YOUR COMPLETE INTRO GUIDE August 2020 Copenhagen Business School
Welcome to IBP Intro 2020!
Edward Ashbee Program Director
Welcome to CBS and IBP! All I would say at this stage is that the initial weeks can inevitably be bewildering. There are new subjects, new systems and new ways of working. Things move fast from the beginning of September onwards and it is only too easy to fall behind. Make sure that you get to know the three mentors who will be working with you during the early months. They understand the systems and will also know where particular questions should be directed. This semester will be unusual insofar as there will be blended learning. Your proactive input will be important. And – we will have vulnerable people in our midst. Although, as I write this, things are very relaxed in Denmark, safety is not a – but the – number one priority. I would ask you to respect that at every point. I will be holding online “office hours” each week on MS Teams. Make an appointment and talk to me about either Political Science or some other aspect of the programme. I can’t help out with legal or administrative questions but I am very familiar with many of the issues that arise. I also like to hear about what is going well and what is proving more challenging. IBP is demanding. But, at the end of the day, you will have acquired multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary skills drawn from politics, business, economics and methodologies. I should conclude by saying that this is the first time in about a decade that I have been unable to participate in IBP’s introductory activities. These activities are run by fellow-students, a system that has both admirers and detractors.
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I look forward to meeting you once the semester begins – Eddie
What are mentors? Intro passed by quicker than expected and now you suddenly feel overwhelmed by your new uni-life? Don’t worry, you are not alone! We - the mentors - are hired by CBS and will be there for you during your first year at IBP. We will arrange several group meetings during the first semester to support you and share essential tips on study techniques, group work hacks, and exam experiences. You will be invited to these meetings on Facebook and by mail - so stay tuned! We are also here for one-to-one meetings, so reach out if you have any problems or thoughts you’d like to share.
Katinka Bjørndal Thomsen
Welcome to IBP!
We hope you’ve had a great intro. We can’t wait to meet you in our mentor sessions! Our names are Katinka, Zainab, and Tara and we are second year IBP students. We experienced how challenging the first year can be and are looking forward to sharing the tips and tricks we’ve learned so far. See you soon – Your mentors
Tara Dast
Zainab Ghaiby
A warm IBP Study Board welcome The IBP Study Board would like to welcome new and old IBP students alike to the Autumn 2020 semester. For those who are new, the IBP Study Board is in charge of planning, developing and ensuring the quality of both the BSc and MSc program through revision and adoption of IBP program regulations. Ensuring coherence and quality in the academic development of the IBP programs is undeniably more important than ever. As many parts of society have been restructured to fit our novel and common COVID reality, so too has CBS tried to acclimate to a new study environment. During the coming semester and throughout the academic year, the IBP Study Board will make sure that we accommodate all students, acknowledging that we all come from different backgrounds, not only academic for new BSc and MSc students, but also cultural and personal. As none of us know how things will progress onwards , the Study Board will have an ever greater focus on ensuring the highest quality of the IBP experience at CBS, particularly by continually assessing the internships and electives available for those that will not be able to go on exchange in forthcoming semesters. Lastly. the IBP Study Board exists to represent our students. Therefore, we encourage you to express your opinion on anything concerning your program, through filling out course evaluations and reaching out to students representing the IBP Study Board. The times are different, but we will continue to cheer our amazing IBP students on, and focus on and expand the opportunities presented to us by our new COVID reality. Kind regards, The Vice Chair of the Study Board and your Students Representatives, Maria Hatzisavvas Damsgaard Johann Frederik Wandschneider Katinka Bjørndal Thomsen Nikodem Kadlecek Shaun Sarker
Please make sure to connect with the social media channels below in order to stay updated on all matters concerning intro and IBP.
@ibpunion.dk @BSc. Int. Business and Politics 2020 - 2023
This group is important. Let us know in case you have not been added yet
INTRODUCING YOUR TUTORS through the decades...
Brought to you by...
