concert wasn't d1ff1cult because she'd been playing both instruments for a long time When asked how It felt to perform with the rock band in front of an audience. Caitlyn said. "It was really cool. We practice really hard so to be able to show what we've put so much effort into feels great." Caitlyn was in the rock band class her sophomore year, however she pref erred the private band sessions because she was, "With the same people, and [they] all get really close It's also fun to have [our] own style of music that [we] cover" From the 2017 Fall Concert. Caitlyn's favorite song to perform was 'Sweet Child o· Mine' because everyone held up flashlights "Normally I'm the one to hold up my flashlight in an audience," said Caitlyn, "but being on the opposite end was the coolest thing I've ever seen "
Frisbee club was introduced at Golden High School in 2000. and has been gaining popularity each year. Player Theron Mcadoo (12) believes that the club attracts many due to the "lightheaned. yet competitive" environment With practices being laid back and anyone having the ability to join, the team focuses on not only winning but having fun During practices they work on passes and plays to ensure their plays during games are perfected Their hard work at practice payed off with their winning season When asked what the best thing about fnsbee was Mcadoo answered with "catching the disk in the end zone "
From the start of the year to their mid-season wins. Forensics holds some of the most hard working and motivated students A few victories from October set up the season for many wins. The Public Forum teams who received awards for winning two out of three debates at The Regis Novice Tournament were Ohv1a Hoff (09) 6 Cheyenne Knapp (11 ), and Stella Schneider (10) 6 Katie Huff (10) At the Jefferson County Novice Tournament. Ian Persky (10) 6 V1v1an Weigel (09) were undefeated in the Public Forum debate, where ribbons were also given to the teams of Weston Mook (12) 6 Max Cross (09). as well as Cheyenna Knapp (11 J 6 Olivia Hoff (09). The team supports each other through each tournament and fin1shed their mid-season debates with victories at the Chatf 1eld Chill In December Students David Carpenter ( 12). and Kaylee Coffman I12) won superior ribbons in Extemporaneous Speaking and Humorous Interpretation.
Cole Ernst (12). 11 1went to the football game and hung around after with some of my friends I also spent time with my friends and family and visited Metro State with my girlfriend."
Tessa Car (12). 11 1went to CSU to visit the school and see my friends while experiencing the social aspect of college. It was so much fun to see my friends who graduated and get dressed up. 11 Dawson Kennedy (12). "I won the biggest football game of my high school career on Friday night. which taught me to never give up. and celebraied afterwards with friends I also spent time with my dad over the weekend and watched a lot of football."
One small step into the future and one giant leap for the new generation New things were being created and older things were being brought to a new light "I like to create. But I also like to make things that make other people say ·awesome· too. " said Zachary Higgins (11 J As a kid. Zach wanted to be a scientist. but as ume moved on that career choice was narrowed down to one particular field. engineering His friends and family supported his dream and vowed to help in any way they could. Zach said that if not for the friends and family he was blessed with. he wouldn't be the funny and energetic person he is now Zach found that his biggest challenge in life was the struggle to maintain that picture pertect report card "I know it seems very dumb to complain about not having the pertect grades When I mention that one of my A grades had dropped. people looked at me as 1f I were from another planet. I can't help it. I'm Just that kind of person," Zach explained It seemed that Zach had a plan. and he'll stick with it.
H AquinoAlong lasting tradition at Golden High School was Trick-or-Treat Street Students from GHS waited in every classroom to hand out candy to younger community members. M,a Johnson (121 had been a pan of Tnck-or-Treat Street for two years and has enjoyed panic1pat1ng in It 'Trick-or Treat Street to me was all about getting the community involved with the school as well as getting kids interested in clubs and future spons This year. I volunteered with the girls basketball team in the math hall I was dressed up as an angry bird My favorite costume I saw was a little girl dressed as a strawberry. The best pan of Trick-or-Treat Street was the looks on the faces of the kids when you gave them awhole handful of candy instead of Just one piece. I had a great time wnh the team, and being able to make little kids happy by handing out candy." said Mia Johnson (12).
Halloween, or Halloweekend as most ref erred 10 n. was always fun and exciting "On halloweekend, I hung out with my nieces. and they trick-or-1rea1ed a1 my church I learned that when you're a kid, Halloween 1s so much more important, and it's amuch bigger deal. It was a blast of a night.'1 said Lauren Begg ( 12)
T. DowellAs exciting as high school is day to day, there isn't a single person who doesn't look forward to graduation. The moment when we finally get to branch out and pursue whatever it is that our hearts desire. Senior. Madison Sharpe (12). lives by the quote. "break the rules. stand apart, break the rules. and follow your heart." Aher graduation. she would like to go to a private school in California because "(she) likes to live on the edge. literally." C. Chandler
Forrest Squier 1s a senior at Golden who 1s undergoing the stressful and excning process of college applications Forrest does not know which school he 1s going to yet, however he wants to go to an art school to study illustration He says the most stressful part of applying for college 1s putting aportfolio together of his best work. Although leaving high school can be scary, Forrest 1s excited to go to college so he can study art at a more in depth level and further his knowledge of what he loves He says the best part about being a senior 1s knowing that he gets to move on in life, as well as knowing he gets to start pursuing an an career Forrest's advice for seniors to come 1s to apply early and take easier classes to make your senior year as least stressful as It can be C.
HoppeRenne Huffman (11) has learned many valuable things 1n her llfeume. When asked what the most life changing thing 1n her life was, she answered wnh 'family' She spoke deeply about why that 1s. "without them I wouldn't be the person I am today" Her family has taught her many things From learning to walk to how to make the best choices 1n order to bener her life W1th her family by her side she feels that there 1s always someone there to suppon her on the long road of life Renne wishes that someday she will fulfill her dream of stan1ng her own business 1n the motorcycle field She plans to travel around the world as well and not JUSt on two wheels. There 1s much to do in order for her to make this dream of hers a reality She pledges to herself that she will work hard to climb her way to a future that she has been wanting for years now Renne does not know what college she will attend but n's okay. she has some time to figure that part out. She 1s uncertain about where she will go 1n life but she will give it her all to get to where she belongs. Look out world, Renne Huffman 1s going to change the world one motorcycle at a time H Aquino
Who knew making music could be so fun? Sam Wubben (12) has fostered a love for musical creations While using special equipment to connect techno sounds with rap music, he 1s able to capture a moment through musical expression. ''Everyday I become inspired by something different." Sam says learning how to properly work his advanced equipment was hard. "once I got the hang of it though, everything came naturally and allowed me to make anything I wanted to" Sam says his favorite thing to do 1s make remixes of popular songs but that no matter what he 1s doing, creativity 1s his number one requirement when creating new sounds Follow him on Soundcloud @SammySweetl G C/Jeva/Jer
Zach Gerard is a senior this year, and has been waiting his whole high school career to compete in Mr. GoldenR1dge: a male beauty pageant featuring seniors from both Golden and Wheat Ridge. Zach crushed the competition by showing off his cheer, singing, and modeling skills. When asked how it felt to win the pageant. Zach said 11 it felt amazing. I am so happy and proud of myself. I didn't expect to win." To prepare for the competition. Zach practiced his song for the talent portion over and over. Zach's favorite round was the talent portion. which makes sense. because his singing really wowed the judges The game was fair and hopefully nobody had hard feelings. but Zach did have something to say to the boys from Wheat Ridge: 11 Golden is bener. and the proof is in my performance."
Mr. Golden Ridge is a male beauty pagaent featuring the seniors of Golden and Wheat Ridge. The boys are judged on their personalities and talents.Zach Gerard 112) and Sammy Wubben 112) ponder over tricky quesuons during the 06A round of compet 1t1on. C. Hoppe The contestants from Golden. Zach Gerard 1121, Jared Johnson 1121. Ben1amin Schrag 1121. Sammy Wubben 1121. Logan Murphy 1121 and Jason Adams 1121. Zach Gerard 112) posing with the GHS cheer team aher winning the GoldenR1dge cro wn.
Signing day was November 8th. where Adam Th1stlewood (12) was lucky enough to sign with Drake University for basketball Golden High School has been supporting Adam all throughout his basketball career 1n high school Students and coaches have pushed him to get bener every year He 1s on varsity basketball this year and very valuable to the Golden team He says, 11 I got a full nde to Duke playing my favonte sport, basketball I have been supported most by my family and coaches throughout the years I am so excited to be going to college and playing basketball I want to thank my family most for being my mentors and supporting me 11 Way to go Adam!
A. Pal/er,
What 1s your passion? We have so many talented students at our very own Golden High School Take senior Kaia Miller, for example. Kaia 1s a very talented photographer who en Joys what she does wnh such a passion Over the past four years, Kaia has been able to improve her skills at every turn With each picture she takes she continues to get bener and bener Kaia explained to us her new proiect she's been working on, "I am trying to use this technique where I take a picture and then paint over it 1n certain areas, to creat a somewhat mult1-med1a piece of artwork. 11 Kaia has grown so much as an artist and continues to search for new ways to be creative and 1nnovat1ve She has also had the opportunity to work alongside a team of professional photographers here 1n Golden Kaia's advice to up and coming artists 1s to 11 find something that inspires you and go aher 1t, anything 1s possible Do what you love II A. Taylor
The re were many art1 st1c pe ople thr oug hout ou r sc hool , but one student who stood out for her amazing pottery skill s wa s Han nah Czarnecki (12). Ha nnah said, "I started doing ponery my fre shman year, and ever sin ce then , I've lov ed do ing It It' s always been my favorite part of the day " Hannah had several of her works displayed throughout school and showed them 1n many art show s. "It' s always really cool to get to hear what people think of my ponery, and I love being able to show what I can do,''
said Hannah.
JEAN JACl<ETS 201ii~
In the age of authenticity, denim c.., Jackets were seen everywhere Worn in popularny by well known icons such as G1g1 Had1d. Selena Gomez, and even Kanye West. the trend was fast growing as It represented a balance between keeping It cool, and keeping 1t real
"Nothing can be more aggravating than a polit1cal debate where you hear pol111c1ans argue and you can't argue wnh them." said Jason Adams (12) It infuriated Jason to watch politics. yet It was, "Such an intriguing form of entertainment." he said Could he be a future poln1c1an?
In the time being though, Jason was focused on holding a diploma at the end of the year "I've struggled with academics all of high school, but senior year has made me realize what I need to prioritize," Jason said He worked his hardest. but like every senior. the future was a bit uncertain. All Jason had to say was, "It's either gonna suck or be pretty awesome "As a last comment, Jason wanted to thank his teachers who helped htm throughout the past four years To his younger peers tha t will be returning to Golden next fall, this 1s what he had to say. "Teachers know. so Just ask."
We Ran We Hit We Scored. We Won .
The Golden High School athletic program works hard to teach their athletes the value of teamwork and what good sportsmanship looks like Here at Golden, 1f an athlete 1s asked to describe their team the most common word used 1s 11 famlly 11 Throughout the various sports teams we have. each has something in common they all work together as a family and would do anything to help their teammates succeed The athletic program reaches much farther than the field Many students agree that they met some of their closest friends while playing a sport Here at Golden, we believe that playing sports 1s not only a way to express yourself and use a talent, but n's also a great way to build one's character It's through the wins and losses one faces that they are challenged to become who they're meant to be. The coaching staff pu ts a lot of effort into making sure the athletes that leave Golden are well rounded ind1v1duals who offer a good attitude and friendly outlook to all competitors they face. even aher their competing days are over N Capaul, A. Pafter,
It's been a long time since the GHS football team was considered a "winning team • This year that changed GHS football welcomed coach Yannac1to as the new head coach starting in the 2017 season He brought the concept of the New Era · to the program Dawson Kennedy ( 12) says ~New Era Is the start of something great for Golden football as 1t has been known to be the underdog [team} in the past. We have rebuilt a family this year New Era Is the saying that has so far reshaped the mentality of this football team and Is the start of something great · Through the concept of a completely new football team the players and coaches reshaped the program As Ryan Castrellon ( 12) says " the new coaching statt brought a sense of knowledge to the game that I never could ' ve thought about. and that's what we needed The coaches challenge me more than I ever thought I take every bit of advice I can get from them " The greatness radiating from the entire concept of the New Era reached all ends of the school At football games students turned out to watch in higher numbers than ever before It was amazing to see so many GHS students spe nd their Friday nights cheering on their boys Jordan Fehrn (11) sums It up perfectly when he described the team as a group " who will do anything [they] can to put the past behind [them] and move forward to change the culture of Golden football
We all heard " New Era" in the cheers and in the stands but what did It really mean? It meant that this year would be the year where the football team would have a winning season For the first time since 2002 they made 1t to the state playotts Cohn Mulligan ( 12) #28 said, ~Making It to the playoffs puts us on the map Remembering the Journey getting to the playoffs will always be one of my favonte memories Ifs crazy how much a difference one coach can make It was a great season Dylan Mathias ( 10) #31 said, "The team was my family We all worked together and played like brothers Each person on the team did their best so that we could make It to playoffs " It really Is a New Era A PalterJ
"This was my first year on the GHS football team It was a really good experience and the coaches were very nice " Jonathan Dodson 1091
The cross country team had an incredible season this year The team bonded over their love for team dinners and slushy runs, they also took 7th at state The cross country team knows that there's more to being a team and a family than getting first place or making it to state Coach Jen and Coach Best have hand crafted the perfect little family by combining work with play, after a long run the team's favorite cool off activity 1s relaxing in the frigid Clear Creek River that runs through the city of Golden Coach Jen won coach of the year for cross country she has pushed the team to do their best and enjoy running
0: What ,s your favorite pan about being on the Cross Country team?
