Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UWM | Catalog | Spring 2023

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Spring 2023 Short Courses Talks Special Interest Groups Registration for courses opens Jan 10 uwm.edu/sce/osher
Brenda Thompson Osher Core Programming Committee Member



Your Osher Connections



[email protected] 414-251-5799

Table of Contents

Program Coordinator

[email protected] 414-227-3255

Member Information 3 Important Policies 4 Spring Registration Update 5 Short Courses .......................................................................6-10

Osher Talks 11-17 Special Interest Groups 18-19

Osher Core Programming Committee Members

Special thanks to the committee members who put together our course offerings:

Joan Becker Friedman [email protected]

Eva Eisman [email protected] Dennis Funk [email protected] Mary Ann Horky ............................. [email protected] Greg Jenks ............................... [email protected]

Pat Katisch [email protected] Dale Olen [email protected]

Cheryl Randall [email protected]

Brenda Thompson [email protected] Ted Tousman

......................................... [email protected] Barbara Weber

.................................... [email protected]

Osher relies on the generosity of members serving on committees to keep our programs running smoothly. Visit the “about us” page of the Osher website at uwm.edu/sce/osher for all of the ways in which you can get involved.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is a program of the UWM School of Continuing Education, which is the largest provider of professional development in southeastern Wisconsin, serving more than 15,000 participants each year and offering over 1,000 programs. As part of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, which is recognized as one of the nation’s top research universities, Continuing Education offers individual courses, certificate programs, events and conferences, as well as personal enrichment learning opportunities for all ages. Our full-service conference center, complete with classrooms, computer labs and on-site catering, is located in downtown Milwaukee.

Theme for Spring 2023: Hope and Resilience in Challenging Times

While Osher members have certainly lived through periods of national and global disruption, many of us feel we are currently living through our most challenging times. The COVID pandemic, increasing political polarization, social justice tensions, the climate crisis, global conflicts and other serious issues have caused many to experience concerns and anxiety as we confront unprecedented circumstances. In response, this semester’s theme focuses on the importance and power of Hope and Resilience in Challenging Times. This theme celebrates the potential of the human spirit to re-generate hope and optimism. Join us as we look for inspiration and wisdom to help us expand our resiliency, resourcefulness and ability to adapt during uncertain times. We have also included courses designed to help us better understand some of the critical issues facing us today.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education



Step One: Sign Up for Your Membership

Join Osher anytime! You must be a member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UWM to register for programs. It’s easy to join or renew. If you haven’t done so already, activate or renew your Osher membership online at uwm.edu/sce/osher.

First-Time Member

As a first-time member you pay a prorated fee based on the month in which you join. Payment takes your membership to the following Aug 31, after which your membership joins the continuing member fee schedule.

Couple Memberships

Two individuals living at the same address (whether spouses, siblings or partners).

Annual Membership Renewal

To register and participate in Spring 2023 programs, you will need to have an active membership for the 22/23 membership lasts from September 1 to August 31 of the following year. Renewal fees are $45.00 for an individual and $80.00 for a couple.

To renew your membership, please go to the UWM Osher website at: uwm.edu/sce/osher and scroll down to the yellow Renew Your Membership 2022-2023 button. If you have not registered online before, you will need to create an account with a password, and use a credit card for payment.

Step Two: Select/Enroll for Courses

` Registration Opens Jan 10



Sept - Dec 2022

Jan - Apr 2023

May - Aug 2023 $15

31, 2023

For more information uwm.edu/sce/osher
you join in these months
for one person
for a couple Next year’s fee will be due
$45 $80 Aug
$30 $50


Becoming an Osher Member

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is a membership program for adults age 50 and over who understand that quality of life is enhanced through learning. You need not be an alumnus/alumna of UWM in order to join. Osher is the perfect way to expand your knowledge while joining more than 1,200 like-minded, active older adults.

` You must be a member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UWM to select/enroll for programs.

` If you have not joined Osher or renewed your membership, you may do so by paying the membership fee (see page 3). Visit uwm.edu/sce/osher.

` To verify your membership status, call the Osher office at 414-227-3320.

Osher Member Benefits

` Attend short courses and lectures taught by UWM faculty, Osher members and other noted experts who explore a variety of thought-provoking topics

` Participate in Go Explore excursions to some of the most interesting places in the Greater Milwaukee area

` Enroll in peer-directed Special Interest Groups (SIG) focused on a variety of subjects

` Participate in Institute-sponsored travel programs to remarkable locations around the world

` Enjoy social events throughout the year (will resume when public health and safety permits)

` Meet new friends who share a love of learning

` Keep up-to-date with the organization through emails highlighting member profiles, future activities and events of interest

Participation Expectations

Osher is committed to offering exceptional socially interactive learning experiences. Each class brings a new group of individuals with divergent interests, abilities and world views, all which enrich Osher’s programs.

Part of the success of Osher programs relies on the supportive and respectful interactions that our members experience. The following suggestions allow members to maximize their experience and create a community that encourages conversation and learning.

Respect the importance your fellow members and presenters place on learning.

As a member of our learning community:

` Arrive on time since late arrivals can be distracting

` Silence electronic devices

` Ask questions that are on topic

` Share talking time; allow others to speak or ask questions

` Refrain from side conversations during the presentation that can impede hearing for others

` Remember our presenters and facilitators volunteer their time

` Respect and support each other’s differences in belief, ethnicity, lifestyle, and opinions, recognizing that we learn from each other

` Be aware of your own opinions and beliefs while acknowledging the differences of others

Recognize that members may have health conditions, some of which may not be noticeable.

` Respect that some members could have increased susceptibility to pain or injury through even light physical contact

` If you have special needs or limitations, please address any concerns with specific presenters and/or the Osher office

` Osher members or guests who interfere with the goals of our learning community, or create a safety concern, will be asked to leave the class or activity. Serious or repeated violations may impose appropriate penalties including suspension of membership privileges.

Registration Confirmations

Please note that you will receive confirmations of your class enrollments by email. Delinquent accounts must be paid in full before selecting/enrolling for the current semester. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your order.

Program Cancellations/ Refunds

` For programs with a fee of $35 or less, no refunds or transfers will be given

` Once a program has begun, refunds are no longer issued

` A full refund is issued to program participants if the School of Continuing Education cancels a program for any reason

` Participant withdrawals made at least 10 business days prior to the start of a program can receive a 100% refund

` When a participant withdraws less than 10 business days prior to the program start, participant may have their fees transferred one time to any available program; otherwise participants will receive a refund minus a 20% administrative fee

` This policy does not apply to Travel or Go Explore programs which have no-refund policies

` Check the Osher website for weatherrelated cancellations


The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute may take photographs, video, audiotape and other image and sound-based media of the campus and its employees, students and visitors (collectively, the “Images”).

