Produzione primaria: differenze tra le versioni
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m Bot: Aggiungo: gl:Produción primaria |
m Bot: Sistemo sintassi template Portale. Aggiungo: ecologia e ambiente. Tolgo: Ecologia, Ecologia e ambiente, ecologia. |
Riga 135:
In [[area|areal]] terms, it was estimated that land production was approximately 426 g C/m<sup>2</sup>/yr (excluding areas with permanent ice cover), while that for the oceans was 140 g C/m<sup>2</sup>/yr. Another significant difference between the land and the oceans lies in their standing stocks - while accounting for almost half of total production, oceanic autotrophs only account for about 0.2% of the total biomass. -->
{{Portale|ecologia e ambiente}}