A: I hke that we are more than a team, we are a family
0: Why do you run?
A: I like to run, but I also do It so I can train for soccer.
0 Will you continue running competuively aher high school?
A As much as I like to run. I do not think I will continue to run compet1t1vely However. 1t still will be one of my favorite past t1mesl
I) Aher the whole team has finished their races they all gather together to drink some chocolate milk bet ore going to the awards ceremony
2) The boys team lining up at the starting line gening ready to run another amazing race
3) The girls team listens to music while doing their warm up in order to prepare for agreat race
4) Hunter Twiny pushes to finish the last stretch of the race. determined to get a good time and not let the runners behind him pass
In order
The Mountain Biking Team 1s a tight knit family that challenges each other and themselve s on a daily basis With all the hard work some times a break 1s needed Team bonding is when all of the bikers come together for group act1v1t1es like team dinners, where they get to laugh , enjoy some good food, and get closer as they wash and clean their bikes after a hard cour se. Other activities i nclude team lun ches and sleepovers The Mountain Biking Team are sad their season is over, but can't wait for ne xt year and all it will bring .
The Mountain Biking Team crushed it this year winning third at State! Go Demons! The team worked hard together, and we truly saw it pay off The team thanks all of their supporters who came out to their races to cheer them on A big shoutout to the inflatable dinosaur , whoever you are! Thrs year, the Golden Mountain Biking Team had one of the biggest teams 1n the state, and we could see them use all of their bikers in all the races We wish the mountains bikers good luck for future years Go Golden!
0: What 1s your favorite thing about mountain biking with Golden?
A: I am a triathlete so I just love biking in general, but I really like biking with Golden because I can get to know other people from school and get some good exercise!
0: As a mountain biker. what would you say 1s the hardest part of it?
A: The uphill. Definitely the uphill. And maybe the sharp turns too.
0: What was the hardest race course of the season and why?
A: To me. Eagle was the hardest because of the switchbacks and how technical it is.
Field hockey had an exceptiona l season All of the girls played their best and could not be more proud of themselves and their teammates Although they wish they had won more games, they have no regrets from this season The girls played their hardest on the field , walking away with strong bonds and minimal injuries "My first year playing field hockey for Golden was great," says Eleanor Ogd en (9) , "I love my team and I can't wait to play again next year" Unfortunately, this is the last year that the team will be based out of Golden for a while Next year the team will be moved to Dakota Ridg e Thank you for all these years and awesome memories, Field Hockey!
0. What was your favorite part about playing on the team 1h1s season?
A. The team's atmosphere We were all really close and I will miss that.
Q: What 1s a good memory you have from 1h1s season?
A. All of the team dinners we had They were great bonding times for everyone.
0: Are you proud of the work your team put in this season?
A: Yes. very much so! We all worked so hard and I couldn't be more proud.
There are a total of six Varsity Senior players . Including Emily Jepkes, Alexis Auster, Bailey Klinger, Juliet Josselyn , Kaylee Coffman , and our foreign exchange student, Francesca Bosson, Seniors were appreciated at the first of the two rivalry games against Wheat Ridge High School. On Senior Night the girls take time to thank their seniors and the seniors' parents
Gifts are presented with a brief speech to show the love A Taylor
Golden high school's Volleyball team had a good year overall with their record of 17-18 , and a state rank of 4. New head coach Jim Gibson has led these girls to not only better themselve s as volleyball players, but also as people 1n general. We wish the best of luck to these girls 1n their future volleyball endeavors, be tt 1n college or their final years ,n high school A. Taylor
"I contribute to my team by being the fastest and most dependable person 1n the back row 11
Emily Jepkes (12)
11 MY Job on the court 1s to be aggressive both defensively and offensively, up at the net and in the back row"
Lexi Auster (12)
"Even though this 1s my first year seriously playing the sport, I am able to help out my teammates by work ing hard back row 11
Jules Kremer (9)
I "To me Volleyball is a passion I am most comfortable out on the court. regardless of 1f I am nervous or not. Other than my love for the game. I play for my teammates This program 1s a family
Makenna Haley (11)
The Demon Boys Tennis Team played incredibly well this Fall They finished the season with an ImpressIve 10-1 record Along with this, all of the players were named 2nd team All Conference Two of the tennis boys, Theron McAdoo (12) and Dylan Smith ( 11 ) were named 1st team All Cont erence with their win against Valor High School Way to go Demonsl
Although golf 1s not one of the most actionpacked sports at Golden High School, the boys on the team know how to make the long hours enJoyable Whether it's dnvmg balls at Fossil Trace or competing at one of the many courses around the Denver Metro area , the boys golf team makes golf worth watching Seth Rhoten ( 10) says that "the long hours let me bond with everyone, we really have become more like a family than a team 11
The boys golf team did exceptionally well this year wrth two of their team members, Nick Mancini ( 12) and Chance Sundarapura (10), making 1t to State They were also two of the t op ten golfers named to the 4A Jettco League First Team All-Conference The Demons Golf team had many other successes this season as well , including a first place win at the Demon's Football Team's Best Ball Tournament m Applewood by Jax Collins (9) and Grayson Flambures (9) Way to represent! C Chandler
Seniors Brian Caluori and Colton Gomez are the 2017-2018 Varsity captains Both boys agree that being captain is quite the honor "I am proud to be one of the captains, and I hope to help lead our team to many victories . However, just because I'm captain doesn't make me any more advanced than the rest of my teammates . We all work as a unit to accomplish our goals " says Brian Caluori (12) Being captain is something that you have to earn , 1t takes a lot of work to achieve . "My teammates and I are equals, and we play as one If I didn't play soccer I don't know what I'd do , because soccer gives me a bond with brothers, and it's a privilege to play with them" states Colton Gomez (12) Both Captains have played soccer since they were young , and agree that once you hit the field it stops being a hobby, and it becomes a lifestyle
Freshman Brandon Shull is the only student from his year that made Varsity this season . He states " I feel very honored as not only a person , but as a team player and athlete I love the game of soccer, and I've played for 13 years, so it's the only thing I'm good at." Brandon has been a goalie for just two years, and that's the position he's decided to continue with and play in high school. "My brother Chris is also on the soccer team at Golden, so it's been really cool getting to play with him as a brother and a teammate along with the rest of the boys "
Megan Fetner { 12 ) has been playing softball sin ce she was four years old . Her dad has always been one of her biggest supporters "Working hard 1s one of the biggest things That' s what gets you where you want to be It defines me as a person , and I can't imagine my life without It " Megan Feiner {12) As her final year as a Demon came to a close, we wished Megan good luck 1n college Go Demons ! N Nankerv1 s
"This span has definitely changed my life and my outlook on things."
"The first position I ever played was righ t field"
Ana Burget # 21 {10)
"The first position I ever played was second base"
"The f1rst position I ever played was pitcher "
"The f1rst position I ever played was catcher "
Jallee Kennedy # 13 (9) Haley Prey #2 (10) Molly Hord #15 (10)
Golden High School's softball team had an excellent winning season with a record of 18-3. Near the end of the season , all the girls were very excited to make itto the state championships . The team had five seniors: Rachel Faw cett ( 12), Megan Feiner ( 12), Madison Campbell ( 12), Elaina Bonner ( 12} and Mi ckayla Dyer ( 12) Head coach Chad Herbers had coached the team for the past six years Each year under his coaching , the team had improved Th e team had a few freshmen who proved to Coach Herbers they were skilled enough to secure a spot on Varsity · Sylvia Lenz (9), Shayne Abrams (9) and Marla Goodspeed (9) . During the senior game , Golden took on Standley lake High · - =--School. Mickayla Dyer played starting pitcher, Megan Feiner was the catcher, Rachel Fawcett started at third , Elaina Bonner played left field and Madison Campbell played first base The Demons beat the Gators 15-4, with five home runs! N Nankervis
The boys wrestling team had avery impressive season this year! Although their were many ups and downs. the wrestl ing team came out on top - literally One of the teams members, Ethan Hensley (10) said that he "liked how challenging of a sport wrestling 1s It 1s really a great way to get stronger both mentally and physically. I really love how mentally challenging 1t 1s and how great our coach 1s at teaching us how to prepare for the mental part of wrestling We had a really close team this year and we have team dinners after almost every meet. and we hung out a lot on Saturday's " What a great team to be a part of!
Max1mus Cross 191 ltopl says that he's an "athlete by nature. and a wrestler by choice"''WE WERE ALWAYS IMPROVING'' DYLAN SCHERER ( 11)Roben Gibbs I11 I in position to score against the other team Dylan Scherer (11 J demonstrated his strength in aheadlock with his opponent. Ethan Hensley {1OJ after a hard -earned victory. AleJandro Sanchez (91 after he successfully defeated his Diego DelReal (11 J got into a stance and prepared to wrestle with his opponent opponent
Maddy Shull (9) was in Gymnasucs for 13 years She was level 9, and put in long hours at 5280 gym. This year she had to work hard to overcome injuries and concussions . Her favorite skill was beam and she was 35th In the nation. The most fun skill for Maddy to throw Is her full on the floor
Shea Mathias (12) has been In Gymnastics for 15 hard working years She was level 10 out of her home gym 5280, her favor ite skill was beam where she took 3rd at regionals and was 1st all state Because of all of these accompl ishments she was recognized by the Golden City Council, Shea was also academic all state in 2017 . CMie.,
"If you think your sport 1s hard. try doing it while holding your breath."
Klaudia Fus1arz (11 I
"Chlorine. the break! ast of champions 11
Asa Peterson (111
"I know it's cheesy, but just keep swimming"
Ella Posk1e ( 11)
"I'm an aquahohc."
Cameron Preston (12)
Swim team was full of hard working ladies who practiced their hearts out each and every day. After hours of training and competitions. the team became a tight-knit family, with each girl stnving to make themselves. and each other. better from race to race This year, the girls swim team was made up mostly of freshman who were aiming to make a name for themselves on the team. One such freshman, Brynna Donohoe (9) says, "I love swim team. everyone 1s so nice and supportive of each other. It really makes the pool feel hke a second home " CChandler
0. What 1s your favorite part about being swim team captain?
A. The swim team feels like family I feel like a big sister to all of the younger girls on the team.
0: Why did you originally 101n swim?
A: I used to swim on a club team and loved It. so I figured It would be Just as fun at Golden Plus a lot of my friends were on the team at the time.
0 What are you going to miss most after high school?
A. I'm going to miss the team and the exhilarating feeling of competitions but mostly the team.
FACE IME & cdin
How long have you played basketbal : Why do you play basketball?
We've been playing basketball !or as long as we can remember. It's a very fun sport to play.and we 've always had alove and passion for 11. Our team works very well together we're truly having a great year. We can't wait to see what the future holds for us and the years aher.
This year at Golden High School. the boys basketball team had a phenomenal season winning close to 90% of their games The boy showed up to every game with a winning annude and outstanding team pride With a home winning record of 10-1 and an away record of 10-2 preplayoffs. the boys were set to play- off against Pueblo Central High School Although they did not win their last game. the boys were still proud of all they had accomplished this last season and with all of GHS cheering them on. they are ready to dominate the courts again this upcoming year!