UWM may use such Images for educational, promotional, advertising and other purposes including, but not limited to, print and digital applications.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education



The Spring 23 semester brings the exciting opportunity to resume in-person programming, while continuing to offer the option of learning from home and enjoying the perks of the online “Zoom classroom.”

Registration for Spring programs will be online only, however, you may notice some new options when filling out the online form. In-person, mail and phone registration are not an option.

Delivery Types

We will be delivering our programs to you in the following ways:

In-person – Programs designated by this delivery type will be offered at either the Hefter Center on Lake Drive, or the School of Continuing Education at our downtown conference center. Registration will be limited to classroom capacity and will not offer any online option.

Live Online – Programs designated by this delivery type will be offered online via the Zoom platform and will have unlimited capacities. Programs are not recorded and must be attended on the date and time listed.

In-person with livestream – Programs designated by this delivery type will have both an ‘In-person’ and ‘livestream’ participation option.

When filling out the online form, classes designated as ‘In-person with livestream’ will be listed twice. Once as

the ‘In-person’ option, and once as the ‘livestream’ option. Make sure to check the box next to the delivery type you are interested in.

If the ‘In-person’ delivery option of the desired program is at capacity, you will not be able to register for the program and should check the box next to the ‘livestream’ option if you still wish to participate in the program.


How-To Register Online (uwm.edu/sce/osher)

From the Homepage, click the “Register for Spring 2023” button.

1. This takes you to the Sign In page. If you are a “New Customer” (someone who has not registered online before), click the “Sign Up” button to make an account. If you are a returning customer (someone who has registered online before), enter your email and password. If you forgot your password, simply click on the “Forgot your password?” link to reset your password.

2. The next page asks you to confirm your personal information. Make sure all fields marked with a red asterisk are filled out. Click the “Next” button.

3. It’s time to select your programs. Programs are divided by type: Short Courses & Talks. Within each subgroup, programs are listed by Program Number, Title, Date, Time and Price. Check the box next to all your desired programs. Click the “Next” button.

4. If you are registering for more than one person, this is your chance to add them to your order. Click the “Add Another Registrant” button at the top of the page. A pop-up window will appear with the following questions: ` “Who is the additional registrant?” If you share a membership account, live at the same address, or have registered with this person before, the web will pull up their name which you must simply select. Otherwise, select the “This person has never registered” bubble.

` “Do you want to copy items from an existing registrant?” If the second registrant is taking all the same programs, select the “Yes, copy items from the following registrant” bubble. If the second registrant is not taking all the same programs, select the “No, do not copy items from existing registrant” button. Click the “OK” button.

5. You should now be able to see a list of all the classes you selected on the previous page. If you missed any classes, hit the “Edit” button to return to the previous screen. Once you confirm that everything is correct, you can enter your payment information.

Pro Tip: Do not include spaces or dashes when entering your credit card number! Scroll to the bottom of the screen and check the box to “agree to the terms and conditions.” Click the “Submit” button.

6. The final screen confirms your registration.

We’re back and better than ever!
5 For more information uwm.edu/sce/osher

Icon Key

Theme: Hope & Resiliency ♥

Global Presenter {


Osher Short Courses are multiweek noncredit sessions on various topics such as the arts, literature, ethics, science, politics, religion and history. Courses are taught by UWM faculty and experts and professionals in the community.

Presenter biographies are located online at uwm.edu/sce/osher

Spring Potpourri I

3 Mon, Jan 30-Feb 13, 10-11:15am Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $20, Program No. SPRI:100

♥ January 30 – The Science of Healthy Cognitive Aging – It is no secret that our cognitive abilities change from younger to older adulthood. This is true even for those who do not develop dementia, known as healthy cognitive aging. This talk will cover some of the key ways that aging changes our mental processing, for better and for worse, in areas like attention, memory, decision-making, and language functioning.

February 6 – Creating Accessible Theatre for All - Pink Umbrella Theater Company creates accessible theater for all in Milwaukee, WI. Join founder, Katie Cummings, to learn more about sensory immersive theater and changing the narrative one character at a time.

February 13 – History of Guest House and Operations – Presentation on the origins, history, and operations of the Guest House. Originating from the heartfelt desire of a group called the “Open Pantry” the Guest House was opened in 1982 as a Men’s Shelter. Over the past 40 years Guest House has grown to become more than shelter as we have continued

to provide shelter, housing, education, and services to Milwaukee’s homeless that seek to transform their lives with dignity and purpose.

♥ Grief and Mourning

These three sessions are targeted to those who are just a few years past from their grief event; or for people who just want to learn how grief affects people. Our first session is terminology from the research: What grief is and is-not, healthy mourning, nine types of grief, and tasks of grieving are key to forward movement. The second session discusses the lenses through which we filter grief: beliefs, religion, family, culture, life experiences, level of self-awareness and resilience. The third session addresses the importance of ritual in our griefwork. We’ll view a 22 min DVD and end with after-death experiences. Handouts will be sent on each Monday for you to download and print: Text of the PP and handouts. Presenter: Marge Schell

3 Wed, Feb 1-15, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom $20, Program No. SPRI:102

Architecture for Non-Architects

Architecture, both as an art form and as a career vocation, fascinates many. However, some who would like to know more about its history and practice may not know where to begin. Over a period of four weeks, we examine the history of western architecture and the works of several famous architects. We also try to learn to look at the world as an architect might see it. Presenter: Marty Kleiber

4 Thu, Feb 2-Mar 2, 10-11:15am

No class Feb 16

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $25, Program No. SPRI:104

Intermediate Spanish

Short Stories

Explore the Spanish language, read short vignettes in Spanish, speak Spanish with partners, listen to Spanish music and videos, write short paragraphs in Spanish and share in class with a partner. Review Spanish tenses (poco a poco) as the year progresses. Homework is shared in class each week. Class learning builds each week, so attendance is important. Note: This course is not grammar based. Prerequisite: Osher Spanish for Travelers class or previous high school/college Spanish courses. Presenter: Esteban Bell 16 Thu, Feb 2-May 18, 10:30am-Noon

Delivery Type: In-person Location: Hefter $85, Program No. SPRI:106

Golf: Play Better with Less Stress

Golf curriculum will include information on how to both enjoy the game of golf as a senior player and also how to lower your handicap and improve your score. Enjoyment of the game will include the history of the game and several humorous viewpoints on how golf can relieve stress and help you enjoy the great outdoors. Many different golf improvement activities will be explored including golf exercises and guest golf coaches.

Presenters: Greg Jenks & Dennis Funk

4 Thu, Feb 2-May 4, 12:30-2pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $25, Program No. SPRI:108

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education


Guided Autobiography:

Write Your Life

Learn the act and art of writing your life story through guided autobiography techniques. Discover ways to get started, keep going and celebrate a life well-lived. Explore the impact of historical context and reflect on choices and forces that shaped a life. The GAB method encourages open sharing and learning from other participants. Learn how to make your history come alive.

