Short fold from front Cover
Welcome to Flagler! Where will your college education take you? What kind of lasting impact will you leave behind? Every single part of your Flagler experience — from living on a one-of-a-kind campus to learning timeless academic knowledge and lessons in the real world to getting highly involved in a nurturing and fun community — will help you build a successful future and a lasting legacy.
Short fold from front Cover IFC
Programs of Study
Programs of Study
Major or Minor
Accounting International Studies
Major or Minor
Advertising & Journalism Documentary Production Anthropology
Minor Major or Minor Minor
Art History
Major or Minor
Latin American Studies Art History
Minor Major or Minor
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Business Administration
Major or Minor
Major or Minor Major or Minor Major
Coastal Environmental Science
Business Administration Latin American Studies/Spanish Coastal Environmental Science Law Program
Communication & Media
Minor Major Minor
Creative Writing
Major or Minor
Communication & Media Liberal Arts Creative Writing Management Criminology Information Systems Economics Marketing
Major or Minor
Education, K–12 Art Deaf & Hard of Hearing Exceptional Student
Media Studies
Major or Minor
Political Science
Major or Minor
Major or Minor
Public History
Major or Minor
Major or Minor
Minor Major or Minor Minor
Education, Secondary English Social Science
Elementary Education
Major or Minor
Environmental Science
Film Studies
Major or Minor
Graphic Design
Major or Minor
Sport Management
Major or Minor Minor
Strategic Communication (Public Relations)
Honorable Entrepreneurship
Theatre Arts
Major or Minor
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Women’s Studies
Youth Ministry
President William T. Abare, Jr. connects with students daily.
Flagler College:
Welcome to Your Legacy Now that you’ve been admitted to Flagler College, you’re probably wondering what it means to build your legacy. How will it affect your life as a student and your life after you graduate? At Flagler College, you can have a strong impact on nearly every aspect of your experience. Think of it as a way of leaving your mark. It’s as individual as a fingerprint and no two students do it in exactly the same way.
Convocation Your formal Orientation will finish with Convocation, a traditional ceremony marking the start of the academic year and a community welcome to all first year students. During the ceremony, you will be given a railroad spike to symbolize your connection to Flagler as well as the legacy of Flagler’s founder. It’s a reminder to build a legacy of your own. Upon graduating, you’ll receive a golden spike to commemorate the legacy you’ve built and will carry forward into your successful future.
First-year orientation
Legacy Workshops Legacy Workshops focus on specific aspects of your Flagler experience, such as: • To Infinity and Beyond: Choosing a Major • Know Your Power • Building Your Own Legacy • Welcome to Planet USA! What Now? • How to Avoid the Freshman Fifteen • Keep Calm and Write It in Your Planner • Get to Know Your Flagler Saints
The Flagler First year Experience
•L egacy workshops — to help you feel secure in your new Flagler environment and get a head start on building your legacy.
At Flagler, we know how hard it is to make the transition into college life. That’s why we’ve developed a holistic approach to help smooth your way into our distinctive environment and give
• Academic sessions — to learn from Flagler faculty members the best ways to transition to Flagler and what college-level
you a step up on building your legacy, comprised of the following
work will be like.
key components.
Close Advising You’ll be assigned a First Year Advisor as soon as you confirm your intention to enroll. This isn’t just any ordinary advisor, however. Flagler First Year Advisors are drawn from faculty and
•S ocial events — to meet other new students and have some fun in exciting settings, such as:
• Saints Street Fair • St. Augustine Trolley Rides • Disney World Trip
staff and will work with you to ease your transition and build a foundation upon which you can achieve success. They will get
•P arent orientation & social — parents are invited to network and
to know you, answer your questions and concerns, help you
get to know other Flagler parents as a way of welcoming them
confirm or decide on your major and look into which Learning
to the school.
Community will fit your needs.
