Anchor India 2019

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Contents Banks












Dream Makers



Marine Resources



Medical Tourism



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P C Chambers, Ashirbhavan Lane Kacheripady, Kochi - 682 018 00 91 484 2391023, 4051532 [email protected] Managing Editor Prasanth Valamkudiyil Editor Biju Mathew Associate Editors Maya Menon R. Vishnu Raj Joseph Mathew K.C. Ramesh Craft Sijoy Fernandez Photos Jeny Ambooken Coir Board Philip Augustine Associates Pvt. Ltd. Business Associates Cyriac Antony 4/32 Thomas Street, St. Albans, VIC 3021 Australia, 00 61 423749246 Aju Mathew 9/192 St SW, Bothell, WA - 98012 United States, 001 425 275 2664 Twelfth Edition 2019, Anchor India, Printed & Published by Prasanth Kumar V.T. on behalf of Info Kerala Communications Pvt. Ltd. Editor: P.M. Biju, Printed at Viani Printings Ernakulam. Vol No. 1, March 2019, Reg No. M6 / 31925 / 06, Issue No. 12 Price Rs. 499/- Overseas US $ 40 Information has been obtained from sources belived to be reliable, but its accuracy, completeness and the opinions based thereon are not guaranteed. As every effort is made to provide accurate information in this publication, we would appreciate it if readers would call our attention to any errors that may occur by communicating with Info Kerala Communications Pvt. Ltd. to this number 0484 2391023 or at our address.

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Preface India, bounded by the majestic Himalayan ranges in the North and edged by an endless stretch of golden beaches, is the land of hoary tradition and cultural diverse. Vivid kaleidoscope of landscapes, glorious historical sites and royal cities, misty mountain hideaways, colourful people, rich civilizations and festivities craft India Incredible. The delightful South India where Indian heritage is more intact has much to offer to this ancient tradition. Humankind’s medical odysseys in search of destinations of heavenly healing have a long history. In the modern age, man wanted to move around as he wanted to see places which had been alien to him hitherto. India is one of the prime places to fulfill the natural instinct of man to move from one place to another and get unperturbed. Now, he is exploring places not only for satiating his thirst for seeing newer lands alone but people travel across the globe in search of health destinations as well. With the most sought after professionals and excellent network of hospitals India is becoming the very hot medical tourism destination in the world. As in the magnificent past, nowadays India is extremely renowned for its coir, coconut, marine resources, tea and coffee. The financial institutions are playing an important role in the growth of the country. This great historical soil turns out to be an abode of investment. The prime place is specified to real estate. Real estate is akin to a gold mine. In times of misery, it will yield gold. And, we are equipped for you with some illuminations which enhance her significance in the world map. Anchor India depicts the most vibrant Indian scenario of medical tourism, banks, coir, coconut, coffee, tea, marine resources, space making and space makers along with amazing tourism maturity of the country.


Advisory Board Padmashri Dr. Philip Augustine The Chairman, Philip Augustine Associates Pvt. Ltd. George Paul The Managing Director, Synthite Industrial Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. V.I. Mathew The Director, India Operations, Lulu International Exchange LLC Leagal Advisors Adv. Tony Chacko Adv. Binu Zacharia sincere thanks to our associates and benefactors who guided and encouraged us for this venture

The practice of medical care is as old as the first recordings in human history, conceiving the human body and disease in a holistic manner. Early medical traditions include those of ancient Egypt and Babylon. The Greeks went even further, introducing the concepts of medical diagnosis, prognosis, and advanced medical ethics. The Hippocratic Oath, still ANCHOR INDIA

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taken by doctors up to today, was written in Greece in the fifth century BCE. Public health measures were developed especially in the nineteenth century as the rapid growth of cities required systematic sanitary measures. Advanced research centers opened in the early twentieth century, often connected with major hospitals. The mid-twentieth

century was characterized by new biological treatments, such as antibiotics. These advancements, along with ANCHOR INDIA

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developments in chemistry, genetics, and lab technology (such as the x-ray) led to modern medicine. Medicine was

heavily professionalized in the twentieth century, and new careers opened to women as nurses (from the 1870s) and as physicians (especially after 1970) and at the same time disease specialization arose in the sense of providing medical care with respect to the specific characteristics of the disease as well as provided from specialized medical professionals. The twenty-first century is characterized by ANCHOR INDIA

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highly advanced research involving numerous fields of science. Yet, the advancement of medical care was moving hand in hand with technological advancement. Besides basic knowledge of biomedical processes, technology was the main implementer of that knowledge. The twenty-first century could be characterized by the phrase “Biology is the new Physics�, stated in an article by Philip Hunter in

2010. These very technological breakthroughs, which include the innovations in semi-conductors, the increase in computational power along with the lowering of cost of computational power, were the main factors for the onset of personalized medicine. It would be unthinkable to speak ANCHOR INDIA

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of such applications such as providing health care based on the patients profile without the use of high throughput screening methods, such as microarrays and next generation sequencing (NGS). Or it would be impossible to interpret genomic data without the analytical and mathematical tools

from physics, mathematics and engineering. Hence, it was the union of biology and engineering that brought about such possibilities. Further on, pioneering work in engineering has created new possibilities through the ANCHOR INDIA

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application of biosensors, nanoparticles and Nano-bots, advanced imaging methodologies, as well as improved procedures towards the understanding of biological signal transduction and information transmission. This

interdisciplinary interaction gave the possibility of predicting the health risks of an individual based on his/ hers genomic profile (still considering that this process is in its infancy and there are more to be learned about). At the same time, those new analytical tools gave the ANCHOR INDIA

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possibility of treating human disease from a holistic perspective, yet this time considering biological systems as a complete entity and not as isolated molecular events. Hence, there should be an increasing effort towards the inter coupling of the biological sciences with engineering,

since this is, a one-way road to the improvement of medical care and consequently to personalized medicine Evolution of Health Odysseys Getting the right treatment at the right time is of the essence of the science of healing. With population on the increase, infrastructure development in the field of medicine has not been able to catch up. Most of the developed countries have good health care systems in ANCHOR INDIA

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place, but they are not able to cater to the needs of the vast population. Naturally patients look for alternatives. With the development of fast transport, the world has become small and going to another country is only like going to the neighboring town. Medical tourism refers to people traveling to a country other than their own to obtain medical treatment. In the past this usually referred to those who traveled from less-developed countries to major medical centers in highly developed countries for

treatment unavailable at home. The emergence of health tourism as we find today has a long history. Though people did travel since ages in search of health services, it can’t be labeled as health tourism as such since those travels were quite limited and not focused. The first recorded instance of medical tourism dates back to thousands of years when Greek pilgrims travelled from all over the Mediterranean to the small territory in the Saronic Gulf called Epidauria, the sanctuary of the healing God Asclepius. In eighteenth century England, patients visited spas which dispensed health-giving mineral waters, treating all kinds of diseases. But it was the state-of-theart travel and communication facilities that have transformed such destinations as hot spots of medical tourism. As such, today’s medical tourism is different from the traditional model of international medical travel where patients generally journey from less developed nations to major medical centers in highly developed countries for medical treatment that is unavailable in their own communities. Man has always believed in the existence of divine powers in certain areas that had therapeutic effect on his body and mind. Journeys in search of such places can be said to be the original form of what is now labeled Health Tourism. Ancient Romans built resorts with thermal health spas. Temples which were reputed to have therapeutic powers were popular in ancient Greece. Asclepius, the healing God was believed to reveal different remedies for various diseases. The Sumerians built health complexes around hot springs more than four thousand years ago. Europeans in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries built sea side resorts due to the belief that sea air and sea water had curative powers. Many sea side resorts came up in England which are even today frequented by tourists for the same purpose. Skin infections, rheumatism and various other diseases were treated in spas with mineral waters. Switzerland had the greatest number of such spas like St. Moritz, Lausanne, Interlaken and Baden. Introduction of

railways helped in the development of such towns. The belief that sun light was beneficial to health also added to the flow of rich people to these places. Dutch and English colonists built log cabins at mineral springs in the 17th century. The National Parks of the United States were originally spas built around mineral springs. The distinct natural formation of these areas like Yellowstone Natural Park attracted more and more people. Tuberculosis sufferers from the cold countries of Europe visited the south west United States in the nineteenth century to test various climatic conditions for the cure of the disease. From this has started the more modern concepts of life style retirement and second home migration. Japan has been a favorite destination for the large number of natural mineral springs in that country. Even the warriors used these waters to heal wounds, alleviate pain and recuperate after wars. Medical tourism is a growing sector in India. In October 2015, India’s medical tourism sector was estimated to be worth US$3 billion. It is projected to grow to $7-8 billion by 2020. According to the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), the primary reason that attracts medical value travel to India is cost-effectiveness, and treatment from accredited facilities at par with developed countries at much lower cost. India’s Medical Past For over 2000 years most of the Indian population has used Ayurveda as their main type of health care. From the early 11th century, Unani Tibb’s influence spread with the increasing Muslim presence in India. Unani Tibb and Ayurveda have influenced each other since, especially the herbs on which they base their medicines. In the 1500s the colonial Portuguese in Goa exchanged medical knowledge and methods with local Asian practitioners. In 1563, Garcia d’Orta published volumes about Indian plants and medicine, which spread to Europe. By the early 1600s the Portuguese lost their interest in local knowledge and effectively outlawed Indian practices. The British arrived

in India at the beginning of the 1600s. Missionaries promoted European medical ideas and learned from local practitioners. Shipping medical supplies from Britain was expensive and difficult, so local medical practices ANCHOR INDIA

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continued. Ayurveda was a cheap and practical healthcare system for the local population. However, most British officials and physicians thought traditional systems of medicine would die out because Western medicine was

superior. Many Indian practitioners were impressed by European surgery and teaching. They updated their practice by adapting its ‘modern’ methods. Ayurvedic and Unani ANCHOR INDIA

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practitioners traditionally made up a unique prescription for each patient. They believed standardized preparations in factories modernised their traditions and weeded out

practices regarded as quackery. This led to a move away from highly individualised medicine toward mass production. From the 1830s the British government no longer tolerated Indian medicine. Only those trained in Western medicine could be registered as doctors. However, local traditions continued. They adapted and became more professional to compete with medicine introduced by the British administration. Many Ayurvedic and Unani practitioners wanted individual drugs and therapies from ANCHOR INDIA

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traditional Indian systems incorporated into biomedicine. They explored Indian materia medica, looking for ingredients compatible with European pharmacology. However, others argued for separate traditions using a different framework to understand health and disease. For instance, Unani Tibb relies on the theory of the humours, while biomedicine is based on germ theory. Support for Indian traditions became more political in the early 1900s. The revival of local medical traditions was a source of national pride, and

Indian independence was linked with reinvigorating Indian traditions and knowledge. Systems of medical knowledge can develop different meanings when they move between places. One European system taken up in India is homeopathy, which spread in India during the 1850s. It was seen as a modern tradition, but was not associated with the British colonial regime because it originated in Germany. Homeopathy was cheap, relatively easy to learn ANCHOR INDIA

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and required no registration. It became popular in the fight against cholera and malaria. These diseases were widespread in the late 1800s, and European medicine seemed ineffective. Cures were sought among other traditions, which also had little impact. Homeopathy in India was seen as a meeting ground between Western and Eastern traditions. In the 1930s there were attempts to create a medical system incorporating both homeopathic

and Ayurvedic ideas. In the 1970s homeopathy was regulated alongside other local medical traditions. While biomedicine is now the most common tradition, the Indian government is also responsible for education, training and research into these other traditions. With the arrival of the British many modern hospitals were started all over the country. The Christian Missionaries were responsible for the running of the majority of the hospitals. After independence a large number of Government Hospitals were established. The number of private hospitals also increased considerably. With the liberalization health care also became an enterprise brining in corporate and professionals into the field. This started the inflow of people from other countries seeking specialized treatment in India. The hospitals were well equipped, the doctors and nurses were well qualified and the cost of treatment was much less than in most other countries. This process is being facilitated by the corporate sector involved in medical care as well as the tourism industry, both private and public. It can be described in terms of pampering and wellness, which involves offering people an experience that makes them feel good. Growing purchasing power and greater realization about the benefits of healthy living has created vast market for health tourism industry in the recent past. Today India is one of the most popular destinations for medical tourists. High Cost of Healthcare in Developed Countries Out-of-pocket medical expenditure, especially for critical and elective procedures continues to raise the world over, compelling those in affluent countries to seek treatment in developing countries, where the same level of care can be accessed for a much lower cost - almost 30% less than in the home country. Some people found that their health insurance did not cover some of the treatments and procedures that they desired to have. Higher expense in developed countries and the comparative cost advantage that South Indian hospitals offer is a major factor attracting

patients here. One reason for steady arrivals of Foreign Patients from UK to India is that the British NHS (National Health Service) for poor citizens is heavily burdened and in disarray. The very fact that the Indian costs being only 1/6th of UK attract the lower and middle income groups to India. Meanwhile in the US the cost of medical treatment is so high that only 10% can afford the costs, while Indian costs ANCHOR INDIA

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are only 1/10th. The global economic meltdown also has been helpful for turning the attention of medical tourists to India. The economic slowdown provided an opportunity for the foreigners to have a firsthand experience on Indian healthcare system. They got medical services on a par with international standards at affordable cost. Even though the economic system of many of the developed countries are

back on track now, their citizens who enjoyed the healthcare service offered in India at least once continue to stick on to it. The number of foreigners arriving in South Indian states for availing healthcare services also has increased significantly. Many of the branches in healthcare including ANCHOR INDIA

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orthopedics, gynecology, cardiology, cosmetic and dentistry have found a place in the list of most sought after medical services by foreigners. India was one of the lowest cost and highest quality of all medical tourism destinations, it offers wide variety of procedures at about one-tenth the cost of

similar procedures in the United States. Many surgery procedures performed in medical tourism destinations cost a fraction of the price they do in the First World. Countries that operate public health-care systems often have long waiting times for certain operations. Using Canada as an example, a study revealed that an estimated 782,936 Canadians spent time on medical waiting lists waiting an average of 9.4 weeks. Canada has set waiting-time benchmarks, for example, 26 weeks for a hip replacement and 16 weeks for cataract surgery. Medical tourists come from a variety of locations including Europe, the Middle East, Japan, the United States, and Canada. Factors that drive demand for medical services abroad in developed countries include large populations, comparatively high wealth, the high expense of health care or lack of health care options locally, and increasingly high expectations of their populations with respect to health care. In countries, like the United States, medical tourism has large growth prospects and potentially destabilizing implications. A forecast by Deloitte Consulting published in August 2008 projected that medical tourism originating in the US could jump by a factor of ten over the next decade. An estimated 750,000 Americans went abroad for health care in 2007, and the report estimated that 1.5 million would seek health care outside the US in 2008. The growth in medical tourism has the potential to cost US health care providers billions of dollars in lost revenue. Moreover, patients in some developed countries are finding that insurance either does not cover orthopedic surgery such as knee and hip replacement or limits the choice of the facility, surgeon, or prosthetics to be used. A 2010 CII-McKinsey study on healthcare says medical tourism alone can Rs 50-100 billion additional revenue for up market tertiary hospitals by 2012, and will account for 3-5 per cent of the total healthcare service delivery. India has many world class hospitals and medical facilities at its disposal. They have an advantage over others, as apart from the cost factor, most foreign nationals are used to getting treated by Indian nationals

abroad. Indian medical professionals settled abroad are associated with high quality, expertise in surgery, and very good care of patients. Preferred Destinations At one time advanced healthcare was the monopoly of the developed countries. So people who could afford the expenses went abroad for high quality treatment. Now the scenario has changed drastically. Globalization has created the scenario where people can demand various requirements from various parts of the world. Growing purchasing power has made people aware of the benefits they can gather from whatever is available all over the world. The emergence of the private sector as a major player in health care has also added to the trend of seeking medical care from anywhere in the world. Corporate health care institutions have capitalized on the exorbitant cost of treatment in countries like the USA, England and Singapore by opening hospitals and health care centers in other parts of the world. They offer cost effective treatment while maintaining the standards of patient care and standards of living available in the countries from where the patients go to these places. India, Thailand, Jordan, Cuba, Malaysia and South Africa have emerged as the most sought after destinations for health tourism. Many corporate hospitals have come up in India in the last twenty years which are equipped to conduct complicated surgeries like bone-marrow transplant, openheart surgery, and kidney transplantation. It contributes a lot to the private health care organizations as well as boosting the GDP. Market statistics estimate that worldwide the medical tourism market is growing at a rate of 15-25% year on year. Asia too has an exciting history of medical tourism. Japan’s affluence of natural mineral springs has been a favorite health retreat for centuries, and they are also a central feature of Japanese tourism even today. These springs are known to have healing powers derived from its mineral content. Different warrior clans also took

notice of these springs and used them to heal wounds, alleviate pain and recuperate from their battles. Yoga and Ayurveda medicine grew in popularity five thousand years ago in India, wherein constant streams of medical travelers and spiritual students flocked to pursue the ANCHOR INDIA

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benefits of these alternative healing methods. India earned reputation as the Centre of Eastern spiritual, cultural and medicinal progress when Buddhism came along 2500 years later. Today it is one of the most popular destinations for medical tourists.

India, the Choicest Healing Destination Guests are considered equal to Gods in Indian culture. This makes the Indian people give a personalized touch, giving a homely feeling to the patients. Indians feel that warmth and caring provide a healing touch by relieving the mental and physical stress. Many factors contribute to the attraction that people from all over the world have in ANCHOR INDIA

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coming to India for medical treatment. The most important of these is the lower cost of treatment when compared with the advanced countries. Quality of treatment, availability of places and expert medical professionals and the low cost at which all these are available in India have contributed to the attraction. Majority of the doctors working in major hospitals here have international qualifications. This adds

to the acceptance of these doctors by the patients from abroad. The comfort levels of these patients while interacting with these professionals will also be better. As Indian doctors have been holding high positions in hospitals and medical schools all over the world for a long time, the patients coming from abroad are ready to trust the doctors and other medical professionals in India. ANCHOR INDIA

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The English speaking populace of India is a major attraction for the foreign patients in seeking treatment here. India has 28 JCI accredited hospitals. However, for a patient traveling to India, it is important to find the optimal Doctor-Hospital combination. After the patient has been treated, the patient has the option of either recuperating in the hospital or at a paid accommodation nearby. Many

hospitals also give the option of continuing the treatment through telemedicine. According to a study conducted by the American medical Association, what costs 1, 30,000 US ANCHOR INDIA

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Dollars in the USA, cost only 11,000 in Thailand, 18500 in Singapore and 10,000 in India. This applies to highly specialized treatments like Bypass surgery and Hip

replacement surgery. Countries that have public health care systems have a long waiting period for specialized surgeries. Waiting lines keep getting longer in most of the developed countries. Canada for example has a waiting period of 16 weeks for a cataract operation. This factor is used by the specialized hospitals in India where such long waiting period is not necessary. The Government of India predicts that at least 4% of the GDP will come from the health care industry, which includes hospital services, healthcare equipments, managed care and pharmaceuticals. Most of the patients are coming from the Gulf and South East Asia. Patients from the US, Japan, and European countries are also coming to India to get world class treatment at third world prices. There is the added attraction of arranged airport pick up, stay in a suite, interpreter services, home cuisine, home cable channels, and visits to local tourist spots. The middle class in Saudi Arabia found that they could not afford most of the treatments in their own country. Major hospitals in Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Kochi, Kozhikode and Trivandrum have been recording 7% to 12% patient flow from neighboring and South East Asian countries. The quality of treatment at these places is the best in the world at around 10% of the cost elsewhere. The major treatments attracting foreign patients to India include Bone marrow transplant, Cosmetic Surgery, Dialysis and K idney transplant, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Joint Replacement Surgery, Neurosurgery & Trauma Surgery, Osteoporosis, Preventive Health Care, Refractive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Cardiac Care, Nuclear Medicine and Urology. A major attraction for those who seek health care in India is the system of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. This system deals with the preventive and curative aspects of health in a most comprehensive way. Apart from contributing to maintenance of health, it has a range of therapeutic measures for various illnesses. Ayurveda offers a unique Medical tourism package to foreign tourists by mixing leisure, fun and relaxation with wellness and

recuperation. The concept of a health holiday offers an opportunity to get away from daily routine and come to a different relaxing ambience after undergoing treatment. India has many world class hospitals and medical facilities at its disposal. They have an advantage over others because of the cost factor. Another major attraction ANCHOR INDIA

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is that the foreign patients are used to being treated by Indian medical professionals abroad. India medical professionals settled abroad are associated with high quality, expertise in surgery and good care of patients. Joint Commission International (JCI), the authority certifying hospitals has accredited many hospitals in India.

There are other centers also that provide equivalent or better medical facilities. With a large number of highly qualified surgeons and physicians, certified nurses and paramedical staff, India is considered to be safe and reliable for medical care. Some major hospitals have language translators to make patients from Balkan and African countries feel more comfortable while undergoing treatment. The hospitals give the choice of spending the recuperating period either at the hospital or in a paid ANCHOR INDIA

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accommodation nearby. Many hospitals also give the option of continuing the treatment through telemedicine. The government has been promoting medical tourism in India with many policies. Supply of service to foreign nationals on payment in foreign currency is treated as ‘deemed exports’ and will be eligible for all incentives given to exports. The government has removed restrictions on tourist visas that required a two-month gap between visits for people from the Gulf countries. This is likely to

boost medical tourism. There is also the visa-on-arrival scheme for people from certain countries which allow patients to stay in India for 30 days for treatment. The medical care centers of the country offer state-of-the-art procedures to medical tourists and this helps in promoting ANCHOR INDIA

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the country as a medical tourism destination. In a country as diverse as India, the health care industry has capitalized on its rich cultural resource and glorious past. India has the most competent doctors, world class medical facilities and with most competitive charges for treatment, it’s a

very lucrative destination for people wanting to undergo treatment of certain medical problems. India’s health care domain is in fact crowded with a lot of hospitals offering world class treatments in nearly every medical sector such as cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery, joint replacement, orthopedic surgery, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, transplants and urology to name a few. The various specialties covered are Neurology, Neurosurgery, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology, ENT, Pediatrics, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Neurology, Urology, Nephrology, Dermatology, Dentistry, Plastic Surgery, Gynecology, Pulmonology, General Medicine and General Surgery. For long promoted for its cultural and scenic beauty, India is now being put up on international map as a haven for those seeking quality and affordable healthcare. Leisure Tourism is already very much in demand in India as the country offers diverse cultural and scenic beauty. India has almost all sort of destinations like high mountains, vast deserts, scenic beaches, historical monuments, religious temples etc. Known for its hospitality for tourists, the county has opened doors to welcome with the same hospitality for medical patients or service seekers. Industry watchers are hoping that the lifting of the 60-day visa restriction for tourists from abroad will encourage foreign tourists to visit the country and use it as a hub while visiting Southeast Asia and neighboring countries. India Healthcare The website helps medical tourists find the medical facilitators and all details about travel regulations which will be of great help to those who seek treatment in India. It works with Services Export Promotion Council under the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of India. The number of medical visas issued by India rose 45% in 2016 from the year before, according to data presented by the home affairs ministry. India issued more than 1.78 lakh medical visas in 2016, including for follow up treatment, as against

1.22 lakh in 2015, according to the data. Government’s support for medical tourism is appreciated. Various medical areas are sought after in India. When it comes to cosmetic surgeries, doctors are surely doing great work in India. We get patients from Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Kuwait, UAE, Mauritius, Maldives, Turkey etc. for treatments like skin allergies, hair loss, pigmentation ANCHOR INDIA

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etc. and its numbers are surely on the rise annually. The ministry of tourism has recently released revised guidelines for the promotion of wellness and medical as niche tourism product. As per the guidelines, the ministry offers financial support to accredited Medical and Wellness Tourism Service Providers, Chambers of Commerce and other organisations as Marketing Development Assistance, for Publicity,

organising workshops, events, seminars and for organising Wellness and Medical Tourism Promotion shows. There is also a growing demand for Indian medical talent and knowhow in geographies that are lacking in advanced medical infrastructure, and several players in African countries are approaching Indian players to help them set up and run hospitals, both as advisors as well as O&M partners. This is adding to the ‘exports’ bucket, the CII report said. India now has a simplified e-medical visa facility which allows three visits to the country. The government is trying to address more issues in the time to come, such as standardization and accreditation of services. Destination South India Modern and traditional systems of medicine combine to offer the best for patients from all over the world who choose South India as their Medical destination. Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have much to offer in this area. There are a large number of specialty hospitals, clinics and health centers that can compete with the best of their type anywhere in the world. The ambience and culture of these states make them an ideal destination. The patients have the advantage of getting the best health care in the most spectacular natural locations. The growing confidence of foreign patients in the treatments available in South Indian states is a testimonial of the high quality of the region’s holistic healthcare system. Though number of medical tourists from across the globe visiting South India has been surging for the last few years, it is those from the Gulf countries who have outnumbered others in this regard. Trade links between South India and many of the Gulf countries which dates back thousands of years coupled with the large number migration from southern part of India to these countries in search of job has provided them a better knowledge of South India. This comes handy for Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to beat many other competitors. While advising their patients for better medical aid, most of the medical practitioners in Gulf

countries ask them to go to South India, thanks to their faith in the healthcare system here. South India is the home of Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine that is many centuries old. There are also many research institutes here that are engaged in medical research and training. India Institute of Science, is ranked 6th among the World’s small universities and it is engaged in decoding the genetic pool and exploring the various facets and possible applications of Nano technology, a revolutionary process in non-invasive therapy. Medical Tourism in South India is centered on Specialty Hospitals, Cardiac Care, ANCHOR INDIA

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General Surgery, Dental Care, Fertility Treatment, Transplant Surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Treatment and alternative medicine like Ayurveda. While Medical Tourists from Germany, France, Switzerland and the USA opt for Ayurveda, those from the Middle East, UK and Canada go for modern medicine. South India has the advantage of competitive and innovative edge in specialty treatment, treatment cum leisure destinations, availability of medical experts, low consulting fee, low treatment cost, no waiting period for treatment and availability of advanced equipments.

Kerala, the God’s Own Country: Kerala enjoys unique geographical features. With the high ranges of Western Ghats in the East and the Arabian Sea in the West, Kerala is the most beautiful state in the South West corner of the Indian peninsula. V irgin beaches, romantic backwaters, ANCHOR INDIA

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exalting hill stations, delighting waterfalls and great historical monuments craft Kerala breathtakingly incredible. Kerala is also called The Spice Garden of India. It is the land of everlasting festivals and vibrant art forms. The multicultural land with peoples from diverse religions,

communities and sects is an abode of prosperous legacy. The year-round festivals proffer golden opportunities to explore the tradition and cultural heritage of this great historical soil. The tiny state which secured 100 percent literacy in 1991 is up to international standards in many areas. The state famous as ‘God’s Own Country’ is gifted with moderate climate and civilized and hardworking people. When the states were reorganized after independence, Kerala was formed amalgamating erstwhile princely states of ANCHOR INDIA

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Travancore and Cochin with Malabar and a province in the then Madras state. The total area of 38,863 sq km is divided into 14 districts and the total population is 31,838,619 and Malayalam is used as the mother tongue. According to the geographical peculiarities, the state can be divided into three regions such as the High lands, Midlands and the Lowlands. The Highlands slant from the meandering Western Ghats with a height of 900 meters and peaks well above 1,800 meters in height. This is the area of major

plantations like tea, coffee, rubber, cardamom and other spices. The mist-clad mountain areas are renowned for tourism as well. The Midlands, lying between the mountains and the lowlands, is made up of hills and valleys. Lowlands are mainly coastal areas. The Lowlands, ANCHOR INDIA

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like Alappuzha are identified as the land of beaches, lakes and canals. Beaches and voyages in the backwaters in house-boats are prime tourist attractions for the tourists here. It gives chance to experience the village life of God’s Own Country.

Karnataka, One State Many Worlds: Karnataka is a tapestry of colours, cultures, flavours, landscapes, timelessness and heart- stopping beauty. The recorded history of Karnataka goes back more than two millennia. Host to some of India’s largest and most powerful dynasties, the state has across ANCHOR INDIA

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the centuries, carried a legacy of art and culture as varied as its geography - making it, by all means, a 191,791 sq km trail of whimsy. The state has recorded tremendous success in the fields like education, literature, agriculture, industry and tourism. Bengaluru, formerly known as Bangalore, the

capital city is the sixth largest city in India. Over the years the city has become a major manufacturing base and IT destination. In fact the city has firmly established itself as the Silicon Valley of India. Karnataka is also known as the land of science and technology. Extending from the Arabian Sea and the fertile forest ridges of the Western Ghats to the drier, boulder-strewn region of the Deccan Plateau, Karnataka’s picturesque location is remarkable. Karnataka is home to 507 of the 3600 centrally protected monuments in India, the largest number after Uttar Pradesh. The State Directorate of Archaeology and Museums protects an additional 752 monuments and another 25,000 monuments are yet to receive protection. Tourism revolves around the ancient sculptured temples, modern cities, the hill ranges, forests and beaches. Broadly, tourism in Karnataka can be divided into four geographical regions: North Karnataka, the Hill Stations, Coastal Karnataka and South Karnataka. The Karnataka Government has recently introduced The Golden Chariot, a train which connects popular tourist destinations in the state and Goa. Karnataka preserves its past glory by observing various fairs and festivals, retaining its art and crafts and by performing various dances and music forms. It is the birth place of the Indian classical music. The most unique feature of Karnataka is that it is the only province where both the main styles of Indian Music (Karnataka and Hindustani) are performed side by side. Enchanting Tamil Nadu: Tamil Nadu is a state in the South East part of the Indian Peninsula. The history of Tamizhagam goes back about 5000 years and more. It is the birthplace of Dravidian culture in India. The Chera, Chola and Pandya ruled the Dravidian country from which modern Tamil Nadu formed. In the 4th Century AD the Pallavas of Kanchipuram, became the rulers. They dominated the land for 400 years. The rise of Muslim power in India had its impact on Tamil Nadu. The establishment of the East India Company at Madras in 1639 was a crucial chapter in the history of Madras. When India attained

independence in 1947, the Madras province, comprising Tamil Nadu and parts of Kerala in the west and Andhra Pradesh in the north continued as the State of Madras. But the demand for a separate Telugu speaking state compelled the Government of India to bifurcate the state into two, into the Telugu-speaking Andhra Pradesh and Tamil-speaking Tamil Nadu. The old capital Madras city was retained by the new Madras state. Under the States ANCHOR INDIA

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Reorganization Act 1956, Madras lost the Malabar district and the Kasaragod taluk to the newly formed Kerala State. At the same time, Madras gained four taluks of Trivandrum district and one taluk of Kollam district. In 1969, January, Madras State changed its name to Tamil Nadu. The capital city was renamed as Chennai in 1996. Tamil Nadu, a state in Southern India, is bordered on the North by the State of Andhra Pradesh, on the Northwest by the Karnataka State,

on the West by the Kerala State and on the East and South by the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. Occupying an area in the extreme south of the Indian peninsula, Tamil Nadu has an area of 130,058 sq km (50,215 sq mi). The State of Tamil Nadu is divided into 32 districts, which in turn are further bifurcated into smaller divisions and subdivisions including a total of 17,272 villages. Chennai formerly known as Madras is the capital city of the state and India’s fourth largest metropolis. It extends over an area of 174 sq km. This city houses Asia’s largest hospitals which has recently spurred a new wave of medical tourism. The city of Chennai has been termed India’s health capital. Multi and Super specialty hospitals across the city bring in an estimated 150 international patients every day. Chennai attracts about 45 percent of health tourists from abroad arriving in the country and 30 to 40 percent of domestic health tourists. In healthcare, South India is often compared with the developed countries rather with other parts in the country. This fact proves the mettle of the service provided in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Fantabulous Hospital Networks Excellent hospital network comes first and foremost. South India has more private institutions participating in Medical Tourism. Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has been attempting to bring several medical institutions under one umbrella. They have already succeeded in bringing more hospitals under the umbrella of medical tourism. CII started medical tourism promotion in South India with several hospitals. These states have a number of hospitals which can compete with those in the developed countries and these hospitals are in a position to offer many consultancies under one roof with eco-friendly environment. Joint Commission International (JCI), the authority certifying hospitals has accredited many hospitals in India. Many hospitals in South India are already accredited by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health Care Providers (NABH). NABH is an

institutional member of International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) as well as member of its Board and Accreditation Council. NABH standards for hospitals have been approved by ISQua. International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) is an international body which grants approval to Accreditation Bodies in the area of healthcare ANCHOR INDIA

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as mark of equivalence of accreditation programme of member countries. The accreditation of NABH standard for hospitals authenticates that NABH standards are in consonance with the global benchmarks set by ISQua and thus hospitals accredited by NABH will have international recognition. NABH is also one of the founder members of

newly emerging Asian Society for Quality in Healthcare (ASQua). This initiative aims at strengthening the Asian representation at international level and improves the quality structure in healthcare. The NABH standards for hospitals have been drafted by the technical committee of NABH and contain a complete set of standards for evaluation of facilities for granting accreditation. The standards provide a framework for quality assurance in treatment offered in the organizations Universal Acceptance Some of the other plus points of South India’s Medical Tourism are related to the fact that doctors and nurses from these states are accepted all over the world, the people of the south Indian states are known for their compassion and NRIs all over the world function as ambassadors for Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. In fact some US NRIs function as entrepreneurs facilitating Medical Tourism to South India and many NRI Travel Agents operate in Medical tourism arranging to and fro travel, treatments and sightseeing. With globalization more countries have started to pump in money into Indian market paving way for an opportunity for India to showcase its potentials before them. On the other hand, the workforce and experts of the country have started to long for a job abroad in an unprecedented manner in the post globalization era. They, mainly the doctors and nurses working abroad, also act as ambassadors of Indian medical services. This has started to draw more medical tourists to the country. South India also has a host of well-known medical colleges and nurses training establishments producing thousands of doctors and nurses to serve the ailing at home and abroad. Excellent Infrastructures The health sector in the United Kingdom conducted a survey to find the reasons for the English seeking medical assistance from other countries. Most of the hospitals in

the UK come under the government department of National Health Service (NHS). The network of hospitals under NHS provides most advanced health care to the citizens of the UK. Yet, the number of citizens seeking medical aid in other ANCHOR INDIA

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countries is on the rise. The questionnaire given to those who took part in the survey had been prepared in a manner that gets at even the minutest reasons which have forced the health tourists from the country to seek other

destinations. Around 90 percent of the participants gave prime importance to accommodation facilities, cleanliness and communication facilities in the hospital. Aspects like expertise of the doctors took a back seat. They want not only proper medication but cozy atmosphere as well. Rising to the expectations, many of the hospitals in South India which are up to the mark in offering medical services are now catching up with international standards in hospitality facilities in their institutions. ANCHOR INDIA

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Professional Excellence In both health and education South India states has been keeping up with the international standards for decades. Internationally, the medical fraternity from South India is among the most sought after professionals. The ever growing number of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff working abroad testify to their caliber. According to reports, around 35 percent of doctors working in the United States are either Indians or those with Indian origins. Of them,

South Indians constitute a great chunk. In Britain, around 80 percent of the doctors working in hospitals under National Health Service (NHS), the network of hospitals run by the Government for the welfare of their citizens, are from India. The number of South Indians among these Indian doctors is high. Middle-East also portrays a similar picture. Nurses and paramedical staff from South India also outnumber other overseas groups in many countries. These doctors get an opportunity to have hands-on experience in most modern techniques and innovations in the medical world. When such doctors return home and join a hospital in South India after years of service in such countries, they also carry a treasure of experience with them. Besides the much needed expertise, they are familiar with the attitudes and behavioral patterns of the people from across the globe. This comes handy for these doctors while treating patients from abroad. Being the backbone of the health care system in the country, those devoting their lives to services in the health sector here also have vast experience and caliber. Many of the doctors do have international stature. South Indian states are internationally renowned not only for a low birth-rate and a high life-span of people but also for the surgeons and physicians who carried out complex surgeries and other treatments elegantly. Technology and Better Medical Facility Better medical facility was found to be a highly significant factor in foreign patients visiting South Indian hospitals. This is undoubtedly a reflection of the quality of the medical service offered by the service providers in the Medical Tourism Industry in these states. During the post liberalization era, India has outsmarted many other countries so far as the advancement of science and technology are concerned. Medical science and healthcare services in the country have reached new peaks in the last decade. Earlier, the advanced healthcare was the monopoly of the developed countries. So, many a people who could afford the expenses

went abroad high quality medical treatment. Now the scenario has changed drastically. Though the cost of treatment is low in India, compared to many other countries which provide world class healthcare, the cost of quality treatment is high for an average Indian. In healthcare, South ANCHOR INDIA

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India is often compared with the developed countries rather with other parts in the country. Robotic surgery, which is fast gaining popularity abroad, is taking roots in India too. Robotically assisted surgery was developed to overcome the limitations of minimally invasive surgery and to enhance

the capabilities of surgeons performing open surgery. Robotic surgery is being increasingly preferred to open surgery or laparoscopic surgery for most gynecology related operations including benign ovarian tumor, complex hysterectomy and fibroids in the uterus, lymph node dissection for uterine cancer& cervical cancer and severe endometriosis. Instead of using the surgery instruments by hand, robotic arms are used which are controlled by efficient surgeons with the help of advanced computers. The surgeon controls these instruments and the camera from a console located in the operating room. Placing his fingers into the master controls, he is able to operate all four arms of the da V inci Si - the world’s most advanced surgical robot, simultaneously while looking through a stereoscopic highdefinition monitor that literally places him inside the patient, giving him a better, more detailed 3-D view of the operating site than the human eye can provide. The ultimate effect is to give the surgeon unprecedented control in a minimally invasive environment. The patients can experience a number of benefits compared to open surgery, including less trauma on the body, minimal scarring, and faster recovery time. It is going to be interesting to see how Robotic surgery is going to shape up in south India in the coming years. With larger volumes and increasing number of hospitals employing the technology, the expenses are to take a downward spiral. There are also several companies with medical robots in pipeline and with their emergence we would witness a paradigm shift in the market. Domestic Health Tourism Most of the hospitals in the country offer two types of treatment. One is with high quality and high cost. The other offers the services with lesser quality and low cost. As a result only the elite class is able to go for quality treatment. But in the southern states of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, there is no double standard in healthcare. The hospitals in these states offer world class treatment at a low cost. So the number of patients from other parts of the

country started to seek the service in South India. This has given birth to a new branch in medical tourism - domestic health tourism. People from other states come to the hospitals in South India for availing better treatment at an affordable cost. Giants in healthcare services in South India have already started moves to tap the potentials of domestic medical tourism. ANCHOR INDIA

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International Connectivity Southern India has no dearth of international airports so as to facilitate the arrival of health tourists from abroad to any of the states within. A tourist arriving here by air can reach any of the locations in these southern states with just a couple of hours drive from the nearest international airport. Easy accessibility is the most important factor for

the growth of tourism. Earlier, the costs to cities in these states from other Indian cities like Delhi were as high as the fares to destinations in South-East and Middle-East. But the situation has changed for the good thanks to the Open Sky Policy and the emergence of budget airlines in the country. Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL), the first green field airport in the country built with publicprivate partnership, plays important role in the international connectivity of the State of Kerala. Wellconnected roads and rail aids comfortable and low prized travel throughout the region. More and more international airlines are vying with each other to have connections to these South Indian states. Influence of the NRIs and the Social Media Trade links between South India and many of the Gulf countries which dates back thousands of years coupled with the large number migration from southern part of India to these countries in search of job has provided them a better knowledge of South India. This comes handy for Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to beat many other competitors. While advising their patients for better medical aid, most of the medical practitioners in Gulf countries advise them to go to South India People working abroad come to their home states whenever they are to undergo treatment for all serious diseases .Many of the hospitals have been keen on providing proper awareness to those seeking such services about their institutions and the services rendered by them. As a result, the number of NRIs availing the healthcare services has touched new heights. Now they have become a category of their own among the health tourists coming to South India. The advent of new trends in internet also had its positive impact in the growth of medical tourism in South India. Most of the hospitals have own websites and social network groups providing latest information on the facilities and service packages. Information gathered from those who have already undergone treatment also plays a ANCHOR INDIA

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major role in bringing in more foreign medical tourists to these states. Other tools by which Health care tourism is getting promoted are the websites of Tourism Departments and informative portals, foreign tie ups, promotional books, advertising and fairs. Specialties Edge The specialty hospitals are the mainstay of South India’s medical tourism. Many of the hospitals offer a complete package that includes consultancy with a medical specialist, diagnosis, appropriate medical treatment, pre and postoperative care, and even arrangements for a family member or attendant to stay with the medical tourist. Specialty hospitals in South India have opened their doors to patients from around the world and have gained a reputation for their quality treatment and medical care. Specialty Hospitals in South India offer treatment in various medical specialties. From specialized eye care centers to brain and spinal surgery centers, specialty hospitals offer world-class care in select medical disciplines. Many of the specialty hospitals have faculty who have studied and worked abroad and have returned to India to teach and to build a worldclass medical infrastructure in India. These specialty hospitals are now attracting patients from around the world. Other specialties for which Kerala is now for include: Neurosurgery, Fertility Treatment, Transplant Surgery, Ophthalmology and Orthopedic Treatment. Of late bariatric surgery and robotic surgery are gaining popularity and attracting patients from abroad. Major Specialties The South India has all the potential to grow both horizontally and vertically in healthcare. One can see hospitals equipped with eminent doctors, skilled nurses and paramedical staff and state-of-the-art devices in every nook and corner of these southern states. Quality treatment in any branch of medical science can be availed in the southern part of the country.

Modern Medicine Heart Care: It is one of the branches of medical services which attract many health tourists to South India. The doctors who have proven track records add to the reputation of the hospitals here. Aortic stent grafting, angiography, angioplasty ANCHOR INDIA

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with contrast, angioplasty, angioplasty with medicated stent, carotid, coronary artery by-pass surgery, double heart valve replacement, electrophysiology complex study (EPS), heart transplant (subject to brain dead donor availability, I.C.D. (Single, double, combo chamber) implantation, pacemaker

(single, double chamber, biventricular), pediatric interventional cardiology, RF ablation, pediatric cardiac surgery (ASD,VSD), single heart valve replacement and thoracic aortic aneurysm are some of the cardiac treatments offered by the hospitals in South India. In the case of coronary artery disease, diseases affecting the valves of the heart, diseases present from birth like holes in the heart or blocks in the valves, mixing of blood inside the heart keyhole bypass surgery will be done. To minimize the risk factor, minimal invasive cardiac surgery is being preferred over normal keyhole bypass surgery. This method minimizes the risks like excess bleeding, possible brain problems like stroke, kidney dysfunction and increased chances of infection. Cardiac rehabilitation is another important healthcare service offered in the hospitals in South India. Cardiac rehabilitation programme help increases the functional ability of the person. The first of the four phase programme is for those with the chances of cardiac problems. It is preventive cardiology program in which normal persons are assessed for the risk factors of cardiac illness and they are prescribed an exercise program to keep their heart healthy. The acute cardiac rehabilitation program will take care of the patient admitted in the hospital for a cardiac illness. Post-acute cardiac rehabilitation program is the most important phase of any cardiac illness. It is an exercise programme for a period of 8 weeks. Neurosurgery: Rectifying damage to brain or spinal cord as a result of an accident, conditions such as epilepsy, removal of tumors of the brain or spinal cord, treatment for stroke and aneurysm are some of the cases which normally require neurosurgery. Surgery on the spine includes micro-discectomy, laminectomy, corpectomy and spinal fusion. Congenital diseases of the brain and spine, tumours of the brain, spine and the spinal cord, vascular diseases such as aneurysms and vascular malformations, regenerative disc and other spinal diseases, instrumentation of the spine and the cranio-vertebral junction, diseases of the pituitary gland, stereotactic surgery, surgery for epilepsy ANCHOR INDIA

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and movement disorders, stroke and haemorrhage in the brain and spinal cord, cortical basal ganglionic degeneration, epilepsy in adults with mental retardation, epilepsy in children with mental retardation are some other cases for which neurosurgery is being recommended. The surgery is being performed after conducting various tests for diagnosing the disease properly. EMG (electromyogram) which tests the functioning of muscles and nerves, Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) which monitors the carriage of impulses through a nerve, Computerized Tomography Scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), Interventional Neuro-Radiology and Digital subtraction angiography are the major tests done for diagnosing diseases related to the nervous system. Orthopedics: Yet another emerging medical opportunity is in orthopedics treatments. A number of orthopedic procedures are available such as hip and knee replacement, the Ilizarov technique, limb lengthening, Birmingham Hip resurfacing technique, in South Indian Hospitals. Many hospitals specialize in latest techniques and treatments such as minimal invasive surgery, cartilage and bone transplantation, spine surgery and limb sparing surgery. All kinds of musculo- skeletal problems ranging from Arthritis to sports injuries, to complex broken bones, bone tumors and childhood conditions like scoliosis are treated most effectively. A wide range of spinal surgeries including fixation, stabilization and fusion are regularly undertaken. Oncological Treatment: Major hospitals in South India have oncology units comprising surgical oncology, medical and radiation therapy as well as the crucial Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT). The BMT unit with high pressure hepa filters has helped achieve a very high success rate in the various types of transplantation in these hospitals. Cord Blood Transplant and Mismatched Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplants are being performed successfully, a feat that is remarkable and significant, considering the fact

that the treatment costs one-tenth of what it does in the west. Special surgeons are available for individual organs. Plastic surgeons of repute provide treatment for head and neck cancer, breast cancer and other malignancies. Eye Care: Specialized Eye Hospitals equipped with latest technology and expertise can be seen in the main cities in Southern India. Many patients from neighboring countries and the Middle East travel to South India for ophthalmology treatment. The health tourists who are not ready to compromise on the quality of treatment are satisfied with the treatment given here. In the case of ophthalmology treatment, there needs little follow up treatment Surgeries for correcting vision, Lasik - Laser assisted eye surgery for myopia, cataract surgery, corneal transplant surgery and retinopathy are offered by the hospitals in South India. Transplant Surgery: Transplant surgeries are done for replacing an organ that is no longer functioning, with another organ in good condition. Organs are being donated by living and deceased donors. Renal transplant surgery where a kidney is transplanted into a recipient, liver transplant surgery, where part of a liver from a donor organ is transplanted into a recipient, corneal transplant for eye donation and bone marrow transplant used for treating leukemia are the important transplant cases. As transplant surgeries are done when an organ of the patient fails, getting the surgeries done at the earliest is all the more important. So, the patients from western countries like the United Kingdom where they will have to wait long for undergoing the surgery come to South India. The hospitals in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu where there are highly qualified and experienced doctors, trained supporting staff and most modern equipment offer treatment on a par with international standards at an affordable cost. The success rate of the transplant surgeries conducted in South India is another factor which attracts even foreigners to the hospitals in these states.

