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The Human Cruelty
The Human Cruelty
The Human Cruelty
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The Human Cruelty

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The book is dedicated to human beings that haven’t got yet the possibility of reading
about some prophecies, included Christ’s one, or even to those doubt about His life or
those do not believe at all.
Data di uscita2 feb 2017
The Human Cruelty

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    The Human Cruelty - Mario Marzano



    It has been created the ARTIFICIAL LIFE...

    It is convenient to read the explanations in this book...

    (with a short economical text... )

    In my opinion there are four particular questions on which the human beings should investigate. They are:

    A)creating a positive cultural climate to led the scientific discoverage to improve and thus to prevent unuseful moral debates, as the biology or other items strictly controlled by lobbies of religion, institution or economy;

    B)finding out a rational reasons to intentional tragedies such as the jewishes’ sacrifice or brutal acts against minorities through different historical periods;

    C)particular attention in the above arguments characterizing political actions: the racism, xenophoby, radicalisms of religion, nationalisms and every kind of totalitarian ideologies;

    D) searching for a new way of business and production.

    In these considerations I have received help, for resources and research, from DARWIN, KARL MARX, ADAM SMITH and KEYNES as far as the economy matters.

    The book is dedicated to human beings that haven’t got yet the possibility of reading about some prophecies, included Christ’s one, or even to those doubt about His life or those do not believe at all.

    P.S. It is possible the book contains imprecisions about the human evolution of Darwin but this has been expected. As everybody know, the great stages of Human transformations are not logic and precise as the religion generally suggests. Many readers won’t appreciate and hypothetic reality (or true reality?!) about who, what they really are...


    As the title suggests the book takes its inspiration from the famous Darwin trait about human as it happened to every living beings. Obviously these opinion contrast with every religious doctrines.

    To apply the scientific theory to human race I have analyzed precise and univoked aspects: they are the plastic transformation, the skeletal and cerebral differences between Australopithecus, hominidus, homo-habilitis, homo-sapiens and homo-sapiens-sapiens.

    These slow, slow changes characterized the human evolution and animal evolution.

    Human beings have been also characterized by a mental improvement and by a physical one, beyond the procreative transformation to Darwin strictly connected.

    This has been influenced by scientific and technological discoveries to make life easier.

    In the book I want to examine the biological process which led the first human beings into the actual ones. But there is something more, it is the following: the Darwinian development has been made up of different steps and one of the most interesting lies in the fact since the man was a week mammal he had to use his superior intelligence to win against his cohabitants, at the same time he organized the first civilized communities to struggle and defense going on into his long wonderful future.

    So the human became more and more brilliant and ingenious even dangerous.

    In order to obtain something he needs, he is able to destroy the others shooting down even himself.

    Every arguments in the book turn around these old standard ideas; they are taken as true. I’m going to demonstrate indeed that the theory of Darwin should be applied only to earliest human groups and that such aspects of in human cruelty contrasts with that famous theory.

    The title derives from the central theme I face in the book, the other themes of different nature, are almost necessary to build the first thesis.

    I suggest a particular attention to the reader.

    In trying to reveal the demonstrations of the civilized degree reached by human groups or a community, I make some considerations.

    The reader can support them or deny it.

    I know I could be praised and attacked. I know some ideals are not really new but keep having to be affirmed from the ground up, over and over. Women or men are not merely the enlargement of a contact sheet of genetic encoding, biological givens.

    Experience shapes us, randomness shapes us, our own accommodations or rebellions, and above all the social order around us.

    Cruel attitudes of the past should not represent. But this danger is very strong... and we have to avoid it.

    As I write this, I imagine the future human beings as improved and powerful under a sort of spiritual rebirth. Many problems might be solved: people who starve to death any more; genetic solution to cancer and catching illnesses; the possibility of preventing wars and masses destructions; the end of pollution.

    I think, in the name of absolutistic ideals, not only a person or a few, even a multitude could commit such crimes, we do not imagine (in the past, it has ready happened as we know). The ideals could identify with normal, political thinking such as the FREEDOM or the DEMOCRACY. In a certain way, in human composition there is an attitude to submit the other. And this is, what all we together must have under control.

    The text is founded on a simple principle: starting from historical, philosophical, religious and scientific studies, it has been analyzed a possible, extreme result, even from an economic view-point.


    Is the man a socially competitive beings, is he donated with a soul, a spiritual component? Which could be the truth about suspect existence of a God? Why human beings could have improved till the actual progress and therefore with are the conditions of future developments? And why the same beings, in a complex back ground, act as the most cruel among the mammals? (Many ethnologies sustain that human race is the better or the most generous among every animals which populate the earth).

    Thanks to the following theories I’m going to explain these questions afflicting the contemporaries. I think a cultural debate is possible.


    This paragraph is very short since it represents the remark of the principle theme of the book: just THE HUMAN CRUELTY.

    Every theme, of anthropological nature, follow the same scheme.

    In my opinion, AT THE BEGINNING, the human race was the weakest on the globe:

    in order to survive the respect of some fundamental rules was necessary first offering part of their progeny to the stronger animals, them moving from a place to another when food in nature, became insufficient to survive and sustain the family. He still was unable to work to ground. A proof of this is the devotion to pagan Gods having animal appearances: they represent ataxic reminiscences.

    Through centuries during evolution of Darwin, human way of living necessarily changed. Men became predators, they comprehended they should hunt. It was the natural instinct of surveying. Later they began to cook on fire everything they found and to explain different strategies to improve their way of living.

    Their intellectual power was limited of course. They were inferior to modern beings in experience and acknowledges.

    The primitives should impose to themselves and to the others continually changing rules without following only their instinct.

    In other words they had to adopt to themselves to environment, experimenting with the jungle or the savannah. Their way of life changed depending from the nature around them. Thus they moved if they did not want to fail. This is a great peculiarity of human race and distinguishes, it from the monkeys which always lived in the same habitat. I have described these steps of Darwin since they were the periods in which humans could be compared to other mammals. In the following centuries, scientific discoveries, technological ones and philosophical suggestions conditioned their life.

    So I think it is false that supposition excluding a period in which humans lived as beasts, or even beasts’ submitted, before the introduction of fire, tools or arms.

    However throughout the book these arguments return.

    Particularly when I describe such typical human attitudes: under a leader suggestion, many people can destroy the similar, or even support certain painful acts.(the themes are included in two chapters: THE HUMAN CRUELTY and THE DEVIL-ANGELS AT THE ORIGINS).

    I cite on example to show the deep primitive reverence to a chief. Since the first utility was discovered, the leader imagined and explained the

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