Chloe Grunnet
Emil Thaning
Where are you from and how has IBP helped you make you feel at home? I’m half French/Danish, having lived the majority of my life in Los Angeles and the rest in Paris. Even though I do have some family members living in Denmark, I would definitely say that the friends I have made at IBP have become a second family to me. By joining IBP social, being a part of the Friday Bar, and attending different events throughout the year, I would say has definitely contributed in making IBP feel like home to me. Where would you say is the best place to order/visit for late night study food? Having spent most of my nights studying in the library at SP campus, I would definitely say that sitting, procrastinating, and eating in the canteen is extremely under rated. If that gets to boring, to mix it up a bit I would recommend to go visit Forno a Legna on Falkoner Alle for exquisite pizza.
Looking back at your first year, what would you have done differently if you were to do it over again? I wouldn’t have done anything differently, it has just been one of the best years of my life, meeting all new people and making some friendships that I think will last a long time and immersing myself in the culture of IBP. Where is the best place to meet the lads for beers on a casual week day? Casual weekday beers? Gotta be on blågards or el hjørnet but can’t say no to a post lecture nexus beer though. What has been your favorite moment from your first year at IBP ? Generally just the IBP ski trip, or maybe an adventure out to Refshaleøen near the windmills with some of your best mates;)
Where are some nice spots to meet your friends on a night out? My go-to place when meeting up with friends would be El-hjornet on any occasion, any night. Kødbyen is also always nice as well as blågårdsgade in Norrebro.
Brought to you by... Caroline Bessermann
Jan Spanholtz
What's your favourite spot in Copenhagen? For coffee: Minas For food: The Caribbean housewife For drinks: Café gavlen You’re welcome! ;)
What have you been excited about recently? Volleyball at Amager Strandpark, morning swimming at Svanemøllestranden and of course Intro 2020!
How would you describe your taste in music and what is something everyone should listen to? My music taste is a mess. I am fond of everything from r’n’b to rap to musical tunes. Right now I think everyone should listen to Kehlani and the danish artist Clara.
What is the most impactful realization about life as an international student in Copenhagen? The housing market in Copenhagen is tough, especially for an international student that has just arrived and has no connections yet. I guess it is good to start well in advance, write posts in every relevant Facebook group, talk to everyone you know about this and try to avoid temporary options.
What advice do you wish you had received last year around this time? Advice regarding time management probably would have been good, as the opportunities to get further involved within the IBP community as well as beyond are almost limitless. There are plenty of great student organizations and societies and it takes some time and several attempts to find the optimal balance between work, study and leisure time.
You are a permanent resident in a Kollegium. How is that like? Do you have any advice for a successful application? It is absolutely marvelous. Living with a bunch of different people who you get to know and care for is priceless and the social community is such a support system to have. I can only recommend it. If you want to apply you should try to think a bit outside the traditional box. Don’t right what you think they want to know, because everybody writes that, but write about yourself in a truthful matter and why that is perfect for a life in a kollegium.
Brought to you by... Karin Strรถmholm
Kia Khatibi
Having known you for the last year, there is no doubt that you have enjoyed every second of being a student of IBP. However, what would you say makes IBP so special? I love how the people in IBP are genuinely warm and social. Everyone really prioritizes social activities and spending time together. I was a bit scared that people would be all about studying before starting CBS, but that was not the case at all.
Looking back at the past year at CBS, there has been quite a lot of events and happenings but do you have any particular favourite memories from your time as an IBP? I would say the Christmas Dinner last year was a blast. Eating and drinking at the same time, what more can you ask for? I might have spent a bit too much on sambuca that night, but hey, it was for a good cause! But all kidding aside, I would also like to mention being a part of IBP Union! IBP Union really is a true treasure for our course and we are always working on awesome social and academic events for the students, and if that is not enough, we also have our own magazine!
One of your strong suits is that you are very empathetic and you look out for everyone, hence the nickname Karin the Caring, but if you were to be a superhero, what superpower would you choose? I don’t know what else I would need when having that kind of nickname but if I had to choose I think teleportation would be amazing. I unfortunately have the bad habit of always being late so I think this ability would be much appreciated by not just me but also my surroundings!