Urology: With the change in life style, change in climate and long working hours have resulted in the increased number of urologic diseases. Hospitals in South India offer treatment for wide range of diseases associated with the urinary tract. Treatment is offered to cases like Laser Lithotripsy, Nephrectomy or K idney Removal Surgery, Bladder Cancer Treatment, endopyelotomy, Endoscopic Prostate Surgery, Endoscopic Ureter lithotomy, Enlarged Prostate Treatment , Erectile Dysfunction Treatment , Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy, Glomerulonephritis Treatment, Hydrocele Treatment, Kidney Stones Removal, Penis Enlargement, Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy, Peyronie’s disease treatment, Prostate Cancer Treatment, Prostatectomy, Renal Artery Stenosis Treatment, TURP Surgery, Urinary Incontinence Treatment, Uterine Cancer Treatment, Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversal. Ear, Nose and Throat: Hospitals in these states are placed among the number one ENT hospitals in the world. This has helped hospitals in South India in drawing many a health tourists from many foreign countries. Cochlear Implant for severely deaf children and adults, sinus endoscopy and Pediatric otorhinolaryngology are some of the cases to which treatment is offered by hospitals in South India. The diagnosis facilities like complete audiometric set-up, electronystagmography testing, Brain Stem Evoked Response Audiometry (BSERA) and OtoAciostic Emission (OAE) are available in these hospitals. Endoscopy used for reconstructive middle-ear surgery, surgery of the facial nerve, congenital ear anomalies, micro laryngeal surgery, surgery for snoring and sleep disorders, thyroplasty, septoplasty and septorhinoplasty, functional endoscopic sinus surgery, head and neck cancer surgeries, revision ear surgeries and phonosurgery. Dental Care: South India, the divine destination for tourists for rejuvenation and retreat is becoming more and more a tourist attraction. Not only do they carry back wonderful memoirs, but also a long lasting presentable and natural smile and lots of confidence. Dental specialist clinics in ANCHOR INDIA

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South India are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and competent doctors and supporting staff. Most of the dental tourism providers in these states offer worthwhile dental packages. Low cost and high quality, as in the case of other treatments, are the motive force for the dental tourists for selecting South India as their destination. These specialty centers focus on all areas of dentistry like bleaching, prosthesis on the implant, dental implants, vertical and horizontal bone grafting, gum grafting, gums treatment, palatal orthodontics, intra mouth dental scanning, smile designing, root canal, teeth whitening, extraction of normal or fractured teeth under local anesthesia, extraction of impacted wisdom teeth, ceramic caps without gold under microscopic control, maxillary surgery, dental bridges, porcelain, ceramic crowns, fluoride treatments for children, cosmetic dentistry, tooth contouring and reshaping and dental fillings. Dental tourism providers in South India offer cosmetic dentistry package to enhance the looks of a person. Under cosmetic dentistry dental bonding, dental veneers, these custom-made moldings made of porcelain or ceramic are perfect for spaces, chips, fractures, rotated or maligned teeth, distorted, or discolored teeth. Thanks to the modern technology and skills of the dentists in South India both the tourists and the Non Resident Indians have made South India their favorite dental rehabilitation destination. Established in 1965 by Dr. K.T. Paulose Nechupadam, Nechupadam Dental Clinic has a global vision of improving smiles and dental health and has been in the forefront delivering high quality dental treatments since its inception. The team of doctors headed by Dr. Thomas K . Paulose Nechupadam is well known throughout the world, for their skills and expertise in the Aesthetic dental arena, especially in Invisalign, fastbraces clear aligners and 3D Milling and printing Technologies. Keeping in mind the global perspective, Dr. Nechupadam Dental Clinic started its city centre in 1991 which is now headed by Dr. Thomas Paulose Nechupadam, a well-known

appearance expert catering to corporate and modelling industry for their dental and facial appearance improvements. State of the art centres at Marine drive, Cochin and Kolenchery, Ernakulam provide world- class facilities for dental treatment. The global standards for sterilisation monitored by University Louisville USA AND ISO 9001-2000 standardisation in management, helps the clinics to improve upon their quality of treatments. Equipped to provide Single visit Endodontics (root canal therapy) Prosthodontics (Replacements of missing teeth permanently) Periodontics (treatment for gums and supporting tissues) Invisalign, Clear aligners or Orthodontics (Treatment for forwardly and irregularly placed teeth) Implantology, Crown and bridge, Oral radiology and diagnosis the Centre is top amongst the leaders in dentistry. The Nechupadam Dental offers package to tourists that does not hinder their relaxation and travel schedules. Dental treatment is no more painful or scary, but personalised and comfortable that can be part of a holiday. The packages is customised to the need of the guests which may include travel, accommodation, cruises on houseboats, taste of the Kerala hospitality while availing the best dental treatment. The innovative webbased appointments and counselling via video conferencing and live email conversations have been a boon to many which helps them understand the treatment procedures and plan their vacation in advance. Catering to the dental needs of both young and old, Nechupadam dentists have become the smile factory, for the global family. The One Stop Shop for a Smile. Cosmetic Treatment: If we had any say in designing our own body shape, almost all of us would have been debonairs or miss worlds. But unfortunately, the physical appearance of us depends upon a lot of factors including heredity, time and place of birth. It was as a result of the experiments by many experts from across the world that gave birth to cosmetics treatment. Here an individual gets an opportunity ANCHOR INDIA

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to have a remake on the physical appearance of oneself according to his or her wish. Cosmetic surgeries can enhance one’s looks, persona, sensuality, physical appeal and thereby helping giving a boost to self-confidence. Once underwent a cosmetic surgery, a person will certainly feel more presentable and confident. Cosmetic surgery changes one’s appearance by altering parts of his or her body that function normally but make you unhappy. Some people make physical changes through diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes. Some prefer to undergo cosmetic surgery. The number of people resorting to cosmetic surgery for correcting the ‘wrong design’ of the body is growing worldwide. Sometimes the correction of even a minor cosmetic defect can make a major positive change, substantially increasing feelings of well-being and selfworth. Surveys conducted among those underwent cosmetic surgeries show that it brought in wholesome change in the person in a positive manner. Cosmetic surgery is the most sought after treatment by the medical tourists across the world. South India hosts a lot of institutions which cater to the needs of those go for cosmetic surgeries. Face lift, forehead lift, fat injection/grafting, contour thread lift, double chin liposuction, cheek or chin implants, mole removal, scar revisions, facial laser resurfacing, facial rejuvenation, Botox rejuvenation, filler injections, upper eyelids, lower eyelids , rhinoplasty or nose job, nasal septum corrections, lip reduction, lip augmentation, prominent ear reshaping, split ear lobe repair, liposuction, laser hair removal, breast implants, breast lift/ mastopexy, breast reduction, male breast/ gynecomastia, breast reconstruction with flap, body contouring, abdominoplasty, liposuction- arms, waist, hips, thighs, legs and flanks, penile lengthening and penile thickening are some of the cosmetic treatments offered by the hospitals in South India. As in the case of other treatments, the cost for cosmetic surgeries are less in India compared to other countries, especially the developed countries. In South India, the cost of cosmetic surgeries is even lesser.

Gynecology: These departments in most of the hospitals in South India offer world class services. The hospitals have doctors, nurses and staff who are having lot of experience and expertise. They have proven records in handling any even complicated cases. They have the advantage of advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment. People from all across the world, especially from the Gulf countries come to South India seeking the services of gynecologists. The facilities to detect gynecological disorders at an early stage and to prevent it are there in most of the hospitals. Those from the Gulf countries make a beeline to gynecology departments in the hospitals Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Though the citizens of the rich Gulf countries can afford the cost of treatment in the Western countries, they come to South Indian States as the quality of treatment in the West and here are same. Just like in other cases, low cost is the key factor which comes in favour of South Indian hospitals while a medical tourist chooses the hospital. The hospitals in South India have women check-up programmes designed to detect the earliest signs of disorders of the breast and the organs. Mammogram and a pap smear of the cervix and an ultrasound of the pelvis are part of medical check-up for women. Most modern treatment for disorders like menstrual abnormalities, prolapse, fibroids and other tumours of the uterus and ovaries are available in these hospitals recanalization by microsurgery. Infertility Treatment: Reproduction is one of the main objectives of life- not for man alone but for the entire creations. That’s why the reports that infertility cases are on the increase globally shock the mankind. If the infertility cases were few and far between a decade ago, now it has touched an alarming level. Medical sciences and its supportive mechanism have risen to the occasion. Giving a ray of hope for millions, infertility treatment has gone much ahead. Southern India also could catch up with the world standards in the branch. Assisted Reproductive ANCHOR INDIA

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Technology (ART) is provided at specialized hospitals that offer Fertility Treatment in South India. The treatment programme includes medical check-ups of the couple, to determine the physiological causes of infertility. Once ascertained the cause, the appropriate assisted reproductive technique is prescribed. Advanced techniques such as GIFT (Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer) and ZIFT (Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer) are offered at wellequipped hospitals. It is the success saga of many of the infertility clinics in South India that attract more couples to seek the service in South India. The flow of domestic and international health tourists has been another reason for infertility clinics mushrooming in these states. Laparoscopic surgeries for ectopic pregnancies, ovarian cysts and tumours, tubal blocks and even hysterectomies are available. Disorders of ovulation, controlled ovarian stimulation, controlled ovarian stimulation, Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI), Intra-Fallopian Tubal Insemination (IFI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer (GIFT), Embryo Transfer (ET), Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT), sperm donation, freezing egg /oocyte donation, replacement of frozen embryos, full range of treatment of male infertility including micro-manipulation technology and- Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection are the areas where infertility treatment focus on. Traditional Systems of Medicine Ayurveda: Ayurveda is a traditional Indian therapy. It is the holistic medicine principle derived from centuries of medical tradition in India. Under Ayurveda, original medicines are prepared and used. Availability of ayurvedic therapies can be used as a competitive factor by Indian hospitals in providing the medical tourism package. Ayurvedic treatments provide excellent preventive care and rejuvenation therapies. Ayurveda has become a synonym for Medical Tourism in Kerala and neighboring states. There has been a spontaneous growth in South India, especially Kerala for Ayurveda, which has no competition

in the whole world. By collective effort the name Ayurveda got branded all over the world. In ancient India every branch of science was developed abiding nature’s rules. So ancient Indian science and knowledge are extremely befitting for this age. Though they pursued the spiritual world, the saints in India longed for finding solutions to all the issues related to material world as well. It was because they wanted to redress the grievances of the general public. They well knew that anybody who works for the common well-being can’t neglect the health of the public. When the Rishis or sages in India put their heads together to find out a system for solving the health problems, the result was Ayurveda. As the term Ayurveda denotes to the knowledge of life it’s not only a system to cure disease but the regimen teaching us ways to achieve Perfect Health from diseased or abnormal conditions and guidelines to lead a life, both physical and mental, to attain the bliss of real life. Keen observation and study of nature including all kinds of life in the world for hundreds of years could only have formulated such a life science which has a concrete basis in Indian philosophy and wide reaching applicability in life of all sorts. Since it is holistic, it approaches man as a whole and cares man’s physical mental and spiritual health. It’s almost as old as mankind and at the same time as new as modern man that no disease is there which is incurable or uncontrollable unless misled too much. According to Ayurveda human body is composed of three fundamental elements called Doshas which represent the physicochemical and physiological activities of the body, Dhatu which denotes the materials entering in to the formation of a basic structure of the body cell, thereby performing some basic actions and Malas the substance which are partly used in the body and partly excreted in yet another from after serving their physiological activities. The dynamic equilibrium of these leads to perfect health and imbalance of any of these leads to disease. To attain perfect health we have to maintain the original, natural balance of these. The role

of a physician is to understand the imbalance happened to this dynamic equilibrium and to correct or give advice as how can it be brought to the original state, whether with medicine or with changes in life style. He studies the ANCHOR INDIA

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patient; not only the disease, with some special techniques and gives you some medicines and lot of advice, after which you may feel healthier and no system upset. Though Doshas, Dhatus and Malas are equally important, Doshas

have added dominance; because human body and everything in it are influenced by doshas and maintenance of their balance will correct the defects of the other. Doshas are three - vata, pitta, and kapha and they may not be equal and same in all. According to the dominance of each dosha every man is categorized to different types. There is abundant means to find out body types and it is easy for an ayurvedic doctor to comprehend anyone’s body type. Ayurveda gives special emphasis on prevention on disease. Treatment of Making You Healthy: The treatment in Ayurveda is classified mainly into two Samana and Sodhana. Samana is the pacifying way of treatment and sodhana roots out the disease from the body. Oral therapy and easier means of treatment are prescribed under Samana treatment. But Sodhana treatment is extensive, time consuming procedures to change a diseased man to the original healthy man. These are widely used all over India for patients with chronic illnesses. If done with special precautions, regular checkups and extra care Sodhana treatments can work wonders and this is what happens in India, especially in South India, which attracts a lot of foreigners from all over the world to this small state. According to ayurvedic principle you are what you eat. So much significance is given to the food habits and life style. Natural herbs are widely used as medicines. In fundamental principles of Ayurveda 5 basic elements are very important. The universe and anything in the universe is believed to be made of these 5 elements- air, water, earth, fire and space. Quality and nature of everything varies according to difference in the proportion of these elements. According to the dominance of these elements each plant or each mineral exhibits its own physical and chemical characters. This basic principle is made use of in the formulation of medicines in Ayurveda. Panchakarma: Panchakarma is a term most mistaken among people. It is really 5 main treatments, by which vitiated doshas are expelled from the body. They include Vamana (induced vomiting), Virechanam (Purgation), Asthapanam (enema with ANCHOR INDIA

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decoction), Anuvasanam (enema with oil) and Nasyam (Nasal application of oil). According to another school, both the enemas are included under common title Vasti and fifth one is Raktamoksham (Bloodletting). The vitiated doshas, waste materials and toxins are expelled by panchakarma. But for the convenience of the complete expulsion they are collected at particular sites by these pre-panchakarma process called Snehapanam (oleation) and Swedanam (Steam bath). There are particular, prescribed procedures and steps by which these are carried out. Though the lessons and texts studied are same, the system of treatment is entirely different and far more effective as well. These special methods of treatments which can be included in the pre and post panchakarma procedures are Sarvangasnehadhara/Pizhichil (oil bath), Shashtikapindaswedam (rice bundle massage), Patrapodalaswedam (leaf bundle massage) Sirodhara (head bath) etc. Siddha: Originated from the Dravidian culture Siddha system of medicine is the oldest traditional treatment system in the world. The Siddha which flourished in the period of Indus Valley Civilization is older than the treatment systems like acupuncture. The word Siddha comes from the word Siddhi which means an attainment of a rare feat. According to the preachers of Siddha medicine, it focuses on the techniques to attain Ashtamahasiddhi, the power to tame the eight supernatural powers. Those who achieved such powers are known as Siddhars. There were 18 important Siddhars in olden days and they developed this system of medicine. Hence, it is called Siddha Medicine. It uses herbal remedies, alchemy and pressure point massages to alleviate sickness and pain. It emphasises on the use of the remedial properties inherent in the natural environment. It has still deep roots in India, especially in the southern states. Naturopathy and Yoga: For healing all types of diseases, nature has its own remedies. This concept is the foundation stone of Naturopathy treatment. According to the method,

the patient will have to follow a nature-friendly lifestyle. From food habits to sleeping, the patient will have to move in tandem with the nature. Alcohol, smoking, chewing tobacco and the consumption of tea, coffee, and nonvegetarian foods are forbidden in all the centers. Children below fifteen years of age are not allowed inside these centers nor are pregnant women. According to naturopathy system, all healing powers are within one’s body. A person falls ill when he or she goes against Nature. Toxins, the cause of diseases are to be taken out from the body to cure the disease. A thorough rest, which includes fasting, is the most favorable condition in which an ailing body can purify and recoup itself. Yoga the medication programme acclaimed by the world is part of naturopathy. The Mesmerizing Charm of South India Tourism emerged as the largest global industry of the 20th century and is projected to grow even faster in the 21st century. South India has immense possibilities of growth in the tourism sector with vast cultural and religious heritage and varied natural attractions. South India covers the most beautiful places in India. South India is by sea from three sides on West - Arabian Sea, on East - Bay of Bengal, on South Indian Sea and on North - V indhya and Satpura ranges. South India attracting tourists by many ways like Backwaters, Falls, Reservoir, Beaches, Forts, Culture, Temples, Nature, Major Cities and Famous Hill Stations. South India Tourism has embraced a world of nature and wildlife, adventure camp experience, Resorts, Honeymoon Getaways, Spas, Camping Sites, Medical and Educational Tourism, Shopping Showrooms, Art and Crafts, Antiques, Adventure and Eco Tourism for tourists. South India is one of the fastest growing tourism destinations. Kerala, Nestled in the Bosom of Mother Nature Kerala, the lush green state situated on the tropical Malabar Coast of South Western India, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Globally ANCHOR INDIA

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referred as God’s own country, it is named as one of the ten paradises of the world by the National Geographic Traveler. Its unique culture and traditions, coupled with its varied demography, has made Kerala one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Immensely blessed by Mother Nature, the state has everything that a tourist looks forward to. The captivating greenery, long stretches of palm fringed shores, serpentine back waters, crystal clear rivers, lakes and jungle streams and picturesque forest ranges and valleys are some of the state’s coveted assets in respect of tourism. In the decades that followed, Kerala Tourism was able to transform itself into one of the niche holiday destinations in India. The tag line KeralaGod’s Own Country was adopted in its tourism promotions and became a global super brand. Kerala is regarded as one of the destinations with the highest brand recall. The state’s tourism agenda promotes ecologically sustained tourism, which focuses on the local culture, wilderness adventures, volunteering and personal growth of the local population. Efforts are taken to minimise the adverse effects of traditional tourism on the natural environment, and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Plantation Tourism: The Western Ghats at an average altitude of 900 mtrs from the sea level, with a number of peaks well over 1,800 m in height and their slopes and valleys are known for its exotic spices like cardamom, pepper, cinnamon, and cash crops like tea, coffee and rubber. The Midlands, lying between the mountains and the lowlands, is made up of undulating hills and valleys which are rich in cashew, areca nut, tapioca, banana, rice, sugarcane and vegetables of myriad varieties. These areas have now become hotspot of plantation tourism. Many of the plantation estates are in the scenic locales of the Western Ghats. The breathtaking panoramas bring one to a world of wonder. Though plantations are the lands of leisure, it also imparts cognition about the cultivation and processing of these great crops. The opportunities for trekking, fishing, swimming and other recreations proffer an experience of

being one with the virgin nature. Idukki, Wayanad and Kottayam are the major plantation centres in Kerala. The exotic smell of the spices elates to a heavenly ecstasy. Sense the spirit of eco-tourism and adventure tourism through the green plantations. Stay with nature, dine with nature and rejoice with nature. Bird Sanctuaries: Birds have always evoked the curiosity of man. Maybe the wish to fly is prime reason. The beauty, the way in which they make its nest, its ability to sense even the subtle changes in the nature and the nature of migration and their mating- all associated with birds are keenly watched by man. Bird sanctuaries are major attraction for tourists. Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary is the most renowned bird sanctuary in the state. Started in 1983, the bird sanctuary located in Thattekkad in Ernakulum district was the first bird sanctuary of Kerala. Spread over an area of 25 sq km in the forests surrounded by the tributaries of the Periyar River. One can see a variety of migratory and resident bird species, including the rare Ceylon frogmouth and the rose-billed roller. Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary is another important one. Migratory birds like darters, egrets, herons, teals, waterfowls, cuckoos and wild ducks are some of the varieties found here. The Siberian storks migrate to Kumarakom every year. Pakshipathalam, situated 1740 mts above sea level, can be accessed only by trekking. Rare species of birds can be sighted from the watch tower of this bird sanctuary. Kadalundi Bird sanctuary is spread over a cluster of islands in a scenic area surrounded by hillocks where the Kadalundi River flows into the Arabian Sea. The estuary at Kadalundi is a heaven for migratory birds. Over a hundered varieties of native birds and over 60 varieties of migratory birds flock here in large numbers. Enchanting Backwaters: The backwaters in Kerala are a labyrinthine chain of brackish lagoons and lakes lying parallel to the Arabian Sea coast. The backwater network includes five large lakes linked by 1500 km of canals, both manmade and natural, fed by 38 rivers, and extending ANCHOR INDIA

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virtually the entire length of Kerala state. The backwaters were formed by the action of waves and shore currents creating low barrier islands across the mouths of the many rivers flowing down from the Western Ghats range. Forty one west flowing and 3 east-flowing rivers along with its tributaries are the lifeline of evergreen Kerala. The river banks which are rich in flora fauna are ideal spots for a rejuvenating sojourn. A tourist coming to Kerala will not like miss a cruise along the backwaters here. A cruise along the backwaters gives the tourist the taste of the culture, history, lifestyle and the scenic beauty of Kerala. In Alappuzha, not only the tourists but the locals too enjoy the cruise along the backwaters. Many of the carnivals here are associated with backwaters. The Nehru Trophy Snake Boat race held here every year is one of such carnival. The unique feature of Kuttanad, the rice bowl of Kerala is that the fields are below sea level. These paddy fields are barricaded from the surrounding backwaters by earthen bunds. Kumarakom is another location for backwater tourism. A journey in the house-boat will be an unforgettable experience. Kollam is an ancient seaport on the banks of the Ashtamudi Lake. The cruise from Kollam to Alappuzha which lasts eight hours is the main attraction for tourists visiting the area. Kochi known as the Queen of the Arabian Sea is known for its natural harbour. Kochi which consists of a cluster of islands is the apt place to start backwater cruise. Kappil, Kozhikode, Thiruvallam, Valapattanam and Valiyaparamba are also major backwater destinations in Kerala. Sandy Beaches: Flanked on the western coast by the Arabian Sea, Kerala has a long coastline of 580 km; all of which is virtually dotted with sandy beaches. These sandy beaches and sea shores are ideal for sunbathing while the shallow coastal waters are extremely safe for swimming and a refreshing sea bath. The cool breeze that blows on the beaches will be soothing for both the body and soul. The most popular beach in the state is Kovalam, one of India’s internationally acclaimed beaches. A cluster of three

crescent shaped beaches, Kovalam is ideal for an adventurous water sports like wind surfing swimming and thrilling boat ride either in catamaran or a wooden craft. The Varkala beach flanked by the brick red cliffs is an ideal sea side resort and spa. It is also a pilgrim centre. Alleppey is another spectacular beach where you can venture safely into the sea to enjoy the massaging touch of the gentle waves or sit on sand dune hearing the song of the sea. Kappad beach in northern Kerala is where history comes alive. It is on these shores Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese mariner set his foot in 1498 tracing an easiest maritime trade route to India. Bekal is another serene beach set in the backdrop of an array of swaying palms and the elegant Bekal Fort. Cherai Beach, Chowara Beach and Poovar Beach are also tourists’ paradises with golden sand and surf. Black rocks protected Muzhappilangad beach is the only drive in beach in Kerala. Nattika, the hidden treasure of Malabar Coast is a beautiful beach with panoramic views. Evergreen Hill Stations and Jungle Tourism: Eastern Kerala, housing the majestic Western Ghats; the region thus includes high mountains, gorges, and deep-cut valleys. The wildest lands are covered with dense forests, while other regions lie under tea and coffee plantations or other forms of cultivation. One of the most exciting hill stations in Kerala is Ponmudi perched on the Western Ghats at an altitude of 1100 ft. above sea level. Lush green woods, lazily meandering streams and countless varieties of butterflies and birds make this hill station unique. Another jungle abode is Nelliampathy, a forest range of 75 km sq km in Palakkad district. It comprises a chain of ridges cut off from one another by valleys of dense evergreen forests and orange plantations. The entire area is a perfect paradise of nature lovers. Nestled in the green and serene Kannan Devan Hills, lies the pristine hill station of Munnar, at an altitude of 1524 mtrs from sea level and 136 km off Kochi. The misty mountains, the green carpet of tea gardens and long stretches of grass lands makes this hill station a ANCHOR INDIA

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virtual paradise on earth. Tourists throng Munnar round the year for a retreat in the very bosom of nature. Nearby is Eravikulam National Park, the home of the endangered Nilgiri Tahrs that roam on the sprawling stretches of grasslands. In the high ranges there are a number of other picturesque jungle abodes like Idukki, Kumily, Devikulam, Vagamon, Peerumedu which are surrounded by a spread of beautiful, wooden valleys and fresh water streams. Idukki is also the home of the state’s hydel power thanks to the giant arch dam built across river Periyar. Vagamon in the high range Idukki district is yet another Hill station ideal for trekking. It is an ideal tourist spot surrounded by the greenery of tea gardens, beautiful meadows, valleys and dales. Thekkady is one of India’s most exciting natural wildlife sanctuaries which offer opportunity to watch wildlife at close range. The vegetation, the flora and fauna and the birds of Thekkady are uniquely rich, vast and varied. Notable among wild life population in this sanctuary which attracts a steady stream of visitors round the year is the majestic Asiatic wild elephants, Nilgiri langur, wild boar, wild dog, bison, bear tigers and leopards. The greatest attraction in Thekkady is a leisurely cruise across the expanse of the fresh water lake in the midst of the sanctuary. Lakkidi in Wayanad district is another hill station of great scenic beauty with its picturesque hills, streams and luxuriant vegetation, one of the highest locations in Wayanad, and registers the second highest degree of rainfall in the world. Surrounded on all sides by meadows and hills, it has become a favorite picnic spot of tourists. Wayanad district also offers a variety of other tourist attractions like the Kuruva Islands, Pookote Lake, Chembra Peak, Edakkal Caves etc. Monsoon Tourism: The four month-long, copious monsoon and recurrent flurry make this land a perfect nursery for all living being. On account of this monsoon tourism is now being promoted in a big way in the state. The word monsoon imparts a festive spirit to the whole world. The smell of the dry earth getting soaked elates you to an exotic

experience. It becomes the best time to explore the virgin nature intact. A land which is very precious to God with a vast network of 44 rivers and its tributaries welcomes monsoon with much exuberance. Yes, Kerala eagerly expects the sound of splashing waters after a long summer. The farmers exult in the drops of prosperity that shower a new beginning. It is the queer season which can refresh you completely. The God’s own country is blessed with a great season of monsoon that lasts for three months. Vibrant Festivals and Cultural Diversity: It is the land of colourful and beautiful art forms and festivals. The major festival in Kerala is Onam. Kerala has a number of religious festivals. Thrissur Pooram is the major temple festival in Kerala. It is conducted at the Vadakumnathan temple, Thrissur. The tradition of classical arts in God’s own country dates back over a thousand years. The UNESCO has recognised some of the art forms as the part of world heritage. Kerala’s culture is mainly Dravidian in origin, deriving from a greater Tamil-heritage region known as Tamilakam. Later, Kerala’s culture was elaborated on through centuries of contact with overseas cultures. Native performing arts include koodiyattom, kathakali and its offshoot Kerala Natanam, Koothu, Mohiniaattam, Ottamthullal, Padayani and Theyyam. Apart from these there are several religion related art forms such as Chavittu nadakom and Oppana. Pulikkali, performed during Onam festival has a spectacular view. There are also several ancient ritualised arts including the martial art form of Kalaripayattu. Other ritual arts include Theyyam, Poorakkali and Kuthiyottam. Kuthiyottam is a ritualistic symbolic representation of Human Bali. Folklore exponents see this art form, with enchanting well structured choreography and songs, as one among the rare Adi Dravida folklore traditions still preserved and practiced in Central Kerala in accordance to the true tradition and environment. In respect of Fine Arts, the State has an abounding tradition of both ancient and contemporary art and artists. The traditional Kerala murals are found in ANCHOR INDIA

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ancient temples, churches and palaces across the State. These paintings, mostly dating back between the 9th to 12th centuries AD, display a distinct style and a colour code which is predominantly ochre and green. Like the rest of India, religious diversity is very prominent in Kerala. The principal religions are Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Buddhism have smaller followings. The state’s historic ties with the rest of the world have resulted in the state having many famous temples, churches, and mosques. The Paradesi Synagogue of the Jews in Kochi is the oldest Jewish place of worship in the Commonwealth of Nations. Recognizing the potential of tourism in the diversity of religious faiths, related festivals and structures, the tourism department launched a Pilgrimage tourism project. Wildlife, Flora and Fauna: Most of Kerala, whose native habitat consists of wet evergreen rainforests at lower elevations and highland deciduous and semi-evergreen forests in the east, is subject to a humid tropical climate. However, significant variations in terrain and elevation have resulted in a land whose biodiversity registers as among the World’s most significant. Most of Kerala’s biodiversity tracts of wilderness lie in the evergreen forests of its easternmost districts. There are also numerous protected conservation areas, including 1455.4 sq km of the vast Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. In turn, the forests play host to such major fauna as Asian Elephant, Bengal Tiger, Leopard, Nilgiri Tahr and Grizzled Giant Squirrel. More remote preserves, including Silent Valley National Park in the Kundali Hills, harbor endangered species such as Liontailed Macaque, Indian Sloth Bear and Gaur. More common species include Indian Porcupine, Chital, Sambar, Gray Langur, Flying Squirrel, Swamp Lynx, Boar, a variety of catarrhine Old World monkey species, Gray Wolf, Common Palm Civet. Many reptiles, such as king cobra, viper, python, various turtles and crocodiles are to be found in Kerala. Kerala’s avifauna include endemics like the Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Oriental Bay Owl, large frugivores like the Great

Hornbill and Indian Grey Hornbill, as well as the more widespread birds such as Peafowl, Indian Cormorant, Jungle and Hill Myna, Oriental Darter, Black-hooded Oriole, Greater Racket-tailed and Black Drongoes, bulbul, species of Kingfisher and Woodpecker, Jungle Fowl, Alexandrine Parakeet, and assorted ducks and migratory birds. Additionally, freshwater fish such as kadu and brackishwater species such as Choottachi also are native to Kerala’s lakes and waterways. Karnataka, the Vibrant World Karnataka is a place where vibrant worlds seamlessly meld into one another, every few hundred kilometres. Sedate plains suddenly rise to dizzying mist-covered hilly heights and then plunge with careless abandon in a white-water freefall, to become languid rivers that flow past cities, cities where time has stopped altogether and cities where time rushes a relentless rush to keep up with the world; cities that sometimes escape into the deep quiet of thick forests and sometimes, stretch their arms wide open to embrace the sea. Karnataka has hosted and continues to host a wide melting pot culture community. Along with the native Kannadigas, Kodavas, Tuluvas, Konkanis and several tribal sects have, across the centuries, lent colour and content to the vibrant culture the state calls its own. Karnataka is also home to the largest Tibetan settlement in South India. In addition to Kannada, knowing Tulu, Hindi, English, Telugu or Tamil will safely get you by. Jainism, Hinduism and Islam are the predominantly practised religions. But in recent times, Sikhism, Christianity and Buddhism have also found their place and people. In dance, drama, theatre, crafts, art, poetry, architecture and scholarly pursuits, Karnataka brings with it a legacy of learning that predates the earliest dynasties. Karnataka as a patron of the arts has nurtured it into the exemplar. Poets, musicians, dancers, thespians, story tellers, writers, artists have flourished in these parts and have contributed to the state’s well-versed repertoire. India’s most respected ANCHOR INDIA

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schools of music, Carnatic and Hindustani over the centuries, were perfected here, with the state bringing forth many greats. Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, Kathak and Odissi have found their niche in the mainstream culture, and the state boasts some of the best schools in the country. Karnataka’s millennia-long tryst with royalty has left an indelible mark on its celebrations. There’s nothing understated about the way Karnataka celebrates. Hoary Tradition: Karnataka is a land of rich historical heritage. Built in Indo-Saracenic style, with domes, turrets, arches and colonnades, the Mysore Palace is a treasure house of exquisite carvings and works of art from all over the world. Known as Amba V ilas Palace, it was designed by Henry Irwin, the British consultant architect of Madras State and completed in 1912 on the site of the old wooden palace that was destroyed by fire in 1897. From atop the Matanga Hill at daybreak, Hampi is every inch the capital city of a golden empire. The capital of the mighty Badami Chalukyas might have shrunk into a few scenic square kilometres in terms of touristy value. But Badami still retains its majesty. Known as the cradle of temple architecture, Aihole is an experience of time travelling, by all means. Once the destination of kings, Pattadakal was where kingdoms were bestowed upon heirs apparent. Once the capital city of the Hoysala dynasty, Belur is home to the Chennakesava Temple known as the ‘jewel in stone’ - a title it’s held unsurpassed since 1116 AD. Halebeedu, before it became Halebeedu or the destroyed city, was the second capital of the Hoysalas and went by the name Dwarasamudra. Today, the Hoysaleshwara Temple, though the sole survivor of all the grandeur that once was, hitherto the plunder of successive invaders, still tells a mean tale. Many monuments and historical places like Bijapur, Chitradurga, Srirangapatna, Bidar, Gulbarga, Bellary Fort, Somnathpur, Bangalore Palace and Kolar speak much about the golden era of the state. A visit to Tipu’s Fort in Bengaluru is an enriching experience.

The Urban Delights: Bengaluru, the capital city is South India’s most alive city. A melting point of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, the hoi polloi of Bangalore is charmingly mixed. Malls, parks, pubs, theatre, cafes, art galleries, palaces etc at any given point, Bengaluru is buzzing and alive with activity. Almost at the heart of South India, this cosmopolitan city is everything a world city needs to be. Mysore is the second largest city in the state of Karnataka and it lies about 140 km southwest of Bengaluru. The city spread across an area of 128.42 sq km and situated at the base of the Chamundi Hills which is one of the most important tourist centers of the Karnataka. Mysore is also known as Palace City of India which can genuinely boast of one of the most visited monuments in India, the Mysore palace. Brindavan Gardens of Mysore is a show garden that has a beautiful botanical park, full of exciting fountains, as well as boat rides beneath the Krishna Raja Sagara Dam. Ensconced on the coast, Mangalore makes a pleasant and convenient stop between Goa and Kerala. With its narrow, winding streets fringed with coconut palms, quaint houses with terracotta-tiled roofs, beautiful beaches, temples and churches, and the aroma of spicy coconut curries, it has preserved its old-world charm. For a commercial and business hub, Hubli’s name translates into sheer poetry. Bellary has seen a long line of rulers and therefore, it comes as no surprise that Bellary, despite being a progressive industrial district, still has the airs and graces of a forgotten time. Known as the land of heroes, of which Rani Chennamma of Kittur undoubtedly reigns supreme as the face of the sobriquet, Belgaum is one of Karnataka’s oldest and largest cities. Cascading Waterfalls: The milky white waterfalls are inimitable by itself, primarily due to the grandeur of the evergreen forests that wrap it. Jog Falls bear witness to nature’s headlong tumble as the Sharavati River makes a spectacular drop of 253m in four distinct cascades, known locally as Raja, Rani, Rover, and Rocket to create the highest ANCHOR INDIA

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falls in Asia. Shivanasamudra Falls helps to discover nature’s handiwork and is 65km east of Mysore. The Kavery River as it plummets from a height of 75m into a deep, rocky gorge with a deafening roar, to form two picturesque falls. Tucked away between private coffee and spice estates, Abbey Falls offers a splendid backdrop for picnics. Nestling beside the Rajiv Gandhi National Park (Nagarahole), Iruppu Falls presents a stunning sight during the monsoon. The mesmerising Magod Falls are located 80km from Karwar. Situated in the midst of dense forests, Sathodi Falls is locally known as the Mini-Niagara of Uttara Kannada District. Hebbe Falls is located at a distance of 8km from Kemmanagundi. River Ghataprabha takes a leap over a rocky bed 170ft down which makes a beautiful Gokak Falls. Virgin Beaches: The sandy beaches and sea shores in Karnataka are ideal for getting refreshed. A sleepy Brahmin town, lodged somewhere between a conservative society and a faithful hippy fan following, Gokarna is a dream beach destination in the state. With gentle waves, miles of golden sand, a tranquil ambience, and acres of emerald foliage, Karwar has all the makings of a perfect holiday destination. Murudeshwara help you to seat yourself at a vantage point on a hillock and watch the relentless wave’s crash against the rock. Situated 12 km south of Udupi on the coastal belt that passes through the West Coast National Highway, Kaup has a lovely beach. At the mouth of the Malpe River, about 6km from Udupi, is the natural harbour of Malpe, an important fishing centre that enriches Karnataka’s coastline with its fabulous beach. About 6 km from the Malpe coast into the Arabian Sea, one gets to see the palm-fringed St. Mary’s Island which bears the cross that Vasco Da Gama placed when he landed in 1498. The island is 300m long and 100m wide. 15km north of Ullal, Suratkal beach is near the promontory on which the new lighthouse stands. Take in the spectacular views at Marawanthe, a seaside town where the West Coast Highway cruises alongside the Arabian Sea on one side, with the picturesque Kodachadri Hills forming a backdrop to the Sauparnika River on the other.

