We exist to bring glory to God through our relationship with Him, His Church, and the world.
October 18, 2015
Upcoming Events See details inside:
Sunday, October 18, 2015 2:42 Meeting-TONIGHT Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Wednesday Night Meal Menu: Barnwood BBQ
Next Sunday, October 25, 2015 is our Fall Festival. This is a special family get together time that is going to be fun for everyone. We are not going to meet at our 242 Groups or our 6 pm service, this night. The schedule for the days events shape up like this: 9:00 am – 10:00 am 10:00 am – 11:15 am 11:30 am – 12:30 pm 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Bible Classes for everyone! Worship Assembly Hot Dog Feast/Chili Cook-off Trunk R Treat Praise Assembly in Auditorium
Saturday, October 24, 2015
The activities of the day are divided into two sections. The Hot Dog Feast which is being overseen by Mike and Julie Chivleatto and the Fall Festival which is being overseen by 10:00am Baby Boy Shower for Siera Bretz Mike and Karen Cockrell. They can likely answer any questions you have. Mobile Food Pantry 7:00am-11:00am
Mt. Dora & OA Teens Costume Party 6:30pm
Sunday, October 25, 2015 Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat
A couple of things to know: There are going to be car trunks decorated and parked in the back of our parking lot. Your kids and grandkids are invited to “Trunk R Treat” in this area. There are also going to be carnival games, cotton candy and popcorn available. We are inviting our neighbors from the Parkview Apartments next door to join in on the fun.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Heritage Christian Benefit Dinner at OA Friday, October 30, 2015 MDCA Chicken Supper Saturday, October 31, 2015 Daylight Savings Time begins. Turn clocks back one hour before you go to bed Sunday, November 1, 2015
Also during our Hot Dog Feast there is a Chili Cook-off so any extraordinary chili chefs out there, bring your best pot of chili and you may win a litany of cash and prizes. Or maybe not. We also need to let you know that we need everyone to bring a dessert. Please see Julie Chivleatto with any questions about dessert. When you come in next Sunday watch for our parking lot attendants, as they will be ready to help you find a parking spot and keep the kids safe. The last thing is to please come and please support this event as we mark the end of our 242 Small Group Sessions and open up Orange Avenue to the community around us. Love you all, Phil
Flu shots after Sunday morning worship Sunday, November 1, 2015 P.M. Service will begin at 5:00pm Friday-Sunday, November 6-8, 2015 Daddy/Daughter Retreat—CFBC Saturday, November 7, 2015 CFBC Fall Fundraising BBQ
Good Morning, Guests we are very happy that you have chosen to worship with us today. We pray that God will send us many visitors each Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. You encourage us by your presence, and we hope that our worship together will be a spiritual boost for you. Attendance cards are available in the pockets on the back of each pew, and also in front of some of the pew Bibles. Please fill out the side labeled Welcome Guests completely and place it in the collection tray. Thank you for leaving us this record of your visit. Our prayer is that you will visit with us again soon. MEMBERS: It is especially important to fill out the Members side of the card and leave us a record of your attendance as well. Thank you so much.
Out of respect for our worship service to God, our Father, please SILENCE all cell phones. Thank you! Parents: Please pick up a Children’s Worship Bulletin at OCentral printed just for them. Thank you!
October 25th is our Orange Avenue Fall Festival. Please mark your calendar and clear the date. It’s a “NO EXCUSE” Sunday!! Our goal is to have 450 in worship that day. There are some things that you can help with between now and then. One thing is that we need everyone to bring desserts. Please ask the Cockrell’s or Phil Barnes what is left to do to make this successful.
You are invited to The Heritage Christian Benefit Dinner that will be held in the Orange Avenue Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, October 27, 2015. Barnwood BBQ will be preparing the food. It’s fall so it’s time to get your flu shot! Once again Publix Pharmacy will sponsor a flu shot clinic after morning services Sunday, November 1, 2015. The seasonal flu vaccine for ages 18 through adult as well as the high dose vaccine for those 65 and older will be offered. Medicare and most insurances cover these injections. The cost without insurance is $30 for the regular vaccine and $55 for the high dose. Please see Lisa Kingery with any questions.
