Edgewood Middle School profile

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The Edgewood Experience An innovative STEAM program gives students real-world experiences.

Rob Reetz, Principal 651-621-6603 [email protected]

5100 Edgewood Drive North Mounds View, MN 55112 651-621-6600 mvpschools.org/edgewood

School hours are 7:45 a.m. - 2:25 p.m. Grades 6-8 Enrollment: 715

We’re personal Every student has a Personal Learning Plan focused on post-secondary success.

A t Edgewood, teachers and staff get to know each of their students personally.

3+1 Planning Every Edgewood student and his/her parents sit with their dean to develop a “3+1 Plan” before they enter sixth grade. They plan for the three years of middle school while keeping in mind goals for high school and beyond. Deans work with students to create unique goals by analyzing academic data and personal connections. Teachers use students’ test scores and achievement data to tailor their daily instructional approach, and students and parents can view progress and receive performance benchmark data throughout the year by logging into the online parent portal, ParentVUE.

A personal program Edgewood’s comprehensive curriculum includes core classes like math, social studies, language arts and science as well as allied arts classes such as art, Spanish, integrated sciences, health and physical education, digital citizenship and coding, music and career education. Edgewood’s curriculum is based on the District’s learner outcomes, which incorporate state and national academic standards. Teachers concentrate on skills-based lessons at all levels of learning and differentiate their instruction to meet the learning needs of each student.

Schedule Each class meets every day, and class periods are 49 minutes in length -- except for 6th and 7th grade math and English language arts which are 72 minutes in length.

Instructional technology Edgewood is committed to implementing technologies that best align with instructional needs. •W ireless access points are available throughout the building, making the Internet accessible in classrooms and all areas of the school. •A ll instructional spaces are equipped with LCD projectors.

•A s part of the District’s technology vision, access to technology tools will continue to increase in classrooms. Increased access to technology provides students with opportunities to extend their learning beyond the classroom walls and allows teachers to personalize instruction to meet the needs of all students. Technology used to support high quality instruction and student learning at Edgewood includes SMART Boards, Chromebooks, iPads and laptops. These devices offer students access to online resources such as Google Apps for Education. Access to these resources provides opportunities for students to process ideas and collaborate with their peers. By integrating an arts component to the concepts of science, technology, engineering and math, Edgewood Middle School offers the curriculum enhancements of a STEAM program. This innovative curricular focus offers standards-based learning activities for students that integrate inquiry, creative expression and problem solving. The use of technology and engineering processes are applied to learning activities to engage students and promote understanding of relevant societal realities.


Teachers encourage and support my child.



Safe & supportive With the school’s dean model, students experience a supportive relationship with an adult who maintains contact with students and their families regularly.

A variety of programs and services create a welcoming, positive environment throughout Edgewood Middle School.

Dean model Replicating the successful dean model of our high schools, Edgewood assigns students to deans according to the alphabetical order of students’ last names, not to their grade levels. This way, all of the deans have experience navigating all of the grade level challenges and opportunities in our schools. Also, all deans can help students with the transitions both to middle school and from middle school into high school. Deans stay with the same students for all three years at Edgewood.

‘In the Middle’ day Every year starts with a full-day orientation for sixth-graders only. Teachers and support staff are available to help students learn how to navigate middle school life with insights on activities, a building tour, locker orientation and a review of our STEAM program.

Edgewood PRIDE Prepared, Respectful, Involved and Determined Everyday (PRIDE) is Edgewood’s plan for supporting students and recognizing positive behavior. Students celebrate their successes by earning “You Matter” postcards and attending after-school PRIDE dances and events.


Nutrition services Edgewood teaches healthy eating habits by introducing students to a wide variety of food choices. Students can enjoy breakfast and lunch and an after-school snack daily. All menus meet nutrition requirements established by the USDA. Families may apply to receive free or reduced-price meals based on need.

Notifications Ongoing communications about District and school news and events are delivered to parents and subscribers weekly via paperless e-newsletters. Emergency notifications can be delivered to all families in a matter of minutes in the event of a school closing or critical situation. The Mounds View Messaging system sends personalized voicemail and text messages to parents’ phones and email addresses simultaneously.

Students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch 41.2%

Students receiving special services Special Education 14% English as a second language 10.1%

Diversity of student population .1% .1% 9.2%

Mounds View Public Schools provides free bus service for Edgewood students living two miles or more from their school. In addition, the District offers fee-based bus service within two miles to accommodate parents’ requests for transportation assistance.

11.7% 15.8%

15% 48% Demographics and enrollment data were compiled in December 2021.

Hawaiian/Pacific Islander .1% Native American .1% Two or more categories 9.2% Asian 11.7% Hispanic 15.8% Black 15% White 48%

Connectedness Feeling connected to school is a key to academic success.

S tudents who feel connected to their school do better in school and in life beyond our walls. That’s why Edgewood Middle School emphasizes student connectedness through a variety of efforts.