Invigorating Hill Stations: Nature can be experienced in its full splendor in Karnataka. A hedonist’s paradise by all means, Coorg is a dream you’ll never forget. Hills, oldworld charm, coffee, amazing food, vivid cultures and warm hospitality - there’s something in the air in Coorg that makes all things beautiful. Rambling hills, pristine pools, fascinating nooks and crannies complete with a shrine, intriguing caves, lush mists and dreamy woods make the geography of Chikmagalur. If you enjoy spectacular sunsets, sparkling streams, verdant village vistas, and an untouched rustic ambience, Agumbe is the place for you. Located in Chikmagalur district, the picturesque hill station of Kemmangundi is located at a height of 1434m above sea level. The highest peak between the Himalayas and the Nilgiris, Mulliyanagiri stands at a height of 1,930 metres (6,330ft). Situated 100km from Shimoga and 36km from Hosanagara is this enchanting mountain which overlooks the vast Western Ghats. The Kudremukh (Horse Face) Range gets its name from the unique shape of its main peak. Nandi Hills, popular weekend getaway is just 60km from Bangalore. There are many trekking trails in BR Hills including one that leads up to Honnamati, the highest point of the range. Located on Theerthahalli-Agumbe road, about 12km from Theerthahalli, Kundadri Hill is a gigantic monolithic rock formation. Tamil Nadu, Land of Heritage and Devotion Tamil Nadu has had more than 5000 years of continuous cultural history and tradition. It has some of the most remarkable temple architecture in the country and a living tradition of music, dance and fine arts. The state is also well renowned for its temple towns and heritage sites, hill stations, waterfalls, national parks, local cuisine and the fabulous wildlife and scenic beauty. There are several places of tourist interest in the State and in Chennai, the state’s capital city. Mamallapuram - the beach resort, Kanchipuram - the land of 1000 temples, Madurai - famous for the Meenakshi temple, Rameswaram, Thiruchirapalli ANCHOR INDIA

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and Thanjavur - form the temple trio, Chidambaram - holy place for Saivites as the famous Nataraja Temple, Coimbatore - third largest city of the state, Courtallam the Spa of the south, Hogenakkal - beautiful waterfalls, Velankanni - one of the most visited pilgrim centres in India, Theni - southern part of the state etc add charm to this south Indian state. Kanyakumari at the tip of the Indian peninsula is where the seas meet. The waters of the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean and of the Arabian Sea join together at this point. This small town is renowned for the spellbinding views of a fantastic sunrise and sunset. The state houses a number of heritage sites mainly composed of the ancient temples and deities of the Pallava and Chola empire scattered along various parts of Northern and Central-Eastern parts of Tamil Nadu. The state boasts the second largest tourism industry in India with an annual growth rate of 16%. Tamil Nadu with a GDP of $98 million is the fourth largest economy of the country and tourism is one of the main sources of its revenue. Tamil Nadu is a year round tourist destination and the industry is the largest in the country only second to the neighbouring state of Andhra Pradesh. Tamil Nadu has well knit road, sea, rail and air connectivity. The capital city of Chennai has one of the busiest international airports in the country. Land of Festivals: Tamil Nadu is a terra firma of many festivals. January marks the beginning of the festival season in the state. Pongal is the first festival and it is celebrated with much enthusiasm. It is the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu. Pongal is actually the name of a rice and lentil dish cooked in Tamil Nadu, and on this festive day Pongal is cooked. It is celebrated on January 14, each year. In fact, four festivals are celebrated in Tamil Nadu for four consecutive days in that week. Bhogi is celebrated on January 13, Pongal on Jan 14, Maattu Pongal on Jan 15, and Kannum Pongal and Thiruvalluvar Day on Jan 16. Wildlife: The topography of Tamil Nadu is delightfully varied and diverse. Of the 1, 30, 058 sq km land area, 17.6% is

covered with forest area which spreads over the plain and on mountain slopes. Dry lands are bestowed with drydeciduous forests, thorn forests, scrubs and mangroves. The Western Ghats and a few cooler regions are endowed with moist deciduous, wet evergreen forests, sholas and grasslands. There are 5 National Parks and 17 Wildlife Sanctuaries in Tamil Nadu. The Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the Nilgiri Hills, at a point where the Western Ghats meet the Eastern Ghats. Situated in the Thuthukudi district, Vallanadu Sanctuary is a scrub forest area that is spread over 16.41 sq km. V iralimalai is a small town situated 30 km from Thiruchirapalli and is bestowed with a large number of wild peacocks. Sprawling on 17.26 sq km surrounded by sea and shore, comprising forests of tidal swamps and forests of mangroves, Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in the Nagapattinam district. Indira Gandhi National Sanctuary, spread over 958 sq km, can be reached from top slip in the Anamalai Hills in the Western Ghats. An ecological Paradise, this sanctuary is a National Park with an area covering 108 sq km. Mundanthurai Sanctuary and Kalakkadu Wildlife Sanctuary situated in the Thirunelveli District. Srivilliputhur Sanctuary, located in the V irudhunagar District, 45 km off Virudhunagar Town, has a composition of dry deciduous forests, moist mixed deciduous forests and grasslands. The Guindy National Park is one of the prime spots to visit for those people who come to Chennai during vacation. Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary is the oldest bird sanctuary in the country. Gulf of Manner Marine National Park is a Marine Biosphere and it runs along with coasts of Ramanathapuram and Thuthukudi Tuticorin Districts. The Mukkurthi National Park is located in the high altitudes of the Nilgiris and is made up of rolling downs interspersed with sholas and woodland. Temple Land: The state is also well renowned for its temple towns. The state has many temples dedicated to Lord Muruga and some of these are in rarefied environs. The journey to the Aruppadai Veedu or the Six Houses of Lord ANCHOR INDIA

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Muruga may be arduous but it has its own rewards. The six abodes of Lord Muruga are located in Thiruthani, Swamimalai, Thiruchendur, Pazhamudhir Cholai, Tirupparankundram and Palani. Palani, located 120 km from Madurai is one of the most hallowed shrines of Lord Murugan. Madurai Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple (twin temples) is one of the biggest temples in India. The original temple built by Kulasekara Pandyan was in ruins. The plan for the current temple structure was laid by V iswanath Naikar and was completed by T irumalai Nayakar. There are 12 massive gopurams in the temple, the four tallest gopurams at the outer walls. The districts of Thanjavur, Kumbhakonam and Nagappattinam boast of hundreds of ancient temples. The town of Thanjavur was the seat of the glorious Chola Empire of Tamilnadu, and was later on the seat of the Nayaks and the Marathas. Picturesque Hill Stations: The hill stations of Tamil Nadu offer the visitor the most spectacular views of nature. Called the Queen of Hill Stations picturesque, green Udhagamandalam better known as Ooty is the most popular hill station in the South. Located in the Western Ghats at a height of 2240m, Udhagamandalam is the headquarters of the Nilgiris district where the two Ghats ranges meet. Nature has been generous with this region which is by far the most beautiful in the state. Apart from coffee and tea plantations, trees like conifers, eucalyptus, pine and wattle dot the hillside in Udhagamandalam and its environs. Summer temperature is rarely higher than 25째c with a minimum of 10째c and winter is are distinctly cooler with a high of 21째c and a low 5째c. Another renowned hill station, Kodaikanal known as Princess of Hill Station, is breathtaking with wooded slopes and gigantic trees. The mighty rocks, bowers, creeks and slopes captivate the visitors. The hill station Kodaikanal was created to serve the needs of the British and Europeans in India. The 20th century saw elite Indians enter in Kodaikanal to enjoy its charm and beauty and to harness its natural wealth for development. Yercaud, a Jewel of the South, on the

Shevaroy hills of the Eastern Ghats is the only one of its kind in northern Tamil Nadu. Coffee and citrus fruits, most notably oranges are grown in abundance apart from bananas, pears and jack here. Yelagiri Hill, situated amidst four mountains well known for its salubrious climate prevails throughout the year. Tribal people live in villages in these hills. Anamalai Hills is a range of mountains in southern India, in the Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu, forming a portion of the Western Ghats after this range has been broken by the Palghat Pass, south of the Nilgiris. Blue Beaches: Tamil Nadu is known especially for its blue beaches and sunny skies. Some of south India’s nicest beaches dot Chennai’s long seafront. The Marina beach is a 12 km long stretch of fine sandy shore and is known as the Pride of Chennai, the Kovalam beach is quiet and far away from the distractions of the city and the Elliot’s beach is the preferred destination for those with a clean atmosphere in mind. 58 km south of Chennai is the Mahabalipuram beach, famous for its unique 7th century Shore Temple. Kanyakumari Beach at the southernmost tip of India, where the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal meet is an important pilgrim centre. Poompuhar Beach Yet another beach resort created in memory of erstwhile Kaveripoompattinam, a legendary Port city, washed away by the sea. The present complex was designed on the basis of the information available in the Tamil epic Silapathikaram. The historical happenings depicted in Silapathikaram and the land marks mentioned therein are brought back to life here in stone. Ease of Travel The government has removed visa restrictions on tourist visas that required a two-month gap between consecutive visits for people from Gulf countries which is likely to boost medical tourism. A visa-on-arrival scheme for tourists from select countries has been instituted which allows foreign nationals to stay in India for 30 days for medical reasons. In 2016, citizens of Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Maldives, Republic of ANCHOR INDIA

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Korea and Nigeria availed the most medical visas. Despite India’s diversity of languages, English is an official language and is widely spoken by most people and almost universally by medical professionals. In Noida, which is fast emerging as a hotspot for medical tourism, a number of hospitals have hired language translators to make patients from Balkan and African countries feel more comfortable while at the same time helping in the facilitation of their treatment. Travelling Tips for Medical Tourists Medical tourism not only provides an opportunity to people who want to avail quality and affordable medical treatments, but also enables a patient to get medical treatment along with vacation in foreign destination. The following is certain tips to those intend to embark on a medical tourism trip to India. It is essential to meet your family doctor to know about your current health conditions. He can guide you better about the medical procedure, which can help you to deal with your health condition. It is beneficial to carry all your current medical test reports. This will help the doctor on the medical tourism destination to understand your health condition. Language is a major problem that you may face during your journey. It is good to choose a destination where you can communicate easily with treating facility or you can ensure that translator facilities are available. Understanding your health insurance as a medical tourist outside your country is very important because many health insurance policies do not provide coverage for huge medical treatment costs overseas. So, it becomes important for you to choose an insurance policy that provides complete or maximum coverage for medical journey. You should carry a medical kit should include ointments, painkillers, anti-allergy medicines, insect repellent, bandage, and other important things. You cannot make your medical trip without planning, as it is essential for smother and successful journey. If you consider important things before embarking on your medical trip then it can help you to get proper benefits of the trip.

find your hospitals

Amar Maternity and Fertility Centre Centre for Advanced Reproduction Attingal P.O, Trivandrum - 695 101 Kerala, India, Ph: +91 470 2627676, 2627666 Email: [email protected] Web: Amar Maternity and Fertility Centre, located in the heart of Attingal town is an NABH Accredited ISO 9001-2015 certified hospital with 50 beds including 20 ICU beds. The hospital is situated at Kacheri junction, Attingal near to NH-47 and nearly 30 km from Trivandrum city and 35 km from Trivandrum International Airport and Trivandrum Central Railway station. The Hospital was established in 2003 offering high quality services in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Infertility, High risk pregnancy, General surgery, Key-hole surgery, Urology and Andrology, Paediatrics and Neonatology. Led by Dr.P.Radhakrishnan Nair, MBBS, MD, DGO, MHSc one of the pioneers of Laparoscopic surgery in Gynaecology and Infertility since 1989, the Centre for Advanced Reproduction now offers the latest technology in Infertility Treatment – ICSI, IVF, PESA and TESA and Real

Time IMSI- the last resort for male infertility and failed IVF cases. The first baby through Real time IMSI in South Kerala was born in this centre. The centre is equipped with advanced ICSI/ IMSI Micro manipulator and most advanced Microscopic Systems (Olympus-Japan), Hera cell incubators, Cryocans for Embryo Freezing, Sperm banking and advanced Andrology Laboratory. Most advanced and Hi-Tech 3D/4D Ultrasound scan VOLUSON E-10 and World class Ultramodern 3 CHIP SPIES CAMERA for laparoscopic surgery are our main highlights. There are well equipped theatres with advanced Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy equipments and Clean Air System and spacious recovery rooms. This impeccable infrastructure added to the highly motivated service providers has made it possible for the hospital to record the least Neo natal and maternal Mortality and Morbidity as well as the least surgical complications in Laparoscopy and open surgeries. The Neonatal and Paediatric care is equipped with level II NICU with 14 beds having Neonatal Ventilator, C-PAP, Radiant Warmer, Infusion Pumps, Phototherapy units and centralized Gas and Suction. High risk pregnancy care with detailed Antenatal Screening for Foetal anomaly and the supervision of Senior Gynaecologist of great experience ensures least perinatal mortality and morbidity. There are facilities for different types of General surgery including Hysterectomy, Appendectomy, Hernioplasty, Haemorrhoidectomy, Cholecystectomy, Breast lump exercision, Myomectomy, Ovarian Cystectomy, Thyroidectomy, and Varico-celectomy.Newly renovated Ultramodern IVF Lab and highly advanced IVF Theatre are the other specialties here. The hospital infrastructure is world class with 24 hour Pharmacy, SemiICU Ambulance and casualty services. There is an advanced clinical laboratory with Haematological Auto Analyser, Semi Auto Analyser, fully automated Hormone Analysis, etc. The hospital offers the services of a highly dedicated and experienced team of doctors and other staff led by Dr.P. Radhakrishnan Nair. He was the recipient of the Nehru Award 2007-08 for his outstanding contribution in the field ANCHOR INDIA

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of Health and Family Medicine. The Amar Maternity and Fertility Centre was awarded the Kerala State Pollution Control Award (2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2017). Dr.PRK was been honored with Lions club Excellence award -2018 for his outstanding performance in social service. He was also honored with Janam TV Global Excellence award 2018 .The hospital has lived up to its declared objective of providing low cost infertility treatment services under one roof - from treatment of fertility till delivery. Dr.Indira V ijayakrishnan MBBS, DGO, MRCOG [London] daughter in law of Dr.P.Radhakrishnan Nair is ably assisting him in all these activities. Now the hospital is empanelled with many medical insurance companies and Govt. Organisations like Star Health, Apollo Munich, V idal, Cigna TTK, BSNL ,KSFE, etc. on basis of cash less treatment and reimbursement. Hospital also has got approval from the Kerala state Govt. as per G.O.(P) No.75/2018/H&FWD for Medical Reimbursement to all Government Employees / corporation/ co-operative banks / PSU's etc. for Obstetrics & Gynecology & IVF Treatment. Ananthapuri Hospitals and Research Institute Chacka, NH Bypass Thiruvananthapuram - 695 024 Kerala, India Ph: +91 471 2579900, 2506868 Fax: +91 471 2506969 Email: [email protected] Ananthapuri Hospitals and Research Institute (AHRI) has emerged as a centre of excellence drawing treatmentseekers from all over the country and abroad over the last 12 years. It was spearheaded by renowned neurosurgeon Dr. A Marthanda Pillai, a Padma Shri recipient, and has been synonymous with neurology and trauma care since 2005. Functioning as a 100-bed hospital since inception, with specialty centres for neurosciences, cardiology, trauma care and critical care, AHRI has now entered the league of ANCHOR INDIA

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a quaternary referral centre by expanding all its existing facilities. Pinarayi V ijayan, Kerala Chief Minister, recently inaugurated the new block of AHRI, which hosts state-ofthe art facilities in various specialties, including a 30-bed Neonatal and Paediatric ICU complex. As part of expansion, AHRI has strengthened the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology with an infertility unit. Cardiology centre saw the addition of Cardiac Electrophysiology capable of offering treatments for various cardiac emergencies. The department of Nephrology has entered the domain of Kidney Transplants, including paediatric transplants. The expansion programme envisaged by the founder and executed by Dr. Anand Marthanda Pillai, Consultant in Interventional Cardiology and Electrophysiology, has resulted in 13 state-of-the art intensive care units, 10 operating units, and total bed strength greater than 450. The vision of the hospital is to provide a total quality healthcare solution rather than restricting it to its core strength alone. With this in mind, a master plan had been made even at its inception. AHRI, was accredited first by ISO and then certified by NABH. AHRI’s success rates in handling risky cases can be measured by the fact that it is looked upon by the general public as the last resort when it comes to accident and trauma cases, particularly the

ones involving head injury, as well as cardiac emergencies. What AHRI has achieved so far is primarily the result of teamwork of the staff. Since inception, all the departments have been led by proven professionals most of whom are retired Head of Departments of various specialties of Medical Colleges. Though such treatments that are offered here are expensive, Padma Shri Prof. Dr. A Marthanda Pillai had decided, even at the time of its inception, that no patient should be denied treatment based on financial considerations. This practice is still continued on a patient to patient basis with the ample support of the promoters. AHRI aims to play a predominant role in the development of healthcare services in the world by setting new trends and bringing about changes cherished and earnestly sought by the society. Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal Kottakkal P.O, Malappuram - 676 503 Ph: 0483 2808000, 2742216 Fax: 0483 2742572, 2742210 Email: [email protected] Web: www. Arya Vaidya Sala (AVS) is a 117 years old Charitable Trust engaged primarily in the practice and propagation of the Indian traditional health care system of Ayurveda. It was established at Kottakkal in 1902 by the illustrious visionary, Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier. Started essentially as a village clinic, Arya Vaidya Sala has now grown into a multi-unit, multi-disciplinary and multi-crore Organisation with significant presence in clinical service, medicine manufacture, drug distribution, research, education, medicinal plant cultivation and book publication. There are five Hospital facilities being run by AVS at Kottakkal (2 nos.), Delhi, Kochi and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) where all the classical Panchakarma therapies and the reputed Kerala special therapies are made available to patients under modern hospital set-up. The main Hospital at Kottakkal has received NABH accreditation. Patients from

every part of the world come and stay at these Hospitals to receive palliation from grave conditions of illness. One of them at Kottakkal with 160 beds is a Charitable Hospital where the medicine, therapy, accommodation and food are provided free of cost to deserving patients. Parallel Allopathic treatment is also available here. AVS operates three GMP accredited drug manufacturing units at Kottakkal, Palghat and Nanjangud. The unit at Nanjangud in Karnataka is the latest one which is dedicated to the production of a series of new-generation formulations for addressing the aspirations of contemporary practitioners. More than 550 classical formulations are manufactured at these units and they are made available to patients across the country through 27 Branch Clinics and more than 1800 Authorised Dealers. As part of its activities to strengthen the knowledge base of Ayurveda as well as to spread the message of Ayurvedic healing system, AVS is proactively engaged in research and educational efforts. The Centre for Medicinal Plants Research (CMPR), which was inaugurated in 2003 by the then President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, is now recognised by the Central Government as a Centre of Excellence. And it is affiliated to the Kannur University as a learning centre. Several collaborative research programmes are undertaken here jointly with ANCHOR INDIA

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ICMR, DBT, AYUSH, etc. Other research activities in progress at AVS pertain to areas of clinical research, process improvement and new drug development. Some of these programmes are taken up in collaboration with national apex bodies like DST, DAE, IIT, MAHE, etc. AVS extends financial support to and joins in the management of VPSV Ayurveda College at Kottakkal which is affiliated to the Kerala University of Health Sciences. The Publications Department of AVS publishes a Quarterly Journal on Ayurveda, apart from bringing out reference manuals and other texts in Malayalam, Hindi, Sanskrit and English. Holding of annual Ayurveda Seminars and other academic events also forms part of activities of AVS directed at propagating the authentic practice of Ayurveda. AVS also has under its wings the 79 years old PSV Natyasangham which is recognised as a leading Kathakali Centre imparting training as well as staging performances. AVS is managed and guided by a Board of Trustees. The nationally reputed Physician and Scholar, Dr. P.K. Warrier is the Managing Trustee of AVS for the past six decades. Aster Medcity Cheranelloor, P.O. South Chittoor Kochi - 682 027, Kerala, India Ph: +91 484 6699999 Web: Email: [email protected] One Of India’s Most Advanced Healthcare Destinations. Set in a soothingly beautiful 40-acre waterfront campus, Aster Medcity, Kochi is a 670-bed JCI and NABH accredited quaternary care facility with one Multispeciality Hospital and ten dedicated Centres of Excellence in Cardiac Sciences, Neurosciences, Orthopaedics & Rheumatology, Nephrology & Urology, Oncology, Women’s Health, Child & Adolescent Health, Gastroenterology & Integrated Liver Care, MultiOrgan Transplant and Minimal Access Robotic Surgery. One of India’s most advanced healthcare destinations, Aster Medcity lives by its simple promise: We’ll Treat You Well. The ANCHOR INDIA

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Multispeciality Hospital at Aster Medcity offers a wide range of specialities including Internal Medicine, General Surgery, 24/7 Emergency Care, Pulmonology, Endocrinology, Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery, ENT, Anesthesia & Critical Care, Dental Sciences, Cranio Maxillofacial Surgery, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Clinical Imaging, Interventional Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Infectious Disease & Infection Control, Pathology, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Pain & Palliative Medicine and Wellness. The emergency wing here, which is one of the largest facilities of its kind in the country, offers integrated emergency services including First Responder Service on motorbikes (bike ambulances), Level 3 ICU ambulances and aeromedical transfer/ retrieval. Aster Centre for Fertility: A state-of-the-art facility for comprehensive management of infertility in men and women, the Centre for Fertility at Aster Medcity offers highly specialised Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) treatment modes including IVF and ICSI, based on no-donor model. Aster KIND: The Kids Integrated Neurology & Development Centre (Aster KIND) at Aster Centre of Excellence in Child & Adolescent Health is a one-of-its-kind facility that provides holistic care for management of neurological and neuro developmental disorders in children and adolescents.

FASTER 24/7 Hyper Acute Stroke Care Clinic: Aster Medcity is also one of the only hospitals in the region to offer a worldclass hyper-acute stroke care unit. Named FASTER, this 24/7 on-call facility provides fast-track treatment for stroke patients, within 30 minutes of arrival at the Emergency Room. What sets Aster Medcity apart is its exceptional team of 350+ doctors, who take time out to listen to patients carefully, understand their medical problem holistically and recommend the best way forward. Multidisciplinary in approach, they ensure optimal, evidence-based treatment to patients with the help of an award-winning team of ACLS/ BLS/ATLS/PALS certified nurses, dieticians, rehabilitation therapists and qualified technicians. One of the most technologically advanced healthcare facilities in India, Aster Medcity offers a comprehensive range of medical technology to facilitate accurate diagnosis, efficient treatment and unmatched patient care. This includes: South Asia’s first OR1Karlstorz fusion integrated operation theatres with autopilot anaesthesia; India’s first flat-panel biplane vascular hybrid cathlab; India’s first fullyautomated ROWA Robotic Pharmacy; South India’s first Philips IntelliSpace Critical Care & Anaesthesia ICUs; Kerala’s first da V inci surgery system for robotic surgery; Kerala’s first True Beam Linear accelerator for high-precision radiation therapy; Kerala’s first fourth generation Time of Flight 16 Slice PET-CT etc. The first quaternary care hospital in Kerala to achieve JCI accreditation - the gold standard in global healthcare, Aster Medcity is the youngest hospital in India to receive NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers) accreditation; the first hospital in India to be accredited with ISO 9001:2008 within 2 months of opening; the second hospital in India to achieve Green OT certification and the first winner of the NABH award for excellence in Nursing. The hospital is also HACCP - ISO 22000:2005 certified for food safety. Aster Medcity holds the honour of being: a) The first centre in the world to perform a simultaneous live-donor liver and kidney transplant on 20-month old toddler weighing just 7 kilograms. b)

Simultaneous liver transplants in one-year old identical twins who suffered liver failure due to accidental poisoning - a first-of-its-kind case in the world. c) Third centre in the world to perform robotic trans-vaginal renal transplant surgery. d) First centre in India to perform robotic surgery for removal of kidney tumour. e) One of the top centres in Asia for Robot Renal Transplants etc. Aster Medcity has integrated Ayurveda, the 5000-year old Indian system of medicine, into its fold. The Centre for Integrated Medicine offers Ayurveda and traditional therapies like Yoga and meditation that help achieve physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing in a completely natural way. Apart from state-ofthe-art patient care facilities, the hospital also offers highend features including a helipad, private yacht, luxury suites for bystanders (Aster Suites), salon/spa and a dedicated shopping area. Located in Kochi, Kerala, India, Aster Medcity is well connected by air, road and rail. The nearest airport (Cochin International Airport) is just 25 km away. Spearheaded by Dr. Azad Moopen, Aster Medcity is the flagship initiative of Aster DM Healthcare, a global healthcare group with 350+ medical establishments across 8 countries. Aster MIMS Mini Bypass Road P.O. Govindapuram Calicut - 673 016, Kerala, India Ph: +91 495 3911400, 2488000 Fax: +91 495 2741329 Web: Email: [email protected] Aster Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd. (Aster MIMS) offers the finest referral tertiary healthcare in North Kerala. It combines the advantage of serene environment and world-class tertiary healthcare facilities at affordable costs. As the First NABH accredited Multispeciality hospital in India, Aster MIMS has set international standards in medical expertise, nursing care and diagnostic services, with over 40 disciplines supported by highly experienced ANCHOR INDIA

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healthcare professionals with most modern medical equipments. Aster MIMS is the First Liver transplant centre in North Kerala and the first NABL accredited hospital Laboratory in North Kerala. The hospital continuously updates clinical and other programs in line with the challenges posed by ever-evolving technology, meeting the changing needs of the society. Doctor turned entrepreneur Dr. Azad Moopen, is the founder Chairman & Managing Director of Aster DM Healthcare, which is today a leading healthcare conglomerate in the Middle East and India. His endeavours brought quality healthcare at an affordable cost closer to the people, delivered with care and compassion. Aster MIMS hospitals in Kozhikode and Kottakkal are examples. Aster MIMS has set up an exclusive International Desk that offers a single window arrangement for foreign national patients. This includes pre hospital screening at the country of residence, visa liaising, flight ticket, proposed management cost to the whole package etc. Some of the salient features of this program are Exclusive Floor for International patients, Multi-linguistic Guest Relation Executives, Wi-Fi internet connection, Individual patient attention by the Guest Assistants, Transportation assistance in Kozhikode, Sightseeing programs on request, Assistance for VISA registration and other formalities, High quality food with hygienic environment etc. The other Support Facilities are 16 well equipped Operation Theatres, State-of-the-art medical equipments (1.5 Tesla MRI, 128 Slice CT, Two Cardiac Catheterization labs with latest facilities like IVUS and FFR), V ideo endoscopes, Da Vinci Robot, SPECT CT & GAMMA Camera, PET CT, Neuronavigation stealth station 7, Linear Accelerator and Brachytherapy for Radiation, Excellent facility for providing emergency and trauma care of level 4 status for various emergencies (heart attack, road traffic accidents, snake bites, burn injuries, internal bleeding etc.), one among the few IT enabled hospitals in India which maintains 100% electronic medical records, Blood bank with component separation facility, 24 hours ANCHOR INDIA

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Pharmacy facility, World standard CSSD department that assures zero rate nosocomial infection and one of the best and most effective programs in disposal and treatment of hospital waste with state-of-the-art Sewage Treatment Plant and Quality Assurance Department. The tertiary care centre equipped with state-of-the-art technology has successfully performed the first Robotic Renal Transplant Surgery in North Kerala. The hospital is all set to launch its new Centre of Excellence (COE) in Aesthetics this year. Dr. Santy Sajan, former COO of Aster Medcity, Kochi is designated as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Aster MIMS, Kozhikode. Aster MIMS Kottakkal: Aster MIMS has setup its first of the many satellite hospitals at Kottakkal, Malappuram. The 225-bedded tertiary hospital with NABH accreditation, brings quality healthcare within the ambit of the common man. Aster MIMS Kottakkal, endeavours to provide the most reliable, state-of-the-art technology, backed by well trained, highly qualified medical professionals who administer premium, yet cost-effective medical services across all broad specialties. The comprehensive trauma care centre at Aster MIMS Kottakkal is first of its kind in Malappuram district with expertise

that matches global standards. Aster MIMS, Kannur: The 300-bedded multi-speciality hospital of Aster MIMS in Kannur is first of its kind to provide tertiary care in the North Malabar region. With seven OTs, 121 single rooms, seven suite rooms & 88 ICU beds, Aster MIMS Kannur is complemented by medical experts, medical practitioners, nurses, technologists & support staffs who bring in a professionalism that has no parallel. The hospital includes 3 advanced Neonatal Intensive Care Units, a well-equipped Emergency & Critical Care Department and Radiology Department with state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities. Aster Wayanad Speciality Hospital Naseera Nagar, P.O. Meppadi Wayanad - 673 577 Kerala, India Ph: +91 4936 287 001 Web: Aster Wayanad Speciality Hospital (AWSH) brings the flagship Aster brand of DM Health care to Wayanad. DM Health Care is an enterprise spearheaded by Dr. Azad Moopen covering a wide range of 300+ health care unites from pharmacies, clinics to large hospital with a presence of over 9 countries. Aster Wayanad is envisaged as a multispeciality hospital where the clinical and support services willbe in lines with the Aster brand standards. With the advent of Aster Wayanad, DM Health care wishes to bring its worldly wisdom of global care and uncompromising quality in expert hands to Wayanad. This combined with the serene and healing atmosphere of Wayanad, AWSH definitely seeks to create a new dimension for the care delivery in this region. Though the focus of this place will be in offering super speciality services, general specialities will also be available. All of this will surely go a long way in fortifying the services available to people in and around this tri state region of Kerala, Karnataka &Tamil Nadu in general and Wayanad in particular. Aster Wayanad will also be an option for the Medial value travellers coming

to Kerala. Given the nature of clinical care and service excellence we aim for amidst the pristine beauty of Wayanad we believe this place will eventually become another destination for international patient who will not only benefit from the direct clinical care but also complimentary services like De-stressing therapies, Yoga, Ayurveda etc. Believers Church Medical College Hospital St. Thomas Nagar P.O. Kuttapuzha Thiruvalla - 689 103 Kerala, India Ph: 0469 3023100, 3023101 2703100, 2703101 Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: Disease prevention and health promotion are essential attributes of a people-oriented welfare state. The health of its people is a reflection of the health of the nation. Creating a large group of committed, patient-centered healthcare professionals who will make this happen ANCHOR INDIA

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provides every patient the best of modern medical care. Having established the hospital in response to a need, the BCMCH also seeks to equip aspiring medical and nursing students with the knowledge and abilities to respond effectively to the growing healthcare needs in the country. At the BCMCH, it is compassion and empathy that drive the organisation in its journey towards accomplishing its mission. We aim at being the torchbearers and trendsetters in providing an efficient, effective model in healthcare. Bishop Benziger Hospital Beach Road, Kollam - 691 001 Ph: +91 474 2757000, 2768201 to 05 [email protected] [email protected] should be a key ingredient of any effort to provide holistic care. Founded in 2014, the Believers Church Medical College Hospital seeks to present to our people, a new paradigm in healthcare and in medical education. A culture of care and compassion illuminates every interpersonal relationship. We reach out to the poor, the needy and the marginalized. We work with the mission network to extend our services to needy areas in our country. We continue to introduce innovative ideas to train our students - medical, nursing and allied health - to be competent, relevant and filled with the passion to serve in the Spirit of Christ. Our vision is to bring hope and healing with the love of Christ to the people in India and round the world. The BCMCH is a 500-bed mission hospital in Thiruvalla, Kerala. Situated at the heart of Central Travancore, the BCMCH is the most affordable, multispecialty, mission hospital in Kerala. Expert doctors, competent nurses, skillful technical and support staff work selflessly to provide the best possible medical and nursing care. With well-equipped operation theaters, state-of-the-art medical laboratories, imaging facilities and excellent Critical Care Units, the BCMCH ANCHOR INDIA

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The Very First Private Hospital Of Quilon. As a glowing tribute to Bishop Aloysious Maria Benziger, the late Bishop Jerome M Fernandez established the very first private hospital of Quilon, Bishop Benziger Hospital on 17th August 1948. Hospital which belongs to the Diocese of Quilon has completed seventy years of glorious services in health care last year. Now the hospital had grown to a Multi & Super Speciality Hospital covering all the Specialities & Super Specialities of the current health care scenario. Over these years this organization had grown by leaps and bounds without compromising a bit on its envisaged mission and vision to serve the public by upholding Christian values. The foresaid gradual growth was possible only because of the trust & conviction, the public bestowed on this organization. Moreover in view of adhering to established optimum standards, professional accountability and clinical excellence in the area of Infection Control, National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Health Care Providers (NABH) a consistent board of Quality Council of India, New Delhi assessed Bishop Benziger Hospital and awarded NABH Safe I certificate for best practices in Infection

Control in the year 2014. We believe that holistic treatment while coupled with spiritual dimensions contributes for a speedy recovery from ailments. Community health promotional activities are indeed an integral part of our ongoing mission. Through our present community health centres’ more than thirty thousand of the underprivileged population living in the coastal areas are benefitted. As a merciful gesture of social commitment, our staff and nurses are doing a world of good for the society. Moreover, the traditional value and experience the hospital gained in so far paved the route for setting exhaustive quality standards in various areas of health care. BR LIFE SUT PATTOM Super Speciality Hospital P.O. Pattom Palace Thiruvananthapuram - 695 004 Ph: +91 471 2553055, 96567 71000 Email: [email protected] Web: What started as a need to provide basic healthcare in Middle East Asia under the leadership of Dr. B.R. Shetty, is

now one of the most renowned and advanced healthcare enterprises in the region. BR Life, the healthcare initiative of BRS Ventures, has several multi-super specialty quaternary healthcare facilities spread across various parts of India, Nepal, Egypt and Afghanistan. Headquartered in Bengaluru, BR Life has a presence in India’s National Capital region, Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Dr. B.R. Shetty’s goal of giving back to his home country has led him to setup multiple hospitals in India. The list of hospitals continues to grow at an unprecedented pace. Each one of the hospitals which comes under the umbrella of BR Life is a testament to his commitment to excellence. Guided by his visionary outlook, BR Life is slated to become the preferred destination for super specialty healthcare in the Indian subcontinent. The BR Life Group includes SSNMC Super Speciality Hospital, located in Bengaluru (Rajarajeshwari Nagar); Kalinga Hospital, Bhubaneswar; SUT Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram (Pattom). The latest additions to the group include Sree Narayana Hospital (SNH), Raipur and The Grande International Hospital (GIH) at Kathmandu, Nepal. Caritas Hospital P.O. Thellakom, Kottayam - 686 630 Kerala, India Ph: +91 481 2790025 - 29 Fax: +91 481 2790418 Email: [email protected] Web: Caritas Hospital is a 635 bedded multispecialty Charitable Hospital having 57 years of service excellence. Caritas Hospital is owned by Knanaya Catholic Archdiocese of Kottayam and administered by Caritas Hospital Trust. Caritas Hospital is located 7 km away from Kottayam Railway Station and is easily accessible from Main Central (M.C.) Road. We are the first NABH accredited hospital in Kottayam and we are certified with ISO 9001–2015. We serve ANCHOR INDIA

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more than 4 lakh out-patients and more than 35 thousands in-patients every year. We offer the services of more than 80 full time consultant doctors for almost all specialties in the field of medicine. Our team has more than 150 doctors and 1550 support personnel who offer high quality patient care. Caritas Hospital offers 24 X 7 Emergency services. Caritas Cancer Institute offers comprehensive treatment in Oncology: Medical, Surgical, Radiation and Pain & Palliative care. Cancer Institute of Caritas Hospital is equipped with the advanced SIEMENS Linear accelerator with IMRT, VARIAN UNIQUE PERFORMANCE radiotherapy machine having Rapid ArcÂŽ Technology. Caritas Heart Institute offers all kinds of Cardiology treatment including Transplantation and Advanced Keyhole Bypass Heart Surgery /MICS (Minimally Invasive Cadiac Surgery). The hospital is the first in South India with a Hybrid Cath Lab. The facilities like ECMO, FFR, IVUS, OCT and Rotablator are available. The Neuro Science division is renowned for its world class service in handling stroke and neurological conditions. The division of bariatric and metabolic surgery caters both minimal as well as metabolic obese patients. The plastic and reconstructive surgery division offers cosmetic and micro-vascular services. Obstetrics and Gynecology division is famous for handling high risk pregnancies and Fetal Medicine. The hospital is a baby friendly hospital with fully equipped 15 bedded NICU ANCHOR INDIA

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assuring international standard care for neonates. The hospital also offers services of Dentistry, Dermatology, Endocrinology, ENT, Gastro Sciences, General Medicine, General Surgery, Interventional Radiology, Microbiology, Nephrology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Pathology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Psychiatry and Pastoral Care, Pulmonology, Rheumatology and Urology. PET-CT and Nuclear Medicine (State of the Art Biograph LSO-HD.PET-CT Whole Body-CT Scanner) facility is available in the DDNMRC centre. Caritas Hospital has 9 state of the art operation theatres with HEPA filter and laminar airflow system. 5 operating rooms among them are equipped to cater super specialty surgeries. The first dialysis unit in Kerala was started at Caritas hospital and is currently functioning with 20 beds. The full fledged laboratories and blood bank facility are functioning round the clock. The C-CARE (Caritas Care) is a unique service offered by Caritas that handles international patients and its services extended to NRI, NRK people and their parents, which include pickup and drop facility. The hospital has successfully done 2 heart transplantations, 3 kidney transplantations and 14 bone marrow transplantations. Facilities are available for HPB and Liver Transplantation. Caritas hospital spends about 13 Crore rupees last financial year providing free treatment for the poor and needy. The hospital has won the Kerala State Pollution Control Board award consecutively for 9 years since 2009, as part of its commitment towards environment and community safety. CMS Hospital (Chazhikattu Multi Super Speciality Hospital) IX/139 A, River V iew Road Thodupuzha - 685 584, Idukki District Ph: +91 4862 250 250, 300 300 Email: [email protected] CMS Hospital (Chazhikattu Multi Super-Speciality Hospital) is a tertiary referral center with world class medical

facilities and infrastructure, providing the best and most comprehensive range of quality and affordable healthcare services to patients and the community. CMS Hospital has some of the most ultra modern medical technologies and experienced surgeons and doctors who can treat even the most complex cases. Over last 85 years, Chazhikattu Group has always focused on providing the best quality care and treatment for its 1+ million patients. This tertiary referral centre provides best medical treatment in several Super Specialities and Specialities including Cardiology, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology, Plastic surgery, Emergency & Trauma medicine, Orthopaedics and Sports medicine, Paediatrics, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, and many other fields. The Integrated Medicine department brings together the benefits of modern medicine and traditional treatments such as Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga as well as Physiotherapy to provide a holistic wellness experience for the patients. Located on the picturesque banks of Thodupuzha River in one of most scenic part of God’s Own Country - Kerala, this 2.25 Lakh Sq. Ft facility houses over 20+ Super Specialities and Regular departments. The hospital is connected with good roads from Kochi city, airport (Kochi International) as well as railway station (Aluva). World famous tourist destinations such as Munnar (hill station) and Idukki reservoir - Asia’s tallest arch dam, Kumarakom, Thekkady

are within short driving distance from the hospital. With over 350+ beds, this flagship Multi Super-Speciality Hospital reflects the group’s 85 year old tradition and ethos of service and care for everyone accompanied by quest for knowledge and excellence. Our team of 50+ Specialists, Surgeons and doctors can diagnose and treat patients using most advanced equipment and technologies. This new facility houses one of the best well-equipped Emergency Medicine and Trauma Care centre in the entire region. Backed by a world-class 50+ bedded ICU complex that can handle any sort of critical care needs that may arise. Patients, family members and friends, well wishers from all parts of the world are most welcome - Let’s Celebrate Good Health!! Credence Hospital Near Ulloor Bridge, Ulloor Trivandrum - 695 011 Ph: +91 471 4033333 Email: [email protected] Web: Credence - A Hospital that Understands You. Established in 2006 in Trivandrum, Credence Hospital is a leading family hospital that offers a comprehensive, full-fledged spectrum of healthcare and allied services. The hospital has various specialised and super-specialised departments including Infertility Treatment, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics and Neonatology, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Radiology, Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, Fetal Medicine, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis and Study, Cardiology, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Urology. These departments are supported by a well-equipped 24x7 coronory care unit, medical, surgical and neonatal intensive care units and round-the-clock emergency department, laboratory and pharma services. The high quality medical care provided by the hospital has consistently attracted not only people from within the country, but also from abroad. ANCHOR INDIA

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Credence IVF - Transforming Hopes to Happiness. Credence IVF, Kerala’s leading infertility treatment and reproductive medicine centre, was founded in 2001 by Dr. Santhamma Mathew, MD, DGO, previously a Professor at SAT Hospital, Government Medical College, Trivandrum. Equipped with the most modern equipments and the latest technology, Credence IVF ensures patient care and treatment outcomes that match international standards. That is why Credence IVF has a consistent success rate at par with the best in the world. It provides highly specialized treatment modalities such as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Embryo and Egg Freezing, Pre-implantation Embryo Screening etc and is also one of the pioneers in minimally invasive fertility enhancing surgeries. Over the years, Dr. Santhamma Mathew and her team at Credence IVF has helped more than 30000 couples experience the joy of parenthood with their care and treatment. The centre has won several awards and recognitions over the years. Most recently, it was rated as one of the best in Asia by none other than NewsWeek International. The Facilities available ANCHOR INDIA

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in the Hospital consists of Basic and tertiary level healthcare including all medical and surgical specialties, 5 state-of-the-art operation theatres, Most advanced high definition Endoscopy Units, Sterrad Plasma Sterilisation unit from JNJ, GE Voluson E10 3D and 4D Ultrasound Scanning, Dedicated obstetric/labour theatre right next to the labour room for emergencies, Centralized critical care unit with multi-channel monitoring devices, 16 bed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with fully digital ventilators and incubators, Advanced treatment for infertility management including Assisted Reproduction facilities (IUI, IVF, ICSI and Donor Services), Well-appointed rooms including deluxe and super deluxe options, State-of-theart Coronary Care Unit (CCU), Echocardiography and Treadmill Test (TMT), Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU), Tertiary level radiology and imaging facilities, Advanced genetic diagnostic and interventional laboratory facilities, Centralized diagnostic laboratory, Exclusive maternal ICUs equipped with ventilators, Research and training in women’s health and reproductive medicine etc. Credence Hospital houses state-of-the-art Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics and Neonatology, Assisted Reproduction and Fertility Research, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Fetal Medicine, Urology and Andrology, General Surgery, ENT, Internal Medicine, Chest and Respiratory Medicine, Cardiology, Orthopedics, Surgical Gastroenterology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Pediatric Surgery, Dermatology, Anesthesiology, Physiotherapy, Radiodiagnosis, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis and Study, Adolescent Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Casualty Services. Dr. Sathy Pillai’s Samad IVF Hospital Pattoor, Trivandrum - 695 035 Ph: +91 471 2451926, 2474203 Web: Every married couple desires to fulfill their dream of a family. All are not successful in their endeavors. It is for

those childless couples who feel they need help and support in their journey for a family that Samad IVF Hospitals are set up. Dr. SathyPillai’s Samad IVF Hospitals is a chain of super specialty hospitals for infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technology Centre (ART) in Kerala. Samad IVF Hospital services are available at Attingal, Kollam and Trivandrum. Samad IVF Hospital is the first IVF Hospital in South Kerala. It is the first ISO 9001-2000 certified IVF Hospital in Kerala. It is also India’s first NABH Certified IVF Hospital. Samad IVF Hospital in Kerala is accredited by Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) for good medical practices. The hospital adorns the status of ICMR Enrolled ART Clinic. Samad IVF Hospital is celebrated its silver jubilee year in 2014. Dr. Sathy M Pillai, MD, DGO is the Chief Medical Officer and an infertility specialist with more than thirty five years experience to her credit. Samad IVF Hospital has been setup so as to give all treatments for male and female infertility under one roof. Among the sophisticated state of ART techniques and equipments manned by qualified, trained and experienced infertility specialists and embryologists the following is worth mentioning: Andrology Lab, Genetic Lab, Hormone Estimation Lab, IVF/ART Lab and OT, Embryoscope, Laser embryo biopsy, V ideo endoscopy surgery, 3D/4D Colour Doppler Sonography, Cryobanking, donor programme and surrogacy. Among the thousands of IVF/ICSI births in their hospitals the following are Land Mark Achievements: South Kerala’s First Test tube baby in 2000, South Kerala’s First Blastocyst Test tube baby in 2001, South India’s oldest post menopausal delivery (at 56 years) through IVF/ICSI in 2002, Primary Amenorrhea/ovum donation test tube baby in 2002, World’s third oldest post menopausal delivery (at 62 yrs) in 2004, Kerala’s first baby through surrogacy in 2005. In short Samad IVF Hospitals is known for Reproductive Technology with Care at all their centers which have resulted in thousands of Childless Couples emerging as happy parents. For International patients, Samad Hospital offers uniquely designed IVF Holiday package Treat 'N'

Retreat to make their infertility treatment enjoyable and stress free. One can enjoy the real Kerala while on treatment, Samad Hospital will assist them to experience Kerala in it's most memorable way. For more information: Attingal - Samad IVF Hospital, Attingal - 695 101, Ph: +91 470 2624611. Kollam - Samad IVF Hospital, Kollam - 691 007, Ph: +91 474 2798706. Email: [email protected] Dr. Babu’s Chest & Skin Allergy Speciality Centre Near High School Jn, Collectorate Road Kollam - 691 009, Kerala Ph: 0474 2798363, 04734 220372, 9387328710 Email: [email protected] Web: Established in 1990 at Kollam, pioneered by a successful NRI professional Dr.Babu Thomas specialized in the field of Pulmonology, Allergy-Immunology from New York and V ienna Medical Universities. Further specialized in Allergic Dermatology from Cardiff University, UK. After Years of Clinical training and practice in various countries, returned to Kerala in 1988. Started the first Triple speciality Centre of excellence in Kollam as specialized walk-in clinic. Later opened two other Clinics at Karunagapally & Adoor. WHO recommended world class Allergy tests and Immuno vaccines from reputed manufacturers gave us the status of most reputed triple speciality centre in kerala. We are the only identified Drug Allergy tests centre in South kerala including medical colleges, catering large, small hospitals, clinics and dentistry from neighbouring districts too. Kollam being a coastal town, Respiratory ailments and allergic skin diseases are in plenty and our reputed Dr.Babu’ s Chest & Skin Allergy Speciality Centre with specialized supportive dedicated staff able to serve thousands and thousands of Allergic-asthmatic-COPD-skin allergy patients far and wide along with Gulf patients. Relocated to the new Facility in 2012. We are small but big enough to serve the patient community in whichever way they need help and assure them an Easy Breathe. It is a ANCHOR INDIA

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global destination for Respiratory Diseases, allergy immunology & Complicated Skin Problems and other Allergic skin diseases @ Kollam and Adoor. Elite Mission Hospital P.O. Koorkenchery, Thrissur - 680 007 Kerala, India, Ph: +91 487 2436100 Fax: +91 487 2436167 Email: [email protected] Web: Since 1979, Elite Mission Hospital has made quality healthcare more convenient to communities throughout Thrissur and central Kerala. Today, they continue to take pride in their commitment to you - bringing the latest medical advances closer to home. The hospital is a 350bedded community-owned health care center offering a wide range of both inpatient and outpatient care. Look around to find out more about taking care of yourself and your family - and how they can help. Elite Mission Hospital always put their Patients First. The Management realizes that patients require appropriate specialized care and support during their time of treatment and ensure that their road to recovery is as smooth as possible. From its humble beginning as Elite Arogya Bhavan in 1979, with a 20-bed inpatient facility and just 2 departments, it zoomed to envious heights of eminence and growth and now looms large over the skyline of Thrissur with an imposing and magnificent edifice providing inpatient facility of 350 beds with 60 doctors and more than 300 paramedical and nonmedical staff. Today, Elite Mission Hospital is a reputed health care centre with most modern and Hi-tech facilities. It ranks among the largest hospitals in Kerala and is widely recognized for the excellence in health consultants. Now the hospital has all Basic departments with Major super specialty services. They pride themselves on tertiary patient care, and are well known in various clinical disciplines including Anesthesiology, Audiology, Cardiology, Dental surgery, Dermatology, Dietics, ENT, Gastroenterology, ANCHOR INDIA

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Gastrointestinal surgery, General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Microbiology, Neonatology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Pathology, Physiotherapy, Plastic surgery, Psychiatry, Psychology, Radiology, Urology, Rheumatology, Sports Medicine and Social work. As a part of upgrading Elite Cardiology Centre, they have introduced a world-class Cath Lab to offer better medical facilities for more people. Elite Mission Hospital is the first ISO 90012008 certified hospital in allopathic medicine in Thrissur and second in Kerala. Its full complement of medical staff represents a wide range of specialists, with many consultants being leaders in their fields. Elite is designed to provide state-of-the-art inpatient and Outpatient medical care with maximum efficiency in a patient-and-visitorfriendly environment. Elite Mission Hospital has received the NABH accreditation from Quality Council of India with effect from 15th January 2016. The Institution pursues excellence in providing quality Health Care Service with state of the art facilities, Teamwork of reputed healthcare specialists and dedicated staff.