What would you say are the places you definitely should not miss to get into the true Copenhagen spirit for students new to the city? I would say that going for a swim at one of the many locations around Copenhagen such as Islands Brygge, Ofelias Plads, Krøyers Plads etc. is a must.
Having come from Sweden to Denmark to study, what have you enjoyed most about Denmark compared to Sweden? I think Danes in many cases are more easy-going than Swedes and very good at ”enjoying life” (hygge:)) which I really appreciate. Also, Copenhagen as a city sometimes reminds me of a village where you always run into people and it is idyllic in a way that Stockholm in some ways i s n’ t .
You are known for being in a never-ending good mood with a 24/7 smile on your face. What are your best hacks for the freshies to stay well and happy during the semester, especially during periods of e x am s ? Personally, I have found a lot of joy by being active in the social community of IBP. There is just so many great, fun and smart people, who will make you enjoy life more. Especially during exams it can be really helpful to stay in contact with people, instead of going "underground". Trust me, on the last day of an exam there is no more comforting response to "I've only written 300 words…", than "Yea, me too".
Brought to you by...
Natasha HestbĂŚk
Jakob Mollerup
A wise man once said: “If there is a dancefloor, you can find Natasha on it”. What are you looking most forward to when clubs reopen, and the IBP parties will be back? I’ve been missing the so-called “IBP spirit”, so I’m excited to see everyone again when we get to go out! I’m looking forward to everything that has to do with a night out, the preparties, the dancefloor, meeting new people and the obligatory kebab on the bike ride on the way home.
Starting at university can be overwhelming for many, what advice would you give to the new students who wants to have a good social and academic start to their studies? The transition from high school to uni is different from person to person – so figure out what works for you with regards to dozing how much you take part in extra social and academic activities. If you are stressed out within the first few weeks, it’s going to be three long years. I myself really enjoyed taking part in many social activities; having a great network of friends at your studies is a great motivator when getting up for 8am lectures.
You were part of the team that organized the IBP Study Trip to Kraków. What are your best tips for freshies who would like to be part of the IBP Academic? My best advice is to not be afraid of joining the IBP Union, whether its Social, Communications or Academic. It’s all about wanting to make the IBP union great(er) and it’s a really cool way to meet new people and extend your network. Look at the Union webpage and don’t be afraid to ask the members!
You were the DJ at last year’s gala and should have been this year too, when we get to experience your DJ’ing skills again, what would be the first thing you put on? Some of my all-time favorites are “American Boy” by Kanye & Estelle or “Murder On The Dancefloor” by Sophie Ellis-Bextor. Honorable mentions: A deep-house track like “On My Mind (Purple Disco Machine Remix)” by Diplo or the MEGA-hit “Solhverv” by Danish Lord Siva (expect to hear that a LOT during intro).
You are very engaged in IBP as both member of the social committee and as the Vice President of the Union. What do you think makes the IBP Union special? IBP Union is the glue between an ambitious study programme and maintaining a social life. A great thing about the Union is that it is what you make of it. IBP’ers share a huge enthusiasm for our studies and the people here. That is why study organization provides a unique possibility to broaden your academic horizons and have fun with your fellow students.
Brought to you by... Nikolaj Bressendorf
olga Ekdal
You are a big fan of literature and known to be an avid reader. Can you mention one book that you think everyone should read? Habits by Charles Duhigg is an instant classic, that teaches you how to change habits or create new ones that will make you live your best life, restructure company culture, or start social movements. The book includes takes on neurology, big data, marketing, NFL, Martin Luther King Jr., and so much more. 10/10 would recommend.
What is the one thing you need to survive the first semester? To survive the first semester, balance is key! The student life at CBS is rich and hectic, both in social and academic terms. Experiment with your schedule and find a work-life balance that is sustainable for you, without comparing yourself to others. Take good care of yourself!
Since you moved to Copenhagen from the lovely little town of Ringsted, what has surprised you the most with life in your new hometown? The sheer number of bars, clubs and cafés in Copenhagen compared to Ringsted really demonstrates how much Danish people like to go out for beers with the lads. And I think that’s beautiful.