The Golden High School girls basketball team had a very successful season. These girls made It all the way to the elite eight. They worked hard at their fin al game and have no regrets This season there were three seniors: Abby Garnett 112). Mia Johnson. and MaKena Prey 1121 Abby Garnett 112) said a lot about the team this year. "Coming into this year and losing asenior and having three coaches come in during this season was hard It was hard finding our roles on the team We have really come together as a team. we fall back on each other We adjusted to the new coach and were successful this season " Abby Garnett 1121 signed with Ohio University to play ball next year in college We wish her the best of luck These girls worked so hard this year and GHS couldn't be prouder
• Margaret Jones 11 OJ #22 was a hard working player on JV and was hoping next season to be on varsity She had to overcome a lot wnh her team this season. "The adversity that was presented to us at the beginning of the season essentially made us stronger as a team , we had to learn to play, trust , and work together "
This year's seniors ranged from being completely new to cheer, and the town of Golden. to being four year veterans. Shayne Grant (12) says that,"Moving schools your senior year 1s hard. but cheer gave me such a warm home and helped me become happy at Golden."
Emmy Adams (12) moved to Colorado from New Zealand her freshman year Because of her families extensive history in Golden, she tried out for the cheer team She has truly seen the team grow and change, being the only senior to have been on cheer at Golden for four years Emmy dedicated every game. practice and competition this year to the late Grace Znoll, she said that. 11 1 leave n all on the mat for her II Emmy told us about how much Grace taught her and the rest of the team. Emmy said that."She taught us to treat our team like family Grace reminded us that love 1s all the same." Emmy truly embodies what the Golden cheer team 1s Advice that Emmy gave for the future cheerleaders, "Don't care what others think and 1f you care about something, then care with all your heart. Appreciate every moment, always love your cheer family, and always be resilient 11
This season the GHS cheer team had a record breaking seven males 101n the team. and man did they rock 1tl "It's the best way to pick up girls (literally) but the brotherhood we have built 1s also a great part We are mentored by upperclassmen and can't wan till next season II Mason Wiles (9) The up and coming season 1s going to be amazing for the CO-ED demons
Being a cheerleader at Golden was not Just about games. It was also about being leaders 1n the community The team part1c1pated in several different community service pro1ects
In 2017 the team volunteered at the St Jude walk/run to end childhood cancer Kate Bain (9) was new to cheer this year and loved volunteering, "The St Jude walk was a really fun expenertce although It was super cold, It was amazing to see all the people who came out to support the cause We had so much fun cheering on the runners 11 Along with this event the cheer team also helps out with The Gift of Grace, g1v1ng great opportun1t1es for children with special needs.
Winter is a time where everyone loves to go sledding, hang out with friends. or even just curl up inside with awarm blanket drinking some hot chocoloate. Along with these typical winter activites. students tend to be involved with even more during this season. Whether It 1s going to help out around the community as a part of the National Honors Society. having some friendly competition during P.E. class, or even geting dressed up with all their friends to go out to have a good night at the Sadies dance, Golden High School kids are always out and enjoying winter to its fullest
11 Link provides us with leadership opponunities that bener us for our futures. and it make use believe in something bigger than ourselves It's a good environment, and gives us a better look at the school."
Cameron Anderson (11). Duncan Jones (11)
"Along with Link, Sources of Strength is another leadership group at the school. "We're a group of individuals that focus on making our school a better place and environment. I panicipate because I enjoy helping others and giving them someone to talk to . 11 Pablo Simon (12)
Izzy Frye states that link 1s a great experience. and it creates alasting effect on all the freshmen. and 11 helps make a better present. and future. for our schoo l atmosphere
Izzy Frye 111)
Sources of strength 1s a great club at our school. 11 creates a safer
environment. and helps me participate in something greater.
Link haws taught me about leadership, and how to better approach s11ua11ons I love the environment as a whole.
Chloe Glass 112)
# L1nkWhy: To create and suppo a fun and safe environment where everyone con belong -Skye Ziegler 112) Ethan Whitson 112) Pablo Forsyth Simon 112)
Link and sources of strength are great clubs and I love b 1 • eing a eader for the school.
Duncan Jones (111
ILink ,s an amazing experience and a great opportunity. II tak~s me out of my comlort zone and I get to meet new people!
Madejah Watson 1111
Link is a super fun experience. I love hanging with the freshmen Ethan Toon 1111
Jonah Wimbish I12I Eddie Villa 1111Animal Advocacy Club was new to Golden High School this year Run by GHS senior. Emma Weihenmayer. the club spent many hours puning together donations. preparing fundraisers. organizing transpons, and of course. saving puppies!
This year's yearbook 1eam has worked hard 10 take the wide variety of pictures displayed in the 2017 -2018 yearbook It was the ir job to take asnapshot of our year and get It down on paper Above are some of this year's yearbookers in action
Physical Education 1s aclass where students • can take ume off of traditional school work and engage in physical ac11vny It 1s 1mponant for students to take a break and have a little fun during the school day. Maia Addams 109) and Alycia Mausser 109) said that PE 1s a place for them to meet new people and learn team building skills A Pa!teri L,__..
The Golden Demon Strength club this year was a success. Their purpose 1s to provide time for students at Golden to come and workout in a welcoming environment. Students who en Joyed their weight training class in school or they are want ing to learn more about lifting go to this club Demon strength 1s a great club for students to also get in shape before their sport season and maintain their muscle during the off season A Pa/Jeff
The Environment Club was a group of about thirty students, ranging from freshmen to seniors. This passionate group of teens played an active role in our community, doing monthly clean-ups, hosting environmental stability meetings, and attending marches and protests.
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This year, the Environment Club has made our school's community a better place. They renovated the water fountains around the school to make It easier to fill our own bottles up Above 1s a picture of one of the many door signs that environment club hung up to raise awareness on energy use.
Though 1t was a club that was started Just this school year by a group of sophomores, the An1me Club exploded with over twenty students among their ranks. Led by Marryah Witucki (10) and Katie Dalrymple (10), this club 1s certainly not far behind any other club 1n terms of spirit and loyalty The club, on average, boasts about f1heen members, with a maximum of thirty at one time. T.
Wt/kinsWhen asked. the founding members of An1me Club had bright ideas for how to make next year bigger and bener.
Marryah Witucki 110) said that she wants to expand An1me Club into a more general Fan Club, where anyone can come hangout and share their interests Katie Dalrymple 110) shared her interest in starting a fundra1ser and taking her fellow members to an An1me Convention.
The Anime Club was home to some of the most energetic and spmted people mthe school. Out of the members asked. everyone said that their favonte thing was that all their fnends were mthe club The founders of the club created it for this purpose to bring their current friends together. and to meet new ones.
Students 1n Social Studies classes study the world every day. They learn about all d1tterent kinds of history. geography, governments, and economic systems For a lot of GHS students. their social studies class 1s their favorite of the day because they learn about the world and ns people Teachers like Mr Irving, Mr Shackett. and Mr Mendoza make the learning fun and engaging at every chance they get.
Students in the French Club at GHS grew a new apprec1at1on for French culture every week They learned how to make authentic French cu1s1ne, they studied the language and further meanings. and they immersed themselves 1n fun French holidays such as Mardi Gras. Mrs Verleger does an amazing Job at helping kids discover new cultures from not only France, but the plethora of other French speaking countries around the world'
One of GHS's students, Hawk Jerome (10), demonstrated his appreciation for culture by dressing up for Interact Club's International Friday Lunch. Hawk said that, "by dressing up, I'm helping everyone to v1sual1ze my background and where I come from."
The annual Sadie Hawkin's Dance is a fun tradition that GHS students enjoy every year. This year's theme was 'Enchanted Garden'. The ladies stunned in their floral print dresses and some boys even wore Hawaiian shirts to match the theme. Whether you're a freshman or a senior. Sadie's is a fun and
memorable time to dress up and get down!
At the end of each school year. a group of 1un1ors interested in adventure embark on a three day long raft trip on the Yampa River These trips help students gain skills, make new friends, and create beautiful memories!
"The raft trip was one of the best things I did in high sc hool. I got to know the students and teachers I was with very well , and I learned how to do something new and incredibly fun! I'd go on another trip in a heartbeat."
Experiennal educanon 1s an important aspect of GHS Students learn history. ecology, and survival skills while on the Junior Rah Trip This trip 1s a great opportunity to learn new things that you won't necessarily learn in a normal class at GHS.
Taylor Tufano (12)
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Above are some of the dedicated members of Golden High School's astronomy club Every Thursday, the astronomy club met to delve into the fascinating sky surrounding us. They worked on projects, discussed astrological top ics. and most importantly, they had fun!
11 1really enjoy participating and gening involved with all of my friends 11 Elaina Bonner (12)
"I love gening to spend time once a week working on projects that I am passionate about."
Grace Kern (12)
11 Astronomy club ,s simply stellar! 11 Joyce Chu (12)
This year. Golden High School students once again had the opportunny to take advantage of the 11 Sc1-bucks Study Area. 11 to get some help from their teachers on upcoming proiects and homework. Science classes were the favorite for many students at GHS. as students worked on many fun proiects this year and learned a lot about science 1n and out of the classroom.
Above are some of the many GHS students who love science and consider It one of their best sub1ects
A sc1ent1fic word of advice from Golden High School sophomore Emma Roark (top) 1s to,"think like a proton. always pos1t1ve 11
ProStart (Prof ess1onal Start) was aadvanced FACS class dedicated to giving those with a culinary passion the opportunity to compete and learn the skills of the industry Four of the most skilled in the class where selected to be on the competitive team where after months of 5am practices, all the hard work paid off when the Demons 1st year culinary competitive team earned 3rd place and fourteen thousand dollars in scholarships
',// OUT
The students of Golden High School really come together as a team this year. supponing each other in all aspects of school You could always expect a frrendly smile from someone around you. whether 1t was passing by in the halls. hanging out at an event. or smmg in a classroom full of other students
In 2017 there was the largest school shooting mAmerican history, Stoneman Douglas lost seventeen students and faculty. Being from the same school district that nineteen years ago lost thirteen people. we knew we needed 10 make a change. Emmy Adams. Golden's acuon maker, brought together a team of fell ow students who also wanted and demanded change. March 14th was nauonal walk out day and for the safety and education of the GHS community there was a walkout planned during ACE. We dedicated seventeen minutes to honor the seventeen students and staff who are no longer wnh us.
Wanting change, Golden students banded together to plan a walkout on nauonal walkout day, March 14th. As aschool. everyone listened to the individual stories of the victims, and held hands 10 memorialize the lives 1he world has lost. To lurther the push for change a large group of Jeffco students planned, funded and put on a rally for the Students Un11ed for Change. The rally , took place on the evening of the 14th at NAAC stadium. It brought together poh11c1ans. student speakers and even Miguel Dakota, a fmalist singer from America's Got Talent season 9. to speak to the school communiues. "It is so rnspinng to be a pan of the genera1ion that WILL make a change now, and not wan until Colorado Joins the list AGAIN of schools to have blood become a school color."
The Young Life Club at Golden High School is full of dedicated students who succeed 1n and out of school. These students commit themselves to community service around our town and come together every week to discuss their beliefs and feelings about ongoing issues.
Kendall Wetch (10) 1s one of the co-founders of Kiva Club club at GHS K1va 1s an organizanon that lends money to entrepreneurs When asked. "What makes you so passionate about K1va?" Kendal responded with. "We' re helping other people who have less opponun1t1es to thrive. we know that we are improving someone's life while e,,abling them to still be reliant on themselves" K1va 1s a life changing club based on helping others that everyone should consider Joining.
Outside of class, students were able to get help from other students and tutors. GHS even had studen ts from Mines come and help ou t this year. Achieving academic success 1s a big pan of Golden High Schoo l
Numbers are very imponant when in math class
It 1s required that every student at GHS takes a math class for three years Our GHS students are very focused and involved when n comes to math . One of the best days of the year was p1 day Students brought 1n pie and had a math pany. GHS had a fabulous year in mathematics
"The math teachers are really helpful when I needed help in class" Alice Lin (11 )
Strategy Club was a group of students who enJoyed using their brains outside of class They wanted to keep their minds and bodies moving throughout the day "I made new friends 1n this club and liked to watch and play against them" Sienna Colucci I10)
No one does spring bener than the energetic community of Golden High School. From rock cl1mb1ng to boys sw1mm1ng to the spring play, spring was full of many exciting activ1t1es to part1c1pate in and watch . As the season began to unfold, the weather change brought a refreshing new outlook on school for every student at GHS . With the end of school coming fast, the seniors looked forward to graduation, the Juniors looked forward to being seniors, and the freshmen and sophomores looked forward to summer break.