Flagler Learning Communities
What sets our First Year Advisors apart is the amount of time
In Flagler’s nationally recognized Learning Communities,
they will commit to you. In addition to meeting with you
first year students experience intellectual rigor and intense
individually and in group sessions throughout the Orientation,
collaborations with professors and classmates. It’s the first step
your First Year Advisor will be available to you all summer prior
toward building your community on campus. You’ll live and
to your arrival in August. You’ll meet with your Advisor in mid-
learn with other first year students in common housing and take
September for a three-week checkup and again in mid-October to
classes within a team-taught cluster around themes or cultural
help you plan your first year spring semester schedule.
issues, such as:
Build your Legacy ON CAMPUS Flagler offers numerous co-curricular activities that will help you build your legacy on campus. From 44 student clubs and
• The Yin and Yang of Mathematics • The Entertainment Industry • The Statistical Development of Children
organizations to athletics to volunteering your time to give
• Who Am I? Opportunities for Self-Understanding in Psychology and Literature
something back to your community, you’ll connect with this
• The XX Factor: Exploring the Role of Gender from the Inside Out
campus on its most rewarding levels.
Flagler’s Learning Communities make it easier for you to participate in campus life beyond the classroom, significantly improve your critical thinking skills and enable you to form bonds that will endure throughout your educational career and beyond.
Flagler Academics:
Start with Excellence Unlimited Opportunities: The best of theory and experience. Tightly focused, high-quality academic programs. Faculty mentors and collaborative advising throughout your first year and beyond. Your academic experience at Flagler will give you the tools to create an academic legacy that leads directly to a successful future.
Measures of Flagler’s Value b Flagler’s 19 to 1 student-to-faculty
ratio and average class size of 19 students guarantees a personalized, one-on-one learning experience for all students. b Flagler’s 75% retention rate is a
testament to its strength as a caring, small college environment that fully delivers on its promise of a personalized education. b Many Flagler faculty members
have been nationally recognized, such as a humanities professor who was named one of “The Best 300 Professors in the Country” by The Princeton Review. b Flagler has invested more than
$20 million in enhancing students’ living and learning environments, including state-of-the art computer labs, wireless residence halls, the Gamache-Koger Theatre, the Ringhaver Student Center, Pollard Hall and the Proctor Library — each outfitted with the latest technology.
“Flagler College has been a rich and exciting journey that has helped me discover who I am and where I am going. My time here has prepared me for today as well as tomorrow. The task is life — Flagler gives us the tools to approach it in the most unique and successful way.”
Anthony J. Coy ’13 Deaf Education/Elementary Education High School Teacher, Ohio School for the Deaf & Freelance ASL Interpreter Columbus, OH
WHAT KIND OF FUTURE WILL YOU BUILD? Flagler’s character-based approach to education will put you in a thoughtful community that values good citizenship, high ethical standards, civility and integrity — building blocks that will help you become someone who leaves a positive influence on this campus. In Flagler’s highly focused academic environment, you can choose from among our select 31 majors and 35 minors. From there, you can move into a Business Administration program that has been named one Flagler students get hands-on experience producing their own TV series
of the top business accounting programs in Florida
that appears on CW-17 in Jacksonville, Florida. They do so in the new
by Or strong
leading-edge television studio based in Pollard Hall, the college’s 18,600
programs in Psychology and Education. A highly
square-foot academic complex housing the Communication Department,
respected pre-law program that incorporates law
nine classrooms, five offices, and multiple common areas.
school practice directly into the classroom could prepare you to attend some of the nation’s best law schools. Flagler also offers a nationally certified
Flagler students travel with faculty to Assisi, Italy to get an up-close view of some of the most famous art in the world.
program in Deaf Education, preparing you for both a state certification and a nationally recognized Council on Education of the Deaf certification. Graduates of the Deaf Education program enjoy 100% career placement. Our Sport Management program was the first program of its kind approved by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation.
“I believe that we can rival business schools in the job we do in educating students and preparing them to be entrepreneurs. By placing 16th in the Enactus World Cup, Flagler College demonstrates how we help students see themselves as entrepreneurs who can add value to their communities and profit from their passions.” Flagler President William T. Abare, Jr. “Private Colleges Need to Foster Entrepreneurship” – Huffington Post b
Study Abroad: From Flagler, You impact The World
b Australia
b Greece
Imagine taking an early morning bus ride up Mount Parnassus to Delphi, the legendary
b Bermuda
b Italy
location of the famous Greek oracle…or a walk through the Tower of London…or
b China
b Prague
catching a firsthand view of communal life in India…your Flagler education will take you
b Costa Rica
b Vienna
all across the world in a variety of ways — from faculty-led excursions to independent study and trips within the U.S. Recent faculty-led study trips include:
Flagler Faculty:
What Kind of Partner Will You Be? Experts & Friends: Flagler’s distinguished faculty are experts in their respective fields and dedicated and passionate teachers. In their classrooms, collaboration and mentoring are the rule, not the exception. Within a small community of learners, they will get to know you as a colleague.