Get involved Edgewood boasts an orchestra with instruction available to students in grades six-eight. Band and choir instruction is also available at all grades. Large group rehearsals are held daily in grades seven and eight and every other day in sixth grade. Instrumental lessons are held on a one-on-one or small-group basis.

Before- & after-school programs Edgewood offers a variety of academic, social and recreational activities designed for students in all grades. These before- and after-school programs offer some free, fun and constructive opportunities for students to spend their time productively. Activity buses accommodate student transportation needs during after-school hours. Activities are subject to change. • Edgewood Eagle Leaders – Students serve the Edgewood community by leading food drives, cleaning up at events and other service projects determined by group members. Eagle Leaders also lead Edgewood school spirit events such as dress-up days, holiday grams and more. • Morning gym – Students can enjoy physical activities in the gym before school. • FTC robotics team – FIRST Tech Challenge is designed for students who want to compete head-to-head using a sports model. Teams design, build and program their robots to compete on a 12’ X 12’ field in an alliance format against other teams. • Choir ensemble, jazz band and chamber orchestra – Students may audition for these various music clubs. The groups perform at school music concerts and other school-sponsored events. • Math team – Math Team encourages students to participate in math contests, enables students to meet “mathletes” from other schools and provides recognition for students excelling in mathematics. • Unified Club – Unified Club is for students who have an interest in developing meaningful relationships between students with and without disabilities. They help spread acceptance and ensure each person feels included and welcome at Edgewood. Club members have an interest in creating authentic inclusion activities inside and outside of school that change how students interact with one another on a daily basis. • “United for Success” Black History Club- Students have the opportunity to talk about leaders in the Black community, play games, watch documentaries, learn and talk about Black history and plan educational and community building events for the Edgewood and Mounds View community.

•Q uiz Bowl – Students practice their general knowledge skills in this fun, high-energy competition. Edgewood competes against other districts throughout the year. •R eading Zone, Science Zone and Math Zone – Students have quiet time to work on assignments, as well as get help from teachers and retake tests. •Y earbook club – Help take pictures and create memories for the Edgewood Yearbook. Be a part of the design team and photography group to make the yearbook unique and special. • GSA club – GSA club is a group for LGBTQ+ students and allies. Students play games, get to know each other and talk about issues related to the LGBTQ+ community.

Online parent portal Edgewood parents are encouraged to play an active role in their child’s school experience. Parents can stay connected to their student’s daily schedules, assignments, lunch balances, test scores, grades, Personal Learning Plans and report student absences using the Mounds View Public Schools online parent portal known as ParentVUE. The online portal, combined with open communication with school deans, teachers and staff, offers parents real-time information about their student’s progress, goals and more.

Communication hours In addition to the two-way communication feature in ParentVUE, Edgewood offers proactive communication hours during which teachers reach out and connect with families regarding student progress in real time.

Edgewood parents Parent/school partnerships and volunteer opportunities are available through Edgewood Parents and Teachers (EPAT).

High achievement Edgewood students perform two or more years ahead of their national peers in math and reading. – Median performance of students on the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress.

E dgewood Middle School is a member of Mounds View

• T he school that a student attends will not be the predictor of his or her success in school.

Our Pr

•S tudents’ academic performance will not fall into patterns identifiable by factors such as race, ethnicity, English language proficiency, socio-economic status and disability.

Pr Our omis e.

The Equity Promise: • Programs and services will be in place at all schools to ensure that race, gender, class and disability will not predict students’ success.

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Mounds View Public Schools uses a number of assessments to measure student performance and progress. Whether the results come from statemandated testing, District measurement systems or national rankings, Mounds View continues to hold a place among the highest-performing school districts in the state and in the nation. The District uses a number of student improvement progress indicators to measure student achievement. Learn more at mvpschools.org/ makingthegrade.

All students meet school1readiness goals. All third-grade students 2achieve grade-level literacy. achievement gaps 3forClose all student groups. All students graduate 4from high school. All students attain 5college and career readiness.


Find MCA, District and school assessment results on the Minnesota Department of Education Data Center website: https://education.mn.gov/mde/data.

Student improvement progress indicators

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Public Schools, a school district of more than 11,000 students whose test scores routinely rank in the Top 10 of metro districts. Mounds View Public Schools matches the performance and opportunities of area private schools, yet offers the value of public schools.

Post-secondary planning In eighth grade, Edgewood students take the Pre-ACT exam. This exam provides a baseline assessment for future ACT results. It also offers an effective tool for planning future high school coursework to prepare for post-secondary success.

A popular choice Year after year, we consistently enroll more than 80% of the students in our attendance area. Students who attend Edgewood Middle School will go to Irondale High School. Edgewood welcomes students in its attendance area, which includes Mounds View and parts of New Brighton and Shoreview. To enroll, residents can call 651-621-6600.


My child receives a high quality education here.



School Feeder System

Bel Air > Highview> Irondale Island Lake > Chippewa > Mounds View Pinewood > Edgewood > Irondale Sunnyside > Edgewood > Irondale Turtle Lake > Chippewa > Mounds View Valentine Hills > Highview > Irondale/Mounds View


December 2021

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