= 11 1was intr Jduced as the Vice President of NHS this year and my friends managed to get most of the NHS members to boo me at the first mee11ng. 11 Zak Chorny 1111
"When GHS students went to Wheat Ridge and packed care packages for the troops in Af ghanistan. 11 Brandon Idler 112).
"The packing party at Wheat Ridge High School. It was great working together w11h another NHS club."
Asa Peterson 1111
NHS was a group of seniors and juniors who excelled in academics with a 3.85 GPA or higher. These students took time out of their busy schedules to help out the commurnty and the high school The graduaung seniors were awarded cords to wear at graduation. We are so proud of everything these students have accomplished this year. A Pa!teft
Students in NHS have many volunteer opporturnues Some students decided to volunteer at the Jeffco Action Center 1h1s year "Volunteering at the Action Center was a great experience and I was able to help out the community" Lauren Story (12),
The NHS students had the opportunity this year to help out local elementary schools and volunteer in the classrooms It's very important for these younger students to have good mentors and that 1s why the GHS students love to go and support them
Every year at GHS the PTA and NHS hold a Chili Cook-Off for the Golden community. This year there was a huge snow storm on the night of the Chill CookOff. but that didn't stop Mr Polo from taking the win.
Sophi Ambroz1c, Natalie Capaul. Carissa Chandler. Tyler Cohan, Thadd1ous Douthit. Megan Feiner, Ty Guerra, Brandon Idler, Mia Johnson, Jared Johnson. Alexander Kim, Elizabeth Koch, Theron McAdoo, Shane McConell Mackenzie McCorkle Ryan Milan, Keenan Milan, Aspen Pa hen, Cameron Preston. Makena Prey, Noelle Reimers, Grace Sanders, Jacob Shelton. Christopher Shull, Lauren Story, Taylor Tufano, Lauren Van Note, Abigail Waltz, Grier Wenzel
Sarah Adzema. Will am A1chholz. Rachel Anderson. Molly Bab1u, Arthur Banaglm, Isabella Baud1en. Patrick Benfield. Kinsey Berkman. Lucia Brotherton. Noah Brown, Cheyenne Cavender, Zachary Chorn Davis Christensen. Mayzee Collins. Braden desGarennes. Jacy Dille, Pamck Dolan. Emily Feasel. Jenna F1cco, Manhew Funsto, Klaud1a fus1ar, Ashley Gerw1ng. Mana G1uhanelh Cone. Elena Goodspeed. Sierra Greeley, Grace Guerro, Elizabeth Harp, James Hickman. Sop~1a Hoener Schoneman, Avane Hunt. Alexis Johannes. Duncan Jones, Regina Kelble, Megan Klane , Joshua Lambert. Samantha Lewan , Alice Lin. Katelyn Ludford Manna McCann Dan an McCoy, lance Minyard, Kalyn Neal, Mercedes Ohlen, Anastasia Outekhme. Hans Petersen, Asa Peterson. Ella Posk1. Ab1gayle Post. Olivia Powell. Trevor Reed. Daniel Ridley, Maureen Ridley, Angelee Rose, Aydan Roth. Ouynn Sander-Olhoeft. Oonan Scardello. Madyn Schaeler, Grace Schumacher. Elisabeth Selhnger, Oytan Smnh. He1d1 Smith. Jason Sadowski. Ethan Toon. Alexander Townsend, Leah Van Note, Andrew Warne r. Caroline Wise Taylor Worsham , Skye Ziegler, Mackenzie Murray
The NHS students not only hke helping the the younger Golden students mthe classroom. but they also like to have a linle fun with them. They loved to take brain breaks with the elementary school.
This year GSA has grown There are now ten students involved 1n this club. It was a place for any student to feel safe and welcomed while in school. Ab1gayle Post 111) was the leader of the club this year She said, "My favonte part of GSA was getting to connect with my commun11y and help to make 1t the safest place possible "
rGSA was a very welcom ing club and that was why Isaac Penn {12) decided to jo in He said. 11 1 am 1n GSA because I have many fr iends in there that are very close to me personally and I want to support them in every way I can . I enJoy the club a lot when we go out and do things to better the communny. I also liked how GHS really supported the LGBQ community and made everyone feel welcomed " More members got to Join the club this year because of club rush. more people learned about the club and what they do. Anyone was welcomed to JOln
- A new club was introduced to Golden this year and II was very successful Climbing club was full of students who were new to climbing, but also some that were very experienced Marcus Bailado and Christy DeMeyer coached 1hese students throughout the year Two of the students even made it to state. James H1ckenbonom (11) and Anissa Shull ( 11 }. Anissa Shull was one of the first students who joined climbing club She said "This year we began as a small group of kids climbing together and in the end II grew a lot We got top · three in almost every competition It's my new family and we are so inclusive."
A. PalteriThe members of Golden's Student Council played a crucial pan in making sure that everyone at GHS felt welcome and able to panicipate, as a group, in events and at games Not only were the members of Student Council leaders in our school, but they were role models to us and many others. StudCo lead the school during every assembly, modeled during every spirit week. and showed the school what it truly means to have spirit. Thank you Student Council for being such amazing role models!
Student council is truly an amazing opponuni ty for students to lead and get involved Above are some of the many projets that Student Council has been involved in including but no t limited to: the GHSparade. t1k1 11k1 luau. and spirit day. One of Golden High School's juniors. Danny Ridley. says that "n's an amazing experience! I've gotten to meet new people and be a pan of some thing greater than myse lf 11
This year Golden High School 's Student Coun cil wa s truly successful. even in the face of advers ity They collected donations for various causes including candy for the candy drive. planned and put on events and assemblies. and tried their best to meet and exceed the needs of the student body Although a lot changed in StudCo this year. the student body was very grateful to be represented by such astrong group of student leaders
C GlassMeet the Student Council Presidents Taylor Tufano and Eli Koch
"This year. in our opinions. student council has really grown as a whole We've changed for the bener as a team and club, aqd the family that student council provides ,s something we've really grown to love We're both grate!ul for such an opponunity."
Taylor Tufano(121
"Student council is a truly incredible experience ll's a group we love to be a pan of, and the people that we have been able to meet while being involved have made ahuge impact on all of our lives We encourage people to join. and 1f you're looking for an admirable leadership experience. then I encourage you to get involved. We love student council. and we have always been honored to be apan of it."
Taylor Tufano (121 and Eh Koch ( 121
Guys and Dolls 1s a classic tale of deception, love, and redemption Once again, Stage Right Productions provided an exemplary performance that both adults and children could enjoy. For every production. Stage Right comes up with a show word to summarize the rehearsal process and help each student. whether cast, crew. or orchestra. perform their very best. The show word for Guys and Dolls was 'redemption'. which was an imponant theme in the show. The students redeemed themselves from the first day of rehearsals to the closing night performance, and the proof was showcased through each student's individual talent.
This 1s Oz Hickman's (12) first time as the assistant stage manager for a production at Golden. "Guys and Dolls was an exciting experience, to say the least. It brought old and new faces together to put on a work of art that was more than Just a musical; It made new friends out of unfamiliar people and memories that would brighten anyone's high school experience. I am so glad I got the opportunity to assistant stage manage this wonderful production."
Arts education rs very important for kids to have Students that pan1c1pate in the musical every year develop new vocal, acting. music. and technical theatre skills that are not only applicable to the arts, but to everyday life as well Students pack all of this newfound knowledge into Just a span of ten weeks, all while having a blast making new friends and new memories
Jack Anderson (11) Daniel Barraza (10) Jack Beckford ( 10) Josh Beers ( 12) Taven Brewer ( 12) Joseph Brock (11) BenJamin Brock (11) Brodenck Calley ( 11) Nate Campanelli ( 10) Ryan Castrellon
( 12) Cameron Denney ( 12) Stewart Eastep (11) Braden Edwards (10) Matthew Elliott (10) Anthony
Estrada ( 11) Zachanah Fehrn (10) Jordan Fehm ( 11) Jack Ferne ( 10) Frank Ferne (11} Felipe Flores
( 11) Colton Gomez (12) A1den Greco ( 10) Scott Holman ( 12) Dawson Kennedy (12) Tank Lugo ( 10)
Dylan Maddox ( 10) Joseph Madsen ( 12) Zach Manley ( 10) Victor Martinez (12) Dylan Mathias ( 10)
Troy Mossberg er ( 11) Cohn Mulligan (12) David O'Connell ( 11) Travis Poole (10) Will Samudio (10)
Dylan Scherer (11) Jesse Scnvner (12) Tanner Smeal {10) Riley Stoner ( 12) Liam Telgener ( 10)
Carter Thompson ( 10) Tadash1 Thompson ( 10) Ka den Tru11llo ( 10) Kyle Vibools1tt1sen (12) Jack Walters (11) Sebastian Varno (10) Tony Zamora (11)
Garnson Arner (9) Patnck Benfield ( 11 ). Canssa Chandler (12). Claire Chandler ( 10) Alfonso Cortes
Lopez (9). Ethan Cox (9) Taya Dowell {12) Andrea Doyle {10) Madelynn Gerntsen ( 11} Mana G1uhanell~one ( 11 ). Jadyn Goodnch (9) Rachel Goodrich ( 11) Ethan Hensley (10) Shane McConnell ( 12). Harmony McMulhn (9). Mance! Mequ1 ( 12). Lexi Merrill (9) Madison Merrill (9). Maggie O'Connell (9) Dylan O'Neill (9). Isabelle O'Neill (10). Cameron Pendleton ( 12). Vincenzo Perri (10). Ella Posk1e (11). Lacy Powell (9) Austin Rice (12). Colin Ridley (9) Daniel Ridley (11). Maureen Ridley ( 11 ). Charles Roll (9). Angelee Rose ( 11) Grace Searls (10). Elisabeth Sellinger ( 11 ). Bryan Shuler (9) Kellen Sisco (9) Alea Swanson ( 10) Jack Swanson ( 11 ). Nathan Swanson (9). Hunter Twitty (11 l. Andrew Warner (11 ). Madison Warner (9) Caroline Wise (11 ). Taylor Worsham (11)
Ka, Bokinsk1e (10), Jax Collins (9). Grayson Flambures (9). Oskar Gardner (10). Ryder Hernandez ( 12). Brandon Hyland (12). Max Johnson ( 11 ). Nicholas Mancini ( 12). Cade Novak (12) Owen Ogden (9). Brock Oldfather (9). Charles Progar ( 11 ), Seth Rhoten ( 16). Kevin Stroy ( 10). Brock Whitt ( 11)
Samuel Aranda (9) Ethan Bontrager (9). Stephen Crowfoot•Bayette (9) Zachary Crowfoot.Sayette (9), Jonathan Dodson (9). James Douthit (9). Adam Feasel (9). Grayson Flambures (9). Willie Gould (9) Michael Greeley (9) Justin Hanssen (9) Joshua Kim (9) Carter Lagge (9). Joseph Lucero (9). Joseph Mancuso (9) Robert Moxley (9) Lucas Murray (9) Deegan Pike (9). Gage Posey (9). James Oualten (9). Lucas Rios (9) Kyle Scherer (9). Maxwell Schutt (9). Ethan Sherrod (9). Mason Stobbe (9). Isaac Theis (9). Cambell Thompson (9). Andor Toth (9), Ryan Toy (9)