Dr. Wayne Riggs uses old St. Augustine to teach a history class.
“The Flagler faculty constantly searches out ways to enable our students to gain practical experience in the real world. These experiences help them make important decisions about who they are going to become as working professionals and what kind of contribution they will make. And our students are just as engaged as we are in this process. For example, many regularly present at professional conferences. In some respects we see them as apprentices, as junior partners. We set high expectations of our students and they live up to them. They are the heart and soul of Flagler.” Dr. Wayne Riggs Assistant Professor of History
In addition to his well-known public and civic service, Assistant Professor of Business Tracy Upchurch goes above and beyond to advise students.
Student-Faculty Collaborations What you will do with Flagler faculty: help them edit and publish articles in national newspapers, tour the European battlefields of WWII, collaborate on researching Pinterest, connect to the art world of New York City, secure internships in national accounting firms, and learn how to collect environmental data.
Real-World Scholars Flagler’s faculty have earned degrees from some of the best colleges and universities in the country, such as Columbia University and Vassar College; become Fulbright scholars; and had real-world occupations, such as owner of a full-service design agency, White House Bureau Chief and CBS News Anchor; and earned national recognition, such as a pre-law professor who ranks among the top 10% (IDEA)* nationwide as an undergraduate teacher of law courses. *Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Flagler College students develop career-building skills through Enactus, an international non-profit organization that pairs them with business and higher education professionals to help them become socially responsible leaders. Flagler has won the U.S. Enactus National Championship three A graduate of Flagler’s highly regarded Education program, Margaret Fegan ’13 is a 3rd grade teacher at Terwilliger Elementary School in Gainesville, FL.
times and gone on to represent the United States in the Enactus World Cup.
Flagler Experience:
What Kind of Professional Will You Be? Your Flagler education is designed to get you into the world and start building your professional legacy. Whether you’re landing on-the-job internships at nationally known companies like Merrill Lynch and CNN, conducting environmental research on Florida estuaries in our Coastal Environmental Science major, traveling the world or exploring the roots of American history less than a mile from campus, you’ll gain professional experience that will help you get into a career or graduate school.
Communications alumna Brittany Lutz ’06 Communications Producer – StudioNow Nashville, TN. Previous experience at MTV, New York City
Recent Flagler Internships American Red Cross Ameriprise Anthropologie Arthur Vining Davis Foundation Berkshire Hathaway Buzz Magazine Cannes Film Festival CNN Coldwell Banker Comcast-Spectator CSX Transportation
Dateline NBC Daytona 500 Disney College Program Dow Advantage PR Group Habitat for Humanity Home Depot Howard Stern Show Jacksonville Jaguars Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra Merrill Lynch Miami Heat MOM Brands
MTV National Estuarine Research National Park Service New York Rangers Northwestern Mutual Office of Congressman John Mica Orlando Magic PGA Tour Price Waterhouse Coopers LLC Pro World Service Corps — Belize
Scott Lagasse Racing SONY Music Sports Illustrated St. Augustine Youth Services St. John’s County Sheriff’s Office State Attorney Office USA Sports Academy Washington Redskins World News Tonight
Flagler Academic Teams
Legacy building experience
Number of national championships Flagler’s
Flagler students actively participate in a wealth of
chapter for the Society for Advanced Management
experience-based academic projects, such as:
(SAM) has earned: 9 Conducting authentic research on salt and Institutions who have won more SAM national
freshwater estuaries at the Guana Tolomato
championships than any other undergraduate
Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve
college in the organization’s history: Flagler
(GTM Research Reserve).
Number of Society of Professional Journalists
Going on an archaeological investigation of a
Region 3 awards: 17
St. Augustine tavern owned by one of the original Spanish settlers dating back to the late 1700s. Ryan Tempro ’13, Fine Arts & Graphic Design graduate today is the owner/operator of M.C. Pressure Printshop in St. Augustine. He credits his success to Flagler, and his valuable experience in the New York Practicum Internship at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City.