Presenter: Mary Patricia Voell

10 Mon, Feb 6-Apr 17, 9-11am No class Mar 20

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom $55, Program No. SPRI:110

♥ Mindfulness as a Daily Practice

This session is an overview of mindfulness as a tool for daily life. Learn to practice breath awareness and body awareness, as well as mindfulness of daily activities. You’ll also learn about the mechanisms of these methods and how they help us. These simple methods, that have been used for millennia, are tried-andtrue ways to heal, nurture and grow. Presenter: Dr. Paul Norton 5 Thu, Feb 9-Mar 9, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: In-person Location: Hefter $30, Program No. SPRI:112

Movie Sampler

Classes will meet on five consecutive Fridays. Movies will include a sampling of Stanley Kowalski, Terry Malloy and Vito Corleone and others. The final roster will be announced in the January Osher newsletter. Presenter: Roy Krueger 5 Fri, Feb 10-Mar 10, 12:30-3pm

Delivery Type: In-person Location: Hefter $30, Program No. SPRI:114

♥ MKE Women’s Liberation Movement

In 1969, “Kaleidoscope,” Milwaukee’s underground press, carried calls for the formation of a local women’s liberation group. The calls came from women swept up in 1960s liberation struggles – Civil Rights, anti-war and welfare rights efforts – who resolved to channel their newfound skills into working on their own issues. Throughout the 1970s, Milwaukee would be the site of diverse groups working for social change. This course addresses local feminism from a political, cultural and lesbian perspective. Presenter: Cheryl Kader

3 Thu, Feb 16-Mar 2, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $20, Program No. SPRI:118

70 Years of Comedy

We’ve all heard that “laughter is the best medicine” and in these trying times that we find ourselves in, there is no better way to escape than reveling in good humor. Thankfully, there have been some hilarious comedians during our lifetime that have been able to provide us with that muchneeded dose of laughter. This course will sample the work of a number of uproarious individuals, guaranteed to leave you feeling better. Presenter: Greg Jenks

2 Tue, Feb 21-28, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom

$15, Program No. SPRI:120

Making of A Family Historian –

Part 5 | Special Topics

Special topics explore the immigrant journey learning about the overland trips across Europe, the sea voyages to America, the Great Lakes Migration and over-land travel west, finding female ancestors, naming patterns, handwriting, occupations, epidemics and death, historical and geographical impact and maps. Presenter: Mary Patricia Voell

4 Wed, Feb 22-Mar 15, 9-11am

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom

$25, Program No. SPRI:122

August Wilson’s Seven Guitars

The course offers a deeper understanding of Wilson’s Seven Guitars, which is being staged by the Milwaukee Rep March 7-April 2. We will examine its place in Wilson’s “Pittsburgh Cycle” of 10 plays, one for each decade of the 20th century, and discuss the “Four B’s” that Wilson identifies as his influences: Jorge Luis Borges, Romare Bearden, Amiri Baraka, and The Blues. Copies of the play are available in the Milwaukee Public Library system and for purchase through Boswell Books and Amazon. Students are asked to read the play before the first session. Presenter: Judy Bentley

2 Wed, Feb 22-Mar 1, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, Program No. SPRI:124

7 For more information uwm.edu/sce/osher Short Courses

Crime and Punishment in the USA

Reports of criminal activity and responses to crime dominate our news feeds and popular culture in 21st century America. This course will delve into why – and whether – the United States has been overwhelmed with violent crime, and why we are obsessed with crime in America. We will examine US trends in crime and policing, the experiences of those caught up in the court system, and mass incarceration, with a particular focus on the roles that race, class, gender and disability play in these systems. We will look at responses to crime by some other nations that may suggest changes to institutions and policies in the US.

Presenter: Donna Engelmann, Ph.D.

4 Fri, Feb 24-Mar 17, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $25, Program No. SPRI:126

♥ Managing Trauma in Our Lives

We have heard PTSD mentioned often, especially in the last few years. Some people experience these symptoms from one trauma event, others from consistent, multiple traumas. These talks will focus on symptoms and healing as well as the effects on people’s lives, both the person with the trauma symptoms and the family and friends of people with this diagnosis. We will discuss how these effects of PTSD can be diminished. There are varying degrees of healing and many treatment methods now available to therapists. The effects of PTSD can be lessened in order to create a more positive life for themselves and family. There is hope and healing!

Presenter: Linda Bell

2 Mon, Feb 27-Mar 6, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream

Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, Program No. SPRI:128

Spring Potpourri II

2 Mon, Mar 6-13, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:130

March 6 – The Trans-Siberian Railroad –This class will review the presenter’s amazing journey on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Busalacchi will share photos from his route with took him from Vladivostok on the Sea of Japan to Moscow. In two weeks, Busalacchi and his wife traveled 6000 miles. He will share his visits to Cathedrals, monasteries, palaces, war memorials, Russian cuisine and entertainers, a demonstration by a monk of “writing” an icon, concerts, folk dancing and grand opera. And, that is not even the end of it.

March 13 – Give Yourself Permission to Thrive – Hear an extraordinary story of a local mom who lost her teenage daughter suddenly to brain cancer. Despite suffering every parent’s worst nightmare, she confronted the painful emotions related to the grief, and over many years, she discovered that through the struggle she had gained wisdom, strength, purpose, and deeper relationships. Learn more about this positive psychology concept of posttraumatic growth and how you, too, can increase the likelihood of experiencing it in your own lives.

♥ Journeying Towards Light: Fiction and Poetry

In the midst of life’s upheavals, novelists and poets showcase a journey to hope and resilience. In Kate Atkinson’s brilliant “Behind the Scenes at the Museum,” she makes us cry, laugh, and ponder, juxtaposing the past’s inevitable influence on the present. Our first three classes illuminate not just Ruby Lennox’s dysfunctional family and struggle for resilience, but both World Wars. We will end with poetry, including the post-COVID poem, “When”. Presenter: Paula Friedman

4 Tue, Mar 7-Apr 4, 10-11:15am No class Mar 21

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $25, Program No. SPRI:132

♥ Stories of Resilience

Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl famously said, “Those who have a “why” to live can bear almost any “how”. What can we learn from others who have faced difficult times with resilience? How can we tell our own life stories in ways that foster resilience? Join Holocaust scholar and certified life coach Dr. Rachel Baum for a session that is sure to open your mind and heart to new paths of resilience. Presenter: Rachel Baum

2 Thu, Mar 9-16, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, Program No. SPRI:134

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education


Introduction to Flannery

O’Connor: Relationships

Anagogy, Legacy

We will again benefit through Zoom from the experience and insight of seasoned, yet new to us “O’Connor Guest Scholars” who will share their deep insight on the formative relationships she had, influences on her writing, and some of the implications of reading O’Connor. We will revisit two of her short stories—The Displaced Person and Everything That Rises Must Converge—and also focus on one of her essays in Mystery and Manners—The Nature and Aim of Fiction as well as some correspondence with her friends. We invite newcomers, and warmly welcome back our regular O’Connor fans.