Grayson Allen (10). Samuel Bauer (9). Evan Berg (9). Zachary Chapman ( 10), Nicholas Deitz ( 11 ), Tamas Delmonico (9), Maxwell Fisher ( 10). Miles Forsyth-Simon (9) , David Koury (10), Connor Mackell ( 10). Riley Mann (9), lance Minyard ( 11 ) Carter Novak (9) , Aydan Roth (11). Alec Sanders (9), Christian Sekavec ( 10). Wes Simcox { 10) Tucker lingley (9) , Han Trznadel ( 12) Jonah Wimbish ( 11)
Arthur Banaghn (11) Douglass Beeman (11) Bnan Caluon (12) Joshua Cohn-NaJera (10) Grant Davidson ( 11 ) Jesse Denk ( 10) Patnck Dolan ( 11 ) Joaquin Garfias ( 1OJ, Colton Gomez ( 12). Alexander Huston (11) Samuel Markovich (10) Mats Moreau (12) , Ian Persky (10). Aydan
Provencio ( 11). Brandon Shull (9) Christopher Shull (12) Joshua Thoemke ( 11 ) Nathan Thompson (10) , Ethan Toon ( 11), Alexander Townsend ( 11 ) Beniamm Weir (12) Samuel Wubben (12)
Zakary Bayer (11 ), Trent Bonczynsk1 (10), Zachary Cho my ( 11 ) Cole EmS1 ( 12) Beniamin Idler (10) Brandon Idler (12). Jake Kringel ( 10) Theron McAdoo ( 12) Hans Petersen ( 11 ) Devin Prehn ( 10), Dylan Smith (11)
Zachary Butler ( 10). Max1mus Cory ( 10). Connor Ernst (9) Garren Gremer (9). Jack Hathway ( 10). Kyle Ludford (9). Tanner Mason (9). Mitchell Meyers (9), Oren Noyes (12) Mark Robinson (9) Leo Stafford (9). Max,millian Turner ( 12). Robert Vermeulen (10), Ryan Walker (9). Luke Wal ti (9) Reed Whitson (9)Katrina Barela ( 101. Emily Becker (9), Mackenzie Belmont ( 10), Izzy Cisneros ( 11 ). Mary D1esshn (12). Lindsey Ellison ( 10). Meghan Erbeck (9). Kendall Garcia ( 11 ). Molly Gilbert (9). Breanna Gillan ( 12). Sara Haefele (12). Megan Jackson (9) Erin Johnson ( 1OJ, Tia Krats ( 1OJ Ka1lee Lammers (12), Caela McCartney ( 12). Anna Morelock ( 12) Sophie Morgan (9). Eleanor Ogden (9). Grace Riley ( 12) Abby Steinman (11), Rachel Steinman (10), Zara Teger (9)
Shayne Abrams (9), Mya Baker (10). Jennifer Beers (10). Elaina Bonner (12). Katnna Bonner (10). Kristin Burget (10). Emily Calvert (9) Madison Campbell ( 12), Katie Dalrymple (10), Kathenne Dunson (1 1). M1ckayla Oyer ( 12), Kaela Fa1ardo (9), Rachel Fawcett (12) Megan Feiner (12) Jade Gomez-Chavarria ( 11 ). Elena Goodpseed ( 11). Marta Goodspeed (9). Molly Hord (10), Ja1lee Kennedy (9). Sylvia Lenz (9) Analisa Lorquet (9), Delaney Mclaughlin (9), Makayla Middleton ( 10) Makenz1e Middleton (10), Cassidy Paulson ( 11 ). Haley Prey (10). Alexis Taney ( 10)
Emily Adams ( 12) Cameron Anderson ( 11 ). Audrey Bain (9), Alyssa Drake ( 11 ) Zachary Gerard ( 12), Shayne Grant (12), Seryn Grant (9). Zia Kaeding ( 11 ), Mara Manera (10 ) Cali McCarron (10), Dominique Perri (12) Jamie Schumann ( 11 ). Maxwell Schutt (9), Hannah Sherry ( 11 ). Tannor Smith (9). Ana Telgener (9). MadeJah Watson ( 11 ). Madison Weber ( 10) Mason Wiles (9)
Kayfin Bates (10), Emily Calvert (9). Enka Dowell (9), Andnanna Graham (9) , Ana Hopper (9). Margaret Jones ( 10). Manna McCann ( 10). Mia McEnroe ( 10), Elm Ph1lhps (9), Olivia Powell ( 11 ) Delaney Webb (10)
Mya Baker (10) Kayhn Bates (10). Ab1ga1I Garn en ( 12) Elh Ga men ( 10), Allyson Goodwin ( 10 ). Mia Johnson (12) Margaret Jones ( 10), Audrey Pino ( 10), Olivia Powell (11) Haley Prey ( 10) Ma Kena Prey (12), Delaney Webb (10)
Samuel Carr (9). Max1mus Cross (9). Zachary Crowfoot-Beyette (9). Diego DelReal { 11). Christopher Faber ( 10), Trista Freeman (9). Robert Gibbs (11 ). Willow Gould (9). Justin Hanssen (9) , Ethan Hensley { 10), Carter Lagge (9), Amber Mosbarger (9), Alec Roman (10). AleJandro Sanchez (9) , Dylan Scherer (11 ). Cole Young (9)
Sarah Adze ma ( 11 ) Rachel Anderson (11 ), Hailey Bemis ( 11 ) Kale1 Bokinsk1e (9) Hannah Brandon (10), Canssa Chandler (12) , Kate Chapman (9) fiu1nn Cusack (12), Katie Dalrymple (10) Alexa De1temeyer (9) , Brynna Donohoe (9). Klaud1a Fus1arz (11 ), Ava Gardner (9) Greta Gardner (9) Madeline Gustafson {10) Lily Halpin (10), Rania Hart (10) Ava Hines (9) Kaylens Ibarra (9), Isabella Jones (9), Cheyenne Knapp ( 11 ) Gee tali Lal ( 11 ) Madison Larson (11), Alice Lin ( 11) Isabella Macarelh (9), Lexi Merrill (9), Madison Memll (10) Asa Peterson ( 11 ) Chailyn Pieper (10) Ella Posk1e ( 11 ) Cameron Preston ( 12) Emilie Reh (9), Grace Schumacher ( 11 ) Antonia Sloan (9) , Annika Smith (9), Bailey Smith (10) Macy Sparks (9) Tegan Stanek (9) Alice Sweeney (9). Rosie Vega-Lazaro (10) , Mana-Irene Waterman (9), Mae Wolf ( 12)
Mitchell Ackerman ( 10). Shahin Ahmad (9). Margaret Andersen (9). Jacob Bobair (11 ), Kole Borgeson ( 10), Lucy Bowman (9), Hannah Brandon ( 10). Lucas Brunel (11). Skylar Byrd (9), Michael Connally (10), McKennah Coonts-Lyons (10), Ekatenna Coopnder (9). Atreya Cordova (9). Katie Dalrymple (10). Maryn OeGraff (9). Olivia Elkins (10), 81 Elliot (10). Serenrty Ferguson (9). Samantha Flores (9), Alexandra Ford ( 10). lzabelle Frye ( 11). Forrest Hall ( 10). Finn Hanson (9). Alyss.; Haro (10). Elizabeth Harp ( 11 }, Megan Higgins ( 12). Destiny Hoenighausen (9), Ian Hunt (10). Gentry Keener (9), Molly Kirkham (11 ). Zuzu Kotula (9). Carter Lagge (9). Isiah Longhair (11), Rebecca Mac Kay ( 10), Ab1ga1I Marsh ( 12), Haleigh Marshall (9), Amara Megargee ( 10). Kayle a Mendoza (9). Bailey Nelson (12). Hannah Ninke (9), Heaven Oberg (9). Omo Pohu1 ( 10) Alec Roman (10). Gryffin Sanders (9). Kimberly Searcy (9). Le1ton Seward (9). Ethan Sherrod (9). Olivia Skeen (10) Aliyah Snow (10). Isabella Stockham (9). Hailey Tate (9), Brynne Trembath (10), Trinity Walker (9), Allie Wilson (9)
Kai Aune (9), Oomm1c Baker (9), Evan Baker (10), Ivy Behr (9), Rebekah Branham (9) Beniamm Brown (9), IIJa Bubukm ( 11 ). Juhha Chitwood ( 10) Max1mus Cory ( 10). Brandon Dills (9). Felipe Flores ( 11 ). Willie Gould (9). Landon Hohmann (9). Hamilton Johns (9), Lars Kam (9) Layda Lamberth (9) Pans Larson (9). James Monderen (9), James Moore (10), Cohn Ridley (9). Myles Schreiber (9), Brandon Shull (9), Anthony Thomas (9). And or Toth (9). Tru Wilkins ( 10)
Evan Baker ( 10). Dominic Baker (9). Lucas Brunel ( 11 ). Jaymie Carlock (10), Haley Cobb (12), Brandon Dills (9). Andrianna Graham (9). Forrest Hall (10) Elizabeth Hall (12), Ian Hunt (10). Duncan Jones (11 ), Lars Kam (9), Mrtchell Kelley (12), Weston Mook (12). Gaemme Orduno ( 12). Alexi Severin ( 12), Juhe Spawn (12). Caitlyn Talty (12), Hunter Twitty ( 11 ), Nicole Woolsey (12)
Rachel Brunel (9). Jaymie Carlock ( 10). Alyssa Haro (10). Miranda Hayes (11) Charlotte Klinger (9) Elizabeth Kluherz ( 10), Megan Lucero (12) Rebecca Mac Kay (10). Cheyenne Mayo ( 12) Antoinette McCurdy ( 10). Jesse Nelson (11 ) Anastasia Outekhme (11). Alex, Severin ( 12) Madison Sharpe (12). Olivia Skeen ( 10) Aliyah Snow (10). Maia Songer ( 10) Bailey Sos1navage ( 11 ). Alice Sweeney (9) Jacquelyn Teteris (10). Faith Thompson (11) Anana Valiente (11) Sela Ward (10), Emily Wise (10)
Stephanie Alvarez-Escobar ( 12). Arianna Bandock (12). Elaina Bonner ( 12), Codey Carr ( 10) Payton Douglass ( 12). Samantha Flores (9). Elizabeth Hall ( 12) Raine Lee-Findhng (10), Jocelyn Martinez (9). Isaac Penn ( 12). Ab1gayle Post ( 11) Grier Wenzel ( 12)
Jack Arman (12), Cheyenne Cavendar ( 11) Bnan Chu (9) Adnanna Cubbage ( 12) Carter OeMmk {12) Cameron Denney ( 12), Andrea Doyle ( 10) Megan Doyle ( 12). McKenzie Gallagher (9 ), Hailey Green ( 12), John Gutierrez ( 11 ) Ian Hunt ( 10) Ben1amm Idler ( 10). Rachel Jacobs ( 12) Alice Lin ( 11 ), Brennan Oakhef (11) Ehn Phillps (9). Ashhe Polvogt (9) Lacy Powell (9). Annalise Schroeder ( 10), Chnstopher Shull (12) , Julie Spawn ( 12) Caitlyn Talty (12) Alexander Townsend ( 11 ) Hunter Twitty ( 11 ). Bailey West ( 10)
Jack Arman ( 12). Ben1amin Brown (9) Bnan Chu (9) , Joyce Chu ( 12). Carter De Mink { 12) Ian Hunt , 10). Mitchell Kelley ( 12), Juhe Spawn { 12), Jacquelyn Tetens { 10). Bailey West ( 11 ) Tru Wilkins {10)
Molly Babrtz (11) Claire Chandler (10) Canssa Chandler (12) Mara Coe (12) Catherine Cohn (12) Emily Feasel ( 11 ), Scarlett Garsombke (9). D1yya Ghafour ( 10). Th1dat1p Laoteaw ( 12) Sara Lockie ( 12). Katelyn ludford ( 11 ) Katt1a Madsen ( 12) Mia McEnroe ( 10) Shae McEnroe ( 12) Haley
Monahan ( 12). Mazie Neill ( 11 ), Ella Posk1e ( 11 ) Cameron Preston ( 12) Grace Sanders ( 12) Ava Segur (10) Jacob Shelton ( 12), Anissa Shull ( 11 ), He1d1 Smith ( 11 ) Juhe Spawn ( 12 ), Kathenne Stocking ( 12) Taylor Tufano ( 12), Lauren White ( 11)
Cameron Anderson ( 11 ). Alyssa Drake (11 ). Tyler Duhl ( 11 ). lzabelle Frye (11) Chloe Glass ( 12) Caitlin Johnson ( 12) Robert Kenyon ( 12 ), Ryan Kowitz ( 11 ). Mansa Malmgren { 12) Tnnady Menzor ( 11 ), Maureen Ridley ( 11) Jamie Schumann ( 11 ) He1d1 Smith ( 11 ) Ethan Toon (11 ) Joshua Tubbs (12 ). MadeJah Watson ( 11 ). Jonah W1mb1sh ( 11 ) Skye Ziegler ( 11 )
Codey Carr (10). Elena Goodspeed ( 11 ), Elisabeth Koch ( 12) Mana G1ulianelli (11) Nick A1cholz ( 11 ) Nicholas Arner ( 10) Jack Bab1tz (9) Alden Berk (9) Andrew Berube (9). Ben1amin Berube (11) , Gnffen Bowman (9). Noah Brown (11) Alexander Burde (12) Kyle Christensen 10 ). Braden Dobbs (9) Bnan Dove ( 11 ). Robert Duarte ( 12) Braydin EIits (10) I.Jam Fletcher (9), Aidan Fletcher ( 11) Matthew Funston (11) Anthony Furness (12). McKenzie Gallagher (9) Scarlett Garsombke (9) , Madelyn Gemtsen (10), Angelica Goodwin (11), Gabriel Goodwin ( 10). I.Jam Graves (9) , Tyler Green (12), Drew Hansen (1 1) John Hargadon (9) Toby Hassett (9) Jack Hathway (qi. Dorothy Hazel (12) Galen Hohenegger (9). Roxi Holmes (12) Hamilton Johns (9) Camden Jones (10) , Duncan Jones ( 11 ). Lars Karn (9) Truman Karsten (9) Connor Logan (9) Ma son Lord (9). Ausan McGaugh (12). Dylan Melcher ( 11) Jaden Merriman (9) Lukas Miller (9) Robert Moxley (9). Mazie Neill ( 11 ). Gavin O'Connell ( 12) Maggie O'Connell (9). Brennan Oakl1er ( 11 ) Jackson PageRoth (10) Devin Prehn (10) Jack Redding ( 12), Ka din Ritter (12). Mark Robinson (9) Jaden Rose (9) Max Ryan (9) Anissa Shull ( 11 ). Jackie Tetens (10). Alex Townsend ( 11 ). Tate Warner ( 10), John Weiler ( 11 ). Mason Wiles (9). Ruben Wilson (9) Linus Woodard ( 11 ). Chnstopher Ziemann (9)
Emily Adams ( 12), Stephanie Alvarez ( 12) Molly Bab1tz ( 11 ) Ananna Ban dock (12) Katia Behrens ( 10) Fiorella Boria (9) , Lulu Brotherton ( 11 ) Emma Conroy ( 10) Ella Ganter (10) San t iago Giraldo (12) Mana G1ulianell1 ( 11 ), Lucy Goldman (10), Lucy Grylick1 ( 10), Taylor Hardegger (10) Abby Hunt ( 10) Elizabeth Koch (12), Mackenzie McCorkle ( 12), Cassie Oberholtzer ( 10), Mackenna Overholt ( 11 ), Vincenzo Perri ( 10) Calista Poulous (10) Trevor Reed (10) , Daniel Ridley ( 11 ). Johana SanchezMunoz (12), Stella Schneider (10), Isabella Stockham (9) Jenna Stroup (9) Jade TruJrllo (9) Taylor Tufano (12) Caroline Wise (11)