Creating and producing a weekly St. Augustine television lifestyle show on Jacksonville’s CW 17. Acquiring professional skills by working in state-of-the-art facilities such as the college radio station — WFCF — which broadcasts at 10,000 watts, compared to the 100 watts of most other college stations in the U.S. Organizing a relief drive in record-setting time and helping New Jersey victims clean debris from Hurricane Sandy. Flagler hosts the Northeast Region headquarters for the Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN), as well as the Historic St. Augustine Research Institute, a joint venture among the college, the University of Florida and the St. Augustine Foundation.
After earning a Master of Management Studies (MMS) at Duke University - The Fuqua School of Business, Kristy McDaniel ’13, left, is now a Display Advertising Analyst for Merkle|RKG in Charlottesville, Virginia. While at Flagler, she gained hands-on experience in her internship with Merrill Lynch.
Alumni David Hanvey, Vice President-Wealth Management, UBS, and Chip McGraw, Regional Business Development Manager for FRAMECAD Limited, credit Flagler with their success, and often mentor Flagler students.
Flagler Outcomes:
What Kind of Success Will You Achieve? Unlimited Futures: Flagler alumni climb mountains — literally. You’ll find them working on hit TV shows like “Glee,” rebranding the Tampa Bay Rays or ascending Mt. Kilimanjaro. They are high impact people: interesting, community building, driven and successful, using their Flagler educations to make the world a better place.
Lou Dubois ’06 is the Executive Director, Digital Content at NBCUniversal, Inc. in New York City. While at Flagler he interned with the Associated Press and Sports Illustrated.
bb 10 10 bb
Unparalleled ACHIEVERS Among Flagler’s notable alumni, you’ll find James Scheideman ’94, Retired Air Force Major/Fighter Pilot; Lisa Picard ’92, Vice President, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs at National Turkey Federation; Brian Foxworthy ’05, Managing Reporting Business Analyst, Artisan Partners; JP Clark ’09, Assistant Players Skills Coach — Los Angeles Clippers; Amy Thompson ’06, Strategic Partner Manager-Google; and Laura Hill ’98, Vice President of Communications-PGA Tour.
Career Building Flagler’s career services are integrated into all aspects of your time at Flagler — clubs, classes and activities on campus — and help ensure that you graduate on time and are well prepared to step into graduate programs or the Michelle Rogers ’06, a Flagler Communications alumna, is the founder of She credits Enactus with helping her get started in her career. Previously Michelle was the PR and Social Media Account director for Lane Communications Group in New York.
JD Metrie ’09, a Sports Management major at Flagler, today is the Building Facilities Supervisor for the University of Miami. He previously was the Director of Stadium Operations at the 11,000seat home of the Jacksonville Suns, an affiliate of the Miami Marlins.
professional world. In addition, well-known companies like Merrill Lynch visit campus to conduct interviews, and ongoing events like our Wednesday with Employers program ground students in planning and networking.
Andy Rogers ’07, Post Production Manager for Triple Threat TV in Stamford, Conn., works with ESPN, MTV and other major networks.
“My time at Flagler was beneficial in many ways. My professors had high expectations but gave me the support I needed to succeed. Their professionalism and dedication helped foster my passion for Deaf Education. The high level of academics more than prepared me, not only for teaching, but for my graduate work — it instilled a drive to further my education and expand my involvement in education beyond the classroom. I went to Flagler expecting to gain the preparation I needed to do a specific job. Instead, I discovered a passion for a career that is continuing to unfold and evolve. I love my work, and am so grateful that Flagler set me on this path.”
Becca Jackson ’02 Deaf Education Special Education Workforce Specialist Minnesota Department of Education Minneapolis, MN
b 11 b
Flagler alums excel in the competitive financial world in New York City. Theresa Owens ’04, middle, graduated in three years from Flagler and is currently Principal, Business Management Consulting, for Infosys Consulting in NYC. She got her masters from Fordham University and previously worked for USB AG, Bear Sterns and Merrill Lynch. Jessica Minch ’06, left is a Merchandise Planner for Vera Bradley. She got her start as co-captain of Flagler’s Enactus team, and with WorkSmart, LLC, New York City, working with Macy’s and Target. Robert Rouse ’91 is Head of U.S. Equity Research for Barclays, leading one of the most respected research departments on Wall Street.