GG HOSPITAL Murinjapalam P.O. Medical College Trivandrum - 695 011 Ph: +91 471 3010100, 2779100, 2444431 Email: [email protected] Web: It is the state-of-the-art Hospital under the Leadership of Shri. Gokulam Gopalan, a Veteran business leader, visioned to establish a corporate healthcare destination that would encompass all the provisions needed to meet the healthcare needs of the common man, which contributes highest standards of medical care with the motto of ‘Love and Care to Humanity’. GG Hospital is a sister concern of Sree Gokulam Medical College and research Foundation, Trivandrum. The History made by the GG hospital in the life of common man over the last three year is remarkable. GG Hospital is one of the fastest growing quaternary care super specialty hospital in South Kerala. The patient friendly facilities at GG Hospital ensure to deliver the exceptional quality of patient care. The facilities are designed and equipped to meet the requirements of both domestic and international patients. GG Hospital offers infection free ICU’s that are equipped with the state-of-the-art Technology (Medical ICU, Neonatal ICU, CICU and SICU). These ICU’s are manned by Intensivists, trained Paramedics and Nurses. It has fully-equipped operation theatres, as well as rehabilitation services. Orthopaedics services in GG Hospital is aim to provide worldclass treatment for various orthopaedic disorders and sports injuries. We have a team of highly skilled and dedicated surgeons supported by skilled nurses and physiotherapists who aims at delivering quality care to the patient. The Department of ENT, Head, and Neck & Skull Base Surgery at GG Hospitals is well established for its ultra-modern facilities and the expert team of ENT headed by Dr. Manoj Krishnan. The department is flourishing as the major quaternary ENT care in the hospital with

excellent feedback from both National and International patients. The Department of Gastroenterology specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. Its services include diagnosis and therapeutic disease management. The Medical Oncology Department provides advanced care ranging from home based therapies to complex procedures. The Department of Surgical Oncology offers a wide spectrum of surgeries for cancers in the breast, head and neck, thoracic region, gastrointestinal malignancies, gynaecological malignancies, Pelvic malignancies, bone and soft tissue sarcomas. The team of trained doctors in the department provides patients care with optimal, evidence-based treatment plans for removal of cancer cells from the body through medication and surgery. All the departments in GG Hospital religiously adhere to stringent international protocols and at most care is taken in every aspect of the treatment process without the slightest compromise in the quality of our inputs, this is the hallmark by which the hospital policy is implemented. ANCHOR INDIA

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Indo American Hospital ‘Institute of Brain & Spine’ Chemmanakary P.O. Akkarappadam Vaikom - 686143, Kerala, India Ph: +91 4829 217800 Email: [email protected] Web:

Holy Cross Hospital, Adoor Holy Cross junction Kayamkulam - Pathanapuram Rd Adoor, Pathanamthitta – 691 523 Phone: 04734 234500, 234502 Appointment: 04734 234567, 234568 Email: [email protected] Web: With 892 major surgeries and 2307 minor surgeries handled per year the department of general surgery is one of the premier departments of Holy Cross Hospital. The department undertakes all complex laparoscopic surgeries using the most modern HD lap camera system. The hospital is equipped with harmonic scissors for blood less surgery and backed with a state of the art Surgical ICU. The department is headed by Dr. Suresh. The department of General Medicine is manned by a team of two expert physicians, Dr. Sivadas J and Dr. Sayed Mueenuddin who are amply supported by an array of qualified staff. The department has a well-equipped Medical Intensive care unit and Critical care unit and also has facilities for dealing with all types of emergencies thus providing comprehensive medical care round the clock. ANCHOR INDIA

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“I was born with nothing; I was educated by the people of Chemmanakary V illage, and this is what I owe to them” Dr. Kumar Bahuleyan. Once, Chemmanakary was a fishing hamlet swampy in the hinterland. In Vaikom taluk unemployment was high. There was no sanitation, potable drinking water or healthcare. Majority of the underprivileged inhabitants were caught in a vortex of poverty, starvation and deprivation. Survival was tough and escape from the quagmire was an impossible dream. Emotionally aroused Dr K Bahuleyan, MBBS (Madras), MD (USA), FACS, FRCS (Edinburgh), FRCS (Glasgow) was determined to ‘clean up the mess’ and in 1989 established a ‘Not-for-Profit’ charitable organization named “Bahuleyan Charitable Foundation” to bring the basic needs of healthcare and education to the village. The Bahuleyan Charitable Foundation, inspired by Dr Bahuleyan, built a small clinic at Chemmanakary for women and children in 1993. That clinic has now grown to the stature of Indo-American Hospital, Brain and Spine Centre which besides being a super specialty hospital also houses a general hospital with Physiotherapy, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and ENT departments. A ‘Community Health Centre’ also provides free treatment to the locals. The Hospital proffers world class diagnostic and curative facilities in Neurosurgery (Brain, Spine and Thoracic), Neurology, Neuro-Radiology, Neuro-Physiatry and Rehabilitation, Neuro-Anaesthesiology, Head and Neck Surgery and Clinical/Neuro Pathology. Some special services offered round the clock are admission of head / spinal injury patients, admission of stroke and emergency neuro cases, registration of medico-legal cases,

24-hours CT scan (spiral) facility, Blood-Bank facility, readily available ambulance at hospital campus and an MRI unit. A Panel of eminent consultants in various specialties are available on call to attend to poly trauma cases. IQRAA International Hospital and Research Centre Malaparamba, Calicut, Kerala - 673 009 Ph: +91 495 2379100 (30 Lines) Fax: +91 495 2373825 Email: [email protected] Web: IQRAA International Hospital and Research Centre was established in the year 2000 by JDT Islam Orphanage Committee, Calicut, India with the generous support from the collective known as IQRAA for Human Relations, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. IQRAA Hospital has evolved into a centre of excellence in medicine by delivering high quality healthcare services at an affordable cost to the poor in particular and the society at large. Today we are one of the leading healthcare providers in Calicut, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to deliver the best of services and thereby fulfilling its commitment to the society. This 350 bed hospital, under the guidance of a dedicated

management, with the expertise of senior consultants, high quality nursing staff and up to date diagnostic facilities has taken the hospital by leaps and bounds to make it a multi-specialty centre of excellence. IQRAA believes that each individual is special and deserves the best care possible. We are able to successfully enrich the lives of our patients by providing high quality, yet affordable healthcare. KIMS Healthcare Group Corporate Office: PB No.1, P.O. Anayara Trivandrum - 695 029 Kerala, India Ph: +91 471 304 1000, 304 1400 Email: [email protected] Web: Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) has spearheaded the Quality Revolution in the field of Healthcare delivery in the country to make quality, world-class healthcare affordable and accessible. This is the commitment that defines every aspect of the clinical care at the KIMS Healthcare Group. The Group, which started in the year 2002 with its flagship ANCHOR INDIA

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multi-speciality hospital at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is today the largest healthcare network in the state. KIMS has become a renowned brand in healthcare in India and the Middle East countries in a short span of 17 years with 10 Hospitals and 8 Medical Centres. In Kerala, apart from Thiruvananthapuram, KIMS has Hospitals in Kollam, Kottayam and Perinthalmanna. The Mission of KIMS is Care with Courtesy, Compassion and Competence and the Vision of KIMS is To be a model of excellence for the provision of healthcare and wellness services. KIMS Thiruvananthapuram: The flag ship hospital of the Group, KIMS Thiruvananthapuram is a 650 bedded multi speciality tertiary care Hospital where a competent team of specialists and sophisticated technology come together to deliver high quality medical aid. Our team of dedicated consultants comprises of some of the most eminent names in several medical specialties and super specialities. They are ably supported by high calibre nursing professionals and paramedical staff. KIMS International Patient Relations: Every year, we receive several patients traveling from various countries to seek treatment at our hospitals. KIMS ANCHOR INDIA

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International Patient department receives patients from almost 50 countries across the globe. Our clientele is spread across the world with patients from Middle East, Western countries, Africa and South Asian countries. At KIMS, we go the extra mile to not only provide you with top quality medical treatment but undivided attention and care from the moment you arrive at the airport. Regardless of your concern, whether it’s about your medical history, assistance with finding a suitable hotel near the hospital for your accompanying relatives or coverage by respective international insurance providers, our international patient representatives are always available for assistance. Our trained, multilingual staff work with you to meet your health care needs and make your stay in the hospital comfortable, pleasant and hassle free. The Core Strengths of KIMS are Advanced facilities with market leading position, Clinical Excellence, Strong Ethics based and Quality focused practices, Strong Academics and Accreditations, Strong IT base with comprehensive inhouse HIS, Strong Management team backed by blue-chip PE investors etc. KIMS Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram is accredited by Australian Council on Healthcare Standards lnternational (ACHSI) since 2006, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) since 2006, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) since 2008, NABH Blood Bank since 2010, NABH Radiology since 2015 and KIMS Neonatology - Level 3B Accredited Centre. KJK Hospital Fertility Research and Gynaec Centre Shawallace Lane, Nalanchira Trivandrum, Kerala, India Ph: +91 471 2544080, 2544705, 2544706 Fax: +91 471 2543926 Email: [email protected] Web: K J K Hospital is well recognised as one of the leading infertility centre in Trivandrum, Kerala. Under the aegis of

automated systems for hormonal assay, ultrasonography, Interventional sonography & colour doppler USS scan, state of art Operation theaters with advanced equipment for operative laproscopy, including 3D Laproscope which offers precise 3 dimensional imaging that enhance precision and give better prognosis with decrease morbidity, decrease operation time & at affordable cost. Facilities for Operative Hysteroscopy, full antenatal care, labour room with advanced facilities and highest obstetric care, inpatient facilities, peadiatric services, laboratory services including semen quantitative analysis and in house drug store, canteen facilities offered by the hospital all under one roof.

Dr. K. Jayakrishnan the centre has grown into leader in infertility treatment. We believe that every couple has right to experience the bias bliss of parenthood. That’s the reason, KJK Hospital has devoted itself to help couple from different parts of the country to achieve parenthood. Backed by high class of infrastructure & experienced medical professionals we have assisted Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy surgeries and more than 30 year of experience in treating infertile couples. We provide the very highest standards of clinical skills & nursing care across a wide range of specialties. Our service includes high patient care, IUI, ART – IVF, ICSI, IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm). IMSI add another dimension to ICSI by introducing a step in which the best possible sperm cell is selected to almost double the chance of fertilization. Assisted Laser Hatching of the embryos has been introduced for repeated implantation failure with high success rate. Beside that we have fully equipped laboratories for Andrology, Embryology, V irtification (cryopreservation of Embryo/semen), equipped CO2 Incubators, micromanipulator systems, fully

Krishnendu Ayurveda Hospital ChingoliP.O, Karthikappally Alappuzha - 690 532 Ph: +91 95444 88333, +91 479 2486337 Emaii: [email protected] Web: Ayurveda, the holistic healing system is divine with its age-old history. Down the centuries, this science of life has proved beyond doubts that it is pure and effective in bringing glory to life, beating diseases and other body disorders. This art of healing boosts up your energy level stamina and alleviates your stress and anxiety, thereby giving you a healthy mind in a healthy body. The treatment is prescribed after considering the age and physical health of the patient and the severity of the ailment. The unique feature of the Ayurvedic treatment is that it is possible to root out the disease under this system. Following the hallowed mantra of ayurveda, krishnendu is completely dedicated to propagate this authentic healing system and comes as a clear choice for treatment and rejuvenation programmes. Established in 1908 by late M.C.Kunjuramanvaidyan and developed by Vaidya Kala Nidhi R.Krishnan Vaidyan, Krishnendu has been rich in possessing wisdom of four generations with the grace of ayurveda to cure and ANCHOR INDIA

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refresh Nestled at picturesque and refreshing ambience. Krishnendu brings exclusive, holistic and personalized treatment programme for a host of diseases including Arthritis and spine disorders to restore optimal health and well being. Dr.Suresh Babu & Dr.Mohan Babu expanded it further by adding new In-patient blocks. Now from the fourth generation, Dr.Sandeep krishna after completing his post-graduation in Ayurveda added Research department and developed special treatments for life style diseases. Treatment based on the ancient concept continues to be offered while utilizing modern diagnostic techniques. Many patients who have not got relief at other places come to Chingoli on hearing about it from those who have benefitted from the treatment here. The specialty of the treatment here is that all the conventional methods of Ayurvedic treatment are strictly followed. This can be seen in the good results achieved. It is well known that Ayurvedic treatment is not as expensive as the other branches of medicine. All the medicines used at the ChingolyAyurvedic Hospital are prepared at its own factory with strict quality control. The Hospital offers the best treatment with its well equipped Panchakarma Theatres. There are efficient and well qualified doctors and other staff in the in-patient and out-patient departments. All ANCHOR INDIA

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this is available to the patients at affordable rates. In Krishnendu various combinations of ayurvedictherapies are advised after a detailed examination of the patient medical history at the initial consultation. Then the patients will receive an individualized module consisting of therapeutic massage, dietary counseling, body detoxification and rejuvenating treatment. All therapies are conducted under the supervision of professional ayurvedic physicians. As part of extended rejuvenation programme, Krishnendu’s packages include the five fold body purification or detoxification programme known as panchakarma and the renowned ayurvedicway of rejuvenation known as Kayakalpa. Krishnendu, an ISO 90012015 certified organisation, is an authentic ayurvedic treatment center approved by Government of Kerala for medical reimbursement. Lords Hospital Chackai, P.O. Anayara Trivandrum - 695 029, Kerala, India Ph: +91 471 2949000 Fax: +91 471 2741111 Email: [email protected] Web: Lords is a multidisciplinary hospital located in the city of Trivandrum. This is in close proximity to the National Highway bypass, Pettah Railway station, and Trivandrum International Airport. Lords have a compliment of highly specialized Surgeons, Physicians, Paediatrician, Gynecologists and other specialists in Medical & Surgical Gastro, Orthopedics, Urology, ENT, Cardiology, etc. Lords is one of the most advanced laparoscopic centers in Kerala. Prof. Dr. K P Haridas, who is also a Padmashri Awardee, is running many minimally invasive procedures like weight loss surgery for Obesity, Metabolic surgery for diabetes, Radio Frequency Ablation for Varicose Veins, Stapler surgery for piles, V ideo Assisted Anal Fistula treatment, Single Incision laparoscopic surgeries, and laparoscopic

surgeries for all type of abdominal and groin hernia. There are facilities for orthopedic surgeries including total hip and Knee Replacement, Spinal Surgery, Arthroscopic surgeries for shoulder, Knee joints, Ligaments and meniscus injuries. In Gynecology, surgeries include Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, Ovarian Cystectomy. Also has the facility for Endoscopic Nasal and Sinus surgery, Micro Laryngeal and ear surgeries. Lords vision is to provide excellence in clinical quality, customer-service with innovative ideas to build a healthcare practice that is guided by social and economic gains in equal measure. Their ultimate aim is to develop a healthcare system that contributes to the quest for a healthier world. Lourdes Hospital Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Kochi - 682 012, Kerala, India Ph: +91 484 4123456, 4125555 International Desk: +91 484 4121103 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: Perfection in Life Care. Lourdes at its 54th Year recaps our journey of Love in service in the Health Care Sector. While

praying at Lourdes in France, the world’s greatest pilgrim center of miraculous cures, the then Archbishop of Verapoly, Dr. Joseph Attipetty envisioned this healthcare centre. Lourdes was destined to be located at Pachalam for people from ten islands who were deprived of healthcare facilities. From its humble beginning in 1965 with 60 beds, Lourdes has grown to become a multisuper specialty tertiary care institution with 600 beds, 120 Intensive Care Units, 16 Operating Rooms, 200 Doctors and man power nearly 2000. Lourdes daily attends around 700 In Patients and 1700 out patients. The hospital has evolved into a tertiary referral centre for providing treatment for advanced, complex problems. It attracts patients not only from all parts of Kerala, but from other states and abroad too. Lourdes offers excellent facilities under various departments including General Medicine, General and Surgical Oncology, Interventional Cardiology, Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, Nephrology & Dialysis Centre, Urology & Renal Transplantation, Gastroenterology, Oncology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology with Fertility Clinic & Birth Suit, Paediatrics with high end Neonatology, ENT with Cochlear Implantation, Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, Rheumatology, Pulmonology, Dermatology & Cosmetology, Dental Sciences, Ophthalmology, Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery, Neurology and Neuro Surgery, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine etc. Dedicated doctors, nurses and para-medical staff provide professional care with compassion, respect and dignity, in a safe environment. The laboratory at the hospital provides diagnostic services of Surgical Pathology, Cytopathology, Haematology, Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology and Blood Bank. The 24 hour Radiology services provide MRI, CT, US and Digital X-ray, Patient Safety Programmes at Lourdes Hospital give emphasis on continuous enhancement of safety for all patients, visitors and employees. The Hospital has wide variety of preventive health checkups ANCHOR INDIA

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Malabar Hospitals Eranhipalam, Calicut - 673 020, Kerala Ph: 0495 2376822, 2376823, 9745323232 Watsapp: 7561010101 Email: [email protected] Web:

designed to pick up symptoms and signs of diseases well before they become evident. True to its motto of Love in Service, the Hospital offers various charity programmes. Lourdes Epilepsy Foundation, Lourdes Heart Foundation etc provides necessary treatment, conduct awareness programmes on diseases and facilitate rehabilitation of patients. Ruby Jubilee Poor Patients fund and the power of one fund helps the poor patients to get access to the benefits of modern medicine. Community out Reach Clinics are scheduled at eleven rural and urban areas of the district daily. This ensures affordable quality healthcare at your doorstep and at your convenience. As Lourdes Hospital continues its service with a rich experience of over half a century, the management promises tailor made health checkups, high end therapeutic procedures and at the same time tries to keep all services affordable even to the poor and common man without compromising on the quality. The Hospital will always remain committed to the cause of excellent health of the society. ANCHOR INDIA

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With the incessant and healthy progress in medical research, hospitals across the world keeps working to update and redefine their services and equipments in order to balance with the pace of development in the medical field and to offer advanced medical care. From being a Urology Centre, coined as the first Urology Laser Treatment Center in North Kerala, under the leadership of Dr. P.A Lalitha and Dr.V.N.Moni, since their inception in the year 1992 to a full-fledged multi specialty hospital, well equipped with most modern set up, technology and equipments, featuring many number of expert physicians and capacity for 100 inpatient beds, Malabar Hospitals marked a tremendous transformation over the past 39 years of their aesthetic journey to success. Malabar Hospitals strictly follows strong work ethics and principle within the organization and are driven by the motto, ‘Care, Concern and Commitment.’ Presently, the hospital is richly contained with innumerable departments like, Urology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Medical Gastroenterology, Surgical Gastroenterology, Oncology, Pediatrics, Pediatric surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Clinic, Hair Transplant Clinic, Hand and Spine Surgery Clinic, Physical Medicine, Radiology, Dermatology, Dentistry, ENT, Orthopedics, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Trauma care, Nephrology, General Medicine & Diabetology, 24 hour diabetic and foot care clinic, Emergency Medicine, Breast Clinic, Painless Delivery and Comprehensive Home care, Rehabilitation ClinicThe hospital is well known for their charitable services and has initiated ‘Angel Charitable Trust’, with a positive intention to provide free treatment for patients who belong to the below the poverty line.

Malabar Tours & Health Care, Eranhipalam, Calicut - 673 020, Ph: +91 495 2376823, +91 9349083053, Watsapp: 93490 83053, [email protected], Web: Metropolitan Hospital (Trichur Metropolitan Health Care Pvt.Ltd) Koorkanchery P.O, Trichur - 680 007, Kerala Ph: 0487 2425123, 2425142, 2429661 Email: [email protected] Web:

They also provide special services for International Patients and maintain an extensive tie-up with many Middle East regions for treating NRI patients across the world. Recently, they’ve come up with a new initiative called “Majestic Malabar Tours & Health Care”, a complete reliable travel and medical companion, helping you out to plan and execute a safe and healthy trip in India by providing a doctor if necessary to accompany you throughout the trip. These services may include, a doctor to assist you throughout your journey, Travel assistance, Pre and Post Travel Consultation, Immunizations and other preventive Health recommendations, Travel related Health Kits and Refills etc. They are impeccably specialized in Travel Management, 24hrs Dedicated Health & Tourism Desk, Hospitality and Priority customer service, Preparation of Individual Health Proposals for the client, Organization of Treatments and relaxation. Their prime job is to accompany you, organize, supervise and coordinate every aspect of the trip, and yours is to pull out all your energy to savor it well. For more information contact: Majestic

Trichur, the cultural capital of Kerala is a preferred choice of residence for most people as it offers the best medical care in the state. Metropolitan Hospital in the short span of 33 years has reached the pinnacle of excellence with its commitment to the State-of-the art in health care. This hospital was started in 1986 by a group of doctors as a nonprofit oriented venture with focused and committed service. The aim of the founders of this hospital was to give credible service by providing the best facilities to patients. The success of their dream project is well reflected in the acceptance it has among the people. The dedication of the staff here to the welfare and wellbeing of the patients is truly praise worthy. Foundation of the Metropolitan hospital is based on the very essence of life-care, compassion and commitment. The entire staff including well qualified doctors, nursing personnel, paramedical staff and technical experts provide quality health care at affordable rates. The continual process of up gradation ensures patient welfare and satisfaction. The hospital is situated 1.5km away from the busy Swaraj Round on the Trichur – Kodungallur route, thereby ensuring the quietude necessary for a hospital as well as easy accessability. This well-equipped hospital offers all possible departments including Orthopaedics (Spine Surgery, Joint Replacement,Arthroscopy, Trauma Care),General Surgery, Laparoscopic – keyhole surgery, Neuro Surgery, Urology and Andrology, Ophthalmology, Otorhino Laryngology, Gastroenterology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology (LaproscopicSurgery/Infertility Clinic), Generalmedicine, ENT, ANCHOR INDIA

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Dental Surgery, Poly-Trauma, Nephrology, Dialysis, Cardiology, Neurology, Pulmonology (Asthma, Allergy& COPD), Paediatrics, Neonatology with ICU, Dermatology and Cosmetology, Radiology 2D/3D/4D Ultrasonography, Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Pathology, Microbiology, Anaesthesiology, Physiotherapy etc. The Management is committed to give comprehensive and sustainable health care at affordable cost. The hospital provides PG Dip. N.B training in Orthopaedics recognized by the Govt. of India, National Board of Examinations. Advances in medical technology have seen the induction of the latest equipments for diagnosis and treatment of various ailments. The superspeciality section ensures comprehensive healthcare for any patient entering its portals. The latest addition to this armamentarium is the HELICAL (Spiral) CT scanner – the first of its Kind in Kerala. Modern Hospital Kodungallur Ltd P.O. Kodungallur, Thrissur - 680 664 Ph: 0480 2802022, 2672700 Email: [email protected] Website: The Modern Hospital was established in January 1993 by a group of Non resident Indians, consisting of well known ANCHOR INDIA

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visionaries in business and social fraternity. It is today a 100 bedded full fledged multi specialty tertiary and referal hospital. The hospital offers high quality health care services with state-of-the art technology, meticulous cleanliness and courteous personal attention. The motto of Modern Hospital, kodungallur is to be ‘Your family hospital always’. The hospital combines the advantage of a serene setting with the decade long quality health care affordable to all classes of patients. The hospital has made kodungallur secure a prominent place in the healthcare sector in the district. The Modern hospital offers the services of well experienced expert doctors in Super Specialty departments like Neuro Surgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Gastro Enterology, Paediatric Surgery, Oncology, Nephrology, and Urology. Specialists in Emergency & Trauma Care, Internal Medicine & Family Medicine, Paediatrics, OBG, Infertility & assisted reproduction, Orthopeadics, General Surgery, Laproscopic Surgery, Radio diagnosis, ENT, Anaesthesiology, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Nutrition, Comprehensive Health care department, psychology and physiotherapy also are available for consultation. Dedicated team of doctors offering their excellent services at Modern Hospital & the team is supported by a dedicated team of nursing and

Paramedical staff. Modern hospital facilities are Cath Lab, CT, MRI, Blood Bank , Dialysis unit, Laboratory, Computerized Radiography, Physiotherapy, Dietary etc. Modern Heart care (Cath Lab) is managed by well qualified and experienced cardiologist. Full fledgedcath Lab is functional with 24hours Angiogram and Angioplasty. Blood bank at Modern Hospital is one among the few blood banks in Thrissur District. Which is functional round the clock. We cater to the needs of almost all hospitals in and around Kodungallur on emergency. Dialysis Unit with 13 state of the art Haemodialysis machine for stable chronic dialysis patients, 75% permanent dialysis patients receive Haemodialysis in 3-4 sessions every day. On an average of 1000 Haemodialysis are performed per month in the unit. The hospital became the first in kodungallur region to achieve NABH Accreditation ,ISO 9001:2015 certification, the approval of Indian Nursing Council New Delhi and Kerala Nursing Council Thiruvananthapuram to start school of Nursing (3½ Year General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) course) in the year 2005. Modern hospital institute of Medical Technology started Since 2012. Courses offered are Diploma in Operation Technology, Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician, Diploma in Pharmacy Assistant course, Diploma in X- Ray Technician. MOM Premium Women’s Hospital NH 17, Edappally P.O. Cheranellore Cochin - 682 034 Ph: +91 484 4134444 Mob: +91 90723 44455 Email: [email protected] Web: We are all familiar with High-tech Hospitals and Multi Speciality Centers. We have been utilizing their services in the best possible manner for preserving our health. But have we been utilizing the very new concept of ‘Birth Centre’ for the best and most memorable moments of our lives? It seems that most people are not aware of the special

features of Birth Centers and the quality of services offered in them. Those who consider the birth of their child as a very special moment and feel that an ordinary hospital is not adequate for that precious moment, will love the Birth Centres. It is a home away from home and it is more safer than a home or a hospital. You do not have to be worried about the infections that may affect you or your child in a hospital. Some may be apprehensive about the availability of expert medical attention in case a medical emergency arises while you are at the Birth Centre. It is here that the MOM Premium Women’s Hospital becomes significant. MOM is the first premium birth center in Kochi, providing compassionate and personalised care combined with leading-edge medical expertise through their team of skilled providers, including the region’s best obstetricians, gynaecologists, radiologists, certified nurse midwives, perinatologists and neonatologists. Located along the picturesque Cheranellore river, the MOM Premium Women’s Hospital is situated close enough to Kochi city, yet far enough to spare you the din and bustle of the city. A Great amount of time, effort, and detailing has gone into ensuring optimum patient care and comfort while setting up the centre. Going beyond the conventional approach that ANCHOR INDIA

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dictates hospital architecture, we have tried to present our patients with totally a new feel in terms of service and comfort. MOM offers everything for a happy and peaceful birthing, including luxury, comfort and expertise. Focused on the finer things in life, the most luxurious and stylish maternity suites in Kerala are meticulously designed to delight your elite personality. The MOM Premium Women’s Hospital is an initiative from CIMAR, one of the largest fertility centres in India established In the year 1996 by Dr. K.K. Gopinathan who is recognized as the first Laparoscopic Surgeon of Kerala State Health Services and is a former State President of Kerala Association of Gynecological Endoscopists (KAGE). From routine prenatal visits and access to specialists as needed, to a wide array of educational opportunities and birthing options, MOM Premium Women’s Hospital is committed to providing exceptional care that puts you and your baby first. Our Centre is a place that gives you a caring, warm, and homelike environment to celebrate your journey of motherhood and childbirth, where you are supported and respected as well as safe and secure. Clinical excellence, patient experience, safety and trust are the keystones of our foundation. The facilities and services that offer MOM include Birthing, Fetomaternal Medicine, Gynaecology, High Risk Pregnancy, Neonatal ICU, Genetics, New Born Screening, Well Woman Clinic, Maternity Delivery Package etc. MOM Premium Women’s Hospital is the place where your Motherhood will be memorable and comfortable experience. Prasanthi Hospital (Holy Cross Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Court Road, Manjeri - 676 121 Malappuram, Kerala Ph: +91 483 2769500 (12 Lines) Mob: +91 9400372309 Email: [email protected] Web: The corporate hospital sector in India now facilitates Medical Tourism, which can be broadly defined as ANCHOR INDIA

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provision of ‘cost effective’ private medical care in collaboration with the tourism industry for patients needing surgical and other forms of specialized treatment. It is a joint venture by the medical and tourism sector. Fun and relaxation are mixed together with wellness and healthcare. Get away from your daily routine and come into a varied peaceful surrounding! Enjoy being close to the beach and the mountains at the same time receive medical attention that will help you improve your life in terms of health and general well being. Many people from the developed world come to India for the rejuvenation promised by yoga and Ayurvedic massage, but few consider it a destination for hip replacement or brain surgery. But now, a nice mix of top-class medical expertise at attractive prices is helping a growing number of foreign patients to consider India as a world-class center for health and well being. The rapidly expanding Indian corporate hospital sector, high quality expertise of medical professionals, backed by the fast improving equipment and nursing facilities, and above all, the cost-effectiveness of the packages have led to India becoming a preferred medical

destination. Prasanthi hospital is well-equipped with the following facilities with reasonable rate including full body check up, Dental check up, Eye checkup and Diet consultation. Special features like Spirometry, Stress & Lifestyle management (obesity clinic, diabetes, foot care clinic) are also equipped in one roof. Advanced dental care with well equipped dental surgery department like Oral Maxillofacial trauma & fracture management and Orthognathic Surgery is also one among the specialties. Our Orthopaedic Center for management of musculoskeletal disorders, Joint replacements, trauma, ACL reconstruction, Total Knee & Hip, Arthroscopic surgeries and Spine surgeries is headed by experienced ortho surgeons. The dialysis unit (largest in Kerala) is equipped with state of the art Fresenius make machines. Other specialties include Gynecology and Obstetrics, Laparoscopic Surgeries, Plastic Surgeries Etc. The Laboratory services include Biochemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, and Pathology and transfusion medicine. All medical investigations are conducted on the latest, technologically advanced diagnostic equipment; stringent quality assurance exercises ensure reliable and high quality test results. It is also accompany a diagnostic centre named Dr. Jilu’s Scan & Diagnostic Centre which serves advanced USG, (2D, 3D & 4D)OPG, CR & MAMMOGRAPHY. PSG Hospitals Peelamedu, Coimbatore - 641 004 Tamil Nadu, India Ph: +91 422 4345353, 2598822 Help Line: +91 99521 49911 Email: [email protected] Web: The First Teaching Hospital in Tamilnadu to be Accredited by NABH. PSG Hospitals is a house of healing and not a corporate conglomerate. Its guiding values are Ethics, Science, Quality and Personal Care. PSG Hospital came into being in the year 1989 with in-patient services. It had basic

facilities with 450 beds. In 1994-95 the Hospital started Cardiology and Neurosurgery Departments, followed by Cardiothoracic Surgery, Gastroenterology, Neurology and Nephrology. The hospital performed its first Liver Transplant in 2014. The institute which started with Undergraduate medical course now offers Postgraduate medical, surgical and specialty courses. There are around 300 doctors, including 225 specialists. The doctors enjoy a distinct professional autonomy that is characteristic of PSG Hospitals. Dr P R Rajkumar, the Medical Director of PSG Hospitals admits that their 1300 bedded hospital’s General Ward is almost always full. He says “This is because we offer services to patients at a price that no other hospital does. However, their care is second to none, it being equal to those who stay in private wards”. As Dr S Karthikeyan, the Medical Superintendant says, “This is a trust-run hospital, there are no share holders looking for dividends,”. So it is possible to extract only the minimum from the patients. The development of the Institute in terms of infrastructure and technology is fostered by the Trust. Ethics, Science, Quality and Personal Care are the ANCHOR INDIA

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core ideas that leads the hospital administration. The Hospital is planning to add a new wing to have a General Ward with 900 beds. This will ensure quality health care at affordable prices. The hospital is planning to introduce a few novel courses in emerging specialties like Pediatric Endocrinology, Critical Care Medicine and Traumatology. The Institute has also set up a Centre for Research and Bioethics. The centre offers a post-graduate diploma in bioethics, only the third centre to do so in the country. The Institute in collaboration with national and international agencies and Universities explores the molecular and translational aspects of interface of human biology and disease in terms of genetics and epigenetics. The Institute has FAIMER Fellows, a Ramalingaswamy Fellow, an IndoAustralian Fellow and a Fulbright Fellow. The development of the Institute in terms of infrastructure and technology is fostered by the Trust rededicating such growth to the public. This model of trust-run health care delivery and the innate moral principles of PSG & Sons’ Trust , have helped maintain an exemplary work ethics in the hospitals. Shri L Gopalakrishnan, the Managing Trustee of PSG Institutions says, “Overall, the Hospitals serve the community through education, research, and health care delivery”. SK Hospital Edappazhanji, Thiruvanathapuram Ph: +91 471 3022 2222, 2944 444 Mob: +91 79027 73000 24 hours Tele. Booking No. 2356260 Email: [email protected] Web: TOUCHING LIVES. WINNING HEARTS. He, who has health, has hope, and he who has hope, has everything. The importance of health is best paraphrased in this paradigm. No man will be able to enjoy the fruits of his exploits unless he is in the pink of health.Amongst all advancements mankind has achieved, progress in medicine is by far one of the most laudable. It liberated man in a way that the world never ANCHOR INDIA

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witnessed beforehand. It was this vision to provide comprehensive health care that propelled SK Hospital forward since it began operations in 2003; a healthy ambience where the best treatments are provided in the most efficacious manner, for the betterment of the individual as well as the society. The hospital has a sterile atmosphere and is equipped with 300 beds and 8 stateof-the-art theatres, 2 cath labs and 8 state-of-the-art theatres. The 28 departments of the hospital are home to well-experienced doctors and skilled nursing staff. Here, advanced medical treatments are offered at affordable rates thus making it the best medical travel destination for patients all over the world. SK Hospital has come up with an integrated programme for international patients. The authorities at SK will help you with everything starting from booking your arrival tickets, hotel rooms, tourism packages to your departure tickets. Travel helpdesk will be available at all times to answer your quires. The hospital received the prestigious ‘NABH SAFE-I’ accreditation highlighting their unflinching dedication towards creating a healthier world. SK Hospital is the

leading centre in Kerala for mother and baby care, housingthe most modern facilities. Utmost importance is rendered to Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Neonatology and Infertility. There are eight operation theatres which are on par with global standards. They are totally insulated from any sort of contamination. Proper methods are in place to guarantee a sterile atmosphere all around. The critical care unit at SK Hospital is unique in every aspect and efficacious in every manner. The place is roomy with plenty of natural light and sufficient air circulation thus keeping at bay anxiety driven problems like ICU Psychosis. It is made sure that the place is contamination-free and never claustrophobic. The Centre for Joint Replacement Surgery at SK provides world-class facilities that enable in the early mobilization of patients. Over 280 joint replacement surgeries were performed in 2017 highlighting their speed and expertise in the field. SK Hospital has the biggest gastro department in Kerala with highly efficient doctors and a medical-surgical department with a highly experienced team who has made a name for themselves. Cancer and all other diseases affecting the abdomenare diagnosed and treated for. Diseases affecting the liver and intestine are treated medically and surgically. A specialised liver clinic and facilities for diagnosing abdominal, pancreas, colon, and rectal cancers is available. SK Hospital keeps on making huge strides in medical and surgical treatments for all ailments, a world of healing in itself. Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences (SNIMS) Chalakka, P.O. North Kuthiyathodu Ernakulam District, Kerala - 683 594 Ph: +91 484 2661500 Fax: +91 484 2478093 Email: [email protected] Web: This 500 bedded hospital situated in a 40 plus acre land is located on the roadside on the Athani - Paravur Road and

is a tertiary care center for the population between Ernakulam and Trissur especially for patients from North Paravoor, Aluva, Mala, and Kodungalloor and nearby areas. It also caters to ECHS and almost all health insurance firms. We do have an Accident and Emergency Room functioning round the clock and are supported by 24 hour laboratory and Radiology services like X-rays, Ultrasonography and 16 slice CT Scan services. Specialists are available round the clock for immediate and prompt care. We have fully equipped ICU services, Operation theaters and labour room. All speciality departments are functional in our hospital in addition to super speciality departments like Cardiology, Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology, Urology and Paediatric surgery. The Bone and Joint Unit has excelled as the front runner in joint replacement surgery with more than 400 successful surgeries. We started the MBBS classes in the year 2009 with a batch strength of 100 students each and our first batch is appearing for the final examination in 2014. Of these, students allotted by the Government are admitted in 50 seats and the remaining 50 are filled by students who pass the entrance ANCHOR INDIA

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examination conducted by the management with the approval of the Government. We are blessed that we have experienced faculty from all over India, who have excelled in teaching and research in their disciplines. Our medical and nursing staff are selected after close scrutiny and find a mix of seniors with ambitious juniors who undergo training sessions and workshops in addition to routine CMEs. The nursing and nonclinical staff extend dedicated care and they undergo regular trainings to hone their skills. What makes SNIMS unique is that as a charitable organisation, the management is interested to provide medical care without profit motive. St. Joseph’s Hospital Choondal P.O, Thrissur - 680 502 Tel: 04885 215400, 236230, 236111 Web: [email protected] St. Joseph’s Hospital was started in 1969 to provide affordable medical care for the common people. It was Fr.G.F.Choondal who started a small dispensary there. The Hospital is situated about 2 kms south east of Thrissur on the Thrissur - Kunnamkulam Highway. Today it has become a 300 bedded multi-specialty hospital. The dedicated service offered by Dr.C.J.Jose, Dr.R.A. Erinjery and Dr.Varma helped the hospital rise to its present position. The team of doctors who work here today carry on the great work started by them. The Hospital is managed by Rev.Sr.Anija CMC as Director and Rev.Sr. Alphonse Maria CMC as Administrator. The Hospital has all important departments like General Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Neuro-Diabetic Clinic, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Nephrology, Urology, Dental, ENT, Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Anaesthesia, Radiology as well as Homeo and Ayurvedic treatment. There are well equipped Operation Theaters, Endoscope, Colonoscope, C-Arm Colour Doppler, Tread Mill Test, Echo, Laproscope, CT Scan, Ultra sound scan, fully equipped Physiotherapy Unit, Dialysis Unit, 24 hour Casualty, ANCHOR INDIA

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Medical ICU, Surgical ICU, Neonatal ICU, CTG, Pharmacy, Laboratory’ ECG, X Ray, Ambulance, Mobile Mortuary and Medical reimbursement programme. Centre for General and Laproscopic Surgery is headed by Dr.Shaji Bhaskar MBBS, MS, DNB, MNAMS,FMAS. The Hospital is the Pioneer center for endoscopic thyroid surgery and advanced laproscopic surgery. All types of Gastro intestinal and Oncological surgeries are done here. A team of eminent , highly qualified doctors ensures quality medical care under all departments. The nursing staff and para-medical staff offer dedicated service in keeping with the motto of service to humanity. The Hospital offers nursing education for the financially backward girls in the area and provides employment. The charitable work includes medical aid to the poor, medical camps at rural areas, free dialysis to the poor patients, free eye check-up, aid to poor students and providing jobs to the poor. In keeping with the demands of modern living the Hospital has eco-friendly practices with incinerator, waste water process, and vegetable cultivation. The motto that life is not merely being alive but being well, is put into practice by the management of the hospital.