Mitchell Ackerman (1OJ Maggie Andersen (9). Kole Borgeson ( 10), Ices Carter ( 10 ), Sophia Davis (9), Carter OeMink ( 12), Eh Elliot ( 10) Violet Emstberger (10). lzabelle Frye ( 11 ), Kasey Goldstein (9), Forrest Hall (10). Oz Hickman (12), Clara Hoppe ( 12 ), Ian Hunt ( 10), Meredith Jones ( 10 ). Gentry Keener (9), Mitchell Kelley ( 12 ). Grace Kem (12), Lydia Kem (9), Molly Kirkham ( 11 ). Johnny Kits ( 11). Elizabeth Kluherz ( l 0) Blake Komoras ( 11 ). He1d1 Kyler ( 12) Carter Lagge (9). Raine LeeFindhng ( 10) Isiah Longhair ( 11 ). Hope Lyle ( 12 ). Jocelyn Martinez (9). Justin Meyer ( 11 ). Ka,a Miller ( 12), Mercedes Ohlen ( 11 ). Alec Roman ( 10) Cassidy Rothenberger ( 12). Jenna Samuelson (11 ). Nicole Samuelson (9). Kaya Sandlow ( 11 ). Anna Seibert {9). Leiton Seward (9), Zachary Singer ( 12) Olivia Skeen ( 10). Maia Songer ( 1OJ , Isabella Stockham (9). Tnn,ty Walker (9). Willow Wofsey ( 10) Nicole Woolsey ( 12)
Lucy Bowman (9). Jaymie Carlock (10). Ashley Colin-NaJera (9), Brynna Donohoe (9), undsey Ellison (10), Max English (9). McKenzie Gallagher (9). Oskar Gardner (10), Scarlett Garsombke (9). Heather Giddin s ( 11 ), Gage Gunn (9), Ton Hinds ( 11 ). Isabella Jones (9). Hannah Larson (9), Rebbe cca Mac Kay ( 10). Tnst1n Ma cleod (9), Heidi Marun (9), Ryan Matsuo (10), Maxwell Ryan (9), Nicole Samuelson (9). Alex, Severin ( 12). Corey Stark (9). Jacquelyn Teteri s ( 10)
Carissa Chandler (12). Taya Oowell (12) Glass (12). Hoppe (12), Aspen Palien ( 12) Oom,nrque Pem ( 12) Tru Wilkins (10)You are a kind, patient, humble young man. Now is where everything gets more fun and the adventure begins Ifs time to live your life the way you want it. It's just the beginning, so don ' t waste it living someone else's life Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner vo ice. Stay focused and have the courage to listen to your heart. We are very proud of all you have accomplished
We love you, Mom, Dad and Sis
patupaiarehe (bush fairies) - and a friendly dragon called Jack
Like these mystical fairies , Emmy has been spreading magic through her life, sharing kindness and aroha (Jove) to all she meets .
Spread magic Emmy The world is a brighter, more special place with your gentle touch
We are so very proud of you and your accomplishments! We wish you all the best in the next chapter of your life!
Love, Mom, Dad, Jenna, and Jaydon
Clo Dainty like afairy with the inner strength of a warrior Your faith in God and perseverance will help you be successful in whatever you pursue
Spread your wings and fly
Love you Mom and Dad
Chris, Congratulations! We are proud of you- a young man committed to family, faith , country, academics, athletics, and music . We apprec iate your witty, sarcast ic, genuine, kind and independent spirit. Stay true to yourself. Soar on Eagle 's wings . Contribute. Lead. Serve. Learn . Love, Mom, Dad, Brandon, Cameron and Caitlyn
"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord." Jeremiah 29: 11
From the moment you came into our lives, you have been a constant source of joy
We have so many great memories with you.
Over the years we have loved sitting on the sidelines, cheering you on as your number one fans Looking forward to all of the wonderful things that your future will bring. We love you tons! Love.
Dad and Mom
Congratulationsl You are an amazing young man and I am so proud of you. Thank you for all of the fun memories. Continue to challenge yourself and always have f uni I know you will accomplish great things in life.
Love, Mom
Dear Brandon, You have brought us so much joy as we have watched you grow into the amazing young man that you are today! You can accomplish anyth ing that you put your mind to and we know that you have a bright future ahead of you . You are a wonderful son and awesome big brother! We are so proud of you and love you very much!
Love, Mom , Dad and Jordyn
Jack , Your kind heart, quiet confidence and compassion for others will lead you to great experiences in life We are so excited for all your adventures ahead! Smart, handsome and sweet, you will always be a bright light in our lives So proud of you .
We love you today and every day!
Love, Mom, Dad, Daniel and Alex
Our last little baby is flying the nest!
We are so full of love and pride for the wonderful young lady you have grown into- embrace life with an open heart, have faith, and honor yourself!
Mom, Dad, Haley, Jake and Murph
It has been an incredible experience watching you grow up to become a kind , creative and funny young man. We are so proud of all you have achieved. And now you are ready to step out into the world and have your own adventures Enjoy every single minute of it.
Love you so much , Mom, Dad and Kieran
Ryan , You 've grown into the most sincere, generous, and kind person. You strive every day to achieve greater heights , bringing others along with you You rock!
Keenan , You are so incredibly smart and possess an empathy and understanding of others that is a rare quality We are so grateful for the balance and humor you bring to our family
We love you both so much!
Lexi, Mom and Dad
Kian, We are so proud of you and all that you have done You have grown into such an incredible young man and we are certain that you have a bright future ahead of you!
It's hard to believe that you ' re off to college already, but we have no doubt you will accomplish great things!
Love, Mom, Dad, Kolton and Trey
When you were little Gramm ie said more than once "You are going to have to watch Sam He's going to follow the fun wherever the fun goes!! "
Despite Grammie's wi sdom and grace, she had it backwards Wherever Sam goes, there follows the fun . Sam, you are pure delight It's been so fun having you be ours We love the way you see the world . Continue believing in all your unique abilities and knowing that all your wildest dreams are going to come true Infinite possibilities awart you!
We love you!
Mom, Dad and Sophia GO BUFFS!!
We ' re so proud of you and can ' t believe how quickly the time has gone since you were a little boy These photos were not so long ago and yet you currently are pursuing college Always remember that we love you no matter what, enjoy every moment during this time in your life, and continue to find fun and joy in everything and everyone . Even though life gives us both good and tough times, the difficult ones can be when we grow and learn the most about ourselves Love, Mom and Dad
Cheers to the cousi ns.
" Budman,0
We are so proud of the caring, respectful person that you have become and we are exched fo r the possibilities that lie ahead for you. Always remember-you can do anything you set your mind to We love you!
Mom, Dad, and Erin &
Logan, It has been a true joy to watch you grow into the young man you are today We hope that you stay strong, positive, motivated and continue down the path you have created . We are so excited to see your ne xt chapter in the future. Have fun and enjoy all the many adventures ahead CONGRATULATIONS!
We love you, Mom, Dad and Anna Claire
As a competitive lad , we 've watched you run around primarily as #32 No matter which team, jersey # , sport, or event- we knew you ' d work hard to reach your goals Keep chasing your dreams and reaching new heights!!
You ' re # 1 to us!
Mom, Dad, Kevmo, B-Dog & Brea Lauren , You have truly been my rock over the last several years You have made being a mother an effortless job and the most enjoyable experience ever Here ' s to your new stage of life
Remember: '' The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.''
Love you more!
For 18 years we 've watched you become an amazing young woman We ' ve admired your compassion and perseverance, we ' ve been blessed by your love for life and moments we share You ' re our inspiration and hope for the world, and we ' re excited for you to discover all the gifts you ' ll share with it.
The best is yet to come! We love you the world, Buggy Bug!
Love, M, D &A
• • We could not be more proud of you, not just for your amazing accomplishments in school and golf, but because of the man you have become Your compassion, loyalty, sense of humor, moral compass, and love of life are an inspiration to us every day
We love you so much!
Mom and Dad
We are so proud of the young man you have grown up to be. We have thoroughly enjoyed cheering for you from the sidelines and stands. Please know that we will always be cheering for you! On to the next adventure!
With much love, Mom and Dad
Your smile has been such a source of light and joy in our home · for 18 years, and we are so excited to watch you share your gifts with the world Hold fast to the joy that comes from the Lord He will ALWAYS be your strength Love, Mom, Dad, Josh, and Blake
Congratulations Liam! We are so proud of you Follow your dreams. You have a great future ahead of you
Love, Dad, Mom, Ashley, Shannen. Nick and Jon
Here' s to great friends making many more memories together!
You have brought me so much joy, and made me so proud . It is an honor for me to tell people you are my son Your passion, from sports to school, to friends and most of all for your family is truly amazing. You have made a drfference in so many lives already, and as you take this next step in your journey, I have no doubt that you will continue to succeed I love you son, thank you for everything and I look forward to watching you grow and seeing you make a drfference, as that is the true measure of success!
UFeel that .. that's enough ." -Dad
Congratulations on all your achievements You are a wonderful son: compassionate, loving, driven and determined When you have had a goal you 've always worked your hardest to reach it, which has been a great motivator to so many, including me.
You have accompl ished so much- we are so proud of you! Your vision is com ing true! This is just the beginn ing Remember to work hard but always play harder!
Love you, Bud!
Dad, Mom and c.Jaye
Tyler, You continue to amaze us with your accomplishments and your potential. We are so blessed and so proud of you! Chase your dreams Be kind . Find happiness. Be yourself. We are always here for you Shine on son.
love, Mom, Dad and Christian
Live life to the fullest, have co nfidencein your abilities and co ntinue to set goals for your life
You have made your family so incred ibly proud I love you so much son. - Mom
We are proud of you and your accomplishments!
You truly are amazing and we are excited for you to experience and embrace new adventures You are a beautiful, fun , determined, loving, caring soul and you mean the world to us! Follow your own path, trust yourself and keep a positive attitude Stay strong and ambitious as you go show the world how awesome you are!
Love, Mom , Dad and Dylan
Alexander, Zander, Z-man, Bubba, We are proud of all you've accomplished and the balance you have in your life! We are confident in you and the decisions you will make! Dream big, work hard, and continue to surround yourself with great people! We wish you courage, confidence, wisdom, and many adventures!
Stay humble and kind!
