Make s’mores at Camp Libbey Daisy | Brownie | Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador 2023 Summer Camp Choose Adventure Your N S W NW NE SE SW E
Hey, Hey, Girl Scouts!
Each summer, camp is filled with magic—from singing camp songs around the fire (and devouring s’mores!) to making new friendships, trying new adventures, and so much more. We can’t wait to return to camp this summer, connect with friends old and new, and have experiences unlike any other.
Imagine a week of amazement as you discover the wonders of nature all around you; of bravery and pride as you try things you’ve never done before; of accomplishment as you learn leadership skills—and all the fun you’ll have while doing it! This summer, step outside of your comfort zone, escape from technology, and come explore the outdoors with your fellow campers. Best of all, all the joy and lessons of camp stay with you long after you return home. Camp can help you grow in just a few short days, not to mention from year to year. We know firsthand how these experiences impact who we are today. We can’t wait to see how you grow, too!
Your Camp Directors, Jigsaw & Luna
P.S. — We’d love to hear how you’ve grown at camp. Tag us at @girlscoutswoh with your pictures from then or now!
Marie “Jigsaw” Cordes
Marie was a camper at GSWO camps for several years before working on camp staff throughout her summers in college. She is currently the Camp Director for Overnight Camp at camps Libbey and Whip Poor Will.
Kenzie “Luna” Dumas
Kenzie worked at GSWO summer camps all through college in various positions at Camp Butterworth, Stonybrook, and Rolling Hills, where she discovered her love for the outdoors. She is the Camp Director for Butterworth Day Camp.
We’re proud that all of our camps are accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA) and meet or exceed ACA standards.
Meet Your Camp Directors Then and Now Then Now 2
Welcome to Girl Scout Camp 2023!
Bring a Buddy! Have a special friend you want to share the camp experience with? You can
request each other on CampDoc if you are registered for the same camp program. Requests are limited to ONE buddy. If you have more than one friend coming to camp with you, don’t worry. You can still hang out with all your friends, old and new, during most of the daytime activities, like swimming, meals, and game time. Online Registration Opens at 6 a.m.! Overnight Camp Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023 See pages 6-7 1. Visit
to see
descriptions. 2. Choose
wishes to attend. 3. Click
the program your
to attend. 4. Log
the registration. 5. Confirmations are located in myGS for your convenience. Day Camp Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023 See page 4 Paper Registration Troop Adventure Camp (TAC) Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023 See page 5 Download and complete paper TAC registration forms at and fax, mail, or walk the forms in to any regional council office. A $10 deposit per girl is required. Register Early! Camps Fill Quickly.
girls are welcome
Girl Scouts
girls of all abilities,
specific and positive
that benefits
member? Not
open Camp Info Webinars
17 6:30
Register today:
the program(s) and date(s)
“Register Now” under
camper wishes
into myGS
at camp!
everyone. Each girl – without regard to
status, race, physical
cognitive ability, ethnicity, primary language,
religion – is an equal and
Not a
Girl Scouts is
Tuesday, January
- 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 21
- 7:30 p.m.
