Cause and Effects of Obesity Essay example. Well I have an essay due pretty soon and I'm doing my cause and effect essay on child obesity. I have no idea how to write this essay. I'm scared because last essay I did I had a writing center grade my essay and said I did great then I got an F.. Obesity. that relates to society examples- grafitti. Causes. 539.390.721.5.. cause and effect essay help please!. UK Essays Ideas topic for cause and effect essay. Cause and Effect.How is it supposed to be structured?. For an example: you see a "black" person alone in a street and your first instinct is to clutch your purse. I don't want to do my paper on racism,. What are some causes and effects on eating junk food - Cause and Effects of Obesity Essay Would this be a good cause/effect essay topic. iim writing an important essay on it . So more causes and effect would help..please and thank you.. iim writing an important essay on it . So mo