St. Thomas Hospital P.O. Kurisummood Chethipuzha, Changanassery Kottayam - 686 104 Ph: 0481 2729300, 2722100 Web: Email: [email protected] St. Thomas Research Institute on Venous Disease, is a renowned PHLEBOLOGY CENTRE at St. Thomas Hospital, Chethipuzha, Changanassery, a full-fledged multi-specialty hospital of Central Kerala with 29 specializations, 77 doctors and 650 plus supporting staff and a bed strength of 420, together with modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities. The Institute is headed by Dr. N Radhakrishnan, MS, FAIS, FIAMS, FICS (Phlebology),MRCP (London),FACS (USA & Canada), FRCS (Glasgow) who is famous internationally as expert on Varicose Vein disorders, has successfully performed more than 30000 minimally invasive procedures for Varicose Vein, which is unique and world record in treatment of Varicose Veins. Differing from the conventional method of therapeutic procedure for Chronic Venous Diseases (CVD), we do innovative procedure based on advanced research. The outlook with regard to the disease and the principle of management, have radically changed. This has brought out wonderful results. Very severe ulcers, even after repeated surgical interventions, started healing very fast. The fact that Dr. N Radhakrishnan has performed such a large number of procedures for varicose vein management (CVD) itself supports the clinical efficacy of the treatment to the total healing and satisfaction of the patients, from all over India and abroad. New Generation Technology, Fast & Reliable Healing, Expert Advice for Pain Free Life. Changanassery in Kottayam District of Kerala, where the institute is situated is not very far from Vembanad Backwaters, one of the world’s most exotic spots for water tourism. It is also the central point to major tourist destinations like Kumarakam & Alappuzha

abounding with lakes, lagoons and house boats. The wildlife sanctuary in Thekkady, the famous Hill Resorts of Munnar, the haunting water falls of Athirapally /Vazhachal are easily accessible from our Hospital. The Cochin International Airport (COK) is 100 km away and Trivandrum International Airport (TRV) is at a distance of 135 km. The hospital is hardly 2 km from Changanassery Railway station. Thangam Hospital of PMRC Chadanamkurussi West Yakkara Palakkad, Kerala - 678 004, India Ph: +91 491 2515717 (8 Lines) Ambulance: 944 777 5717 Web: The erstwhile granary of kerala is better known today as a rapidly growing centre of medical excellence, thanks to the pioneering strides made by Thangam Hospital of PMRC (Palakkad Medical &Research Centre)- This hospital is a 200+ bedded healthcare destination, offering medical care ANCHOR INDIA

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of exceptional quality in all primary specialities and super specialities in Cardiology, Neurology, Urology, Nephrology, Gastroenterologyand and Limb Reconstruction (limb lengthening and deformity correction), alongside comprehensive and integrated healthcare facilities. Other medical specialities include Accident and Trauma, Anaesthesia & Critical Care, ENT, General surgery including laproscopic surgery , General Medicine & Diabetology, Gynaecology, Infertility & Reproductive Medicine, Orthopaedics Oncology with attached Pain & Palliative Unit, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics & Neonatology, Pulmonology, Dentistry and Dermatology. Though Palakkad is the biggest district of Kerala, till recently the District did not have a fulltime cancer specialist. From Sep 2017, the hospital has the services of a full time Oncology Physician and the department has been named “THANGAM CANCER CENTRE�, which is the only one of its kind. The facility of this centre includes Chemotherapy, Hormonal therapy, Immuno Therapy, Targetted therapy and Cancer Surgeries under supervision of the Medical Oncologist and Onco Surgeon. The hospital also has a state of the art laboratory that is managed by fulltime pathologist, who conduct all investigations. The Radiology department has all modalities of imaging Services including MRI, CT, ANCHOR INDIA

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Ultrasound, Digital Mammogram. The digital x-ray has long view Exposure cassette used by department of limb reconstruction, which has patients from overseas even. This ensures perfect patient diagnosis and treatment, prompt and precise. Established as the first corporate hospital in Palakkad in the year 1999 and prominent player in the industry, the Thangam Campus is a sprawling and green estate that houses a team of dedicated doctors in all major disciplines, They are supported by numerous paramedical staff and healthcare professionals who work round the clock making themselves available to all patients, at all times, and attending to their needs with utmost care. No patient is refered out of the hospital unless absolutely necessary, or in that rare instance where specific facilities are unavailable in the hospital. This in itself, is an indication of the confidence with which the doctors and staff carry out their work in the hospital. A dynamic front office, multiple enquiry desks, WiFi zones, waiting areas, bystander accommodation, close security systems, ATM Kiosks and hygienic vegetarian canteen & snack bar, complement the medical facilities available in the hospital. The medical facilities include round the clock emergency and trauma centre with attached MOT (Minor Operation Theatre) and ambulance services, multiple consultants committed to 24*7 patient care, Resident Medical Officers on the floor and in critical areas like ICUs, the presence of vigilant skilled paramedical and nursing staff. Stem collection centre, Diabetic clinic, Campus dietitians and physiotherapists, In-house modular pharmacy etc are some of the other thoughtfull additions. -Built on the foundation of its social values, Thangam also takes pride in its multiple community initiatives that span key areas including Education, Medical Aid & Assistance, Energy Conservation, Recycling, Public Awareness and Opportunity Creation amongst a demographic where these remain overwhelming challenges. Facilities like Antenatal classes for expecting couples, Screening, Assessment and remediation for Various

learning disorders in children in association with ALDI (Association of Learning Disabilities in India) and a suicide prevention hotline CHANGATHI(Friend) alongside psychological assessments and counselling services by trained professionals, are made available free of cost to the public. As an accredited Hospital for Karunya Benevolent Fund Scheme (a Kerala Government Initiative that gives Financial aid to the needy), the Hospital provides several heavily subsidised services, like Angioplasty under the department of Cardiology, and Dialysis under the department of Nephrology, for both infected and noninfected patients in a conducive environment utilising the highest quality imported machines- the first of its kind to be established in Palakkad. Situated away from the city crowd and in a serene atmosphere, yet easily accessible, and equipped with cutting edge research, the latest technology, clinical experts and modern medical equipment, but in a serene atmosphere, surrounded by lush green paddy fields, hillocks and rivers, Thangam is a taste of the best of both worldscontemporaneity and innovation on the one hand, old world charm and traditional hospitality on the other. Here, at whatever hour you come, you will find light, help and human kindness. The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd. Corporate Office: 42, Perumal Koil Street Ramanathapuram P.O Coimbatore - 641 045 Ph: +91 422 2315412, 4322999 Email: [email protected] Web: The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Limited is the flagship company of the AVP Group. Since its incorporation in the 1940s, AVP has grown in reputation as one of the pioneers in the field of Ayurveda. The Company headquartered at Coimbatore has a pan India network of doctors and sales and distribution network. Management of the Company is headed by Sri P.R. Krishnakumar who

was instrumental in bringing Ayurveda to the attention of the World Health Organization (WHO). For his tireless efforts towards promotion of Ayurveda and service to society, Sri Krishnakumar has been conferred the prestigious Padmashri Award in 2009 by the Government of India and with the National Dhanwantari Ayurveda Award in 2016. AVP’s manufacturing facility at Kanjikode in Kerala is GMP certified and its newest facilities are created is ISO 22716:2007 certified and designed to meet the World Health Organization’s GMP standards. It produces nearly 500 products, majorly authentic classical formulations, in these facilities blending the best of tradition and modernity and by adhering to a strict quality control and assurance mechanism. AVP has nearly 600 outlets across the country, where all these medicines and expert clinical services are available. AVP Group over the years expanded from ‘Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing’ to the field of ‘treatment centres’, ‘education and research’, and ‘manufacturing of ayurvedic equipments’ to ensure high quality products, practitioners and services. The twin values of commitment to ‘quality of care’ and ‘purity of treatment’ are the distinguishing factors of AVP. The main treatment facility of AVP called The Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam & Research Institute (AVC), functioning since 1957, is located in the heart of Coimbatore in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. AVC has the distinction of being one of the first ayurvedic hospitals to become ISO 9001:2008 certified for its compliance with international quality standards. After much scrutiny by the western media and medical fraternity, and AVC ’s relentless efforts to propagate ayurveda, the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in its investigative feature on Ayurveda has featured AVC while the Washington Post has acclaimed it as the ‘Mayo Clinic of Ayurveda’! AVC had partnered with Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the World Health Organization (WHO) for research on efficacy of ayurvedic treatment in rheumatoid arthritis. In recognition of this pioneering work, AVC has been the recipient of funding by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA for the firstANCHOR INDIA

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Sri P. V. Rama Variar Birth Centennial Ayurveda Hospital and Training Academy located at the foothills of the Western Ghats in a serene, unpolluted and picturesque environment. It is a chosen destination of many foreigners with learning and treatment interests. Saranya Ayurveda Hospital is the other facility off the National Highway to Kerala is nestled in a beautiful rustic location. AVP has official tie-ups with Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Switzerland and Latvia to conduct academic and research activities. AVP Baltics was registered in 2015 in Riga, Latvia with an aim to promote Ayurveda in European Union, with Baltic countries as the base.

ever clinical trial to scientifically evaluate Ayurveda outside the USA. Department of AYUSH, Government of India awarded AVC, “Centre of Excellence” in clinical rheumatology in the year 2009. AVP initiated a comprehensive clinical documentation program to produce preliminary data on safety and efficacy of Ayurveda treatments. With the backing of its decades old background of efforts in research on Ayurveda, The AVP Research Foundation (formerly known as AVT Institute for Advanced Research) was established in 2003 as a research department under AVC and became an independent notfor-profit research institution registered in 2012. The foundation is known for its excellence in clinical research on Ayurvedic medicines, initiatives on practice based evidence, developing research and education oriented softwares for Ayurvedic fraternity and its journal indexing service in Ayurveda. The department of scientific and industrial research, Government of India has recognised the institution as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(SIRO). The AVCRI, Ramanathapuram campus is also famous for a unique ‘Dhanwantari Temple’ and attracts patients from all over the world. The Aryavaidyan ANCHOR INDIA

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Tiruvalla Medical Mission Hospital Post Box No. 74 Tiruvalla – 689 101 Tel: 0469 2626000, 2626262, 9400 831111 Email: [email protected] Web: A Hospital With God’s Signature : Tiruvalla Medical Mission (TMM) is a pioneer healthcare institution in the state of Kerala known for its excellence in medical treatment, education and service. From its humble inception eight decades ago, the hospital has provided unflinching service to the poor and needy without compromising on quality medical treatment. Thus, it has grown to be the people’s hospital in the region with the public christening it as ‘Sayyippinte asupathry’, which in local parlance is a tribute to the sacrificial work of various missionary doctors that served at the hospital. Brand TMM evokes trust, compassionate service and quality in the hearts of the people. TMM’s commitment to these areas has caused it to extend its services by opening branches in rural areas of Vazhoor and Mannamaruthy, away from the city. Health professionals trained from TMM’s nursing college are now impacting different parts of the world, serving the society with compassion and love. The journey from a two-bedded hospital to a leading multi-speciality healthcare and

educational centre in Central Travancore is testimony to the motto ‘A hospital with God’s signature’. TMM holds the distinction of being the first hospital in the city to have NABH accreditation. The 300-bedded hospital is now equipped with various centres of excellence and ensures constant updation to the latest advancement in surgical procedures. With state-of-the-art medical facilities across departments, the hospital has grown itself over the years to be the leading multi-speciality hospital in the region. The hospital also houses a broad spectrum of hi-tech diagnostic services. TMM holds a unique place in the health sector by providing quality medical facilities to the common man at an affordable rate. True to its commitment to impart quality healthcare, extensive work is underway to rebrand and relaunch a modern phase of the hospital in 2020. TMM Centres of Excellence: Fertility Centre, Cardio Centre, Diabetic Centre, Dialysis Centre, Neo Care Centre, Counselling Centre, Physiotherapy Centre etc. TMM Specialities: Knee Replacement, Key Hole Surgery, Trans axillary - Endoscopic Thyroidectomy, Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgeries, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Sleep Lab, Anomaly Scan, Revolution Series CT Scan etc.

Vinayaka Hospital Kattayad Road, Sulthan Bathery Wayanad, Kerala, India - 673 592 Ph: 04936 220102, 225102, 224102 Email : [email protected] Web: V inayaka Hospital is an ISO 9001-2008 certified multi speciality hospital established in the year 2002 at Sulthan Bathery providing health care needs to the people. We believe that health care is a noble profession where we can help the people in agony by the Grace of Almighty. With the help and encouragement of the people around us, we hope we can continue to do so. As a part of our health care system we started a Nursing School in the year 2006 with the aim of providing Academic Opportunities to the students, to prepare trained nurses for better health care services. To enable further professional growth, there is a felt-need to develop a deep pride in Nursing profession among the students, V inayaka Educational & Charitable Trust formed in 2011 Started BSc Nursing programme with the permission from Govt. of Kerala, Kerala University of Health Science & approval from Indian Nursing Council ANCHOR INDIA

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and Kerala Nursing & Midwives Council. The Hospital is a health care leader in Wayanad by providing excellent quality medical care and patient care services in a family focused environment. It focuses the health and well –being of the community by providing high class patient care, education and training. Today we are a leading Health care provider in Wayanad District with all facilities, delivering excellent quality medical services in an affordable cost. As our Hospital is situated in the boarder of Wayanad District and is hardly 15-20 kilometers from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka States, a major part of the patients are from the boarder States. Patients of below poverty line and Tribes for which we are providing enough charity services. KERALA HOSPITALS find your hospitals | alappuzha Ahalia Foundation Eye Hospital Park Junction, Kayamkulam - 690 502 Ph: 0479 2449715 Email: [email protected] Web: Amravathy Eye Care Opp. Municipal Office Mavelikkara - 690 101 Ph: 0479 2343451, Mob: 96056 46566 Central Travancore Specialist Hospital Chengannur, Alappuzha - 689 121 Ph: 0479 2469469 Century Hospital Mulakuzha, Chengannur, Alappuzha - 689 505 Ph: 0479 2469469, 2468710 Web: Deepa Hospital Haripad, Alappuzha - 690 514, Ph: 0479 2413054 ANCHOR INDIA

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Ebenzeer Hospital Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, Ph: 0479 2442102 Huda Trust Hospital Kumarapuram P.O, Haripad - 690 514 Ph: 0479 2412005 Josco Multi-Speciality Hospital Edappon, Josco Jn Pandalam - 689 501, Ph: 0479 2374982 Kinder Women’s Hospital & Fertility Centre Maruthorvattom Temple Road, Near N.H 47, Cherthala - 688 539 Phone: +91 478 2830000 Email: [email protected] Web: KMC Yana IVF & Fertility Centre Kattanam Medical Centre Kattanam, Kayamkulam - 682315 Ph: 09605105517 Email: [email protected] Web: Krishnendu Ayurveda Hospital Chingoli P.O, Karthikappally, Alappuzha Ph: +91 479 2486337, 95444 88333 Email: [email protected] Web: Lourdes Matha Hospital Edathua, Alappuzha - 689 573, Ph: 0477 2212305 Madhava Medical Mission Haripad, Alappuzha - 690 514 Ph: 0479 2412282 Mammen Memorial Hospital Chengannur, Alappuzha Ph: 0479 2452823

Monash IVF KVM Kinder Hospital P.B. No. 30, Cherthala - 688 524, Ph: 0478 2821555 Email: [email protected] Web: Pushpagiri Medical Society Pushpagiri Buildings Tiruvalla - 689 101, Ph: 0469 2700755 Fax: 0469 2701045 Web: S.H.G. Hospital Green Gardens Cherthala, Alappuzha, Ph: 0478 2811337 Sree Narayana Medical Mission Hospital Cherthala, Alappuzha, Ph: 0478 2822506 Sreevenkateswara Hospital Cherthala, Ph: 0478 2812451 St. Thomas Hospital Chengannur, Alappuzha - 689 121, Ph: 0479 2452860 Vrindavan Ayurveda Hospital Mavelikkara, Alappuzha Ph: 0477 2302607 find your hospitals | ernakulam Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences AIMS, P.O. Ponekkara Kochi - 682 041, Kerala, India Ph: +91 484 280 1234, 668 1234 Fax: +91 484 280 2020 Email: [email protected] Web: Arogyalayam Hospital Bye-Pass Junction Bridge Road, Aluva-683 101 Ph: 0484 2625252, 2625226

Aster Medcity Cheranelloor, P.O. South Chittoor Kochi - 682 027, Kerala, India Ph: +91 484 6699999 Email: [email protected] Web: Bourn Hall Clinic 27/ 3218 A, M. G Road, Opp. Kochi Shipyard Atlantis, Kochi - 15, Ph: 0484 3983302 Email: [email protected] Web: Chaithanya Eye Hospital Ravipuram, Kochi - 682 016 Ph: 0484 2357135, Fax: +91 484 2357098 Email: [email protected] Web: CIMAR NH 17, Edappally P.O. Cheranellore, Cochin - 682 034 Ph: +91 484 4134444 Email: [email protected] Web: City Hospital M.G.Road, Padma Junction Kochi - 682 035, Ph: 0484 2361809 Devamatha Hospital Koothattukulam, Ernakulam - 686 662 Ph: 0485 2252271, 2251341, 2253371 Fax: 0485 2252571 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: Dr. Promodu’s Institute of Sexual and Marital Health Pathadipalam, Edapally, Kochi - 682 024 Ph: 0484 2555301, 2555302 ANCHOR INDIA

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Ernakulam Medical Centre NH Bypass, P.O. Vennala, Palarivattom, Kochi - 682 028 Ph: 0484 2807101-109, Fax: 0484 2805011 Email: [email protected] Web: Goutham Hospital Panayappally, Kochi - 682 005, Ph: 0484 2210510 JNM Lakshmi Hospital Eloor, Udhyogmandal - 683 501, Ph: 0484 2547201, 2547202 Email: [email protected] Web: Karothukuzhi Hospital Pvt Ltd Market Road, Aluva, Ph: 0484 2625228, 2621001 Krishna Hospital Chittor Road, Kochi - 682 011, Ph: 0484 2368230 Email: [email protected] Kurias Earth Ayurveda Hospital Thykoodam, Vyttila, Kochi - 682 019, Ph: 85890 77776 Email:[email protected] Web: Kusumagiri Mental Health Centre Kusumagiri, Kakkanad - 682 030 Ph: 0484-2422215,2422160 Email: [email protected] Web: Lakshmi Hospital Diwan’s Road, Kochi - 682 016 Ph: 0484 2382111, Fax: 0484 2374067 Email: [email protected] Lisie Hospital Ernakulam North, Kochi - 682 018, Ph: 0484 2400812 - 14 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Little Flower Hospital & Research Centre P B No. 23, Angamaly Ph: 0484 2452546-48, Fax: 0484 2452646 Email: [email protected], Web: Lotus Eye Care Hospital S.A. Road, Kadavanthra, Kochi - 20 Ph: 0484 2322333, Fax: 0484 4070670 Email: [email protected], Web: Lourdes Hospital Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Kochi - 682 012, Kerala, India Ph: +91 484 4123456, 4125555 International Desk: +91 484 4121103 Fax: +91 484 2393720 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: Luke Memorial Hospital Perumbavoor, Kochi - 683 542 Ph: 0484 2522123, 2523507, 2525232 MAGJ Hospital P.O. Mookkannoor, Angamaly - 683 577 Ph: 0484 26 74 300 Email: [email protected] Web: Mar Baselios Medical Mission Hospital Kothamangalam P.O, Kothamangalam – 686 691 Ph: 0485 2822203,822207 Email:[email protected] Web: Medical Trust Hospital M.G. Road, Kochi - 682 016 Kerala, India, Ph: 0484 2358001 - 11, Fax: 0484 2358031 Email: [email protected] Web:

MOM Premium Women's Hospital NH 17, Edappally, P.O. Cheranellore, Cochin - 682 034 Ph: +91 484 4134444, Mob: +91 90723 44455 Email: [email protected] Web:

Polakulath Narayanan Renai Medicity PB No.2310, Palarivattom, Kochi - 25 Ph: 0484 2880000, 3919000, Fax: 0484 2331561 Email: [email protected] Web:

MOSC Medical College Hospital Kolenchery – 682 311, Ph: 0484 3055555 Email: [email protected], Web:

Punarnava Ayurveda Hospital P.O. Edappally North, Kochi - 682024 Ph: 0484 2801415, 2801416 Email: [email protected] Web:

Najath Super Speciality Hospital Bank Junction, Aluva - 683101, Ph: 0484 2623693, 2631157 Nechupadam Dental Clinic No.29, IIIrd Floor, GCDA Commercial Complex Marine Drive, Kochi - 31 Ph: 0484 2350502, Mob: 09387277213 Email: [email protected] Web: Nechupadam Dental Clinic Nechupadam Building, P.O. Kolenchery Ernakulam Dt - 682 331 Ph: 0484 2760355, Mob: 09387277213 Email: [email protected] Web:

PVS Memorial Hospital Ltd. Kaloor, Cochin - 682017, Ph: 0484 2345451, 2345471. E-mail: [email protected] Web: Rajagiri Hospital Chunagamvely, Aluva - 683 112, Ph: 0484 66 55 000 Email: [email protected] Web: Sabine Hospital & Research Centre P.O. Pezhakkappilly Muvattupuzha - 686 673, Ph: 0485 2838100 Email: [email protected] Web:

Philip Augustine Associates Pvt. Ltd. The Cochin Gastroenterology Group Ernakulam Medical Centre Pvt. Ltd. NH Bypass, Palarivattom, Kochi - 682 028 Kerala, South India Ph: +91 484 2907000, 2807101 Fax: +91 484 2805011, 2807412 Email: [email protected] Web:

Specialist’s Hospital Opp. North Railway Station, Kochi - 18 Ph: 0484 2395952, 2887800(30 lines), Fax: 0484 2392945 Email: [email protected] Web:

PNVM Hospital & Research Centre Banerji Road, Kochi - 682 018, Ph: 0484 2390097 Email: [email protected] Web:

Sree Sudheendra Medical Mission Hospital Chittoor Road, Kochi - 682 018, Ph: 0484 2354139, 2382390 Email: [email protected] Web:

Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences (SNIMS) North Kuthiyathodu P.O, Chalakka, Ernakulam - 683 594 Ph: 0484 2661500, Fax +91 484 2478093 Email: [email protected], Web:


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St. Joseph’s Hospital Dharmagiri, Kothamangalam - 686 691 Ph: 0485 2862391, 2862392 Web: Sunrise Hospital Kakkanad, Kochi - 682 030 Ph: 0484 2428913 - 16, Fax: 0484 2428917 Email: [email protected] Web: Vasan Eye Care Hospital 27/3215, M.G. Road, Opp. Cochin Shipyard Kochi - 682 015, Ph: 0484 3989000 Fax: 0484 2357777, Web: Vasan Eye Care Hospital A-1, Opp. India V ision Palarivattom, NH Bypass Road Kochi - 682 024, Ph: 0484 3989050 Fax: 0484 3091449, Web: VG Saraf Memorial Hospital Ravipuram, Kochi - 682 016 Ph: 0484 2380452, 2363949, Fax: 0484 2370595 Email: [email protected] Web: Vijaya Institute of Medical Sciences Kadavanthra - Kaloor Road Kadavanthra, Kochi - 682 020 Ph: 0484 2205261, 2205290, Fax: 0484 2206072 Email:[email protected] Web: Vijayalakshmi Medical Centre 33/1734 D, Chakkaraparambu VH Bypass, P.O. Vennala, Kochi - 682 028 Ph: 0484 2809261, 2809262 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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VPS Lakeshore Maradu, P.O. Nettoor, Kochi - 682 040 Ph: 0484 2701032, Fax: 0484 2701996 Email: [email protected] Web: Welcare Hospital S.A. Road, Vyttila Ernakulam, Kerala-682019, Ph: 0484 4091111 Email: [email protected] Web: find your hospitals | idukki Archana Hospital Vannappuram, Idukki , Ph: 0486 2222824 Arpana Hospital Thookupalam, Idukki, Ph: 0486 8236340 Bishop Vayalil Medical Centre (BVMC) Moolamattom P.O., Idukki - 685 589, Ph: 04862 252 305 Central Hospital Kumily, Idukki, Ph: 0486 9322045 Chazhikattu Multi Super Speciality Hospital IX/139 A, River V iew Road Thodupuzha - 685 584, Tel: 04862 250 250, 300300 Email: [email protected] Devamatha Hospital Rajakumary, Idukki, Ph: 0486 8243225 District Hospital Cheruthoni, Idukki, Ph: 04862 232444 Excelsior Hospital Thodupuzha, Idukki, Ph: 0486 2300500 Holy Family Hospital Muthalakkodam, Thodupuzha, Idukki – 685 605 Ph: 04862 222231, 222234, 221060 Karuna Hospital Thodupuzha, Idukki, Ph: 0486 2226120

Medical Trust Hospital Nedumkandam, Idukki, Ph: 0486 8232056 Email: [email protected] Morning Star Medical Centre Nazareth Hill, Adimali, Idukki - 685 561 Ph: 0486 4222114 Periyar Hospital Kumily, Idukki, Ph: 0486 9222088 Sahayagiri Hospital Kovilkadavu Marayoor, Idukki Ph: 0486 5252245 St. John's Hospital Kattappana South P.O, Idukki - 685 515 Tel: 04868 272230, 251400, Web: St. Mary’s Hospital Thodupuzha, Ph: 0486 222525 Taluk Hospital Thodupuzha, Idukki, Ph: 0486 2222630 find your hospitals | kannur AKG Memorial Cooperative Hospital Thalap, Kannur, Ph: 0497 2762500 Email: [email protected] Web: ARMC IVF Fertility centre 2nd floor, Grand Plaza building Prabhath junction, Fort Road, Kannur Ph: 0497 2766018-19, Helpline: +91 9526141400 Email: [email protected] Web: Ashirvad Hospital South Bazzar, Kannur Ph: 0497 2700070

Ashoka Hospital S.Bazar, Kannur - 670 002 Ph: 0497 2704688, Fax: 0497 2768070 Email: [email protected] Web: Aster MIMS Kannur Chala East, Kannur - 670 621, Ph: 0497 2838000 Email: [email protected] Web: Christhuraj Hospital Kannur, Ph: 0490 2365636 Web: Dhanalakshmi Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. Tana, Kannur - 670 002 Ph: +91 497 2714200, 2701524-26, Fax: +91 497 27065272 Email: [email protected] Web: Koyili Hospital Talap, P.O. Pallikkunnu Kannur - 670 004, Ph: 0497 2704371 Email:[email protected] Web: Lourde Hospital Chiravakku, Taliparamba - 670141 Ph: 0460 2301152, 2200775 M.K Ummerkoya Memorial Hospital Prasyanikadavu, Kannur Ph: 0497 2781745 Mukunda Hospital Payyanur, Kannur - 670 307 Ph: 0498 5205119, 5202939 Email: [email protected] ANCHOR INDIA

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NCARE IVF Centre First floor, Near Balram Memorial Building Rajiv Gandhi Road, Kannur - 670001, Kerala, India Mob: 08606443030, Email: [email protected] Web: Pariyaram Medical College Pariyaram, Kannur - 670502, Ph: 0497 2808080 Fax: 0497 2808125, Santosh Hospital Thalassery, Kannur - 670 101, Ph: 0490 2342702 Speciality Hospital Kannur, Ph: 0497 2712770 Tellicherry Co-operative Hospital Co-operative Hospital Junction Thalassery, Kannur, Ph: 0490 2341604 Fax: 0490 2344301, Email: [email protected] Web: Vasan Eye Care Hospital Nethra Builbing, Near SBI Bank, Fort Road, Kannur - 01 Ph: 0497 3989000, Fax: 0497 276167, Web: find your hospitals | kasaragod Carewell Hospital Kasaragod, Ph: 04994 230180 Dream Flower IVF Centre Centre @ Janardan Hospital, Bank Road Kasaragod - 671 121, Ph: 04994 230243, 94470 00616 Email: [email protected] Web: Fathima Hospital Kasaragod, Ph: 04994 230524 Janardan Hospital Bank Road, Kasaragod - 671 121, Ph: 04994 230243, 226555 ANCHOR INDIA

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Kamath Medical Centre Kasaragod, Ph: 04994 230004 Kasaragod Institute of Medical Sciences Ashwini Nagar, Kasaragod - 671 121 Ph: 04994 219402, 219401, Web: Mansoor Hospital Kanhangad, Kasaragod, Ph: 0467 2202070 P.N Panicker Souhruda Ayurveda Medical College P.O. Parakalai, Anandasram (V ia) Kanhangad Kasaragod - 671 531, Ph: 0467 2244700, 2244701 find your hospitals | kollam ARMC IVF Fertility centre Unitide Building, OPP Janayugam Daily Kadappakkada Junction, Kollam - 691 008 Ph: 0474 2743500-01, Email: [email protected] Web: Azeezia Medical College Hospital P.O. Meeyannoor, Kollam - 691 537 Kerala, India, Ph: 0474 3069200, Fax: 0474 3069397 Email: [email protected] Web: Bishop Benziger Hospital Beach Road, Kollam - 691 001 Ph: +91 474 2757000, 2768201 to 05 Email: [email protected] Web: Christuraj Hospital Kottarakkara, Kollam, Ph: 0474 2452512 Dr. Babu’s Chest & Skin Allergy Speciality Centre Near High School Jn, P.O. Thevally, Kollam - 691 009 Ph: 0474 2798363, 04734 220372, 9387328710 Email: [email protected] Web:

Dr. Nair’s Hospital Asramam, Kollam - 691 002, Ph: +91 474 2766180 - 185 Email: [email protected] Web:

Travancore Medicity NH Bypass, P.O. Umayanalloor, Kollam - 691 589 Ph: +91 474 2729393, 2726161, Fax: +91 474 2724411 Email: [email protected], Web:

Holy Cross Super Speciality Hospital Kottiyam, Kollam - 691 571, Ph: 0474 2530121, 2530122, 2530123 Email: [email protected] Web:

Upasana Hospital & Research Centre Q.S. Road, Kollam - 691 001, Ph: 0474 2762887 Web:

Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Kottiyam, Kollam, Kerala, India, Ph: +91 474 304 1400 Email: [email protected] Web: Matha Medical Centre P.O. Mathilil, Near Ashtamudi Lake, Kollam - 691 601 Ph: 0474 2703003, 2704003, 97463 00111, Fax: 0474 2704396 Email: [email protected] Web: Mohans Hospital Edayadi, Poothakulam S.Paravur - 691302, Ph: 0474-2513679 NS Memorial Institute of Medical Science NH Bypass Road, Palathara, Kollam - 691 020 Ph: 0474 2723 199, Email: [email protected] Web: Padmavathy Medical Foundation Manakkara, Sasthamkotta, Kollam - 690 521 Ph: 0476 2831408, Email: [email protected] Web: Samad IVF Hospital Kaval, Thangassery, Kollam - 691 007, Ph: 0474 2798706 Email: [email protected] Web: Sanker’s Hospital Q.S.Road , Kollam, Ph: 0474 2743847

Valiyath Institute Of Medical Sciences Market Road, Karunagappally, Kollam - 690518 Ph: 0476 265 9999, Email: [email protected] Web: Vijaya Yana IVF & Fertility Centre Vijaya Hospital, Pulamon, Kottarakkara, Kollam - 691531 Ph: 09995777216, Email: [email protected], find your hospitals | kottayam Abraham’s Infertility Treatment Centre Athakkatt Chamers, Changanacherry Ph: 0481 2410356, 2421049, Web: Bharath Hospital Azad Lane, Kottayam - 686 001, Ph: + 91 481 2582947, 2581974 Web: Caritas Hospital P.O. Thellakom, Kottayam - 686 630, Kerala, India Ph: +91 481 2790025 - 29, Fax: +91 481 2790418 Email: [email protected] Web: CNK Multi Speciality Hospital IE Nager, Madukkummoodu Changanacherry - 686 106, Ph: 0481 2722888 Indo-American Hospital ‘Institute of Brain & Spine’ Chemmanakary, P.O. Akkarapadam, Vaikom - 686143 Ph: +91 4829 217800, 9446083281, 9747553281 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

medical tourism 185

Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Thoothutty Junction, P.O. Kudamaloor, Kottayam - 686 017 Kerala, India, Ph: +91 481 661 1000 Email: [email protected] Web:

Aster MIMS Mini Bypass Road, P.O. Govindapuram Calicut - 673 016, Kerala, India, Ph: +91 495 3911400, 2488000 Fax: +91 495 2741329, Email: [email protected] Web:

Little Lourdes Mission Hospital Kidangoor Highway Junction, Kidangoor - 686 572 Tel: 04822 254 156

Baby Memorial Hospital Limited Indira Gandhi Road, Kozhikode - 673 004, Kerala, India Ph: 0495 2777777, 2723272, Fax: 0495 2723484 Email: [email protected],

Marian Medical Centre Arunapuram P.O, Pala - 686 574, Ph: 04822 214000, 212759 Web: Mary Queens Mission Hospital Palampra, Kanjirapally, Kottaym - 686 518 Ph: 04828 201301, 204065, Fax: 04828 205504 E-mail:[email protected] Web: Matha Hospital Thellakom, Kottayam - 686 016, Ph: 0481 2790921, 2790930 Mitera Hospital M.C road, Thellakom, Kottayam - 686630, Tel: 0481 2792999 Email: [email protected], Web: S.J. Eye Hospital & Research Institute Karukachal, Kottayam - 686 540, Ph: 0481 2487164 Email: us@[email protected], St. Thomas Hospital Kurisummood P.O, Chethipuzha, Changanassery Kottayam - 686 104, Ph: 0481 2729300, 2722100 Email: [email protected] Web: find your hospitals | kozhikode ARMC IVF Fertility centre BMT Centre, Puthiyara, Kozhikode, Kerala, India Ph: 0495 2724101,102, 3103555, Help Line: 1800 3000 3100 Email: [email protected], Web: ANCHOR INDIA

186 medical tourism

Calicut Medical College Medical College P.O, Kozhikode - 673 008, Ph: 0495 2356531 Fax: 0495 2355331, [email protected] Web: Chest Hospital Kozhikode, Ph: 0495 2359645, 2721644 Fathima Hospital Bank Road, Kozhikode - 673 001, Ph: 0495 2766630, 2766340 Fax: 0495 2766610, Email: [email protected] Web: IQRAA International Hospital and Research Centre Malaparamba, Calicut - 673 009, Ph: 0495 2379100 (30 Lines) Fax: 0495 2373825, E mail: [email protected] Web: KMCT Medical College Hospital West Mampetta, P.O. Manassery, Mukkam, Calicut - 673 602 Ph: 0495 2293500, Fax: 0495 2294753 Email: [email protected], Malabar Hospitals Eranhipalam, Calicut-20, Kerala, India Ph: 0495 2376822, 2376823, 9745323232 Email:[email protected], Meitra Hospital 2/78 B, P K Building, east hill, Mini Bye Pass Road, Karaparamba, Kozhikode – 673 010, Ph: 0495 297 0173

Metromed International Cardiac Centre Thondayad Bypass Road, Kozhikode - 673014, Ph: 0495 6615555 Email: [email protected], Web: National Hospital Indira Gandhi Road, Calicut - 673 001, Ph: 0495 2723061-66 Fax: 0495 2720466, [email protected] Web: NCARE IVF Centre Eranhipalam, Mini Bypass, Calicut - 673011, Kerala, India Mob: 08129221188, Email: [email protected] Web: Poonoor Hospital & Research Centre Madheethunoor, Poonoor, P.O.Unnikulam, Kozikode Ph: 0496 - 2648231, 2648232 PVS Hospital Pvt. Ltd. Railway Station Road, Kozhikode - 673 002 Ph: 0495 2302541, 2301212, Fax: 0495 2702044 Email: [email protected], Santhi Hospital Omassery, Calicut, Kerala - 673 582 Ph: 0495 2281 393, 96056 71100 Email: [email protected], Starcare Hospital Calicut NH Bypass, Thondayad Jn. Kozhikode - 673 017, Kerala, India Ph: +91 495 2489000, 3069999 Email: [email protected] Web: find your hospitals | malappuram Almas Yana IVF & Fertility Centre Almas Hospital, Changuvetty, Kottakkal Malappuram - 676503, Ph: 07356867999 Email: [email protected] Web:

Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal Kottakkal P.O, Malappuram - 676 503 Ph: 0483 2808000, 2742216, Fax: 0483 2742572, 2742210 Email: [email protected] Web: www. Aster MIMS Kottakkal Changuvetty, P.O. Kottakkal, Malappuram - 676 503 Phone: 0483 2807000, Fax: 0483 280 7888 Email: [email protected] Web: Chaliyar Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. Nilambur, Malappuram, Ph: 04931 220178 Edappal Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. P.O. Edappal, Malappuram - 679 576 Ph: 0494 2680755, 2680788, Fax: 0494 2680755 Email: [email protected] Web: Prasanthi Hospital (Holy Cross Hospital Pvt. Ltd.) Court Road, Manjeri - 676 121, Malappuram, Kerala Ph: +91 483 2769500 (12 Lines), Mob: +91 9400372309 Email: [email protected] Web: KIMS Al Shifa Super Speciality Hospital Ootty Road, Perintalmanna - 679322, Ph: 04933 227616 Fax: 04933 229818, Email: [email protected] Web: Korambayil Hospital & Diagnostic Centre Pvt. Ltd. Manjeri, Malappuram - 676 122, Ph: 0483 2764555, 3003000 Fax: 0483 2762555, E-mail: [email protected] Web: Malabar Ayurvedic Hospitaland Research Centre (MAHAR) Salafi Gramam, Pulikkal, Malappuram - 673 637 Ph: 0483 2790521, 2793754, Fax: 0483 2793760 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

medical tourism 187

Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd. P.O. Kottakkal, Malappuram - 676 503 Ph: 0483 2807000, Fax: 0483 2807888 Email: [email protected] Web: Moulana Hospital PB No. 31, Ootty Road, Perinthalmanna - 679 322 Ph: 04933 300600, Fax: 04933 228011 Email: [email protected] Web: Nahas Hospital Parappanangadi, Malappuram - 676303 Ph: 0494 2410922, 80863 43523 Email: [email protected], NCARE IVF Centre Nahas Hospital, Parappanangadi - 676303, Kerala, India Mob: 08086343523, Email: [email protected] Web: find your hospitals | palakkad Ahalia Ayurvedic Hospital Elippara, P.O. Kozhippara, Palakkad - 678 557 Ph: 04923 235888, Fax: 04923 235900 Email: [email protected], Ahalia Foundation Eye Hospital PB No. 120, Kanal Piruvu, Palakkad, Ph: 04923 225000 Fax: 04923 235888, Email: [email protected], ARMC IVF Fertility centre 3rd Floor Surya corner, English church road, Palakkad Ph: 0491 2523405-06, Help line: +91 9544575700 Email: [email protected], Web: Crescent Medical Centre P.O. Alathur, Palakkad - 678 541, Ph: 04922 224411 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

188 medical tourism

Paalana Institute of Medical Sciences P.O. Kannadi, Palakkad - 678 701, Ph: 0491 2520901 Email: [email protected], Web: P.K. Das Institute of Medical Science P.O. Vaniyamkulam, Ottapalam, Palakkad - 682 522 Ph: 0466 2344500, Email: [email protected] Web: Sai Hospital Sai Junction, Olavakkode, Palakkad - 678002 Ph: 0491 2555525, 2558525 Thangam Hospital of PMRC Chadanamkurussi, West Yakkara, Palakkad Kerala - 678 004, India, Ph: +91 491 2515717 (8 Lines) Ambulance: +91-944 777 5717, Web: Valluvanad Hospital Complex Ltd Kanniyampuram P.O, Ottapalam, Palakkad – 679 104 Tel: 0466 2244423, 2246252, Web: Welcare Yana IVF & Fertility Centre Welcare Hospital Welcare, Mercy College Jn Palakkad - 678 006, Ph: 09995777662 Email: [email protected], Web: find your hospitals | pathanamthitta Believers Church Medical College Hospital St. Thomas Nagar, P.O. Kuttapuzha, Thiruvalla - 689 103 Kerala, India, Ph: 0469 3023100, 3023101, 2703100, 2703101 Email: [email protected], Web: Facebook: Holy Cross Hospital Holy Cross junction, Kayamkulam - Pathanapuram Rd Adoor, Pathanamthitta – 691 523, Ph: 04734 234500, 234502 Appointment: 04734 234567, 234568 Email: [email protected] Web:

Lifeline Hospital 14th Mile, P.O. Melood, Adoor - 691 523, Ph: 04734 223377, 228373 Email: [email protected] Web:

Sudarshanam Netra Chikitsalayam Manjadi, Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta - 689 105 Ph: 0469 2630718, Email: [email protected] Web:

Mary Queens Hopital Allergy, Skin & Cosmetology Centre, Kurishukavala Thiruvalla-689 101, Tel: +91 469 2730594, 2738175, 99473 95151 Email: [email protected] Web:

Thiruvalla Medical Mission Hospital Post Box No. 74, Tiruvalla – 689 101 Ph: 0469 2626000, 2626262, 9400 831111 Email: [email protected] Web:

MGM Muthoot Medical Centre College Road, Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta - 689 641 Ph: +91 468 2314000, 2312491, Fax: +91 468 2214427 Helpline: +91 95625 01213 Email: [email protected] Web: MGM Muthoot Medical Centre Ring Road, Pathanamthitta - 689 641 Ph: +91 468 3005500, Fax: +91 468 3005550 Helpline: +91 94477 22370 Email: [email protected] Web: NSS Medical Mission Hospital Pathalam, Pathanamthitta, Ph: 0473 4252237, 4252237

find your hospitals | thiruvananthapuram AMAR Hospital P.O. Attingal, Trivandrum - 695 101, Kerala, India Ph: 0470 2627676, 2627666, Email: [email protected] Web: Anadiyil Hospital Thekkumoodu, Vanchiyoor P.O, Trivandrum-35, Ph: 0471 2304086 Ananthapuri Hospitals and Research Institute Chacka, NH Bypass, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 024 Ph: +91 471 2579900, 2506868, Fax: +91 471 2506969 Email: [email protected]

Poyanil Hospitals Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta - 689 641, Ph: 0468 2310600 Fax: 0468 2214360, Email: [email protected]

Attukal Devi Institute of Medical Sciences 119, Attukal - Chiramukku Road, MSK Nagar, Attukal Manacaud, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 009 Ph: 0471 245 9040, Web:

Pushpagiri Medical College Hospital Thiruvalla - 689 101, Ph: 0469 2700755 Fax: 0469 2701045, Web:

BNV Hospital Pvt Ltd Thiruvallam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 027 Ph: 0471 2381508, 2380736, 2380737

Sanjivani Multi-Speciality Hospital Alacode, P.O. Kollakadavu Cheriyanadu, Chengannur - 690 509 Ph: 0479 2350030, Email: [email protected] Web:

BR LIFE SUT PATTOM Super Speciality Hospital P.O. Pattom Palace, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 004 Kerala, India, Ph: +91 471 2553055, Mob: +91 96567 71000 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

medical tourism 189

Chaithanya Eye Hospital Kesavadasapuram, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 004 Ph: 0471 2447183, Fax: 0471 2443985 Email: [email protected] Web: Cosmopolitan Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. P.O. Pattom, Trivandrum - 04 Ph: +91 471 2521 100, 136, 250 - 253 For Appointment: 0471 606 2244 Email: [email protected] Web:

Meditrina Hospitals TC 2 / 2367-1, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 004 Ph: 0471 3063000, Email: [email protected] Web: NIMS Medicity Aralumloodu, Neyyattinkara, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 123 Ph: 0471 2223544, 2223542, Fax: 0471 2225154 Email: [email protected], Web: Pankaj kasturi Herbals India Pvt. Ltd Level-4, Aikkara Arbour, P.O. Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram-14 Ph: 0471 2337348, 2320487, Web:

Credence Hospital Near Ulloor Bridge, Ulloor, Trivandrum - 695 011 Ph: +91 471 4033333, Email: [email protected] Web:

PRS Hospital Killipalam, Thiruvananthapuram - 02 Ph: 0471 2344442, 2344443, Fax: 0471 2345358 Email: [email protected], Web:

GG Hospital Murinjapalam, P.O. Medical College , Trivandrum - 695 011 Ph: +91 471 3010100, 2779100, 2444431 Email: [email protected] Web:

Regional Cancer Center Medical College Campus Thiruvananthapuram - 11 Ph: 0471 2442541, Fax: 0471 2447454 Email: [email protected], Web:

Jubilee Memorial Hospital Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 034, Ph: 0471 2334561-63 Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) PB No.1, P.O. Anayara, Trivandrum - 695 029, Kerala, India Ph: +91 471 304 1400, 304 1000 Email: [email protected], Web: KJK Hospital Fertility Research and Gynaec Centre Nalanchira, Trivandrum, Kerala, India Ph: 0471 2544080, 2544706, Fax: 0471 2543926 Email: [email protected], Web: Lords Hospital Chackai, P.O. Anayara, Trivandrum - 695 029, Kerala, India Ph: +91 471 2949000, Fax: +91 471 2741111 Email: [email protected], Web: ANCHOR INDIA

190 medical tourism

Samad IVF Hospital Pattoor, Trivandrum - 695 035, Ph: +91 471 2451926, 2474203 Email: [email protected], Email: [email protected] Web: Samad IVF Hospital Near KSRTC Bus Stand, Attingal - 695 101, Ph: 0470 2624611 Email: [email protected] Web: Santhigiri Ayurveda Hospital Santhigiri P O, Pothencode, Thiruvananthapuram Ph: 0471 6454571, 6615300, Web: Santhwana ENT Hospital N. C. C. Road, Ambalam Mukku, Thiruvananthapuram Ph: 0471 2433030, 2432121, 2435490 Email:[email protected]

SK Hospital Edappazhanji, Thiruvanathapuram Ph: +91 471 3022 2222, 2944 444, Mob: +91 79027 73000 24 hours Tele. Booking No. 0471 - 2356260 Email: [email protected] Web: SP Fort Hospital Fort, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 023 Ph: 0471 2450540, 2466664, Fax: 0471 2465746 Email: [email protected], Web: SR Super Speciality Hospital Akathumuri, P.O. Vennecodu, Varkala - 695318 Ph: 0470 2611176, 2611177 Email: [email protected] Web: Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology P.O. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 011 Ph: 0471 2443152, Fax: 0471 2446433 Email:[email protected], Web: Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama Charitable Hospital Sasthamangalam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 010 Ph: 0471 2722125, 2722453, 2726603, Fax: 0471 2313502 Email: [email protected] Web: Sree Uthradom Thirunal Academy of Medical Sciences P.O. Vencode, Vattappara, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 028 Ph: 0472 2587575, 2587676, Web: SUT Royal Hospital Kochulloor, Trivandrum, Ph: 0471 4177777 Email: [email protected] Web: The India Hospital Trust Melethampanoor, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 023 Ph: 0471 2333193

Vasan Eye Care Hospital Pattom, Trivandrum – 695 004, Ph: 0471 4089000 Fax: 0471 2554001, Web: Yana IVF & Fertility Centre Kowadiyar, Trivandrum - 695003 Ph: 09995777216, Email: [email protected] Web: find your hospitals | thrissur Amala Cancer Hospital & Research Centre P.O. Amalanagar, Thrissur - 680 553 Ph: 0487 2304000, Email: [email protected] Web: Ansar Hospital Perumpilavu, P.O. Karikakd, Thrissur Ph: 04885 281320, 281638 Email: [email protected], Web: ARMC IVF Fertility centre Falkaland Tower, Ayyanthole Ground Thrissur, Kerala ,India , Ph: 0487 3105100 Help Line: +91 9846255155, Email: [email protected] Web: Aswini Hospital Ltd. Karunakaran Nambiar Road, Thrissur - 680 020 Ph: 0487 6612345, 2475000, Fax: 0487 2338991 Email: [email protected] Web: CRAFT Hospital & Research Centre Chanthappura, Kodungalloor-680 664 Ph: 0480 2808808, Email: [email protected] Web: Daya General Hospital & Speciality Surgical Centre Near Viyyur Bridge, Thrissur - 680 022 , Ph: 0487 2475100 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Elite Mission Hospital P.O. Koorkenchery, Thrissur - 680 007, Kerala, India Ph: +91 487 2436100, Fax: +91 487 2436167 Email: [email protected] Web: Irinjalakuda Co-operative Hospital Ltd. Kolothumpady, P.O. Nadavarmbu, Thrissur - 61 Ph: 0480 2822779, Fax: 0480 2831300 Email: [email protected] Web: Jubilee Mission Medical College & Research Institute PB No. 737, Thrissur - 680 005, Ph: 487 2432200 Fax: 0487 2421864, Email: [email protected] Web: KARE Centre Seetharam Mill Road, Poonkunnam, Thrissur - 02 Ph: 0487 2389466, 2389866, Web: Lal Memorial Hospital Mapranam, Irinjalakuda, Ph: 0480 2826799, 2826570 Metropolitan Hospital (Trichur Metropolitan Health Care Pvt.Ltd) Koorkanchery P.O, Trichur - 680 007, Kerala Ph: 0487 2425123, 2425142, 2429661 Email: [email protected] Web: Modern Hospital Kodungallur Ltd PB No. 22, Kodungallur Post, Thrissur -680664 Ph: 0480 2802022, 2672700 Email: [email protected] Website: Mother Hospital P.O. Pullazhi, Olari, Thrissur - 680 012 Ph: 0487 2434100, Fax: 0487 2361097 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