Day Camp Experience all the fun of camp during the day, and return home each evening. Caregivers will drop you off and pick you up each day. Having too much fun and don’t want to leave? Stay for the optional overnight offered on Thursday night each week. Programs listed are based on your camper’s current grade level. Camp Butterworth Camp Registration: February 8 | Open House: June 3, 2 - 4 p.m. Camp Week Kindergarten Grades 1 - 2 Grades 3 - 4 Grades 5 - 7 Price Art June 12 - 16 Crafty Kids Artapalooza Art Explorer Art Attack $165 Water June 19 - 23 Polliwogs Little Mermaids Shipwrecked Aquanauts $165 Outdoor Skills June 26 - 30 Adventurers Fire Builders Skills and Thrills Outdoor Odyssey $165 Spirit Week July 5 - 7 Trefoils Tagalongs Thin Mints Adventurefuls $100 Fantasy July 10 - 14 Bippity Boppity Butterworth Pixie Dust Fairy Wings and Wild Things The Lost Girls $165 Space July 17 - 21 Space Buddies To Infinity and Beyond Lost in Space Space Cadettes $165 Bugs & Nature July 24 - 28 Lady Bugs Bug Juice Jr. Naturalist Wilderness Explorers $165 Mystery Week July 31 - August 4 Private Detectives Camp Scene Investigators Mystery Inc. Bond, Jane Bond $165 Program Aide Training Earn your PA award while working with Brownies at day camp! Spend your first day with your fellow PAs in training, then spend the rest of the week within the unit with girls. Girls attending this session must have completed their Leader in Action award (LiA). For girls currently in grades 6-7. Sign up for one week of training: $45 Program Assistant After completing program aide training, you can spend the week at day camp working with girls. Work with camp staff to implement programs such as badge work, crafts, nature hikes, singing, and more. For girls currently in grades 6-7. Sign up for one or more weeks: $25 each week ($15 July 5-7) Day Camp Counselor-in-Training Spend the week at camp building your skills in leadership working with younger girls. You’ll have training throughout the week on topics such as outdoor skills and program facilitation, and you’ll spend time with your assigned unit. This opportunity is $45 and for girls currently in grades 8-11. Day Camp Thursday Overnight (optional) | $35 Continue having fun with your counselors and friends by staying overnight at camp! Sign up to spend Thursday night at camp, and you’ll cook supper, participate in a special all-camp activity, and end the day with a traditional campfire. 4
Troop Adventure Camp
Troop Adventure Camp, or TAC, is an adventure for your whole troop and is open to all age levels. You choose what your troop wants to do, and camp staff lead all the activities, so girls and their adults can participate together.
Whether this is your first troop camp experience or you’ve been doing this for years, TAC has something for you. Enjoy making crafts, hiking, swimming, creeking, outdoor living skills, building teamwork, or enjoy other Girl Scout badge or Journey activities.
Check out activity options and download your TAC registration form at A $10 deposit per girl is required. Enough adults must attend to maintain ratio as outlined in Safety Activity Checkpoints. Those required for ratio attend for free! One adult from each troop must complete the Troop Trips and Travel training module on gsLearn.
Camp Libbey
Camp Registration: February 22 | Open House: June 4, 1-3 p.m.
Dates Event Name Price
July 5 - 7 Troop Adventure Camp 7 $105
July 10 - 12 Troop Adventure Camp 8 $105
July 12 - 14 Troop Adventure Camp 9 $105
Camp Stonybrook
Camp Registration: February 22 | Open House: June 4, 2-4 p.m.
Dates Event Name Price
June 12 - 14 Troop Adventure Camp 1 $105
June 14 - 16 Troop Adventure Camp 2 $105
June 18 - 21 Troop Adventure Camp 3 $125
June 21 - 23 Troop Adventure Camp 4 $105
June 26 - 28 Troop Adventure Camp 5 $105
June 28 - 30 Troop Adventure Camp 6 $105
July 17 - 19 Troop Adventure Camp 10 $105
July 19 - 21 Troop Adventure Camp 11 $105
July 23 - 26 Troop Adventure Camp 12 $125
July 26 - 28 Troop Adventure
July 31 - August 2
August 2 - 4
Attention Adults needed for ratio attend at no cost! 5