Presenters: Craig Martell and several “O’Connor Guest Scholars”

5 Mon, Mar 27-Apr 24, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom $30, Program No. SPRI:136

Technology Camp

Join us for a hand-on exploration of basic computer and application functionality. We will dig into Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, review file management protocols, Internet searching and managing webpages, email best practices, enhancing Zoom skills, the collaborative Google Apps suite and possibly touch on using mobile devices and smart technologies. We will be meeting in a computer lab at SCE in a small stress-free and relaxed learning environment. Make peace with technology. Resources will be shared and members can provide input into learning goals.

Presenter: Laurie Yingling

6 Thu, Mar 30-May 11, 2:15-3:30pm No class Apr 6

Delivery Type: In-person Location: UWM SCE $35, Program No. SPRI:138

Spring Potpourri III

3 Mon, Apr 3-17, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, Program No. SPRI:140

April 3 – Vice in the American West –The history of the American West brings forth images that include prostitutes with golden hearts, slick, educated gamblers, Chinese opium den proprietors, and the all-knowing saloon keepers. The American West drew people from all parts of the world who never believed that they might find themselves participating in the many types of vice available in the West. The types of entertainment in, for example, Virginia City, Nevada, Tombstone, Arizona, and Butte, Montana, brought to the West men and women, who were the members of the demi-monde who lived on the fringes of society and lived off of those trying to make their fortunes in the new region. Why did people seek out these places of debauchery and were those who participated in vice activities as immoral, or as innocent, as is often believed?

April 10 – The 1917 Milwaukee Police Bombing – Imagine if you will an act of terrorism that kills more police officers than in any other act of terrorism committed by foreign born terrorists who go on to attempt to assassinate prominent Americans and commit the greatest act of terrorism in American history in New York city during a time of a global pandemic, race riots, a rise in white supremacist terrorism, the rise of socialism, the restriction of immigration from countries thought to produce terrorists, and a liberal Democratic college professor lawyer president replaced by a conservative Republican accused of corruption and sexual misconduct. Be ready to explore these events and topics in this talk.

April 17 – All About Funerals – Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Funerals But Were Afraid to Ask. Funeral rites date back thousands of years. Like a lot of people, you may have questions about the process and may wonder if your questions are too strange or awkward to ask. Funeral professionals are regular, everyday people and so take this opportunity to have an honest conversation with one of the area’s well-known

directors. He will talk about what they do and why, as well as the history of funerals and various customs.

♥ Only Connect: E.M. Forster and His Legacy

In his 1943 book on E.M. Forster, literary critic Lionel Trilling wrote that “E.M. Forster is for me the only living novelist who can be read again and again and who, after each reading, gives me what few writers can give us after our first days of novel-reading, the sensation of having learned something.” Few novelists are more aware of how fully we misunderstand one another, because few work as hard to imagine a world in which we don’t. Brave enough to hope and honest enough to fail, Forster’s novels speak to our age as well as Forster’s own – challenging us to be better, while accepting us as we are. In this course, we’ll take a close look at what Trilling considered Forster’s masterpiece: his 1910 novel, Howards End, in which Forster imagined how we might reconcile seemingly insuperable differences and learn to both speak and live in harmony with one another. Timely in a bitterly divided pre-World War I Britain, Forster’s message and novel are equally relevant in an equally divided 21st-century United States. After reviewing Forster’s background and career and taking a deep dive into the characters and themes animating Howards End itself, we will conclude by profiling the contemporary novelist who most consistently champions Forster and embodies his values, particularly in her 2005 novel On Beauty (an express homage to Howards End):

Zadie Smith. Presenter: Michael Fischer 4 Tue, Apr 4-25, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $25, Program No. SPRI:142

Short Courses
For more information uwm.edu/sce/osher


and Create: Chinese Language Characters

Are you intrigued by the history behind Chinese characters? This course will explore how were they created, who uses them today, do school children learn them in school, is each character one word or many, and much more. Would you like to create your own initials in Chinese characters using materials that will be supplied? Join us to learn about the Chinese language and create your initials in Chinese characters.

Presenter: Jingbo Liu

2 Tue, Apr 11-18, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: In-person Location: Hefter $15, Program No. SPRI:144

Architecture for Travelers

People travel overseas for many reasons –to experience different cultures, foods and landscapes. To be a traveling architect is to see the world a little differently. What does an architect look for and notice when traveling? This four-session course explores travel through the eyes of an architect. What specific things make a building or place special to a designer? What are some of one architect’s favorite places and why? Presenter: Marty Kleiber 4 Thu, Apr 13-May 11, 10-11:15am No class Apr 20

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $25, Program No. SPRI:146

Reflecting on Current Events

This course focuses on current events and “breaking news” in areas of public interest: government operations and decision-making, civil and human rights advocacies, promotion of the Rule of Law domestically and internationally, equal protection and due process challenges, law enforcement and community-based policing, and prosecutorial and judicial proceedings, among others. Based on

reading assignments and consideration of fact-based public reports and news articles, participants are afforded opportunities for discussion and to delve into the occurrences of our times.

Presenter: James Santelle

6 Fri, Apr 14-May 19, 1-2:30pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream No class Apr 28

Location: SCE & Zoom $35, Program No. SPRI:148

♥ Music That Makes Us Smile

Research has shown that listening to certain songs triggers a release of dopamine in the brain that can instantly improve our mood. In this course, we will discuss and listen to a number of songs that are sure to communicate with your brain cells and encourage them to act in a euphoric manner. Presenter: Greg Jenks

2 Tue, Apr 25-May 2, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, Program No. SPRI:150

♥ The Voice of Madeleine Albright

“I’m an optimist who worries a lot,” replied Madeleine Albright, the former US Secretary of State, when so often answering the question: “Are you an optimist or a pessimist?” Her voice, true to that of the worried optimist and transmitted by way of her interviews, speeches, and publications (6 books), will be heard as we learn of her life in exile during World War II, the discovery of her heritage, of her awakening to her responsibilities as a naturalized American citizen, her varied domestic and diplomatic roles, and her cleverly pointed sense of humor. A bibliography of her work will be provided. Presenter: Shirley Minga

2 Wed, Apr 26-May 3, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, Program No. SPRI:152

Puccini: Greatest Italian Opera Composer

Why are Puccini’s operatic masterworks so beloved and the most performed and recorded of all operas? We will discuss this question as well as his life, career and operas. Our focus will be on three of his greatest: La Boheme, Madama Butterfly and the comic opera Gianni Schicchi. We will enjoy exquisite highlights from wonderful productions featuring the vey best opera singers and orchestras.