Daphne Pariser ’13, a Flagler psychology graduate from California, is a research technician at New York University. At Flagler, she was chosen to participate in the National Science Foundation’s Research Experience for Undergraduates Program.
Ian Waterhouse ’11 Flagler alum and Financial Analyst for Walt Disney Studios in Los Angeles, CA. where he works on the front line of marketing for the Worldwide Theatrical Division. He built his career through his accounting major and Flagler internship with Walt Disney World.
Katelyn Bonnevier ’13, a Flagler communications and graphic design alumna, had a one-of-a-kind social media internship with Jacksonville Fashion Week (JFW) featuring national designers. She is currently pursuing graduate education at Florida State University.
Flagler Alumni in Graduate School
Where Flagler Graduates Work
Flagler Graduates in Law School
The Catholic University
“World News Tonight”
Baylor University
Columbia Theological Seminary
AOL/Time Warner
Boston University
Columbia University
Applum App Design
Duke University
Duke University
Bank of America
Florida Coastal
Gallaudet University
Florida State University
Harvard University
Boston Celtics
Fordham University
Johns Hopkins University
Georgetown University
New York University
Dow Jones Company
George Washington University
The Ohio State University
New York University
Oxford University
Florida School for the Deaf and Blind
Northwestern University
Pepperdine University
Florida State Attorney’s Office
Notre Dame University
Princeton Theological Seminary
“Good Morning Nashville”
Pepperdine University
Savannah College of Art & Design
Roger Williams
School of the Visual Arts
HGTV’s “Designed to Sell”
Tulane University
University College, London
Jacksonville Jaguars
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Chicago
University of California, Berkeley
University of Florida
Merrill Lynch
University of Chicago
University of Michigan
University of Florida
University of North Carolina
University of Iowa
at Chapel Hill
University of Miami
University of Notre Dame
Northrop Grumman
University of North Carolina
Vanderbilt University
University of California, Berkeley MBA
PNC Bank
at Chapel Hill
Saatchi & Saatchi, London United States Coast Guard Universal Studios Florida U.S. Food and Drug Administration Walt Disney Studios The Washington Times The White House Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Association World Golf Village
b 13 b
Flagler Student Life:
What Kind of Leader Will You Be? Unlimited Community: What you’ll discover at Flagler: a campus that is a national historic monument, more than 40 award-winning student-led organizations, a small campus where you constantly run into people you know. What you’ll become: confident, involved, resourceful, caring and fun…this is your campus legacy.
This is living Living on Flagler’s safe and beautiful campus puts you at the heart of the Flagler experience. You can choose either a coeducational residence hall, or all-women’s or all-men’s. Our attractive and well-kept residence halls are within walking distance of classrooms, Pollard Hall, faculty offices, the Dining Hall, the Ringhaver Student Center and more. You’ll be in on everything on this very active campus and make friends you’ll know for the rest of your life.
“I’m involved in a lot of clubs on campus. I’m president of Phi Alpha Omega, a sorority focused on community service. We do things like running a dodge ball tournament for the Lupus Foundation of America, and in doing them, get to the heart of what Flagler is all about. We have fun here, we help each other and those in need and do it all in such a beautiful place...I’m constantly texting photos of it to friends. Just looking at this campus can make you happy.”
b 14 b
Nicole Del Bene ’13 Business Administration MEDForce Brick, NJ
your To-Do List Try a Midnight Breakfast, stroll the Art Walk, attend the Alumni Office-sponsored Coffee Break on Wednesdays, test your skill at Quidditch during Flagler’s annual Harry Potter Month, see nationally known writers like Dennis Lehane, become a volunteer firefighter for the Flagler Beach Fire Department, hear inspiring stories of survival on Refugee Awareness Day, cheer on Flagler’s men’s soccer team.
Flagler’s famous Dining Hall in the historic Hotel Ponce de Leon will surround you with ornate handcarved wood and Tiffany stained glass windows. It is one of the most unique dining halls in the country.