Overnight Camp Ready for the ultimate outdoor adventure? Spend multiple days and nights experiencing EVERYTHING camp has to offer. Programs listed are based on the grade your camper is currently in. Let’s Explore: Hocking Hills State Park June 18 - 23 $575 Whitewater Adventures: Youghiogheny River June 25 - 30 $580 6 Camp Libbey Camp Registration: January 25 | Open House: June 4, 1-3 p.m. Dates Grade Level Event Name Price June 11 - 13 K - 2 Fairies, Forest and Fun $200 3 - 4 Snack Attack $200 June 11 - 16 1 - 2 Mad Scientist $360 3 - 4 Campapalooza $360 3 - 4 Moonlight Madness $380 3 - 7 Horsin’ Around $500 5 - 7 Camp Cuisine $390 5 - 7 Why Knot? $360 8 - 11 Kickin’ it Camp Style $400 June 14 - 16 K - 2 Splash Camp $200 3 - 4 Wild Things $200 June 18 - 20 K - 2 Dr. FrankenBrownie $200 3 - 4 Water Wonders $200 June 18 - 23 1 - 2 It’s a Bug’s Life $360 3 - 4 Camp Magic $360 3 - 4 Myth Busters $385 3 - 7 Horsin' Around $500 5 - 7 Game On $360 5 - 7 Emerging Artist $385 June 21 - 23 K - 2 S’more Fun $200 3 - 4 ART-chery Adventures $200 Dates Grade Level Event Name Price June 25 - 27 K - 2 Flashlights and Fairytales $200 3 - 4 Camp It Up $200 June 25 - 30 1 - 2 All Things Art $360 3 - 4 Arrow Dynamic $360 3 - 4 Cupcake Wars $380 3 - 7 Horsin’ Around $500 5 - 7 Climb On $385 5 - 7 Night Owls $360 June 28 - 30 K - 2 Dancin’ Divas $200 3 - 4 Slime Time $200 2023 Travel Camps Grades 8-11 Smoky Mountain Llama Trek July 16 - 21 $650 Cliff Hangers: Red River Gorge July 9 - 14 $550 Camp Libbey Camp Whip Poor Will Road Trip: Kentucky July 30 - August 4 $600 Haunted Happenings July 23 - 28 $575
Dates Grade Level Event Name Price July 9 - 11 K - 2 S'more Fun $200 3 - 4 Snack Attack $200 July 9 - 14 1 - 2 Mermaids $360 3 - 4 Docks and Rocks $360 3 - 4 Launch Pad $385 5 - 7 Mission: Kindness $380 5 - 7 Off the Grid $380 5 - 7 Wonder Women of WPW $360 July 12 - 14 K - 2 Flashlights & Fairytales $200 3 - 4 Wild Things $200 July 16 - 18 K - 2 Splash Camp $200 3 - 4 Slime Time $200 July 16 - 21 1 - 2 Unicorn Daze $360 3 - 4 Trail Mix $360 3 - 4 Whip Poor Will Bake Off $380 5 - 7 Build Time $385 5 - 7 Survivor $360 8 - 11 We Build $385 July 19 - 21 K - 2 Teddy Bear Tea Party $200 3 - 4 Camp It Up $200 Dates Grade Level Event Name Price July 23 - 25 K - 2 Tents & Tiaras $200 3 - 4 ART-chery Adventures $200 July 23 - 28 1 - 2 Neverland Adventures $360 3 - 4 Into the Wild $360 3 - 4 The Usual Suspects $380 5 - 7 Choose Your Adventure $360 5 - 7 Voyagers $390 8 - 11 Thrill Seekers $435 July 26 - 28 K - 2 Dr. FrankenBrownie $200 3 - 4 Water Wonders $200 July 30August 1 K - 2 Fireflies $200 3 - 4 Under the Sea $200 July 30August 4 1 - 2 Nature Nuts $360 3 - 4 Artrageous $385 3 - 4 Celebrating You $360 5 - 7 Hammock Time $380 5 - 7 Right On Target $360 8 - 11 Whatever Floats Your Boat $380 August 2 - 4 K - 2 Dream Builders $200 3 - 4 More than S'mores $200 K - 4 Camp Sampler Overnight 7 Camp Whip Poor Will Camp Registration: January 25 | Open House: May 27, 1-3 p.m. $100
Outdoor Leadership Opportunities
Want to work at camp someday or expand your leadership skills? Our outdoor leadership programs are for you! These progression-based programs help build your skills in and out of camp.
Day Camp
Program Aide Training: Earn your PA award while working with Brownies at day camp! Spend your first day with your fellow PAs in training, then spend the rest of the week in the unit with girls. Girls attending this session must have completed their Leader in Action award (LiA). For girls currently in grades 6-7.
Program Assistant: After completing program aide training, you can spend the week at day camp working with girls developing leadership, team building, and programming skills. Work with camp staff to implement programs such as badge work, crafts, nature hikes, singing, and more. For girls currently in grades 6-7.
Day Camp Counselor-in-Training: Spend the week at camp building your skills in leadership working with younger girls. You’ll have training throughout the week on topics such as outdoor skills and program facilitation, and you’ll spend time with your assigned unit. This opportunity is for girls currently in grades 8-11.
Overnight Camp
Counselor-in-Training (CIT)
Seniors & Ambassadors (girls going into grades 10-12 in the fall), this is your chance to lead at overnight camp!
CIT 1’s attend one week of camp and earn their CIT 1 pin. CIT 1’s spend their time in training sessions building leadership skills, shadowing unit counselors, and planning activities for younger campers.