Presenter: Howard Tolkan

3 Wed, Apr 26-May 10, 4-5:15pm

Delivery Type: In-person Location: Hefter $20, Program No. SPRI:154

Spring Potpourri IV

3 Mon, May 1-15, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, Program No. SPRI:156

May 1 – The Making of a Museum Exhibit – The course will explain the vision and desired impact of chosen exhibits and related programs. JMM seeks to build bridges between diverse groups through shared histories and to explore contemporary topics through the lens of Jewish history, art, culture and values. Short presentations on specific exhibits will illustrate the means by which desired impact is achieved.

May 8 – The James Webb Space Telescope – Who was James Webb and what can this amazing new telescope do? Different than Hubble this telescope sees in the infra-red spectrum. Explore the struggles and triumphs of this new era in space exploration. And, yes the pictures are absolutely stunning.

May 15 – Who Me? A Clown? – The journey of becoming a professional clown is not always easy. Follow my path that determined that the life of a clown was much better than being a fool in life. The history of clowning and the development of my character are shared in this discussion.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education


♥ Carole Meekins: Finding Personal Bliss

Changing courses, setting new goals, and finding personal bliss. My focus will be on overcoming challenges, and finding purpose at any age and any stage in life–Just some of the lessons gleaned from the thousands of people I have interviewed after 38 years in television news.

Presenter: Carole Meekins

Mon, Feb 6, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:302

Advanced Care Planning and Directives

Deafness and


to Present Day Life

This three-week class will provide an overview of deaf culture in the United States. The first session will discuss deaf history and the origin of sign language in the US. We will review attitudes towards the Deaf starting in biblical times to the present day. Our second session will describe the Deaf community and its language and culture. This class will detail the cultural norms of this group and how the language is used by the majority of Deaf individuals in the US. Our final session will be a personal overview of the presenter’s life as a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults). Eiseman will share the differences that CODAs face today in Deaf families compared to her experiences in the 1940s and 1960s. Presenter: Eva Eiseman 3 Tue, May 2-16, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $20, Program No. SPRI:158


Talks are single-session programs that offer insights on a diverse array of topics in the arts, humanities, sciences and current issues.

Presenter biographies are located online at uwm.edu/sce/osher

Are Cookbooks Political?

Authoritative, yet flexible; collective, yet individualized; cooperative, yet personal: cookbooks invite participation, editing, and transformation. Created to convey flavor and taste across generations, communities, and nations, they enact the continuities and changes of social lives. Their functioning in the name of creativity and preparation with readers happily consuming them in similar ways makes cookbooks an exemplary model for democratic politics.

Presenter: Kennan Ferguson

Thu, Feb 3, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:300

This program presents the history of Advanced Care Planning (ACP) & Advanced Directives (AD) through a patient/family experience, selected US Presidents, the importance of ACP & AD, the process of doing ACP, the benefits of AD and types of AD. Presenter: Patrick Jung

Tue, Feb 7, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:306

An Anthropological Examination: Witch & Witchcraft

The witch and witchcraft have been staples of fiction for centuries. However, in many cultures, the witch is considered a real being with nefarious powers. This talk examines those forces, both historic and contemporary, that bring about the belief in witches across the globe. Indeed, the witch is not confined to the dark epoch of the European past; the witch is a culture manifestation embraced by many cultures, even in the present day.

Presenter: Dr. George Lange

Tue, Feb 7, 4-5:15pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:308

For more information uwm.edu/sce/osher
Courses Talks

Vision and Hearing Loss as


I raised my children. Now being a grandparent, can I help raise my grandchildren when I have problems hearing and seeing? This course will be interactive in providing information about hearing loss and vision loss. Based on that information, talk about strategies for communicating with the grandchild with the squeaky little voice, feeding the squirmy child, tracking the whereabouts of the child, playing games and other challenges. Presenter: Joan Schneider

Wed, Feb 8, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person Location: Hefter $10, Program No. SPRI:310

History of Community Development in MKE

Milwaukee has a long and proud history of community action countering systemic racism, and displacement caused by gentrification and poverty. Many of the early community development corporations that led the way, no longer exist. Northwest Side CDC not only continues to exist but robustly serves the business and community interests of the greater North Side. But the story of persistence, adaptation and leadership is now part of the story of Milwaukee. I have spoken nationally, and locally and now have written a book about that struggle in Milwaukee led by courageous residents and business leaders to fight and change what was possible.

Presenter: Howard Snyder

Thu, Feb 9, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream

Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:312

♥ When MKE Went to War

When Milwaukee Went to War brings to life the incredible stories behind the many men and women, from all walks of life, who stepped up and proudly worked toward achieving victory during World War II. The talk will chronicle their hard work and sacrifices, along with the investment and innovation by Milwaukee industry, that led to success. “Every combat division, every naval task force, every squadron of fighting planes is dependent for its equipment and ammunition and fuel and food . . . on the American people in civilian clothes in the offices and in the factories and on the farms at home.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1943. Presenter: Thomas Fehring

Tue, Feb 14, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:314

Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

We explore the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald from perspectives of the weather, the ship and the song by Gordon Lightfoot. Presenter: Steve Ackerman Mon, Feb 20, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:318

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education

{ Soviet Judgement at Nuremberg

Soviet Judgment at Nuremberg: A New History of the International Military Tribunal After World War II. Organized in the wake of World War II by the victorious Allies, the Nuremberg Trials were intended to hold the Nazis to account for their crimes and to restore a sense of justice to a world devastated by violence. As Francine Hirsch reveals in her groundbreaking new book, a major piece of the Nuremberg story has routinely been left out: the critical role of the Soviet Union. Soviet Judgment at Nuremberg offers a startlingly new view of the International Military Tribunal and a fresh perspective on the movement for international human rights that it helped launch. Presenter: Francine Hirsch Mon, Feb 20, 7-8:15pm

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:320

A Peruvian Author Writes the Andes Mountains

This class explores the literary universe of Peruvian author Edgardo Rivera Martinez, a writer who put the Central Andes on the Latin American literary map. We will discuss his short stories and major themes that emerge in his work to understand how this author imagines the Andean mountains and the multicultural community where he grew up. We will learn about the author and his life, and how he represents his “corner of the Andes” in his work.