Campus Clubs Adventure Club Archaeology Club Association of Fundraising Professionals Best Buddies Campus Activites Board (CAB) Catholic College Fellowship Club Unity CRU Cultural Anthropology Deaf Awareness Club Flagler College – College Democrats Flagler College – College Republicans The Gaming Guild Gender Equality Monthly Symposium (GEMS) Glee Club Green Team Home Team Ink Slingers International Student Club Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Jewish Student Association Men’s Lacrosse Club Men’s Soccer Club Military Veterans Club Phi Alpha Omega Philosophy/Religion Symposium Political Guild Ponce de Laugh On Quidditch Team Rotaract Social Sciences Club SPIRIT Student Government Association (SGA) Sport Management Club Student United Way Surf Club
b 15 b
Flagler Student Life:
What Kind of Days Will You Remember? Get Outside: What you can do at Flagler year round: go surfing, skimboarding, scuba diving, sailing on more than 40 miles of pristine beaches, skydiving, walking, hiking, biking and golfing on some of the best courses in the country. And you are only miles away from fantastic shopping and tourist attractions in Jacksonville, Orlando and Daytona Beach.
Jacksonville is the largest city in Florida, a dynamic and thriving cultural and professional hub for Flagler students. Jacksonville is just 35 miles from quaint St. Augustine.
“Flagler is unique. It’s located in one of the top 10 most beautiful towns in North America according to National Geographic. The student community is unique too. Flagler hand-chooses students who will stand out then gives them the tools to discover themselves and decide who they want to become.” Ashley Marie Ryan ’14 Philosophy & Theology Pursuing an M.F.A. in Writing and Producing for Television Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, CA
b 16 12 b
historic St. Augustine Flagler’s beautiful campus is made more so by its location in St. Augustine, America’s oldest city. At once historic and fun, St. Augustine offers a panorama of experience you’ll find nowhere else… from a colonial Spanish quarter to hip and funky shops to great restaurants, galleries and much more.
Nationally known speakers who have visited Flagler include Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and crime novelist Edna Buchanan, civil rights activist Ambassador Andrew Young, former President Bill Clinton and Ty Pennington, Emmyaward winning host of “Extreme Makeover Home Edition,” among others.
On-Campus Events & Traditions Art Walk Bachelor Bid Day of Welcome De-Stress Days The Etiquette Dinner Flagler Follies Founder’s Day Harry Potter Month Midnight Breakfast President’s Hour Senior Day on the West Lawn Wednesday’s Coffee Break
Honor Societies Alpha Chi National College Honor Scholarship Society Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society Alpha Psi Omega English Honors Society Kappa Delta Pi Omicron Delta Kappa Phi Alpha Theta Pi Sigma Alpha Psi Chi Sigma Beta Delta Sigma Tau Delta International
Academic Organizations Enactus Dow Advantage Public Relations Group Model United Nations Phi Alpha Delta Philosophy Symposium Public Relations Society Society for Advancement of Management (SAM) Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ)
b 17 b
Flagler Athletics:
What Kind of Champion Will You Be? The Perfect Balance: There’s a reason why Flagler fields some of the nation’s top teams. Start with talented coaches who dedicate their lives to Flagler student-athletes. Add excellent athletic facilities, such as Drysdale Field, with a state-of-the-art training room, baseball, softball and soccer fields; and finish with tough competition in NCAA Division II and Peach Belt Conference play, and you end up with the perfect environment for a winning life as a Flagler student-athlete.
“Life is great at Flagler. It makes you want to get up in the morning and go do something big. I get the opportunity to do that on the men’s soccer team and we had an amazing season. The Flagler College men’s soccer team finished ranked No. 14 in the final National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA)/Continental Tire NCAA Division II Top 25 poll. It was great to be part of a great team, even better to be mentored by my coaches who taught me that my academics were as important as my game.”
b 18 b
Stephen Pratt Business Administration/ Graphic Design & Marketing Dublin, Ireland
Flagler’s Intercollegiate Sports Men’s Baseball Basketball Cross Country Golf Indoor Track & Field Soccer Tennis Women’s Basketball Cross Country Golf Indoor Track & Field Soccer Softball Tennis Volleyball
Flagler’s Intramural Sports Ballroom Dance Basketball Flag Football Lacrosse Mini Golf Pilates Soccer Softball Tai Chi Tennis Volleyball Yoga Zumba
Flagler Sports: By the Numbers Percentage of students who compete in Flagler intramurals: 70%
Winner of the NCAA DII 2012 Sportsmanship of the Year Award: Flagler first baseman John Sgromolo
Number of years Flagler won the Peach Belt Conference’s Institution of the Year Sportsmanship Award: 4 in a row for 2011–14.