Love, Dad, Mom, and Maggie
Cas sidy Rain, Your incredible wisdom and empathy are a blessing to our lives and to those around you. We are proud of your amazing abilities to care and counsel others . Don 't ever doubt that you are unique, special, and deserve all the respect, love, and success that we know you will have later in life. Let your light shine bright!
Love, Mom and Dad
With every stage of your life, you have made us so proud, we cannot wait to see what your future has to offer you, and what you have to offer your future! Keep your dreams big, your worries small and live your life to the fullest. Your beautiful smile and laughter fill a room, don't ever lose your gift of laughing at everything
Go have fun, be courageous and shine bright!
We love you, Mom, Dad and Jack
What an amazing journey you ' ve taken us on. As you set off on your next adventure, we can 't wait to see where it takes you and what you accomplish
We ' re proud of you!
Love you too much, Dad, Mom, James, and Justin
We are blessed that God made you our first surprise and precious gift. You are tenderhearted,smart, funny, talented, an incredible friend, brother and son . You dance the best '' Carlton " and sing the best "Colder Weather " We are so very proud of the young man you are Pursue your dreams, give yourself grace and be humble Always put Jesus first, loving Him and others.
We love you so very much, Bud!
Dad and Morn Quinn, Walk your own way .
We'll always love who and where you are, no matter how you get there. Love, Mom and Dad
I am beyond proud of you and I can 't wait to see what your future bring s! Just keep working hard! I am going to miss you so much and I don' t know what I'll do without you I love you so much!
Lily Jessie,
I am SO proud of you and very excited for this next chapter of your life Your first day of kindergarten doesn 't seem so long ago You have grown up to be a wonderful and kind young woman, and I could not be happier that you are my daughter!
Love always, Mom
Words cannot even describe how very proud we are of you You have become an amazing young woman and have so much potential to share with the world
While we know this is just the beginning of your journey, we can 't wait to see how the life lessons you have learned these 16 short years will shape who you will become in the future You make us proud to be your parents and we love you to the moon and back
Love, Mom , Dad and B
Brian ,
You made it and we are so proud of your many achievements in school and in sports and as a growing responsible young man . You are a wonderful gift to us and we hope you have received the right tools to lead a happy successful and accomplished adult life. Explore the world within your means but every now and then step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to a new and rewarding opportunity.
Love you, Mom and Dad
Inked sky with promise of Illumination, Complex sea with unknown Depths
You are our Indigo, Beloved before you were a spark, Cherished beyond breath .
Go forth! With Humanity Generosity Ferocity Tenacity
Always in the certainty
You Are Loved .
Honored to be your parents, Treesong and Xilla
Candy, want one? Where I go, you go. My hijito, you ' ve come a long way I am so proud of you Know that I will always love you Go be successful.
God Bless! Nana
Dear Taven,
You are a blessing. You are a smart, kind-hearted young man, a special brother and I am proud to be your mom . I cannot wart to watch you through the next chapters of your life . You will , without a doubt, leave a beautiful mark!
Love, Mom and Logan
Ty, It has been a pleasure to Going to try not to watch you mature into an amazing be sappy, but you make it tough! We ' re really young adult. Your adventurous spirit, proud of you , Ty Your humor, drive and competitive nature humor, your intelligence, will guide you successfully down your work ethic, and , life ' s path . Our dream for you is to most importantly, your achieve everything you kindness . We 've so , enjoyed watching you desire in the next chapter flourish at GHS and of your life. We wish you we ' re looking forward to success, joy, happiness watching you continue and to always keep God I to grow and succeed . close to your heart We are Keep doing what you do extremely proud of you , E! Ty. It's working for you .. .
Love , Love, r Mom , Dad, Gracie Mom , Dad and Reed and Breck
You have been Smaxxercooking up something We are so lucky to be your paren ts! What great since the day a joy it has been to you were born and we wa tchyo u grow into couldn't be more proud! such an amazing yo un g Watching you grow into man. Cou ntless ho urs on t he base ball field the intelligent, funny, and in t he classroo m... loving, beautiful and You have always been creative young lady so driven . It has been you are today has been a blast watc hing all of a treat for us. Keep you r success! Thanksfor bei ng a great example for chasing your dreams yo ur brothers. Yo ur fut ure and we will be there is brig ht! for you every step of We couldn't love the way. you more, Muz h & Fazh
We all love you, Congrats Bwei ntown ... Alan, Heather, Zeb Ill, Love yo u bro ,. Con, Gr asag na Lasag na Zeb IV, Braxton and Sydney and Dode
Sophi , Can time possibly have gone thi s fast? We are so proud of the young woman you are and know that in college, career and life, you ' ll continue to bring love, light, grace and humor to all around you . As Tim McGraw would say "I know you got mountains to climb, but always stay humble and kind ."
We could not be more honored to have you as our daughter As for Ale x, she still just wishes she were taller than you Love!
Mom and Dad
Carissa , We have watched you grow from an adorable baby to an intelligent and beautiful young woman . We are so proud of your accomplishments and know that you have a great future ahead . Our prayer for you is that you will always be happy, healthy and inspired by whatever you choose to do. With much love and best wishes.
Happy Graduation!
Mom and Dad
Holly, Thanks for being the BEST little sister- I love you and am very proud of you! Love, Brett
Abigail, Proud of the beautiful young lady you 've become. It' s been a blessing watching you grow up and know you 'll face your future endeavors with confidence
Love, Momma and Dadda
Abby, I've loved having an older sister like you, so loving and fun to be around . You 'll do great things and I'll miss you .
Love, Sissy Abba, I love you and will miss you so much
Love, Shaddy
Holly, Congratulations on four great years at Golden! We are very proud of you and everything you have accomplished so far, and are sure you will be even more successful in your next adventure!
Love, Mom and Dad
IJonathon, Over the last 18 years, we 've watched you grow from our " Little Cube of Butter" into a handsome, generous and brilliant young man You have a warm and loving heart, and a wonderful sense of humor We love you tremendously, and are so proud of you. Always remember, Jonathon, you can achieve anything you want in life- and we know that you will!
xxoo, Mom and Dad
Samu el, You are a true joy to thi s wor ld. You continue to amaze us with your courage, passion and knowledge Keep being you and keep your eyes focused on wha t' s important. We are proud of you and the man you 've become Love, Mom, Dad and Elli
You are a beautiful, smart, strong, loving , kind, and caring girl. You have blessed our lives with your constant smile and silliness
Remember your past, live in the present and look forward to the future! May your graduation be just the beginning of a lifetime of success and happiness.
We are so proud of you . Love you always!
xoxo, Mom and Dad
Be Amazing! Let your light shine before others Matthew 5:13-16
Each year as you have grown into a young man-
You make us proud; Even more of your ta lents shine through than from the year be fore; You are strong and independent; Yet gentle and kind ; You put forth your wisdom to pursue your goals . You ' re a wonderful son and a wonderful big brother.
Mom , Dad and Br ittany
And our last little Pony crosses the finish line. Victoria, you bring light and joy to our family and we are all so proud of you! We can 't wait to see the things you ' ll accomplish and will be there with you every step of the way.
Love, Mom, Dad, Jordyn, Gage, and Camden
Congratulation s Pablo !
We lo ve you , Mom , Dad, and Mile s
"Follow your pa ss ion , stay true to yourself, never follow so meone else·s path unless you ' re in th e woods and you ' re lost and you see a path then by all mean s you should follow that." -Ellen
So proud of you Grace Wynter! Proof nothing pays off more than hard work and perseverance . Stay beautiful inside and out.
We love you to th e moon and ba ck!
Mom , Dad, Olivia and Lu c
Now that you are no longer stuck like a salamander, I know you will go on to do great things I'm so proud of the young man you have become!
Love, Aunt Cathy
Angel ,
We are so proud of you Our little girl is all grown up and on her way to college . Keep doing you and don 't let anyone change who you are and what you believe in We love you!
Dad and Mom
We ' re incredibly proud of what you have accomplished , but even more proud of the person you have become . We can 't wait to see what the next chapter brings You' re smart, you ' re beautiful, you ' re funny, you're fun and we love you Love, Mom and Dad
Go Green!
Love you tons, Mom, Dad and Connor
From the day you were born, you were a gift and have continued to make us so proud every day since. We cannot wait to see the positive impact you will have on this world! We love you and are incredibly proud of the young man you have become! Onwardl Lauren ,
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons
You are a child of the . universe, nolessthanthetrees and the stars; you have a right to be here . And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world Be cheerful. Strive to be happy
Just when you think your journey 1s end i ng it' s not it is just beg i nning . You have grown so much and have so many adventures to come We are so proud of you and you will always be our I i ttle sweet pea
Love , Mom & Dad
Here's a snuggle just for you !
Love , Your little sister
Continue to share your extraordinary charm and unique sense of humor- both fantastic traits that have kept us sm iling throughout the years . Your will ingness to try new things and take the road less traveled is brave and admirable, both qualities that will serve you well in your bright future . We look forward to watching you follow your wildest dreams; wherever they may take you , we will always be cheering you on.
Love, Mom, Dad, and Sam
It seems like only yesterday that you were going off to kindergarten, time really fl ies! We are very proud of your accomplishments and look forward to your future adventures . Continue to work as hard as you play and you will go far in life
All our love, Mom, Dad and Samantha
Just in, We are so proud of you and what a wonderful young man you have become!!, You are smart, funny , handsome, hardworking and most importantly KIND Cannot wait to see what you future holds!! Work hard and keep your compassion
Love you, Mom , Morgan, and Grandma
As you pass through the difficult transition from the impetuous adolescent to the matured, responsible adult (the completion of which we an xiously await) , please know that your parents, brother, family and friends have loved accompanying you on your journey and have marveled at both the agility by which you have circumvented obstacles and the circumspection and perseverance by which you have cleared a path to success Your good nature, intelligence, energy, and above all your sense of humor will carry you forward into life and give you strong momentum to meet the challenges of college and beyond . We know that you will find life both enjoyable and rewarding , as you have found with your first 17 years . Have strength, courage, and compassion
We love you dearly, Son Go get'em!
Love, Mom and Dad
Aleah Savannah,
You are the sunshine of our life.
Lauren & Baylor, Princess, you are kind , thoughtful, clever, intell igent, tenacious, and lovely You will do well in life, and we watch with wonder as you grow and evolve into the successful woman you will be
You 've both grown so much in your 18 years and blossomed
Love, Mom and Dad
Jacko , Congrats! We are so proud of youll We have loved watching you grow into a superior athlete, kind hearted, and very handsome young man. We know there will be great things in your future!
love, Mom and Jeff
Dad and Dawn
into amazing young adults, making us proud every step of the way . We love the friendship you share, alway s supporting each other We can ' t wait to watch you change the world with your loving hearts , intellect, and passion!
We love you both!
Dad & Mandy
Mom & Chuck
Believe in yourself and stay passionate on your journey. Your biggest fans will always be here, cheering you on!
We are so proud and believe in you . Watch out world , here he comes!
- Dad, Mom and Kaelan
Jared, Do not read a book by its cover, perfectly describes you. We can only measure you by your heart and your will to fight. Physical, mental or spiritual, you have always defied the odds Now is the time for you to step outdoors and take on the world You're walking out there with the physical , mental and spiritual strength needed. Remain grounded. keep your eyes on the eternal prize and be the best that you can be We are very proud of what you have accomplished and we look forward to seeing the Man in front of us sharing his light with the world
"What you are is God's gift to you, What you become is your gift to God."
- Hans Urs von BalthasarLove, Daddy and Mommy
Aye Jared, Congrats on making it through those four years!
I can't wait for you to experience college!
Bear Down.
Jason Benjamin Michael Weir ... BEEMER!What an amazing individual you have become Your compassion, kindness, and zest for life are admirable! You continue to impress me with the human being you are I know your future in college and beyond will be undeniably exciting and successful. We will all miss you so much as you venture on to bigger and better things Keep your eye on the prize and remember to always do what makes you happy! Enjoy your journey and know I'm always just one call away! Love you lots!
Note from Norris: You ' re the best brother ever! I love you!
Congratulations buddy!!! We are so very proud of you and wish you the very best in your next adventure in life You are the most amazing son any parents could ask for We love you with all our hearts.
Love, Mom and Dad
Austin, We could not have asked for a better grandson Your kindness and compassion fills our hearts with love . We are so proud of you .
Love, Mama and Papa X0X0
Congratulations little brother!! I can't believe you are already graduating! I am so proud of you and cannot wait to see where life takes you . I love you so much Austin!