ThanksSinging~2015 November 22, 2015 at 5:00pm at Orange Avenue Church of Christ Please bring finger foods Finger Food Fellowship Follows
Sunday A.M. Worship Sunday P.M. Worship Wed. Bible Study Contribution Weekly Budget
Sunday Bible Study
Dan Backhaus’ dad, Chuck Backhaus, is in Florida Hospital Altamonte. Pray that the doctors can find out what is causing his back pain. Please keep Jack Bingham who is having medical problems in your prayers. He is a friend of Tim & Sabrina Deem. Rufus & Barbara Clemons have moved– The rehab address for Barbara is: Life Care Center of Sparta, 508 Mose Dr., Sparta, TN 38583. Please keep Allison Deem, Tim Deem’s sister in your prayers. She has the stress of being a single mother. Allison attends church at PBG Gardens, Florida. Roberta Farley remains in Hospice care. She is at her sister, Debbie’s house in Orlando. Please pray for Roberta and her family during this difficult time. 4127 Dorwood Dr., Orlando, 32818. Brenda Elicker, Brandie Woodard’s aunt, is in the hospital in Rome, Georgia. She was hit by a truck and may have to have an arm and leg amputated. Please keep her in your prayers.
It is with deep sympathy that we announce that Jack Cole’s brother, John Cole, passed away early Tuesday morning, October 13th, in Henderson, Tennessee. He was married to Sue and they have two daughters, Beth and Becky, and one son, Dan, who preceded John in death. John was Jack’s closest brother and best friend. They shared many laughs and loved talking Cardinal baseball. There were 13 siblings and John is the first to leave them. We ask for your prayers for their family. The funeral was Saturday, October 17th, at the Henderson Church of Christ in Henderson, Tennessee. Jack & Cheryl Cole, 21209 Wolf Branch Rd., Mount Dora, 32757. Mount Dora Christian Academy Chicken Supper dates for 2015-2016 4:00-7:00 PM at Emily C. Ford Dining Hall 301 W. 13th Avenue, Mount Dora, (352) 383-2155 mdcacademy.org
Weekly Record
10/11/15 156 297 238 177 7,728
Updates and Prayer Requests:
YTD 186 308 158 184 9,033
October 30th, November 13th*, January 29th, February 26th, April 1st* & April 29th. *w/SE Gospel Sing Adults & Students $8
Children Under 10 $6
We have ordered more of The Daily Bible in Chronological Order with 365 Daily Readings. We have 5 Bibles left and they are $20 each. See Deb Taylor to purchase one.
Announcements & Events Benevolence– Ministry Leader, Kevin Ross ([email protected]) Our church pantry needs: Corn, Green Beans, Green Peas, Carrots, Canned Potatoes, Small jars of Peanut Butter, Ravioli. Clothing Room Needs: 1) Children’s Clothing: All sizes. 2) Shoes: All sizes for children & Adults. 3) Only specific items for adults: Men’s & Women’s shirts, sizes 2X & 3X or larger, Men’s pants & shorts, Sizes 32 & 34 waist. Please contact Jane Wiggs with any questions. Education– Ministry Leader, Phil McWhirt ([email protected]) Teachers for our Winter Quarter should be getting the information for their classes to Phil McWhirt as soon as possible so our next class schedule will be on time, especially for our new members. If you would like to teach or be a helper in one of our classrooms, please give Phil a call and talk to him about it. Please sign-up at OCentral if you would be willing to teach, assist or sub for any of our classes. Local Evangelism– Ministry leader, Phil Barnes ([email protected]) Our next Feeding Body & Soul will be Wednesday night, November 4, 2015. If you have any questions, please see Denita Snider or Mike & Karen Cockrell. Our next Feeding Eustis Heights Elementary is Thursday, November 12, 2015. Please arrive at the school by 4:30pm. Thank you! See Julie Chivleatto with any questions. Our next Mobile Food Pantry will be on Saturday, October 24, 2015. 7:00am breakfast, 8:30am set-up, 9:00am open, and 11:00am close. We need all the help we can get. Please see Phil Barnes with any questions. Missions– Deacon, Bob Fields ([email protected]) Wednesday Night Meals- The meal is a fund raiser to support youth activities and mission trips. If you can prepare a meal please contact Kent Means. ([email protected]) The sign-up sheet for the meal on Wednesday, October 21st, is at OCentral. Chef: Dan & Elaine Backhaus Menu: Pulled Pork, Mac & Cheese, Baked Beans, Texas Toast & Peach Cobbler. Thank you. Student Ministry– Student Minister, Scott Simpson ([email protected]) Parents, please pick up a letter addressed to you from Scott. It’s at OCentral:
October 24th: Mobile Food Pantry, Mt. Dora & Orange Avenue teens will have a costume party at 6:30pm October 25th: Orange Avenue Fall Festival & CYF@ Highlands Church of Christ in Lakeland! November: Wednesday night singing classes in the auditorium. November 7th: Paint Henderson House Fence (9:00am-12:00pm) December 6th: CYF @ OA– I would love some help decorating for this event. Since this is in December, any Christmas decorations that don’t make it on or in your house will be prime candidates for use for this event! This is not set in stone, but we’ll probably use “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as the theme this year.