Presenter: Amy Olen, PhD Tue, Feb 21, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:322

♥ { Forgiveness

Although this is taught as part of a grief series taught by the presenter, forgiveness is the most important strategy to learn in every person’s life. It is something the presenter does for herself to stop a toxic journey. The other person does not need to know or be present. We’ll learn the steps to forgive from Dr Robert Enright, professor at UW-Madison, and the added options for Christians by Fr Richard Desiderio. Handouts will be sent on Monday for you to download and print: Text of the PP and handouts. Presenter: Marge Schell Wed, Feb 22, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: Live Online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:324

{ No-Box Thinking

This course will explore the uniquely strong retardants of change in small, rural and remote communities and will suggest that the same influences (identity, emotions and social connections) can become equally strong accelerants of change. The instructor will share the lessons of his publication “No-Box Thinking: Navigating Change Resistance in Small Town America” (UW-Extension, 2018) in the context of a case study in far Northern Wisconsin and the Western end of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Consider how these lessons may have initiated a rippleeffect of community-engaged positive change. Presenter: Will Andresen Tue, Feb 28, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:326

♥ Pets Helping People

Pets Helping People (PHP) is a local nonprofit founded in 1998 on the premise that a dog’s unconditional love, when paired with a compassionate human, is a remarkable source of support and comfort. PHP’s mission is to improve the lives of the vulnerable and others through pet therapy visits. Services include: training and accreditation, collaborations, education and awareness. The pet therapy teams volunteer their time and provide independent visits and participate in group events throughout southeastern WI.

Presenter: Amy Dodge

Wed, Mar 1, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:328

♥ Helping Others in Their Grief

To help others grieve, one must be able to remain focused on the other’s loss. Several communication skills are helpful: active listening, use of “I statements,” asking clarifying questions, paraphrasing and sitting in silence. Based on the research of Dr Alan Wofelt, this is great information for a Bereavement Ministry. Handouts will be sent on Monday for you to download and print: Text of the PP and handouts.

Presenter: Marge Schell

Wed, Mar 1, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: Live Online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:330

13 For more information uwm.edu/sce/osher

History of WI Distillery Industry

Wisconsin has a fascinating history of liquor production. The 182-year-old industry was virtually wiped out by prohibition but resurrected in the early 2000’s. Learn about Milwaukee’s first “Scotch” distillery in the 1840’s and a post-civil war controversy involving WI whiskey distillers that threatened to take down a sitting president. We will also discuss the challenges faced when starting and operating a small distillery in modern times. Presenter: Guy Rehorst Tue, Mar 7, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:332

Commanding the Pacific Navy

In 1900, the U.S. controlled two small islands in the Pacific Ocean, Guam and American Samoa. Graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy, Captains Benjamin F. Tilley and Richard P. Leary, commanded the islands with absolute authority. Tilley’s reign led to a territory which still praises him, while Leary remains largely forgotten. What separated the command styles of these two successful, yet very different, leaders is the subject of this talk.

Presenter: Diana Ahmad, Ph.D. Wed, Mar 8, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:334

{ The Korean War: An Overview

The Korean War lasted from 1950 to 1953, but peace remains elusive in Korea. The conflict was the first UN war, and first war in the atomic age. This talk will give an overview of the war, its origins, and its legacies still visible today.

Presenter: Cristopher Kolakowski

Tue, Mar 14, 2023, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:336

Criminal Justice System: Q&A

Presented by an experienced criminal defense attorney and law professor who has practiced in Wisconsin’s state and federal courts for 30 years, defending people accused of crime. A brief description of law practice in the criminal justice system and the typical work of a defense lawyer, with a chance for class members to pose questions. Opportunity through class participation and questions to address popular myths and misconceptions about our justice system.

Presenter: Craig Mastantuono

Tue, Mar 14, 4-5:15pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:338

Climate Change and Public Attitudes

This talk will discuss public attitudes toward climate change in the United States and explore the psychological mechanisms explaining people’s attitudes. It will also propose some potential ways to engage with others in constructive ways to talk about climate change and solutions moving forward. Presenter: Dominique Brossard

Wed, Mar 15, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:340

The Faithful Gardener: A Wise Tale...

We will discuss The Faithful Gardener: A Wise Tale About That Which Can Never Die by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. As a psychoanalyst, Estés has dedicated several decades to post-trauma recovery, especially for victims of war, mass shootings, and terrorist attacks. Estés is also a cantadora, a keeper of the old stories. It is not surprising then that The Faithful Gardener blends family history and storytelling in an uplifting narrative about loss, survival, and renewal. I encourage participants to read the book before class. Don’t worry, though; it is a quick, enjoyable read. Presenter: Leslie Babcox

Tue, Mar 28, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:342

Improving Community Collaboration & Reckless Driving

This session will discuss improving our community collaboration, what is being done to curb reckless driving, and what it’s like to be the Chief of Police, running the largest department in the City. Presenter: Jeffrey Norman

Tue, May 9, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:344

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education


MKE Nature

Preserves & Art

Join naturalist Eddee Daniel as he guides us to an understanding of the nexus of environmental conservation and art in the Milwaukee area. ARTservancy is a collaboration between an art gallery and several land trusts. The program pairs artists with nature preserves for a yearlong residency. Artists visit the properties during the year and create artworks inspired by their visits. While I have myself served as an artist in residence, my main role has been to document the program and promote it and the artists on my blog, The Natural Realm. I will explain the program and share slides of the work of selected artists and their relationship to their preserves. Presenter: Eddee Daniel Wed, Mar 29, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:346

The Decline and Future of Newspapers

As of May 2021, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is no longer printed in Milwaukee and before that sold its longtime downtown headquarters. The JS is not alone in cutting costs to survive a sea change in the media industry. What internal and external forces drove daily newspapers to their current precarious position? What’s their status today and what’s the prognosis for their long-term viability? Presenter: Rich Kirchen Thu, Mar 30, 4-5:15pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:350

{ Historic Layers: Russian Alaska

Are Asia and America connected? This geographic question occupied Russian explorers, entrepreneurs and tsars in the 17th century. The answer led them to probe the American coast, to trade for furs, and to map the land. Alaska remained part of the Russian empire until it was sold to the US. Learn about this unique history as it shapes Alaskan culture to this day. Presenter: Carol Rudie Wed, Apr 12, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:352

Neil Simon: The Great American Playwright

Neil Simon is American’s most prolific and successful commercial playwright. From hit comedies (THE ODD COUPLE) to Pulitzer Prize drama (LOST IN YONKERS), he was a celebrated and beloved source of American theater. His early life, influences, and career will be highlighted, using film clips from his plays and movies. Presenter: Nancy Weiss McQuide Wed, Mar 29, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:348

Webb’s First Light

On July 12th, 2022 NASA released the first color images and spectra from the James Webb Space Telescope. Dr. Roscoe will discuss the content and significance of the first public release of data. Webb is changing what we know about the cosmos. Presenter: Dr. Dennis Roscoe

Wed, Apr 12, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:354

Water Stewardship and the Great Lakes

Water Stewardship in Wisconsin and the Great Lakes will connect science and social science to analyze how water security and environmental risks affect public wellbeing, corporate responsibility, economic stability, and sustainable development in Wisconsin and the Great Lakes. We will examine the current and future state of water quality and quantity, and strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change in the water sector. We will conclude with a discussion of current advances being made across Wisconsin and the Great Lakes, changes in producing agriculture and generating energy, and the future trajectory of water security. Presenter: Dr. Jenny Kehl