Love, Lexie
We are very proud of you! You are a gift and bring so much love to our family. We know you have endurance to keep going in your quest to achieve all of your goals. Travel the world, make a difference, work hard, live happy and love life You are incredibly beautiful and so loved. Always your biggest fans and loving you a lifetime, Mom and Dad
Dear Hollyann, Raising you has been one of the greatest joys of our lives. It's been such a pleasure watching you grow up from a joyful, sassy toddler into a happy, sassier young woman . We are so proud of you! You are our treasure.
Love, Mom and Dad
Dear Jesse,
It's hard to believe your senior year is coming to an end and you will soon be off to college! You have been the best son anyone could ask for and have made us so incredibly proud! You have been such a determined person from day one and never gave up on anything that is important to you This has been evident in school, sports and family! You are genuine , trustworthy, thoughtful, smart, funny, strong willed, and compassionate . A perfect combination to be successful in life. We are excited to see what you will accomplish in this next adventure in lite!
We love you so, Mom and Dad
Koa Dene
You are such a delight! We are all so proud of the young lady you have become and are looking forward to what the future hoJds for you . Stay true to yourself and keep your kind heart
We love you!
Mom, Dad and Alex
Dear Grace, Congratulations!
We are so proud of you! We know you will do great in colJege next year and in your life after college We love you, Dad, Mom and Alec
Elizabeth, You are one of the bravest people I know. It's been a pleasure watching you flourish, declare yourself, and find your power. Your path through school may have been challenging, but It makes you wise beyond your years and precious in this world
You are beautiful and I'm honored you ' re in my life I look forward to your journey beyond the confines and contrivances of high school. Keep looking ahead and all you desire will be there for you .
All my love, Mom
Congratulations Julien!
We love you, Mom, Dad, Alex & Tamas
Nice work! You woke up and attended enough classes to graduate! You will do amazing things with , your life because you / light up the world with your energy and enthusiasm . Hollywood, here you come! Don 't forget to • thank me first, when you win the Oscar Love, Mom, Dad &Brewer (kind of)
Ashlee, We are so proud of you You have grown into an intelligent, compassionate, and beautiful young woman We cannot wait to see all the wonderful things you will accomplish. Congratulations and move forward knowing that we will always be there for you . We love you!
Dad, Dana, and Emilee
Megan , We are confident that you are ready to head out there on your own. We are extremely proud of you
With all our love, Dad and Mom
We are so proud of you, Emma We know you ' ll accomplish great things because you truly love what you do Hip Hip Hooray!
Mom, Dad, Arjun, 01' Sport, Peanut and aJI the Pensacola Weihenmayers
• Jack ,
We ' re so proud of you .
Mom , Dad , Liz , Jp, Treavor, Joselyn , and Lily
The theme of this school year was "My Why" . Every student at Golden has a why . A purpose, a cause, or a reason for the things that they do . Many students have wondered why they needed to pose with their hands in the shape of a Y Our why as a yearbook staff was to visually showcase individuals while simultaneously displaying that "Demons Stand Together" . Looking back on this yearbook will remind you of your why, and could potentially inspire you to find even another purpose in your life . You will be reminded that while sometimes the going was rough , the GHS community had your back Thank you , Golden for your cooperation and patience with us in the photo taking process. And with that, we encourage you to find your own why, if you have not already C. Hoppe, Editor in Chief
Oh brother.
1. 2. 3 5FUN IN THE SUN
Spring break was a blast this year, wnh many of the students going on fun adventures with their friends and families. Some of the many vaca1ion hot spots included Arizona. Breckenridge. and Cahfornra Students soaked up the sun and made memories that wrll last a life time Along wrth vacauon some of Golden's seniors went on college tours and commrned to various univers111es. Abigail Waltz (12) was fortunate enough to be able to visit the Unrversuy of Alabama over break she was looking forward to calling Tuscaloosa her "home away from home" for the next four years
Golden Demons Baseball is a huge pan of GHS . With Varsity, JV. and level 3 teams, they are all one unit and one family From past to present. tradition builds pride, fosters a sense of unity, and creates a sense of confidence. Being a Demon athlete lets people know that they belong to something and that they fit in somewhere. While fostering teamwork. integrity. and respect. the GHS baseball coaches are teaching boys how to be men, and creating a program that the community is proud of. Seniors Jack and Pablo state that the team is like peanut butter and jelly "We just fit. 11 Pablo Forsyth-Simon (12) and Jack Mclaughlin (12)
11 When I step onto the field, I'm with my brothers We're not just a team We're a family #ROWTHEBOAT11 Jack McLaughlin (12)
"There's so many different people that play There 's always the 11 qu1e t k1d 11 always the "snack k1d 11 • but once we step on the field we're all on team. 11 Ethan Whitson (12).
"We're very supersuuous when we play Especially with our 'on deck' routines 11 Bradley Banks (12)
The boy's swim team had a phenomenal season this year The team came together and swam their hardest Eli Elli on (10) said that. 11 1wanted to join the swim team because n's a great way to stay active and I wanted to meet new people and be more involved in extracurricular act1v1t1es. It's also really fun to compete and there's a lot of good sportsmansh1p. 11 When asked what he will remember about swim 1n the years to come, Eh said, 11 1 have a ton of favorite memories from this season but the one that stands out most 1s when these two kids got into a fight and a freshman fell on top of me!"
Anhur Miller's 1A View from the Bridge' is a very intense and dramatic play This play gave the actors a chance to do something far out of their comfon zone For Kaya Sandlow (11 ), she branched out from what she was used to and played her first role as a man "Playing a male is definnely very different for me To learn the mannerisms and to lower the tone of my voice, It was all a new experience "
Throughout this season, Stage Right has put on primarily comedies. This dramatic play gave the actors a chance to try something new with their acting styles "I like d1fferent elements about both comedies and dramas," says Kaya Sandlow (11 ). "however. drama offers a lot to create emotion and history w1th1n your characters. they have been through so much and It Is very cool to explore that."
Golden's Winter Percussion Ensemble did an amazing Job this year With two new directors and five new members, things were expected to change a bit. However, the ensemble performed their best all year and even took third place at the Rocky Mountain Percussion Assoc1at1on State Champ1onsh1ps Caitlyn Talty (12) has been apan of Winter Percussion since she was 1n eighth grade. "Being a member of Winter Percussion 1s an experience like no other. 1t 1s so much fun and 1s unlike any music class I've ever taken," says Canlyn, ''It has helped me grow so much as a mus1c1an I have become so close with everyone 1n the group and I am really going to miss It when I graduate II There are four other seniors in the ensemble. and they all feel the same way as Caitlyn does. Congratulations on a great year, Winter Percuss1onr
You don't know what pressure 1s unul you have aone foot pun for birdie." Haley Prey ( l OJ.
Girls Golf was made up of a great group of girls who loved being pan of a team and having fun This year they got a new coach.
Mrs Fine, who added a whole lot of energy to the team "Having a new coach gave us all many great opportunities to expand our skills and learn more about golfing" Ashlee Reynolds (12) Ashley Gerwing (11) also liked the new coach,"Mrs Fine was an amazing coach who was very 1nsp1rat1onal she told me. with focus and patience you can always get It in the hole " The team came together even though It was their first season with a new coach
Girls Tennis was a fun active team this year with many new members. Each year the team has grown more and more, there were thirty nine girls total The team was so bog this year that they coaches created three sperate teams, varsity, varsity two, and Junior varsity "This year all the teams bonded well and were able to get to know each other bener through practices and matches 11 Elise
Gaskell (12)111have been playing tennis for three years and I love the sport This year I was on varsity second doubles The team dynamic was very fun and upbeat, we were all very close. My favorite part of being on the GHS tennis team was genrng to meet new people and become friends with so many of them The hardest part was overcoming areas of weakness rn my game I am looking forward to playing regionals next year 11 Emily Feasel (11 )
The Golden girl's soccer team played well this year with three of their varsity players. Holly Hammontree. Maricel Mequi. and Quinn Cusack, being seniors Although the team experienced some rough patches towards the beginning of the season. due to tension between the team and the coaches. they were able to come together 1n the face of adversity and play strong at every game Holly Hammontree (12) said that. 11 I'm really going to miss all of the girls on the team next year. we've formed such a close bond and these girls are like family to me."
IZZY Vp:a/il.LENTI ( 10)
0. What was your favorite part about being on the soccer team?
A. My favorite part was that I got to play my favorite sport wnh some of my favorite people.
0. How long have you played soccer?
A. I've been on various soccer teams for almost twelve years .
0. What made you want to play for Golden?
A: I wanted to re resent m school do1n the thin I love most'
This season, our Boys Lacrosse team played like no other year before. Working as a team and taking the field as a family they successfully became league champions. first ttme it has happened at GHS 1n 14 yearsl "Do It for those who wore the uniform before you, do 11 for those who will wear the uniform aher you. but more importantly do 11 for those who wear 11 with you II This 1s the mono the boys lax team lives by and says before every game The powerful 2018 lacrosse team are making all the stops as they fight on the road to state .
Girls lacrosse played their hearts out this year and had some pretty 1mpress1ve scores to show for it! They beat Denver South 21 -11n Just their third game of the season Not only did they play well this season, but they bonded closely as a team One of Golden's sophomores, Jenna Beers (10), says that, "my favorite part of being on lacrosse rs getting to play my favorite sport with all of my best friends by my side . I also love that we get to do a lot of team bonding aher games and practices It defin1tely makes the team feel more like a fam1ly."
f"RGJ)U.( I NG
This spring, Golden High School had the special opportunity to be able to partner with the Make a Wish Foundation to fund the dream of a child plagued with terminal illness. As a school, GHS came together to raise money for a young boy. named Wade, who was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of four Wade's wish was to go to Disney Land with his Nana and Papa Students were able to raise money throughout Wish Week by part1c1pat1ng 1n various events such as penny stalls, a school-wide badminton tournament. and they also donated money at the boy's lacrosse games All of the money went to funding Wade's dinosaur themed Disney Land adventure. Students also part1c1pated in spirit days throughout Wish Week to raise awareness about Wade's condition In honor of Wade's favorite color. the week began with a 11 purple-out 11 at the assembly Two of the vice principles dyed their hair aher reaching our two thousand dollar goal. and Principal Conroy shaved his head when we reached ten thousand dollars Together the Golden community raised twenty-three thousand dollars. enough to not only fund Wade's wish, but to fund two more add1t1onal wishes as welll
Four students from Golden High School were on the Jefferson County Ski Tearn this year One of Golden's seniors. Hayden Holtrop, scored third place 1n Giant Slalom at the state f1nals. He says that "I love to ski because it's a family trad1t1on and competition makes It even more fun 11 Another member of the team, Cameron Woodland (11), competed at State as well He not only placed fihh 1n slalom, but eighth 1n giant slalom Way to go Golden!
Golden Family Career and Community Leaders of America. 1s an amazing organ12at1on that teaches life skills The 2018 chapter qualified for nauonals and took gold.
,~ First time member He1d1 Smith (11) who qualified for nat1onals wnh Shelby Toler (12) said, "I loved the energy of all the leaders at workshops Working so hard on our proJect also paid off hearing we qual1f1ed was amazing news " Those who Joined FCCLA were taught how to be a leader, and important hfe skills
There are awide array of events to compete in in Track and Field From running in a two mile race. hurdling, spnnt1ng, or even pole vaulting, there 1s something for everyone No matter what event you participated in, you always knew that when you were competing, you had the whole team supponing you and cheering you on Even though most events are ind1v1dual races. the whole team was like a family and they were always there for one another through rain and shine
0. What events do you run?
A. I run the 100m and 200m dash, I also do the spring medley and the 4x 100m relay.
0: Why did you originally join the team?
A: I originally Joined track to meet new people and to get in shape.
0: What's your favorite pan about track?
A: My favorite part about track 1s the environment at the track meets, and it's a lot of fun to get to see everyone compete at the meets.
Garrett Clanton ( 12) was a member of senror sem and a professional photographer. On all of the sem trrps Garret took astonrshing photos 11 1 first staned taking photos my sophomore year I was inspired to take photos because someone told me that I would never be able to do 11. so I did 11 11
Garren Clanton {12)
Senior sem was a group of seniors who loved adventure and adifferent way of learning These srudents 10ok therr second semesrer courses of senior year outside of anormal classroom env,ronmem. ,n the real world Gaemme Orduno ( 12) sa,d she drd II because ''I love the idea of consrantly seeking out new adventures where I lrve. and all over the world II Not only drd they travel all throughou1 Colorado. but they also traveled to Arizona. California. Washington OC .• and many orher in1eres1ing locauons. A Pa!te11