192 medical tourism

Nyle Hospital Kaiparambu, Thrissur - 680 546, Ph: 0487 3014700 Email: [email protected] Web: Okay Mission Hospital Ltd. Kodungallur, Irinjalakuda, Ph: 0480 2802644 Rajah Hospital Muthuvattoor, Chavakkad, Thrissur - 680 506 Ph: 0487 2502429, 2502430, 2502884, 2556996 E-mail: [email protected] Web: St.Joseph's Hospital Choondal P.O, Thrissur - 680 502 Tel: 04885 215400, 236230, 236111 Email: [email protected] Web: St. Joseph’s Hospitals Velupadam, Varandarapilly, Irinjalakuda Ph: 04885 236589 Sun Medical and Research Centre A Unit of Trichur Heart Hospital Ltd, ST Nagar, Thrissur - 01 Ph: 0487 2433101, Fax: 0487 2442025 Email: [email protected] Web: Trichur Institute of Head and Neck Surgery Shornur Road, Thrissur - 680 001 Ph: 0487 2335145, 2335185, Email: [email protected] Vasan Eye Care Hospital T.B. Road, Opp. IMA Office, Near Sakthan Stand Thrissur - 01, Ph: 0487 3989000, Fax: 0487 2442453 Web: Westfort Hospital Westfort, Thrissur - 680 004, Ph: +91 487 2439300 Fax: +91 487 2380039, Email: [email protected] Web:

Westfort Hi-Tech Hospital Guruayoor Road, Punkunnam, Thrissur - 680 002 Ph: +91 487 2388999, Fax: +91 487 2381051 Email: [email protected] Web: Westfort Ayurveda Hospital Behind Westfort Hospital, Westfort, Thrissur - 680 004 Ph: +91 487 2388780-83, Email: [email protected] Web: find your hospitals | wayanad Assumption Hospital S.Bathery, Wayanad, Ph: 04936 223120 Aster Wayanad Speciality Hospital Naseera Nagar, P.O. Meppadi, Wayanad - 673 577 Kerala, India, Ph: +91 4936 287 001 Web: DM WIMS Medical College & Hospital Naseera Nagar, P.O. Meppadi, Wayanad - 673 577 Kerala, India, Ph: +91 4936 287200, Fax: +91 4936 287287 Email: [email protected], Web: Fathima Hospital Kalpetta, Wayanad, Ph: 04936 202413 Jyothi Hospital Mananthavady, Wayanad, Ph: 04935 240371 Leo Hospital Kalpetta, Wayanad, Ph: 04936 202550 M.E.S Hospital S.Bathery, Wayanad, Ph: 04936 220285 Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission Vivekananda Nagar, Muttil, Kalpetta North, Wayanad - 673 122 Ph: 04936 202528, 204360, Fax: 04936 204360 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Vinayaka Hospital Kattayad Road, Sulthan Bathery, Wayanad Kerala, India - 673 592 , Ph: 04936 220102, 225102, 224102 Email : [email protected] Web: KARNATAKA HOSPITALS Fortis Hospital 154/9, Bannerghatta Road, Opposite IIM-B, Bangalore - 560 076 Karnataka, India, Ph: 080 66214444, 22544444 Fax: 080 66214242, Email: [email protected] Web: Fortis Hospitals No 14, Cunningham Road, Sheriffs Chamber, Bangalore -560052 Ph: 080-41994444, 9686860310 Email: [email protected] Web: A.J. Hospital & Research Centre NH 66 Kuntikana, Mangalore, Karnataka - 575004 Ph: 0824 222 5533, Web: Bangalore Baptist Hospital Bellary Road, Hebbal, Bangalore - 560024 Ph: 080 22024700, 23437971, Fax: 080 23437970, 23337817 Email: [email protected], Web: BGS Global Hospitals, Bengaluru 67, Uttarahalli Road, Kengeri, Bangalore- 560 060 Karnataka, Ph: 080 2625 5555, Fax: 080 2860 5775 Web: Chord Road Hospital Pvt. Ltd. No. 100/101, LIC Colony, Near Shankar Mutt West of Chord Road, Basaveswaranagar Bangalore - 560079, Ph: 080 23225848, 23225868 Columbia Asia Medical Centre - Hebbal, Bangalore 26/1, Brigade Gateway, Beside Metro, Malleswaram West Bangalore - 560 055, Ph: 080 3989 8969, Fax: 080 3092 5454 ANCHOR INDIA

medical tourism 193

Health Care Global - Speciality Centre #8 P.Kalinga Rao Road, Sampangi Ramnagar Bangalore - 560027, Ph: 080 3366 9999, Fax: 080 2248 5962 Email : [email protected], Web: Hosmat Hospital 45 Magrath Road, Off Richmond Road, Bangalore - 560 025 Ph: 080 25593796, 25543797, Fax: 080 25593798 Email: [email protected], Web: KR Hospital 979, 1st Stage, 50 Feet Road, Banashankari Opposite P.E.S. College, Bangalore - 560050 Ph: 080 26755800, Email: [email protected] Web: Mallya Hospital No.2 Vittal Mallya Road, Bengaluru - 560001 Ph: 080 22277979, Fax: 080 22121282 Email: [email protected] Web: Manipal Hospital 98, HAL Airport Road, Bangalore - 560017, Fax: 080 2526 6757 Ph: 080 25024444, 3344, Email: [email protected] Web: M S Ramaiah Memorial Hospital New B E L Road, M S Ramaiah Nagar, MSRIT Post Bangalore - 54, Ph: 080 2360 8888, 2360 9999 Fax: 080 2218 3276, Email: [email protected] Web: Narayana Hrudayalaya Health City Bommasandra Industrial Area Hosur Road, Anekal Taluk Bangalore- 560099, Ph: 080 7122 2222 Fax: 080 2783 2648 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

194 medical tourism

Narayana Nethralaya 121/C, Chord Road, 1st ‘R' Block, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore - 560 010 Ph: 080 66121300 - 1305, Fax: 080 23377329 Email: [email protected] Web: Narayana Super Speciality Hospitals No 24, 9th Cross, Margosa Road, Malleshwaram Bangalore - 560 003, Ph: 080 2308 4000, 094835 32532 Nephrolofe Care (India) Pvt. Ltd First Floor, Berlie Street, Langford Town, Shantinagar Bengaluru - 560027, Ph: 080 49129900, Fax: 080 49129922 Email: [email protected], Web: Nethradhama Superspeciality Eye Hospital (A unit of Nethradhama Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.) 256/14, Kanakapura Main Road, 7th Block, Jayanagar Bangalore - 560 082, Ph: 080 26088000, 26633533 Fax: 080 26633770, Email: [email protected] Web: NU Hospitals C.A. 6, 15th Main, 11th Cross, Padmanabhanagar, Bangalore - 70 Ph: 080 42489999, Fax: 080 26392693 Email: [email protected], Panacea Hospital 334, 8th Main, 3rd Stage, Basaveswaranagar Bangalore - 560 079, Ph: 080 43307777 [email protected], P.D. Hinduja Sindhi Hospital Sindhi Hospital Road, 12th A Cross, Behind Woodlands Hotel Sampangiramanagar, Bangalore - 560 027 Ph: 22237535, 117, Email: [email protected] Web: P.V.S. Hospital 6th Cross, J.C.R. Extension, Chitradurga - 01, Ph: 08194 230210 Fax: 08194 230654, Email: [email protected] Web:

Rangadore Memorial Hospital 1st Cross, Shankarapuram, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560004, Ph: 080 26983300 Fax: 080 26621645, Email: [email protected] Web:

Vijay Srishti Fertility Centre Shiv Complex, Opp. V ijay Hospital Old Bangalore Road, Hosur - 635 109 Ph: 04344 320888 Email: [email protected]

Sagar Hospitals, Banashankari Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy Layout Bangalore - 560078, Ph: 080 42999999, Fax: 080 42999050 Email: [email protected] Web:

Vikram Hospital Private Limited 2909, New No.22 & 21/1, Temple Road, Near Vontikoppal Circle Mysore - 20, Ph: 0821 4242424 Web:

Santosh Hospital 6/1, Promenade Road, Behind Coles Park, Near Goodwill School Bangalore - 560 005, Ph: 080 40848888, 41252500

Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre 82, Nallurahalli, Near BMTC 18th Depot Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066 Ph: 080 28412956, 28413381 Email: [email protected], Web:

SPARSH Hospital 29/P2, The Health City, Bommasandra Industrial Area Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 099 Ph: 080 33271038, Fax: 080 33271112 Email: [email protected] Web: St. John's Medical College and Hospital Sarjapur Rd, Koramangala 2 Block Madiwala, Bangalore, Karnataka 560034 Ph: 080 2553 6514, Web: Suguna Hospital 1A/87, Dr. Rajkumar Road, 4th 'N' Block, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru - 10 Ph: 080 40194444, 23327777 Email: [email protected] Web: Trinity Hospital & Heart Foundation Near R.V. Teacher's College Circle, Basavanagudi Bangalore - 560 004, Ph: 080 41503434, 26563993 Fax: 080 26563995, Email: [email protected] Web:

TAMIL NADU HOSPITALS Apollo Hospitals, Chennai Off Greams Road, Chennai - 600006 Ph: 044 28290200, 28293333, Fax: 044-28293524, 28296022 Web: Apollo Specialty Hospitals, Madurai Lake V iew Road, K.K. Nagar, Madurai-625020, Tamil Nadu Ph: 0452 2580892, 2580893, Fax: 0452 2580199 Email:[email protected] Web: Christian Medical College Ida Scudder Road, Vellore - 632004, Ph: 0416 2222102 Fax: 0416 2232035, Email: [email protected] Web: CIMAR Coimbatore 2nd Floor, Manu Hospital, Paari Nagar Sungam Bye-pass Road Coimbatore - 641 045, Ph: 0422 6472227 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital Ltd. 19, Cathedral Road, Chennai - 600 086 Ph: 044 28112811, 28112525, Fax: 044 28115871 Email: [email protected] Web: Dr. Mehta's Hospitals No.2, McNichols Rd, 3rd Lane Chetpet, Chennai - 600 031 Ph: 044 42271001 - 1005, Fax: 044 42271217 Email: [email protected] Web: Frontier Lifeline Hospital R-30-C Ambattur Industrial, Estate Road Mogappair, Chennai - 600 101 Ph: 42017575, 26564224 Email: [email protected] Web: Ganga Medical Centre & Hospitals Pvt Ltd 313, Mettupalayam Road Coimbatore - 641 043 Ph: 0422 2485000 Fax: 0422 2436444 Email: [email protected] Web: Global Hospitals & Health City 439, Cheran Nagar Perumbakkam, Chennai - 100 Ph: 044 2277 7000 Fax: 044 44777100 Web: K.G. Hospital Arts College Road, Coimbatore - 18 Ph: 0422 2212121-29, Fax: 0422 2211212 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Kovai Medical Centre and Hospital Avanashi Road Coimbatore - 641 014 Ph: 0422 3083800, 4323800-802 Fax: 0422 2627782 Email: [email protected] Web: Kumaran Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. 214, E.V.R Periyar Salai Poonamallee High Road Kilpauk, Chennai - 10, Ph: 044 4295 6777 Web: Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre Melur Road, Lake Area Madurai - 625007, Ph: 0452 2588741 Web: Noble Hospital No. 4(44), Audiappa Mudali Street Purasawakkam Chennai - 600 084, Ph: 044 40042222 Fax: 044 26403300 Email: [email protected] Web: Parvathy Hospital 241, G.S.T.Road, Chromepet Chennai - 600 044 Ph: 044 22382248, 22383456 Web: PSG Hospitals Peelamedu, Coimbatore - 641 004 Tamil Nadu, India Ph: +91 422 4345353, 2598822 Help Line: +91 99521 49911 Email: [email protected] Web:

Sankara Nethralaya Nungambakkam Chennai - 06, Ph: 044 28271616 Fax: 044 28254180 Email: [email protected] Web:

Sundaram Medical Foundation Annanagar Chennai - 600 040 Ph: 044 26268844 Fax: 044 26284257 Web:

Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre Sripuram, Vellore - 632 055 Ph: 0416 2206300 - 302 Mobile: 099524 16821, 99524 16824 Email: [email protected] Web:

The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd. Corporate Office: 42 Perumal Koil Street Ramanathapuram P.O Coimbatore - 641 045 Ph: +91 422 2315412, 4322999 Email: [email protected] Web:

Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre Kamala Nagar, Mugalivakkam Chennai- 16, Ph: 044 2476 5512 Web: Sree Renga Hospital No .12, Varada Reddy Street Vedachala Nagar, Chengalpattu - 01 Ph: 044 27432240, 27431544, Fax: 044 27426736 Email: [email protected] Web: St. Isabel's Hospital 49, Oliver Road, Mylapore Chennai - 04, Ph: 044 24991081-83 Fax: 044 2498 4776, 2498 6550 Email: [email protected] Web: Sugam Hospital Thiruvotriyur, Chennai - 19. Ph: 044 25733830, 2573 3296 Fax: 044 25739902, 2573 0695 Email: [email protected] Web:

Vadamalayan Hospitals 9- A, Vallabai Road Chokkikulam Madurai - 02 Ph: 0452 2545400 Fax: 0452 2522225 Web: VGM Hospital Trichy Road Rajalakshmi Mills Stop Coimbatore - 05 Ph: 0422 2572573, 2572202-05 Fax: 0422 2572207 Email: [email protected] Web: Vijaya Hospital Group of Hospital (Units of V ijaya Medical & Educational Trust) N.S.K. Salai Vadapalani Chennai -600 026. Ph: 044 66646664, 66616661 Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Banking in India, in the modern sense, originated in the last decade of the 18th century. Among the first banks were the Bank of Hindustan, which was established in 1770; ANCHOR INDIA

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and the General Bank of India, established in 1786. The largest bank, and the oldest still in existence, is the State Bank of India (S.B.I). It originated and started working as

the Bank of Calcutta in 1806. In 1809, it was renamed as the Bank of Bengal. This was one of the three banks founded by a presidency government, the other two were the Bank ANCHOR INDIA

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of Bombay in 1840 and the Bank of Madras in 1843. The three banks were merged in 1921 to form the Imperial Bank of India, which upon India’s independence, became the State

Bank of India in 1955. For many years the presidency banks had acted as quasi-central banks, as did their successors, until the Reserve Bank of India was established in 1935, under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. In 1960, the State Banks of India was given control of eight state-associated banks under the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959. These are now called its associate banks. In 1969 the Indian government nationalised 14 major private banks, one of the big bank was Bank of India. In 1980, 6 more private banks were nationalized. These nationalized banks are the majority of lenders in the Indian economy. They dominate the banking sector because of their large size and widespread networks. The Indian banking sector is broadly classified into scheduled and non-scheduled banks. The scheduled banks are those included under the 2nd Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The scheduled banks are further classified into: Nationalized banks; State Bank of India and its associates; Regional Rural Banks (RRBs); foreign banks; and other Indian private sector banks. The term commercial banks refer to both scheduled and non-scheduled commercial banks regulated under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Generally the supply, product range and reach of banking in India is fairly mature-even though reach in rural India and to the poor still remains a challenge. The government has developed initiatives to address this through the State Bank of India expanding its branch network and through the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) with facilities like microfinance. Ancient India The Vedas (2000–1400 BCE) are earliest Indian texts to mention the concept of usury. The Manusmriti considers usury an acceptable means of acquiring wealth or leading a livelihood. It also considers money lending above a certain rate, different ceiling rates for different caste, and a grave sin. Later during the Mauryan period (321–185 BCE), an instrument called adesha was in use, which was an order ANCHOR INDIA

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on a banker directing him to pay the sum on the note to a third person, which corresponds to the definition of a modern bill of exchange. Medieval Era The use of loan deeds continued into the Mughal era . The use of payment orders by royal treasuries, called barattes, have been also recorded. There are also records of Indian bankers using issuing bills of exchange on foreign countries. The evolution of hundis, a type of credit instrument, also occurred during this period and remain in use. Colonial Era During the period of British rule merchants established the Union Bank of Calcutta in 1829, The Allahabad Bank, established in 1865 and still functioning today, is the oldest Joint Stock bank in India. Foreign banks too started to appear, particularly in Calcutta, in the 1860s. Grindlays Bank opened its first branch in Calcutta in 1864 The Comptoir d’escompte de Paris opened a branch in Calcutta in 1860, and another in Bombay in 1862; branches followed in Madras and Pondicherry, then a French possession. HSBC established itself in Bengal in 1869. The first entirely Indian joint stock bank was the Oudh Commercial Bank, established in 1881 in Faizabad. The next was the Punjab National Bank, established in Lahore in 1894, which has survived to the present and is now one of the largest banks in India. Around the turn of the 20th Century, the Indian economy was passing through a relative period of stability. Around five decades had elapsed since the Indian rebellion, and the social, industrial and other infrastructure had improved. Indians had established small banks, most of which served particular ethnic and religious communities. The presidency banks dominated banking in India but there were also some exchange banks and a number of Indian joint stock banks. All these banks operated in different segments of the economy. The exchange banks, mostly owned by Europeans, concentrated

on financing foreign trade. The period between 1906 and 1911 saw the establishment of banks inspired by the Swadeshi movement. The Swadeshi movement inspired local businessmen and political figures to found banks of and for the Indian community. A number of banks established then have survived to the present such as Catholic Syrian Bank, The South Indian Bank, Bank of India, Corporation Bank, Indian Bank, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank and Central ANCHOR INDIA

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Bank of India. The favour of Swadeshi movement led to the establishment of many private banks in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi district, which were unified earlier and known by the name South Canara (South Kanara) district. Four nationalized banks started in this district and also a leading private sector bank. Hence undivided Dakshina Kannada district is known as “Cradle of Indian Banking�. The inaugural officeholder was the Britisher Sir Osborne Smith (1

April 1935), while C. D. Deshmukh (11 August 1943) was the first Indian Governor. On December 12, 2018, Shaktikanta Das begins his journey as the new RBI Governor, taking charge ANCHOR INDIA

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from Urjit R Patel. During the First World War (1914–1918) through the end of the Second World War (1939–1945), and two years thereafter until the independence of India were

challenging for Indian banking. The years of the First World War were turbulent, and it took its toll with banks simply collapsing despite the Indian economy gaining indirect boost due to war-related economic activities. Post-Independence During 1938-46, bank branch offices trebled to 3,469 and deposits quadrupled to ¹ 962 crore. Nevertheless, the partition of India in 1947 adversely impacted the economies of Punjab and West Bengal, paralyzing banking activities for months. India’s independence marked the end of a regime of the Laissez-faire for the Indian banking. The Government of India initiated measures to play an active role in the economic life of the nation, and the Industrial Policy Resolution adopted by the government in 1948 envisaged a mixed economy. This resulted in greater involvement of the state in different segments of the economy including banking and finance. The major steps to regulate banking included: The Reserve Bank of India, India’s central banking authority, was established in April 1935, but was nationalized on 1 January 1949 under the terms of the Reserve Bank of India (Transfer to Public Ownership) Act, 1948 (RBI, 2005b). In 1949, the Banking Regulation Act was enacted, which empowered the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to regulate, control, and inspect the banks in India. The Banking Regulation Act also provided that no new bank or branch of an existing bank could be opened without a license from the RBI, and no two banks could have common directors. Nationalisation of Banks Despite the provisions, control and regulations of the Reserve Bank of India, banks in India except the State Bank of India (SBI), remained owned and operated by private persons. By the 1960s, the Indian banking industry had become an important tool to facilitate the development of the Indian economy. At the same time, it had emerged as a large employer, and a debate had ensued about the nationaANCHOR INDIA

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lisation of the banking industry. Thereafter, Mrs.Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister, made swift and sudden moves. The Government of India issued an ordinance (‘Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Ordinance, 1969’) and nationalized the 14 largest commercial banks with effect from the midnight of 19 July 1969. These banks contained 85 percent of bank deposits in the country. A second dose of nationalisation of 6 more commercial banks followed in 1980. The stated reason for the nationalisation was to give the government more control of credit delivery. With the second dose of nationalisation, the Government of India controlled around 91% of the banking business of India. Later on, in the year 1993, the government merged New Bank of India with Punjab National Bank. It was the only merger between nationalised banks and resulted in the reduction of the number of nationalised banks from 20 to 19. Until the 1990s, the nationalised banks grew at a pace of around 4%, closer to the average growth rate of the Indian economy. Liberalisation In the early 1990s, the then government embarked on a policy of liberalisation, licensing a small number of private banks. These came to be known as New Generation techsavvy banks, and included Global Trust Bank , which later amalgamated with Oriental Bank of Commerce, UTI Bank (since renamed Axis Bank), ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank. This move, along with the rapid growth in the economy of India, revitalised the banking sector in India, which has seen rapid growth with strong contribution from all the three sectors of banks, namely, government banks, private banks and foreign banks. The next stage for the Indian banking has been set up, with proposed relaxation of norms for foreign direct investment. All foreign investors in banks may be given voting rights that could exceed the present cap of 10% at present. It has gone up to 74% with some restrictions. The new policy shook the Banking sector in India completely. Bankers, till this time, were used to

the 4–6–4 method (borrow at 4%; lend at 6%; go home at 4) of functioning. The new wave ushered in a modern outlook and tech-savvy methods of working for traditional banks. All this led to the retail boom in India. People demanded more from their banks and received more. Technological Revolution The total number of automated teller machines (ATMs) installed in India by various banks as of 2018 was 2 ,38, 000. The new private sector banks in India have the most ATMs, followed by off-site ATMs belonging to SBI and its subsidiaries and then by nationalised banks and foreign banks, while on-site is highest for the nationalised banks of India. Physical as well as virtual expansion of banking through mobile banking, internet banking, tele banking, bio-metric and mobile ATMs etc. is taking place since last decade and has gained momentum in last few years. The IT revolution has had a great impact on the Indian banking system. The use of computers has led to the introduction of online banking in India. The use of computers in the banking sector in India has increased many folds after the economic liberalization of 1991 as the country’s banking sector has been exposed to the world’s market. Indian banks were finding it difficult to compete with the international banks in customer service, without the use of information technology. The RBI set up a number of committees to define and co-ordinate banking technology. Information Technology has basically been used under two different avenues in Banking. One is Communication and Connectivity and other is Business Process Reengineering. Information technology enables sophisticated product development, better market infrastructure, implementation of reliable techniques for control of risks and helps the financial intermediaries to reach geographically distant and diversified markets. In view of this, technology has changed the contours of three major functions performed by banks. They are access to liquidity, transformation of assets and monitoring of risks. Further, Information technology and the communication networking ANCHOR INDIA

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systems have a crucial bearing on the efficiency of money, capital and foreign exchange markets. The Software Packages for Banking Applications in India had their beginnings in the middle of 80s, when the Banks started computerising the branches in a limited manner. The early 90s saw the plummeting hardware prices and advent of cheap and inexpensive but high-powered PCs and servers and banks went in for what was called Total Branch Automation (TBA) Packages. The middle and late 90s witnessed rapid revolution in communication technologies and evolution of novel concept of ‘convergence’ of computer and communication technologies, like Internet and phones. Internet has significantly influenced delivery channels of the banks. Internet has emerged as an important medium for delivery of banking products and services. Rapid strides in information technology have, in fact, redefined the role and structure of banking in India. Banks are also coping and adapting with time and are trying to become one-stop financial supermarkets. The market focus is shifting from mass banking products to class banking with the introduction of value added and customised products. Customised banking products, such as Investment Advisory Services; photo-credit cards; cash Management services; Investment products and Tax Advisory services have already been introduced by a few foreign and private sector banks. A few banks have also gone in to market mutual fund schemes. New distribution channels are being widely used by banks. More and more banks are introducing services like disbursement and servicing of consumer loans and credit card business. Direct Selling Agents (DSAs) of various Banks go out and sell their products. They make house calls to get the application form filled in properly and also take your passport-sized photo. Home banking has already become common. Now, you can order a draft or cash over the phone or internet and have it delivered home. User can now access account information over a secure line, request cheque books and stop payment, and even transfer funds between Bank accounts.

Bank of Baroda Baroda Corporate Centre C-26, Block - G Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051 022 6759 2702 Web: Bank of Baroda, has a very good presence in the state of Kerala with 111 branches spread across the geography. Bank of Baroda offers Home loans for purchase of properties in India, to both salaried and self-employed and NRI‘s for purchase of an apartments, plot & construction, resale home. Bank of Baroda also offers simplified balance transfer of existing Home Loan from other banks and NBFC‘s for customer who have paid minimum 12 EMI‘s, can transfer their home loans without submitting any income proof * the repayment of the loan should have been satisfactory. Below are the benefits and reasons for shifting a home loan. • Interest rate savings remains the top reason for customers to shift their loans. • The customer can avail of top up facility to fund for interior decoration and other family needs. • Customers also can purchase loan protection plan when shifting if not availed earlier. • As there are no prepayment charges and foreclosure penalties it makes shifting easier. Ways to apply for a Home Loan: One can apply online: apply-for-home-loan.htm?1 Contact of the branches or give a missed call 8467001111 * Conditions apply. Canara Bank Head Office 112, J.C Road Bangalore - 560 002 Web: Canara Bank was founded by Sri Ammembal Subba Rao Pai, a great visionary and philanthropist, in July 1906, at Mangalore. Growth of Canara Bank was phenomenal, especially after nationalization in the year 1969, attaining the status of a national level player in terms of geographical

reach and clientele segments. Eighties was characterized by business diversification for the Bank. In June 2006, Canara Bank completed a century of operation in the Indian banking industry. Today, Canara Bank occupies a premier position in the comity of Indian banks. Canara Bank has several firsts to its credit. These include: Launching of Inter-City ATM Network, Obtaining ISO Certification for a Branch, Articulation of ‘Good Banking ’ – Bank’s Citizen Charter, Commissioning of Exclusive Mahila Banking Branch, Launching of Exclusive Subsidiary for IT Consultancy, Issuing credit card for farmers, Providing Agricultural Consultancy Services, Providing state of art IT products for customers such as e-info pass book, e-wallet etc. Over the years, the Bank has been scaling up its market position to emerge as a major ‘Financial Conglomerate’ with as many as nine subsidiaries/sponsored institutions/joint ventures in India and abroad. As at 31.12.2018, the Bank has further expanded its domestic & global presence, with 6314 branches spread across all geographical segments with 1548 Shikhar branches for better customer service to drive business. Keeping customer convenience at the forefront, the Bank provides a wide array of alternative delivery channels that include over 9004 ATMs, 182 e-lounges covering various centers. We have 6 overseas outlets which are located in London, Johannesburg, New York, Hong Kong, Manama and Dubai. Digital Banking is enabled with enhanced facilities, which include Funds Transfer through Interbank Mobile Payment Services (IMPS) in ATMs, ASBA facility to net banking users, E-filing of tax returns and facility for viewing details of tax deducted at source, Terminals at select branches for customers to use net banking, SMS/email alerts for all transactions done through ATM, net banking, POS, Mobile banking, online payments irrespective of amounts, online loan applications and tracking facility, generation of automatic pass sheets through e-mail, E-info book, E-wallet, easy cash, ie., option to send money to a third party who does not have a bank account, Canara Empower, Canara m serve, Canara Swipe, Canara Geo-locate, ANCHOR INDIA

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Green pin in ATMs to generate debit card pin numbers when customer forgets the pin number and many more. Canara Bank also supports the facilities like Travelers Card with International acceptance facility, V isa Personal payments and Platinum Debit Card. Rural India is supported with its financial inclusion branches & 470 ultra small Branches. The Bank has also carved a distinctive mark, in various corporate social responsibilities, namely, serving national priorities, promoting rural development, enhancing rural self-employment through several training institutes and spearheading financial inclusion objective. “A good bank is not only the financial heart of the community, but also one with an obligation of helping in every possible manner to improve the economic conditions of the common people”. These insightful words of our founder continue to resonate even today in serving the society with a purpose. Canara Bank believes that the forth coming years are going to be equally rewarding and eventful not only in service of the nation but also in helping the Bank emerge as a “Global Bank with Best Practices”. The banks global business stood at Rs. 9,34,252 Crores in . Canara Bank has 462 branches in the state of Kerala along with its sponsored Gramin Bank, Kerala Gramin Bank has the highest branch network in the state. Apart from being the convener of State Level Bankers’ Committee, the Bank is also the Lead Bank in 5 districts viz Thrissur, Palakkad, Malappuram, Kozhikode & Wynad. The Bank has bagged major awards like “V igilance Excellence Award-Outstanding”, under Category Timely completion of Disciplinary proceedings for the year 2018. City Union Bank Ltd. ‘Narayana’ Administrative Office 24 B, Gandhi Nagar Kumbakonam-612 001 Ph: 0435 2402322, 2401622 Fax: 0435 2431746 Web: The Kumbakonam Bank Limited was started in the year 1904 as a limited company at Kumbakonam. The first branch ANCHOR INDIA

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outside Kumbakonam was opened in Mannargudi in 1930 and the first branch outside Tamilnadu was opened in 1980. Two other banks were amalgamated with this bank and in 1987 the name was changed to City Union Bank. Thanks to some sterling performance by the leaders and the staff, today it has 617 branches all over India, and 1668 ATMs to serve its customers. There has been a steady graph of growth for the bank throughout the 115 years of its service. The Bank is having two Staff Training Colleges, one at Kumbakonam opened in 1989 and branch at Chennai opened in 2016. The Foreign Exchange Dealers’ license was obtained in 1990. All the branches were computerized the same year and today they are connected by the Core Banking Solutions. All the schemes offered have been appreciated by the customers thereby making the bank go for better and more varied services. Online banking provides facilities for all regular banking services without being physically present at the branch. Utility Bill payments, Tax payments, Corporate net banking, Mobile Banking, Online shopping and booking railway tickets are some of the services provided. The Bank has entered into the sale of insurance products of LIC. There is a tie up with Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation for marketing its products. The bank has a franchise arrangement for money transfer service scheme of M/s. UAE Exchange & Financial Services, ICICI Bank, Doha Bank and Bank of India for effective and speedy receipts of funds remitted from abroad. The Bank has obtained license to function as Depository Participant under National Securities Depository Limited. A number of awards and recognitions have come to the bank in its 114 years of service such as Best MidSized Bank on Profitability and Efficiency by the Business Today Survey, 2012, Industrial Economist Excellence Award in 2012. The economic magazine “THE ANALYST” has rated the Bank as the Best and No.1 Bank among the Private Sector Banks in the year 2009. SIR VISVESWARAYYA INDUSTRIAL AWARD was conferred to our and received from His Excellency the Governor of Tamil Nadu in the year 2010. Sir Visvesvaraya Industrial Award (TNSB) Innovation Award and

Business Excellence Award 2014 by Indian Business Journal are some of them. Industrial Economist, has ranked the Bank as the second in IE’s Business Excellence list towards for the performance during the year 2012. Adjudged as the Best Old Private Sector Bank for the Financial Year 2014 by the Financial Express/Ernst & Young Survey. First Post, emagazine, has ranked our Bank as the 3rd Best Bank of the year 2014. Our MD was awarded DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD 2015 by the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli. Bank has been awarded as WINNER for FYs 14-15 & 15-16 in the category Old Economy Banks by the Financial Express Best Banks, this being the 3 award in a row. Our Bank has been awarded IDRBT Banking Technology Excellence Award for the year 2016-2017 in the category of Best Bank in Cyber Defence. Business World ‘Best Banking Awards’ in association with PwC in the category of ‘ Best Small-Sized Bank’ during 2018. Federal Bank Ltd. Federal Towers, Corporate Office P.B No: 103, Aluva - 683 101 Ph: 0484 2623620 – 27, 2630996 Web: Federal Bank is a leading Bank in India with a history of 87 years and a large network of over 1250 branches and over 1600 ATMs spread across the country. The Bank is run from its Corporate Offices in Mumbai and Kochi. The Bank has its Representative Offices abroad at Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The history of Federal Bank dates back to the preindependence era. The Bank was incorporated on April 23, 1931 as the Travancore Federal Bank Limited, Nedumpuram, Kerala under the Travancore Companies Regulation, 1916. Late K.P. Hormis, the visionary banker and founder took up the reigns in 1945 and made the Bank a nationwide institution. The Bank's name was changed to The Federal Bank Limited on 02nd December 1949. The Bank was licensed under the Banking Regulation Act 1949, on July 11, 1959 and became a scheduled commercial bank under

the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 on July 20, 1970. The Bank serves clientele of all walks of life which are broadly segmented as Retail, Commercial Banking, Business Banking, Corporate & Institutional Banking and Micro & Rural Banking. The Bank has zealously guarded, over the years, balanced growth of these segments and is equipped to provide exemplary customer service at every touch point, thereby widening the reach among its clientele. With a strong customer base of 8 million loyal customers, including 1.2 million NRI customers and a large network of remittance partners across the world, Federal Bank handles more than 15% of India’s inward remittances. The Bank has got remittance arrangement with more than 110 Banks/ Exchange Companies across the world. The Bank is also listed in BSE, NSE and London Stock Exchange and has a branch in India’s first International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) at GIFT City in Gujarat, which is akin to a foreign branch of the Bank. Federal Bank is a role model among traditional Banks in India in the area of using technology to leverage its operations and was among the first banks in India to computerize all its branches. The Bank has always been a pioneer in path-breaking digital innovations. The Bank aims at influencing its customer's life digitally. Some of the major digital innovations include FedBook Selfie - a power packed Account Opening-cum-electronic passbook, Lotza - UPI app, DIY/ self-service loans, Instant Account Opening, Digi Locker and lot more. The Bank offer its customers, a variety of services such as Internet banking, Mobile banking, on-line bill payment, online fee collection, depository services, Cash Management Services, Merchant banking services, insurance, mutual fund products and many more as part of its strategy to position itself as a financial super market and to enhance customer convenience. Federal Bank is transforming itself, keeping its principles intact, into an organization that offers services beyond par. It has a well-defined vision for the future as a guidepost to its progress. ANCHOR INDIA

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Andhra Bank 5-9-11, Dr Pattabhi Bhavan, Secretariat Road, Saifabad Hyderabad 500 004, Telangana, Ph: 040- 23252000 Web: AXIS Bank Ltd Corporate Office Bombay Dyeing Mills Compound, Pandurang Budhkar Marg Worli, Mumbai - 400 025, Ph: 022 24252525 Web: Bank of Baroda Baroda Corporate Centre, Plot No - C-26, G - Block Bandra - Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai - 400 051, Ph: 022 67592702 Web:

City Bank N.A, mail Desk, No: 2, Club House Road, Annasalai Chennai - 600 002, Web: City Union Bank Ltd. ‘Narayana’ Administrative Office, 24 B, Gandhinagar, Kumbakonam - 612 001, Ph: 0435 2402322, 2401622 Fax: 0435-2431746, Web: Corporation Bank Mangaladevi Temple Road, Pandeshwar Mangalore 575 001, Karnataka, Web: Dena Bank Bandra Kurla Complex, Banrda East Mumbai - 400 051,Ph: 022 26545000, 26545035 Web:

Bank of India Star House, C-5, G Block Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra East, Mumbai-400 051 Ph: 022 66684444, Web: Bank of Maharashtra Head Office, ‘Lokmangal’, 1501 Shivajinagar, Pune-411005 Ph: 020 - 25532731, 25532733 Web:

Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd. Dhanalakshmi Building, PB No: 9, Nayakanal Thrissur - 680 001, Ph: 0487 6617000, Fax: 0487 6617222 Web:

Canara Bank Head Office, 112, J.C Road, Bangalore - 560 002 Web:

HDFC bank Ltd Chandivali, Off Sakivihar Road Sakinaka, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400 072 Ph: 022 28569009, Web:

Catholic Syrian Bank St. Mary’s College Road, Thrissur, Kerala - 680020 Ph: 0487 2333020, Fax: 0487 2333170 Web: Central Bank of India Corporate Office, Chander Mukhi Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021, Ph: 022 66387777 Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Federal Bank Ltd Federal Towers, Corporate Office, P.B No: 103 Aluva - 683 101, Ph: 0484 2623620-27, 2630996 Email: [email protected] Web:

ICICI Bank ICICI Bank Tower, Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbai - 400 051, Web: IDBI Bank Ltd. IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade Mumbai-400 005, Ph: 022 66553355, 66937000 Web:

Indian Bank Corporate Office, C-Wing, 254-260, Avvai Shanmugam Salai Royapettah, Chennai - 600 014, Ph: 044 28134300, 28134457, 28134583, Email: [email protected] Web: Indian Overseas Bank Central Office, 763 Anna Salai, Chennai - 600002 Ph: 044 28524212, Web: Indusind Bank Ltd Corporate Office, 8th Floor, Tower 1C, One India Bulls Centre 841, S B Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai - 400013 Ph: 022 24231999, Web: ING Vysya Bank Ltd ING Vysya House, No: 22, M.G. Road, Bangalore - 560 001 Web: Jammu and Kashmir Bank Moulana Asad Road, Sreenagar, Kashmir - 190 001 Ph: 0194 2481930, Web: Karnataka Bank Limited Mahaveera Circle, Kankanady, Mangalore - 575 002 Karnataka State, Ph: 0824-2228222 Web: Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Ground Floor, Samsung Buildings, 158, CST Road, Santacruz East, Mumbai - 400 098, Ph: 022 66768311 Web: The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd Administrative Office, LVB House, 4,Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600032, Tamil Nadu Ph: 044 22205207, Web: Oriental Bank of Commerce Corporate Office, Plot No. 5, Institutional Area Sector-32, Gurgaon – 122001 Web:

Punjab National Bank Head Office 7, Bhikhaiji Cama Place New Delhi - 110066, Web: Punjab & Sind Bank 1st Floor, 21, Rajendra Place, New Delhi - 110008 Ph: 011 25719082, Fax: 011 25723793 Web: South Indian Bank Head Office, SIB House, TB Road Mission Quarters Thrissur, Kerala - 680 001 Ph: 0487 2420020, 2420058 Email: [email protected] Web: State Bank of India Central Office, Madam Cama Road Mumbai - 400 021, Web: SyndicateBank Corporate Office, Gandhinagar Bangalore-560 009 Ph: 080 22267545, 22267548 Web: Union Bank of India Central Office, Union Bank Bhavan Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021 Ph: 022 22892000 Website: UCO Bank Head Office, 10, B T M Sarani, Kolkata - 700 001 West Bengal, Web: Vijaya Bank Head Office, 41/2, Trinity Circle, M.G. Road Bangalore - 56000, Ph: 080 25584066 (20 lines) Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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The real estate sector is one of the most globally recognized sectors. Real estate sector comprises four sub sectors - housing, retail, hospitality and commercial. The growth of this sector is well complemented by the growth of the corporate environment and the demand for office space as well as urban and semi-urban accommodations. The construction industry ranks third among the 14 major sectors in terms of direct, indirect and induced effects in ANCHOR INDIA

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all sectors of the economy. Real estate sector in India is expected to reach a market size of US$ US$ 1 trillion by 2030 from US$ 120 billion in 2017 and contribute 13 per cent of the country’s GDP by 2025. Retail, hospitality and commercial real estate are also growing significantly, providing the much-needed infrastructure for India’s growing needs. Sectors such as IT and ITeS, retail, consulting and e-commerce have registered high demand

for office space in recent times. Commercial office stock in India is expected to cross 600 million square feet by 2018 end while office space leasing in the top eight cities is expected to cross 100 million square feet during 2018-20. Gross office absorption in top Indian cities has increased ANCHOR INDIA

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26 per cent year-on-year to 36.4 million square feet between Jan-Sep 2018. Co-working space across top seven cities has increased sharply in 2018 (up to September), reaching 3.44 million square feet, compared to 1.11 million square feet for the same period in 2017.

Some of the major investments and developments in this sector include new housing launches across top seven cities in India increased 50 per cent quarter-on-quarter in ANCHOR INDIA

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April-June 2018. The Government of India along with the governments of the respective states has taken several initiatives to encourage the development in the sector.