CIT 2’s attend two weeks of camp and earn their CIT 2 pin. CIT 2’s take on a bigger role by being assigned to a specific younger girl program for a week. They also attend more advanced training sessions and have the opportunity to shadow program specialists. Participation in CIT 2 is application-based.
Camp Libbey
Counselor-in-Training 1 (1 week)
Counselor-in-Training 2 (2 weeks)
June 25 - 30
June 11 - 23
* (CIT 2’s go home the weekend of June 16.)
Camp Whip Poor Will
Counselor-in-Training 1 (1 week)
Counselor-in-Training 2 (2 weeks)
July 23 - 28
July 9 - 21
* (CIT 2’s go home the weekend of July 14.)
Junior Counselor Internship
Girls who have completed both CIT 1 & CIT 2 and are currently in grade 11 can apply for a junior counselor internship. Approved junior counselors will attend a 3-day training before camp with camp staff and choose camp weeks to attend for their internship. Junior counselors must complete a minimum of 1 week at Camp Whip Poor Will and 1 week at Camp Libbey.
• Be a registered Girl Scout for the 2022-2023 school year
• Submit a junior counselor application
• Interview with the camp director
• Attend training June 2 – 4, 2023
Troop Adventure Camp
Junior Instructor (JI) Leadership Opportunities
Build your leadership skills at camp by interning as a junior instructor at troop adventure camp (TAC). Junior instructors run many of the programs at TAC such as hikes, arts and crafts projects, and more!
This is a competitive program based on applications, references, and interviews. Not all applicants may be selected.
• Be a registered Girl Scout currently in grades 9 - 11
• Apply online at by March 31, 2023
• Attend an interview and be selected for the position
• Attend training overnight at Camp Stonybrook from June 5 - 8, 2023
• Agree to work at least two weeks during the summer
1 st year Junior Instructor
$50 stipend each week after precamp training
2nd year Junior Instructor: $100 stipend each week after precamp training
3rd year Junior Instructor: $200 stipend each week after precamp training
Expand your JI experience and help out at the pool after completing American Red Cross Lifeguard Training. Must meet JI requirements, be at least 16, and a strong swimmer. See for additional information. Training will be May 25 - 28 at Camp Stonybrook.
– Benefits
You’ll get all the benefits of a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year Junior Instructor. Plus, if you take your lifeguard training with us, we’ll cover the cost of the certification!
More details at
get to
common food allergies and dietary restrictions.
information. *Day campers bring their own packed lunches each day. Typical Menu Breakfast bacon, eggs, fruit, & yogurt Lunch chicken sandwiches, salad bar, & fruit Dinner pizza, veggies, & dessert Platform Tents are large, canvas tents on wooden platforms with cots. Cabins are small structures with windows, a door, and bunk beds. Restrooms are located in separate structures close by. Lodges offer dormitory living with indoor plumbing and electricity. 9 More details at
You’ll Eat and Sleep At overnight camp and troop adventure camp, most
family-style in a dining hall.
plan for and prepare a meal over the campfire. Meals are kid-friendly and healthy.
can accommodate most
Frequently Asked Questions
Deposits and Payment Dates
• $75 deposit per session for Overnight and/or Day Camp
• $10 deposit per camper for Troop Adventure Camp
• Membership Fee (if not a current Girl Scout): $25 due at time of registration.
• Remaining Balance: Due by May 1 or your registration is subject to cancellation.
Every Girl Deserves the Chance to Camp!
Camperships are available to ensure girls needing financial assistance can participate. Financial assistance is available and can be requested after registering for camp. All campers must pay the $75 deposit and some portion of the program fee. The financial assistance form can be found at under common concerns.
2023 Safety Protocols
At Girl Scouts, the health and safety of our members are our number one priority. Girls today are dealing with so much, and summer camp provides them with critical experiences— like camaraderie and friendships—that make them feel less alone. Girl Scouts truly treasure camp!
Stay tuned to, your email, and CampDocs for more details as summer approaches!
Optional Bus Transportation to Overnight Camp
Bus transportation to Camp Libbey will be available for two weeks of overnight camp: June 18 – 23 and June 25 – 30. Buses will pick up and/or return girls to the Cincinnati and Dayton Service Centers.