You are also known to be interested in art and an active part of CBS Art. What is your best advice for students looking to follow their passion and join a CBS Society? A society is an amazing space to explore more parts of CBS and of your own interests. I would suggest choosing a society based on what is meaningful to you, as making time for your passions and hobbies can benefit your everyday life and help you with learning. If you are curious about art, me and the rest of the CBS Art Crew welcome you with open a rm s .
What is your favourite memory from your first year as an IBP’er? I have to say intro. Getting to know so many new, amazing people is wonderful, and I know I would not have survived the first year of IBP without the friends I made during that period. Besides, intro is just such a good time: The late-summer weather, the swell wallets from gap-years, and everybody’s drive to have fun. It can only be good!
You came all the way from the great capital of Sweden, what is the biggest difference(s) between Stockholm and Copenhagen? Stockholm is a green metropolis that scores high on nature, with its islands, forests, and lovely archipelago. Meanwhile, Copenhagen offers an amazing cultural scene. When it comes to good food, art, concerts and night life, Copenhagen is where you get your fix. I recommend having brunch at the aesthetically pleasing Apollo Bar, day tripping to Louisiana and for all music lovers, make sure to check out the concert venue Vega.
Brought to you by... Frederik Winther Damsgaard
Jonna Schmude
Do you have any study techniques that you would recommend? Not necessarily a study technique but I am a huge fan of the library. I would recommend going to the library to study, and then go home/ exercise/ do something fun and not think about studying anymore. That way you get a healthy study-life balance.
What is the most important tip you would give to an international student in order for them to get comfortable at CBS and in Copenhagen? Just go out there and take everything in that you can. Try to meet different people, don’t be intimidated by the Danes (they are lovely people), join a society/ sports club so you also get to meet people outside of IBP/ CBS and start a Danish class. Oh, and get a bike and a raincoat, you will need both more than anything.
What are your go-to-tipps to get through danish rainy and cold autumn without getting depressed? Find some healthy routines in your life that stick. Also don't forget your hobbies even though studying takes up alot of time. And be present in what you do. Study hard when you study, and chill hard when you chill. Be active in societies in town or at CBS, get engaged in stuff you like and talk to people. You might find your new soul mate.
You come from rural Jutland in Denmark, what do you do when Copenhagen city life and city stress get to you in order to wind down and chill? First of all, rural Jutland is a stereotype in Copenhagen you might encounter. And yes, we are civilized people where I grew up in Silkeborg, which by the way is one of the most beautiful areas in all of Denmark. To wind down and chill I would order pizza, then watch Netflix or read a good book (non-fictional ofcourse), go for a run, play video games. I also have a thing for reading wikipedia pages for some reason.
You come from Germany, what are the 3 things that have surprised you the most when moving and adapting to Denmark and Copenhagen? The first thing is probably the drinking culture. Coming from Germany I thought I would know about and be used to excessive drinking, but the drinking culture in Denmark is excessive too. The second thing that surprised me is the level of informality that is a standard at Danish universities. Calling your professor by their first name and having a casual chat with them is very normal here but was very foreign to me. The third thing that surprised me was the biking culture. Obviously, I knew that it was a big thing here, and even when I considered myself a “biker” at home, Copenhagen is on a whole new level.
You are the co-founder of a new student society at CBS, “CBS Political Opinion”. What is this society and why should everyone become a part of it? The idea is to give you a network across CBS with people of similar interest, and hopefully this will be helpful later in your life. The club will focus on (informal) political debates and exercises, which are there to make you smarter and learn about other opinions than your own. It will also give you a chance to apply the theory you learn in class to real life c a s es .
Brought to you by... Jeppe Jensen
Laura sofie green olsen
What was your biggest motivation for moving to Copenhagen? Besides IBP being my biggest motivation for moving here, I think the city, in general, is pretty amazing. You have everything in biking distance; parks, cafes, shops, attractions, swimming areas, and bars. On top of that, you have multiple of each to choose from so you never get bored. What’s not to like?