Thu, Apr 13, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:356

Building Climate


Resistance in MKE

Climate change is coming to Milwaukee. Learn how one nonprofit agency, Groundwork Milwaukee, is working with neighborhood groups and residents to prepare for extreme weather events using geographic information system (GIS) maps and door-to-door outreach, with the goal of informing and build consensus that will lead to action. Presenter: Young Kim

Fri, Apr 14, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:358

For more information uwm.edu/sce/osher


Early American Women

Spinning in WI

Wisconsin women were hard at work on their spinning wheels well into the 1800’s spinning yarn to weave, and knit into household necessities. Because of the needs that arose while living at the ‘edge of civilization’, these women kept the home fires burning and the wool warm to wind the fibers around the spindle and keep the whirl of the wheel singing. Her industry was required long after her Boston relatives had thrown their wheels into the fire. In addition to the yarn that tied the woman to her wheel, a plethora of words and phrases sprung up from the spinning industry. Laugh as you discover the sources and meaning of spinning phrases you use or have heard. Are you the ‘black sheep of the family’? Have you been heckled? Do you have a true-blue friend? These and more will enlighten you as you discover your link to spinning. Sing along with an old spinning song you learned in elementary school. Be amazed by the number of products you use that are based on ‘sheep grease’. Feel the fiber and smell the wool. Presenter: Sonja Pavlik

Tue, Apr 18, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person Location: Hefter $10, Program No. SPRI:360

♥ Keeping Track of Seasonal Events

Aldo Leopold was a keen observer of nature and kept journals recording the timing of many seasonal events, including those at his “shack,” the setting for many essays in “A Sand County Almanac.” Leopold’s phenological observations provide unparalleled historical records that help us understand how climate change is affecting the timing of seasonal events. For those who love nature and take time to observe it, keeping records enhances the value of our time enjoying nature. Presenter: Stanley Temple

Wed, Apr 19, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:362

Steps to Write/Publish Your Book

Are you curious as to what goes on “behind the scene” when you purchase a book? How did the author(s) get their book idea, what was their writing process, how many hours did they devote to writing each day, how did they decide whether to include graphics and the list of questions goes on and on. To help educate us on what it involves, two published authors will share their steps and processes to become published authors. Don’t miss this opportunity if you have a desire to write and someday get published or just interested in learning about the overall process. Presenter: David Hanneken

Thu, Apr 20, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:364

♥ An Outdoor Adventure of Their Dreams

Critically ill and disabled children and veterans experience free outdoor activities that make their dreams come true and raise their confidence and self-esteem. Listen to the stories of those USSA has helped, reflect on President Roosevelt and John Muir’s role as conservation pioneers, and hear about the laws passed to facilitate this life-changing endeavor. To learn more about the charity, please view their About USSA page.

Presenter: Brigid O’Donoghue

Tue, Apr 25, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:366

A Violin’s Life

In this talk, learn about the lineage and extraordinary history of the “Lipiński” Stradivarius violin. In an armed robbery after a Milwaukee concert in 2014, the violin was stolen and the story made headlines around the world. Join in a walk through that eventful evening and shares the recovery efforts of this world-renowned instrument. Presenter: Frank Almond

Thu, Apr 27, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:368

{ Power of Sustainable Travel

How can travel be a win-win for local communities, visitors and planet earth? This course will introduce the concept of sustainable travel and inform your trip planning and decision-making to do the most good and the least harm to local communities, animals, and the environment wherever we go. Without having to give up on fun and comfort, you will learn how practical, useful tips to make your travels more sustainable, rewarding, and memorable, while having a lasting positive impact on the places you visit and those who live there.

Presenter: Vincie Ho

Fri, Apr 28, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom

$10, Program No. SPRI:370

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education


{ “Changing Gears”

Book Discussion

Leah and her 16-year-old son Oakley bicycled across the United States in and effort to break out of mutual ruts and change some negative patterns that were developing. The trip was tremendously successful and life changing. Leah’s book “Changing Gears” chronicles their adventure and explores the concept of therapeutic adventuring. Presenter: Lean Day Tue, May 2, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:372

Authoritarianism in Putin’s Russia

What is the nature of the political regime that exists today in Russia? This talk will address this question and focus on how the essential features of Russia’s electoral authoritarian regime shape the behavior of it’s leaders. Presenter: John Reuter Wed, May 3, 2023, 10-11:15am

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:374

Polar Transit of USS Nautilus

The Nautilus was a record-breaking vessel. She was powered by a new energy source (nuclear) which made her the first true submersible. Her operations obviated existing anti-submarine warfare techniques. However, the Pacific-Atlantic transit across the top of the world via the North Pole exploring the uncharted Artic Ocean under the ice was hailed as a superb technological victory which boosted American Cold War spirits. The transit is an amazing story of engineering excellence and courage. Presenter: John Lindstedt

Thu, May 4, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:376



Scenes: MKE Mitchell Airport

Get an inside look at everything that happens behind the scenes to ensure you have a safe and efficient experience when flying from Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport (MKE). In addition to sharing travel tips and tricks, this session offers a unique opportunity to learn how the airport works and how Milwaukee can get more nonstop flights to more destinations. Presenter: Harold Mester

Thu, May 4, 2:15-3:30pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:378

Walk Your Camino

Ever wonder what it is like to walk a 500mile pilgrimage through northern Spain? Thinking of doing something similar? The Camino Santiago is a medieval pilgrimage route that has now been rediscovered. The presenter will describe his recent pilgrimage and offer advice on how to thrive on your own Camino.

Presenter: Gerry Schmitz Tue, May 9, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:380

Frederik Law Olmsted: MKE’s Resilient Futurist

Frederick Law Olmsted was America’s foremost proponent of “parks for all people” as a way to foster democracy. Appreciating the restorative power of nature, Olmsted wanted everyone to have easy access to beautiful green spaces. This slide program explores how he laid the foundations for Milwaukee’s naturalistic parks and parkways, starting with Lake, Riverside and Washington parks and Newberry Boulevard.

Presenter: Virginia Small

Wed, May 10, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:382

♥ We Gotta Get Out of

This Place

“We Gotta Get Out of This Place: The Soundtrack of the Vietnam War” places popular music at the heart of the American experience in Vietnam. The presentation explores how and why U.S. troops turned to music as a way of connecting to each other and the World back home and of coping with the complexities of the war they had been sent to fight. It also demonstrates that music was important for every group of Vietnam veterans—black and white, Latino and Native American; men and women; officers and “grunts”— whose personal reflections drive the book’s narrative. Presenter: Doug Bradley

Thu, May 11, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:384

Deaf Ideology

Pathological ideology is an imposed view, stemming from values and beliefs, which place high value on speaking and hearing. Hence, the pervasive definition that “deaf” is a condition, a deficiency, which creates a language delay, has become a fiber of our society. We need to challenge people to “react differently” when encountering the ideology of what it means to be DEAF. Deaf people are a culturo-linguistic community and when they are allowed to create their own ideology in their natural environment, they can, in return, be celebrated for their contributions to society. The social justice and ideology on Deaf have influenced how our conscious mindsets with complexity and vagueness. And, to explore this with such a role and position of the hearing privileges and dynamics and power structures will need to begin with dialogue through the lens of social justice/Deafhood.