Number of recent Peach Belt Conference Institution of the Year Awards Flagler has won: 4, 2010–2014
Number of players Flagler’s NCAA Division II Men’s Baseball team has launched into the MLB: 34 Winner of the 2012 NCAA Community Engagement Award: Flagler Athletics
Number of Flagler student-athletes on the 2012–14 Peach Belt Conference Presidential Honor Roll: 129 2012 Peach Belt Conference’s Male Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Johan Bergfeld, Flagler Men’s Soccer
Flagler College competes and wins in the National Collegiate Athletics Association, Division II and the Peach Belt Conference.
Number of National Peach Belt Conference Titles Flagler Teams have won in recent years: 8 regular season team titles; 4 conference tournament titles
b 19 b
Create Your Legacy Visit Flagler! If you haven’t already been here, come and experience life on our stunning campus. It’s the best way to find out how right Flagler may be for you. Bring your family, tour our campus, ask a lot of questions. You can register for a Daily Information Session or Tour at:
More than 90% of Flagler students receive financial assistance through scholarships, grants, loans and work-study programs.
Flagler supports students who come from Florida by connecting them to the Florida Bright Futures Scholarships and the Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG).
Flagler’s tuition and fees are among the lowest in the country for selective private colleges.
FLAGLER AT-A-GLANCE Our Category Four year, co-educational, residential, independent, nonsectarian Our Accreditation Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Our Students 2,769 students; 1,110 men and 1,659 women* *Enrollment Fall 2014 Our Geographical Distribution Approximately 61% of the students are from Florida, 39% from 40 other states, and 43 foreign countries.
of facilities optimized for student success, including the multimillion-dollar Gamache-Koger Theatre, the Ringhaver Student Center, the Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, Pollard Hall and newly renovated Molly Wiley Art Building. Our Location The Flagler campus is right in the heart of St. Augustine, the oldest European settlement in the United States. Its historic downtown district is filled with shops, restaurants and the waterfront is only a short walk from campus and only four miles from the pristine beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. Getting to Flagler by airplane: from Washington D.C. from Atlanta from Chicago from New York City from Boston by automobile: from Atlanta
Our Academic Programs 31 majors and 35 minors Our Calendar Two 15-week semesters Our Student-Faculty Ratio 19 to 1 Our Average Class Size 19.1 students Our Housing Living on our campus is one of the most important parts of your Flagler experience. All freshmen are required to live on campus in one of these residence halls: Men — Lewis House or Cedar Hall. Women — Ponce de Leon Hall. Recently, Flagler added the new Florida East Coast Railway Residence Halls for juniors and seniors. Our Library The state-of-the-art Proctor Library has 205 computer stations, an Internet lab for student email, wireless access, graphic design labs, numerous attractive study areas and several soundproof study rooms. Our Campus One of the most distinct college campuses in America, Flagler College is home to the historic Ponce de Leon Hall, a masterpiece of Spanish Renaissance architecture. The campus also includes several other historic structures influenced by this style and a dynamic array
St. Augustine Jacksonville to St. Augustine: 56 KM 35 Miles
Orlando to St. Augustine: 160 KM 100 Miles
Orlando Kissimmee Tampa St. Petersburg Sarasota
Fort Lauderdale Naples
1 hour 45 minutes 2 hours 2 hours 3 hours 6.5 hours
Getting Here St. Augustine lies east of I-95 on the northeast coast of Florida, 35 miles south of Jacksonville, approximately 100 miles northeast of Orlando. Our Intercollegiate Sports Men’s Golf Baseball Indoor Track Basketball & Field Cross Country Soccer Tennis
Women’s Basketball Cross Country Golf Indoor Track & Field
Our Athletic Facilities Drysdale Field, a 19-acre athletics complex including a new baseball and softball facility, is located just two miles from campus. Our Athletic Membership Member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II Peach Belt Conference Follow Flagler College On:
Office of Admissions 74 King Street b St. Augustine, Florida 32084 b 904-819-6220 b 800-304-4208 [email protected] b Flagler College is an equal opportunity institution that does not discriminate in its admissions program, student services or hiring practices on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or its expression, nationality, ethnic origin, age, disability or any other protected class.
Soccer Softball Tennis Volleyball