The Smart City Project, where there is a plan to build 100 smart cities, is a prime opportunity for the real estate companies. Below are some of the other major Government Initiatives: Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) Urban, more than 6.85 million houses have been sanctioned up to December 2018. In February 2018, creation of National Urban Housing Fund was approved with an outlay of Rs. 60,000 crore. Construction of additional 3, 21, 567 affordable houses was sanctioned under the scheme. It is also expected that this sector will incur more nonresident Indian (NRI) investments in both the short term ANCHOR INDIA

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and the long term. Bengaluru is expected to be the most favoured property investment destination for NRIs, followed by Ahmedabad, Pune, Chennai, Goa, Delhi and Dehradun. The industry is pretty well organized today with the active involvement of international real estate players, foreign investors and big Indian corporate houses entering the field. Only a third of India is urbanized and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ambitious plans for building smart cities. These are potent drivers for home demand over the longer term. Sustained GDP growth cannot leave real estate behind for long. Real estate is at the core of

infrastructure development and will respond to these positive changes over the longer term. We have seen it play out before: The IT boom in Bangalore and Hyderabad, the BFSI boom in Mumbai, the decentralization of Central Business Districts and expansion of peripheries (Navi Mumbai, NOIDA, Gurgaon). This cycle will play out again when economic growth picks up. When it does, we will see new infrastructure, new cities and the demand created by these will have a positive impact on home prices. The demand for commercial and residential property will shoot up. The improved infrastructure and better facilities also play a major role in boosting the realty prospects in any area. Emphasis on infrastructure and affordable housing will create demand. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s Union Budget 2018 announced plans for affordable housing sector. It has been decided to establish a dedicated Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) in National Housing Bank, funded from priority sector lending shortfall and fully serviced bonds authorized by the Government of India. The ordinary citizen only desires to have a roof, a small house by his earning of honesty. The Govt. is helping them so that they may fulfill the dream of their own house. We have fixed a target that every poor of this country may have his own house by 2022. For this purpose Prime Minister Awas Yojana has been launched in rural and urban areas of the country. Under Prime Minister Awas Scheme Rural, 51 lakhs houses in year 2017-18 and 51 lakh houses during 2018-19 which is more than one crore houses will be constructed exclusively in rural areas. In urban areas the assistance has been sanctioned to construct 37 lakh houses. The real estate industry welcomes the initiative of setting up of a dedicated fund for affordable housing. This will help create more affordable supply as well as drive demand from genuine end-users. The government continues to boost the affordable housing sector by setting up an affordable housing fund under the umbrella of the Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojna, which will give impetus to the growth of industries ancillary to the real estate sector. Further, ANCHOR INDIA

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the relaxation of income tax adjustment in case of difference of less than 5% between the circle rate and consideration for real estate acquisitions is a welcome change. Capital values in the premium as well as midend/high-end segments in the NCR fell by about 4–8 per cent owing to low demand. Conversely, prime residential locations attracted capital appreciation of around 10–12 per cent, primarily driven by the fact that the prices of certain ‘trophy properties’ were picked up at a high rate. The recent economic assessment by the ministry of finance hinted at gradual economic recovery, citing weaker inflationary pressure and reforms driving improved investor confidence. Faster infrastructure approvals and corporate decision-making look likely in the coming months, which will support investment and demand for commercial real estate. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has given its approval for the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) platform which will help in allowing all kinds of investors to invest in the Indian real estate market. It would create an opportunity worth Rs 1.25 trillion in the Indian market over the years. Responding to an increasingly wellinformed consumer base and, bearing in mind the aspect of globalization, Indian real estate developers have shifted gears and accepted fresh challenges. The most marked change has been the shift from family owned businesses to that of professionally managed ones. Real estate developers, in meeting the growing need for managing multiple projects across cities, are also investing in centralized processes to source material and organise manpower and hiring qualified professionals in areas like project management, architecture and engineering. The listing of India’s first REIT by Blackstone-backed Embassy group has been in the offing for a long time but now it appears that it will be listed in the first quarter of 2019. So investors are hoping to cash on this new avenue. Last year there was a large Foreign Institutional Investment like Japan’s Nikko Am-Straits Trading Asia and US North Carolina Fund among others. Most of them are patient investors

ready to wait for a stable, long term returns. In India the projected five-year return on commercial assets is an optimistic 14% largely because Grade A commercial real estate has been on a protracted winning streak since 2017. Commercial realty withstood the vagaries of the various reforms much better than the residential asset class. All of this certainly bodes well for both FIIs and smaller investors. The sector that is really in need of institutional funding, the residential building sector, is not included under the REITs. Lack of sound and inclusive rental policy in India is one of the major hurdles for REITs in residential segment. Also the yields from on residential projects in India are nowhere near those of developed countries. The success of the Indian REITs will be based on the growth prospects of a market that is still maturing. The growing flow of FDI into Indian real estate is encouraging increased transparency. Developers, in order to attract funding, have revamped their accounting and management systems to meet due diligence standards. Basic Amenities On an all India basis, it is seen that buyers of property are looking more for basic amenities than luxuries. Security, power back-up, garden, play area, gym, and intercom seem to be more in demand than ultra-luxuries. In Metros smaller properties are preferred. Large swanky homes that prove to be a burden on maintenance are shunned in preference to smaller, well built residences. So the builders are ready to cater to this sector. The demand for ready-to-move-in properties is also increasing The initiative of the REIT, and FDI in the building sector, more projects have been initiated. Along with this there is also a good market for resale of property Cities like Bangalore, Pune, and Chennai at the top of the list for maximum resale of properties. Preferred Investment Choice The real estate sector in India is a good investment option as compared with other sectors. Many reasons can be ANCHOR INDIA

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attributed to the safety of this sector. For one it is too big to fail: There are simply too many vested interests in real estate to allow it to slip into panic-led chaos. Politicians, real-estate developers, banks, NBFCs - all of them have too much at stake. Then there are hard-working, salaried employees paying EMIs. This is an industry which reaches a majority of India’s population. Like Wall Street in the USA, India’s real estate industry is too big to fail. At worst, it might see a Lehman-like moment. A few builders will vanish but, as Wall Street figured out, a few casualties like a Lehman or an AIG - are acceptable collateral damage in the overall scheme of things. But the Government will cobble together a bail-out of sorts. Builders will be rescued, homes will be saved. In financing home loans, Banks and NBFCs have aided a move towards transparency in the process of owning a home. This is a huge change from the past where the salaried class would raise funds from friends and families to buy a house and still not be assured of a clear title. Today, agreements are registered and soft copies in CDs accompany registration papers. Upcoming changes like Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), appointment of an industry regulator will add to opening up the sector and improving transparency levels. All of these will go a long way in overhauling the real estate industry. Like the stock exchange sector, the real estate sector will survive in spite of some drawbacks. If a few collapses and crashes do happen along the way, they will eventually improve the real estate sector. Like stock market crashes, any real estate crash will also provide opportunities for investment. Real estate is often a more comfortable investment for the lower and middle classes because they grew up exposed to it just as the upper classes often learned about stocks, bonds, and other securities during their childhood and teenage years. It is likely that most people heard their parents talking about the importance of “owning a home”. The result is that they are more open to buying land than many other investments. When you invest in real estate, you invest in something

tangible. You can look at it, feel it, drive by with your friends, point out the window, and say, “I own that ”. For some people, that’s important psychologically. It’s more difficult to be defrauded in real estate compared to stocks if you do your homework because you can physically show up, inspect your property, run a background check on the tenants, make sure that the building is actually there before you buy it, do repairs yourself with stocks, you have to trust the management and the auditors. Using leverage (debt) in real estate can be structured far more safely than using debt to buy stocks by trading on margin. Real estate investments have traditionally been a terrific inflation hedge to protect against a loss in purchasing power of the dollar. Compared to stocks, real estate takes a lot of hands-on work. You have to deal with the midnight phone calls about exploding sewage in a bathroom, gas leaks, the possibility of getting sued for a bad plank on the porch, and a whole host of things that you probably never even considered. Even if you hire a property manager to take care of your real estate investments, it’s still going to require occasional meetings and oversight. Real estate can cost you money every month if the property is unoccupied. You still have to pay taxes, maintenance, utilities, insurance, and more, meaning that if you find yourself with a higher-than-usual vacancy rate due to factors beyond your control, you could actually have to come up with money each month! Real Estate is the oldest business of India it will never fail. Hyderabad, Pune, Navi Mumbai, and Ahmedabad are among the 10 affordable property markets in the country. The other six cities are Kochi (Kerala), Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Nagpur (Maharashtra), Surat (Gujarat) and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. In its latest report, property consultant JLL India has listed 10 cities that offer great lower-budget real estate investment prospects over medium to long term. These towns and cities offer a wide spectrum of investable options in real estate with relatively lower property price levels, providing the incentives for future capital appreciation and healthy returns ANCHOR INDIA

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The Real Estate Market Before making an investment it is essential to know the characteristics of the real estate market. The first step is to find out the market value of a property from the listings of the values in the neighborhood. The next step is to find out the current trends in real estate in the area. The real estate market will favour the buyers at times and the sellers at other times. If the area is about to figure as an employment hub, the real estate value will certainly increase. At such times you can sell a property and make some profit. When there is a great demand for property and the supply is less you will get a good price on sale. If the prices are low and the demand is less, it is a buyers’ market. This happens when there are more homes on sale and the interest rates on loans are high. The closing down of a company which forces people to move away will lower the price of homes as they will be forced to sell at whatever price they can get and re-locate themselves. The Real Estate Market Analysis is a tool people use in order to know the market. As a first step one should gather information about the market through different online surveys, focus groups and every possible relevant sources. A good market analysis would surely include information on the real estate trends, full assessment of Real estate companies, their strategies and a relevant data about potential. According to Frost and Sullivan’s Survey, Indian IT sector is under pressure from Chinese and other upcoming potential outsourcing hubs of the world. The survey suggests that India’s lead over China in outsourcing is narrowing. The reasons that were cited by the research firm are Poor Infrastructure, High attrition rates and Sky rocketing wages of IT workers. According to the survey, India was the top hub, followed by China, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Mexico, the Czech Republic, Poland, the Philippines and Canada. The survey reviewed some 300 multinational firms in seven sectors: financial services, technology, health care, fast-growing consumer goods, transportation, energy, and media and entertainment. Although India is churning out

more than 3 million graduates every year, demand for experienced professionals in India is outpacing supply, leading to attrition levels of up to 40 percent or higher, especially in the Information Technology sector. Due to this gap, other upcoming outsourcing countries are looking to grab the share of consolidating Indian outsourcing market. But with the firm determination on the part of the governments and the interest shown by the private investors, India will soon regain the initiative in this sector and this will enhance the general economic situation in the country. The Passion for Kerala Kerala, one of the most sought after destinations for tourism is also emerging as the ideal place to set up your dream home. Its natural greenery and the moderate climatic conditions make it the best place to live. Kerala tourism has been doing extremely well in the last few years and this has a direct bearing on related industries like hospitality and real estate. The real estate scene in Kerala has been brightened by the developments in the IT sector, the industrial sector and the establishment of major projects like the International Container Trans-shipment Terminal at Kochi, the up gradation of the Airport at Kozhikode and the commencement of the V izhinjam Port at Trivandrum. These developments have encouraged many real estate companies to invest in the State in order to cater to the increased need for commercial space and residential accommodation. The clients have faith in the Kerala real estate sector owing to the world renowned status that the state enjoys. Many established and upcoming real estate companies in Kerala have been vying with one another to offer their clients the best of properties including luxury or budget hotels, resorts and home stays as well as apartments, villas and independent houses in ideal locations. The IT sector boom in Kochi and Trivandrum and the elevation of Kochi as a Smart City has led to the setting up of IT parks with state of the art buildings and hi-tech campuses, thereby enhancing the ANCHOR INDIA

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scope for real estate sector in the state. As a part of the latest trend in the tourism industry, religious tourism has been a motivating factor in the realty boom seen in the famous holy centres of Kerala like Guruvayoor. The moderate climate, tropical geography with hills and valleys, backwaters, palm fringed shores and a vast coast line, the best international connectivity and its multicultural ambience has been attracting real estate investors to the state in a big way. In spite of the economic slowdown, the real estate sector never lost its position. With the state government also implementing new ways to attract FDIs in the form of real estate investments, the realtors of Kerala are playing a pivotal role in the economy of the state. Realtors from outside the state also have started taking a keen interest in this sector. The concept of affordable homes and green buildings are catching up in Kerala and this makes it the favourite place for people from all over the country to settle down. With the growing concerns about global warming, the green building concept with its fuel saving capacity is a big attraction for owners as well as the civic authorities. As it is done with materials available in the locality it proves to be cost effective also. Both the builders and the clients are aware of the advantages of construction of houses and commercial spaces while taking care not to harm the environment. The real estate companies are vying with one another to retain their clientele and attract new ones. They do their utmost to provide excellent and affordable residential and commercial properties. With easy access to home loans and other schemes offered by banks and private institutions, the people are ready to raise their budgets if they get the right type of property without mush hassle. The real estate companies and builders have realized that unless they deliver exclusive and valuable services promptly, they will lose their clients as competition is very high in this field. The arrival of international builders on the scene has familiarized the clients with high technology standards in construction and infrastructure. So anyone

who offers less than that will be thrown out of the race. This is seen in the luxury apartments provided with exclusive covered parking space, landscaped garden, health clubs and recreational clubs and high speed modern lifts. Great care is taken to choose good quality construction. The new residential and commercial complexes are built using the best available materials. Professional management companies and the growing industrial sector in Kerala has brought about a change in the concept of the commercial buildings also. The value of the commercial buildings in Kerala has always been on the rise. All the major national builders have come forward to prove their merit in Kerala. The state has always been a favourite destination for the tourists. All the district offer different attractions like serpentine backwater stretches, extensive and beautiful beaches, lush green paddy fields, wild life sanctuaries, hills with plantations of various cash crops and spices, coconut trees swaying on the water front, rich cultural diversity, ancient heritage sites and exclusive hamlets that are unique to the state. This has led to the construction of the hospitality sector all over the state. There are innumerable hotels and restaurants, resorts and home stays which offers a competitive platform for the real estate players to show case their abilities. Keralites of yore preferred the individual houses with vast land surrounding it, covered with fruit trees and vegetable gardens. But of late they prefer the apartments for many reasons. The breaking up of the joint family system has necessitated the smaller residences that can be managed without much external help. Security is another factor that prompts working couples to go in for apartments in lieu of individual houses. This has led to the rise of innumerable apartment complexes in the bigger cities of Kerala. The younger generation with better earning capacity look for their own living spaces at an early stage of life. This has led to the preference for luxury apartments as contrasted with the austere living spaces preferred by their ancestors. Realizing this trend, the property developers are bringing ANCHOR INDIA

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world class quality into their work. The trend is looking up with all the builders announcing new ventures in all the major towns and cities especially in Trivandrum, Kochi, Kozhikode, Kottayam and Thrissur. Kochi tops the list as it has now got the added attraction of being the Smart City with both Governmental and private players involved in it. The construction of residential properties continues to gain momentum all over the state. The real estate sector can be said to have grown with the IT sector which has generated professionals with disposable income. The NRIs is another set that invests a lot in residential and commercial property. The village population is also migrating to the urban areas thereby increasing the demand for residential places. With many residential complexes coming up other infrastructural growth is also necessary. This leads to the construction of shopping malls with entertainment facility, hotels and restaurants, hospitals, schools and colleges. Though the share in the undivided land of the apartment for the individual apartment is low, it does not affect the value of the apartment. The government should help the industry by providing good roads, water and power supply as well as the drainage system. The industry should also be subject to strict control by the monitoring authority of the government to protect the interest of large number of investors. The newly constituted Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) is expected to protect the customers by bringing all the builders under a common platform and ensure their registration with the authority. It will actually work as a watchdog between the buyer and the seller to ensure fair trade and trace violations. For those who abide by the rules in the sector, it would be beneficial to establish their trust but fraudsters would face legal action and pay compensation to the clients. The average size of the apartment and quality of construction and facilities offered in Kerala are far higher than those in the rest of the states in India. For an average buyer the cost of an apartment is high on the agenda. The builders in Kerala should realize

this major concern of an investor and think of affordable housing for the middle class. For the rich and NRIs a flat in the city is a second home. All these pave the way for the steady growth of real estate industry in Kerala. The cities are certainly going to witness growth of residential and commercial complexes side by side especially with the completion of mass transportation infrastructure like metro rail in Kochi and similar arrangements in Trivandrum and Calicut. The Rising Metropolis of Kochi Kochi is no longer the destination for the affluent buyer alone. Today, the Kochi residential real estate market is dominated by affordable housing segment, which accounts to about 60 per cent of the total housing projects in the city. Kochi can genuinely be described as the most happening place as far as real estate development is concerned. Kochi is the commercial and industrial capital of Kerala. The Ernakulum district has a population of almost thirty one lakhs residing within 2408 square kilometer area. With the coming up of more new projects, the population in the city is bound to rise further. Kochi had trade relationships with the Chinese, Arabs Dutch, French and English traders. The present day Kochi has witnessed a business boom The real estate sector has certainly gained from this boom. The IT and ITES sectors in Info park, VSNL’s Primary International Gateway in India, Cochin Special Economic Zone, KINFRA, Export Promotion Industrial Park, CUSAT, Cochin Refineries, BPCL, Cochin Shipyard, Cochin Port Trust, FACT, HMT and the NPOL have had a great impact on the economic position of the City. Property rates have always been high here especially in areas like the Marine Drive, M.G. Road, Kadavanthra, Panampilly Nagar, Edappally, Thevera and Kakkanad. A multitude of residential complexes are coming up in these areas as well as in the suburban areas. Tripunithura, Aluva, Palarivattom and Vyttila have been witnessing fast growth both in residential ANCHOR INDIA

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and commercial construction. The Cochin Bye pass is another area that is developing very fast. The commencement of the Kochi Metro will certainly make the areas connected by it extremely valuable as far as real estate business is concerned. Land rates differ in these areas depending on the locality. The apartment rates vary largely depending on the facilities offered apart from the location of the apartment. The extra facilities range from swimming pool, children’s play area, roof garden party area, private boat jetty, clubhouse with indoor recreation facilities, health club, EPABX system with intercom, 24-hour security, water and power, modern waste disposal system, sophisticated fire safety devices, centralized gas supply, to name a few. There is a lot of demand for residential as well as commercial properties from NRI returnees, employees of IT companies. The demand is so high that even before the construction starts, most of the pieces in the structure built by well known and dependable builders are sold out. Many buy apartments to give it out on rent which ensures a regular income without much hassle. In Kochi today buying an apartment is a better option than going for a rented one. Even so the demand for apartments on rent has never gone down. With home loans coming at low-interest rates, repaying the loans in several years is a better option than giving a larger sum for rental. Currently, over 50-60 apartment projects are at various stages of construction to cater to the needs of the city within a few years’ time. The commercial market in Kochi is now centered around the many Malls that have come up. The proposed Dubai Internet City, the Leela Group, and the Technopolis, are to create an unprecedented area of commercial space in Kochi. Kochi Metro, the 25-km long stretch between Aluva and Petta would link important junctions, is a promising corridor for the growth of real estate in Kochi. While convenient transport is the agenda, real estate is banking upon locations along the stretch. Property prices have already been on the rise.

The Capital City of Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram is today emerging as a vibrant, modern metropolis, leaving aside its picture as a bureaucratic city. IT establishments, residential complexes and tourist resorts are coming up in Thiruvananthapuram especially in the coastal region. Statistical studies show that the city will be witnessing a huge appreciation in realty in the coming decade. Major infrastructure projects like V izhinjam port and monorail and other developments like Techno city and Biotechnology Park which will generate huge employment opportunities are all set to boost prospects for real estate appreciation in and around the city. The better employment opportunities will bring in a lot of people to the city, thereby increasing the demand for residential complexes. Residential rentals in prime areas could go in the range of 25000 plus in prime areas which is more than what an investment in Kochi would give. The proposed V izhinjam Container Trans Ship Terminal has created a keen sense of interest in the real estate market. This huge investment is sure to give the real estate sector a major boost in Thiruvananthapuram Villas are likely to see tremendous demand in the coming year compared to apartments in Thiruvananthapuram according to recent surveys. While Kochi may be the real estate hub of Kerala and commands a major volume of business, Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city has seen some action over the past few years. Unlike Kochi where there has been saturation in the recent past, Thiruvananthapuram is a growing market with a steady growth of 15% annually. According to market analysts realty business in Thiruvananthapuram has clocked a cumulative growth of around 50 to 60% over the last five years. Today the realty market is in high demand due to smallish nature of the city with just about 5 square kilometer in radius. This means an increase in the number of high rises and also high end properties which have a Rs one crore plus price tag but also offer great amenities and imported fittings. ANCHOR INDIA

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The Fever is Spreading In Thrissur town, the real estate scenario continues to be bright. In Palakkad district, Ottappalam, Pattambi and Mannarkkad areas show signs of increased real estate activity. With infrastructure development as in the Kannur Air Port and the Cyber Park, the Malabar region is in for a lot of developmental activity which will certainly pave the way for realty boom also. With the Kannur Airport being opened for air traffic recently, the Malabar area is certain to witness a lot of commercial, trade and industrial activities. This augers well for the real estate sector also. It will also develop the North Malabar region into a growth centre for travel and tourism based growth. The Cyber Park, the first IT Special Economic Zone in the Malabar Region with an estimated investment of Rs.600 crores will add to the developmental dreams of the region. The forest area in Wayanad is sure to be the hub for jungle tourism which is becoming very popular all over the world. This is sure to lead to a lot of constructions in the hospitality sector. An overall resurgence of industrial activity is also certain to come in its wake. In Alappuzha district, the boom is fast spreading in the water front areas of Thuravoor, Chemmanadu and Cherthala lying on the side of the National Highway. In Kottyam district the boom is mainly centered on plantations Resurgence of Vaasthu The ancient buildings like the temples, churches and palaces have all been built according to the tenets of ancient architectural sciences which became forgotten in the modern times with technology coming to the fore. But recently the ancient science has come into acceptance with most builders in Kerala. This must have been because of the realization of the longevity and the strength of the construction which has enabled these buildings to stand the test of time. Vaasthu is no longer considered a superstition it is recognized as the science dealing with all matter and energy and time and space in the universe and its use of creating dwellings, temples, forts, monumental structures and even vehicles.

find your dream makers Abad Builders Pvt. Ltd. 8th Floor, Nucleus Mall & Office NH 85 (Kundannoor-Petta Road) P.O. Maradu, Kochi - 682 304 Ph: +91 484 4105000, 91 80865 55999 Email: [email protected] Web: Abad Builders, set up in 1995, by Mr. Riaz Ahmed on the resounding pillars of Trust, Transparency and Integrity and driven by the enterprising leadership of its Managing Director, Dr. Najeeb Zackeria has established a unique niche for itself with its charming mix of artistically styled residential and commercial landmarks that have transformed the real estate skyline of Kerala. Abad Builders, a division of the prestigious Abad Group headquartered in Cochin is today a household name synonymous with flawless craftsmanship, sound infrastructure, innovation, design, world class facilities and high value appreciation. The first CRISIL rated builder in Kerala, Abad Builders has constructed over 4 million sq ft of living and commercial space spread over 34 projects across Kochi and Kottayam in Kerala. The ongoing projects of Abad Builders are Golden Oak (2, 3 & 4 BHK) at Maradu Kochi, Reflections (3, 4 and 5 BHK) at Kadavanthra Kochi, Oasis (2 & 3 BHK) at Edappally Kochi and Springfield Garden Villas (3 & 4 BHK) at Aluva. Each of these properties, apart from being in prime locations, is being built with your dream lifestyle in mind and promises to be a premium residential unit that any person would be proud to own. Abad’s exclusive After Sales division provides support on all functional and maintenance matters, has its own housekeeping and facility management service, interior design and works department and a rental division that helps customers obtain the best rentals and resale deals for their property. A forerunner in understanding and living up to the market demand with over twenty years of

sustained growth and relentless pursuit of excellence, Abad Builders offer the highest standards of craftsmanship and personalised customer service. Small wonder that over 3000 happy families put their trust in Abad Builders and the number is growing... Mather Projects Pvt. Ltd. Rajaji Road, Cochin - 682 035 Ph: +91 484 4114444 Mob: +91 98950 11111 Fax: +91 484 2352488 Email: [email protected] Web: Mather Projects is the realty wing of the Mather Group, which was incorporated in 1942. The Group has interests in housing, hospitality, engineering and education. Mather Projects began in a modest way undertaking individual projects. Today, it is a full-fledged housing company, synonymous with lifestyle housing in the state. With 20 projects completed and many more ongoing in under a decade, Mather today has cemented its position as the leading builder in Cochin, creating the homes customers most aspire to own. Mather, which has a customer base of over 2000, has built over 50 lakh sq.ft to date. Projects are usually located in the elitest residential areas, central locations or in scenic settings such as the waterfront. Luxury and aesthetics are Mather’s forte. With each project, it reinvents design. Clean, minimalistic and contemporary finishes are given preference. The result is understated elegance that is trendy without being ostentatious. Mather focuses on beautiful finishes; be it for the interiors of an apartment, or for its common areas. By using international designer brands and design concepts Mather has quietly effected a lifestyle revolution in Kerala. Common areas are beautifully laid out, landscaped and lit. Homes are spacious and airy, displaying the quality that comes from using only the best materials. Mather homes are all about luxury. In fact, the company recently launched its Platinum ANCHOR INDIA

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Range of homes which offers apartments and villas where no luxury will be spared. It has been created exclusively for the well traveled home owner, who appreciates the quality of a well made product and the effort that goes into creating something rare and signature. Sobha Limited 5th Floor, West Wing, Jomer Symphony Chalickavattom Vyttila P.O, Kochi – 682 019 Ph: 96330 08080 Email: [email protected] Web: Sobha Isle: At the heart of it all! Kochi, the queen of Arabian Sea is one of the most sought after tourist destinations in India. Its status as the commercial capital of Kerala has made it a favourite investment centre for national and international players. Many leading multinationals have chosen the city as their operational hub of the region. Kochi is fast growing with an expanding infrastructure that boasts of world class shopping malls, international airport, metro rail, International Container Transshipment Terminal and tech parks. Sobha Limited launched its Kochi operations with Sobha Isle located on an island right at the heart of the city at Vytilla. It’s the first of its kind super luxury project in Kochi that offers a perfect blend of exclusivity, connectivity and serenity. The project boasts of vast open spaces, abundance of greenery all around and is surrounded by backwaters. It offers a mesmeric, ringside view of pristine nature from every apartment. Unit options in Sobha Isle are 3 BHK, 3 BHK + Study & 4 BHK. They have been designed to give the highest level of living comfort. The emphasis is on the optimal usage of space to provide maximum living area. The rooms seamlessly integrate to give utmost privacy and an exclusive living experience. Sobha Limited is the only builder in Kochi providing amenties like a four storey club house with a swimming ANCHOR INDIA

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pool, a unique fishing bay, an adventure trail, a tennis court and a volleyball court. In short, a perfect blend of relaxation and recreation in a picturesque and serene environment. Sobha Isle is the ideal choice for those who want an exclusive and serene super luxury home at the heart of Kochi. Being a Sobha project, it carries the stamp of quality and assurance which only a world renowned builder can provide. Sobha Isle is all set to become the bench mark in the super luxury category. STAVARA Realtors India Pvt. Ltd. Sana Complex, MV Road Palarivattom, Kochi - 682 025 Ph: +91 484 2341719, 2347592 Mob: +91 86066 77000 Email: [email protected] Web: STAVARA is a Malayalam word and it means Immovable, Tangible, Solid etc. If you have ever read a land document written in Malayalam, STAVARA must be a familiar word to you. We choose STAVARA as our company name because our products are solid and immovable assets. As Builders, we have completed and handed over more than 25 apartment projects in and around the Kochi city, in another brand name, AC City. Since AC City is a family concern, it was difficult to receive investments. Hence we have launched the new Brand, STAVARA. STAVARA is launching two new projects. STAVARA Cornerstone at Girinagar 12th Cross Road, Kochi and STAVARA Saketham at Ponneth South Road, Kadavanthara, Kochi. Some more projects in and around Kochi City are in the pipe line. STAVARA Cornerstone consists of 2,3 and 4 bed room apartments. Surveillance Camera, Landscaped Roof Garden, Meeting Room, Lift, Generator Backup, Covered Parking Space etc. are important features of the project. STAVARA Saketham is 8 Premium 2 and 3 bed apartments in four floors and features almost same as STAVARA Cornerstone. One floor one apartment option is available in early booking stages for both

apartments. In general, we use all premium branded accessories and fittings such as Legrand switches and sockets, Jaquar CP Fittings, CERA Sanitary fittings, Kajaria/ Cera/Johnson floor and wall tiles. Also we use red brick for walls, teak wood front door, panelled skin door for rooms and moulded fibre door for toilets. Veegaland Developers Pvt. Ltd. 4th Floor , KCF Tower BMC Road, P.O. Thrikkakkara Kakkanad, Kochi - 682 021 Ph: +91 484 2584000, 2973944 Mob: +91 9746 77 4444, 9746 54 2222 Email: [email protected] Web: HOMES BUILT ON VALUES BY THE MOST TRUSTED HANDS. Veegaland Developers set food into the real estate industry back in early twenties under the able leadership of Kerala's most respected businessman and visionary Shri. Kochouseph Chittilappilly who founded India's most trusted consumer electronics brand, V-Guard and India's best amusement park, Wonderla. Over the years Veegaland Developers have grown and evolved into one of the most dynamic and trusted builders in Kerala. Conceived by an eminent team, every Veegaland apartment offers an unparalleled expression of contemporary design complemented by premium finishes. The exclusive touch of Shri. Kochouseph Chittilappilly, who is obsessed with quality and perfection, is evident in every aspect of Veegaland Developers’ projects. After the successful completion and on-time handing over of earlier projects, Veegaland Developers is moving forward with four ongoing projects at Thrikkakkara, Eroor, Edappally and Padamugal, four strategic locations of Kochi and is all set to launch new projects at Thrissur, Kozhikode and Trivandrum soon. Veegaland Bluebell, situated opposite to NPOL at Thrikkakkara, is a limited-edition project with 14 apartments in 7 floors. It is a retreat set in a refined

neighborhood. Veegaland KingsFort at Eroor near Vyttila is another ongoing project which offers you an exceptional lifestyle beyond ordinary with some exclusive amenities. Situated just 1.7 km from Vyttila Mobility Hub, Veegaland KingsFort connects well with city and at the same time offers a peaceful living. Veegaland Exotica at Subhash Nagar, Edappally is a 16 storied landmark building which will redefine your lifestyle. The aesthetically and scientifically engineered structure is what gives Veegaland Exotica its cutting-edge look. Thoughtful interiors with highend finishes and quality fittings make each apartment a masterpiece itself. Veegaland Z innia at Padamugal is premium residential project with only 33 apartments. This 12-storey boutique residential development provides a rare opportunity to inhabit a modern dwelling at Kochi’s flourishing precinct only for the lucky few. Veegaland Developers have a dedicated and experienced customer service team which regularly interacts with customers and always be there to assist through the entire sales and after-sales process. This provides you with a one-point interface for any helps and requirements you may require. find your dream makers | ernakulam Abad Builders Pvt. Ltd. 8th Floor, Nucleus Mall & Office NH 85 (Kundannoor-Petta Road) P.O. Maradu, Kochi - 682 304 Ph: +91 484 4105000, Mob: +91 80865 55999 Email: [email protected] Web: Abad Property Management Services Pvt. Ltd. 7th Floor, Abad Nucleus Mall Maradu, Kochi Kerala - 682 304 Tel: +91 484 4105000, 81298 22755 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Ambady Constructions Ambady’s Panthyil Towers Warriam Road Kochi - 682 016 Tel: +91 484 2372331, 2361870 Email: [email protected], Web: Anna Properties Appasserry Buildings, INTUC Junction Nettur, Kochi Tel: +91 484 6465843 Email: [email protected] Web: Asset Homes Pvt. Ltd. No: 4, Anchorage, Palliyil Lane Off. Fore Shore Road, Kochi-682 016 Tel: +91 484 6456474 Email: [email protected] Web: Bavasons Constructions Pvt. Ltd. VBM Bava Chambers, Paramara Road Kochi - 682 018. Tel: +91 484 2390407, 2393163 Fax: +91 484 2391193 Web: BCG Builders BCG Estates,NH-Bypass, Kochi – 682 025 Tel: +91 484 2535085, 2535086 Email: [email protected] Web: Chakolas Habitat Pvt Ltd Willingdon Enclave, Thevara Ferry Road Kochi – 682 013 Tel: +91 484 2663113, Fax: +91 484 4044056 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Cherian Varkey Construction Co. Pvt. Ltd. 5th Floor, Alpha Plaza K.P. Vallon Road, Kadavanthara Cochin - 682 020 Tel: +91 484 2319845, 2313628 Fax: +91 484 2312461 Email: [email protected] Web: Clearway Builders Pvt. Ltd. Seema One Bldg., Sreekandath Road Ravipuram, Kochi - 682 016 Tel: +91 484 2366554 Fax: +91 484 2366554 Email: [email protected] Web: Confident Group 868/2, S.A Road, Vyttila Kochi-682 019, Tel: +91 484 4093333 Web: Desai Homes Second Floor, D.D Trade Tower Kaloor - Kadavanthra Road Kochi - 682 017 Tel: +91 484 4177888 Email: [email protected] Web: DLF Home Developers Dooradarshana Road Seaport - Airport Road Kakkanad, Kochi Tel: +91 484 4042100, 4042111 Web: Dewa Projects Pvt. Ltd Near Goshree Bridge Cochin - 682 018 Web:

Earthspace 40/406 E, 4th Floor, Beejay Towers Rajaji Road, Kochi - 35 Tel: +91 484 4031550 / 551 Email: [email protected] Web: Galaxy Homes Pvt. Ltd. Kaloor, Cochin, Kerala - 682 017 Tel: + 91 484 2539311, 2530344 Email: [email protected] Web: Gokulam Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. Anjam Apartment, Chittoor Road Kochi - 682 011, Tel: +91 484 2352666, 2351603 Fax: +91 484 2384084 , Email: [email protected] Web: Heavenly Homes Pvt. Ltd. 5D, 5th Floor Oxford Business Centre Sreekandath Road Ravipuram, Kochi - 682 016 Tel: +91 484 2368075, 4028301 Email: [email protected] Web: Heera Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. National Residency, Bank Junction Edapally, Kochi-25 Tel: +91 484 2346484, 2346485 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Holiday Projects Kerala Pvt. Ltd. Holiday House, 46/2157 NH Bypass, Kochi-32, Tel: +91 484 2808885 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Holy Faith Builders & Developers Pvt. Ltd. 34/2353, Mamangalam, Kochi - 682 025 Tel: + 91 484 2340330, 2340411 Email: [email protected] Web: Infra Housing Pvt. Ltd. I st Floor, C.L.S. Building M.G. Road , Kochi - 682 011 Tel: +91 484 2363333 Fax: +91 484 2370261 Email: [email protected] Web: Jain Housing Constructions Ltd. G - 361, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi - 682 036 Tel: +91 484 2316111, 2320333 Web: Jairaj Projects XXXIV/138E, Knowell Jairaj NH By-pass Edappally, Kochi - 24 Tel: +91 484 2807400 Email: [email protected] Web: Jewel Homes Pvt. Ltd. Casagrante Building Deshabhimani Jn Kochi - 17 Tel: +91 484 2335315, 2348856 Web: Jomer Properties & Investments Pvt. Ltd. Jomer Arcade, Chittoor Road Kochi - 682 016 Tel: +91 484 2376027, 2376028 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Kalpaka Builders Pvt. Ltd. Door No: 38/4113 GHRA/3 Govt High School Road Edapally, Kochi - 682 024 Ph: +91 484 4074444 Email: [email protected] Web: Kent Homes Lily’s Towers Palarivattom Kochi - 682 025 Ph: +91 484 3298787, 3268787 Email: [email protected] Web: KGL Builders Pvt. Ltd. 5th Floor Lalan Towers Banerjee Road Kochi-682 031 Tel: +91 484 3919333, 3919444 Email: [email protected] Web: Kristal Group Chimney Buildings, Opp: IBP Petrol Pump Toll Junction, Edapally-24 Tel: +91 484 2544607, 2544608 Email: [email protected] Web: Kunnel Engineers and Contractors Pvt. Ltd. Mareena Buildings, Ravipuram Kochi- 682 016 Tel: +91 484 2359680 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Madhurya Builders Pvt Ltd Shiva Temple Road Thottakkattukara Aluva-683 108 Tel: +91 484 6450164, 9249576760 Email: [email protected] Web: Manjooran Housing Pvt. Ltd. Mamangalam Kochi - 682 025 Tel: +91 484 2345617 Fax: +91 484 4054865 Email: [email protected] Web: Mather Projects Pvt. Ltd. Rajaji Road, Cochin - 682 035 Kerala, India Tel: +91 484 4114444 Mob: +91 98950 11111 Fax: +91 484 2352488 Email: [email protected] Web: Meera Homes 19/44, First & Second Floor Hill Road, Aluva-683 101 Tel: +91 484 4058809 Email: [email protected] Web: Meridian Homes 3rd Floor, Vallamattam Estate Ravipuram, M.G. Road Kochi-682 015 Tel: +91 484 2383795 Email: [email protected] Web:

MIR Realtors Pvt. Ltd Corporate Office Door No: 41/2073 D Kalabhavan Road Ekm North Kochi-682 018 Tel: 0484 4128444 Email: [email protected] Web: Motif Builders & Developers Pvt Ltd Hayath Tower Near Juma Masjid Padamukal, Kakkanad Tel: +91 484 4052777 Email: [email protected] Web: Nagarjuna Constructions Company Ltd. G-183, Panampilly Nagar Kochi - 682 036 Tel: +91 484 2324721, 2319214 Email: [email protected] Web: Nagpal Builders NH Bypass Palarivattom Kochi - 682 028 Tel: +91 484 6599550, 2803330 Email: [email protected] Web: National Builders and Developers Sunny Estate Mamangalam Kochi - 682 024 Tel: +91 484 2340781 Fax: +91 484 2330047 Email: [email protected] Web:

Nest Infratech Compass NH - 47 Bypass Chakkaraparambu Cochin - 682 032 Tel: +91 484 4477555 Email: [email protected] Web: Oceanus Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Thomson Buildings Cheruparambathu Road Kadavanthara Kochi-20 Tel: +91 484 2324881, 2324882 Email: [email protected] Web: Olive Builders Olive House Edappally Kochi - 682 024 Tel: +91 484 2332190, 2332890 Email: [email protected] Web: Orchid Builders F - 4th Floor Apple Tower Edappally, Kochi -24 Tel: +91 484 2349922, 4055975 Email: [email protected] Oxoniya Builders Pvt Ltd Elizabeth Enclave Desabhimani Road Kaloor, Kochi-17 Tel: +91 484 4060501 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Puravankara Projects Ltd. Panampilly Avenue Kochi - 682 036. Tel: +91 484 2310055 Fax: +91 484 2319904 Email: [email protected] Web:

Souparnika Group Opp. Taluk Hospital Thripunithura, Kochi - 682 301 Tel: +91 484 2780011, 3257744 Fax: +91 484 2537854 Email: [email protected] Web:

RDS Project Ltd. Alpha Plaza, KP Vallon Road Kadavanthra Kochi - 682 020 Fax: +91 484 2323012 Email: [email protected] Web:

SRK Shelters Pvt. Ltd Sky Wings Near Marthoma School Thengod P.O, Edachira Kakkanad-682030 Tel: 93495 82233 Email: [email protected] Web: www.

Relcon Properties Pvt. Ltd. Pukalakkattu Complex Palarivattom Kochi - 682 025 Tel: +91 484 2348420, 2336188 Email: [email protected] Web: Skyline Builders Skyline House N.H. Bye Pass Road, Vennala Kochi - 682 028 Tel: +91 484 2363695 Fax: +91 484 2374176 Email: [email protected] Web: Sobha Limited 5th Floor, West Wing Jomer Symphony Ponnurunni Road Chalikkavattom Vyttila P.O, Kochi - 682 019, Tel: 96330 08080 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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SR Properties Silver Castle, Statue Jn Kalikkotta Road Tripunithura - 01 Tel: +91 484 3194004 Fax: +91 484 2780484 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Stavara Realtors India Pvt. Ltd. Sana Complex M V Road Palarivattom Kochi - 25 Tel: +91 484 2341719 Email: [email protected] Web: Sudhir Gopi Developers Pvt Ltd Mosque Lane, SRM Road Kochi-682 018 Tel: +91 484 4060906, 4060907 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Synergy Homes Ltd. Diwan’s Road Kochi - 682 016 Tel: +91 484 236 3073, 4028822, 23, 24 Email: [email protected] Web: Tanzeel Builders II Floor, HHYS Building Rajaji Road Kochi - 682 035 Tel: +91 484 6593473, 6520544 Fax: +91 484 2380052 Email: [email protected] Web: Tiknar Homes Pvt. Ltd. 1st Floor, Profnet Plaza Mamangalam Palarivattom Kochi - 682 025 Tel: +91 484 2333507, 2333508 Email: [email protected] Web: Travancore Builders Travancore House MG Road North End Kochi - 35 Tel: +91 484 2383366, 4021400 E-mail: info@ Web: Trinity Builders & Developers Opp. Changampuzha Park Edappally, Kochi - 24 Tel: +91 484 2339916, 2339919 Fax: +91 484 2339918 Email: [email protected] Web:

Ultima Builders & Developers Pvt Ltd HHYS Buildings Rajaji Road Kochi - 682 035 Tel: +91 484 2370614, 4041500 Email: [email protected] Web: Veegaland Developers Pvt. Ltd. K Chittilappilly Tower BMC Road P.O. Thrikkakkara Kakkanad, Kochi - 682 021 Ph: +91 484 3004000, 2973944 Mob: 9746 77 4444, 9746 54 2222 Email: [email protected] Web: Yasoram Builders Convent Road, Kochi - 682 035 Tel: +91 484 2366726, 2352271, 2352437 Fax: +91 484 2373830 Email: [email protected] Web: find your dream makers | kozhikode Ace Structures Pvt. Ltd. Leela Towers Kallai Road, Calicut - 673 002 Tel: +91 495 2304848 Email: [email protected] Web: Calicut Landmark Builders & Developers India (P) Ltd Third Floor, CD Tower Mini Bye-Pass Road, Calicut Tel: +91 495 2721950, 3919100 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Express Housing Complex Pvt. Ltd. 2nd Floor, Express House Kallai Road Calicut - 673 002 Tel: +91 495 2701272, 2702914 Email: [email protected] Web:

Seiken Property Developers Pvt. Ltd. Seiken Chambers Kannur Road, Calicut - 673 001 Tel: +91 495 2761555, 3264555 Fax: +91 495 2367778 Email: [email protected] Web:

Galaxy Builders Red Cross Road Calicut, - 673 032 Tel: +91 495 2369422 Fax: +91 495 2366830 Email: [email protected] Web:

Sobha Limited First Floor Empora Gemz, Nellicode P.O N.H Bypass Road Near Thondayad Junction Calicut - 673 016 Tel: 0495 2359368, 2359365 Email: [email protected] Web:

Hi-lite Builders Pvt. Ltd. Business Park Hi-lite City Thondayad Bypass Road Calicut - 673 014 Tel: +91 495 2352500 Email: [email protected] Web: Malabar Developers Malabar Gate Rammohan Road Calicut - 673 004 Tel: +91 495 4040916 Email: [email protected] Web: PVS Apartments KTC Building Y M CA Road Calicut - 673 001 Tel: +91 495 2766244, 2766362 Email: [email protected] Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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find your dream makers | thrissur Cheloor Property Development Projects Ltd. Cheloor Residency Shankarankulangara Pookunnam, Thrissur - 680 002 Tel: + 91 487 2388168, 2388180 Email: [email protected] Web: Emmatty Towers St Thomas College Road East Fort, Thrissur - 680 005 Tel: +91 487 2426293, 2427355 Email: [email protected] Web: Iskcon Builders and Developers Iskcon Gardens, Cheroor Thrissur - 680 008, Tel: +91 487 3251456 Email: [email protected]

Jayaprakash & Prakash Constructions Pvt. Ltd. Sreekumara Samajam Buildings West Nada Kodungallur Tel: +91 480 2808618 Email: [email protected] Web:

Thrissur Builders Pvt. Ltd. 25/1160/1 Machingal Lane Thrissur-680 001 Tel: +91 487 2336652, 2336653 Email: [email protected] Web:

Lord Krishna Builders IVth Floor, Centre Point M.G.Road Thrissur - 680 004 Tel: +91 487 3200000, 2388840 Fax: +91 487 2382266 Email: [email protected] Web:

Unidesign Builders & Developers Pvt. Ltd. EL 51/74, Sathi, Civil Lane Road Ayyanthole Thrissur -680 003 Tel: +91 99959 91111 Fax: +91 487 2382944 Email: [email protected] Web:

Mookambika Builders 20/343, Poothole Lane M.G Road Thrissur - 680 004 Tel: +91 487 2385099 Email: [email protected] Web:

Vasthuhara Developers and Real Estate Limited Premji Road, pallathu Lane West Punkunnam P.O., Thrissur - 680 002 Tel: 0487 2380640, 2380641 Web: www.