Women’s Ministry– Ministry Leaders, Kim Barnes (615 975-1369) & Cheryl Cole ([email protected]) Ladies’ Night Out: The next LNO is Tuesday, November 16, 2015. Please see Kim Barnes with any questions. All ladies are invited to a “Baby Boy Baby Shower”- Date: Saturday, October 24, 2015, Time: 10:00am, Honoring: Siera Bretz & Baby Boy, Where: Emily Mabry’s home, 41401 Sunshine Avenue, Umatilla, 32784 (352) 551-5373. Siera & Thomas Bretz are registered at Target. DC & Deb Taylor will be on vacation in Dallas and Houston, Texas beginning Thursday, October 22 through Wednesday, October 28, 2015. A huge thank you to Kathy Hogan for covering for Deb. Thank you!
Shepherds’ Corner Sunday Worship Guide Welcome Call to Worship
Tim Deem
Song Leader
Brian Holtin
Tony Becker
Scripture Reading
John Dotson
Lord’s Supper
Jeff Bay
Lord’s Table Servers
Kenny Adams, Andrew Becker, Leonard DiSilvestro, Ryan Kessinger, Trent Payne, Jesiah Pierre, Mike Wacaster, Byron Wiehe (Alternate: DC Taylor)
Prayer Ministry For anyone in need of special prayers, Vernon Means & Chuck Shepherd will be available Wednesday, October 21th beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Elders’ Room. Weekly Visitation Jack Cole & Rubyn Howell Daily Bible Reading
Today’s reading begins on page 1349-1360 The Coming of the Messiah Ministry
Shepherd’s Prayer
Chuck Shepherd
Vernon Means
Jeff Bay
Tim Deem
Communion to ShutIns
Ross Walters
Ushers Sunday A.M.
Bill Baker, Bob Fields, Bill Rider
Jeff Bay*
Mike Mabry
Greeter N. Entrance
Van Dingstee
Rick Brown
Vernon Means
Greeter S. Entrance
Jack Cole
Chuck Shepherd
Nursery A.M. & P.M.
Diana Bay/Keva Payne
Rubyn Howell
T & S Baker
Control Booth Computer/Audio
Ronnie Sexton/ Drew Shepherd
Shepherds Receiving Jack Cole & Rubyn Howell Responses Marvin Jones (21st)
Shepherd Sunday 6:00 PM Drew Services
Wednesday Sound Booth
Phil Barnes
Student Minister
Scott Simpson Elders
His Kidz-Ages 4-8
Building Lock-Up
September 13-October 18, 2015 Song Leader
Vernon Means
Building Lock-Up
Marvin Jones
Please delete the [email protected] email address, it no longer works. Please use [email protected]
*Chairman for the Month Office Staff Deb Taylor– Secretary [email protected] Church Office 1511 E. Orange Avenue Eustis, FL 32726 Phone: 352.357.6616 Fax: 352.357.5335 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday– 8:30am - 12:30pm
Schedule of Assemblies Sunday Bible Study 9:00a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00a.m. Sunday Women’s Prayer Warriors 5:30p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00p.m. Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10:00a.m. (September-May) Wednesday Bible Class 7:00p.m. Thursday Women’s Breakfast 9:00a.m. Barnwood Bar-B-Q Thursday Men’s Luncheon 12:00p.m. Barnwood Bar-B-Q
A designated section (SIGNING) is provided with interpreters for the Deaf and the Hearing Impaired. Hard of Hearing devices are available at the sound booth in the back of the auditorium.
To submit announcements to the bulletin please email Deb at: [email protected] The deadline for Sunday’s bulletin is Wednesday, and the deadline for Wednesday Announcements is Sunday. Please make note of the new email address for the office and for Deb.