Deerfield Park District Winter 2018 Program Guide

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Board of Commissioners Dear Neighbors,

We are proud to announce that this fall we have adopted a new Five Year Strategic Plan for the Deerfield Park District. The plan covers all aspects of the district and is comprised of six core strategies ranging from organizational excellence to community engagement to environmental stewardship. The plan will provide invaluable guidance and alignment for the district as a whole, departments and individual staff. In late fall, Deerfield Family Theater’s production of Into the Woods will bring your favorite Grimm fairy tale characters together, weaving a tale of adventure for the whole family. Auditions for this show exploded with 111 talented people auditioning for a cast of 40. This will be a production not to be missed. Purchase tickets by visiting Walk Deerfield, an initiative for all ages to increase health and wellness of the community, was introduced this fall at Woodland and Maplewood Parks. Walks are scheduled to move to the Sachs Recreation Center when the weather changes. Current dates and locations can be found on the Deerfield Park District website event calendar. With 2017 winding down, you still have time to book a date at FORE Restaurant at the Deerfield Golf Course and Learning Center, an intimate setting to host a family party or holiday celebration! Before the holiday rush encourage your kids to gather their gently used toys and books and plan to sell them at the Kids Only Flea Market in February. This event is a great way for

young entrepreneurs to try out their social skills while interacting with buyers. Help us publicize the sale by sharing our Facebook posts with your family, friends and neighbors. Also, it’s not too early to encourage your kids to try a new sport, explore new adventures and learn to swim at next year’s Deerfield Park District Summer Camps. Check out the many types of camps offered with a variety of times and dates to fit all schedules. Both the Summer Camp and Preschool lottery deadlines are January 5, so don’t delay in having your child choose their summer experience! If you are 50+ and haven’t yet visited the Patty Turner Center, come on by this winter. Become a member and enjoy ping pong or billiards, sign up for art classes, stimulating lectures and exciting excursions. Visit to check out the new programs and opportunities being rolled out in 2018. As you plan for 2018, why not include the Deerfield Park District on your resolution list. Follow us on Facebook and check out our website weekly to view postings regarding new projects, events and programs for your whole family to enjoy. Best wishes for a safe, happy and active holiday season!

Park District Board Meetings

Advisory Committee Members

Deerfield Park District is a municipal governing agency established to provide parks, recreation facilities and programs for residents. Five elected commissioners govern the district and set general policies. Regular meetings of the Board of Park Commissioners are held at JPCC at 8 PM on the third Thursday of each month.

Affiliate Advisory: James Kirby, John Mann, Jon Gault, Billy Goodman, Keith Londo, Mike Delaney, Stuart Slutzky, Greg Lapin

The public is welcome to attend. Schedule changes are posted at JPCC and on the Public Notices Section of our website: Board Workshop Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month as needed. For more information, call 847-945-0650.

Pool Advisory: Kevin Butler, Jay Keltner, Rick Patinkin, Maureen Garvey, Mary Kay Koerner, Gabrielle Ruiter

Board of Commissioners

Golf Advisory: Brian Bradford, Jim Finkler, Mickey Franson, Tom Gramins, Don Olson, Richard Sandgren, Joe Cohen, Rick Gunther, Joel Levin, Kate Maryniuk

Recreation Center Advisory: Amy Carletti, Angela Hallman, Caroline Pfeffer, Jen Pontikes, Dan Shapiro, Nick Snyder, Elizabeth Ury, Gil Antokal

Deerfield Park District Board of Commissioners

Greg Lapin President


Deerfield Park District

Joe Cohen Vice-President

Gil Antokal Treasurer

Jan Caron Commissioner

Rick Patinkin Commissioner

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