Mulberry Homes Mundupalam Junction Kuriachira P.O,Thrissur - 680 006 Tel: +91 487 2251192, 9847034390 Email: [email protected] Web:

Arjun & Associates Viswam Towers, Adarsh Nagar, Pattom Thiruvananthapuram - 695 004 Tel: +91 471 2553735, 2555533 Email: [email protected] Web:

Sobha Limited ‘Sobha City’ Puzhakkal Post Guruvayoor Road Thrissur - 680 553 Tel: +91 487 2389770, 2389771 Email: [email protected] Web:

Artech Realtors Pvt. Ltd. Artech House, TC 24/2014(1) Near Taj V ivanta, Thycaud Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695014 Tel: 0471 3018114 Email: [email protected] Web:

find your dream makers | thiruvananthapuram


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Heera Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. M.P.Appan Road Vazhutacaud Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014 Tel: +91 471 2331980, 2321562, 2338859 Email: [email protected] Web: Muthoot Builders Peral Heaven Muthoot Vazhuthacaud, Trivandrum - 14 Tel: +91 471 2323790, 2334865 Email: [email protected] Web: Nikunjam Constructions Pvt Ltd Indraprastham T.C.4/2554-3 Pattom-Kowdiar Road Thiruvananthapuram- 695004 Tel: +91 471 2436175, 2436173 Email: [email protected] Web: PRS Builders Soundarya Building, M G Road Trivandrum- 01 Tel: +91 471 2328745 Fax: +91 471 2330990 Email: [email protected] Web: Samson and Sons Builders & Developers Pvt. Ltd TC 3/ 679, Kaliveena Buildings TKD Road, Pattam, P.O. Muttada Thiruvananthapuram - 695 025 Tel: 0471 3914000, 2540780 Web: ANCHOR INDIA

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Si Property (Kerala) Pvt. Ltd. Silver Oaks Golf Links Road Kowdiar Trivandrum - 03 Tel: +91 471 2430177, 2430277 Fax: +91-471-2539022 Email: [email protected] Web: Sivaji Builders Pvt. Ltd. Sivaji Complex TC No: 9/948 Panickers Lane Sasthamangalam P.O Trivandrum - 10 Tel: +91 471 2722096, 2722097 Fax: +91 471 2722099 Email: [email protected] Web: Skyline Foundations & Structures Pvt. Ltd. Skyline Plaza Vellayambalam Trivandrum - 10 Tel: +91 471 2726992,2721803, 2729467 Fax: +91 471 2726978 Email: [email protected] Web: Sowparnika Projects and Infrastructure Private Limited A-26, Kowdiar Gardens Kowdiar Thiruvananthapuram - 695 003 Tel: +91 471 3222012, Fax: +91 471 3054990 E mail: [email protected] Web:

India is blessed with a long coastline of 8118 km and after declaration of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in 1977, the oceanic resources available to India are estimated at 2.02 million sq. km, comprising 0.86 million sq. km (42.6 % of the total) on the west coast, 0.56 million sq. km (27.7%) on the east coast and 0.60 million sq. km (29.7%) around ANCHOR INDIA

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the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The continental shelf area amounts to 530 000 sq. km of which 71 percent area is available in the Arabian Sea (west coast) and the remaining 29 percent in the Bay of Bengal (east coast). With the abundance of water resources and tropical climate, India is home to rich and varied fish. Our estimated

fishery potential is 4.24 million metric tons from the marine sector, and according to CMFRI the level of exploitation in 2011 is about 3.84 mmt. About 90% of the present marine production from a depth range of 50 to 60 meters of the sea and the remaining 10% is from depths extending upto 200 meters. Fishing efforts are mostly done by the

mechanised, motorised and non-motorised artisanal sectors. Mechanised sector contributed 79% of the total annual catch while the Motorised and non-motorised artisanal sectors accounted for 19% and 2% respectively. Marine products are of great demand in the world market solely because of their high health attributes. Seafood is ANCHOR INDIA

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claimed to be one of the fastest moving commodity in the world market. Within the last decade, the world market for seafood has doubled reaching US$ 49.32 billion. India’s share in this market is about 2.4% depending on shrimp as a product, and giving increased attention to other fishery resources like squid, cuttlefish etc and penetrating into western European and south East Asian markets. With shrimp farming and introduction of several resource specific vessels to increase marine fish landings, India anticipates a steady growth in exports of marine products. India exported only dried marine products like dried fish and dried shrimp till the end of 1960. Since 1961, export of dried marine products was overtaken by export of frozen marine items, leading to a steady growth export earnings. Export of frozen and canned items registered a significant rise with the devaluation of Indian currency in 1966. Thus from the traditional buyers in neighboring countries, Indian market in frozen marine products spread to other developed countries. Before 1960, when our exports were dominated by dried items, markets of our marine products largely confined to neighboring countries like Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Singapore etc. With the development of technology and modernization, these dried marine products gave way to canned and frozen items. Thus, as the product changed, market also was changed. As a result, more affluent developed countries like Japan, USA, Europe, Australia etc became our buyers. Several units of seafood processing with modern machinery were set up across the country for freezing and production of marine products. Till 1977, USA was our principal buyer of shrimp, but later Japan emerged as the principal buyer of the product followed by the west European countries. Till 2001-02, Japan remained the single largest buyer of our marine products, accounting about 31% of the total export value. In the year 2002-03 and 2003-04, USA emerged as the single largest buyer of our marine products. In the year 2004-05, European Union emerged as the largest importer of Indian marine products and remained in this position till 2010ANCHOR INDIA

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11. After 2011 South East Asia become the largest market for Indian marine products followed by European Union, USA, Japan and China. Quality Control Processed products in sea food industry are highly heterogeneous and perishable in nature, especially in tropical conditions. Therefore, quality control of sea food is very vital in seafood industry. Taking this into consideration, the industry has adopted modern methods of processing sea food with stringent quality control methods. Safety has become a matter of great concern over the past few years, especially in developed countries where food safety offences are considered in government level. With the advancement of technology and public awareness, consumers are becoming increasingly demanding in terms of quality, freshness, nutritional value and microbiological safety of food. The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) plays a pivotal role in implementing HACCP system in the processing units and residue monitoring in the aquafarming sector to ensure food safety. Ornamental Fish Trade Developed countries are getting more and more interested in ornamental fish keeping, which is the second most popular hobby after photography. There is a steady growth in aquarium fish trade with the growing interest in aquarium fishes. The retail value of the global ornamental fish trade is US$ 6 billion whereas wholesale value is US$ 1 billion. The entire industry including accessories and fish feed, is estimated to be worth around US$ 18-20 billion. Out of nearly 8000 marine ornamental, only 25 are bred in captivity and more than 90% of freshwater fish are captive bred. Ornamental fish are imported by more than 120 countries, among them the EU is the major importer, followed by North America, and Japan. In the EU, UK holds 19% of the trade share whereas Germany holds 18% of it. France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Italy are also

major importers of ornamental fish. In North America, USA plays the role of largest importer with 85% share. Singapore is the largest exporter of ornamental fishes with exports doubles that of other exporters. India has most suitable climate, bio diversity, manpower and abundant water resources. But India’s share in global ornamental fish trade is very less as India dominates in wild caught species. Also, the unit value of ornamental fish is higher than the food fish in our domestic markets. India is the first country to prepare strategies and measures aimed at the sustainable development of freshwater ornamental fish sector. A task force was formed by MPEDA for the purpose and brought out ‘Green Certification Guidelines for Freshwater ornamental fishes’, which is acknowledged as a welcome move the stakeholders across various countries. Shrimps More than 85 species of shrimps are known to exist in Indian waters and 55 among them are reported to be commercially more important and having considerable demand in international market. Among these, the post larvae and juveniles get into the estuarine waters, grow and then migrate back to the sea for reproduction. These species breed at different depths of the sea and among them. Species such as Fenneropenaeus indicus, Penaeus monodon, P. merguiensis, P. semisulcatus, Metapenaeus monoceros, M. affinis, M. Dobson and Parapenaeopsis stylifera, are having high demand in domestic and international markets. P. monodon is widely farmed along the coastal states. Besides, India also produces exotic Pacific Whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei in sizeable quantity. During 2012-13, the contribution of cultured shrimp to the total shrimp export was 72.26% compared to 55% in 2011-12. The export of cultured shrimp shown tremendous growth of 32.55% in quantity and 83.96% in dollar terms in 2013. There is a marked reduction in the export of Black Tiger which was greatly compensated by L. Vannamei shrimp, which had shown a tremendous growth to 1,34,372 MT in 2013 from 69565 MT in 2012. ANCHOR INDIA

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Marine Products Export Development Authority The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) is a statutory body set up by the Government of India under the MPEDA Act 1972. The MPEDA functions under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India. The role of MPEDA as per the statute is, promotion of raw material production by capture & culture fisheries, processing, marketing, extension, export standards and training in various aspects of the industry. The MPEDA has various activities in its fold, ranging from regulatory function to operating financial assistance schemes for the stakeholders of the seafood producing and processing sector, registration of fishing vessels, pre-processing units, processing units, cold storages, marine product exporters and ornamental fish breeding units through its field offices in all the maritime states of India. The MPEDA has two Trade Promotion Offices functioning at Tokyo, Japan & New York, USA. During the financial year 2012-13, Exports of marine products reached an all-time high of Rs 18,856 crores. Marine product exports, crossed all previous records in quantity, rupee value and US $ terms. Exports aggregated to 928215 tonnes valued at Rs. 18856.26 crores and USD 3511.67 million. Compared to the previous year, seafood exports recorded a growth of 7.68% in quantity, 13.61% in rupee and 0.1% growth in US$ earnings respectively. Frozen Shrimp continued to be the major export value item accounting a share of 51.35% of the total US $ earnings. Shrimp exports during the period increased by 20.88%, 18.73% and 3.56% in quantity, rupee value and US$ value respectively. South East Asia continued to be the largest buyer of Indian marine products in 2013 with a share of 23.12% in terms of US $ value realisation. European Union (EU) is the second largest market with a share of 22.14% followed by USA (21.29%), Japan (10.61%), China (7.67%), Middle East (5.96%) and Other Countries by 9.22%. The estimated potential brackish water area suitable for shrimp farming is about 1.2 million hectare of which

around 15% is utilized for farming, producing about 2.72 lakh tons of shrimp, scampi, crab, tilapia and seabass which is going to the export basket. India’s total fishery production is about 8.0 million tons from both capture and aquaculture sources. During the year 2012-13, shrimp aquaculture production has increased significantly. The Black Tiger shrimp production was around 1,23,303 MT from an area of 93,110 ha. The production of vannamei shrimp was 1,47,516 MT from 22,715 ha area. The production of scampi during the year was 6464 MT. Diversification in aquaculture practices are promoted through trials on cage culture of Asian Seabass, grouper and tilapia, demonstration of mud crab culture and soft shell crab production. India produced 747 MT Mud crab and 474 MT Seabass and 77 MT of Tilapia for export during 2012-13. Cobia and Tilapia are the fish varieties that hold immense potential for export production. Simultaneously, MPEDA is actively pursuing its organic aquaculture programme launched in 2007. It has also achieved production of organic scampi first time in the world. MPEDA supports ornamental fish production and export in various states to increase production base and quality. It has also brought in Green Certification guidelines for the first time in the world for Freshwater ornamental fish with an aim to inculcate sustainable development of the sector. India is one among the biggest seafood processing hub in Asia with 470 processing units, of which 266 units have been approved by EU with a freezing capacity of over 18,520 MT/day. The MPEDA has a system in place to ensure quality control regime that comply International standards for seafood and hygiene. MPEDA implements pre-harvest screening of antibiotics in farmed shrimps through its 20 ELISA labs and other residues under a regular monitoring plan through its three NABL accredited labs. Besides, MPEDA has also set up three societies, viz., NETFISH, NaCSA and RGCA to provide adequate attention in the fields of capacity building and applied research. Network for Fish Quality Management and ANCHOR INDIA

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Sustainable Fishing (NETFISH), is established for capacity building of both fishing and fish processing sectors at the grass root level in order to improve the quality of fishery products, and works in close coordination with international and national institutions of excellence in the field of extension and training. National Center for Sustainable Aquaculture (NaCSA), organizes small farmers to form primary aquaculture societies, provides technical support to build their capacity to produce quality shrimps in a sustainable manner. It also facilitates linkages between aquaculture stake holders, implement voluntary guidelines on Best Management Practices, and formulate strategies that benefit the entire shrimp farming community. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture (RGCA) is the Research & Development arm of MPEDA that has evolved as a Centre of Excellence in Aquaculture. RGCA is actively involved in the development of various sustainable aquaculture technologies for different aquatic species having export potential. It has a state-of-the-art technology transfer and training centre to disseminate the technologies developed to the interested stakeholders. RGCA is developing SPF brood stock of Black Tiger Shrimp in its research facility situated in the A&N islands. RGCA has also set up a central quarantine facility for the first time in India at Chennai to check the imported Specific Pathogen Free L. vannamei shrimp brood stock. As a part of promotional activities MPEDA participates in various national and international trade fairs wherein the activities and strength of the sector is showcased. Besides, it also organizes India International Seafood Show and Aqua Aquaria India, which are international exhibitions respectively for the seafood processing and aquaculture / ornamental fish culture sectors. MPEDA has a vision to make India a leading player in seafood production and processing. For more information: The Marine Products Export Development Authority, MPEDA House, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi-682 036, Kerala, India, Tel: +91 484 2311979, Fax: 2313361, Email: [email protected], Web:

India is one of the largest producers of coconut in the world. Coconut in India is predominantly a small holders crop contributing to about Rs.2,00,000 million annually which is about 2% of the contribution of agriculture and allied sectors. More than 10 million farming families are dependent on this crop for their livelihood. Even though a ANCHOR INDIA

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major producer of coconut, India consumes more than 40% of its coconut production of 22238 million nuts per annum as raw nuts for culinary and religious purposes. 30% of the production is utilized for conversion to copra, 25% for tender nut, 0.05% for seed purposes and hardly 4% is utilized for value addition and industrial purposes. Coconut has the

advantage of having hundreds of uses which no other oil seed or horticultural crop can claim. Coconut products and by-products can be commercially utilized for multiple purposes. Coconut is a food as well as an oil seed crop. It is also a source of fiber, timber and fuel. Coconut palm is also a beverage crop in many states in the country. Coconut

palm is also a beverage crop in many states in the country.. The dried kernel or the copra is the richest source of cooking oil of Kerala. Coconut oil is also used as hair oil, body oil and industrial oil throughout the country. It is an illuminant and lubricant as well. Coconut oil is an ingredient in most of the premium cosmetic products. ANCHOR INDIA

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Coconut oil yields many oleo chemicals which have wide applications in various sectors. It can also be converted into bio-diesel. The timber of coconut is used in house construction and to make furniture, wall panels, show pieces and floor tiles. The inflorescence of coconut is used to make ayurvedic medicines. Tender coconut is used as a nutritious health and sports drink and is a base for many ayurvedic preparations. The water of mature nut yields products such as vinegar, jelly, nata de coco and wine. The shell is used as a fuel besides manufacturing various commercial products like shell powder, shell charcoal, shell based activated carbon, ice cream cups, buttons of garments, utility articles and show pieces. The soft bud of the palm is edible and nutritious. Spongy ball like haustorium developing inside the nut when stored over a period is a sweet delicacy which can be exploited as a commercial value added product. The leaf of the palm is used for thatching houses. Dried leaves are used as fuel besides serving as country torch in villages. The spindle leaf is used for decoration and costuming in folk dances. The midribs of leaves are used to make brooms, fish traps, baskets and tongue cleaners. The husk yields fiber and pith. The fiber is made into hundreds of products, which enjoy both domestic and export market. The pith is a soil conditioner and rooting medium besides having many other uses. The spathe and stipules are used as fuel and for manufacturing handicrafts. It is rightly said “The coconut palm is alone sufficient to build, rig and freight a ship with bread, wine, water, oil, vinegar, sugar and other commodities”. The various products of coconut other than copra and coconut oil offer a vast scope for further development, value addition and commercialization. A large number of products are developed from coconut. However due to paucity of space, this article covers only the major products developed from coconut, coconut water, coconut kernel and coconut shell. ANCHOR INDIA

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Coconut for health and wealth Coconut is having a product basket with value added products like virgin coconut oil, desiccated coconut, coconut milk, coconut milk powder and milk cream. Flavoured coconut milk, coconut milk curd, yogurt, cheese and ice cream are the other novel and innovative products that can be developed from coconut which is already having good demand both in the domestic and international markets. The nutritional and therapeutic benefits of fresh coconut kernel, coconut milk extracted from coconut kernel, coconut oil extracted from dried kernel, virgin coconut oil, derived from coconut milk, tender and mature coconut water etc are being discussed world over. This indicates that like other essential commodities there exists a consistent demand for coconut and coconut products. Coconut Juice, diabetic friendly neera cookies and coconut chips are few of the new generation innovative coconut products for better health and wealth Coconut Juice – a Ready to Serve Beverage Coconut juice is a popular choice of vegans and makes a good base for smoothies, milkshakes or can be used as a dairy alternative in baking which is prepared with the base of coconut milk. Coconut milk is the oil-protein –water emulsion obtained by squeezing fresh grated coconut kernel. It can be obtained by manual or mechanical extraction of comminuted coconut meat with water. The composition of coconut milk depends on the amount of water used for the extraction, affecting significantly moisture and fat content. Freshly extracted coconut milk has a pH of 6. Coconut milk can be processed as a nutritional health beverage with varying flavours according to consumer acceptability. Unlike cow’s milk, coconut milk is lactose free and can be used as a milk substitute by those with lactose intolerance. A technology for processing flavoured coconut juice has been developed by CDB Institute of Technology. Fresh green nuts with 9-10 months maturity are suitable for processing of flavoured milk. The

milk extracted from young fresh nut is thick and is less in fat content. The fresh nut water is mixed with the extracted juice so as to enrich the nutrient contents. Consistency is made in such a way to get acceptance as a ready to drink beverage. An average yield of 800 – 1000 ml flavoured coconut juice is obtained from one nut. Flavoured coconut juice contains fat mostly in the form of Medium Chain Saturated Fatty Acids (MCFAs) of which 50% is contributed by lauric acid. Lauric acid is converted in the body into a highly beneficial compound called monolaurin, an antiviral and antibacterial properties that destroys a wide variety of disease causing organisms. It is therefore now accepted that consumption of coconut juice may help protect the body from infections and viruses. Flavoured coconut juice is a wholesome and nutritious drink. So it can be considered as a functional food since it provides additional health benefits apart from nutritional constituents. Tender Coconut Water Tender coconut water serves as a mineral drink with therapeutic properties that help in regaining the vitality of the human body. The characteristic flavor of tender coconut is contributed by delta lactones. Glucose and fructose form an important constituent of the tender nut water. Tender Coconut Water contains most of the minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper, magnesium etc. Tender Coconut Water has become popular as an emerging, natural and healthy product. Packaged Tender Coconut Water The Coconut Development Board in collaboration with the Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL), Mysore has developed a technology for preservation and packing of tender coconut water in pouches and aluminum cans. The DFRL, Mysore has succeeded in retention of its flavour when packed in pouches/aluminum cans for a period of three months under ambient conditions and six months under refrigerated conditions. The product has acclaimed ANCHOR INDIA

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consumer acceptance throughout the country. The products are available in both domestic and international markets. Major exporters of the product are Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Coconut Chips Coconut chips are a ready to eat snack prepared from 9-10 months old coconuts. It can be prepared by dehydrating the intermediate moisture coconut kernel. Coconut Chips is crispy and can be packaged and marketed in laminated aluminium pouches, which will have a shelf life of 6 months. Since it is in ready-to-eat form, it could be used as snacks at any time. Coconut chips with different flavours can be prepared by adding the required flavour essence in the osmotic medium. Instead of sweet, salted coconut chips and medicated coconut chips can also be prepared by suitable change in the osmotic medium. Coconut Milk Coconut Milk refers to the oil-protein-water emulsions obtained by squeezing fresh grated coconut kernel. Coconut milk is obtained by extraction of fresh coconut wet gratings with/without water. This is an instant product, which can either be used directly/diluted with water to make various preparations such as fish & meat dishes, curries, sweets, deserts, puddings, cocktails, cakes, cookies, coconut jam, ice creams etc. It can also be used in the manufacture of bakery products and for flavouring food stuffs. Preserved forms of coconut milk such as canned cream or milk and dehydrated whole milk are now available in many coconut growing countries. Spray Dried Coconut Milk powder Coconut milk powder is the dehydrated form of the coconut milk. This product has a good keeping quality and retains the natural flavor, texture and taste of coconut milk. CDB in collaboration with the CFTRI has developed technology for spray drying of coconut milk, which is the most potential method for preservation of flavour and texture of coconut

milk with good keeping quality. The product has consumer demand in both domestic and international markets. Spray dried milk powder is produced on a commercial scale in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and India. Virgin Coconut Oil VCO can be produced from fresh comminuted coconut kernel or coconut milk. Different production processes are adopted depending upon the scale of operations, degree of mechanisms and investment available. CDB in association with CFTRI has developed the technology for cold processing of VCO Ball Copra Ball copra is made by storing unhusked coconuts in a suitable store, which is usually a two-storey brick and mortar building, the floor and the four sides of the upper storey being made of wooden bars spaced two to three inches apart. Fully ripe nuts of twelve to fourteen months are stored in the upper floor of the store. They are frequently stirred and smoked by a slow fire, set under the platform using coconut palm waste or cheap firewood. During the period of storage, the water inside the nuts gets dried up and the kernel gets detached from the shell. The entire process takes eight to twelve months. When quite dry, the nuts are husked, the shells are broken with a heavy iron knife and the copra balls removed. The copra is clean, white inside and sweet in taste and is therefore highly priced. Neera The vascular sap collected from immature unopened coconut inflorescence is popularly known as ‘Neera’ in fresh form. It is a sugar containing juice and is a delicious health drink and a rich source of sugars, minerals and vitamins. It is sweet and oyster white in colour and translucent. It is tapped from the coconut inflorescence and is filtered, pasteurized, and bio preservatives added to preserve the product. Processed Neera can be preserved ANCHOR INDIA

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in cans upto 2 months at room temperature. It can also be packed in tetra packs or glass bottles. Tapping can be done for 6 months in an year. Neera is popular as a delicious health drink. It is good for digestion, facilitates clear urination and prevents jaundice. Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s It has been identified that insulin deficiency and insulin resistance in the brain (now termed asType 3 diabetes) are important hallmarks of Alzheimer ’s disease (AD). Glucose utlisation is greatlyreduced in areas of the brain affected by AD, however ketone uptake is normal in the affectedareas. Ketones are known to serve as an alternative fuel to the brain and other organs, except the liver.Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) oil is partly converted to ketones in the liver resulting in mild ketosis.Studies using MCT oil demonstrate improved cognition in nearly half of the people with mild cognitiveimpairment or AD and coconut oil is about 50% MCT. Coconut oil is rich in medium chain fatty acids(MCFA) unlike most other dietary fats that are rich in long chain fatty acids. MCFA are transported tothe liver via the portal vein and are more readily converted to ketone bodies. Since decreased sugarmetabolism is a key hallmark of AD, ketone bodies are being considered beneficial for individualsdeveloping (or with) memory impairment as ketone bodies serve as an important alternativeenergy source in the brain. Additionally mounting evidence also support the concept that coconutmay be beneficial in the treatment of the common risk factors associated with cardiovasculardisease, type-2 diabetes and AD such as obesity, dyslipidaemia, elevated LDL, insulin resistance and hypertension.Phenolic compounds present in coconut may potentially inhibit a key step in AD pathogenesis via their beta amyloid anti aggregation properties. Coconut Development Board Export of coconut products have increased manyfold as a result of various export promotion activities undertaken

by the Coconut Development Board. Export Products are directed at around 84 countries of the world. The Board is planning to undertake export promotion activities in overseas markets by sending trade delegations to potential markets, organizing participation in the important trade fairs/exhibitions etc. so as to penetrate into new potential markets and to consolidate in the already explored export markets. With an eye on the export market the Board has developed different value added products in association with the leading research institutions in the country viz. DFRL, CFTRI etc. It is expected that many of these products could find export markets.

The Board is also exploring the possibility of exporting particleboards made from the softwood waste of coconut trees and coconut oil based herbal formulations. In order to help coconut products exporters the Board is in the process of setting up a web portal, which would provide export trade lead, and business trade leads generation. For more information: Coconut Development Board (Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India), KeraBhavan, Kochi - 682 011, India. Tel: +91 484 2377266, 2377267 Fax: +91 484 2377902, E-mail: [email protected],[email protected] V isit: Courtesy: Coconut Development Board, Kochi - 682 011 ANCHOR INDIA

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Genus of plant : Coffea, Family : Rubiaceae Class of plant : Dicotyledoneae Coffee is the most widely used beverage worldwide. Coffee with its caffeine content has a stimulating effect in humans. It is a widely consumed stimulant beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called beans, of the coffee plant. Coffee is a black color beverage, which consumers take in the morning itself as bed coffee. It is useful against numerous illnesses, particularly those of the stomach. Coffee was first consumed in the 9th century, when it was discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide. Coffee berries, which contain the coffee bean, are produced by several species of small evergreen bush of the genus Coffea. The two most commonly grown species are Coffea canephora and Coffea arabica. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed, and dried. The seeds are then roasted, undergoing several physical and chemical changes. They are roasted to various degrees, depending on the desired flavor. They are then ground and brewed to create coffee. Coffee can be prepared and presented by a variety of methods. During roasting, aromatic oils, acids changing the flavor; at 205 °C (400 °F), other oils start to develop. One of these oils is caffeol, created at about 200 °C (392 °F), which is largely responsible for coffee’s aroma and flavor. Coffee has played an important role in many societies throughout modern history. In Africa and Yemen, it was used in religious ceremonies. Many studies have examined the relationship between coffee consumption and certain medical conditions. Coffee appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer ’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver etc. From ninth century, from the highlands of Ethiopia, it spread to Egypt and Yemen, and by the 15th century, had reached Azerbaijan, Persia, Turkey, and northern Africa, then to Italy, and the rest of Europe, Indonesia, and to the Americas. Even though Coffee is an ANCHOR INDIA

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everyday word, it also has got certain qualifications to claim, unlike any other plant species. The modern Green House concept was first tried with Coffee plants by King Louis XIV of France who was an avid Coffee drinker. Coffee was also the first plant to be grafted, and that apart it was the first plant to spread the whole planet as an agricultural crop. It is believed that Coffee beans first originated in Ethiopia in a region called Kaffa. Historical books mention that roasting of Coffee began around Damascus, because of the availability of a special kind of iron, which could handle the thermal characteristics required for roasting Coffee seeds. It also says that Coffee beans were being chewed raw for many centuries. Originally Coffee drinking became popular because of Ottoman Sultan who ruled Istanbul. He noticed that Coffee is getting recognition more than he wanted so he banned the trade of Coffee in 1543, but it is a fact that the first Coffee house was established in Istanbul during 1544. Coffee houses started to spread everywhere, and people used to hang out in these pubs to spend their leisure time listening to music, play some games, and also for discussions. Coffee came to India through a man called Baba Budan who smuggled a few Coffee seeds from Arabia, by hiding it onto his belly. He then planted it in the jungles near Chickmangalur in Karnataka state in south India, where he belongs. Now, this variety officially known as Old Chick supplies one third of India’s Coffee needs, the rest is being imported. India stands 7 th among the top coffee producing country in the world. Brazil and Columbia are the topers. In India coffee is mostly grown in Chikkamangalore of Karnataka 3/4th of Indian market need is fulfilled from Chikkamangalore coffee. Coffee berries and their seeds undergo several processes before they become the familiar roasted coffee. First, coffee berries are picked, generally by hand. Then they are sorted by ripeness and color and the flesh of the berry is removed, usually by machine, and the seeds - usually called beans - are fermented to

remove the slimy layer of mucilage still present on the bean. When the fermentation is finished, the beans are washed with large quantities of fresh water to remove the fermentation residue, which generates massive amounts of highly polluted coffee wastewater. Finally, the seeds are dried; the best, but least utilized method of drying coffee is by using drying tables. In this method the pulped and fermented coffee is spread thinly on raised beds, which allows the air to pass on all sides of the coffee. The next step in the process is the roasting of the green coffee. Coffee may be brewed by several methods: boiled, steeped, or pressured. Brewing coffee by boiling was the earliest method, and Turkish coffee is an example. It is prepared by powdering the beans with a mortar and pestle, then adding the powder to water and bringing it to a boil in a pot. This produces a strong coffee with a layer of foam on the surface. Machines such as percolators or automatic coffeemakers brew coffee by gravity. Ground coffee and hot water are combined in a coffee press and left to brew for a few minutes. A plunger is then depressed to separate the coffee grounds, which remain at the bottom of the container. Because the coffee grounds are in direct contact with the water, all the coffee oils remain in the beverage, making it stronger and leaving more sediment than in coffee made by an automatic coffee machine. Botanical description of Coffee Coffee has become a vital cash crop for many Third World countries. Coffee is from the family Rubiaceae and an evergreen shrub or small tree that may grow 5 meters tall. The leaves are dark green and glossy, usually 100–150 millimeters long and 60 millimeters wide. It produces clusters of fragrant white flowers that bloom simultaneously. The fruit berry is oval, about 15 millimeters long and green when immature, but ripens to yellow, then crimson, becoming black on drying. Each berry usually ANCHOR INDIA

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contains two seeds. Coffee is usually propagated by seeds. The traditional method of planting coffee is to put 20 seeds in each hole at the beginning of the rainy season; half are eliminated naturally. The first Coffee plants grew wild to a height of 30 feet in the African tropical forests. But in systematic plantation practices the plant is pruned and kept at a height of about15 feet, for easy picking of the Coffee berries. While Robusta is a shrub and grows like a bush spread out with several trunks, the Arabica plant is of a smaller variety. Coffee plant produces white flowers at the axils of the leaves in thick clusters. A ripe Coffee berry is red in colour and when it starts maturing it turns to bright red and then to reddish brown and finally falls down to the ground. As a normal harvesting practice, many planters pick it up from the ground, but most of them pluck it when it turns red in colour. Coffee plants are best grown in higher altitudes in tropical 25 degree latitude on either sides of the equator. To escape the infection of various parasites, Coffee plants are grown at an elevation of 3000 to 6000 feet MSL. Coffee plants does not agree to too much of sunlight, so when it grows on mountain slopes it gets the natural advantage of getting only half a days sunlight. They best suits to filtered or moderate sunlight which peeps though overhead shady trees. Coffee yields for more than 50 years. Coffee Board Coffee Board is a statutory organization under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India, constituted under the Coffee Act VII of 1942. The Board consists of a Chairman appointed by the Govt. of India and 32 members representing the various interests like members of Parliament, representatives from Governments of principal coffee growing states viz. Karnataka, Kerala Tamil Nadu and A.P., representatives of large coffee growers, small coffee growers, coffee trade interests, coffee curing establishments, labour interests, coffee growing states other than principal coffee growing states, consumer

interests, instant coffee manufacturers, eminent personality in the filed of Research/Marketing/Management/Promotion of coffee. The Mission of the Board is to function as the leader in conducting research, providing extension support to improve production, productivity and quality; undertaking promotional efforts to boost exports and domestic consumption; gathering statistical and other relevant data concerning the industry and disseminate the information to various segments of the industry; to act as the recognized spokesperson on behalf of the coffee industry to the Government, media, trade and general public; and to guide the overall growth and development of the coffee industry in the country. Coffee Board represents the Indian Coffee Industry in various international forums like International Coffee Organization (ICO), International Science Organizations, Specialty Coffee Associations etc and associate with them for the overall benefit of the coffee industry. Conduct focused research on coffee to achieve improved production, productivity and quality. Transfer of technology from lab to land and implement various development programmes like replanting, new planting, water augmentation, quality up-gradation etc. through the extension network spread all over the country. Carry out various export promotion activities like participation in overseas trade fairs, organizing Buyer-Seller Meets, Coffee Tasting sessions, visits of Roaster delegations from abroad to Indian Coffee tracts etc. Take up domestic promotion efforts to increase domestic consumption. Regular dissemination of market information. To provide policy formulation advice to Government relating to coffee. Provide necessary support to the planters in crisis and carry out necessary Labour Welfare Measures. Help upgradation of quality of coffee produced in India. Various other coffee industry related issues coming up from time to time. For more information: Coffee Board, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, No.1, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore - 01, Tel: +91 80 22266991- 6994, Fax : +91 80 22255557, Email: [email protected],

Tea industry occupies an important place and plays a very useful role in the national economy mainly due to its preeminence as a foreign exchange earner and its contributions to the country’s GDP. Over the years, India has emerged to

be the world leader in production, consumption and export of tea with over 30% share of the global production. It is perhaps the only industry where India has retained its leadership over the last 150 years. Tea production in India ANCHOR INDIA

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has a very interesting history to it. Tea plantations are mainly located in rural hills and backward areas of Northern Eastern and Southern states. The major tea growing areas in India are concentrated in Assam, West Bengal, Tamilnadu and Kerala. The other areas growing tea to the extent is Karnataka, Tripura, Himachal Pradesh, ANCHOR INDIA

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Uttranchal, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Bihar. Tea known as Cha, Chai in India and in Sri Lanka is a very common drink, sipped regularly during the mornings and evenings. Courtesy demands most of us to offer Tea to our guests both at homes and in our offices. During conferences and business

meetings an interval is set apart known as Tea break. It is a common phenomenon to find Tea shops partic-ularly in India and in most Asian countries. In Kerala it is called Chaya Kada in Tamilnadu it is called Tea Kada and in northern parts of India it is called Chai Ki Dukhan. It is a pleasure to watch the tea makers making tea for their customers. India

is the largest producer and consumer of black tea in the world. Tea is grown in 15 States in India, of which Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala account for about 95% of the total tea production. The traditional States where tea is grown to a small extent are Tripura, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar and Karnataka. The nonANCHOR INDIA

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traditional States that have entered the tea map of India in the recent years include Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Sikkim. The teas originating from Darjeeling, Assam and Nilgiris are well known for their distinctive quality the world over. Tea exports contribute foreign exchange into the country; the sector also contributes revenue to the tea growing states and national exchequer by way of VAT, agricultural and corporate income tax, etc. The tea industry provides direct employment to more than a million workers, of which a sizeable number are women. Additionally, more than six million people derive their livelihood from ancillary activities associated with the industry. Botanical description of tea Botanists call Tea as Camellia sinensis, which belong to the Theaceae family, a Tea family member. They have recognized that tea come in two varieties. One is Camellia sinenses var. sinenses which has come from China and the other is Camellis sinensis var. assamica from Assam or can be called as Indian Tea. Even though Tea is an evergreen shrub who can grow up to a height of 17 meters, it is pruned and kept at a height of 2 meters for easy harvesting of the buds and shoots. They have bright shiny greenish leaves with a hairy underside. Its flowers are aromatic and will be single or in clusters of 2 to 4. The brownish-green fruits contain 1 to 4 of spherical shaped or flattened seeds. History of Tea Tea has a history dating back to 4500 years. Chinese mythology says that in 2737 BC, the then emperor, Shen Nung, who was a Scholar as well as an herbalist had the first cup of Tea in the world, and that too as an accident. The story goes like this. The Emperor’s servant was boiling water while they were out in the forest; suddenly a leaf fell into the bubbling water, but the Emperor instead of removing the leaf decided to try the brew. This is how the first cup of Tea originated in the world. Later, tea was researched out for its properties as a healthy refreshing drink. The benefits of Tea drinking derives from the many stories which were ANCHOR INDIA

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told as well as written, mainly during the third century AD, and from the Tang Dynasty (618 AD – 906 AD) Tea was declared as China’s national drink, and also the word Ch’a was used as the term to describe tea. Chinese author Lu Yu was the first person to write a book about Tea, which was titled Ch’a Ching. It comprises of three volumes, and explains in detail about its growth, making and also about it’s drinking. It also had illustrations of many utensils, historical notes, names of ancient famous tea plantations etc. There was also a mention about the Japanese Tea Ceremony and how it inspired the Buddhist priests. The Chinese were sole suppliers of tea to the world till the Japanese broke their stranglehold in the 9th century and the first business rivalry was kicked off. Tea time for India and indeed the rest of the western world began with the advent of the British. According to records, the seeds of Darjeeling tea – often called the champagne of teas – were planted in 1841. But commercial production began only in 1852. The second half of the 19th century saw a massive expansion of tea cultivation in India. Amazing strides Today Indian Tea Industry is having about 1692 registered tea manufacturers, 2200 registered tea exporters, 5548 number of registered tea buyers and nine tea auction centers. The total turnover of the tea industry is around Rs. 10,000 crores. Since independence tea production has grown over 250%, while land area has just grown by 40%. There has been a considerable increase in export too in the past few years. Total net foreign exchange earned by Indian tea industry per annum is around Rs 1847 crores. The labour intensive tea industry directly employs over 1.1 million workers and generates income for another 10 million people approximately. Women constitute 50% of the workforce. The Indian tea industry has grown to own many global tea brands, and has evolved to one of the most technologically equipped tea industries in the world. Tea trading Tea trading in the domestic market is done in two waysAuction and Private Selling. Six major auction centers in India

are, Calcutta, Guwahati, Siliguri, Cochin, Coonoor, Coimbatore. The export market for Indian Teas are mainly in the Russian and CIS countries with 90 million kgs of the total exports going to these countries. This is equivalent to 43% of India’s Tea exports. India exports Tea to most of the European Countries, U.S.A. Japan, West Asia and the Asia Pacific Region. In fact, there is hardly any country where Indian Tea is not found. The range of tea offered by India - from the original Orthodox to CTC and Green Tea, from the aroma and flavour of Darjeeling Tea to the strong Assam and Nilgiri Tea- remains unparalleled in the world. Tea production, certification, exportation, and all other facets of the tea trade in India is controlled by the Tea Board of India. Tea Board Tea Board was set up as a statutory body on 1st April, 1954 as per Section (4) of Tea Act 1953. As an apex body it looks after the overall development of the tea industry. The Board is headed by a Chairman and consists of 30 members appointed by Government of India representing various interests pertaining to Tea Industry. The Board’s Head office is situated in Kolkata and there are two zonal offices - one for North Eastern Region at Jorhat in Assam and another for Southern Region at Coonoor in Tamil Nadu. Under the control of these offices there are ten field offices spread over in all the major tea growing states. It has also three overseas offices at London, Moscow and Dubai whose activities are mostly promotional in nature. Tea Board has wide functions and responsibilities which include extending financial and technical assistance to the tea growers, manufacturers and producers, workers welfare, export and domestic promotion, quality improvement, regulating and control of various facets of tea trade including that of Tea Auctions, facilitating R&D activities, collection, collation and dissemination statistical data etc. For more information: Tea Board, 14, B.T.M. Sarani, Kolkata - 700 001, Ph: 033 2235 1331, Web:

Over the years, man’s desire for decorating his place of living with natural and sustainable methods has been on the rise. The latest fashion accessory is coir. Being natural and eco-friendly, Coir comes in an exquisite range of colours and combines elements of good designs with functional value for the home or office. What distinguishes coir from other alternate products is the unique comfort it provides, regardless of the climate, that perfect warmth during winter and a cool feeling during summer. Coir, it saves earth, adds life and beauty to our interiors. Coir, one of the most versatile materials man had ever extracted from Mother nature, has travelled a long way since its humble beginnings in Kerala centuries back. Today, in its multifold manifestations coir touches every facet of man’s life and activities from door mats to rugs, rubberised coir mattresses, decorative rugs, tufted carpets, geotextiles, garden articles and wood substitutes. Through centuries the Indian Coir has carved a niche for itself and created a genre of its own, only because of its superior quality and the excellent craftsmanship this sector have. The Indian Coir is unique for its rich golden colour and texture. Now coir is not just a door mat. The green movement has launched coir into a hot commodity globally. Coir is available in a mindboggling range, from live-in-style products to geotextiles and garden articles. With the green waves riding high, definitely coir is making a lifestyle fashion statement as it is ecofriendly, durable and affordable. Coir is a bi-product of coconut. Coconut rooted its presence from the Vedic period itself in India. Valmiki had given references about coconut in Ramayana. Marcopolo, the famous traveler called coconut as ‘Indian nut’. As per studies historians argue coconut cultivation started in Kerala after the arrival of Portuguese. Ropes and cordages made from coconut fibres were in use from centuries ago. Indian navigators used coir as ship’s cables and for riggers even during ancient times. The first coir industry was recorded to be in U.K, and first coir factory in India, in Alleppey of Kerala. As per records 1859 is the year ANCHOR INDIA

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when an Alleppey factory started producing coir, coir mats, mattresses, floor matting etc. The wide sandy beaches of Kerala on the west to the Western Ghats are glorified with the presence of coconut. This tree which belongs to the Palmacea family with long slender pinnate leaves is known as ‘Kalpavriksha’. From the top to bottom this tree is used for various purposes. Name of the state Kerala itself means the Land of Keras (coconut trees). Husk of the coconut is used to make coir. In olden days this husk was thrown away as a waste or used as a fuel. Later this waste husk became the hero of Kerala’s economy. India accounts for more than two-thirds of the world production of coir and coir products. Developing world gives more importance to this Industry and 90% of the production is shared by India and Sri Lanka. Out of this 60 % of the production is mainly from Kerala, especially Alleppey district. Costal areas of Alleppey and Quilon are the major producers of coir among which Alleppey can be considered as the nerve of coir industry. Over millions of people are employed in this cottage industry which is the largest traditional Industry of Kerala. Both men and women are employed in this industry. Women are mainly involved in the yarn spinning sector and the men in the product weaving sector. Most of the families in Alleppey District earn their livelihood through the coir industry. A journey through the Alleppey district will explain the power of coir in this area. This district itself is blessed with a mind blowing natural scenic beauty with a lot of lakes, ponds, inter-linked canals. All these environmental blessings express that this coir industry is especially meant for the Alleppey people, though they promote tourism also to maximize the exploration of the natural treasures blessed by the God. Presence of coir products can be seen every where with great importance. Coir ropes to coir mattress, various ranges of products are now produced by coir industry. Coir ropes are used in agricultural sector to industrial sector, ranging from different strength to measures, thickness to length. Majority of the families in Alleppey earn their

livelihood by producing handmade coir. Government gives full support to this sector by helping to form societies and marketing federations etc. Coir mats are made very beautifully and used in houses, vehicles, commercial concerns etc. Various designed door mats are available in the market. Car mats for all types of vehicles are produced at par with the production of new generation vehicles. Coir mattresses are supposed to be the best for health conditions if we sleep in this. Coir net cots were used in Kerala from very ancient period onwards. These mattresses compete even with the latest sponge mattresses in quality and price. So many handicraft products are also made by coir. Colorful, attractive antique looking products made of coir attract not only Indians but also tourists from foreign countries. Attraction for coir products also started many years back. Coir products attract export business in its new fashion than from the olden style. Now all the coir products are exported and our country earns a good amount of revenue from this. The traditional values of our state also are connected with every functions and festivals we celebrate. The bio-factor in this industry is very important as the waste has been converted to such an economically valuable product. The pith and dust removed after taking the fibres for coir production are biodegradable and believed to be useless. Now this also is used for mulching, soil treatment and as a hydroponics growth medium. Researches and new innovations are donated from the coir field in many ways. Rubberized coir products also now get an attraction and importance in the market. Small to big emporiums, highway side shops to coir show rooms in the state shows the importance of coir in Kerala. The Coir Industry Coir industry is a traditional, labour intensive, export oriented, agro based cottage industry. The industry originated in the State of Kerala centuries ago and over the years it has spread over to other coconut growing States like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, etc. Coconut husk which was considered as a throw ANCHOR INDIA

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away material of the coconut is the basic raw material of this industry. The industry therefore generates wealth from waste. The industry employs more than seven lakhs of people and majority of them are from rural areas and belonging to economically weaker sections of the Society. 80% of the workforces are women. The industry is of great significance to the coconut producing States of India as coconut husk, the raw material for Coir industry, is available in abundance in regions of concentrated cultivation and this can be used for generation of income to a sizeable amount of population with relatively low investment. Coir industry is an export oriented industry and coir and coir products are exported to more than 110 countries all over the world. Coir fiber is extracted from the outer cover of coconut known as Coconut husk either by a process known as retting, practised in the State of Kerala or by mechanical decortications in vogue in States other than Kerala. The fiber is spun into coir yarn and a wide range of coir products are produced out of coir yarn. In Kerala, the coir manufacturing and its export is generally concentrated in some major areas. Ernakulam, Cherthala, Alappuzha, Kayamkulam and Kollam are important among them. The Coir Board The Coir Board was set up under the Coir Industry Act, 1953 by the Government of India, for the overall sustainable development of the Coir industry in India. The functions of the Board as laid down under the Act include undertaking, assisting and encouraging scientific, technological and economic research, modernization, quality improvement, human resource development, market promotion and welfare of all those who are engaged in this industry. With the concerted efforts of the Coir Board and the State Governments concerned, the production of coir fiber in the major coconut producing States have been making a steady progress during the past three decades. In the wake of globalization and liberalization, the Board has assumed the role of a promoter and facilitator rather than that of a regulator.

The industrial development activities undertaken by the Coir Board confines mainly to the following. Strategic interventions, Modernisation, Research and Development, Technology Upgradation, Market Promotion, Human Resource Development, Rural Employment Generation, Welfare Measures, IT Enabled Support Services, Women Empowerment and Investment Promotion and Facilitation of Credit Flow. Coir Board over the plan periods has been evolving and implementing several innovative plan schemes for the all round development of coir industry. Modernisation efforts are aimed towards improvement in productivity, enhancement in quality, elimination of drudgery in operation, product development, machinery development, evolving of environment friendly technology etc. Innovative R&D on coir are carried out under the Board by the two research institutes; the Central Coir Research Institute, Kalavoor and Central Institute of Coir Technology, Bangalore. The Central Coir Research Institute, Alleppey was established in 1959 and the Central Institute of Coir Technology, Bangalore in 1980. Whereas CCRI, Kalavoor concentrates on research concerning both the white and brown fibre sectors, CICT, Bangalore confines to the brown fibre sector. For the coming years the Board has lined up a host of promotional activities. Product based marketing missions will be sent to selected potential markets abroad besides undertaking generic publicity through selected trade magazines. Participation in more international exhibitions is another area for pushing exports. The exporters are encouraged for better utilization of provisions under the Export Market Development Assistance Scheme. This helps to boost existing markets as well as explore new ones. The results of the effort made by the Board had seen record achievements in export and domestic markets during 2010-11 onwards. The Coir and Coir Products are exported to about 116 countries all over the world. Major coir importing countries are Republic of China, USA, Netherlands, UK, South Korea, Italy, Spain, Australia, Germany, France, Canada etc. The activities of the Board for Export Market Promotion include participation in international exhibitions, Buyer ANCHOR INDIA

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Seller Meets, organizing delegations, participation in seminars & conferences, publicity abroad, providing assistance under Export Market Development Assistance Scheme, presentation of Coir Industry Awards etc. Besides, the Board facilitates the exporting community on various trade related matters including availing the benefits under various schemes like Foreign Trade Policy, Duty Draw Back Scheme of the Govt. of India, Registration as Exporter etc. Coir Udyami Yojana is the one and only credit linked subsidy scheme in the Coir Sector with a funding pattern of 40% of the project cost as Government of India Subsidy, 55% as Bank Credit and 5% as beneficiary contribution. The Scheme would cover any coir project with project cost upto Rs.10 lakhs plus working capital, which shall not exceed 25% of the project cost. The working capital shall not be considered for subsidy. The Scheme is open to individuals, Companies, Self Help Groups, Non Governmental Organizations, Institutions registered under Societies’ Registration Act 1860, Production Co-operative Societies, Joint Liability Groups and Charitable Trusts. The Scheme also provides for marketing support assistance to the beneficiaries, for marketing their products, through the Marketing Consortia established by the beneficiaries. SFURTI (Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries) aims to make traditional industries more productive and competitive and to facilitate their sustainable development with all its existing components like replacement of equipments, setting up of common facility Centers, support for development of new products, designs, packaging, market promotion, capacity building activities etc. The Board has successfully implemented 25 coir clusters during the 1st phase and has started implementation in 20 coir clusters during the 2nd phase. These clusters are from various coir producing states viz. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Gujarat, Goa, West Bengal, North East Region, A&N Islands and Lakshadweep. For more information: Coir Board, M G Road, Kochi - 682 016, Tel: +91 484 2351807, 2351788, Fax: +91 484 2370034, Toll free: 1800 425 9091, Email: [email protected], Web:

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