Being a part of CBS MUN and participating in the Case Academy, why would you recommend the new students to keep an eye out for the student societies? I can definitely recommend the new students to reach out to whatever student society or event they find interesting. It’s a great way to meet people from all different study programmes, to learn and to be inspired. I’ve had so much fun meeting people with different interests and perspectives and to see what CBS has to offer outside of IBP. The list of opportunities regarding student societies never ends, so I guarantee that you do not get disappointed. If so, you can just make your own! And remember, you often decide how much workload you take on as everyone understands that studying is of first priority.
What is your favourite memory from your first year in IBP? There’s a lot to choose from, but my favorite memory was the ski trip we went on in January. We went to Val d’isere with some of the other courses at CBS and let me tell you, IBP were on fire! We were served the perfect cocktail of sun, snow and dancing on tables creating an unforgettable week. I strongly recommend joining for next years IBP Ski Trip!
Having previously been studying in Switzerland, what do you think makes Copenhagen such a special place to study? Copenhagen and CBS especially is filled to the brim with fun and ambitious students. The facilities on campus makes it easy to socialize after lectures and find a place to study whenever its necessary. IBP of course, has a lot of competition but I believe that serves to motivate everyone even more.
What is the best place to meet the mates for beers on a casual week-day? Copenhagen has just about everything to offer and it really depends on what mood you’re in. If it’s just on a casual week day the bars in blågårdsgade have great beers and the atmosphere is so great. If we’re feeling a little more adventurous Det Elektriske Hjørne and Mesteren og Lerlingen never disappoints.
Brought to you by... Zainab Ghaiby
Sandra Johannesen
During your school years, you have gone through three different educational systems as an international student what are your best tips for adapting to the Danish system at CBS for a foreign student? In Denmark the schools do not require to know minute details by heart but rather demand that you understand the basics AND are able to apply them to different contexts. Seems logical but it had a major impact in the way I read texts or prepare for exams now. Generally speaking though, your ways of studying will change in uni, no matter which educational background you come from.
What have you considered to be most challenging, when learning the Danish la n g u a g e ? Building up the courage to go speak it with Danes. As a native German-speaker I probably have it easier than a lot of other beginners, but I still stick to English. It’s just so comfortable but there really is no way around speaking a language when you want to become fluent.
Finding accommodation in Copenhagen is not easy. You moved three times last year, right? What's your take-away from this experience? s.dk is an amazing webpage to find a student apartment or Kollegium. To be honest, life can be challenging and this has let me to live in 2 places in Frederiksberg and currently, I live in Amager (where I’m planning to stay for a while) all within 10 months. I have become excellent at packing and I would recommend buying the small moving boxes at Biltema!
You are a very disciplined student, that's for sure. How do you de-stress after a long day at uni or work? When I need a break from the busy student/work life I love to go to a park and read a good book. Besides, I just relax with my friends at Nexus or go for a swim and remember to take some time to breath and be social.
Besides being a tutor you are also one of the three mentors this year. What motivated you to apply for these roles and to engage in the IBP community? My own experiences during the first year. I’ve had both great moments of success and phases where life at uni was a little tough. Intro is meant to ease us into academic life but once the initial ecstasy passes (and assignments are around the corner), a mentor is there to help out and guide with more hands-on techniques, and I couldn’t be more excited to stay in touch with our new IBPers even after intro-week!
Working at Novo Nordisk, what is your number one tip for balancing a demanding student job and your university studies? Do not expect to be able to do everything – a day only has 24 hours! The upsides of my job are the experiences and the extra income but I have had to give up some social and academic life. My best tip would be to plan and prioritize your time. When you find what you are doing interesting then you will find the energy to do it as well. However, do not feel pressured to getting a job within the first year of your study.
FUTURE Saga Björk Frímannsdóttir
Brought to you by....
Magnus Mailand
What was the thing you found most fantastic as a freshie in IBP? Being new in IBP allows you to learn a lot and get engaged with people who share the same interest as you, both academically and socially. Our program is very active, also thanks to IBP Union.