Presenter: Marika Kovacs-Houlihan

Tue, May 16, 12:30-1:45pm

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:386

more information uwm.edu/sce/osher


Join socially stimulating, peer-led study groups that meet on a regular basis.

Presenter biographies are located online at uwm.edu/sce/osher

Italian Reading and Conversation –

Primary Level

This group is composed of Osher members who have completed basic introductory classes in Italian and/or demonstrate equivalent proficiency. The group focuses on listening, speaking, reading and writing in Italian, with an emphasis on building vocabulary, strengthening grammatical constructions, improving conversational skills and reading Italian literature. We share a common love of all things Italian— culture, history, art and food. All members of the group take turns developing lessons, providing readings and listening comprehension exercises, including homework. The class facilitator/leader responsibility rotates on a weekly basis.

Contact: Theresa Bellone, [email protected]

16 Mon, Jan 30-May 22, 10-11:30am Meets weekly on Mon No class March 20th Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $20, Program No. SPRI:500

Italian Language Introduction

Cominciamo di leggere, scrivere e parlare la lingua italiana! We begin to read, write and speak the Italian language. The first portion of our session is learning the Italian alphabet, cordial greetings and phrases, numbers and the basic structure of Italian verbs. The latter portion features reading “Ad Alta Voce” for practice in reading Italian and getting its meaning. Our literature selection is “Read and Think Italian,” by McGraw-Hill. We use internet resources to assist and enhance our language experience. Contact: Gus Ricca, [email protected]

16 Tue, Jan 31-May 23, 10-11:30am Meets weekly on Tue No class March 21st Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $20, Program No. SPRI:502

Italian Intermediate Level

This intermediate-level class in the Italian language meets once a week for 90 minutes and focuses on three areas: conversation practice on an announced topic with the introduction of new useful vocabulary; written and verbal exercises designed to review grammar concepts; and oral reading from modern Italian literature. Class discussions explore topics of Italian culture, art and cuisine. Contact: Ned Turner, [email protected]

16 Tue, Jan 31-May 23, 12:30-2pm

Meets weekly on Tue No class March 21st

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $20, Program No. SPRI:504

Theatre Writing

Explore the craft of playwriting, share your writing with others, receive feedback and give encouragement. Contact: Reed Groethe, [email protected]

8 Thu, Feb 2-May 18, 2:15-3:45pm

Meets 1st and 3rd Thu of the month

Delivery method: In-Person with Livestream

Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, SPRI:508


Share your writing with others, receive and give feedback along with encouragement. Ideas and information on writing are also discussed. All levels of writing and genres are welcome. The only qualification is a desire to write. Meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Contact: Nancy Martin, [email protected]

7 Tue, Feb 7-May 16, 2:15-3:45pm

Meets 1st and 3rd Tue of the month No class March 21st

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, Program No. SPRI:510

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education



Read and discuss books selected by participants, who also volunteer to lead a discussion in an informal manner.

Qualifications: An interest in history and a willingness to lead and participate in discussion. This SIG has had a waiting list in the past, so regular attendance is expected. Spring 2022 book selection TBD. Meets the 2nd and 4th Wed of the month. Contact: John Link, [email protected]

7 Wed, Feb 8-May 24, 10-11:30am Meets 2nd and 4th Wed of the month No class March 22nd Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $15, Program No. SPRI:512

Nonfiction Book Group

Many interesting and important current non-fiction books have been published recently on social and cultural issues, on politics, on science—i.e., astronomy, the brain, community and relationships, the environment, and so on. Anyone interested in reading this type of literature and discussing it among friends is invited to our first gathering where we will select books to read/discuss for our first three months. Each member of the group will facilitate the discussion on a book he/ she recommends. Meets once a month on the second Friday. Contact: Dale Olen, [email protected]

4 Fri, Feb 10-May 12, 10-11:30am Meets 2nd Fri of the month

Delivery Type: Live Online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:514

Current Events in Sports

This group provides a monthly forum for members who are interested in sports to discuss hot topics of the day such as: Should college athletes be paid? Should professional athletes compete in the Olympics? Contact: Dennis Funk, [email protected]

4 Tue, Feb 14-May 9, 10-11:30am Meets 2nd Tue of the month

Location: Hefter $10, Program No. SPRI:516

Current Issues Salon

The group discusses a current issue or an important topic each month. After an introduction of the subject, the large group will break out into smaller groups for lively discussion. Contact: Ted Tousman, [email protected] or Marv Wiener, [email protected]

4 Wed, Feb 15-May 17, 10-11:30am

Meets 3rd Wed of the month Delivery Type: In-person Location: Hefter $10, Program No. SPRI:518

Spanish Language Book Club

This group meets one time per month to discuss a novel, book of non-fiction or short stories written in an author’s native language. The ability to read and speak in Spanish is the only requirement. Fluency is not a prerequisite. The goals of this experience are to enrich appreciation of Spanish literature and to further the participant’s ability and confidence in reading and conversing in Spanish. Books will be chosen by group members. Contact: Joelyn Olen, [email protected]

4 Thu, Feb 16-May 18, 12:30-1:45pm

Meets 3rd Thu of the month

Delivery Type: In-person with Livestream Location: Hefter & Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:520

Book Group

Discuss selected books of fiction and nonfiction. Books are chosen each June for the following year. Our September book is “The Testaments” by Margaret Atwood. Members volunteer to lead discussions in an informal manner. Qualifications: a love of reading and a desire to share knowledge of good books. Contact: John Jacobs, [email protected]

4 Fri, Feb 17-May 19, 10-11:30am

Meets 3rd Fri of the month

Delivery Type: Live online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:522

Climate Crisis

If you are concerned about the climate crisis, join our small group of interested members to study and discuss the many facets of the threats and opportunities of this wounded planet. As a group we identify articles, reports and books to read on a specific aspect of the climate crisis and come to the meeting ready to share and learn. Together we clarify the problems and hopefully find some solutions.

Contact: Dale Olen, [email protected]

4 Fri, Feb 17-May 19, 10-11:30am

Meets the 3rd Fri of the month

Delivery Type: Live Online Location: Zoom $10, Program No. SPRI:524

19 For more information uwm.edu/sce/osher
Special Interest Groups

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