During registration, you can select one of three options:
Round-trip travel: Sunday pickup and Friday drop-off
Sunday only: travel to Camp Libbey
Friday only: return to Dayton or Cincinnati
More information (including costs) available at
Let’s go to camp!
Cookie Rewards = Time at Camp
Sell 1,500 packages of cookies and select camp credit in your rewards to receive a free week at camp – up to $350 value! (Deposit is required based on the camp selected.)
Sell 800+ packages of cookies and you can attend one of two Camp Cookie celebration days, with a full day of classic camp activities and traditions, lunch, a sneak peek at next year’s cookie rewards, and some sweet swag to take home.
Make Memories at GSWO Camps and Properties
Discovering the wonders of nature, challenging yourself to reach new heights, and friendships for a lifetime— these are the reasons girls remember their time at camp for years.
Troops can extend those memories by making use of our six camp properties and our four service centers for Girl Scout activities all year-round. Learn more about our camps at:
More details at
Note: Mini session attendees can take advantage of the oneway trips, but there will be no transportation mid-week. 10
Work at Camp
Volunteer at Camp
Do you love camp, but can’t spend your whole summer at camp or want to support camp with a smaller time commitment? This summer we are looking for volunteers to help with things big and small. You can volunteer at camp to:
• Be a unit counselor for a week at day camp
• “Adopt” international staff for the Fourth of July weekend
• Ride the bus on pick up/drop off days at overnight camp
• Be a camp nurse, for a week, the summer, or on-call to answer questions
• Make a home-cooked meal for out-of-town staff
Tell us what you’re interested in at, and a camp director will reach out with more information.
Note: Some volunteer roles may require special training
Parent Testimonials
Join Our Staff
Gain professional skills while spending the summer outdoors! Join our summer camp staff and build skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, gaining experience valuable in youth development and many other fields.
“I had NO IDEA what to expect…HOWEVER, I am now in love. My girls came home exhausted, but vastly different in confidence and responsibility. I saw so many little Brownies exploding in the confidence at strengthening their swimming and keeping up with their bags. They became little friends and stood up for themselves, became masters in conflict management.”
- Camp Parent
“You’ll strengthen your own leadership skills while helping campers become strong leaders through supervision, decision-making, and behavior management. Camp staff also have the opportunity to gain specialized training that can be used on and off camp, like First Aid/CPR and Lifeguarding.
Apply Today!
“Our daughter Anna had such a fun time at her first Girl Scout day camp experience! She enjoyed meeting the other campers and 11
2023 Camp Open Houses
Families, this is your chance to see where your campers will sleep and eat! Summer camp drop-offs will be drivethrough format again this year, so come take a tour, try a camp activity, and get a chance to ask the camp director questions before camp opens.
Camp Libbey | Open House: June 4, 1-3 p.m. Camp Libbey is surrounded by fields, forests, and ravines along the banks of the scenic Maumee River just outside Defiance, OH.
Camp Stonybrook | Open House June 4, 2-4 p.m. Camp Stonybrook is located just off the beaten path of Waynesville, OH, where fields give way to forests.
Camp Whip Poor Will | Open House May 27, 1-3 p.m. Camp Whip Poor Will sits near the Little Miami River in Morrow, OH. Ravines give way to small creeks, making excellent spots for you to hike and hunt for fossils.
Camp Butterworth | Open House June 3, 2-4 p.m. Camp Butterworth overlooks the Little Miami River where wooded hillsides meet open meadows in Maineville, OH.
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Cincinnati OH 4930 Cornell Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 We’re proud that all of our camps are accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA) and meet or exceed ACA standards. Summer Camp 2023 Registration opens at 6 a.m. Plan your adventure today! January 25 Overnight Camp February 8 Day Camp February 22 Troop Adventure Camp More details on our camp website: Kentucky Indiana Michigan 6 4 Williams Fulton Wood Henry Lucas Ottawa Defiance 1 Paulding Putnam Van Wert Allen Hancock Hardin Logan Champaign Clark Greene Montgomery Warren Butler Hamilton Dearborn Clermont Brown Clinton Shelby Miami Darke Mercer Auglaize 2 3 4 Preble Ohio
Girl Scout Family at: <<address>> <<city>>, <<state>> <<zip>>
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