Having experienced online classes the past semester, what would you recommend the new incoming students to do? Share some tips and tricks. Turn up the speed on the recordings!!!
What hobbies do you have outside of school? My favorite sport is to swim, so I love to do that in the morning and it gives you such boost to get the day started. Sometimes I like going to the gym or attending to some zumba classes which is a lot of fun. And finally, hanging out with friends, having the famous Danish "hygge" time, cooking something nice, playing guitar and sharing nice stories and moments...
What made you apply as a head of Social in IBP Union, and what future events do you plan for the new incoming students? When I started as a freshie, I had an amazing experience with the intro events and the events planned by the Social Committee. They did a great job of introducing us to IBP and create a framework for us to socialize. I was very thankful for that, and I wanted to pass the great experience on to the next year group. Due to the Rona-19, there isn’t anything planned yet. I hope to start planning interesting events with the new Social Committee this year, however.
What pros (and cons) have you experienced as an international student at IBP? Being an international student in IBP is a great experience, yet challenging at first as it takes time to settle in and get used to the Danish educational system. The language barrier is not a problem since IBP is such an international and open-minded program. In general, IBP has a strong mix of people with different interesting backgrounds that allow us to learn from each other.
For you, who has a student job, plays basketball, is head of Social in IBP Union and also has to keep up with online classes... What would be your best advice to keep a balanced organized daily life? Even though we all work very hard on IBP, so many people work even harder while not being stressed at all. Meanwhile, many people work significantly less than we do but are easily stressed nonetheless. It’s because stress does not come from workload but from having multiple things on mind at once. The key is to schedule your appointments and activities on a weekly basis. It enables you to work concenrated on one task at a time because you know that you will still manage the rest if you work according to the plan.
IBP INTRO ESSENTIALS A list of seven things that you should probably consider bringing for the intro week.
- Sunglasses At the time of writing, Copenhagen is sunny and a steaming hot 30 degrees. With 120 (***however many new students there are***) new rays of IBP-sunshine, the forecast predicts that this is VERY likely to continue.
- Y o u r go - t o s n e a k s You hate to see it, but because of Covid-19 a fair amount of intro activities will be held outdoors around town. We’re not saying that it is a bad idea to show up in heels, buuuut…
- A dictionary OR protein shake Intro is the subject of a very strict language-policy. Whenever a freshie speaks another language than English (say for example: Danish) 10 push-ups will be awarded. Over a week, that can result in some relatively sore arms :)
- A n o pe n m in d (however cliché that sounds)
- Food and drinks For lunch Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
- Questions No one knows it all. We study start guides will do everything we can to inform you about everything you need to know. But chances are, we will forget something. Do not be afraid to ask!
- Y o u r he a d Intro is without a doubt going to be fantastic. Yet, though some of you ecstatic freshies are going to want to hug and dance all your new best friends, we are in the middle of a pandemic. It blows, but please try to be responsible.
HOTSPOTS IN COPENHAGEN rn a a t e hen d n hagen, t Ru n e p o C to o
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SCHEDULE This year´s IBP introduction week will start on Monday the 24th of August, in Frederiksberg Have at 09am. After you have entered the park (as described in the map below) you will meet two tutors. They will guide you to the location of the other tutors and you will then meet up with your preassigned intro group. Please inform your tutors in case you cannot attend parts of the intro program and let us know if you have any further questions. We are very much looking forward to see you soon!
11:00 - 12:30 BRUNCH
11:35 - 11:50 CBS CASE CLUB PRESENTATION 12:00 - 13:45 LUNCH 13:45 - 14:45 WORKSHOP WITH ØRSTED 15:00 - 18:00 THE AMAZING RACE 18:00 - 20:00 GET TOGETHER AND WRAP UP
09:30 - 11:30 TOUR DE CBS 11:30 - 12:30 LUNCH
12:30 - 14:30 IBP ALUMNI EVENT 15:00 - 16:05 VIDEOS AND GOODBYE
Copenhagen Business School